Cc1914 ago

I'm confused .. if @crench debunked the debunk here , why is this still showing debunked?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

What would the Jew JIDF do if the photo was real?

Say it was debunked. Frankly in a time of almost universal deceit you can only look and make up your own mind.

I looked and I say it is Obongo himself with the Liberace laced Luciferian Lid.

JackBlack1 ago

Why is Michelle Obama's wife wearing a mask? I'm sure it has nothing to do with him being a flaming faggot. Imagine a Gay Muslim Kenyan as President. Only evil Jews could dream up something so perverse.


I offer no new info, sadly. Im not a regular poster at all. But in the fall of 2016, one of the things I was digging into was this seemingly average nobody-- Robert Robinson

I forget what led me onto him but he had/has clear connections to worldcorpo/PG

Please help me! Who is this guy? Who is "the operator"?

Why have so many found him suspicious?

His other online names are escaping me right now. I believe he lives in Maine.

Starting from the bottom with this sort of guy might prove a better/stronger web.

But Ive forgotton about this guy the past 18 months so if anyone can please shed a little more light on him and what EXACTLY his connections are, Id be grateful and I really think itd be worth the effort

JackBlack1 ago

It sounds like you are trying to send me down a rabbit hole to investigate this. And all these posters saying this is shipped are full of shite.

Tallest_Skil ago

Censorship: Bypassed

Fuck the hell off, Q-LARPers

JackBlack1 ago

Trust the Plan. Love Trump. Love the military. Love Jews, but hate Palestians. The great and powerful Qanon has spoken. Trust us because we're helping to end child trafficking. And we never lie about anything, Goyim.

Matt_Helm ago

Yes it's a Photoshop Fake and on Jan. 20th 2017 Obama flew back to Chicago with Michelle and a dozen Secret Service agents he was not at a gay pride parade or a protest against Trump it's an expert Photoshop but that's all it is.

Marked2476 ago

How do you know it was taken on January 20th? I have not seen any information pointing to this aside from someone else SAYING it...

Tallest_Skil ago

Fuck the hell off, Q-LARPers.

ddumbb ago

No one has addressed the 6 sided shape on the black cloak closest to the camera. Definitely a procession during a ceremony. I love how these people think they can tap into some greater power that totally doesnt exist.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, dear Lord!!!!

Is this another Huma Abedin in a mask thing?

After two years, this is all we've got? Pathetic ... pathetic ...

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's SHOPPED. Look at the black collar of the Obama proof below the Moloch pic. It's the same.

Don't take the lazy and sensational fakes. There is no silver bullet to taking down the Cabal.

NumbDigger ago

Barry Soetoro?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Looks more like a drag version of Disney's Maleficent than Moloch.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Could it be photoshopped?

Definitely looks like him.

fuckfacemcgee ago

100% Soetoro.

kr1t1kl ago

That one example photo is so similar, that, if photoshopped, it could have been taken from that pic.

GreenDell144 ago

Pizzagate was denied. Trafficking of children from comet ping pong has been pronounced ‘debunked’ by mainstream media.

No one is saying anything about the Satanism, witchcraft, spirit cooking or moloch, though. Remember the Podesta emails’ comments about reading the satanic bible? That should be plenty controversial for most people, and as a talking point, it’s nigh undeniable, IMO, with or without this picture.

Sarevok ago

And the main stream media are so trustworthy.

Cc1914 ago

Whoa !

Oh_Well_ian ago

why Whoa!? there is absolutely no context in that link.

Seriously, you're a PG guy.. You think Obama poses in a Moloch costume in front of a crowd and the pic ends up on Instagram?

Cc1914 ago

Did I say it was true ? That was the first time I remember seeing it , so I said whoa ! And I just went back and looked at your links saying that you proved it's fake and then I saw this Now I'm not sure what to think , but I sure won't go spreading it as factual ! I'm a Female btw

letsdothis2 ago

We can follow through on the instagram account to see who planted that image.

carmencita ago

Please Do It! I can't but those with tech knowledge need to find the truth, although we are sure now it is photo shop.

amonymous ago

Exactly one year ago I made that post on endchan

Anonymous 06/16/2017 (Fri) 05:25:03 [Preview] No. 483 [X] del

Is it just me or does the man in the mask in xJEJS.png look like Obama?

xJEJS.png corresponds to which the op mentioned I archived it exactly last year lel.

Aasb ago

Good eye!

Vindicator ago

@IShallNotFear, I'm giving this the "Unverified" flair since many in the Chan thread think this is photoshopped.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I cannot believe you allow this shit to stay up... It's shopped and the PROOF in the chan is ridiculous. This SHIT is being spammed all over Voat and ridiculed.

what the actual fuck @vindicator? Is this what PG has become? FUCKING EMBARRASING

Vindicator ago

Our current fake news policy is to leave up one example with warning flairs to stop the spread, Ian. I will change the flair from "Unverified" to "Debunked" based on your examination article though.

IShallNotFear ago

You will see in my latest edit that I no longer believe this photo to be genuine. I can always count on pizzagate researchers to give me the facts, even if they aren't convenient.

Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks again... This is an important point in time in the investigation and shills are glowfags are peppering social media with disinformation, much of it to discredit our work and ridicule us.

Vindicator ago

Yep. In my opinion, tracking and exposing the disinfo it one of the most important things we do.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Gotta tell ya, when I see PG accounts of 1+ years siding with shills, echoing their positions, and demonstrating obvious bias and double standards, it tells me the whack-a-mole world championships are about to begin. Just like FOX has suddenly decided to pick up the narratives of CNN and MSNBC in over half their shows, there is going to be a break to destroy Pizzagate and a battle for the soul of the subverse. You know I have been consistent and we have had a number of go-arounds. Nobody could call me a big fan of yours, but you have been fair and represent a vast improvement over MF, who was always working against the core of PG.

I just saw this >> 'I have to go through all the necessary channels to prove it's FAKE'

WTF????? I think some researchers have it ASS BACKWARDS !!

No dopes.. You have to go through all the necessary channels to prove it's REAL

IShallNotFear ago

Understood, we need some more data to know for sure.

letsdothis2 ago

This is everysilversea

She seems to confirm the image is of Obama :

A bit about her, Annamarie Hope:

Worked at Mae Fah Luang Foundation

One of her friends: If you google her name 'Brittany Markert' and look at the images you'll see the odd stuff she's into.

Another image from Annamarie's instagram:

Odd bunch.

EDIT : another connection on Hope's account is Danielle Glover

They are connected on several platforms. Danielle stands out to me because of her digital background with the cryptocurrency community and tracking profiles (check out who her followers and who she's following on Twitter). I'm wondering if the Obama image was a genuine event or planted.

Her resume: https://www.behance. net/daniellego9108

Gover's last tweet:

@realDonaldTrump taught me how to use Twitter

and here's another:

What’s the plural of octopus?

That would be 'octopi'

This might be a bit of a stretch but when I google octopi: I came across the Octopi Project:

From Facebook:

The instagram account of Octopi Project (this has red flags all over it)

Jon Whetlor is in the construction business : ;

William Harvey Hospital

carmencita ago

All I can say It All Reeks. So Fake. We will look like Complete Disinfos if we attach ourselves to this kind of Propaganda.

Cc1914 ago

Is this not a legitimate comparison? I'm not familiar with fotoforensics and I'm not saying it's real or not real , but I guess we'll see

carmencita ago

The outfit is for real but he was slipped somehow. I am not foto specialist either but many are saying it is shopped. The black collar is a giveaway.

letsdothis2 ago

Found another Gover twitter account. This one is private:

However, google gives us :

ping pong table anyone?

Danielle Gover twitter pics:

pizzagatecharlotte ago

I've found this which is the wedding Annmarie was referring to

letsdothis2 ago

That's an interesting wedding. Think I'm going to try to find who was the event planner for that. Where does Annamarie refer to a wedding?

letsdothis2 ago

Here's another: and

Calling all my dementors ! : silver arrow through the night, silver arrow take thy plight !!! !!! @nathanielrussell

Nathaniel Russell on Paddle8

Part of LACE :

Obama and the photographer John Baldessari

In the same album, Obama with Stephen King

Major funders such as the Getty and Warhol Foundations have invested in LACE for major presentations. LACE is deeply rooted in and embedded in the arts culture of Southern California.

LACE relocated to Hollywood in 1993 with the assistance of the CRA, and has served as a cultural anchor on Hollywood Blvd. for more than 20 years.

While the contemporary art community in Los Angeles has grown and expanded over the years, LACE plays a unique role in the L.A. art scene. Without the constraints of a commercial gallery, LACE is free to serve as venue for the incubation of and discourse on emerging and experimental works.

Talking US politics with Pagans, witches and warlocks

A community – one of the most misunderstood and disregarded of any in a nation that’s meant to respect freedom of religion – that will be voting in their droves are Pagans. Paganism was for a time the fastest growing religion in the U.S, and it seems the fear of the occult and Satanism has been permeating the political sphere very recently, following false rumours that one of Hillary Clinton’s staff was partaking in sex cult rituals with artist Marina Abramovic. Towards the beginning of the election we were granted with the video project 'Brujas Hex Trump', a response to what they see as Trump's racist platform. They used the “name-in-the-freezer” hex, invoking the Ice Queen to curse Trump. Then a fake flier by artist Nathaniel Russell called upon witches to hex Trump and the NRA.

Vindicator ago

Could you explain what fotoforensics is telling us about this photo? This is not an area of knowledge for me.

AnonDan ago

Not an expert, but it looks for small artifacts that are usually generated around the area where an image has been doctored. The fact that we see no artifacts around the area where we would expect there to be changes is a good indicator that the image is authentic.

Vindicator ago

Ah...thank you for that explanation.

Micheal84 ago

Well look at this!

From Twitter, here they both are, BO and the other guy from the picture.

YogSoggoth ago

Not the same picture unless brushed. Eyes are different I see sangapu on the left eye, as well as slightly different head angle visible by the right eye. Visible forehead eyebrow expression is not the same, and wrinkle lines on left side of face are more gaunt in non horn queen image, but sure is him. Not debunked yet.

carmencita ago

Look at the head shot. The collar is black and standing up. There is also a stand up black collar in the Moloch Pic. Photo Shop.

dbvapor ago

Look at the noses.. not the same guy.

MolochHunter ago

nice find I've thought the evidence implicating Obama so far is a bit thin , its good to plug some gaps

unclassified ago

In my opinion, that's him.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's SHOPPED. Look at the black collar of the Obama proof below the Moloch pic. It's the same.

The timing is highly suspicious, given the release of the IG report on the same day and come on... It popped up on Reddit o_0

Don't take the lazy and sensational fakes. There is no silver bullet to taking down the Cabal.

YogSoggoth ago

Yet to see the original photo of Obama that was used, though.

Oh_Well_ian ago

are you joking? It's right in the so called 'proof'

YogSoggoth ago

Not saying you are wrong, but the collar does not convince me. I just want to see the original picture if it is indeed photoshopped. Has to be out there somewhere.

Oh_Well_ian ago

interesting how you don't question the PROOFS lol

I destroyed the 'proofs' in my submission but yeah.. muh collar

carmencita ago

I posted that 10 hrs. ago and got down voated for it. Shills or people that want to latch on to anything doing with slandering Obama Lies and Disinfo will be Our Downfall just as Symbols will be theirs.

Thank you for backing this up! We need the truth not what is convenient.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It actually shows extreme desperation on the part of the Cabal and their minions and bots in the social media platforms. It indicates something REAL is right around the corner. This is a poison pill just like Rosanne's LARP about Valerie Jarrett. Look at the MSM, it's crazy days and nights, with FOX now chiming in on the attacks on Trump and it's programming mirroring CNN and MSNBC.

carmencita ago

They are all doubling down for a reason. Yes, I too believe there is desperation. More and More people are Waking Up and they would love to Lull them Back to Sleep. NOPE. Ain't gonna work.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Gen Y and Z have been conditioned into group think and to pick sides. They are deathly afraid of being alone on any issue and will always follow the majority crowd. The psyop is played out everyday in social media in events like 'the bucket challenge', 'fidget spinners', 'what color is the dress', etc. They question themselves when they don't get 'likes' and their ego's become inflated when they do. The shilling on this post is exploiting that same line programming.

carmencita ago

Oh you are Too Smart! Yes, I agree with how they are acting now and following exactly how they have been programmed to. All those stupid SM games are way too obvious to us that are Woke. The dress one was one of the dumbest things ever. I am sure they will top it. What to do? How do we Wake them up. Confounding.

smokratez ago

The ears, jawline and eyes sure as fuck look like him.

Adminstrater ago

What a strange time to be alive. I am leaning on the side of Obama in that mask. I can explain it that way... I can't explain it if there is anyone else under that mask.

Gorillion ago

Stygimoloch Nygimoloch

IShallNotFear ago

That pic isn't loading for me, could you post it on another site or archive it?

waxdino ago

See if this link works for you. I'm having a hard time uploading it to a host or archiving it.

carmencita ago

From the second reddit link

Rural Virginia posted

Um, the black collar from the lower picture is in the photoshopped picture. This is fake.

If you look really close there is a black collar at the neck on the photo. The head shot of Obama has the black collar. There is a black collar on him in the pic of him as Moloch

Check it out.

TrudeauianEyebrow ago

It's been deleted from the Instagram account?

IShallNotFear ago

Yes, I am trying to find an accurate account. Since Instagram isn't easily archivable, so it may take me a bit to find a inconclusive archive. A google search showed a description of the page. Here is the archive of the google search:

letsdothis2 ago

Focus more on the person who posted the image. That will tell you more ...

draaaak ago

Certainly looks like him...

lamplight ago

The same man is next to Obama in several pictures and in the one with the costume. Could it be O got married to this guy and this was the wedding? Just a floating thought.

derram ago :

All these liberals are virtue signalers about migrant children... just wait until they find out what Obama does to children. #RudeAwakening : The_Donald :

More Drag Obama Weaponized Autism from 4chan : The_Donald :

4chan discovers pic that might be OBAMA in drag??? : The_Donald :

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