ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I believe it is photoshopped, not enough evidence to support otherwise. We don't need false information to prove Barry has had his eye on the prize of a certain UN seat for quite some time now! After all, who adores being worshiped more than Barry?

I used to try to red pill my family well before I was truly awakened to all the evil that seeps up around us. I was too much younger than they were to be taken seriously so they would just laugh when I said, just listen to his silvery tongue like a serpent, he could be the antichrist because people LOVE everything he does and says no matter how blatantly false it is.

Fakers don't need faked photos and evidence to be exposed, evil eventually rears it's ugly head to expose the pit from which it will eventually slither back into!

Empire_of_the_mind ago

We know that you stupid faggot, fuck your straw man garbage. This cunt POSTED it that day, for obvious reasons. It's not photoshop.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Send it to the MSM, faggot... Post it everywhere.

Just like every other asshat who thinks this is legit should do the same.

Show all your friends and co-workers. Do a Rosanne on that shit.

And when it blows up in your face, eat it.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

you're pretty narrow-minded for someone who fancies himself an information warrior.

even putting such a PHOTOSHOPPED image in front of n000bs and normies has an eye-opening effect.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I never called myself an 'information warrior', shit bag

Oh.. and I'll say it again >>> FUCK NORMIES, if they are still asleep they are worthless dead weight.

NORMIES don't read. They can't spell. They are more concerned with their IG page likes than they are with their country.

and there is no reforming the. FUCK THEM

zx1 ago


RockmanRaiden ago

Would you say this picture surfaced as a distraction from Obama's Pakistan ties and that college roommate of his drafting the Iran Deal?

Oh_Well_ian ago

that is a very good guess -- I checked the IG account of origin and it's some lame narcissistic witch with no significant connections.

It looks totally cobbled together and any Twatter account that is pushing it should be thrown overboard. Lots were hashtagging Q, too.

darkknight111 ago

I believe the image was first seen on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Same day as the Instragram Trail thread of mine on v/pizzagate.

RockmanRaiden ago

Ugh. Definitely trying to hurt the movement. The truth is stranger and more horrible than fiction. We don't need shopped pictures.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Good call!

(Although, I was so secretly hoping it wasn't shopped. Dressing him up in a WHITE Moloch outfit would be akin to Hellywood putting all the black men in dresses if they want to stay legitimate.)

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I'm rather casual about cash. I want and need to build my trust in the world around me. I rarely count change or scrutinize the bill. When a store clerk say's "You gave me too much!" and hands back a $20 that I thought was some smaller amount, it's always equally impressive and amazingly pleasurable. @Oh_Well_ian

I know instantly, I'm in the presence of an especially honest human being. Your the same sort, damn honest.

Oh_Well_ian ago

< tips hat > thank you, sir.

I hate liars and thieves. That drives me.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

You also rain down fast and hard on the BS'ers, drop a ton of bricks. Shocks em. BRAVO I'm taking lessons. = ;- )

Dismal_Swamp ago

Somebody is trying to run people down the wrong trail with this picture. Look out for distractions.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Look at the insta-downvoats attempting to turn VOAT into Twatter.

You gotta be some kind of stupid to think this shit is real. Or some kinda shill.

Dismal_Swamp ago

Most people are meat and potatoes. They take everything at face value without question and chase it down like a dog. I could care less if Obama dresses like a drag queen. It just distracts people from looking into the stuff he’s done that’s far worse. Things he should be in prison for.

thelma ago

Link goes to reddit?


Go back to reddit.

srayzie ago

Who cares if it’s from Reddit? Information is information. This isn’t a Voat/Reddit competition. This is about Q. I’ve seen people cross post between here and there a lot. At least the person from Reddit gets credited.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yeah... just like all the other brigaded threads right now on this topic, you stupid fuck.

have not seen you on those threads with your stupid cunt comments... why is that?

thelma ago

Go to reddit and post your comments there.

Reddit lover.

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh… look at the little faggot who can't comment on the subject matter...

sad little pickle boy faggot who thinks a link to Reddit destroys the content of the post..

what a pathetic little pickle boy..

I post HERE on VOAT, pickle boy.. never been on Reddit other than when it's linked from posts here, like this one. >> ( that's where I got the link, pickle boy )

That post has been up for 12 hours and no sign of your pickle boy comments anywhere? Why is that? But here you are, first to comment on this submission. Oh, pickle boy. You have to do better than that !!

thelma ago

I won't even click on a reddit link ...

It would make me feel dirty...

derram ago :

4chan discovers pic that might be OBAMA in drag??? : The_Donald :

Oath Broken on Twitter: "Who's under the mask...could it be Barry Soetoro ?… "

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