Married2Martha ago

Just drag in whatever you can get your hands on- chuck 'em in the bus.

FloridaJackalope ago

Wow... After so much time has passed and all of the research has been able to sink in, this looks like pure evidence.

10060956? ago

Comments on other Silsby raids:

OP. @Clinger

LostandFound ago

This has always been the most heartbreaking set of exchanges over the whole ordeal for me.

In short HRC sanctioned trip with Laura Silsby to Haiti to rescue children

Laura Silsby collects children from the Friends of the Orphans

Friends of the Orphans's director Max Macoby - defended JA and David Brock during their blackmail case

JA has business connections via Transformer art gallery with Izette Folger daughter of Max Macoby -

Laura get's caught and is defended by a wanted child trafficker gets of and goes to work for amber alert - pedo warning system

HRC expedites the approval process for families looking to adopt from Haiti removing some of the usual vetting process

ICE raise the red flag that some of the adoptees to take the children from Haiti are known pedophiles -

Podesta's are the common link between all these actors. If this was a conversation about someone getting drugs from Haiti and these were not famous names, every single one of these people would be in jail or on the run wanted for conspiracy at the very least. I dont pray but I dont know what else to do, they operate with impunity. They just laugh at us, but we will have our day.

Are_we__sure ago

Your post is nonsense.

In particularly you have all the facts about this wrong.

In short HRC sanctioned trip with Laura Silsby to Haiti to rescue children

You are completely misreading what you see there. The reason being is this document is not a Clinton email. This is a document that was on the Website of Laura Silsby's Church

It was downloaded by a State Department employee named Bill Bistransky , trying to find out more information about what was going on. This is what Silsby used to recruit people to come with her to Haiti.

Wikileaks has it wrong in their system. They have it as an email when it is not, it's an attachment. In fact, Wikileaks, has it as a document from nobody to nobody


The guy who started this fake story about Clinton and Silsby tried to claim the date meant Clinton has been following group for years.

Had he been honest, he would have told people this email explains exactly how this document came to be mailed to Clinton.

I am seeking more information about this but want to let you know before the 5pm call that 10 Amcits were reportedly arrested by Haitian police near the DR border with 33 Haitian children whom they reportedly planned to take to an orphanage they are establishing in the DR. They are currently under arrest at a PAP police station or, according to one report, at "the Justice Building near the airport." The whereabouts of the children is unknown. The group is called the New Life Children Refuge America Organization (NLCR). Bill Bistransky found the attached "Plan of Action"(P0A) on their web site when he googled that name. As he notes, either today's arrest is their second run into Haiti to get children, or their original schedule is off.

Laura Silsby collects children from the Friends of the Orphans

What's the evidence for this? The children she was arrested with were not orphans and she collected them from their parents. The AP were and traced all 33 children.

10055787? ago

Huma Emails /Judicial Watch:

OP. .... @LostandFound

10055717? ago

Thank you for your post.

This is parts of the puzzle:

Marfa-Lights ago

When I see things like this I just wonder what it's all about, where it's all heading, what the world is coming too.

VieBleu ago

Think about it - they are literally that slimy creep the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang that went through the streets offering candy to kidnap kids -.
This is who they ARE!

"The Baroness will have your teeth for a necklace, and your eyeballs for earrings!"

equineluvr ago

Written by the uberbastard Ian Fleming, who glamorized intel agencies thanks to his James Bond 007 series.

VieBleu ago

Interesting, didn't know that...

angry_mob ago

i hate that! sooo many movies glamorize the alphabets & i simply refuse to watch that shit.

greycloud ago

if you know me, you know i know a lot of eclectic shit. i assure you that you can purchase an orphan in haiti for under $200. the clintons could afford millions of them at that rate (not that there are that many to sell). 100 orphans is more easily purchased than kidnapped.

VieBleu ago

You are naive - you don't think like a criminal business mind. If you purchase them there is a trail, it can get messy, and people are involved that you can't necessarily control - the seller(s). The goods may be damaged, you may be told you can't get one or another of a kind or that they are scarce and the price went up. the Seller(s) may be law enforcement entrapping you. it goes on and on.

But if your own people simply snatch from the street to your specifications, it is a much easier, faster, cleaner and cheaper operation.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I believe it was noted they all had families! They never checked.

HillBoulder ago

God bless and protect whoever the fuck is running WikiLeaks

VieBleu ago

ain't it the truth.

Dressage2 ago

Poor kids will live a life of hell. That's if they live long enough.

Mbailey63 ago

Were they in need of 100? Was it a satanic holiday???

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't read all the way down, but it looks like this is part of the 6,XXX emails Judicial Watch just sprung loose. I've never seen this before.

This is some damning shit.

This is almost like a Rosetta stone. Start working backwards. i wish the doc had an origination date on it. It would be interesting to see how this matches up with the known Silsby timeline.

God DAMN this shit is getting good. Is anyone else starting to feel like things are starting to move?

Edit 1: I am making the assumption that WL archives any related emails from other sources. It would make sense. If not, was this part of the original WL HRC leaks?

Edit 2: Sorry, long week. It was a week after the Haiti earthquake: January 12, 2010.

redditsuckz ago

Edit 2: Sorry, long week. It was a week after the Haiti earthquake: January 12, 2010.

The email is dated 2001(?) and was archived on Nov. 2016 so its not a new batch.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, but archived by whom? The email couldn't be dated 2001 as the earthquake was in 2010. The email references the Haiti earthquake as "last week."

Are_we__sure ago

It's not an email. Wikileaks has it wrong in their system.

It's an attachment to a Cheryl Mills email on Jan 30, 2010. It was a document found on the website of Silsby Church.

Here's the email.

EricKaliberhall ago

Agree, reading all these emails again and again and getting your worst suspicions confirmed, is heartbreaking every fucking time. I've used my anger as fuel to continue to expose and keep going. I know that normies are living in a different world and are so clueless its beyond me.

I had a very interesting conversation the other day, and it just dawned on me; The majority of people can't comprehend Evil on this level. It's just to fucking Dark.

So when PedoGate is exposed, because it will. It will be a global awakening, an awakening to how gullible and stupid the masses really are.

Married2Martha ago

Even then many wont believe because they need to believe in something "bigger" than themselves.

angry_mob ago

i agree with that, when the unawake people have to face it, it's gonna shake society to the very core.

SethRich4Pres ago

If you look up the UN's definition of an orphan one would find that it's when a child is missing one or the other. So that would make them on maternal orphan or paternal orphan. It's a total scam and the government is in on it

Micheal84 ago

This part disturbs me the most, from the email

Team Needed:

NLCR is praying and seeking people who have a heart for God and a desire to share God's love with these precious children, helping them heal and find new life in Christ.

Please prayerfully consider a 2 week or longer mission trip to help NLCR provide rotating staffing for the care of the children over the next 6 months

waxdino ago

It makes me sad to see the work that has been done and posted on this site become forgotten over the months. Sooo much has been posted about this case. Unfortunately I can not dig around for links now, I will update later today if no one beats me to it. It was discovered that the orphanage Laura Silsby's "lawyer" (a child-trafficker posing as a lawyer) said Silsby got her orphans from later under-reported the amount of orphans they had by 100. That orphanage has connections to James Alefantis. ...did we really forget all this? Some of the most compelling evidence, imo.
EDIT: Ok, you guys. Here are some links to get you started. Users @redberries and @bumbleberries (who appear to no longer be with us) posted great findings on Laura Silsby. Maybe even the most basic info on the case is unknown by newer users. Here is a post from just five days ago with a summary-

The 'berries then found the connections to Alefantis, the CIA, and apparent cover-up by the orphanage. Here is a good summary:

And some posts leading up to the summary, as discoveries were being made:
@quantokitty, @DarkMath, others here commented on these posts! So why act like this is new and surprising news? @Psalm144-1, this is in the sticky!
I suck at researching, and don't get big chunks of time to dedicate to it. But I've been here since the beginning and have a memory like a trap. If I contribute anything to this convoluted joke of a desperate search for justice, it's that I can suggest connections and old threads that may have been missed or forgotten. But to forget the details on the Silsby case? Come on.
I'm glad more people are discovering the details, and truly hope I can help spread the word. I realize there will be things that are "rediscovered" and posted as new. But overall, this is just frustrating. Fucking, pay attention.
And use

Married2Martha ago

Wow thank you!

FloridaJackalope ago

Thank you Waxdino. You're absolutely right that A LOT of important information is lost or forgotten over time, sometimes a short period of time, but that's why the work you just put in is extremely valuable. It's people like you that truly connect the dots for others, beginners, and people who have forgotten details.... Thanks again, and kudos.

Are_we__sure ago

The 33 kids she was arrested with were not from any orphanage, so I don't know that underreporting story would work. I would also not believe a word of what Jorge Puello says.

waxdino ago

The theory is that she got away with one hundred kids from Friends of the Orphans.
Why would Puello "randomly" mention an orphanage directed by Alefantis's lawyer? He probably let it out by mistake.

10056220? ago

You are right.

Keeping alive...trying...

Blacksmith21 ago

We keep it alive here. Isn't that the point? One day, hopefully, the earliest dialogues of this site, and pre-Voat history, will be looked upon as the spark which kept the motivation alive.

Don't think for a second that this site isn't watched by both the powers of good and evil. We do our best to fight the evil here. But the good also knows that there is a seed of truth which will be here when this country is reborn.

And I do not mean that in a religious sense. I do believe blood will be shed before this is over.

Edit 1: Tomorrow would be a good day for AG Sessions to announce some damning inquests into classified leakers. Not to mention the good shit on Meuller. And Comey.

kidavenger ago

The work on this site will never be forgotten by thousands (and counting). I have been here since before the Pizzagate subreddit got shut down, and the number of subs to this subverse has grown by thousands. Even though it probably seems like we are rehashing the same stuff over and over to no avail, more and more people are being red-pilled, and coming here to learn the truth about what's been going on. I know it's frustrating, but if going through it for the nth time is what it takes to wake people the f up, that's what we have to do.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Amen Brother.

dickface88888 ago

I kinda gave up bookmarking pages for my pizzagate folder after it got to about 400 things and it gets way too busy to ever find anything. You need 10 heads to keep up with all this shit.

10049016? ago

I feel the same.

thelandofchocolate ago

It would help if the stickied synopsis bothered to mention this stuff.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Holy shit... that is scary. WTF kind of "plan" is that?

"Gather 100 orphans from the streets"

From a woman who was convicted of attempting mass abductions, absolved, and given a job to run Amber Alerts.

It's too twisted to fabricate.

LionElTrump ago

600 users here now and this post floats back and forth from 28-31 upgoats.

Who is here?

MadWorld ago

~269 users here now

Is this number for the whole subverse or restricted to this post?

DonutofShame ago

Am I understanding this correctly? They seem to have a group of people who round up children from the streets who they somehow decide are orphans and put them on a bus to take to the Dominican Republic?

LionElTrump ago

Laura Silsby arrested back in 2010

Port-au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- Ten Americans detained last week while trying to take 33 Haitian children out of the country were charged Thursday with kidnapping children and criminal association, a government official said. Information Minister Marie Laurence Lassegue's announcement came shortly after the five men and five women left a hearing at the prosecutor's office. Under Haitian law, anyone accused of kidnapping a child is not eligible for bail, the attorney general's office said.

10 Missionaries arrested. This is the Clinton email that shows they coordinated it and took advantage of the Earth Quake to get their team in there under the guise of God to snatch children over the weekend without second thought to the childrens parents or close relatives

New Life Children’s Refuge (NLCR) was founded in November 2009 by Laura Silsby (now Silsby-Gayler)[5]and Charisa Coulter, who are both members of the Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho

More on the "Idaho 10" which was an international smuggling ring for the Clinton's or payer.

Jorge Orellana Torres Puello, the man who posed as legal adviser to the Idaho-10, the church group which sought to traffic 33 children out of Haiti in February of 2010, will serve time in prison. A federal court issued Torres a 37 month prison sentence on a 2002 case in which he smuggled people into the United States from Canada.

The group from Idaho were released from prison and its ring leader, Laura Silsby, served 3 months and 8 days before being released. Silsby was facing a maximum of 3 years.

Subsequent investigations found that all but one of the 33 children that the group attempted to traffic out of Haiti had at least one living parent.

Are_we__sure ago

More on the "Idaho 10" which was an international smuggling ring for the Clinton's or payer.

This is nonsense. There's zero evidence that Clinton or anyone else in DC knew about these Baptists from Idaho before they got arrested.

LionElTrump ago

This email is from the Clinton bunch. Silsby is directly connected with the Clintons. The from: and to: were scrubbed, wonder why, joking, this is just one way to raise money to them, trafficking

No one is buying what you are trying to sell

Are_we__sure ago

What email are you talking about? Are you talking about the document that original poster mentioned? Because that is not an email.

The from: and to: were scrubbed, wonder why

Yeah, that's a big clue you missed.

No one is buying what you are trying to sell

Because I have the facts in this case and you don't.

Please indicate exactly how Clinton is connected to Silsby before her arrest. Because I think you are misreading a document and I can show you the exact origin of the document.

LionElTrump ago

I am not the one refusing to see

I am pretty sure you are here at a C grade effort to disinfo, distract, and detract. Provide me proof an email that circulates among the mob and worded carefully to look like a Church Mission only a couple weeks later to have them all arrested for kidnapping to sell into slavery, sacrifice to moloch, sex slave, or all mentioned before. You show me proof that the tens of thousands of emails sitting on wikileaks are being interpreted wrong. Plenty of emails have to/from removed. Hillary and crew made an effort to do just that with StoneTear, we didnt forget about that either cuck

Guilty by associations, conspiracy. You tell me with the facts to the case why all these people using alias are keeping lucky rabbits foots in their attack, enjoying pizza, and waiting for underage kids for entertainment in the pool

You must of forgotten Clinton's team printed out the emails she deemed worthy of review by the FBI. So much about yoga and weddings, thank you Assange for searchable index!

10048996? ago

Now if only we could prove that these "natural disasters" are in fact natural and not manmade ?

Commoner ago

That is definitely something to ponder!

paulf ago

Underwater nuke offshore -> earthquake -> devastation in Haiti. It's very damning how key Clinton Foundation connected people found themselves in Haiti a few days BEFORE the disaster. Did they know what was coming? Of course they did.

TrishaUK ago

I have thought that too, and there is something with the New Zealand earthquakes too, but can't quite put my finger on it. John Kerrys trip to Wellington on the day of Presidents Trumps Inauguration – Was it really about TPPA or CHERRYGATE? – His daughter Cherry: CHERRYGATE: Is This Really Why New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key Just Resigned? Speaker guy is as dodgy as hell, he obviously makes up lies as he goes along, you can just tell he is not truthful. Anyway, this is an odd awkward Q&A about John Kerrys trip to New Zealand: WHAT!! JOHN KERRY at SOUTH POLE on ELECTION DAY ! Something Is Not Right About This - - seems this was covered up/not reported on I think there is so much more to this than meets the eye.

DarkMath ago

"and gather 100 orphans from the streets"

The really sick part is most of the kids weren't orphans. Some didn't even know their parents had given them up.

If you dig into any Haiti story involving children there's only a thin veil of legitimacy below which the usual foul stench begins to emanate. I just learned of this one a few weeks ago

Sickeningly a Panda can sometime symbolize a child victim of rape. Could a Panda ring symbolize a child trafficking "ring"?


wokethefkup ago

I often think panda is to refer to "pander" which in their terms would mean someone who specializes in sex trafficking. Alefantis magazine panda head or whatever may be a catalog of sorts ...or am I off about the name of magazine? Look up pander on google then on urban dictionary. No denying this is why they use the word.

DarkMath ago

Who knows.

Commoner ago

A picture of JonBenet and Patsy Ramsey in which Jon Benet has a big Panda bracelet

Married2Martha ago

Oh Wow i haven't looked at these photos for a while now. Good find.

BerksResident ago

Odd and a bit creepy looking seems to be a signal

DarkMath ago

Check out Abel Danger's take on Jon Bonet's murder. Field McConnell thinks the Deep State had threated John Ramsey over a patent he held. I don't know the exact story but Field's explanation is pretty compelling.

srayzie ago

I know. It's horrible. Can you even imagine? Others did give them up because Silsby made promises that they will be able to see their children and how they were going to help them. These people were desperate. It makes me sick that they would take advantage of them the way they did.

I found it interesting that the other people that was with Silsby didn't know what was going on. She screwed them over as well.

LionElTrump ago

All 33 children were shown to have atleast 1 living PARENT. Then all the recycling plants like Epstein's and Linkin Parks.

edit. One child didnt have any parents, no mention of other relatives

greyhat399321 ago

33 is significant as far as numerologists go...stupid superstitious crap.

equineluvr ago

THEY believe it, and THEY flash each other with the numbers.

So it's important for US to know about.

Married2Martha ago

WHERE'S your proof??? I wouldn't ask anyone else that but you of all people need to cough up.

EricKaliberhall ago

Exactly, well said!

FE_Rebekah ago

I bet the number is more like 350. I want to find the Haitian records and see the real number. That 33 is a game to them in the media.

SethRich4Pres ago

If you Google the UN's definition of an orphan you find out that it is considered a child that is missing one parent father or mother to paternal orphan and a maternal orphan

10048934? ago

Epstein Recycling ( was owned by Karl Erich Epstein not Jeff Epstein.

But maybe people want to look into him although I don't know if this source is credible:

DarkMath ago

Yep. Very well said. I thought it was all I just wasn't sure.

LionElTrump ago

was just looking about the case and saw that every kid did have a parent, op mentions not enough time to check for family and that is spot on. There was no effort or intention to locate their parents

quantokitty ago

Laura Silsby is part of the Haiti Team? WTF?

srayzie ago

What do you mean? You knew she was the one that got arrested for that right? Do you mean she still is?

FE_Rebekah ago

We wonder how so many kids disappear. It makes me think of "time portals" in movies. These poor kids are whisked away in buses, planes, trains and automobiles, only to wake up in a nightmare. This is really awful and extremely scary.

TrishaUK ago

Sadly still going on even now, this was in Woodbridge Verginia on 28 July 2017 : Dog saves 10-year-old girl by biting would-be kidnapper

stens ago

Prayer Requests:

For discernment of God's will and direction throughout this trip and for Him to prepare the way before us

For God to continue to grant favor with the Dominican Government in allowing us to bring as many orphans as we can into the DR

Is their god by any chance Moloch?

10056250? ago

Laura Silsby goes by Laura 'Gayler' now.

Summary of some research:

4thDaGrymReaper ago

maybe? She probably thinks shes hot shit a god.

Post link to a reply that might also be interesting.

cthulian_axioms ago

At some point, the distinction between "hot shit, but still human" and "a living god-being" does kind of become meaningless. If someone is effectively omnipotent and effectively omniscient, then even though these abilities are made manifest by purely terrestrial and material things, they are still supernatural.

Now sure, technically speaking, Mama Clinton ain't omnipotent. "Omni" is Latin for "all"; and while She™ can't do literally anything, she sure can do a whole fucking lot of things (and not be prosecuted for them). I think it is a fair statement to say that She™ has indeed become some sort of malevolent, living god-being. Just like any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, any sufficiently advanced power is in some sense indistinguishable from godhood.

Donald Trump possesses power of a different, more chaotic nature. He is a conduit for a force he barely understands and which he cannot control.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

In my opinion, I think, she just thinks she is a god, because she was told she was destined to be a leader, but she was destined to be a puppet from day one. How she came up, I think she was a part of a dark cultic system of women that were tossed around to men in power. Basically I think she is part of that 8 goddesses cult the south korean puppet leader was in.

I can't remember much about the 8 goddess cult, but here is a link I saved.

cthulian_axioms ago

I am reminded of the Archons from Gnostic myth.

They think they are gods, but they are not God. God is ABRAXAS, the True Spirit, which Was before the Universe was, which Is beyond "is" and "is not".

The Archons possess great and horrifying power, but even they are puny ants before the One.

Through gnosis, we can come to know God, and thereby make miracles to appear upon the Earth. IÄ! IÄ! We can beat back the darkness with swords of flame. We can smite with righteous fury the Archons and their chief, the Demiurgus, who clouds human minds and blinds people to their true nature: that we are dual creatures, made from the Earth, but animated by a little spark of the Holy Spirit; a shard of crystal, a raindrop which, when our flesh goes the way of all flesh and returns to the Earth, will fall into the Sea, perhaps to fall back out in another place and time.

carmencita ago

WTH? If you were interested, he might be able to satellite in if you have the technology available? WHAT does that mean? This gets stranger with every passing day. Then let me know what penance I owe you. But a Satellite? Give me a break.

TrishaUK ago

@carmencita 'If you were interested, he might be able to satellite in if you have the technology available?' I think what Killary is saying is that if Lynn and Teddy have the capability of 'skype conferencing' in Aspen, when the conference Tony Blair was supposed to be going to is on, they can link up from Israel and he can still be part of the conference. Well thats what I see in this email anyway. I think what Killary is implying by 'penance' in this email means, she is asking what does she have to do to 'make up' to Lynn, because she had persuaded Tony Blair to cancel his Aspen appointment with them. - any clearer or am I on the wrong path?

carmencita ago

That sounds plausible but with them any thing can be questioned, especially after those kooky emails. Thanks.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

I don't know maybe Hillary Clinton doesn't know how technology like skype works. Or they are tracking each other?

TrishaUK ago

I don't believe anything Comey said ie: she was too stupid to understand technology, she plays the fool/the woman card/the sympathy card etc. but I think she knows far more....I have know people like her before, acting timid and feeble but in reality they are a raging volcano waiting to erupt. She would not have got to the position without knowing how to print/operate a computer etc., This is just my opinion of course. She probably has her private satellite system and knows it inside out. My mom was 87 before she passed away a few years ago, she was very old school, but you should have seen her on a laptop, or channel surfing the tv, (which I still have not much clue how to do).

4thDaGrymReaper ago

She definitely does play the, "oh i am just a sweet old woman, want some cookies, take them and hopefully your family won't disappear" card. I am just not trying to be too damn tinfoily.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I was wondering if there is some satellite system WE do not know about. You never know.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Yeah I mean, who knows. They might have their own ways of communicating like a private communication channel through satellite,

carmencita ago

Would not be surprised. They have to keep reminding themselves they are The Elite.

greyhat399321 ago

There are lots of them.

Omnicopy ago

Yes, that is who the Baptist Church worships. They don't worship the true God.

greyhat399321 ago


awakenaware ago

Hollandaise will do nicely.

pby1000 ago

Feed me!

Commoner ago

Did you read any of the comments.....from 2010. Just a sample:

Why would you pray for child abductors? The kids weren’t even given proper care. This is disgusting.

February 5, 2010 at 10:50 AM how could you think for a moment there would not be consequences? you injure the adoptive process for everyone in the world, and in turn, hurt babies, toddlers, prospective and current adoptive parents… and children. only complete idiots would do what you did. you also knew better and I hope you go to prison!

David February 5, 2010 at 5:51 PM The prayer requests are quite ironic in view of the lunacy that followed. Think long and hard, Christians, about the divine inspiration you claim to have. Isn’t common sense a better guide?

Gothamgirl ago

Wow, there is an Epstein Recycling plant thats in the same location as a bus company in Haiti.

FE_Rebekah ago

Linkin Park in Haiti. They show their "recycling plant" at the end. It's called "SRSHaiti.". Sounds like Satanic Ritual Sacrifice to me.


I'm also wondering where all the plastic is coming from. If they are bathing in sewage and eating dirt, who's drinking all the soda bottles?

He says they are the top 10th company in Haiti. I'm curious how that's possible too.

Married2Martha ago

Thanks for sharing.

10056018? ago

Deceased Chester Bennington's was the frontman for his band named:

      Linkin  Park.

Ann_laurie ago

SRS Sustainable Recycling Solutions in Haiti has a interesting logo.

10056002? ago

Did research regarding Chester Bennington's death.

His band was named 'Linkin Park'.

Either he personally or his band were investors in a recycling business in Haiti. Thought it strange.

Probably is what you posted. ?

Info On Chester:

Good friends with Chris Cornell:

FE_Rebekah ago

I seen that. I think SRS is owned by Harmony Enterprises. We need to catch the big fish and drain this swamp..

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah especially when I can not locate address and their website is shut down.

FE_Rebekah ago

That was an announcement page, about Clinton going to SRS Haiti. The home page is Harmony Enterprises, global company, looks like waste management\recycling services and machinery, and they have a business line called Harmony Kids Learning Center.

Harmony - Recycling and Waste Solutions On A Global Scale

Sorry if those links don't work. It's

FE_Rebekah ago

This has info and an address and phone number at the bottom, but not sure what it's too. Somewhere in MN. Harmony Enterprises.

Pres. Clinton to tour Sustainable Recycling Solutions in Haiti

FE_Rebekah ago

I can't believe citizens have to play detective. I just thought we were a better country than this.

We know the address of Comet Ping Pong, but apparently it's not helping.

We owe huge freakin apologies, I know that much.

10048892? ago

Epstein Recycling ( was owned by Karl Erich Epstein not Jeff Epstein. But maybe you would want to look into him, although I don't know if this source is credible:

Married2Martha ago

That shouldn't surprise anyone.

DawnKeyhote ago

Jew's gonna jew!

equineluvr ago

Hey, you stole my line!! :)

Dressage2 ago

Get your punctuation right if you are talking about more than one Jew. It would be Jews' or if only one declaring ownership would be Jew's. Ignorance is bliss I guess, eh? You are pathetic and ignorant.

DawnKeyhote ago

The expression goes "A ____ is gonna ____" and its more colloquial to drop the indefinite article. So i said THIS JEW is inevitably going to do JEWISH THINGS.

Where are you from? I can send you some English pdfs.

Blacksmith21 ago

Someone's going straight to fag hell.

hookednosedjoooo ago

You're the fag. Defending Jews and homos along with the compromised mods

Blacksmith21 ago

Look who is back from rehab. Have a downvoat junkie shitbag.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing. If you find Lincoln Park's recycling plant address please share. That guy has a negative comment written about him here.

And believe or not he is a doctor:

10051511? ago

You're welcome. Yes I saw the negative comment about Karl Erich Epstein, it is archived in my comment.

Karl Erich Epstein the recycler in Haiti is not Dr. Karl E. Epstein of California. The doctor's middle name is Elliott, seventh one down:

Epstein is such a common name.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh boy I am not getting it right today am I, the lack of sleep over pizzagate is beginning to get to me.

FE_Rebekah ago

Linkin Park also had a "recycling plant" in Haiti.

LionElTrump ago

Wonder if there has been any effort to find remains there or inspections on exports/imports

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I wrote about it here

I could not locate the address for Linkin Park's plant anywhere and most websites are 404'd.

carmencita ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt told me the Sustainability place in Haiti, the one that Bill Clinton has started, is a front that is why we could not find an address. Shinado of Linkin Park is also "invested", @Michael84

Micheal84 ago

Guess what, the recycling plant was started by two friends Mike Shinoda (from LP) and Andrew MacCalla.

Where do you think mister MacCalla works??

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing.

srayzie ago

That was interesting. I'm surprised it didn't get many more upvotes.

Commoner ago

That is interesting.

Psalm144-1 ago

nice find, I had never seen this one before! I vote for this to be added to executive summary.

dickface88888 ago

ArrowsFly ago

There's our girl Laura!