bumbleberries ago

Woops, I said the document was made on Paul Thompson's computer, but just checked again and it was Eric Thompson.

bumbleberries ago

Truth is, Silsby might not have been aware that she was a part of the CIA operation herself either, though I doubt it. She acted like a brainwashed person. I couldn't find anything particularly suspicious about the rest, and they were all freaked out with how unnatural Silsby's actions were after they were arrested also. It's kind of tough to have everyone complicit, because the testimonies wouldn't match if it's all lies.

Paul Thompson could be complicit though. It would be an interesting lead because the Haitian Orphan Rescue Mission document was apparently created on Paul Thompson's computer, according to the PDF extracts. Where did you find the Saudi connection?

If there were others that were guilty, it'd most likely be Charisa Coulter, and possibly Paul Thompson.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Truth is, Silsby might not have been aware that she was a part of the CIA operation herself either, though I doubt it.

Do you have any reason to believe that? Because I have many reasons to believe that's completely false and that she was well aware of what was going on. I ask because of a research project involving these aspects, and Have not come across anything that gives silsby the benefit of the doubt. If there is something of that nature, It's important that I don't leave it out of my project.

I see you said "Haitian Orphan Rescue Mission document was apparently created on Paul Thompson's computer, according to the PDF extracts. "

Do you have a link to this claim? You insinuate that is a fact, assuming the PDF extract are accurate.(I Have no clue what a PDF extract is or how to know if they are accurate.)

But assuming that is a fact, It still has no relevance as to whether or not she was WILLINGLY trafficking humans. So again, not being confrontational, i just want to make sure I'M being accurate in my project. So if there's anything that corroborates that she was unknowing, that would be much appreciated.

Clinker ago

The saudi connection was on the 'Meet the Pastors' page of the Eastside baptist church: http://archive.is/bUAuc