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stens ago

Prayer Requests:

For discernment of God's will and direction throughout this trip and for Him to prepare the way before us

For God to continue to grant favor with the Dominican Government in allowing us to bring as many orphans as we can into the DR

Is their god by any chance Moloch?

4thDaGrymReaper ago

maybe? She probably thinks shes hot shit a god.

Post link to a reply that might also be interesting.

cthulian_axioms ago

At some point, the distinction between "hot shit, but still human" and "a living god-being" does kind of become meaningless. If someone is effectively omnipotent and effectively omniscient, then even though these abilities are made manifest by purely terrestrial and material things, they are still supernatural.

Now sure, technically speaking, Mama Clinton ain't omnipotent. "Omni" is Latin for "all"; and while She™ can't do literally anything, she sure can do a whole fucking lot of things (and not be prosecuted for them). I think it is a fair statement to say that She™ has indeed become some sort of malevolent, living god-being. Just like any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, any sufficiently advanced power is in some sense indistinguishable from godhood.

Donald Trump possesses power of a different, more chaotic nature. He is a conduit for a force he barely understands and which he cannot control.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

In my opinion, I think, she just thinks she is a god, because she was told she was destined to be a leader, but she was destined to be a puppet from day one. How she came up, I think she was a part of a dark cultic system of women that were tossed around to men in power. Basically I think she is part of that 8 goddesses cult the south korean puppet leader was in.

I can't remember much about the 8 goddess cult, but here is a link I saved.

cthulian_axioms ago

I am reminded of the Archons from Gnostic myth.

They think they are gods, but they are not God. God is ABRAXAS, the True Spirit, which Was before the Universe was, which Is beyond "is" and "is not".

The Archons possess great and horrifying power, but even they are puny ants before the One.

Through gnosis, we can come to know God, and thereby make miracles to appear upon the Earth. IÄ! IÄ! We can beat back the darkness with swords of flame. We can smite with righteous fury the Archons and their chief, the Demiurgus, who clouds human minds and blinds people to their true nature: that we are dual creatures, made from the Earth, but animated by a little spark of the Holy Spirit; a shard of crystal, a raindrop which, when our flesh goes the way of all flesh and returns to the Earth, will fall into the Sea, perhaps to fall back out in another place and time.