Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing this.

Gothamgirl ago

I dechiphered a code from the "In the End" video.

In order it says:

Left side:

Deadly Linkin Park Lurchen Minutm Hannah Lc


Linkin Park Deadly Hannah Mehaha Mc

Meanings: Grey amphibians Bit by bit, gradually. The Hannah spelling of the name was taken up as a given name by the Puritans in the 16th and 17th centuries, and it has always been a common Jewish name.[1] Ann, Anne, Anna derive from Hannah through Latin. The Phoenician (Punic) name Hannibal derives from the same Canaanite root and means 'My grace is ba'al'. [2] Hannah is a palindrome.

In the Books of Samuel, Hannah is the mother of the prophet Samuel. Hannah was infertile, so at temple she prayed that if God gave her a son, she would give him up to become a priest. After many years of praying she was blessed with a son, and named him Samuel. When the child was weaned (around 3 years old[citation needed]), Hannah gave him to Eli to be raised as a priest. She went on to have 5 more children.[3] Hannah is also sometimes given as the name of the Woman with seven sons described in 2 Maccabees record

cantsleepawink ago

Checking the wayback machine for the Epstein Recycling website that domain has been up since at least 2013 but never had a proper website published. Just login access. Have no more time today, perhaps someone can take a closer look.

carmencita ago

Found the Epstein Orphanage it is called MoleHaiti. I want all of the kids there. They have a strange long list of pics of different children. There are a lot of them and I don't know why they are separate. Maybe they are the ones adopted already. This family is a Mission Family. Did not Silsby say she was taking the children to a Church in Idaho or Iowa?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes that is the only other Epstein I could find. I don't recall Silsby's details except trying to cross a border wrongfully, with stolen kids, fake attorney, Hillary's emails, and working at safe alert.

carmencita ago

I don't remember the whole case either except there was something made up about how I believe she was suppose to bring those children to a Church that placed them with families in the US. It was some Christian Church. Idaho I believe. Maybe someone will remember. Oh I wish I had photographic memory.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Linkin Park was going to play shows with Tom DeLonge and Blink-182 (see Tom's co-author Peter Lavenda's ties to Jack Parson and Crowley). These groups are also tied to Jay-Z and many others involved in the music, art, media and movie industry.

This is a partnership between LDS (Mormons) with OTO (Thelema) and Kabbalists, who also connected with the Jesuits (Catholics) and other groups to spread their Luciferian global agenda. The CIA and FBI have an usual number of Mormons, and our government has been corrupted at all levels. Secret societies, foundations, corporations, service clubs, churches and other means are the basis for levels of involvement.

It goes back to the Pilgrims Society connected in Racine that leads to Committee of 300, Black Nobility, Council of 13 and the Houses that rule the world. They are using Sustainability, Aliens, AI and other means to push their real agenda which is ultimately Total Global Enslavement (part of which is U.N. Agenda 2030). All must take the Mark of the Beast as we move to one world government and one world currency. Wisconsin has the first U.S. company to institute embedded chips for employees. Eventually it will be mandatory for all. They will use Community Policing to enforce it.

Sustainability, Community Policing and the Secret Societies have a Headquarters and a Model Community:

It is Racine, Wisconsin. This is why Paul Ryan was on the plane for the meeting with Bill Clinton (and Loretta Lynch).


Gothamgirl ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt I have been copying files over from LHOHQ. The files contained movies but, the clues led me to a flicker account that seems to be from Wisconsin. Would you take a look at it and see if anything stands out, or means anything, like new clues? Its at the bottom of this post. Just a wild thought, I think it may be a camp/cult and giving locations using pictures. I can see in these photos, lsd and possibly the frequencies are munipulated there.

Direct link to flicker:

And on a photo it says this person is auctioning paintings and it leads me to a bike shop here:

ShadeEather ago

So let's talk about the compounds. The reason you keep seeing these self sufficient and agriculture based cult compounds is because of the Ultra projects. The CIA was attempting to study a means of controlling and influencing farmers to secure food production. It's an idea they got studying the way communism spread and they were hoping to use it against the Russians or the US population if there was ever an uprising. Religion turned out to be the answer.

That should put the Farm, Tavistock, and a whole bunch of other places around the globe into context.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you @Gothamgirl, and LHOHQ is a significant connection linked to the Racine and Milwaukee area. We will look through these later.

Delorean77 ago

Tom Delonge, ( Podesta emails/ Blink 182 / UFO shill)... is not hiding the fact that he's a Freemason. skip to 4:05.... check out his amp.....

Betchabiteachip ago

This is reinforced by decorations on his guitar @ 5:07.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Tom DeLonge plays a major role, and it goes way beyond Aliens and Freemasons.

DeLonge and Travis Barker are closely linked to leaders involved in FLDS (Mormons) who are Luciferian and connected with the corruption in the Catholic church (including Jesuits), Kabbalah (which is why Ashton Kutcher is playing a major role as well, also a Freemason), and OTO (Thelema). Blink-182 and Linkin Park were connected with Jay-Z and others in OTO.

Tom DeLonge's co-author of his recent book is Peter Lavenda who is connected with Jack Parson and Aleister Crowley.

They are going to use Sustainability, Aliens and Artificial Intelligence to push through their real agenda of a one world Luciferian religion and Total Global Enslavement, that will be enforced using AI and Community Policing.

This is all connected to Racine, Wisconsin and the partnership between these groups that include Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Evan McMulllin, Warren Jeffs, Timothy Dolan, John Podesta, Emanuels, Clintons, Ashton Kutcher, and many others. Freemasons, LDS and Catholicism have deep roots in Wisconsin, and Racine actually means "Root".

Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington knew the real truth and the real agenda, and may have been planning to expose it through music.

srayzie ago

What do you mean they will use Aliens and AI? Aliens as in real ones? Or like a blue beam alien invasion? Can you explain?

Also, how do you know why Paul Ryan was with Bill Clinton and Lynch when they talked and what they talked about?

Delorean77 ago

look at his guitar at 4:58.

carmencita ago

They sell 20ft shipping containers for $1,800 Who knew?

carmencita ago

I thought I also read somewhere today that an Epstein ran an orphanage but don't know the name. Another rabbit hole.

carmencita ago

But yet there are pictures on their facebook of people dragging bags of recycling and others that collect it all day long to support their children. Another front?

Gothamgirl ago

Is it the same Epstein charity as this? Or do you mean the Fb for the recycling plant?

carmencita ago

Northwest Haiti Christian Mission is what it says at the top and also Mole St. Nicholas It has pictures of the family that is involved with the Orphanage.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

What is involved in the Recycling Business? How are the items recycled? Are they then shipped out? Where does the product go? Did both these businesses use the same distribution centers, shipping, same ending points?

Gothamgirl ago

I could not locate Linkin Parks recycling plant many pages lead to discontinued web pages.

The Epstein recycle plant looks like a front, and is selling or renting scooters. I found this bus line is located in the same building as the Epstein recycling center. When you go to that page It says cargo and freight. The recycle center has many discontinued webpages as well.

This is the 2nd recycle plant mentioned in pizzagate. The 1st was the Virginia plant in a video by Kevin Flynn and #fakenews Jones in reguards to Alefantis. 13 minutes in

1928375 ago

Linkin Park, not Lincoln. We need to be vigilant about details like this if this material is going to be taken seriously.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, that did slide past me, auto spell check. Honestly, I could careless about criticism, coming from an account thats 8 hours old.

1928375 ago

I'm not criticizing but pointing out where you may be from others. Check my comment history for the past eight hours. These things matter.

Jem777 ago

That is the point Linkin Park the music group of which Chester B. Just died has the pedophile boy lover triangle as its sign on its new album. The Clinton Foundation gave them money to start out probably as a favor for their buddy John's illegitimate son he might have been abusing. Go figure they would then open a recycling plant under the name Linkin Park with Clinton funds and have photos with Bill.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually the logo changed in 2007 I have a shirt.

I believe the grant was given to them 3 years ago when they had already made big bucks, in the prime of their career.

The name of the recycle plant is Sustainable Recycling Solutions (SRS) Haiti, not Linkin Park and as far as I can tell doesn't exist.

carmencita ago Seems all the people working there have kids that are helped by the parents collecting trash for SRS and it mentions the children in the pic. Wow.

Gothamgirl ago

I couldn't find a location for Linkin Park, I combed everything for 2 days, and their main website is down.

carmencita ago

What a way to run a business. I saw something on their facebook page that had an interview with a Linkin band member Mike Shinoda but when I click on something else comes up.

carmencita ago

OOPS Sorry I noticed this info was in your post! I do think it is very strange they mention each person worker has children and exactly how many. Is this another ad for kids or a way for someone to contact and get pics of the kids then? Pic and Choose? Disgusting but that's how they roll.

Gothamgirl ago

I found this bus line is located in the same building as the Epstein recycling center.

It says cargo and freight.

DonKeyhote ago

UHHH are you just assuming thats jeffrey epstein? I bet you cant throw a rock in haiti without hitting a jewish slumlord

Gothamgirl ago

Possibilty, I found only one other Epstein family in Haiti, they run a orphanage.

And then there is that claim by Epstein himself about owning half the Clinton foundation and doing charity work in Haiti .