Are_we__sure ago

There is no Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal. There is zero evidence anyone in Washington, DC, let alone Secretary Clinton knew who Silsby was prior to Silsby's arrest. There's zero evidence anyone in Washington, DC knew about this group of Baptist would-be-missionaries from Idaho before they go arrested.

This whole "scandal" relies on readers who aren't aware that consular services to Americans abroad is one of the primary functions of the US State Department and consular services include assisting those who are arrested overseas, in fact, it's one of the "highest priorities."

Arrest or Detention of a U.S. Citizen Abroad

One of the highest priorities of the Department of State and U.S. embassies and consulates abroad is to provide assistance to U.S. citizens incarcerated abroad. The Department of State is committed to ensuring fair and humane treatment for U.S. citizens imprisoned overseas. We stand ready to assist incarcerated citizens and their families within the limits of our authority in accordance with international law, domestic and foreign law. See that page for what the State Department can do and what they can't do If you look at the Amanda Knox case where the American woman was falsely arrested for murder in Italy, you can see that The State Department was following that case too. In fact, the State Department was criticized for reacting slowly in that case.

If you read the Silsby's emails from the very beginning, you see that information flowed up the chain from the on the ground folks in Haiti to the Secretary's office and the emails clearly show them trying to find out who these folks are and get more information. The first emails refer to them at "10 AMCIT" which is State Department lingo for 10 American citizens.

The article you link two makes these two claims.

Emails from her organization can be found in WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton Email Archive discussing the NGO before her arrest.

Silsby’s organization also appears in Clinton’s emails, soliciting donations for their “ministry.”

Both of these claims are absolutely false. The document they are referring to is not an email. It's document downloaded from the website of Silsby's Church AFTER it was known who these 10 AMCIT were.

"The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal" doesn't exist. It's flat out false and should be labelled as debunked in the Pizzagate wiki.

ChangingPerspectives ago


BIGLY17 ago

By all means yes, this is one of the larger parties implicated by the pg revelations but by no means is this the focal point or end imho. They just happened to fuck up, cracking the metaphorical Pandora's box to unveil how deep this corruption runs. Money and power are the originating factors here; specifically power as it relate to pedophilia (hence TPTB is chalk full of them).

seekingpeace ago

The Clinton Foundation is and always has been the smoking gun. The problem is that they've now had too much time to tamper and get rid of evidence.

GeorgeT ago

This was the origin of the Pizzagate, I was following election on my iphone 24/7 when the story broke out on 4chan & reddit. It referenced Daily Mail - 2010! Of course we learned afterward how CPP owner (Creepiest of the lot) was tied to the very orphanage thar Silsby smuggled children from. Alifantis lawyer who represented him and Brock in a blackmail case. Max Maccoby ran Friends of The Orphans - the very orphanage Silsby had smuggled kids from - what are the odds?!

Are_we__sure ago

It referenced Daily Mail - 2010

Why is this suprising? That's when the Earthquake occurred and when Silsby was arrested.

to the very orphanage thar Silsby smuggled children from.

The children Silsby was arrested with were not from ANY ORPHANAGE. The AP went and traced her activities in Haiti and found exactly where the 33 children were from.

A reporter's visit Saturday to the rubble-strewn Citron slum, where 13 of the children lived, led to their parents, all of whom said they turned their youngsters over to the missionary group voluntarily in hopes of getting them to safety. Similar explanations were given by parents in the mountain town of Callabas, outside Port-au-Prince, who told the AP on Feb. 3 that desperation and blind faith led them to hand over 20 children to the Baptist group.

As an aside, this is false

Max Maccoby ran Friends of The Orphans - the very orphanage....

Friends of the Orphans is not based in Haiti and does not run Orphanages. It raises funds for orphanages in 9 countries that are run by Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos. You could work/volunteer at Friends of the Orphans without every visiting Haiti. They are related but different.

Friends of the Orphans (FOTO) is the American fundraising organization for Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos International, a group of orphanages in nine countries throughout Central America and the Caribbean.