thezodiac ago

Marina Abramovic is an Aleister Crowley follower, she's not joking at all. It's not a Halloween costume, she is a satanist. Chicken might be a code for child. But I agree that email "sacrifice chicken to Moloch" looks like a joke. But it looks like a joke with some truth to it, because Moloch is a god adored by the Bohemian Grove, a republican-related cult.

WatcherWatcher ago

Besta changed their logo after this broke. The original had the unmistakable triangular spiral logo inside that pizza.

TealHighCloud ago

I agree, there is no real distinction between the 'liberals' and the 'republicans'. Racist is not the correct term I suppose, xenophobic is. And I'm more than aware of the ease at which Obama uses drones and deportation as methods of control. I know that the racist term was that was slung at Trump by people trying to halt his campaign (that went well). I hated Trump during the election, but I really had to bite my tongue when people spoke about Hillary. Her pathalogical lies, shady arms deals, and rich history of hardcore racism are no secret and she's clearly part of an elite ruling dynasty. I just worry becuase Trump actually insights violence at his rallies. Of course I know the f***ing DNC were staging it and ensuring news coverage, but Trump does not speak with a compassion for human being that I would like to see in a leader.

Jimmy Carter and Obama both temporarily banned Muslims from entering the country, but when Trump says the same the media says that's unconstitutional and "unprecedented" and "racist". The media attacks claimed that Pence was anti-gay because he advocated for homosexuals to be reeducated, but he just advocated to stop government funding of organizations which promote the spread of aids, such as via sexual promiscuity and "bug chasing". He also wanted to fund organizations which help reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. Know what I think is "anti-Gay"? Presenting HIV as a gay disease, like the leftist media did.

You're damn right about this too and I'll remember this example for when someone tries to blame Republicans for all the owes of the world. As for TV, I don't even own one. Until recently I read one MS news paper but I cant anymore becuase it just makes me angry.

A good friend and I have also noted that Trump doesn't like NATO and is planning on stopping the TPP, which to us is the most liberal thing we've heard in a long time. Though I'm not happy about his desire for the EU to spend more on 'defense', and I can't see him trimming back the $598 billion defense budget.

Frankly the more I consider the current political landscape the less I understand it. I know what Hillary and the Super-Elites are up to, but the role of Trump in their narrative elludes me.

CandyPanda ago

Well, if you want to discredit Comet Ping Pong for being a place for children, just point to this review back in 2007

"Comet has positioned itself as a thoroughly adult space, as dark and moody as anything in New York’s Soho neighborhood, with a self-conscious design that turns the place into a sly piece of performance art (pizza included). Nothing to stop a ten-year-old from eating here, but there’s no way he’d get it."

Hey, his words, not mine . ¯_(ツ)_/¯

thezodiac ago

The person said: "I think it has a map that seems pizza-related". The meaning is a little ambiguous, but to me there's no doubt it's a map. The doubt is if the map is "pizza-related" (the hell that means) or not. It doesn't matter if it's hand-drawn or printed. The problem is, what the hell "pizza-related" means? It's clearly a code for something.

domestiKgypsie ago

TY I've been using my phone, guess I do need to migrate to my desktop. Did you see the vid I'm talking about?

topkek1337 ago

Yep, I'm British too. Your friend circle must be pretty retarded because that's not what happens in mine. We use rationality.

Truthology ago

Well, I'm British too. And pretty much everyone I know think 9/11 was a load of BS. If you want to use rationality, then Building 7 falling inside it's own footprint, and PROOF that it fell in free fall speed for at least 3 seconds, goes against the laws of physics (explosives is the only rational explanation). Add to the fact that you have eye witness testimony from the guy who was in Building 7 as explosions were going off, then you have your eye witness. Including the lawyer to Rudy Guiliani who was also there. The evidence is ridiculous.

Two planes cannot take down 3 buildings. There are thousands of architects for 9/11 Truth, firefighters, police, lawyers, etc etc. They're practically DEBUNKED the official conspiracy theory.

topkek1337 ago

I'm sorry where is your building engineering and physics degree?

Truthology ago

Oh, you REALLY want the opinions of people with engineering and physics degrees? Then why not head over to ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 9/11 TRUTH. With nearly 3,000 signatures.

Or how about US Military Generals for 9/11 truth? There are hundreds of them.

Or maybe Pilots for 9/11 truth

Scholars for 9/11 truth

These are NOT conspiracy theorist websites but DEBUNKING sites made by professionals. But I have the assumption that you are not interested.

topkek1337 ago

What do pilots know? or Generals? or scholars for that matter.

That petition is bunk, anyone can sign it.

Truthology ago

Oh dear. I just moved my cursor over your name "Submission Contribution Points -3, Comment Contribution Points -18". Wow. It's pretty clear that you are nothing but a troll. I should have done that before, but now I know your not worth replying too.

Truthology ago

What do professional pilots or Military Generals know? Are you kidding me? Go back to school.

topkek1337 ago

Lol yeah pilots & Military Generals are known for their understanding of architecture and psychics. /S (you seem pretty simple so I better make sure you knew it was sarcasm)

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

It's still children.

thezodiac ago

If it is on a handkerchief, I would imply it was not "printed". It was drawn by someone. Maybe some guy made a "pizza-related" map and gave it to podesta. I think if it were a pizzeria, the guy would just give him an address. If he drew a map maybe this "pizza" is difficult to find, out of town or something.

thezodiac ago

I think it's more because of the context, of all the weird crypto-pedo shit he posts. What do you say about posting a baby's face and #hotard? This guy is creepy.

angular_planes ago

Yes. We should sticky a running list of false claims to cover our asses.

thezodiac ago

Sorry but I wouldn't be comfortable with satanists as high ranking politicians in my country, doing bizarre rituals like Abramovic's Spirit Cooking. It's sinister and they might do illegal stuff, like pedophilia and child sacrifices. Invoking the name of Moloch, which is a god associated to child sacrifice, is a little odd in this context. Also they'll sacrifice a "chicken", that we learned is a code for something else (remeber #chickenlovers?). Extremely creepy stuff. If you're fine with it, ok, but I'm not.

thezodiac ago

Wow this is huge! Please make a topic on that.

Sephel ago

Oh really? Please do explain the links provided by other users. @pizzagateruinsvoat? Hello? Are you there?

sentryseven ago

The arch of hysteria is headless like Dalhmer's victim. It is strange that both the artist and Mr. Podesta would prefer this depiction over a complete human in the arch of hysteria pose.

The point in your argument is don't go creating strawmen and you're right, plenty have been created. I see TrutherGirls on YouTube has been shredding pizzagate suggesting that it's part of a false Flag psyop. This is because of misinformation and dangling strawmen.

stickittotheman ago

Yes, it has significance. Think about it, with everything we know about the podestas, do you think the main centerpiece of art he has hanging in his house would NOT be pedo/serial killer related? Really, ... Like ive said numerous times here, this concept of debunking is in itself BUNK.

sentryseven ago

Yes, well, I prefer the term false lead. It is more in keeping with gathering of evidence process. The term debunking implies that the entire argument has no basis whereas false lead suggests that a piece of evidence is not applicable to a line of inquiry.

stickittotheman ago

Much better! Debunking is associated with sites like SNOPES which is pure CIA disinfo. Reminds me 911 conspiracy theory "debunked". False lead i can at least agree with. We shouldnt discard anything based on conjecture.

gangstabee ago

Alefantis says the girl's sister taped her to the table. They photographed it cause they thought it was funny. It's in the tour of his pizza shop video. It's a plausible story.

stickittotheman ago

and their names are ...

domestiKgypsie ago

Did you see the torture seen?! It looked like a tied up young man! I'm not able to slow it down (using iPhone). Would it be a bother to list the pics? The first one looks like a cannibal tribal person. There are bumper seats with many babies, but the torture seen was terrible looking.

domestiKgypsie ago

On the third debunk; no way is this photo significant to climate change and the planet's innocent creatures. Doesn't fit in the least (it's a lame excuse). What is much more plausible is the myth that is already been submitted. By far the above explanation makes sense in light of the entire discovery.

I'm comfortable discussing all 3 scenarios with no worries of lame debunkers. They will say anything to weasel out of this. One awesome thing is your Boum Boum discovery though. I'd like to know where that establishment is compared to the "devil's neighborhood".

domestiKgypsie ago

The "Boum Boum" photo was taken directly off Alefantes' Facebook page. Even though it was assumed to be his sign, it was the implication of such a room. You gave good research of what type of place had the sign. Is it near Comet and the other businesses? Maybe they allow underage in there? Young boys? It's worth looking into, you may have stumbled onto something significant. Maybe Alefante frequents the place? Or is advertising it for his insidious hook-ups for money?

UglyTruth ago

The 14 and the fish on John PĒD-esta's hands. That photo is attached to a Wikileaks email where he says he's happy about the #14 item on a climate change agenda: protecting the oceans and sea life. Even if there's a double meaning, the fact that there's a simple explanation is enough to ruin your/our credibility if we go repeating that crap.

So if there's a double meaning, the other meaning is crap? You can extend that argument to pizza a hot-dogs, too. A lot of people don't like the idea that there's some seriously dark shit going on in Washington DC. Here's a very simple example to show that it exists.

“For me, it has always been about trying to live up to the responsibility described by the Prophet Micah that we do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” ~ Hillary Clinton at a Baptist convention.

The thing is that the responsibility described by Hillary simply isn't mention in the book of Micah.

domestiKgypsie ago

I have to doubt the debunk of the "Arch of Hystetia." Dalmer was caught in 1991 and murdered in 1994. The "art" was rendered in 1993. It's an exact replica of Dalmer's victim; the arm and legs are expanded because it's suspended freely in the air which would stretch out the limbs, the victim in the photo was collapsed on the mattress. "Bourgeois makes this highly vulnerable position even more so by suspending her male figure from the ceiling. In choosing to represent him in an attitude traditionally associated with the female...."

Dalmer's victim was male, note the protruding pelvic bones and ribs, exactly the same. Maybe Bourgeois was inspired by the photo? Look at the time frames. She was commissioned by Carnegie (whole other can of worms). Either way, it's very very easy to connect her sculpture with the photo.

WatcherWatcher ago

The artist was inspired by a French psychologist in the 1800s. (See article link about sculpture above). That psychologist drew this and this was her inspiration

thezodiac ago

I agree with you.

Free_Radical ago

Great post. Way too many new accounts are pre-emptively trying to discredit the occult aspect. It's like they never saw the evidence - half of which is pointing in that direction.

Free_Radical ago

Good examples and you're right about making unsupported claims. That said, we should not over-police and over-question. It stifles research and creates internal conflict. If something is fully debunked, put it in a sticky and point it out - that's all. Don't divide the troops for the sake of "reputation". That unicorn is not going to run.

stickittotheman ago

Agree... debunking is BUNK. All leads should be followed and cataloged. No evidence discarded. No one has the authority to declare any "hidden in plain sight" coincidences that we havnt figured out the meaning yet as BUNK. I believe the staue has significance that we may discover later.

riggington ago

To be fair, it is the email talking about "pizza for an hour". Not "2 hours of pizza", which I think was just an example.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I mean, they got a lot of heat for it in the press, so they eventually changed up their ad campaign for the most part, but it's still known for it.

WatcherWatcher ago

Here's the artists inspiration (sketch by French psychologist in the 1800s)

thezodiac ago

In this picture the girl is not headless, is she? lol Also it looks more like Dahmer's.

LtSilverFox ago

I second that. Good post

militant ago

Good thread, wanted to do that myself since a couple of days but my english is too crappy. #1 is debatable, though.

Do you plan to update it as time goes on? If so, I agree with what Skanda said earlier, the 'James Alefantis = j'aime les enfants' thing sounds like complete bs since the beginning to me.

Lot of mad disinfo agents in this thread, btw. Keep up the good work!

GoldMoose16 ago

I've debunked stuff, have been ignored.

I have put out enough actionable info to shut a "charity" down. I asked for help. Once again I was ignored.

I gave guidance as to following a money trail with regards to Marina the spirit cooker. Once again, ignored.

Money trails are what will put these people in jail, not much else. That is the reality of things. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

thezodiac ago

A guy made a topic which he investigated dozens of charities just because the logo was a heart, so it must be pedophilia. This is insane.

WatcherWatcher ago

Wow - lots of reaction to this. It seems like most people get the spirit of what I was saying. Others think I'm being a shithead.
This whole idea came to me because I watched like 3 videos in a row that were really emphasizing and focusing on things that are easy to disprove or just very circumstantial / subjective. I want to be able to convince the people closest to me to take a serious look at this, and I know that if I point them at videos or articles like that (or anything Alex Jones / infowars publishes) they'll roll their eyes and it'll be almost impossible to get them back.

There's research on this site with documents tying people and money to places and organizations that are WAY more compelling leads (imo) and I think would make a jury pay attention. My point was, that we should have an objective team scrutinize the "facts" posted here just as critically as anything else so that if we were presenting them to a jury, we could feel confident that there wouldn't be a "My Cousin Vinnie" moment in the court room, where some overlooked detail in a photo causes reasonable doubt, and these sick fucks walk free.

Whoever said we should have a Wikipedia page format is totally right.

Also re: the sculpture and Dahmer - the thing is, the sculpture depicts fear and agony. That IS some crazy taste in art. Demonstrating Podesta's affinity for art that evokes those emotions is way more compelling than saying it resembles how Jeffery dhamer posed one of his victims. Christ, maybe dhamer was inspired by this artist... Point is, if you look at that dhamer victim photo (it's out there you can find it), yup it's headless and the back is arched. The arms and legs are folded in a particular intentional way that's not at all like this sculpture though. So to me, it's actually a distraction to try to make the connection.

Also, I hate the word "debunk," but....

Shogun77 ago

Some more misinfo being spread:

  • the logo of Comet only vaguely resembles a butterfly. It's two ping pong rackets similar to the Wimbledon symbol.

  • The alleged "decoded code words" list (eg pasta = boy) was created by some guy on 4chan, it's not some "official FBI" list as claimed by Alex Jones

  • John Podesta really is a chef and foodie. Thus, people should be careful about assuming that the food is invariably code. Some of the references are clearly strange though (eg hot dog stand in Hawaii).

WatcherWatcher ago

One final thing on the damn sculpture - holy shit people are hung up on it. The artist was inspired by a French psychologist in the 1800s. (See article link about sculpture above). That psychologist drew this and this was her inspiration-

stickittotheman ago

and you know this as the ultimate debunker that you are? Here's a clue... you dont know jack! Everything they do is hidden in plain sight and almost all of it has a hidden meaning or is a clue. Is it hard evidence by itself? No its not, but collectively it all is significant . All of these things could have significance later on because we havnt gotten all the pieces of the puzzle yet. You might as well declare the whole project debunked because there isnt any hard evidence smoking gun right now, but most all of us here know this is real because of all the collective pieces of evidence. Other than photo references like the guy with the l'enfant shirt misidentified as alefantis i really dont see any hard proof that anything can be officially debunked so i consider this thread a waste of time. Let the jury of public opinion see all the evidence and let them decide for themselves. That is what internet research is all about. Most of us already know the guy in the lenfant shirt is not alefantis. These mistakes typically self correct themselves... i dont want nor dont need any SNOPES type authority telling me what to believe. A poster below started up a debunking thread saying the statue was debunked, that thread should be shut down as it is detrimental to our objective here.

pall_mall ago

that wasn't how it saw it being used on the reddit sub.

Malignment ago

I agree these are three examples of bad investgative conclusions, however let's look at all three closer:

1) the sculpture was made after the Dahmer killings and it's missing its head. Whatever the story of the statue, it peculiarly resembles a serial killers murder, which he claimed was art.

2) the boum boum room is a bar at La'enfant cafe ... it's more appropriately called La'enfant boum boum room .... sick.

3) point taken - but we know these people like to hide in plain sight. High level occultist could have easily made #14 in these global initiatives that one .. and then Podesta scrawling it on his hands in ink is just ... weird. No?

ThorTheWonderful ago

Theres nothing wrong with running with these ideas, they reduce the worries of the enemies and sometimes they are actually double meanings to things. These are the same circles that made up the climate change agenda so could use such things as maps to code. The agenda itself is quite bogus anyway. "Global warming" was debunked and"climate change" is a normal progression of the earths natural climate change so it can't be debunked, but the way they are playing it is totally fake.

But I think most people do debunk naturally, skepticism is our second nature.

sheer-con ago

We need a Sticky with debunked nonsense. Another one is the supposed message board post about their app. This is disinfo nonsense to make pizzagate look bad.

Beware Alex Jones.

AgainstPedos ago

It's important to convince the naive public that we're not shills nor "out there" conspiracy theorists. I was reading on GLP (GodLikeProductions) and linked this site without commentary for those readers from other countries who weren't familiar with specific details of Pizzagate. I was immediately banned from GLP and they did not print my post with the link to this site. I've heard rumors GLP has CIA connections or sponsorship. The same has been true for other YouTube regular creators.

AnonDude ago

The naive general public doesn't even know the word shill dude. That's paranoid conspiracy nut talk. There is zero concern about shills. Just compile a list with evidence and let it speak for itself. It's literally that simple.

Mageza ago

In regards to number 3,with the 14 and fish: I wouldn't necessarily discount the possibility that this references the occult. Especially considering all the other evidence, it makes it less likely that this is JUST about climate change. Although that is certainly a possibility, and we should be careful to note that alternative interpretations are possible. We shouldn't stake our whole case on any one piece of evidence. Let all the facts together present their case. Don't necessarily toss out a piece of evidence that might make people think though, like the 14/fish picture. But you're right it could hurt our credibility if we point to it like "LOOK 100% PROOF" and then it ends up being discredited.

pall_mall ago

The email that picture is attached to, the timing of the tweet the email was referencing etc makes it really seem that somehow connecting it to a temple of set cult is a massive stretch. The things I've seen it connected to or used as a jumping off point are even bigger stretches. I understand the reasoning behind the thought experiments and what if stuff but it's really gotta be done with the assumption that the vast majority of it is just that. if you start promoting shit like that or really believing it as anything else then it is crazy and it does look that way.

my first experience with this shit was an infographic with that picture tying it to a pervert army dude in the 80s and a random crop in the middle of a email that said 'army cook book'. i almost dismissed this shit altogether because of it, glad i gave it a chance and realized not all of it is like that

MAGABoomer ago

And the damn menu. We debunked that here, but its showing up everywhere.

AnonDude ago

You're right, Beyonce really is a child eating lizard from another dimension with 10 clones walking around. Stupid me, classifying that as nonsense.

P.S.: what's grossly counter-productive is speculations, assumptions, sensationalism, personal attacks, infighting and monetizing information. A lot of "conspiracy theorists" are guilty of all 6.

ArchonFall4All ago

Can you link to a video where this is actually being claimed or are you just making BS up? It seems like you're trying to make a farce of the satanic/occult connections which are very real

standalone ago

I never said the contrary. In the absolute best case, he is accomplice to the charge of child rape, sequestration, psychological and physical abuse, kidnapping, traffic and probably even murder. He totally deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life and share his cell with a gang of horny homosexual rapists.

podestadamolesta ago

“How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me,”

True, he doesn't directly accuse Podesta of being a pedo but definitely outs him as being involved in child trafficking. I'm sure Andrew Brietbart knew Podesta was a sick fuck child toucher but wasn't able to prove it.

AnonDude ago

What's most important right now is using 1 place for the investigation, combining all our powers and let the contributors decide what information is relevant, confirmed or refuted (in the form of upvotes and downvotes for example). There is no room for speculation or assumptions in an investigation! Just sum up all the facts as clear as possible with the source included.

You don't have to be scared about burying relevant information. There is an unbelievable overload of bad information. The only thing we can do is distance ourselves from people or information that we disagree with or that you we can refute.

topkek1337 ago

What makes you think 9/11 conspiratards are taken anymore seriously than there were 15 years ago?

stickittotheman ago

Well how about the fact that less than 25% believe the MSM anymore? Here we have one of the last people on the planet to catch on that 911 was an inside job. Obvious shill. Nobody is that dumb.

WatcherWatcher ago

See that? What you did there? Are you telling me youve taken a critical look at the evidence for controlled demolition, and still think 9/11 truth is nonsense? Sigh

Skanda ago

The whole "James Alefantis" = J'aime L'enfants is nonsense. Alefantis is his real name.

standalone ago

What we need is a wiki in the wikipedia style. That way, we can discuss about the facts, link them to sources, and make the text evolve as new elements come in and keep a history of changes so that we can rollback in case of dispute.

TealHighCloud ago

I agree with a fair bit of what you said. But I do think Trump is a racist, unless he's just pretending be a dick to get into power. Though I also saw Hillary as a soulless bitch. Also I don't know where you live but my mates and family are totally aware that England didn't join WW2 to save the Jews.

standalone ago

arguably you could say infiltrated

Indeed. A classic counter-intelligence tactic is to drawn the fish by having shills write so much non-sense that the signal ends up being almost entirely covered by the noise and loses all credibility. If you see people starting to spin facts and exagerate claims, make completely baseless theories or try to steer the discussion away from its current topic, they are likely shills. No point fighting with them. Just ignore them.

C1REX ago

Just started FACT CHECK topic here:

I'm not sure if it will go somewhere but if you could just post a link to any info with a category we should put it on then it could help us a lot IMHO.

stickittotheman ago

FACT CHECK? who are you google? or snopes?

quantokitty ago

The more I see shills repeating ridiculous debunking theories, I realize how ridiculous your post is. You're the one that came on here and advanced the debunking theory about the number 14 and fish, aren't you? Or you're colluded with that poster.

Yes, I think it's important to debunk, but Alefantis doesn't get to tell us what's the truth and neither do you.

stickittotheman ago

THIS ^^^^^ have some common sense people... who the heck do you think you are claiming to debunk stuff that has not enough proof either way? This thread is BUNK

standalone ago

I agree with #1 and #2. Regarding #3, if you are referring to the other interpretation of 14 + fish being an occult reference to Osiris, it wouldn't be surprising if that had a double meaning. After all why would Podesta be particularly happy to have number 14 associated to marine life to the point where he would bother writing that on his hands and have someone else take a pic of him? Obviously he thought that was a good private joke for his peers with similar (occult) cultural references. That being said, I agree that we should drop that part entirely from the investigation because having some culture of the antique mythology and occult symbology is hardly a crime, and it would indeed appear as childish and "conspirationist" to consider that as circumstantial evidence of anything. This remains a good element to support separate conspiracy theories that the global elite is involved in a sort of cult, but that indeed won't do anything to help convince the FBI to investigate the DC pedophile ring. In other words, we should focus exclusively on establishing who is a part of the ring, establishing the relationship between the members of the ring, and provide for each member sufficient circumstencial evidence of pedophile activity to establish reasonable doubt and warrant an official investigation.

TealHighCloud ago

Nice post. I think the image should be presented like this, with the facts, not excluded entirely. It wouldn't work in a documentary or infographic but if we ever assemble all this into a website or dossier it should be included.

Long_Knife ago

The problem is any time you question anything here at all you have 5-10 idiots calling you a shill. So a lot of people just keep quite.Just because someone isn't swallowing everything they're being fed that doesn't mean they're a shill.

kgbbz10 ago

Ok so get the truth in central place. Or let people keep doing whatever they are doing because it's working. A simple search for pizza brings up so many wtf are they talking about MSM articles. More "normal" non thinking ppl are thinking just fine. I personally don't care what they think as long as they are questioning. I've waited 10 years for this "awakening". And every time I see a post like this I immediately think counter opposition. It's my opinion, don't care if you disagree. That's the beauty of it. This time it's about child trafficking, raping, murdering, possibly eating, definitely blood draining, children. CPS Foster care, all the "charities" are being exposed. Without the help of anyone. People are actually doing their research and people like you complain. MSM is trash and about to fail. Who cares if one piece of evidence is wrong, this will never go to Court Room. This is citizen Justice 100%. 99% vs 1%. Your entire point is irrelevant. And the ppl worrying about what PedoMSM will call you, Grow a pair.

TealHighCloud ago

I don't think he's complaining I think he's just making a valid point about spreading the word once we know we can exclude information that we were using as evidence.

KingKongPingPong ago

No, people like me look into each assertion or proof that comet-pizza is a front for pedophilia, and we find that all the so called evidence is based on carefully out of context edited bile.

Codewow ago

If you want to debunk any claims at all, please bring discussion and evidence to debunk it. "The owner of comet ping pong says there is no basement" is not proof or evidence against the inquiries into the comet ping pong basement investigation.

jstayz44 ago

I think it's important to preface assumptions as such. For instance, "the art at Tony Podesta's house could be x, or y explanation and is part of what seems to be a mountain of extremely odd art and preferences, in my opinion. His odd taste in artists and artistry is just part of the picture woven together with, up to now, compelling yet circumstantial evidence." Obviously there are a number of ways to say it, but we need to be careful not to allow assumptions to become part of the evidentiary story.

llm2016 ago

My thought: 1. Thanks for the link. 2. Please cite your source. 3. No debunk at all. Conclusion: You only made a minor correction, and you called it "debunking"? Try harder, don't be as lazy as the MSM.

quantokitty ago

I agree that debunking is essential, but some of your debunking is just not accurate. For instance, the "Arch of Hysteria" sculpture. Yes, we know what is said about why Louise Bourgeois created it, but the position predates her. It actually is an iconic pose of one possessed by The Devil. Hence, why it's seen in so many films. The sculpture had been written about as concerns it being an identical pose of those who were thought afflicted by demonic possession. Dahmer undoubtedly knew this also and had his victim's pose in this position. Bourgeois also was well-acquainted with psychiatry and the process so there's no way she did not know about the position either. She just did her take on it.

As to Podesta's hand pic, the first time I saw that photo, Mike Cernovich on Twitter used it to point out the bandage on Tony's middle finger is in the exact position of where Marina Abramovic suggested the cut be made for Spirit Cooking. Then there's the number of other cuts on his hand.

The Boum Boum room is the only one I would agree with you on. It's not there ... not.

TealHighCloud ago

That's useful info man cheers!

AnonDude ago

I'm talking about people that are spreading information not doing their research. Have you seen conspiracy videos on the internet? Before you know it people are talking about completely made up nonsense. Or is Beyonce really a lizard from another dimension, worshiping the devil, feeding on negative energy of the fans? Oh and the Illuminati cloned her 10 times, obviously!

Also what's even more ridiculous and actually kinda funny is that they even accuse each other of being shills/disinfo agents if they have different assumptions about a topic. You see this already happening with Pizzagate. And not to forget the psyop talk (without any evidence as always).

KingKongPingPong ago

The psyop is real. The occam razor to all this is some retarded trump troll buys into this and kills jimmy-comet or fire-bombs comet-pizza, and then all hell breaks out and they censor the internet. Thinking persons KNOW this is a all a PSYOP

AnonDude ago

Duh of course there's a psyop, but there is no evidence that anyone higher than the media is behind it.And usually you don't even need a psyop to discredit conspiracy idiots, they usually do that themselves.

unbiased_researcher ago

Yes. Always stick to the facts, and make no assumptions. I think if this conspiracy is proven to be true in the eyes of the public, then they will rethink some of the other conspiracy theories in recent history: Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, 9/11, etc.

What a mess this world is going to be for the next few years, but I'm all for it. It's the only way to clean up the corruption.

TealHighCloud ago

Yeah I hope people wake up but I doubt it. Definitely no assumptions though.

gangstabee ago

I go into more shit in my post that is debunked:

stickittotheman ago

Debunking is a word that should be banned on VOAT. It is a psyop word invented by THEM to discredit the conspiracies they are involved in on a daily basis. Just visit SNOPES or WIKIPEDIA and you will know what i mean.

MolochHunter ago

Look, maybe debunking isnt the best term - but certainly we need some terms that educate / remind people of jurisprudence - the extent of WEIGHT we can place on various types of evidence, because the one thing that undermines the investigation more than anything is people asserting conjecture as fact or concrete evidence. Or association as automatic participation/knowledge etc. Everyone here should seek to develop the skills not necessarily of a lawyer but at least of a para-legal who handles evidence

stickittotheman ago

Cant argue with that and i welcome anyone with legal skills to join our fight here.

UglyTruth ago

It's only danger is its ambiguity. If you know how to apply contra proferentem then your're sweet.

quantokitty ago

Totally agree!!! This is a dangerous post.

Gorillion ago

Yeah OP's standard of evidence for considering something "debunked" is extremely low.

quantokitty ago

Completely agree.

Some anonymous jerk comes on here and says everything is debunked and we're supposed to say okay? No. No, they're not debunked.

SecularPenguinist ago

I'd also like to point out that this pic of Obama and a young girl that people keep throwing in their Pizza Gate collages is him with his niece. /pol/ in particular keeps doing this. If it was just some random girl visiting The White House then yeah it would be creepy. But that's more of a Joe Biden move.

TealHighCloud ago

Good shout.

thefloodcontrol ago

1: somebody already said this but: its still fucked and totally resembles Dahlmer victim. 2: I've never seen the BBR in any context other than that it's a related business, the fuck are you talmbout 3:Fair enough

retractableclaws ago

I agree that there should be a sticky/megathread for debunked claims. Everything is happening very quickly, and each individual can only dig so far. Another person digs deeper (like with the fish thing) and a commonly-held belief is shattered. We need easy access to disproved claims.

Even if no sticky is created, you did good work in spreading this knowledge.

stickittotheman ago

no there shouldnt, who is the ultimate debunking authority? Maybe we can call SNOPES in to tell us its all fake.

ibepokey ago

Well, it's not. It's fucked up, but it's the artist's rendition of someone writhing violently in a psychotic fit.

Someone without a HEAD will probably not be writhing around for very long. the headless aspect of it is pretty hard to ignore.

thezodiac ago

About the points you said: 1 - Even if it's not Dahmer, it's still a disturbing piece of art, like all the art the Podestas like. 2 - The Boum Boum Room is not from Comet, but it's from a friend of James Alefantis, he is the one in the photo with the t-shirt L'aime L'Enfant or something like that. He is the owner of the L'enfant bar. He's probably part of the gay-pedo network. 3 - I didn't know this photo had this explanation, thanks!

The_Kuru ago

I hear you, but I wouldn't worry about these sort of forums being self-policeable. Let it be spitballing and chaos and let the cream rise to the top or the gold sift out of the sludge, or whatever analogy.

thelastaelor ago

except that's not how these things ever actually work out. It's always chaos and it all turns to shit. You're gonna need a little bit of regulation/ quality control to keep things productive

thezodiac ago

Good post. Here are some facts I gathered which cannot be debunked. We should focus on solid proofs, not bullshit. I think the smoking gun is the connection between Marina Abramovic, James Alefantis and the Podesta brothers. We should focus on that.

If #Pizzagate is not real, then we have to believe that:

  • John Podesta is just a foodie, he loves pizza and pasta and talk about it all the time
  • Podesta loves pizza so much that he draws "pizza-related" maps so he doesn't forget where are his favourite pizzerias.
  • People play dominoes on pizza and pasta, but it's difficult to decide which one is better
  • Marina Abramovic was just inviting Tony Podesta to a normal dinner at her place. She called Spirit Cooking like an inside joke, because of the strange and satanic shit she's been doing all her life.
  • Marina Abramovic is not a satanist, she's a lovely lady in real life, the bizarre shit she does is just her artistic self.
  • Tony Podesta is a lovely guy who happens to have a strange taste for art. He likes some disturbing pieces of art, and that's all.
  • James Alefantis is just a family restaurant owner who happens to have a very dark sense of humor and also a strange taste for art, based on the artists he invite to his family restaurant. He just like to post photos of lovely kids and babies, and make very dark comments. His followers also have that dark sense of humor and they just have a good time.
  • It's perfectly normal to "really want a pizza for an hour." Next time you go to the pizzeria you can order "2 hours of pizza".
  • James Alefantis love chicken so much he accidently post a man holding a baby , instead of him eating chicken ...#chickenlover
  • Price of chicken is high , that's why its a sacrifice to give one to the puppy name Moloch. Moloch here is NOT the name of a god associated with child sacrifice. He's really talking about Chicken.
  • The Majestic Ape is just a creepy artist (not a cryptopedo/satanist at all), and that is totally appropriate for a "family restaurant" like Comet Ping Pong. Bring your kids there to play some ping pong. Also they have a very creepy painting on the wall, just don't let your kids see that, they may have nightmares.
  • The pedo symbolism in Sex Stains video and Besta Pizza is just a coincidence.
  • Podesta also bought pillows and forgot them in someone else's home. This person was getting a hard time finding the pillows in her home, because pillows are very small and hard to find, I guess.

common_sense ago

Source for "2 hours of pizza?"

I believe you, I just haven't seen that particular phrase used before. I saw them asking how to split up a single slice, but not that phrase.

othelie ago

Can I share this, thezodiac?

thezodiac ago

Yes, please share. Don't need to put any credits.

not-myself-today ago

It's funny but . . .

The "pizza for an hour" quote could be short-hand for "wanna go and get pizza & hang out for an hour." There are lots of cases like this; it seems significant because we've already decided what we're looking for.

Smart move is to learn to think more like the deniers think; just because we feel like we know there's something going on here can make us blind to the ambiguities, so what looks damning to us looks like nothing to others; then we get mission drift & wind up looking like nutjobs.

thezodiac ago

I agree it's not the most incriminating evidence, but it's a little odd, and given the context, we can imagine what that means.

doubletake ago

superb. wow.

lookingfortruth ago

Do you have the link/source for the "2 hours of pizza" thing, and the really wanting pizza for an hour? I haven't heard of that yet. To be fair, there is a perfectly reasonable grammatical explanation for being better at dominos "on" things. Haven't you ever heard someone say that they do something "on a full stomach" for example? So he could (possibly) be saying "Do you think I'd be better at dominos having eaten pizza than having eaten pasta."

thezodiac ago

It's an odd thing to say. I don't think they're playing dominoes at all, lol.

Dressage2 ago

Dominos is referring to domination over the child. BDSM. There are at least two emails that refer to dominos.

AnonDude ago

Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over

Hang on, this doesn't sound bad at all now that i look at it for the second time. He probably just emphasized that he only has time for 1 hour and asks if they should get a pizza or eat at home.

AnonDude ago

There's also an e-mail where they ask

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

Freemasonsrus ago

Dominos is also the favorite game for Haitians.

pirawrr ago

  • Obama once ordered $64000 worth of pizza and hotdogs

SilverBanana ago

It is obviously a codeword. But I would need some proof before accepting it is a code for child prostitution and not any of the hundreds of other secret shit president is involved in.

pirawrr ago

Although people say that white house doesn't allow outside prepared food, I don't know if that's strictly enforced so it is still possible that it was actually pizza and hot dogs. However, given the context that this was found in Podesta emails where they used pizza in code language, I doubt it.

domestiKgypsie ago

From Chicago! I read that the WH can't accept outside food like that because of security. The event catered to adults too, no mention of his fake daughters having a party with friends.

AnonDude ago

Which, by the way, they have done before, proven by the last sentence in that e-mail where they asked if they would use the same channels as last time.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I would like to add a few FACTS

There are two times Amanda Kleinman directly references pedophilia, and one time indirectly. The two times directly are:

  1. The video of her at Comet Ping Pong -
  2. One of her music videos a text bubble above her head -

The indirect

  1. Her talking about a man jerking off to American Apparel ads (A company known for provocative underage-like advertising.) -

Shogun77 ago

You're missing the most important one. For some reason it has gone relatively unnoticed. Her music video neutered noel contains BLATANT pedophilic imagery: images of kids and babies intercut with images of sexual torture, rape guessed it: pizza. There is in image of Chuckee cheese, a KID WEARING A PIZZA OUTFIT, and a kid wearing a "sugar babies" outfit. The images flash by so quickly that you don't notice anything unless you slow it down. Someone created an imgur album but it seems to have disappeared. Video is still on youtube though.

lookingfortruth ago

This really needs to be documented/archived. It will probably be taken down.

Sephel ago

Thanks for the additional info. I'm compiling a fact-based piece to post on Facebook, and I'm wondering if you have a source linking Amanda Kleinman to these pedos in DC. Basically I'm asking, who is she? I want to explain who she is, providing as many ties to the whitehouse as possible.

Shogun77 ago

In addition to the videos of her speaking at Comet she's listed as the first person on their "friends" page.

thezodiac ago

She is tied to Comet Ping Pong / Alefantis, that's all.

Sephel ago

Didn't know if there was more to it, thanks. I guess I need to direct my efforts to linking Alefantis to the CF (which shouldn't be hard)

thezodiac ago

Alefantis was deep in the Clinton campaing, also he was boyfriend of that guy named Brock something, go figure.

domestiKgypsie ago

I tried a website to slow it down, it was still a bit too fast, although to my dismay I watched it many times and I believe I saw no less than 8 human torture photos. How can we get those out? Also ones with babies being compromised. Before they take it down.

thezodiac ago

Yeah I saw that, very disturbing shit.

C1REX ago

I've got your point but you are also sarcastic and wouldn't be taken seriously by a unconvinced person or a judge for example.

not-myself-today ago

Maybe the best way to reduce this loss-of-credibility factor is to be as honest as possible when presenting any possible evidence by letting it speak for itself, or not, rather than making any strong claims about it. People will still misunderstand but at least it's on them then.

KingKongPingPong ago

Reddit's Trump trolls are freaking out—and they're right

[ Remember the MODS here at /v/pizzagate are reddit trump trolls ]

The entire narrative was debunked a month ago, but even now the mod's here still delete and ban anything that challenges the 4chan/reddit meme.

Look at the 1M view in spanish yesterday, they have the satanic band playing, they have sub-titles in spanish, at the end the announcer say's "And the magic ingredient in the kitchen is KETCHUP" , the sub-title goes blank when he says this, in all edited version I have seen here, the ketchup statement has been edited out. So now we know too that the famous satanic band that talks about secret sauce is also mind-fuck. ... One of the most troubling LIES I see is Alex Jones who say's there are 1,000's of references to Pizza in Podesta email, no there is not, there are 18 at most, again people cherry-pick and alex-jones & co fuel a witch-hunt

The instagram photos it was a pubic restaurant, a teenage hangout it was common to post crazy stuff, and I think many of the photos and comments were posted by the ALT-TARD from 4chan/reddit

In summary all of pizzagate is LIE, now its impossible to discuss real child-sex slavery in USA because you will be ignored, I hope all the mod assholes at voat on this sub are happy. Me thinks that they're all pedo's, remember all this came from 4chan, a place where last year was rampant with real child-porn, CP, and they used pizza as their code-word.

My point is always look at those that do the name calling, because its usually a cover.

TealHighCloud ago

Mate don't trust Alex Jones come here and read it for yourself. We're trying to monitor what is accepted as part of the overall 'pizzagate' narrative. Also if one forum with a few thousand people can make it impossible to have conversations about sex-slavery in a country, that would suggests they're all idiots wouldn't it?

MeatballPizza ago

I suggested in the "Should we remove the Australian rugby " thread a number of already disproven theories, but still see them pop up as "facts" on videos. My suggestion was we have a DEBUNKED thread stickied and admis only update it. Newbs show up and post false stuff about a dozen times a day and we could send them there.

thezodiac ago

Yeah that australian rugby player is total bullshit

micha_ ago

To make these sticky is an EXCELLENT suggestion. It also makes it harder for shills and kids, to spam the forum with old, but sensationalist headlines and create attention from those, that are not so well informed.

podestadamolesta ago

Yes. We must present facts and facts only. I don't believe anyone said it was a tribute to Jeffrey Dahmer (there is no way of knowing that) but rather it is identical to the pose Dahmer put one of his victims in. The victim was headless as well. But yes, like I said, we must present facts.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The only way 9/11 "Truthers" have been discredited is if you listen to the mainstream media portrayal of them. I don't think all of the silly theories mean anything, except that everybody KNOWS that the official narrative does not hold together. It's not conspiracy theorists jobs to explain everything, I don't think. Just plant the seeds of questioning/doubt.

caliginosity ago

I agree, but I do want to point out that sometimes if we're so focused on debunking, we'll miss out on something. Just like the Andrew Breitbart tweet insinuating Podesta covers up sex slave/trafficking. Everyone tried debunking it because of the ACORN ordeal. Yes, it had to do with ACORN, but it is significant to everything else we know.

I do wonder about the Arch of Hysteria. It does CLEARLY look like the pose of Dhamer's victims. So I do wonder why he purchased that art piece. It represents pain, yes... but it could be for that reason, and the fact it looks like Dhamer's victim's pose. We don't know why, but it's good to keep it in mind as well.

TealHighCloud ago

Someone has already pointed out that its a position representing daemonic posession.

not-myself-today ago

I agree it's not really debunked because an artist can say anything s/he wants about their art, it doesn't make it so. But it still needs to be included in the discussion, just as Alefantis' denials do.

podestadamolesta ago

Correct. Art is subjective so an artist could easily say "oh it's just art". The Wikileaks are much more damning.

grlldcheese ago

There's actually a hugely accepted concept of art as whatever the world says it is as opposed to the artists intentions. So yeah. I'm not liking the "debunked" label.

It's called deconstructivism if you want to read a bunch of art historians jerking each other off and trying to justify their tenure.

It's definitely meaningful if a guys collection is all about people in agony and depictions of sexual abuse.

I own Lolita by Nabokov. I love 'Leon'. I have 'cheese' in my username. I do not hang paintings of child rape in my apartment and invite the neighborhood kids over for family friendly pizza parties and tape them to tables. There's a fucking difference.

xeemee ago

agreed - people are not being nearly careful enough

not-myself-today ago

100% in accord. Confirmation bias is our worst enemy.

Scoundrel ago

Also, who is to say that Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't inspired by the art as well... Alefantis's Instagram avatar is a statue of a boy toy of a Roman emperor. Like Podesta, Alefantis cannot hide his evil, it's everywhere, open and it's obvious. What else is eerily concerning is the automatic refusal by the MSM to open this Pandora box, why is that? Doesn't it make you wonder why, when millions of innocent children lives are at stake? For me not really, see Planned Parenthood. I would bet they're intricately tied into all of this as well. We know they're harvesting and selling babies, about how many degrees more disturbed and sinister would these people have to be to also include Satanic "Spirit Cooking" rituals to their list of backroom "services." I feel extremely comfortable in saying, not many more.

Gorillion ago

The artwork was created post-Dahmer murders. I double checked.

I didn't like OP hand waving that art as if it was "done and debunked".

Just because an artist or curator writes a clever spiel about something, it doesn't mean it's the true genesis of the art. It could easily have been inspired by the murder photos, even if the artist noted the similarities between what Dahmer had created and old medical imagery and added their own spin as a way of exploiting sensational imagery for their own gain (like the current fad for using MK Ultra imagery in everything. So transgressive and edgy!!! The early 90s were all about serial killers as a rising cultural reference point). Or that Podesta bought it because of it's Dahmer and violent sex & murder implications, despite what the artist thought they were expressing.

The problem is we can't prove people's hidden motivations for making or buying things unless there's a paper trail. Someone would have to investigate this artist more and see if she referenced Dahmer at any point or "borrowed" other imagery of similar origin. Did she have a reputation for trading on "Murder Imagery" dressed up as "investigations into gender stereotypes". Look into whether Podesta has ever made the connection between the art and the murder photos, on record?

Regards the debunking angle and OP's assertions: We keep talking about investigative terminology. Establish a motive for the creation or purchase of the art in question. Or at least attempt to, before declaring something "debunked".

"Some rando curator wrote an academic box of text about what the artwork is supposedly about on this website, proving no connection or reference to Dahmer's murders" does not meet the standard of evidence OP is demanding of Pizzagate.

TL;DR: Fuck you OP. Show your work.

WatcherWatcher ago

Take it easy dude... that psychologist from the 1800s drew this. I'm pretty sure this was her inspiration.

stickittotheman ago

I agree. Nobody here has the authority to declare something debunked! What is this snopes? All of the evidence gains strength when viewed together with other evidence. Just because the OP doesnt know what the significance of this is means it is hidden in plain sight like everything else they do and has not yet been determined. this debunking thread is nonsense! All evidence should be stored and none declared "debunked" by anyone! That is for a court of law to decide.

thezodiac ago

Yeah you're right. And Tony Podesta has a huge collection of disturbing art pieces, so whatever.

JrSlimss ago

I did a write-up going further into "Arch of Hysteria." Most important in my research was that the artist, Louise Bourgeois, had done cannibalistic artwork before.

WatcherWatcher ago

Did you come across this? That psychologist drew this and this was her inspiration

JrSlimss ago

I've seen similar references. My primary problem is that figure still has her head.

AnonDude ago

Debunking isn't the problem. People making assumptions, without doing any research, is. These are 3 good examples of just that.

There is a reason people think a certain way about conspiracy theorists, it's because a lot of people take it way too far and stop checking for facts somewhere along the way and go into imagination land. Illuminati, celebrity deaths, satanism, human cloning, aliens, end times prophecy and all that are good examples of that. There is some element of truth in them, but 90% of the content you find is complete made-up nonsense.

WatcherWatcher ago

Right... unless someone starts taking 9/11 truthers seriously in the next 5 years, it'll be "decades". Isn't that crazy in itself. There's fucking thermite residue in pulverized concrete dust. The entire crime scene was literally a smoking gun for months, and yet here we are...

topkek1337 ago

Well Sherlock, if it was an inside job why would they even let those facts get out? It makes zero sense.

WatcherWatcher ago

It was pretty hard for them to stop that cloud of dust w/thermite from covering all of lower manhattan. They didn't stop the facts from getting out. The stopped their media from reporting them.

WatcherWatcher ago

Just the part where people try to link it to Dahmer. It's an unnecessary stretch.

stickittotheman ago

I wouldnt be surprised if Dahmer was part of this group that just got too sloppy so they let him go down. It should not be completely discarded but i agree its not solid proof.

podestadamolesta ago

Well, it DOES look EXACTLY like one of Dahmers victims. Headless and in the same arch of hysteria. But you're right, we cannot go around making assumptions like that because it's not conclusive.

KittyTigerlily ago

Sorry, I don't think it's a stretch. As a normal person, I would never ever had some kind of art like that in my house. I have pictures of flowers and then a landscape picture. I can't imagine have crap like that.

Sephel ago

I don't think its a stretch either, I can't imagine which muscles its meant to loosen.

MolochHunter ago

The point stands. In respects of the way a court room would view it, that its connection to Dahmer is conjecture. Not unreasonable, certainly, but conjecture it remains. That's how we have to assess it. Really, ALL of this is circumstantial until we find blood samples in the basement of podestas house or comet etc. But that's OK - our overriding imperative should be to create such a public stink about the overwhelming circumstantial evidence that law enforcement has no option but to investigate. And I'm certain a faction of the FBI already has ALL the evidence it needs, its just hoping Trump lives to his inauguration and can compel other factions to stand down so that those FBI can bring it to the light. They MUST have a hit list of thousands of people - pedo, corruption, fraud etc that they could normally arrest right now but have to wait until the Democrats leave the whitehouse

C1REX ago

Very good post. I'm sure there are more "proofs" that can be easily debunked and to make the whole movement laughable. It would be great if somebody could make a list of

  • 1 - confirmed facts,

  • 2 - unconfirmed info,

  • 3 - false info.

topkek1337 ago

I can help with that. Some goes under number 2 but 80% goes under number 3.

C1REX ago

There is plenty for number 1 as well but nothing that will 100% proof their guilt. There are proofs that Clintons still keep in touch with convicted pedophiles and were traveling to rape island. Unfortunately for many Trump was also going there.

Lets be openminded and critical at the same time

thezodiac ago

Donald Trump was in Epstein's Black Book. Maybe he's not involved, but we need to check this out.

topkek1337 ago

heres a confirmed fact. I had poached eggs for breakfast. That's just as pertinent to kiddies getting raped as anything.

KittyTigerlily ago

My understanding is this, Donald Trump did not go to that island. But he did go to Epstein's mansion parties, and never ever went to that place. But he knew what was going on. A lot of folks went to Epstein's parties in his mansion, which were different from the island excursions, period, and not the orgy-type of things in his mansion.

everlastingphelps ago

Trump never went to the island. He was in the same social circles as Epstein, which is actually a good point. Epstein was a member at Mar a Lago, but when Trump found out that he was propositioning teenage girls there, he kicked him off the property and banned him from the premises.

lookingfortruth ago

Very good post. Also of note: The Andrew Breitbart tweet is in reference to John Podesta's defense of ACORN in 2010 when James O'Keefe made sting videos against ACORN. James O'Keefe posed as a pimp and tried to get ACORN workers' help in setting up a brothel. Videos appeared to show them helping him; ACORN was widely condemned and lost so much funding that they went under. However, in later investigations some of the workers were vindicated as the videos were proved to be deceptively edited and James O'Keefe paid a 10,000 dollar settlement. tl;dr the Andrew Breitbart tweet probably doesn't have anything to do with Pizzagate. But it's still of note that John Podesta was quick to jump on the defense of what everyone believed was a pedophile ring.

AgainstPedos ago

Wish they'd interviewed me way back when. Desperately needing a temp job I volunteered to register citizens to vote after answering a help wanted ad. I was not familiar with Acorn at the time living on the West Coast.

The man who hired me after a phone interview I later found out was clearly a pimp. After standing me and the others in our small group on our 1st day of work I called FL and really complained. Hearing I'd done so the man contacted me and claimed he was in a car accident. When I asked for specific details of his injuries and the damage to the car he couldn't give me a straight answer.

Then I got a call from a woman in FL who detailed his pimping operation and real intentions in placing the help wanted ad. She asked me how old I was and said he had stood me up realizing I wouldn't be interested in what he wanted. Ditto for the prospective co-workers who had waited for over an hour with me without a polite cancellation call.

No I was never reimbursed for being stood up or my travel expenses despite lame promises. Beyond thrilled Acorn was put out of business. Wish I could have helped to destroy their name further. Everyone I talked to in FL Acorn knew the man's name and that he was assigned to be in my city.

quantokitty ago

NO IT IS NOT!!!! Okay, either you're a shill or we''re now believing the most asinine explanations ever!

NO, THE TWEET WAS NOT IN REFERENCE TO ACORN!!!! It had everything to do with pizzagate and was prophetic. Andrew wondered why Podesta wasn't a household name as "world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs" and guess what? He is!!!! Thank you, Andrew Breitbart!!!

Free_Radical ago

Agree. We also have this: Remembering Andrew Breitbart: "F*ck You, John Podesta!"

“Fuck you, John Podesta,” he told journalist Dave Weigel, who then wrote for Slate. “What’s in your closet, John Podesta? Big Podesta? Big Soros? Do you want us to play these games? Because we’re playing to win.”

He's clearly talking about Podesta's own closet (and linking it to Soros). It's not about covering up someone else's misdeeds. Let's not "debunk" too soon.

quantokitty ago


These pizza eaters started floating the tweet having something to do with ACORN a few days ago, and now we have a shill floating in this forum.

Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with ACORN. That was the tip of the ice berg and something far more personal. .

llm2016 ago

You completely buy what the MSM sells, don't you? Andrew died years ago, and how can you be 100% sure that that was the case? AB tweet may or may not refer to ACORN, but one thing for sure - he said John Podesta is a pedo. You can't spin that.

lookingfortruth ago

Cut me some slack. Other tweets from same time period were about Podesta as related to James O'Keefe and Acorn. The tweet said he was a "cover-upper" "defending" pedos not that he was one of them.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Explain Breitbarts VERY odd response to PING PONG specifcally as seen here. From a context perspective this response makes MORE sense if he knew than the explanation you have to make if he DOESN'T.

llm2016 ago

That was not his only tweet.

standalone ago

No, he didn't say that. He said that John Podesta is a pedo cover-upper.

waxdino ago

Those videos were not a hoax. They were not heavily edited, that was the Media Matters narrative. O'Keefe made the idiotic decision to make that "funny" intro to his presentation where he dressed as a pimp. David Brock and Co. latched on to that to discredit him. They suggested that O'Keefe tried to represent that he went into ACORN offices dressed in that getup, but he never made that representation, that I can find. He calls the intro "b footage," and clearly thought he was being creative and humorous. It was neither, but shouldn't take away from his investigation.
David Brock wrote probably thousands of words about that pimp costume. Breitbart challenged him: just state plainly whether O'Keefe represented himself as a pimp in the ACORN offices, and he wouldn't.
That settlement doesn't mean much, of course there was some litigation surrounding a sting. But either way, that video is damnimg.
That said, yes, stop saying Brietbart knew about pizzagate. He knew about ACORN, which is also bad, and another piece of the puzzle.

lookingfortruth ago

Yes, I knew about the dressing up thing, which was a poor editorial choice and ultimately a distraction from the contents of the video. Doesn't change the defense that the ACORN employees gave - one asked the camera straight up if she was being put on. Another said she was afraid to challenge him and as it turned out her "contact" in Mexico was a police officer; another reported their criminal activity to the police straight after they left. Also videos edited out a part where the ACORN employee said straight up "no we will not help you". I'm just trying to do some unbiased research here. Full story makes them look somewhat less bad. I don't appreciate being called "shill".

waxdino ago

I don't remember reading anything about good agents, I just remember O'Keefe's Planned Parenthood video's subject calling the police right after. Not saying you are wrong, I obviously need to do even more reading on it.
But...I never called you a shill. I wasn't even implying that.

lookingfortruth ago

It wasn't you it was earlier in this thread. Sorry, I am new and am still figuring out the way replies are structured here.

waxdino ago

Ok. Have an upvote :)

standalone ago

stop saying Brietbart knew about pizzagate. He knew about ACORN, which is also bad, and another piece of the puzzle.

We have this self-explanatory and unambiguous statement from Breitbart that predates #pizzagate of 3 years and stands as a posthumous deposition that supports precisely #pizzagate's own charges against Podesta. It's entirely unnecessary to speculate about the motivation that led him to making this statement. Either way he is dead and took the secret of this motivations with him, so we will never know.

podestadamolesta ago

Well, even if it were referencing ACORN, he still outed Podesta as a pedo and child trafficker. And this was back in 2011.

standalone ago

He outted him as a pedo cover-upper, not as a pedo himself. After all this is the debunk thread!