stickittotheman ago

This thread is complete nonsense! So you are adding stuff as debunked based on what one person tells you? This should be shut down ASAP! You know 100% about the statue do you? You must know the artist personally then. Everything they do is "hidden in plain sight" and 99% of it has a meaning that doesnt make sense until you get more pieces of the puzzle. To say anything is "debunked" at this point is itself ---->"BUNK".

C1REX ago

I've added info on Obama spending $65000 on hotdogs from Chicago. It's as unconfirmed as we can't proof any it's true nor it's relevant to the case.

C1REX ago

Done. Added as unconfirmed as the relevance to the case is unconfirmed.

DystopianDaze ago

I have posted this several times, and been called a shill each time...if someone can disprove me, I'm listening.

An Andrew J. Kline appears as the Agent of record on Besta Pizza. An Andrew J. Kline worked on the human trafficking unit at the DOJ.

They are two different people.

Andrew J. Kline, formerly of the DOJ:

Andrew J. Kline, representing DC businesses for 30 years and affiliated with the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington for 10 years:

C1REX ago

I guess it's debunked then? What link should I use?

C1REX ago

Thanks. Added as debunked info.