DarkMath ago

Is the Haitian Special with extra cheese post from a PizzaGater? I looked into the google cache for this post which you can do by searching google for ""dr.nwo" "haitian special"". From the context of the conversation "Whip up a Haitian Special" fits in with what they're talking about which is having a party at Comet Ping Pong. I copy and pasted in what I found. And yes I know that I could have put anything there but you can confirm it's real by looking at the original screenshot. (how do I do line breaks here, all my comments don't show the carriage return I put in.) jimmycomet: a good time for a party and saying thank you ... - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BMM4BKyAA6b/?taken-by=jimmycomet Oct 30, 2016 - ... calebs.arkI: WANT TO BE THERE SO BAD! jurakoncius: ❤ ❤ ❤ ; jhatzisI'm on my way!!' dr.nwo: Whip up a Haitian special, extra cheese.

jurakoncius says "I'm on my way!!", meaning heading to Comet Ping Pong dr.nwo chimes in "Whip up a Haitian special, extra cheese".

The comment fits in context. They're talking about whipping up some food. Compare that to the last comment from kekmagic who's a PizzaGater: kekmagic: Lord Kek will strike at the followers of Moloch. Shadilay

That's exactly what any rational human being would type if they knew that Hillary got Lauren Silby released from jail in Haiti where she was serving time for DING DING DING child trafficking.

So what's up with you gangstabee? Are you just doing due diligence? If so I applaud you, that's the way to go. But if you're not you need to ask yourself why does Killary Clinton and Lauren Silby deserve absolution here. These are poor homeless Haitian children who deserve some justice here. We don't treat poor black homeless Haitian kids as throw aways. Agreed? ;-)

gangstabee ago

Thanks very very much for following up on that instagram comment. Amazing you sorted that out.

As for Silby. It just seemed that it could have been innocent upon my deeper research. It seemed like it could have been spun either way. I didn't find anything damning.

DarkMath ago

I'm so glad you brought that up because I did a lot of due diligence there as well. Why? Because I believe people are innocent until proven guilty. So here's the damming evidence on Laura Silsby, there's no question something fishy is going on: 1) Why did her lawyer quit after only being able to get the missionaries released, leaving Laura Silsby to face jail time? 2) Why was Laura Silsby's new "lawyer" wanted in El Salvador for child trafficking? https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/32/323249_-os-haiti-us-legal-adviser-to-u-s-haiti-missionaries.html 3) Why did Laura Silsby's new "lawyer" get a 3 year sentence IN VERMONT for "immigrant smuggling"? https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/fugitive-who-posed-lawyer-following-haitian-earthquake-sentenced-3-years-federal

TealHighCloud ago

Maybe you should read through the pizzagate information to help you. I think there's a community on a site called Voat. Also I have always lived in urban coastal areas with a lot of culture, art and a prominent homosexual community. No one ever tapes kids hands to desks.

ConcernedEnough ago

what a dishonest post. just saying.

DarkMath ago

What's a "Haitian Special with extra cheese"? Why is Comet Ping Pong's bartender crawling around the floor of Comet Ping Ping drenched in blood? Why does Comet Ping Pong have a highly secured file download area on their website? How many Pizza parlors have highly secured file download areas on their web site? ;-)

gangstabee ago

The 'Haitian special with extra cheese' could have been written by a Pizzagater. There's no date/time stamp on the comment. Where is pic of bartender crawling on floor in blood.? Only saw that the bartender posted sex-related pictures with adults in them.

Yeah. The secured file download is very, very suspect. I can't believe no one with the kind of skills anonymous has, has hacked that yet.

DarkMath ago

"Haitian special with extra cheese' could have been written by a Pizzagater.".........That's a good point. So I looked it up and found out the comment was made by a user dr.nwo whose Instagram account is private so I can't see his friends (although his picture set off my gaydar big time). Here's the deal though, two screenshots of this infamous post exist. I'm not positive but it looks like the first image was taken before PizzaGate went viral: http://imgur.com/a/txnm3 And this one is just after PizzaGate went public but before jimmycomet made all his photos private: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5bpn19/whip_up_a_haitian_special_extra_cheese/

So it looks like dr.nwo is actually one of jimmycomet's friends and only the last comment from "kekmagic" is from a Deplorable PizzaGate Conspiracy Theorist. ;-)

DarkMath ago

Could have been posted by a PizzaGater. That's true. How about we stick with the real damming evidence then: CPP's bartender is crawling around the floor drenched in blood. Better?

waxdino ago

Look, this thing is convoluted, but there's a lot more to it than that handkerchief map. If you're not a shill, open your eyes to all the connections. Here's a easy one: why are the Clintons and crew connected to so many pedophiles? Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Wiener, Dennis "Denny" Hasert. That guy HRC got off the hook for rape. The lady she got off the hook for trafficking (with a lawyer that was a convicted... sex trafficker). That organization Pedesto got off the hook for giving advice on sex trafficking.
Why is there a running theme of pedophila art among these people?
Culture, art, gay people- check, check, check. I'm fairly knowledgeable in all those areas. Can't say I run with pedos or enjoy pics of naked kids and "complicated" films that require an underground vault to watch.

gangstabee ago

I think Bill Clinton on that Epstein jet should have triggered its own outcry and investigation.

Weiner isn't a pedo. I think most of his debauchery was with women over 18 on web chat sites. I think that is legal. Don't know why there was ever outrage over that.

Podesta's connection to 'Denny' is very concerning. But that Hastert went down for a financial crime (even though he admitted to molesting his wrestling team)--and that a Goldman Sachs employee is emailing Podesta about getting 'Denny' to a japanese island, could maybe mean they're involved in a financial crime? Who is 'the guy that HRC got off for rape?' Name please. Laura Silsby seams like a proper Christian missionary trying to save poor children. I mean, it was after a devastating earthquake. If it'd seemed like she'd been regularly moving kids illegally across borders during normal time it'd be different. Some of the children apparently had living families but those families apparently all did not dispute that they had given them over to Silsby in hopes of a better life and education for the children. The 'adviser' was wanted by El Salvadorean police in connection with a 'prostitution ring' but apparently the adviser had approached Silsby and they had not known each other before (according to Reuters, Intelligence News Service). Furthermore the adviser claims innocence, and I don't initially trust any South American police claims as fact.

Do you remember the other artist other than bildurjevic or whatever? I know she had equally dark shit. I forgot how she's tied into all this.

I'm still reading, but I'm just not convinced enough where I can start telling people I know. And I'm certainly using a lot of my valuable time on this.

I'm not gonna lie that when people bring up Roberta's pizza in Brooklyn as some sort of place other than where the restaurant staff is on a lot of coke, it's just laughable. The bands that play at Comet Pizza, they're just art-rock hipster bands, with pretty good art on some of them, and I see people interpreting the visuals as if their satanic innuendo, it seems kinda ridiculous.

What organization did Podesta 'get off the hook for giving advice on sex trafficking?'

DarkMath ago

I'm sorry. I stopped reading right after "Weiner isn't a pedo.".....Dude what the heck is up with you? Seriously? What's your deal?

gangstabee ago

Keep reading after Weiner isn't a pedo?

DarkMath ago

Sorry, you lost me at "Weiner isn't a pedo". I deal in Reality only.

waxdino ago

Wiener was caught sexting an underage girl, and shared a pic of his infant son inches away from what is clearly a hard on in his boxers.

Thomas Alfred Taylor is the man she got off for raping a 12 year old. I just linked the first article that came up, but it's an old story. Clinton implied he was lying (he passed a polygraph, which "destroyed [her] faith in polygraphs"), and laughs about getting him off with loopholes.

Silsby transported non-orphans without authorization, claiming she was building an orphanage she wasn't authorized to build.

Look for the Washington Post article on Tony Podesta's art. It's behind a paywall now, but there are archives and screen caps of it. He had images of naked teens and an underground vault to view "complicated" films.

Read about the ACORN scandal. Agents in different offices were fimed undercover explaining how to file taxes as a prostitute, and how to harbor a few underage foreign sex workers. John Podesta was called in to investigate, and, surprise surprise, found no wrongdoing.

gangstabee ago

Yeah, good point I guess about the hard-on. Was the kid at least asleep? How underage was the girl 17 or 12 or 21?

Also, Silsby hadn't built an orphanage but she was apparently in talks to lease a building. Immediately after an earthquake you might have been forgiven for not completing the financing and paperwork.

Also, if he has a vault to view 4 sided video pieces a la in most museums, that checks out. Look at the size of the fucker's non-pedo art collection. I want someone to put him in Portugal or something.

P.S. guys, sorry I've been off the new developments the last few days. I dunno if I can take this one on personally. Maybe lightly.

fatjohn1408 ago

Yes, #hotard is very upper class culture. Go away shill.

gangstabee ago

Not a shill. Would love to stick it to the establishment as much as anyone.

Just never heard of the word hotard anywhere, so I'm not sure it's quite so incriminating.