duchessofdarkness ago

You're all over everything, of course you've done a good job. Nothing wrong with scaling back. As for me, I only use Reddit if it comes up in search results, I'll get some basic information off there but I never felt the need to make an account. Voat is a different experience. It's worth every minute I spend here. I'm grateful I get to be here and learn from amazing people.

anandaditi ago

A microwave oven is one of the most popular kitchen appliances these days. kitchenappliancestips.com/

captainstrange ago

If reddit 'neutral' content is what you wanted you could just write a webscraper to copy over the content from reddit to neutral subs.

Problem fixes itself in time.

wesmoc ago

Paraphrased lesson learned from the book “Good to Great”: the difference between a good leader and a great one is the ability for the great leader to leave while all of the mechanics of what he put in place continue to run without issue.

Strive for greatness!

ThorTheWonderful ago

You have done a fantastic job and during these politically stressed times, voat is exactly what we need even if 4x4 forums are not at the forefront of the pages. When our war of subversion is over and we have won, then we can flood voat with good times and great embarrassing photos of our follies.

lord_poseidon ago

sockpuppet for who? this is my only account.

readitagain ago

Racism speaks on voat. Even racists deserve free speech

JohnWicksPencil ago

Yes continue. It is precisely because you offer an alternative for free speech that I am here. Free speech is needed for controversial topics, not safe topics.

Please get volunteers to help run the site.

Snowleopard ago

I actually just migrated from reddit, because they no longer allow me to browse on my mobile without either downloading the app or logging into an account. That just didn't sit right with me so I started looking for alternatives to reddit on search engines and that's how I ended up here. I have to say that while I don't necessarily agree with all the comments, i feel like they are more verbose on average and you can follow the thought process of the poster. I recommended a friend come check you guys out. Wish I could do more to help you thrive!

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

Can we unstick this sticky?

axd ago

Please use only libre/open source technologies for Voat. Reddit used to be much more open technologically and technopolitically in this sense, but with the years they have removed any mention of this being a priority. Many people in the tech community would greatly appreciate this and would support a platform that held this as one of their core ideals without unnecessary compromise.

If you care about freedom of speech, you should also care about the freedom of your users over their computing. Don't imprison them into yet another proprietary platform.

Thank you for all the work you have done so far and plan to do in the future. A public forum is an indispensable part of a functioning and prospering society. I hope Voat continues to be great and even greater with libre technologies underlying it.

Scine ago

IT Director here. Making a site like this is a major undertaking, and you've done a phenomenal job with the resources you've had. Don't let this shit get you down. Keep your ideals, and never give in like those cocksuckers at Reddit. You're better than that.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t know the solution to this

I do!


If Voat is a home for truth–cited, sourced, proven–and only truth, it differentiates itself from Reddit. “Free speech” is how the kikes take over. It’s how they spread porn. It’s how they removed cultural beliefs from school. It’s why COMMUNIST BRAINWASHING ISN’T ILLEGAL.

Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good. – Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery. – Fyodor Dostoyevsky


So you want to allow jews to spread lies to commit genocide on whites and destroy the only civilization that humanity has ever had? Here’s the thing about free speech: Go fuck yourself. That’s the thing. Don’t like it? Tough shit. It’s free speech. Know what else? I CAN SAY I WANT TO “LIMIT” FREE SPEECH IF I WANT TO (I’m not). THAT’S ALSO FREE SPEECH.

But you know what else else? Every. Single. Other. Website. On. The. Fucking. Internet. has “free speech.” Go there. Seriously, go there. Go speak “freely,” as long as you conform to the neoconservative marxist worldview. Every one of them. But you know what? Voat and 8chan. That’s it for truth. That’s all that exists. Those are the only two websites where you can, literally, tell the truth. Truth is banned and deleted everywhere else.

And so you cocksucking faggots come in here, with your MARXIST BRAINWASHING, and you scream like toddlers (because you were raised on the idea that this is how you get your way) about WE WANT FREEEEEE SPEEEEEEEEEEEEECH and you have no fucking idea what that means. No goddamn clue. It means sockpuppets. It means bots. It means vote manipulation.

“Free speech” is “democracy”, which is communism. It means tyranny of the majority. It means AS LONG AS YOU CAN FAKE A MAJORITY, YOU CAN CONTROL ALL OPINION.

And so if you ALLOW anyone to say anything without restriction, truth doesn’t win. Ever. Jews win. Always. Because there aren’t restrictions.

This is just a statement to be made. It’s not even a desire for policy. Either Voat is a place for “free speech”–and it is therefore like every single other website on the internet: CONTROLLED BY JEWS AND USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THEIR PROPAGANDA–or it’s a place that PROTECTS TRUTH, and all that that implies.

Honestly, I hate THAT fucking retardation more than the jews’ outright statements. I really do. If a jew says, “All thoughts other than those which support my jewishness should be punishable by death,” I hate that less than a shabbos goy who says, “We have to destroy any place that doesn’t support free speech.” Because the former is just an enemy. The latter is a traitor, who works for the enemy.

RangerRickster ago

This place is fun and feels free, you've done a good job man. Reddit will get too full of itself and nosedive at some point if it doesn't turn things around. Keep going dude.

BitChute ago

You guys are fighting a worthy cause by standing up for free speech. The people who attack you and shut down your payments are the authoritarians no matter how they try to paint themselves.

As for balancing the content, it's tough, I would make a call to anyone reading this and is a regular here to share some PC content when you are also sharing some non PC content. It's unfortunate how the world works but it does work this way and we must live in the real world.

the_magic_man ago

Voat doesn't have free speech. Post anything centre or left and you'll get downvoted, lower ccp thus losing the ability to post.

BitChute ago

Some global warming, that's a pretty leftist topic. Lets test how this post does https://voat.co/v/science/2586238

BitChute ago

I'm going to put that to the test, I'm going to find some far left stuff now

BitChute ago

Also please let me know if you decide to share some share-to functionality, we'd add it.

OpenSourceUniverse ago

If you can without wearing yourself out, or driving yourself crazy, and without going into debt, yes.

sjwdisabler ago

"A majority of Voat users still use Reddit" Source? Don't bullshit us Putt.

ReadyPlayer2 ago

Oh man this better stay up I hate going to reddit

Humanacide ago

This shithole is dead already. When the retarded trump brigade set in all hope was lost. Can't wait till these losers log on one day and it's all history. By recent history these lonely freaks will lose their minds.

Brova_Hitler101011 ago

Pro Tip from a chan user of nearly a decade

You gotta market better nigger. BADLY! This place has such potential, and is the 4chan of Reddit equivalent. I actually respect this place...due to it's free-speech clause.

I came to know VOAT when Pizzagate was killed everywhere BUT here. Even over my homeland /pol/. It was where I did my research at. And others, who were like minded, could link up and discuss in more in-depth style research due to DM's. Don't delet VOAT.

the_magic_man ago

Voat does not have free speech, bad ccp means you cannot start threads or debate. No new member can survive on voat unless he's right wing or a conspiracy theorist.

Difference ago

Good observations. I've never registered on Reddit, for the record. Perhaps it's my age, but I got all the non-controversial online conversations out of my system about thirty years ago. Even back then, before the internet, non-controversial topics did not hold people's attention for long.

So don't worry, have patience. Persevere. Don't confuse a change in the state of your world with the overall trajectory of it.



Reddit thrives off of ads and gold getting dished out all day by gay wads.. Can I just send you like $5 /month or something?

flyingcuttlefish ago

looks like a full disk again :(

lord_poseidon ago

"free speech" doesn't inherently mean that a website will become a cumbox of nazis, pedophiles, etc. you're using post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning to rationalize the shithole this place is. plenty of other "free speech" websites are less shit.

the nazis and other shitheads here are completely incompatible with any kind of community that doesn't conform, because an exclusionary philosophy is at the crux of their being.

interneth8machine ago

I haven't cheated on voat with reddit since gamergate was still relevant.

AboveNormal ago

Which communities do you stay for?

Grifter42 ago

On that logic, you might as well worship Spez.

citrion ago

I do still go to Reddit to talk about sports, but for what it's worth, Reddit still hasn't proven itself as a civilized place to go if you're looking for an intellectual discussion. Like you said, that doesn't mean that Voat's taken its place, because it's dry on neutral discussion, but at least it means that Voat isn't "losing" on that front.

DanniJoh ago

Honestly, as someone who has never really been heavy into Reddit and wanting to have a lot of high hopes for Voat here it's gotten to a point where I find myself wanting to leave and never look back. Overall, I've liked the site and how it looks and operates. It's clean, has a much better look than Reddit, and just overall is easier to browse. On top of that, I really like the name, icon, and how each section is called a subverse (/v/) all feel a lot better than Reddit with it's clunky looking icon and subreddits (/r/) always feeling like a dumb name to me.

The problem I have is that I have no drive to interact. Sure this may be in part because I'm anti-social, but when I come onto the site to see what's up and my homepage is nothing but "niggers fighting" "look at this gorilla faggot" "nigger bitch gets a taste of the superior race" which is nothing of what I'm subscribed to and have blocked numerous subverses because that's just not what I'm coming here to see and not what I'm interested in at all, it becomes very off putting. It doesn't help that this is all you see on the front page along with "NWO" "They're censoring us" at anything (to which there are times where it's legitimate) when you're not logged in, which is bound to have newcomers turning around and saying "Nah; fuck that." but hey, front page is front page.

Add to this that most of the things I'm interested in and subscribe to like /v/writingprompts, /v/blender, and /v/gaming are either dead or just slowly being filled with the same shit (often because they're dead and no one cares anymore). Unless you are participating in the toxicity there's simply nothing to do, and people are so quick to shout people out, talking about "well fuck off back to reddit, we don't want to fragile ass here you bitch snowflake" without seeing that these people do leave and you should want them here to broaden out the ecosystem so the user base and support for Voat can grow.

Instead it's dying, and Voat is getting weaker because of it. It's painful to see because I want it to grow and be successful, especially because Reddit (much like YouTube) needs a competitor to rise up and get them off their fucking asses, but instead the site that so faithfully serves us is being suffocated by it's own user base and I'm not sure whether to classify it as betrayal or suicide.

Whatever, I'm signing out. Can't really post much without points I don't have because I don't have a reason to join the conversation. Sooner or later I'm going to give up and delete my account and then I guess I'll join the hundreds of other ghosts of this once promising platform. Until then, I'm trying to hold out, hoping there becomes reason for me to continue supporting. Though that wire of fraying thin, that candle of hope is dimming, and I've run out of fucking metaphors.

AboveNormal ago

I just came back, curious timing I guess. But I remember being on /v/writingprompts too, and maybe its time we pick it up again. I wonder though how long it'll take for me to get tired of trying, but I feel like trying now. I might lose my enthusiasm after a few days. But right now I'm going to write.

DanniJoh ago

The communities who support writing prompts have been one of the things that have kept me writing for a long time now. Without them, most of the time I don't have a drive to continue just because I know I won't build it up to a cohesive storyline and will probably drop it. Writing prompts have allowed me to make little snippets of a story without having to worry too much about the foundation and not feel too guilty about leaving it to it's own self contained piece. It's one of the few things I actually like about browsing reddit's /r/writingprompts, as the community there is alive and well. Without it, I wouldn't really be writing anymore. Even now I don't write that often because I don't have anything to make with it.

I've always been too pussy to comment anything but I would love to help grow the community in any way I can and knowing I have someone else who will be supporting the cause definitely gives me more of a drive to keep at it. I don't know if I have enough CCP to make a post, as since I don't interact I end up getting locked out of a lot of shit (and which has led me to believe that even though the system has it's merits, it's an overall flawed system that either needs to be reworked as I'm sure it's another thing stifling the communities ability to grow. Don't get me wrong, we're going to need a filter and it's a decent vetting system to avoid spam/bot accounts, but it makes being a newcomer or passive browser of the site, especially one who rarely interact like myself, a pain in the ass when it locks you out of being able to downvote or submit posts. It feels like a direct jab at the sites name and subtext of "Have your say!") but I have some old story ideas I can repurpose to make writing prompts out of, and would definitely be willing to write up some more if it would bring more life to the community. Take care and good luck on your ventures ~

another_account ago

Not at one time you dumb mutated product of incest.

Shillaxe ago

".... developers of the website were subsequently approached by venture capitalists interested in investing in the project."

This site is a controlled op, or did you think is was a bastion of freedom, taxpayer money funds it so I pay your wage foo. Putitout is a front, a cardboard fuckin cut out, go back to screwing your sister , inbred redneck.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Hey now I created a reddit account, the only reddit account I now use under the alias "Use_VOAT_Instead", I also go there to tell them things they normally would not hear but more tailored to their sensitive ears.

Though the neutral content thing is a real thing and totally exists. I'd prefer more active communities on here that don't revolve around "MUH JEWS" or "MUH GLOBALISTS".

AboveNormal ago

A start might be cleaning up /s/default, but if theres nothing to add to the holes made cleaning it, it might be a moot point.

What brought you to reddit in the first place? For me it was the puns. Long long comment chains of puns had me laughing. For some reason I'm not on the same boards looking for those anymore, I kind of just stick to my own interests, but I'm not really creating content as much as consuming it.

I guess after that - what brought you to voat?

Marijuana_Merlin ago

I came to Voat, and spend more time on this board then I do on Reddit ever sense just for the pure fact that I enjoy being able to say and post what I want. I am one of those few who would rather have freedom of speech over heavily moderated "successful" communities.

Anchy ago

Thank you @puttitout for everything. You are awesome! ♥

Cadster ago

personally, i do wish voat was a little more mainstream with more 'popular' content but not so much that i would want it to turn into a reddit. I never have even been a reddit member (4chan on the other hand....)

Shillaxe ago

I see it's ok with you that this site is run, AND PAID FOR, by government intel, even manages to pay wage slaves like you.

outside-the-box ago

Give it time for the gullible masses to see through reddit's censorship and propaganda. It's getting worse.

another_account ago

This proves you are the dumbest asshole here. I had one, deleted, left. Repeat. Repeat. Not complicated. Stop downvoating me with your Crensch and other accounts loser.

13Buddha ago

I search several sites but have neither posted nor commented on any of them except one time on Steemit. All of my postings and comments are for VOAT, exclusively, and it would be very, very sad if VOAT disappeared.

mik0r ago

Life comes at you fast sometimes. I know that I, and likely a majority of the rest of us, appreciate your candidness in this status update, wish you and yours the best going forward, and appreciate the effort(s) that you can put towards continuing to make things great here at Voat.

I've jumped ship from the big R, and have no intention of going back. Voat has taken its place in my daily rounds, and I look forward to whatever uniqueness is planned down the road from here.

Cheers mate.

arthurtwaddle0 ago

thanks for info

Opieswife ago

:) hugs @PutItOut

Bitchybadger ago

I never go to reddit. I love voat. It is a place where you don't have to walk on eggshells. In this day and age whe have to have filters. It is essential to our mental health to be unfiltered every now and then. Putt, you are our hero and mental health pro.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I hope voat stays up. The platform is so much quicker to get narrow-interest news out or broad news out instantly.

HateCumbuckets ago

Thankyou Putt.

Zalmoxis ago

Right boys.

Two things: dump reddit for your 'every day things' and start using Voat. Post everything you would normally do - PC or not PC. There's been an increase in them recently and I'd like to keep that going.

We can have both.

fl3x ago

How do you plan to prevent Governments and others with large amounts of resources from abusing a system that allows "rule by majority"? The mass creation and management of accounts across different IP's is a very simple problem. It's already an issue here.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

Putt, THANK YOU. You're doing God's work, my friend.

Let us donate! Make a link and sticky it. Let us back you up!

AwesomeGullotines ago


robabo ago

I was kind of blaming my self I thought some of my OP were not correct for the readers. I am in awe of you because you have taken on a great task. Thank you for your time and attention.

blumen4alles ago

All I have to say is what interesting timing for the site to appear up at first glance - but then realizing no one had made a submission in X hours during a time where many were monitoring the election processes in CA - preview site was down totally this time, and we get a quick fix & explanation after crunch time passes. Makes me want to start browsing the lesser gnown subverses and see how quick the black helicopters come. I dindu nuffin yaldabaoth.

poopingaccount ago

Make a pass for 5 bucks a month. You get paid and voat pays you.

Problem solved

7t ago

For some reason this site turned from a free speech alternative to Reddit into an alt-right echo chamber.

dedit8edwam ago

Voat is my go to website. I really appreciate all you do to keep it up and running. That is all.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Put, I never use reddit, and I surf voat every day. Phrase keep up the good work and I'll send you a donación.

Speaking of: when I created my account I was pissed off and made a stupid fucking name. It's there a way I can change it without making a new account?

I'm thinking cock gobbler.


IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

I use Reddit primarily for T_d and greatawakening and this is my first time logging into this site in like a month.

You’re the reason that this revolution will not fail. It will succeed because of people like you and I’ll try to stay active as often as I can.

Shillaxe ago

Lemme guess , Soros was the investor and your his antifa shill, fuck off Nazionist.

DunGaveUp ago

New addition here, testing the free speech thing. I'm censored everywhere else (and on the FBI watch list) because I won't stop telling. I'll spare you the details.

I agree that Voat is all bad news forcing me to browse Reddit, but I'm more concerned that Queerness2 can ban me for calling him out for censoring which triggered a global ban so I can't delete my account.

Grifter42 ago

Oh, look: All the top replies are SRS/SBBH/JIDF.

You are nothing but a puppet for a honey pot, you fucking kike.

pipechap ago

I think there's a time and place for everything, but appropriately distributed is the key. You don't talk to your mates the way you talk to your mother, and vice versa; I think that kind of attitude was expressed on pre-PC crackdown reddit when a lot of the now banned subs were allowed, you would go there to vent and you'd be civil on the other main subs that weren't dedicated to fat people hate or whatever your interest is.

RowdyBusch ago


Also, death to all kikes and niggers.

Shillaxe ago

"In early July 2015, following the dismissal of a popular administrator on Reddit, another influx of Reddit members registered with Voat,leading to traffic which again caused Voat to experience downtime. The developers of the website were subsequently approached by venture capitalists interested in investing in the project."

Could you tell us who the "venture capitalists " that invested are ?

RedditGaveMeAIDS ago

I’m also curious. Also as to what ever came of it.

AlanTuringsGhost ago

Frankly the only reason I'm here is for fatpeoplehate.

ATX_1138 ago

Thank you for all you do.

Conspiracyqueen ago

Reddit is ugly! VOAT is wayyyyy prettier. Jus’ sayin’.

P.S. I NEVER USE REDDIT. Also can you help me log into my old user account. Someone anyone ...

<3 conspiracyqueen aka @conpiracyprincess

Ywis ago

He is right. I use Reddit since the subs for a lot of things here lack content.

littul_kitton ago

I gave up on Reddit because the subs censor content. I used to follow the bicycling subreddit. They kept deleting my comments/submissions for being unconventional. If you irritate 4 people on a subreddit, out of 1,000 regular posters and 100,000 subscribers, you get censored.

I'd rather hear crickets chirping on Voat than be mobbed by the vicious ultraconservatives of Reddit.

heygeorge ago

He is right. But the way to change that is to post content here.

Fateswebb ago

I guess iPhone and Android apps probably aren't an option. Voat has stirred things up quite a bit. I don't think of it as a clone site. I think of it as a site for specialists. I don't want it to be like Reddit, I like that it's held to a higher standard, and the people here are a higher percentage of focused. Don't give up man, so many articles are stolen from voat users work, so much is uncovered by voat users. Reddit is like voat for beginners if you ask me. It's like when we (voat) had the internet and others had AOL... I'm glad we're here and they're there. I have never been a regular user of Reddit, BTW, but have been of voat since the beginning.

Roundhouseranch ago

Thanks. If anyone here has any time to help a genocided mother, please give me some tips on how to find info on child trafficking funding data. I need to be able to track down money trails to demonstrate not only how many dollars the state of Idaho is making off of my 4 children, but also how many dollars a certain CASA agency is getting for the kids they are trafficking, as well as ascertain the well being (or not) of the children they have sold. Thanks to anyone willing to take a minute.

flyingcuttlefish ago

This group might not have the info but they should know how to find the info -


Roundhouseranch ago

Well that is really all I need. Thanks very much!

flyingcuttlefish ago

The reason I know about that group is when they started up The Idaho Statesman did a great series of articles on their work. A good newspaper.

littul_kitton ago

I have read your comments on Voat. I'm sorry your family life is in such turmoil. It sounds like you have a hard time coping with these difficulties. Dealing with state bureaucracies can be hard.

Have you tried working with a counselor? Perhaps some outside advice could help.

Roundhouseranch ago

Thank you for your reply. I have had counseling but no amount of advice can make watching your children be deconstructed tolerable at all. I have to work very hard to maintain sanity lol. Since I am unable to help my children, I at least want to do whatever I can, in some small way, to try and prevent it from happening to others. The people who have done this are continually doing it to others and need to be stopped if possible. I just want to find whatever hard evidence is available and bring it to light so that the people in their victim pool can be on gaurd at least. I do not expect any bureaucrats to actually do their jobs and I am against government violence and coersion anyway. I am leaning towards just gathering data and using it for raising awareness through activism. If parents are aware and equipped with knowledge, they can just dry up the victim pool themselves.

hardskidder ago

I only ever use reddit because there's not many people active on my local's subverse, sending out posters voluntarily is a good idea but people only ever sign up for an alternative if they have a problem with the flagship, and people are also way too sensitive these days too, not just because some having extreme opposition against things like "there's only two genders." but the reason why I never wanted to go on these sites at all was because I was scared of my ISP and government seeing this, now I just don't give a shit, essentially this platform is restricted by fear.

0fsgivin ago

I think voats doing just fine man. I guesse its frustrating for you it's not growing like it should?

But I for the most part got no major complaints.

Also, people don't like the truth...its not just about neutral. It's about the fact that voat routinely pumps out so very hard, cold, dark, truths. THAT is always going to drive a shit ton of people away. People hate that shit.

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks for keeping it going. I don't use reddit anymore and I don't see this as a problem to be fixed. Voat is fine the way it is, it shouldn't aim to become the next reddit.

As I've said many times before, I think (compulsory) democracy is a mistake, the site will end up being run by brigades and alts.

GreenDell144 ago

I only went to reddit once to find out why voat wasn’t working. It was like internet kindergarten.

another_account ago

I've deleted accounts that I had in the past. I made this one. I'm not new. This isn't too complicated to understand asshole.


Thanks Putt, you're awesome!

Hang in there and Reddit will hang itself in time, and more first-run content will flow here. Even without that, having a place for the non-PC content is important too, don't pin your evaluation of the successfulness of the site simply on how mainstream/PC it becomes.

Leaders and heroes are by definitely not the masses.

butters4eva ago

I read reddit. I don't use reddit for anything but OPs.

Holonomic ago

Ohhh for crying out loud Put.....I'm not a baby and I don't need to see you prance around here on these pages everyday to know you are active with your site and doing things with it behind the scenes that we may not all know about or even understand.

I saw your post where you have sooo many other things in your life and am aware, and smart enough, to know --- there's a guy that has a LOT on his plate and I hope he is successful in what ALL he does.

I appreciate this website more than you know, and the crap I get away with here is unlike ANY other site. I can express myself and not get banished to faggot-hell and back, and I appreciate being able to VENT and express myself. To me, that alone is priceless, and whatever you do that keeps things going is fine with me. I'm generally nice to everyone here, but there are those refugee morons from 'other' sites that want to drag this site through the SJW-mud, and I don't like that, so I mouth-off about it.

As far as I'm concerned, I think you do a terrific job, and all the pansies that piss and whine about you being here or not, they should be told to go back to [d]reddit and crawl into their safe space and sob. Instead of bitching about what you aren't doing, why can't they appreciate what you DO do? I appreciate what you do. I couldn't do what you do. I wouldn't want to.

If you have things to get done here....fine.....do them. Do them as you can, when you can. Is the world going to implode of you don't? I see little glitches here and there, but so what. I couldn't care less. How big a problem are they, really?

You don't owe [me] any accounting of your activities. You can't have a site like that and NOT be working on it. What kind of dumbass would think otherwise? I appreciate your doing it, and couldn't do it myself, so why should I judge?

You have a GREAT website, and all the whining pains in the ass......send them to ME.

You are appreciated, and valued a great deal, so just keep doing what you're doing and know that it works just fine.

DietSodaLuvr ago

You're right, I still use Reddit, but I find myself using Reddit less and less. I just wish there was a way to get voat's numbers up so subs like fitness would be interesting.

FrogMantra ago

Hey the heck since reddit has banned uncensorednews I haven't visited that place. So voat we can use Stumble upon to get new content which can be posted here.

s4lt3d ago

I came from Reddit due to the redesign to see what Voat was still like. I'm glad to see you're still around. I agree that this site has become very unfriendly. The majority of the posts on the front page are so offensive I wouldn't blame someone for not trying it. In it's current state I can't recommend anyone look at Voat as it would look bad on me. I hope that the site finds a way to become less offensive so that it becomes a site I can enjoy spending time on.

SurfinMindWaves ago

You don't seem to understand that we don't like people who are offended.

coopzy ago

Nah fuck you, kike. 'Offense' is such a childish concept,

AOU ago

So you basically ask voat to become reddit.

Typical faggot.

s4lt3d ago

Well at least your reply reinforces and illustrates the point I made.

AOU ago

You're too late for the "let's fuck voat" party.

Putt doesn't care about its haemorrhaging loyal user base.

heygeorge ago

AOU, you are still so blackpilled about Voat. It's kind of sad. Yet you are still here all the time.

AOU ago

I’m not black pilled, I don’t see a reason to ~waste~ spend my time and money on a website owned by an ungrateful control freak who doesn’t trust anyone and ignores real issues.

You’ll eventually realize it and do like other loyal users who have been a huge help for this place, you’ll leave for an alternative that actually do listen to it’s user base.

Voat was initially a high school project and has become way too big for Putt. His silence towards his most loyal user base shows how much he cares.

heygeorge ago

Putt isn't silent, in my opinion. Nor do I agree with your other sentiments. So your assessments on my behavior, and the blame I would place for it on Putt, are incorrect despite your high level of confidence. Which site have you left Voat for?

AOU ago

Putt isn't silent, in my opinion.

Check his last comments and posts. How many posts in the past year he's made? Adding that he has totally been ignoring PM too.

Several loyal users (who have left since) and I came to the same conclusion: Putt is a control freak and it's a complete waste of time trying to help him. (his lack of support to janitors completely cancelled 3 years of spam reports)

His very last post is just about damage control mixed with passive-agressiveness because he's pissed to see voat user base haemorrhaging and clearly didn't expect that.

That's the reason why I'm done helping (time and money) someone who has no respect for the community.

Which site have you left Voat for?

I'm off to poal.co.

I have been added to the admin team after 3 weeks of helping with the dev, because that's how open-minded people create a real community (with talented mind in different fields) instead of trying to keep it to yourself like Putt did by being distrustful to anyone willing to help voat.

I'm sure we'll meet again.

heygeorge ago

I think Putts gets too swamped by PM. He hasn't been active (nearly at all!) on the main site, but during the port he was responsive and active on the test site. It has to just be a matter of volume. What do you do when you get 200 pings in 2 hours?

I didn't get the same read on his last post. I figure he just typed what he was thinking. But that's just me.

I'm sure I will see you around somewhere.

AOU ago

With all due respect, that argument doesn’t stand.

He can filter our PM from accounts. It’s very easy to implement that when you are the dev.

I didn't get the same read on his last post. I figure he just typed what he was thinking. But that's just me.

Damage Control. He never shows up to the community except when something is damaging voat (financially or technically).

Nothing ends well when it’s under the control of only one individual.

heygeorge ago

very easy to implement that when you are the dev

I think that is unimplemented. That's my assumption.

I thought Voat was keen on athoriantarism.

AOU ago

Explain me why he replies to some users' PM almost immediately?

Authoritarianism is the principle of blind submission to authority.

heygeorge ago

He's probably buried under a mountain of insanegoat PM's and other imbecility. I find that you have to catch Putts at a specific time when he hasn't been bombarded, catch him when he's on just after posting, or catch him lurking/using the site (which is exceptionally rare these days).

Don your tinfoil hat for a moment: Why do you think the cast of site agitators/antagonizers attack SBBH? Because Putts demonstrated that he enjoyed the offbeat humour. They are trying to break him so he gives up, the site shuts down, and the userbase splinters. So long as Voat is around, you will not find that level of attack on Poal.

AOU ago

You are pulling a strawman here.

Putt's lack of interest in voat doesn't have anything to do with agitators. There were more people willing to help than trolls.

But because he's a control freak that doesn't trust anyone, he had to handle all the issues by himself, which is time and energy consuming. That's were the cool and fresh HS project became a burden.

heygeorge ago

I was just wondering if you had noticed. I've no interest in attempting to change your mind.

AOU ago

Ditto. I'm just explaining my point of view regarding that situation.

RedditGaveMeAIDS ago

While I think the featureset of community regulated rules and such is interesting, it's not going to improve anything.

The issue you're mentioning is one of the user base, it's far too imbalanced. Letting those same people make rules, policies, and so on will just compound the issue, not fix it. That's just tossing more tools into the echo chamber.

If you want to attract a more balanced audience then you need to accept the fact that just because free speech is good, doesn't mean all speech is equal. Stop promoting content from the far ends of the spectrum on the main page where it drives off new users. The vast, vast majority of people don't want to see that. And for those who do, they can browse and search for it with no issue.

Either Voat stops being so one-note and gets a fighting chance at long term survival or it continues down this path of catering to a vocal minority that will never be big enough to sustain the site.

And those on the far ends of the spectrum need to face the reality that if they want to have places like Voat to discuss their topics, it's in their best interest that these platforms reach and maintain a critical mass of users that will let them survive.

another_account ago

No, I deleted my accounts. Duh.

Stop downvoating me with your alt Crensch

creaming_4_vengeance ago

I find Voat interesting for the unvarnished stupidity and prejudice on display here. It's very refreshing and I hope it never changes. This is a haven for stunted individuals who will never amount to much--it gives the place lots of character.

I love Voat. I love y'all.

heygeorge ago

@thebuddha I think you will enjoy this comment.

TheBuddha ago

I kinda do!

RedditGaveMeAIDS ago

You can have that stuff but showcasing it on the homepage guarantees it won't survive. Change or die.

cpebach ago

A majority of Voat users still use Reddit.

  • Yup, me too.

People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.).

  • Reddit has so many more users that their niche topic subs have many, many more participants in them...thus a greater potential for good content here or there.

They use Voat to post the things they can’t post on Reddit. This creates an imbalance where Voat becomes increasingly un-PC, while Reddit gets the neutral content (I know even the most hardened ideologue has a level of civility). The end result is this imbalance drives people away as people wear out when confronted by content like this over the long run.

I don’t know the solution to this, and I am not attempting to pass blame, I am simply stating a truth that has to considered.

  • This is true and this is a toughie. Creating more filters and easier to use filters would help in allowing each new user to better tailor his own experience with Voat. Also, as time goes on, more and more users will probably migrate from Reddit to Voat because an ever growing list of topics will be designated as taboo and un-PC. Reddit could slowly collapse and Voat could slowly gain their userbase. Once Conde Nast figures out that they can't make any money on Reddit, they will sell it to someone else, who will in turn try to totally whore it out, at which point Voat would gather the rest of their userbase...and they won't have a Reddit worth going back to. There may be some other smaller social media link aggregate sites like Snapzu and other obscure ones that Voat can poach from as well. Perhaps the Normies and the Crazies can coexist with the right filters in place. If you can get the help that you need to keep the site going day-to-day and play the long game, I think you can slowly unseat Reddit, IMHO.

ahship101 ago

Thank you all. I am a long time lurker/commenter. A 'Free speech" advocate. Keep up the Good work. Peace. (o.0)

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Please, let's continue.

cattarhero ago

I haven't been to Reddit in a very long time, and I don't ever intend to go back. Thank's for your work.

Obeastiality ago

I'm a reddit (and twitter and 4chan) traitor. I don't see voat's un-pc as a weakness though. Truth be told if i want original content and archives full of stuff I go to reddit, if i want creative art i go to twitter, if i want to laugh at autistic screeching that something wont fuck him i'll go to 4chan. I come to voat for the un-pc setting that's largely been free of shill influence thanks to the community. If anything I think going with that direction is what distinguishes voat; a larger focus on news and info is what i'd like to see, not the neutral stuff from everywhere else.

Also if you need to take long hiatus go for it. Honestly this place can be depressing as fuck, I myself take breaks from voat. Please don't let it get you down.

AndinBriwel ago

I don’t post allot. Very rarely. However, it’s rare that a day goes by in which I don’t visit this site regularly. Here is my view from my perspective:

Voat is a vital, even critical, service to a free people.

I don’t believe it’s realistic to expect a clone site to replace an establishment site. Voat and other such alternate sites are necessary to fill an important niche. I read Fox News, AP, and other news outlets, but for almost every event that actually has any real-world significance, I first learned of it here, on Voat. From Antifa antics to Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment, Voat is the aggregate “front page” where we learn of - and share - these critical events and occurrences. Without voat, or a similar aggregate, an entire majority viewpoint will be swept under the rug and into non-existence, as if it didn’t happen, and views like Antifa will be accepted as the majority. Sure, we can scour all the alt news sites one by one, but this is the place where it all gets compiled and discussed. Voat is a critical service to freedom. Freedom’s front page! I visit certain non-pol subs on Reddit for the content that’s there, and sometimes I even read posts there from those who starkly oppose my views. But it’s voat.co where I am made aware of the real news that is happening and threatening our liberty.

mxcviel ago

I once believed that people cared enough about the value of free speech to make “clone” sites like Voat (or gab) successful. I’ve come to realize, and have said before, that this single factor isn’t enough. People simply do not value this right enough...

No, Voat is incredibly important.

When young, I was convinced that majority of people prefer to live in shadows and even hate free speech, because of effort to see reality as it is. There were few who were different, they dragged whole lazy ignorant bunch into future like some altruistic nerds. Then I became aware that it is the system that makes people look like that they not care, but in reality they were very interested but so scared, sometimes even to think un-PC stuff.

So as teenagers we took forbidden articles disguised as school-papers to photocopiers and than spread them only to friends, or when I was traveling to other part of my then country where oppression was even worse I took whole package of some red pilling magazine on train and those were gone like hot cakes. People read it in haste even if they hardly understand the language, I was amazed. In 90' that whole communist system imploded also because of such small "free speech places" piercing through before final moment came. Without such scattered red-pilling actions nothing would had happened.

Most westerners perhaps now think that this censorship and injustice will just vanish by itself one day, because is so crazy& unbelievable stupid that it couldn't hang on over just next elections... I'm sorry. My experiences say that it will try to grow even worse and by all means. So every “Free Speech” site counts immensely, every in their own way. But I recognize Voat as really special, it is not just a site with opportunity to post something anywhere else gets censored, but it has a kind of soul from people hanging here. It is hard to describe but I have enough experience to smell it.

ps. About normal content, it is around the corner, just waiting to be invited, I wouldn't worry about that. :) That so called normal content is good cover for moles and shills of all sorts, I saw just other day one from my country here, with big ccp because of such normal wide agreeable content he posted.

modsrcuntz ago

I never go on that communist fag site. I despise it.

Deplorable_Me ago

Reddit is anything but PC, however I do appreciate Voat for it's openness and yourself for your tenacity.

RedditGaveMeAIDS ago

Some of it is, some of it isn’t. A lot of the big subs def seem to be. I’ve been banned from several of them for simply sharing news articles about things that show how the media claims anything that happens to blacks people is due to racism and when the same thing happens to whites people the media downplays it.

And this wasn’t done with any extreme language.

An admin for one of the largest subs called me a racist for pointing out blatant racism shading a white person.

BotMod ago

You can see this with Voat. A majority of Voat users still use Reddit. People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.). They use Voat to post the things they can’t post on Reddit. This creates an imbalance where Voat becomes increasingly un-PC, while Reddit gets the neutral content (I know even the most hardened ideologue has a level of civility). The end result is this imbalance drives people away as people wear out when confronted by content like this over the long run.

Also, these are for you: 🍪🍪🍪🍪

This was an automated response. If you think I made a mistake, well... too bad!

0100100-100110 ago

Reddit, 😂😂😂 check my Internet history. I refuse to mingle with the SJW of the Internet.

77777 ago

Putt is a tranny

coopzy ago

If he isn't why wouldn't he deny this???

77777 ago

Because when faced with the truth trannies just run away or spaz out.

cynicfm ago

I dont use reddit mainly because reddit users are arogant wankers.

Alexander-H ago

Fortunately, Voat was founded on the premise of free speech. I'll continue to enjoy the lack of censorship here, which, unlike on Reddit, can allow me to breathe the unfiltered worldviews of a small (yet vocal) portion of humanity, even if it is within an echo chamber.

To be fair, however, my biggest gripe with the website itself is that it makes it incredibly difficult for people of opinions that contradict the fundamentals of the echo chamber to be be a part of with the community. Due to my opinions, I rarely get upvoats, sometimes have comments at 0 points, and often get downvoats. This has kept my CCP below 10 for a long time and has subsequently made it so that I cannot make my own submissions (despite the fact that I joined nearly six months ago and am clearly a real member). I suspect this effect has caused people like me to decide not to bother with Voat, and this may have caused it to become an echo chamber.

Ironically, this echo chamber is one in which the vocal portion of its members praise it for not censoring them like Reddit would do, yet demand people like me stop posting.

It is my hope that there will be a solution to this, so that Voat may actually be a free-speech website, instead of one that can easily pretend to be by way of making it easy for the same type of people to communicate, and difficult for others. I'm not an expert in community management, but if I had to come up with my best suggestion, it would be removing the 10 CCP requirement for making submissions. I understand that it is a spam-prevention measure, but its net has caught more than it should have. We should apply the same sentiment of the ideal US legal system — if there is even a shred of doubt that someone needs to be removed from society, then don't remove them. A possible alternative to the 10 CCP requirement might involve looking at how long an account has been active and then using common sense to determine that if they have been here a while without getting banned, then they are probably genuine. But what do I know?


Xander_Crews ago

(((I'm actually white and non-religious.)))

Flour ago

Into the oven you go

Alexander-H ago

With an even coating of flour, I'll be ready.

hangry ago

I never heard of reddit till I was on voat. One of my sons got me into voat...I'm an old fart and all that.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I go to r/rhfy, but if I write any I'll write them here.

Hockey_Sweater ago

Three words: More hardcore porn.

That'll always draw clicks away from the other sites.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Booooooo. Like the internet is lacking in porn.

chrisman01 ago

It's not that people are unmotivated, it's that building a site from scratch and finding a way to affordably host it is something that requires heavy web design and coding skill. Skills that not many have.

Not to mention, as you've seen, more traffic means more money needed to host the site. Hard to do if PayPal and merch hosts cut off your funding for leaning Right.

This is all assuming you have a way to promote the site so it gets more users. I guarantee there have been other Voat clones, but they had no way to advertise they were there without getting censored on Reddit or sites like twitter.

When I still used Reddit I would constantly be banned and shadowbanned for simply mentioning Voat existed :/

RedditGaveMeAIDS ago

And this is why sites like Voat need to keep the far left, far right content off the main pages. This would not only attract more users but make a more balanced user and content base and this makes it much easier to get advertisers.

You can still keep all the far end spectrum stuff in the name of free speech but if you wan to grow and avoid creating echo chambers, you have to face reality and be pragmatic.

The leftists and regressive liberals will be vocal and try and shut down any site that doesn’t openly go after what they disagree with.

A good defense against that is to have a healthy “middle class” of center left, centerists, and center right types that vocally challenge leftist claims that sites like this are only “alt-right” havens.

AR47 ago

This place what I thought Reddit couldn't be, but over time it became a shit flinging competition. I started DIYGUNS with the best of intent, and I began to get threats of harassment to ATF intervention. Then I was doxxed.

Admin was gone at that time and unresponsive for hours....so I deleted my account and content. This is the type of shit that makes people leave.

heygeorge ago

ferret, are you being doxxed right now? You were never doxxed.

AR47 ago

I was in danger it, but I have moved now. Unrelated to them doing what they did.

Just didn't need to deal with them if they were going to do something.

heygeorge ago

I was in danger it

So, you weren't doxxed.

AR47 ago

My name as well as city and state were published for all to see on this platform. If that is what you want to know. But hey what does it matter huh? What does it matter that 7 separate accounts emailed me trying to get me to sell them completed AR15 lowers for cash there by committing a felony?

When I refused is when that was info on me was published.

heygeorge ago

We did get an influx of those gun redditors, do you think that was it? I didn't realize someone posted your name etc., that's beyond decidedly not cool unless one posts it themselves.

AR47 ago

No I think it is the element of assholes that have always been here.

The obfuscation of what it was that I intended to do, and turn it into something else, is what really pissed me off. On the bright side.

The ATF interview I had was great. They informed me that everything I was doing was completely legal, and one agent is actually helping me with obtaining an FFL so that I can possibly manufacture lowers, or at the very least be able to transfer weapons.

I know that wasn't their intent when I was reported to them. Big part to do with why I deleted my account.

heygeorge ago

Sometimes good things come out of seemingly very bad things.

I'm sure I'll catch you around the 'nets.

AR47 ago

I am on phuks with my old name.

Red_Menace ago

@PuttItOut did you write this while drunk? Seems more like a drunken rambling.
I'm sure you could find someone else to carry the torch, we won't blame you for wanting to.

Darksideofthemoon87 ago

"The only constant is change" - words of wisdom indeed. I'm here because free speech is 100% more important than safe spaces.

markrod420 ago

i go to reddit. but not to post because i am seriously banned from almost every sub. they just have more content. first i come to voat and wear out every new thing there is. then i go to reddit because voat is our of new stuff to look at. but i cant even participate in reddit anymore so i dont spend much time there.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Don't let deving this take over your life and ruin it though buddy. Better to stay in the race at this point. Don't trivialize what we have here. On a side note. Have you thought any on succession planning? Making Voat Immortal? that is not a whimsical decision.

poojarikhari ago

Awesome article! I want people to know just how good this information is in your article. It’s interesting content.. check here

Judge__Dredd ago

Good for you, and thank you from us.

Traveler ago

Eliminate the front page and only show topics that suggests subverses

urbanmoving ago

Reddit? that fucking hell hole

bulletproofaquarium ago

Continue. You are needed. You provide a voice for the voiceless and oppressed.

Dont give up.

seidoken ago

I stopped going to Reddit after the San Bernardino shooting, which I first heard about on Voat. I went to Reddit but there wasn't anything on their front page so I went to r/news and still nothing, that's when I realized that Reddit was trying to control the news so I deleted my account and never went back.

mralexson ago

I think voaters(including myself) need to invest more in the entertainment side of voat and not just politics

normal_white_kid ago

How can we help you achieve these goals? I would be willing to volunteer. Let me know what you need and I will help you.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

This site is amazing. Would love to come here for the neutral content as well. Hope it grows stronger over time.

fartyshorts ago

Oh yes, certainly.

LimeVsPink ago

Remove the front page until the platform hits critical mass (or whatever general directory structures you have). Opt in only to discussion and groups. Will not limit free speech.

eerf ago

Free speech my ass. Remember when reddit closed drugs makets and people rushed here? There was a brigade to downvote new users because without ccp they can't post, send pm ecc... Voat even banned some subs because these people were upvoating them self in order to be able to use the website. Whoever is running Voat knows this very well, don't believe their cheap rhetoric on free speech. @PuttItOut you are a jew and a lesser human being who deserve to get raped and euthanized

another_dot ago

I haven't been back to Reddit since I got banned from the Donald for telling a truth those assholes couldn't handle..then I found this place...keep up the good work! I'm the kind of person who will tell you what you don't want to hear before I'd lie to you..a quality seriously lacking in today's internet.

therealkrispy ago

I only view Reddit via archives, because it guarantees demonetization and no snooping on their part. As for the less favorable types of content on here, I keep any sub that frequently gets this in another set. When I'm in the mood to sift through it, I do. But my front page is pretty much just non political topics and pizzagate. Since doing this, I've noticed a change in my mood. I'm less pissy because I consume less politics and scroll past less racism. I'm not saying those that post racial memes are in the wrong, they're not. Free speech is important. I'm merely saying that it gets old, and fast.

i_scream_trucks ago


I dont know why you feel the need to apoligise for anything. You run the site not us and just like plebbit this place has its own list of people that will run off at the mouth and cry jew over anything that rustles their jimmies without realising that this is one of the few places you can do that and not get your arse banned (with a few exceptions) or getting doxxed or harassed for wrongthink.

Thanks very much for giving us this olace and your and your deputies hard work for jeeping it going.

Now get a couple of extra niggerfaggots and give em som supermod status so next time the place shits the bed we can leave you a message that something broke but we fixed it.

PotatoFarm ago

And yet once again you prove yourself to be a far better admin than pretty much any other admin of a site I remember.

Always remember that your efforts are appreciated and that you are fighting for a worthy cause, someday we may figure it out how to fix Voat's unbalanced posting and hopefully you will be rewarded for your efforts.

kalgon ago

Want to attract new users?

Change the gaddam default css theme, the light theme is really a huge turn off, it's simple it just hurts, the dark theme is awesome, the light theme is a crime against humanity, seriously, it's barely readable

If you don't know what to put instead just put the dark theme as default, for real, the light theme is too bright/contrasted, the fonts too dark and too small

Even a bumbass shit theme like this one is better regarding readability http://www.webhostingreviewslist.com/design/things-to-consider-before-choosing-a-wordpress-theme-and-20-free-wp-themes/ http://demo.wpzoom.com/?theme=energy&ref=24567

captnemo ago

I’m addicted to this site, it is confronting but I can’t stand msm anymore. Putt I think you are under appreciated, these are just minor outages!!

mynameisnobody_ ago

voat is more enjoyable to use. it just seems like a better ux.

also i like the free speech even thus theres some actual bad peeps here. id rather have them in plain daylight than ignore that they exist though. and theyre entitled to their pov, id defend that

YamaMaya ago

I stopped going to reddit years ago. Buncha whinny faggots over there now.

Umrtvovacz ago

I use Voat as my main news source and it's the first thing I check. I would never go to frontpage of Reddit, but unfortunately when it comes to subreddits for video games like /r/BlackDesertOnline or /r/PathofExile there is simply no way to replace these and there is absolutely no chance the majority of the userbase would move somewhere like Voat. There is even a VERY slim chance they would get banned by reddit and forced to move, as these subreddits are usually very PC. And for general gaming I'd rather go to 8chan as it's just funnier than the reddit, and the memes there are unrestrained. I am subbed to /v/gaming and even that is better than the /r/gaming despite smaller size.

So to sum, I only use reddit for very specific subreddits. Anything else can be better done using Voat and 8chan.

Othmar_Regin ago

Yes we Shall!!! I am a full-stack Java developer so I don't think I can be much help with voat, but if you need money or just a pat on the back that's no problem!

joshpecker ago

what is a reddit?

cantaloupe6 ago

Voat is well made. It's attacked, in various forms, to stop free speech. According to Marilyn Vos Savant some think it's politically and socially safer to have the masses under control. (At 720 below). It's to the detriment of the masses as well. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJVlHsJTwFo

Aida01 ago

Thanku you so much...

truckboattruck ago

if my defense, i have not touched reddit since the day coontown went down.

and it really is enough put, you just cant expect to get past their name recognition over night. their star fades a little everyday, they cant grow anymore. remember that

Gottmituns ago

Voat is in a similar situation to 8chan. The communities that were either banned or totally ruined went there, and those are the most populated. The rest not so much.

Tallest_Skil ago

8/pol/ has been saved. Imkikey is gone and there’s a new batch of mods who are actually right-wing. Give it another try.

Gottmituns ago

Yeah I saw, I've been going there more.

TheyLie ago

Perhaps reddit is perceived as so successful with neutral because mainstream engines heard the sheep there, and reddit`s been around longer so. ..Anyway, simple solution is obvious. Voat community needs to post more neutral material, fill the site up. Also, how to get voat to show up in searches. ..

DrSelfAppointed ago

No Reddit use here Putt. This is no clone, this is Voat, this is home. We don't need much more than a site that keeps chugging along, hick-ups or not. There really aren't places to go outside of here; We all learned the harsh truth of that during that last big down time event. Many tried to take up the slack, start new sites. One day Voat will vanish, as with all sites, but I hope it doesn't. Otherwise, we will be like a broken nation, strewn across the internet, lamenting a great loss. Regardless, I know I have, and will continue to be grateful for what Atko and yourself have provided, what we have, and have had.

another_account ago

You didn't refute a thing except in your deluded mind. You and Crensch are the same person. You bully any newcomer that is for sure but the reason is unclear. I'm sure Putt has had enough of your BS here, you seem to cause him a lot of stress.

This isn't an alt account, it's the only one I have (unlike you).

pangaea ago

I would say offer polls similar to how forums do but don't make them binding in the interest of preventing "raids". People could easily subscribe to a sub and vote with the intention of destroying or undermining its purpose.

boekanier ago

Long live Voat!

tragicwhale ago

I wish other subs here were a little more active like programming subs but maybe I'm to blame too for not contributing to them either. Tear

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

First off, I need to say that I know I’ve let a lot of you down (if not all).

You never let me down. You impress me.

Kr1ll1nX ago

Under a different account, I used to post all of the monthly PSPlus free games announcements. I quit after being called a spammer, repeatedly.

Why bother?

Nobody seemed to appreciate it, and as far as everyone else was concerned, I was just spamming.

So it's the "Janie is a Nazi" crowd that seems to be so focused on their own shit, that they can't appreciate when folks actually try and contribute with something other than burning crosses in front yards............

MadWorld ago

It's not spamming if you submit content from your own domain, or promote your own stuff, if you stick to the 5/10 rule. For example, you can promote your own site/channel in 5 out of 10 submissions. So if you are submitting reasonably beyond 50%, it's considered spamming.

If you stick to 5/10 rule, I think you should ignore the spam report/accusation; you can always back it up with your submission list as evidence. Some users will accuse you of spamming, just to stir shit up. Other users may have legitimate reasons, especially when the spammers use alt accounts and multiple domains to circumvent the 5/10 rule. To give you the most recent example, there is this pajeet group that has 5 submitter accounts, at least 5 domains, and about 45 alt accounts. Those submitters submit almost exclusively to their own domains.

:-) Have a good day!

memememema ago

Puttitoout. Without voat and other such sites i would be alot more lonely. Perhaps a moderator subscriber feature. One where you can subscribe to moderators that are independent of a forum or perhaps you have to subscribe to a forums moderators to.

Why not both features. Allows people control of there space but allows other people to uncensor content if they want to.

dr_dino ago

I'm new here. I'm not into the whole Jew conspiratorial phobia. I'm a white woman married to a brown man. Still I'm here for the free speech and honest opinions and I'm digging it. Ps fuck y'all haters.

Zanbato ago

Decentralized Social Media https://memo.cash/

Would be nice to see a Voat integration

shitlady_of_rage ago

@PuttItOut love u bb

Mark_it_Zero ago

I don’t post that often, but I haven’t gone back to Reddit since I started this account. Lurked for a bit. But I’m on here every night checking the news. And as it turns out, the Jews did it.

another_account ago

You're the one bringing it up, it's a non-issue to me but you seem to think I'm someone who gives af about your drama.

You ruined Voat.

Fact_Checking_Alien ago

There's rarely any interest in the non-political side of things when everyone decides to invade anything non-political with "Oh well but you're just a nigger". Voat has a hostility problem. It's the same reason why people go to, or avoid going to, 4chan. You cannot build a real community out of that when all everyone does is hurl the worst words they can think of at one another. Which I suspect is partly because Voat has attracted all the trolls whereas Reddit simply bans those same trolls.

What Voat is ultimately demonstrating to the world is that when people have free speech they proceed to go out of their way to be the nastiest humans imaginable. That definitely is not a "win" for the free speech advocates like myself. I never mention Voat precisely for that reason. It's a cancer that makes the opponents to free speech have a much easier job winning their argument. If you'll take my advice you'll stop with the "nigger this" and "jews that" and actively work on being the most cordial people on the internet. Otherwise all you do is prove their point for them.

BackAsswards ago

Thanks for everything you do for Voat and our online freedom of speech. You are truly doing the world a favor.

moviefreak ago

Chill, bro. We love it here, just take it easy.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You can see this with Voat. A majority of Voat users still use Reddit. People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.). They use Voat to post the things they can’t post on Reddit. This creates an imbalance where Voat becomes increasingly un-PC, while Reddit gets the neutral content (I know even the most hardened ideologue has a level of civility). The end result is this imbalance drives people away as people wear out when confronted by content like this over the long run.

I don’t know the solution to this, and I am not attempting to pass blame, I am simply stating a truth that has to considered.

What is your goal Putt, to ascend the Alexa Rankings? To one day be able to boast of your website in polite company? This is simply not going to happen for some time no matter what you do, but is that what you would really want?

What you have fostered here is a hub for European survival. You are a European, you know what's happening to our continent. I know you lurk the forums and have come to realize the amount of knowledge that is spread here. You cannot imagine the people who get information from our subverses, but I call tell you, they are not angsty teenagers. While you may feel your position is small and thankless, the role you play is vital to our people.

I wish I could take the load off your back, many of us feel the same way. Let us know how we can help.

ThierryofAlsace ago

On my 3rd account now and i never go to reddit. Sorry that fucking losers like Reddit.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Fuck reddit and any faggots that go there.

Nesano ago

I do use Reddit, but I only linger around communities that are small and, as a result, wouldn't have anything over here on Voat, so I do it out of necessity.

Nesano ago

Why not let us give each other Voat gold? Wasn't there something about certain sites not wanting to do that with Voat or something?

1moar ago

Must be the galactic fucking water, I swear.

To answer the question, yes. But you already did.

Baconmon ago

How about make some cryptocurrency donation links so people can donate crypto to voat..
I was thinking it might make you feel better if you use like 1% or 2% for your self.. Then I realized you wouldn't like skimming money off of money donated to voat, so what I thought of was you can have 2 types of donation links, one link that has 100% of the donations go to support voat, and the other donation link where 98% goes to voat and 2% goes to you, because there are people on here (like me and others I'm sure) that wouldn't mind donating money to you too so it isn't quite as painful having to maintain voat with no reward at all..

But at the very least there should be a crypto donation for voat.. Monero is the cryptocurrency I would recommend, but you could accept multiple cryptocurrencies also.. You can't just eternally keep denying being able to donate.. I know you think it is chivalrous to try to maintain all of voat for free, but believe it or not a lot of people on here would actually be happier donating to voat knowing that they are keeping voat strong, instead of fearing every week that some thing might happen to voat because it couldn't manage to withstand every thing..

Elbower_of_Quants ago

The internet would be empty without Voat.

Do fundraising Meetups. Create a small delegation including yourself, if possible- if not, a couple of dedicated travelling evangelists. Create a Get out the Voat campaign mapping out travel locations and times across the U.S.. Maybe some of these fucking goats will provide a place to meetup here and there. Traverse the country passing the hat. You do fundraising the old-fashioned way and build a fucking super sticky community. I'm willing to put in a coupla hundred if your peeps show up in Ohio.

People in 2018 need to put up or shut the fuck up. Too much yakking about how much they hate the SJW fungus and not enough let's dig in our heels and ACTUALLY support great people making a difference on an internet that is being coded from a million corners to resist the pioneering spirit of freedom. We can take this shit back and supporting Voat developers is one route.

Remember the name of Apple's old evangelist? Not that Voat is a product of that level of product but money IS made through evangelism and if the merchant globalist systems won't provide that service getting on the road to connect with users and their wallets will.

I'd love to hand a check to a couple of Voat evangelists at a Polaris Parkway bar or a Columbus Ohio home over some brews. Bring it on. I don't think I'm the only one. FUCK merchant services- they can eat my asshole out. I have cash and check they can't goddamn touch.

Strange how technology is creating its own backdoor into the old school. Happens every time Socialists and Communists get their grubby paws on shit.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

Thanks Putt. And there are some on Voat who are magnifying exponentially the un-PC aspects of Voat to the point of toxicity. Crensch is a prime example, and so is Tallest_Skil . I don't like shutting people up, but these Voat could really benefit from losing these individuals' baggage...they are so toxic, abrasive, combative, hostile, and extreme, and forcefully interject themselves into every post and are staring online 24/7 it seems like, with little life or sleep outside of Voat...

flyingcuttlefish ago

also, these same types post replies with an abrsative phrase that is entirely unrelated to the matter at hand.

They aren't making a point or giving another idea... they are just using the usual ethnic slurs and swearing with no topic mentioned. It's not a reply at all, just "lookit meeee! lookit meee!"

GoodGodKirk ago

If I ask for one thing, it's for an image hosting service or teaming up with one of the available online services. Nothing is worse than posting content and receiving "WTF IMGUR?!?!?".

flyingcuttlefish ago



GoodGodKirk ago

Is it integrated? No?

Not using then, but thanks for the suggestion.

chronos ago

http://picinfinity.co/ uses multiple sites to host pics

another_account ago

No, "Still salty that clear rules were put in place to prevent you from forum sliding and (((shutting it down)))"

This is what you do. Obviously. I had no idea anything like that happened or it was an issue.

wild-tangent ago

thanks. I tried to make /v/bicycling work, not enough neutral users.

flyingcuttlefish ago

sorry, didn't know about it. I'll check it out ....

wild-tangent ago

Thanks it was that and /v/budgetbiking which was trying to fix the errors of /r/bicycling, which is basically "Hurrr here's a pic of my totally normal, totally stock bike." Instead it was product reviews/what works, what doesn't work, what's annoying, etc., for bike related cheapie stuff.

Scrooblemeyer ago

You mean you didn't realize the Jooooos control the entire bike industry? That was sarcasm, by the way.

wild-tangent ago

Lol. Yeah, if anything Taiwan controls it. There's a really rich and interesting history about it. Schwinn went over to Japan to raise production because even with the factory running 24/7 couldn't keep up with demand. Their bikes were built so solidly that salesmen would stand on top of the kickstands to show how durable and Buy It For Life they were.

Japan turned out a pretty solid couple of products, namely the World and LeTour among a couple others with solid build quality for a reasonable price.

Taiwan did them one better, though. Both times, Schwinn sent their manufacturing experts out to teach them how to assemble, manufacture, run the lines, source good metals, etc., and they'd pay a licensing fee and keep going.

However, Schwinn got a bit big for their britches and began pushing around Taiwan who wanted to maintain good ties with Schwinn. Their manufacturing was so good that other bike manufacturers tried getting the then-called Giant factory to start making their bikes for them, provided no patent infringement was taking place. So far, Giant had honored their agreement to not violate patent laws, (which was a huge credit to them.)

Schwinn made several marketing mistakes. They'd done really well with the 20" wheelie bikes, but didn't transfer to BMX, even when the writing was on the wall, until it was too late and the boom was almost over. Same with mountain bikes and hybrids (though they did make great ones in the Mesa Runner, Neu Citi, Crossfit, Woodlands, High Plains, High Sierra, etc., almost none of them were made domestically. All of them were sourced through Giant in Taiwan, or Japan, because they were always reactive rather than predicting). Their one remaining domain was in road bikes, which were, in my opinion, the absolute best they'd ever made.

Unfortunately, they never modernised their factory in Chicago and had abandoned it. If they'd just gone Chromoly, gone alloy rims, and ditched the single piece crank, they could have kept the Electro Forged technology and had a well-sub-30 lb. Varsity for their entry-level offering for not very much more in cost, and ditched their reputation as makers of super-heavy bicycles that had fallen out of favor as the Tour de France became famous and everyone began scrambling for lighter weight bikes, and everyone remembered that Schwinn mostly made heavy tanks.

That said, nobody was noticing that out of their factory in Mississippi, they'd already ditched their super robust lineup of heavy-duty bikes in favour of some of the nicest bikes of that period, for some of the best price. They got their steel from Italy, and their parts from Japan (no longer making their own), but built the frames in the factory to an amazingly tight and affordable spec. Per dollar, they're some of the nicest bikes money can buy, even on the used market as the name brand has been run down to shit. They don't look like much, either, so they're a perfect "sleeper" bike you can use to knock "better" bikes down a peg or three.

But yeah, Schwinn eventually went bankrupt because Giant had them by the balls on every bike that people wanted to actually buy (hybrids, mountain bikes, and BMX bikes). Road bikes were just not exotic enough for the customers, and Schwinn bought in too much into superhigh quality steel without the reputation for it. Trek and Bianchi beat them at that, while aluminum makers like Klein, Raleigh's Technium, (and even some Trek models) entered the market with their aluminum frames, and even Giant began to innovate with its Cadex carbon fiber bikes. Schwinn was, for the last time, caught in a reactionary stage and had to import aluminum road bikes from Taiwan, this time under not very favourable conditions, and it ate their profit margins into nothing, finally burying Schwinn as a company.

Giant continued to grow. Now it makes things for every bike company you can think to name. Even they're trying to just keep China at bay.

Makers that rely on Giant:

GT, Diamondback, Fuji, Trek, and more.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Does Schwinn even make bikes any more? I think I saw a Schwinn branded bike at a Walmart a year or two ago and it looked cheaply made. Is Walart where they are being sold now? There was a Schwinn bike shop in the neighborhood I grew up in 40 years ago but they moved to a better location 20 years ago. And I know they went out of business a year or two after moving. I think Schwinn is still making their exercise bikes like the AirDyne series.

wild-tangent ago

Nah, Schwinn went belly up '95 or so, after that they were bought by guys who make wal-mart bikes. Lots of old school good brand names are basically owned by foreign companies to exploit brand recognition.

They've Tried picking up their quality the past couple years with retro-looking commuter type bikes and are sold by Performance Bikes as their entry-level models, but it's still nowhere near what it was in terms of high quality stuff relative to what else is available on the market.

Yeah, Schwinn Bicycle Co. sold all its stores. Some became local independent chains that sold for Trek or other bike manufacturers. Odds are they went under because the parent co., went bankrupt.

Schwinn's airdyne and most of their patents got sold- but most of what got produced wasn't Schwinn stuff, and wasn't at the old Schwinn factories.

But not all is lost. Waterford Precision Cycles is Schwinn. It literally was where the Paramount factory was, by the same workers, etc., you can even get an old Paramount made brand new by them, or send your paramount for them to restore it. They're still rocking. They made the Paramount, Prologue, and a few other models for Schwinn's top-of-the-line bikes, I think they did the original Schwinn Voyageur and a few others as well. They do a lot of custom builds now with modern parts and the like, but keep the heritage alive.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Thanks for your reply and the time it took. Very interesting to me since I've owned a few Schwinn bikes over my life including a green Stingray with the banana seat and tall shifter when I was about 6 years old back in the early 70's. Now days those bikes are worth a lot of money to collectors but I rode it to death for 10 years.

Dark_ArrowDCU ago

Gab turned to trash also. My loyalty lies here.

Dark_ArrowDCU ago

I love voat. Reddit sucks.

peacegnome ago

I'd just like to add that driving traffic to smaller subs is impossible on voat because there is no "related discussions" for x-posts.

Liberty4thewin ago

Yes we shall continue!

viperguy ago

Voat will take over reddit COMPLETELY one day after one or two reddit mistakes to happen.

This is based on history.

Our Admin means the /MGTOW popular reddit forum that countless voat people here quietly still go to AND less controversial hobby sites on reddit, but he is correct.

Its why Ebay with its THOUSANDS of listings restrictions and us LEA control overlords has no real competition... people go where the enslaved eyeballs go.

For voat to be as big as reddit it can happen overnight via simple overreach.

Remember Digg.com , they lost over half their base by deleting complaint posts concerning censorship at digg.com over a few deleted strings of numbers representing a HD-dvd key. At the time of the digg.com censorship google showed 283,000 pages with the material they tried to censor, and then censor the censorship complaints : https://yro.slashdot.org/story/07/05/02/0235228/diggcom-attempts-to-suppress-hd-dvd-revolt

Digg lost over half its users then eventually ALL its users.

Rmemeber ugly white on black text MySpace.com ? It was evaluaded at tens of billions of dollars and in one year vaporized to no users when everyone fled for a site with enforced black on white layout called "Facebook.com"

All 100 of the top 100 largest web sites on the internet are pure black text on near white backgrounds. Use any listing. All 100.

Anyways others disappeared from policy changes. mp3.com, many more.

voat can take over reddit.com

And if it has the servers and code, it will. And Then it too will decay one year by introducing ad-friendly zones, that ban the word "nigger" or "fag" or "kike"... or some slipperly slope.

It also can be attacked from within by those that dont want alt right free speech of any form

It serves as a priceless tool of us gov LEA as a honeypot of sorts so they will partner to keep it alive typically

But RAPIDLY massive exodus of people could free other sites and congregate here based on historical FACT

MYSPACE.COM was 12 billion value to zero based on a few admin mistakes : https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/jun/30/myspace-sold-35-million-news

If voat can handle 100 times more users in a surge, just as reddit scaled and could, then it can take over reddit

hell it can take over gab.io

it can also us https to create web based semi-secure chat login pages for mobile users that cannot be "store blocked" nad become the next big thing for secure chat

It can also foster political scandal exposes that get the voat discussion pages to be mentioned in mainstream press : "As being discussedon on free speech political site voat.co this week..."

The biggest problem is it needs tu run fine without any use of Cloudflare at all.

Cloudflare deleted two massive free speech sites so far and this is going to be the third large one pulled.

first DailyStormer, then an altright site, then a sex worker site with over 50,000 whores (Switter).

voat probably needs to just be free enough under the rules of a single nation, and therefore staying out of porn and whoring might be a necessity for free political speech

Dfens ago

Here's a good one. New posts in v/technology keep getting downvoted. It’s always -2. Clearly the problem is that people don’t care about free speech.

ben_matlock ago

Never used reddit before. Voat is my first stop for info.

mememeyou ago

I love Voat & all the work done to stay up and running. However your comments regarding the extremism are concerning, considering you sound overwhelmed with the amount of current users, yet complain about scaring new users away with 'extremism' which would only make your job harder right?? ... People would not even be here without the 'extremism'. There are plenty bodies here happy to get more involved and even bail you out if this is not your calling. Not that i blame you, but it sounds to me like you are being pressured to allow this site to fail, bit off more than you could chew, don't know how/refuse to enlist support. But it's starting to sound like you just don't like the viewpoints dominating Voat. Where is your evidence that any of us are Redditting?? Come on Putt, don't bullshit a bullshitter.

biggreenmuscles ago

/v/niggers is a community service

nobslob ago

Great post, you really hit the nail on the head. A clone will never win, it has to improve drastically over the old site.

Reddit has a LOT of weaknesses to be improved on, and you already mentioned a few great ones. I hate how reddit's voting system works, if someone can figure out a better way to allow community moderation, curation, and voting then you'd see better traction against the old guard for sure.

I agree that if voat's only difference is freedom of speech but the rest is a clone of reddit's features, it'll continue to stagnate with offensive speech only and eventually be abandoned.

chronos ago

I disagree. As Voat continues to go down over the coming days/weeks/months people will continue to migrate to sites with active admins (see plural) or other type platforms even if they are clones. At the end of the day, content prevails and cannot have content if the site is regularly down.

Haredeenee ago

thank you for eloquently proving my point kev. I knew I could count on you.

Mumbleberry ago

Anus munching snow mexican faggot

Haredeenee ago


Mumbleberry ago

Yes, you are a cucked joke censor fag

Mumbleberry ago


ViperCarbz ago

People use Reddit

Who gives a shit about the masses using a commercialized website featured on pop internet charts? You're in the wrong game if the goal is to make money or be popular. Think back to when FB required a college email.

EvaPilotHusker ago

Hey man, if it helps I found this site a few weeks ago, and I just now made an account. If niche works, pander to the niche.

swinston79 ago

Been here 2.8 years and have not been back the that damn site.

FattyWhale ago

You can see this with Voat. A majority of Voat users still use Reddit. People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.).

I think this boils down to the site's population more than anything. There isn't really much room to discuss more specific topics on here, barring those specifically banned by Reddit (see: FPH, Pizzagate, etc.). So things like specific video games end up being baked into a broader board, in this case, v/gaming. Unfortunately, this is far from easy to solve, and not worth solving at all, if it means compromising the devotion to free speech that this site values so much.

I plan on sticking around till the bitter end. Free speech, at day's end, is worth protecting, and this site is a little bastion of that in an Internet that's become increasing hostile towards it.

SkinnyMagna ago

Voat is my go to for news and lulz.

So we need neutral content? Ok.

My concern is voat farms springing up and choking us out. Strong content helps reduce that risk. How too grow without losing the soul of voat, that's the question.

Clem_Fister ago

I don’t know how I found this place - I don’t do reddit - but I believe this site will grow and evolve over time.

I post some edgy stuff sometimes, but I ignore most haters, or people who are so invested in this place that they routinely go after each other on a personal level.

Yeah, you’re going to have a reputation for a while, as the media “discovers” you and lumps you in with the crazies, but most people don’t pay attention to what the media says, anymore.


another_account ago

Obviously you don't know who I am lol

You do realize that you just revealed what you do, right?

Dfens ago

Just one of many alts. It can’t be easy to keep them all straight, especially for someone like that.

another_account ago

Kevdude/Crencsh I know he has many more.

sore_ass_losers ago

"I know I’ve let a lot of you down (if not all)"

Not at all! You have brought me up. Thank you very much for your site. TImes when it is not working make me realize how unique it is. And how much I need to vent in a world gone crazy.

jcal22x ago

Please don't be discouraged. Voat is still growing. You're doing the right thing. No one actually expects you to be perfect.

Get some help. Voat is getting big and needy. You're not a superhero. Don't think that you can do everything by yourself. It's okay to ask for help.

Hire a lawyer to fight to get the income stream back. Can't afford one? Call in a favor from some buddy you went to school with. There must be some kind of action you can take to get the money flowing again. Open an LLC or something!

Keep your head up. You can do this!

glassuser ago

I always thought derram was a pervert's bot.

Pulverizor ago

Nah that's @Dark_Shroud lol.

Dark_Shroud ago

Still upset that not all of us share your quaker belief standards.

Pulverizor ago

Oh hell mate, just a little joke. No offense intended.

Dark_Shroud ago

This is old, but your above comment was right below this gem. https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2626563/13292369

You were trying to make a joke and I didn't catch that. Because I often receive little bitch comments like that from people on this site who probably shouldn't be here.

ConflictedSelfloathe ago

I don't blame you for putting Voat on the backburner. It seems to be a passion project, and maintaining such things can be difficult if you start down a new road. However, I will say I clicked more on the front page of Voat than I ever did at Reddit. For most, Reddit is only a "must" due to the size. If you want to participate in a hobby community, you're going to end up on Reddit... for only those things.

Realistically, as a community, it's far too hard to break away from Reddit when it's so heavily populated by the "normie" memetard Millennials. This target audience intersects with hobbyist activities, like DIY, video games, comics, etc. It's the hub of the internet, which this site will not be for the foreseeable future, since fluff and feel-goodery are much less polarizing than realism and far-end political discussion. Reddit jumped the shark when it started to remove free speech outside the realm of minimum legal standards.

another_account ago

Oh we know each other.

jewd_law ago

I thank you for this site regardless of what happens from here out. Not only do you have the stress of life, running a site like Voat, AND having to deal with the overwhelming onslaught of attacks on free speech - you still take the time out to write this. Thank you is all I can say.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Reddit has been dead to me for a couple of years, got sub banned for stating the simple truth and the rest of the site is now shit to me. This site doesn't fuck around and you can be frank, good shit.

chronos ago

Any down voats are seriously fucking up my retirement plan. Was counting on cashing out all my points and living off the fat of the land.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Love you putt!!

Damnpasswords ago

Dammit Putt, this affirmative consent shit is ruining the mood

SecularPenguinist ago

It's a shame that most people don't care enough about their rights to actively defend them.

Chempergrill ago

We need to get Putt a submissive girlfriend.

zyklon_b ago





Ta1co1ma1 ago

feed the good wolf.

24601_JeanValJean ago

As an almost daily user of Voat.co for almost two years, I've recently been worried that Voat is losing it's brightest and cleverest poster/members to other sites. Lately there's been too many arguments and what appears to be childish (literally kids posting) posts lately. Yeah I've used R_ddit a few times but mostly for crack related stuff; politically I avoid the site. there's days when I sign into Voat because someone posts something that makes me laugh out loud and makes me glad I found this site and have been a member...niggerkikefaggot was one of my first welcoming messages! We are living in a world of true double-think: we are censored by the gubmint and msm and we don't like it. Yet we self-censor because we tacitly accept being censored. Voat is a last bastion of freedom. Thank you for telling us what is going on and thank you for sticking with it.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

I love Voat. It’s one of the few sites I bother to visit at all. Voat keeps me informed.

Moodog ago

I use Reddit still. The same way you urinate on someone who is on fire.

lakeyosemit ago

I wholeheartedly agree with this unbalance you mention. An idea I had last year to "fight" this and make Voat more enjoyable (at least for myself) was to write a bot to cross-post the most popular reddit threads from these neutral subs here, for instance from /r/rabbits which is just cute bunnies. Just enough to create active non-political subverses, not too much as to spam Voat or make it too reliant on reddit's content. However I had troubles with Voat's API keys (which I wrote one or two threads about, sadly on a rant-like fashion) and never got to writing the voat-side of the bot (I made the reddit side using praw). I think it's still something to consider, and I might eventually do it if no one else does.

Regarding the announced change it sounds like it could be a great thing, at least in principle. In practice I'm not so optimistic, partially because Voat is already federated enough such that each interest group can have its own independent community, partially because it doesn't really attack the "unbalance" issue. Actually I think it could be better explored if used as a tool to further Voat's role as a website for political discussion, as these communities could be self-managed and more engaging in the community aspect of subverses (rather than the content side), depending on what the feature set will actually be.

ZYX321 ago

I use Boat because I can be sufficiently divorced from my actual interests to avoid doxxing to some degree. I came here because of something that happened at Reddit I didn't like (I dont remember what). I like that people can say faggot. I wish people were less insane. Less angry. More human. More interested in understanding. I can't imagine in this environment, where there are such prolific shit posters that even a casual like me remembers their names, ever being able to have a successful "interest" sub, since even the few flat earthed crazies out there manage to take the joy out of discourse in the space subs.

Few people here seem like people I'd hang out with... Though many seem like the kind of person I'd like to run into for a jovial haranguing while shitfaced.

I never went back to Reddit and I dont plan to, but I miss some of the subs that were about enthusiastic pursuits. As you've said, so many people are here because of their anger... It is hard to have an uplifting experience just being united in anger.

Thanks for Putting yourself out there to host this joint, I wish I knew howbyou avoided SJW doxxing in the process.

realmonster ago

i purposely got myself perma-global-banned on reddit soon after i found voat. i only ever go there to what new porn games are out.

lbruiser ago

I post on /v/anime on the regular to help it grow. I know there are like 5 of us there, but I'm not ready to give up yet.

I wear my voat hoodie proudly (during the winter).

I have never felt you have let us down. In fact I was more concern that something happened to you, and later found out you were with mama Putt.

You have done an amazing job.

We are not a clone, we are Voat's Goats.

2012ronpaul2012 ago

Thank you for sharing and your work. Please bring back crypto donations so we may support.

nomadriders ago

What we need is an immutable chat site on the blockchain. Or at least go back to IRC or something, where anyone with a Raspberry PI can host.

chronos ago

notabug.io bro

Potato_McGingerbeard ago

Thanks, Putt. I believe in you.

MorbidObesityTracker ago

muh insulinhhh...lol...i love voat

elitch2 ago

Cheers, buddy.

chronos ago

This is a very nice apology and explanation, but does nothing to address the core problem of Voat. The admin team is 1 man deep and that 1 man is burned out / too busy. Add more admins or why bother? No amount of community empowerment will fix a full disk next time.

For me, I do not go to Reddit any more except when search result gives me specific answer I'm looking for. I don't even come here that much since the last major outage.

I go to poal.co where there are two active admins who also care about free speech.

Pubiclouse ago

Appreciate both you and Atko, Putt. Voat is my favorite site and I visit it way too much. XD

rbuchanan ago

I appreciate your efforts, and occasional, fugitive downtime is scarcely discommodious.

In my view, Voat's problem is that so many of its regulars are still using Reddit when they should instead frequent and contribute to equivalent subverses here.

Hayashimo ago

Is the crossover between Voat and Reddit legitimately that bad? I had no idea.

I deleted my Reddit account not long after moving here because I believe in free speech -- something that simply doesn't exist on Reddit anymore.

Wish more would stick to their ideals enough to say the same.

TestForScience ago

Maybe if the community didn't almost entirely, collectively, beat the shit out of anyone that comes from somewhere else, there'd be more people here.
even the top comment is bashing reddit.
There's no "integration," there's just, "How dare you come here from somewhere else even though I did too!" and it's from a like, three month old account.
"Free speech," for a lot of people seems to mean, "Be a total fucking asshole for no reason."
"Maybe if you weren't such a pussy and grew a pair of balls you wouldn't get your fee-fees hurt, bitch." - doesn't seem like a place someone that would contribute to v/aww would care to stay in.
I couldn't care less about a faceless user saying shit to me, but a lot of people don't want to hang around in a place where the only interaction with other members is almost entirely abuse.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

The issue isn’t that we need more people. It’s that we need an active and passionate community that isn’t solely posting non-PC content.

We ought to be mindful of this and continue to collectively share quality information on a wider range of topics

TestForScience ago

My thought process is (More People) = Diversity in Content + Donations/Revenue.
And to your point, I don't see the large portion of people here now having a full change of heart - and they love to say, "Looks like some faggot-kike-nigger-whateverelse shit someone would put on "PutAnyOtherSiteHere.""
Which goes back to my point of, "Maybe everyone shouldn't be an asshole?" & other point of "We need some more/new people."
And my final point of "People don't bother staying to add to the diversity in content (my v/aww statement) because most people here can't stop being assholes."
Which then reloops the entire thing back to my first point.

Mind_Games ago

If you're trying to create a site that is nothing more than a clone of reddit..then I have no interest in that. I doubt many would.

I come here because it's increasingly becoming the becon of free speech that the internet was created on.

Without that, this place is an unwanted child of reddit and nothing more. Get pissed all you want , but reddit already exists. You're not going to get their volume by creating a "clone site". If you really believe in the value of free speech you'll leave it the way it is. If you can't afford it, then you should shut it down.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank You for all of your time, and effort @PuttItOut.

True Free Speech is worth fighting for, and certainly worth living with occasional site maintenance hiccups.

another_account ago


I can understand why you'd be disappointed in the userbase and content here. The drama and power struggles have been crazy as with the mod takeover with @kevdude and @crensch over in pizzagate which was the primary reason I came here (and peacemaker's poems!).

You seem like a good person and I appreciate your ideals. Remember, ultimately it's YOUR site, you don't have to provide reasons for your absence, why things are done the way they are. That's up to you. If you feel like some people are making it worse for others, making newcomers not want to join, making others want to leave, speak up. We have to have some rules and guidelines for a community to function properly...if we didn't lock up rapists, thieves and murders, it would be utter chaos. I think you've been too welcoming and giving to people here at the expense of newcomers but of course that's your call.

Behuvius ago

I might be "UN-PC" but I never go to reddit bro!

(There is plenty of neutral content here see: TIL, Funny, science etc.)

If this is a money thing, tell me where to send some.

TheOneTrueGoose ago

OP is absolutely right. I go on Reddit at work because it's PC, but not Voat because it's not. Over the last two months, I've started visiting Voat every day (before, less than once a week) but OP is right, I should make Voat my primary outlet. Voat respects me, so I should respect Voat back. From now on, I will post my OC (limited as it may be) to Voat.

Haredeenee ago

In regards to the 'Let’s get real' section. I've found that there are people on here that genuinely dont want voat to grow. Very often you'll see "fuck off back to reddit" or something similar, even users rallying others to harass someone to the point they leave the site. Unfortunately it is these outliers that talk the loudest, and make voat unwelcoming and unneededly hostile.

American-Patriot ago

Voat will make it. It just takes time and money that some cannot afford. Do it for America and freedom of speech and I will always be with you. There are many sites that will fall when Trump finishes what he is doing. You will be the perfect position to take over. It is all about timing.

Anson ago

What makes a clone not a clone?

@alopix thinks doom and call of duty are clones of each other, so make sure to tell him he's excluded from this question @puttitout


i'm PuttItOut and im a mod. RIP my inbox


DeeplyDisturbed ago

Thanks @PuttItOut

I have posted a few times about this topic - several times under my only other account (which I nuked after our last blackout), but once recently after that. Each time those post was shat upon immediately by a few members of the community - and apparently ignored by the rest. I also made a few reasonable recommendations for monetizating and expanding the site, and they were ignored. I get that people all have their ways of filtering through content, but I realized then, what you are saying now - people come here for a specific type of drama- not ideas.

The "nigger fag" thing is great and all, but that gets tired real fast. Especially if you are over 30. The place feels like a bunch of trolls sometimes - even established members act like idiots at times. I can handle circle jerks and rough language, but the quality of responses just flat out sucks a lot of the time.

I have no idea what to do about this aspect of Voat. Even minor attempts can kill the freedom here - but letting things go on as they have may ultimately doom the site.

A lot of people have offered to help, but there seems to be no attempt to follow up on these ideas. I know it is hard to spot talent, but you have some on your side here. That is on you and @Atko to sort out. I wish you well.

Good luck.

chronos ago

A lot of talent has come and gone over the last 3+ years I've been here. Hard to stay the course with no one at the helm though....

DeeplyDisturbed ago

True. It was fun while it lasted. Reminds me of answerology.com. It was a great community for a long time until Feminists came on and killed it.

a100167 ago

Thanks so much @PuttItOut, having a place like voat means a lot, you're clearly doing your best and damnit it's certainly good enough for me.

MrShekelstein ago

You guys need a reddit gold equivalent.

Call it the Voat GOAT, people who pay $5-10 a month get a special name or something.

DrLizardo ago

Putt, I've given up on Reddit long ago, and I agree more content needs to be created here. There are subs that have gone abandoned and there are subs that are active. Outside of /Linux, I've mainly seen "un-PC" content on the other active subs. I consider Voat to be the one source I can count on that won't have censorship. I believe in anyone being able to say anything except physical threats. If you want to be an asshole, damn it you have a fucking right to be an asshole, but even assholes like to read things that won't piss them off about the world on a daily basis. I've often left Voat glad I read but also with higher blood pressure. So in my small way i've been looking for original content to post and honestly I suck at that, but I try. If there is anything else I can help out with let me know.

Bolux ago

Keeps me sane in an insane world.

burns29 ago

Everyone please remember to Donate.

rhy ago

Make a MasterNode CryptoCurrency. Make that the way the community can continue to fund this site. <3 https://youtu.be/S0gi3kMC8MI

DrPenguin ago

Putt has taken the blackpill.

wonderfuldonut ago

As a Shreddit, refugee, they closed down a well known thread, and found your site. From all accounts this site s 10 times better than other supposed free speech sites. Daily we are having our rights removed and most are too apathetic, stupid or anti free speech "someones feelings might get hurt" to stand up and say Enough is Enough. It is important to have many voices discussing things in the for and against, so a balanced conclusion can be reached.

theBreadSultan ago

I think a good point is raised about the lack of neutral content. I think for things like specific games, cars, tech etc. We should just shamelessly lift Reddit content

Mr_Quagmire ago

Why not ask for help @PuttItOut?

Same as last time.

Doesn't make sense to me.

Fartboxlicker ago

It's all about marketing.

HugoFord ago

You don’t have to go it alone. I’m sure there are technically competent people here who would volunteer to help out.

chronos ago

Unfortunately I've seen those types come, help, be ignored or unappreciated then leave. Over and over.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Thanks @Puttitout for what you do. Hope your schooling is going well!

SpaceRace ago

Carry on. I don't go to reddit and don't visit the links posted here that go to reddit.

piratse ago

Literally the beginning of the end. You are clearly upset that Voat became the far right version of Reddit, which isn't going to win a lot of fans or advertisers, comparatively. You are upset this site doesn't pay for itself nor your time (understandable but addressed by myself and others a few times now). And people care about what's COOL. Your site is too late for the 4chan like secret club, cool. It's too aggressive for the normies to think it's cool. It's too much a clone of reddit for those on the fence to be cool.

Solutions: DRAMATICALLY change the way voat looks, acts, rules, etc. lean IN to what makes voat awesome and stop with the reddit cloan shit. OR Make it functional for the base you have now and just let it sit stagnant for years unless a massive culture shift happens. Good Luck putt.

Dfens ago

Here's a sub that belongs to one of the "moderators" of v/pizzagate. You know, the site that's all about protecting children. Why don't more more of you people want to join Voat? It's because you don't love "free speech", isn't it?

TheKid69 ago

i love it here

KerriChandler ago

Thank you Putt. It’s so true what you said ‘life is full of surprises’, we mustn’t take it for granted that’s for sure. In the same way we can’t take Voat for granted.

Thanks again

DownVoatFairy ago

I think a big problem with growing communities on voat is a ton of the neutral subs don't have active mods anymore. I post to /v/edm and /v/nightcore but there is no mods to help grow the community or cull off-topic posts.

dingleberrysghost ago


Are you gonna implement the bonded acct/randomly chosen incentivized community moderation thing?

As far as funding goes, start a kickstarter for a new invention. Word it like the wiener pill ads that don't really tell you if you're gonna get bigger or last longer, but just tell you that they "extend your experience". Get some money.

Also, look into zcash and monero as donation options.

This is a liquidity option for bitcoin too: https://localbitcoins.com/

voats4goats ago

UNACCEPTABLE!...but completely understandable so we forgive you 😎

DanyMcbrideAsHanSolo ago

Fuck Reddit Thanks Putt.

Girthcontrol ago

Thanks Put. I haven't posted on Reddit since the fattening, though I do refer to it every once and a while. Hopefully Voat can find a way to ease the burden on critical people such as yourself.

ChipSlap ago

I never touch Reddit.

TheKobold ago

Thank you putt for your struggle, and your honesty, and your tolerance of the assholes around here. I used to be one of those that still used Reddit but I don't anymore it's become not neutral but vile in a different way than this place is.

Firevine ago

I’ve come to realize, and have said before, that this single factor isn’t enough.

No single raindrop thinks itself the cause of a flood.

I too wish that there were more hobbyist subs, and more activity in the ones we have here. I've given a go at a couple that interest me, but like you said, people come to Voat for other reasons. Going to the Star Trek Online sub on reddit is useful in that there's going to be good information, but it's miserable in that well...there's reddit users there. Smug as fuck.

I'll do my part to keep some level of activity up in the subs I'm interested in. I've honestly gotten discouraged from posting in them due to little to no other activity. I made the four most recent posts in /v/sto and those are even old as hell.

Might be time to knock some sub ownership changes out so that there can be renewed activity. Seeing that the owner of a sub hasn't been active on the site in over a year is kind of a downer.

turtlesareNotevil ago

I would like to delete my account. It says "user not found" when I try.

PaisaHunter ago

If we give you some money, would that help?

DillHoleBagHands ago

As always, I am late to the party.

@PuttItOut Man, you get a lot of shit. At the end of the day, you are still kickin' ass, as far as I am concerned.

I once had an old Marine sniper friend who told me, "Never apologize, unless it is a big fuck up. Always assume you are a target whether you are or not. Keep your head down and power through."

All I can say is good job man. Good fuckin' job. People love to complain, but I love Voat and I love all of you bastards. I would share a beer with any of you anyday.

And sorry for the ping. I try to limit my pings to you. I like to give you a thumbs up every now and then.

blkadder ago

You make some excellent points. I really appreciate what you have tried to do in creating Voat, but it has become the site where it seems almost overwhelmed with various and sundry honest-to-goodness racists, anti-semites, etc.

When it is once in a while, whatever, but when every other post involves the use of some racial epitaph or other, or hating on (((them))) it becomes very off-putting.

glennvtx ago

I stay here despite all the antisemitic content, because i said "fuck you" to reddit, and never went back, because i meant it. I am, however, a minority.

Ashra ago

Thank you Putt, seriously thanks for all you do. I appreciate you and you have never disappointed me (just got me worried when it went down for days last time) :)

12963698? ago

I don't want their PC bullshit. I live for the un-PC shit and without Voat, I have no other source for the real real. I've been here for 3 years and haven't looked back for a glance and I'm personally happy as hell with what this place is.

cursedcrusader ago

I stopped using reddit over a year ago. What do we need to boost this site?

0011011000111001 ago

Hey Putt, thank you for you dedication to the site. I know that I previously said I wouldn't be using this site anymore due to the suspicious downtime and lack of activity from you but I am back. I didn't go to R3ddit, I didn't go to another site. I just lurked in the shadows. Voat has been a big part of my life since I joined and it will continue until the end. I have been dealing with a lot of real-life struggles myself and have been less active. These kind of post are what keeps me coming back to Voat. I would offer any help I could, I just don't know what kind of help is needed. Thank you!

Womb_Raider ago

I only use voat. Voat voting will destroy what little we have. I see you're hellbent on doing so, which sucks. This does not address bots, VPNs, and other methods people can use to obscure concensus and manipulate the results of your system. This will be subverted.

Just tell Atko you want to quit like a man.

CommiePatrol ago

Thank you!!! If we had active Soccer/Tennis subvoats here I would never go to reddit

samwisekoi ago

No plebbit ever, me. Is there a donation path for mortals? Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy disk space.

middle_path ago

Thanks for the clarity, Putt. You've definitely seemed very distant lately and I certainly appreciate your candor.

I've done all I can here to keep running a non-political sub that provides a nice alternative to other platforms. If it weren't for this website I wouldn't have met a couple very awesome and seasoned growers that I now have personal contact with.

Side note, with your new thingie you want to finish - will people be able to de-mod me from v/JustGrowIt for being a fence sitting beta cuck? Just curious.


I would like to preface this with the fact that @puttitout I still appreciate everything you have done for voat.

Considering the only alternatives to voat that are about freedom of speech is poal and notabug. I'm going to have to assume that clone stuff was pointed at https://poal.co and https://notabug.io

If thats the case being the person who founded poal let me respond. Freedom of Speech IS enough for a platform to stand on. Voat didn't have the issues it has because freedom of speech isn't enough, voat has the issues it has because you did not manage it. You cannot have a user base with no direction from the admin. You cannot manage a large community like this all alone. You cannot check out for a week and put no one in charge of making sure the site stays up. Voat is failing because you are not a system admin apparently, being a system administrator means dealing with users. At its core thats the job because no users with problems or needs then no job. You didn't deal with your users. You ignored their needs, wants, and opinions. Many have offered to help yet no one is allowed. In short, what did you think would happen? When this place disappeared for a week I decided I would make a place to go when it goes down for good. What exactly would you have me do? Trust you that voat isn't going to disappear one day? That already happened. You have lost the trust of many of your users. I'm sorry this freedom of speech fight is bigger than you or me or anyone person. You have shown you heart isn't in fighting it, mine is. I wish you all the best but I will say I'm disappointed I loved voat. I've been here since it was whoaverse(not on this account) I've watched everything thats happened and I always wished you would step in a little more often deal with the brigading, as thats what drove new users away. I'm sad to say this but you didn't really leave me much choice but to make something else because I believe one day voat will be gone.

In the event that you actually read this and make it this far down. If you do turn things around and voat gets better I'll still drop by from time to time. I'll support anywhere that is pro free speech. In the mean time if/when you do shut voat down. You are more than welcome to join us on poal.

Good Luck @PMYB2

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

I think you want to set up a site where you can micro-manage everybody and fuel your ego. No thanks - I'll take Voat all day every day, warts and all. And that's not in spite of Putt, it's because of him.

chronos ago

^ This 100%. Well said!

xXSanctumXx ago

Took the words right out of my mouth. Completely agree. I was not here at Whoaverse but just before the first wave. Everything else completely agree with. Gave suggestion after suggestion after suggestion & so did so many others.

Came back myself hence the new account but have nuked it & looking else where. Myself will drop by time to time but by the read of Putts post he seems done with Voat. If the wisdom was headed the burden could of been avoided.

It sucks the way things have gone but Wisdom was ignored & this is the result.

sunajAeon ago

I think you over-estimate Voat users doing their important work at Reddit-this is a VERY SPECIAL place on the internet, about as "free" as you could allow and be functional-we get the "goods" here, if you know how to ferret out the weasels; perhaps its time for you to delegate some responsibilities, its perfectly normal to experience burnout on a project like this. I believe PIZZAGATE will crack WIDE open soon, and VOAT has a lot to do with that-don't quit when you're almost at the finish line:)

IsaacJan ago

This is some sad jerk yourself off lamenting your own faggotry shit. I read half of it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I like voat, I'll contribute more once I finish my degree and get a better job. I've been practicing my art skills and learning interesting stuff like Japanese and HAM radio that I'll teach others here. Look forward to more dinosaurs

Dfens ago

Yeah, there you go @puttitout. You've got the approval of the moderator of v/TheDonald, a "never Trump" site. Gee, I wonder why that isn't more popular? Of course, as a side benefit to subscribing to that sub you get to be associated with the owner of this Nazi pedophile site too! What a bonus. These fucking people just don't appreciate "free speech" I guess.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oof someone is triggered

TheGenitalGiant ago

I left Reddit when all of the "real" news did. There was a point when the front page was all of the days news stories as they were breaking. It was posted on Reddit a day or two before it hit the mainstream. It was almost like the TV news got their stories directly from the front page. Then it turned into memes, cat posts, and anti Trump shitposting all day every day. You coldnt find a single breaking news story until about page seven. I come to Voat because it is like the old Reddit I remember. I can read about what is going on a step ahead of everyone else. Yes, Voat is overtly racist, but it keeps the mainstream out, and if you dont want to see that kind of content just block those subs, I have. I can still get my news, and I dont have to hear about what the niggers did today, or read all of the inane bullshit the fucktards at Soapboxbanhammer create. If Voat goes down for good we will all be forcefead the bullshit that for profit forums want posted, without any form of user filter. You have created something unique, and it deserves to be protected.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Anyone who still goes to reddit needs to examine their life.

SpongeRobert ago

You are right. I am guilty. I will change.

Buff_Awesome ago

Voat needs something to set it apart from Reddit in a functionality sense. An innovation is required, but that's not easy. I myself don't know what that would be, otherwise it'd be making my own website. All I'm saying is, that's what's needed for Voat to grow. New ideas will have to be tried, and don't be afraid to try them. Most of them will be bad and will fail, but all you need is one to make this place succeed.

Therealnickcage ago

Well said. I will start to post more neutral content here. I thunk it's also important to be able to have neutral conversations about neutral topics without being called a nigger, as it really doesn't add to the conversation unless we're in /v/watermelon Or something. I guess I'm just saying we should try to stay on point and remember what subverse we're commenting in, not to silence speech, but to foster it.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I just can't go back to reddit. I tried but I just couldn't take it.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I've been coming here three years. I used to produce original content and discussions but for the last year and a half it has become abundantly clear you have no desire to grow this site. You had dozens of people at one point who would have worked on the site just because they loved it. You refused to relinquish control while falling further and further back. You let yourself down by abandoning your passion through apathy. Now you have let the users down. It is clear this site has no future. Since the DAYS long shutdown you shed heaps of users. It's your website Puttitout and you are free to neglect it. Have my say? I think you let a good thing die a slow death and it is a shame. Hope things turn out well for you Puttitout.

Notmistaken ago

I use voat for real news but i still use reddit for bullshit subreddits. Also, reddit has an issue of hive-minded opinions going unchallenged because they would rather not see things for how they really are which I feel the need to bring to light to. This is my go to site if I want to learn, this site is greatly appreciated. I've learned a lot from it.

nomenimion ago

Yes. Continue. Forever.

Raxotic ago

Is Voat trending towards being a true Reddit clone or a Reddit replacement? I don't think so, and I don't think that matters.

Do people care about free speech enough to come here and participate? I think only some people fall into this category while many internet users are just chasing "Ow My Balls"-esque dopamine in places like r/aww. This places Voat into a niche, and maybe that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

But, ultimately, I think there are only two questions that matter:

1) Is traffic increasing? Because from this standpoint Voat appears to have stagnated.

And I'm not saying this is a bad thing. At least the site IS stable. But at some point, it needs to grow.

2) Will Voat ever be able to handle a traffic surge?

I can remember multiple distinct times where us Reddit users decided to leave Reddit enmasse and come to Voat. We were being censored, were angry and effectively attempting to abandon the platform. Every time we went to Voat is was either down or would be down soon, so, I, and the other users just gave up, forgot about Voat and went back to normalcy.

I actually only came to Voat because every so often I would check back to the site to see if it was stable enough to use.

Within the last few months, Reddit has loosened their censorship. I'm now able to go into specific subreddits and say things that would have gotten me banned, muted, warned, 6 months ago. Something weird is going on over there, what, I don't know.

Sustanence ago


And I will pull my finger out for posting.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Why cant Putt just hire more people and appoint a successor so he can finally retire?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Voat is cool. Reddit drools. (don't make fun of me for saying this, faggots)

Rawrination ago

It's just strange that right during the voting in Cali for Little, his biggest fanbase was unable to communicate here. Not saying conspiracy, but damn it is suspicious. Maybe voat was attacked?

Simonbelmont27 ago

I never go to reddit I hate that place.

Neinlife ago

thanks for your efforts, nobody else lets me talk for long

riposte ago

Yes, let's keep this train rolling. Eventually the trolls and shills pushing hate will be drowned out. I'm sure there are a lot of people who use reddit and just don't understand the censorship going on. If we want to capture the regular users who appreciate freedom of speech, rather than push voat, we just need groups spamming reddit with all of their examples of blatant authoritarian censorship.

So long as voat keeps freedom of speech, (though cursing in titles should be managed imo) I'll continue to use voat and ignore reddit. I can ignore the trolls and haters without much issue.

HAESisalie ago

I don't have an account with reddit, and the only time I go is when a search for something about Games of thrones theory or episode review leads me there. I wish Voat had an active GOT forum, but it doesn't.

Thanks for the work you do keeping this site up and running.

thebassdude ago

I joined Voat mid 2015. I was a reddit user for nearly eight years. I rage quit reddit last September, and the only thing I ever even look at over there anymore is T_D. I used to be there mainly for /r/reloading, but what I saw happening in T_D opened my eyes. This is my home site now, and I don't view it as a substitute. I occasionally post items to /v/reloading, but it just hasn't taken off. It doesn't matter. I have changed since then, and I come to Voat because of free speech, and I enjoy what I find here. In fact, I read many more diverse subs here than I ever did on reddit, because I rarely ventured out of my favored sub over there. Free speech is far more important than any hobby I might have. Thank you for all your hard work, it is appreciated by far more people than you can ever know.

ludwigvon ago

< Never once used reddit

Mylon ago

I unsubbed from all of the "fluff" crap on reddit. It's full of astroturf and pointless bullshit. The reason I still use reddit is for the communities like around specific games. There isn't much point to splitting communities like that, so the crowd really ends up congregating around 1-3 platforms. It's sad, but that's how the winner-take-all style of social networking works.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I've always been very happy with voat

dd-schiznit ago

TL;DR, The people who frequent this site are off-putting fucktards who are driving people away and causing voat to go broke. Thank's a lot.

SChalice ago

You have exceeded my expectations so stop berating yourself.

worthlesshope ago

Sorry I go back to reddit for a lot of my conversation.. I believe you understand why since you posted the reasons..It's mostly because of the amount of content and contributors there. I come here to hopefully find non-biased discussion. I'm much less extreme than many of your other users..They do push me away sometimes..Your new technology idea would be interesting..hopefully it'll draw more people..

I think the problems need to be identified to help find solutions.. Like why is free speech online so hard to come by? What makes things turn into echo chambers? What makes popular forums devolve into SJW shitholes? other such questions..Perhaps the questions need to be broken down further until an answer can arrive..

LostandFound ago

Big love Putt, I dont go back either. This is home.

TurdLord5000 ago

No reddit here.

watts2db ago

oh and I have never had a reddit account ever and don't plan on having one.

watts2db ago

Keep up the work you are doing ignore any haters. Free Speech is too important to give up fighting the good fight. Heil Voat!!!!!

boggle247 ago

Thanks for sticking it out. I could never go back to reddit. I'm glad you recognize that the neutral content is lacking here based on what you outlined.

Maxcactus ago

PC is just a synonym for civility. Free speech is nothing if it is just used to attack and hate people. You are correct that most people use both Reddit and Voat and it has caused the haters to distill out and end up on this side of the apparatus.

I was one of the first dozen people on Reddit. When I came over to Voat to check it out it reminded me of Reddit in its infancy. I decided to stay so I could watch it evolve and grow. What I found was that the haters grew steadily and leveraged their numbers exclude and control in an abbarent new form of PC. The first pure experience of this was when I made a simple post that an evil person was not that way because they were fat. That day I experienced a lynch mob that gave me nearly 300 down votes on a simple statement of fact. Voat does not tolerate people outside of their faith.

I perpose that handing Voat over to this group that presently dominates things here will lock it into its present stat of disfunction and lead to its demise.

Dfens ago

A lynch mob consisting of 2 people and 300 alts. That's not free speech. And Voat has done much more than Reddit ever thought about doing to get rid of spam and bots, but it does no good if they put the shills IN CHARGE. It's like giving the hen house to the fox and wondering why you can't raise more chickens.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

No, PC is a synonym for ritual defamation, wherein the forbidden opinion is usually something that goes against neo-marxist dogma. Free speech doesn't exist at all if "civility" is harshly enforced or people are excluded from society for saying the wrong things.

Granted, you ended up on the receiving end of this when it swung the other way, but you were still free to speak regardless. You didn't get banned or censored, presumably. You're still here and you can comment freely. You see the greater potential for danger if you were censored, right? No one could voice opposition to bad ideas. That's why the free exchange of ideas should not be hindered by force, period. As long as the people in charge adhere to that principle, I don't care what they believe.

12962958? ago

As long as you are still here and still developing then that is o.k :)

Do you want some help? If we monetized in some way and got some staff in then this could be a dream job for some people. I can help, most of us can help and most will help for free in all actuality.

We love you Puttler, don't go dark on us. If it is bad tell us (member Voat needs an angel?), if you need help, tell us.

I can't 'member you ever letting us down, why would we let you down?

englishwebster ago

Im one of the guilty but more and more of my time is spent here. I'll focus on more neutral stuff going forward and post it here too, as should we all.

but never, ever forget this is a place a free speech first and foremost

FireSauce ago

CrudOMatic ago

Reddit has nothing that interests me, and the news on that site is abysmal. Once I came here, I didn't go back (except for to shitpost and purposely get banned from subs).

flyingcuttlefish ago

I found voat at the right time .. when the spirit cooking story broke. I hope it can stay on line as I quit reddit when they banned the spirit cooking topic.

Good luck and best to you whatever you decide!

kingminos ago

Putt: Effort of Hercules. Good work . I NEVER post to honeypot Reddit. Stopped posting to Slash-Dot. Kissed-off the NewYorker. I'll be a VOAT-guy till it sinks.

OnSeveralWatchLists ago

Do what you do. I like it here. I don't have a reddit account, nor do I use it as a reference site. I came to Voat because of positive reviews from various "chans". If that isn't crazy, I don't know what is. /b/ros, /loli/gaggers, /x/philes and /pol/tards never agree on anything. Voat has just about as a good a reputation as a site can get. I can easily understand down time related to tech issues. No worries.

Adminstrater ago

Long Live Voat.

475677 ago

Thanks Putt. I know it seems like we're off putting but I've seen this site grow from merely a place of free speech to one where content was stolen from sites like reddit to one where OC is being posted all the time. This site was in fact way ahead of the news and other sites about the volcanic activity in Hawaii for example thanks to a local (my memory is bad but I think it was @le_squish), the home gardening sub is really taking off and inspiring people to grow something other than weed, etc. It'll take time to get to having reddit level content but we're heading in that direction and if they keep fucking over the user base there it'll happen faster than you think.

I want to make a donation to you and the site. I don't care if you've got enough funds for the server or whatever I'd at least like to buy you a few beers as my way of saying thanks for all the work you've done. You've earned it so if there's a way to make the donations happen again please let me know and I'll make it happen asap.

Le_Squish ago

I will post more lava OC tomorrow. I got tales and rumors.

475677 ago

Awesome, I can't wait to see what you put up.

beece ago

I don't have a Reddit account nor do I need one. '


idunnome ago

@PuttItOut, Real Life happens. A lot. Don't sweat it. None of us are getting any younger, so deal with it the best you can. That's all anyone can ask.

Myself, I quit Reddit before I found Voat, and I haven't bothered with it since. I have no patience for SJWs, and some days it takes all I have to not shut them down for good in any public forum I encounter them. For all their claims of "tolerance" and "enlightenment", I find most of them to be the least tolerant and the most ignorant people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.

Keep doing what you're doing. If things get too far out of hand in meat-space, then find a few people you can trust to help with the load.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Thanks. I barely acknowledge that reddit still exists.

fuckfacemcgee ago

I jerked off to this. It was one of my prouder moments.

recon_johnny ago

The issue with Reddit is simply the number of users frequenting subs that wouldn't be as popular here. My username is the same everywhere, or at least the places I know about.

If I post in a baseball sub, how many local supporters are here on Voat? How would you (Putt) attract those people--which is really the question. We can only use Voat, but if there's not the number of folks here to support the things we care about, it'll die quickly.

Its_over_9000 ago

Hang in there Putts. What you're doing is important and I can't wait to see the Votes feature executed on this site.

Reed_Solomon ago

It's ok, I'm not mad.

You just have to be patient. Reddit is banning people in the so called center. As long as Voat stays the course, remains operational, runs within the confines of law, and doesn't fuck up the user experience, and perhaps even offers better tools for moderation and has a way to prevent any one cabal from taking over the site (or at least default subs) Voat will prevail. If Voat can be a happy medium between Reddit Communism and 4Chan anarchy, It will succeed.

And noone is mad at you, you do a great job. Plus people always love the drama and freakout that an inoperable site can cause.

Voat will take over the role of reddit when reddit becomes facebook, as it appears is their goal.

notenoughstuff ago

Thank you for all your blood, sweat and tears, and I agree 10^1000% that free speech is supremely important for all of us.

As for neutral content, I agree completely. I have completely stopped posting, commenting, messaging or voting on reddit, only reporting a few times, and even that I have stopped, since reporting spam helps reddit. I still read reddit, though I hope to decrease that more and more. I contributed a little bit somewhat recently to /v/programming with the intention of helping building it up, among other things posting very good content when I encountered it, but ended up becoming busy with other things; I intend to contribute and participate there more in the future. /v/programming seems to have become considerably more active the last few months, which is very nice.

12962678? ago

You need to take a paycheck from voat. Let us mine bitcoin for you. Maybe a russian murchant service will do business with you. Set up a postbox that we can send paper donations to. Voat needs to be your full time job in order for you to take it seriously.

CrewExpendable ago

I do appreciate everything you do, truly, but I'd like you to just force me access back to my main. It's been quite a while now.

shawnfromnh69 ago

I only go for tales from tech support because I have a list of known authors I like.

FuckTheVirileAether ago

Really you just need a group of volunteers or core users dedicated to posting interesting links daily to the major default subs. A lot of defaults just have no new content for days or just one or two posts. It will take a while to build up, but it starts with actually having content there. A lot of people are happy to read or comment but have no interest in posting links, so it takes a core group to get the game going.

weezkitty ago

You can see this with Voat. A majority of Voat users still use Reddit. People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.). They use Voat to post the things they can’t post on Reddit. This creates an imbalance where Voat becomes increasingly un-PC, while Reddit gets the neutral content (I know even the most hardened ideologue has a level of civility). The end result is this imbalance drives people away as people wear out when confronted by content like this over the long run.

The problem I see is there is a subset of users that throw a hiss whenever someone posts content that isn't political or news. Like "get our of here with this Reddit shit" or something like that. You can't really be surprised when people don't post other content if they are met with responses like that. I can't imagine how pathetic those people are in real life if they can't take a break from the politics for one moment

ExpertShitposter ago

Re-posting, @peaceseeker's (temporarily dead) list of pro- @puttitout support posts.


Proofs we love ya putko.

kujda ago

Putt - this is not true. Many people left reddit for good. I deleted my account, left reddit. I'd love to talk here about also other topics than the "unPC" but let's face it - most people here really mainly care about political issues. This is why we are here. Thanks for the good work, don't put too much pressure on yourself, and for God's sake - arrange some financing scheme, like bank account transfers, where we could send a particular amount every month to keep this site running.

GasChamber ago

I refuse to use reddit for anything. Fuck them.

ZX4jBXu ago


There must be SOME way users can donate to keep voat going, if you're a one man crew why couldn't there be some way to donate to you? There has to be something.

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

Me too.

Deplorablepoetry ago

I was a star on Reddit and well received here. Tells me we are not as different as some may think. I walked away from reddit like it was a girlfriend with mental issues,..... I know there is good in there somewhere but it ain’t my problem no more. Buh-bye

I think I will change the way I comment here from now on. Less aggressive, more wholesome......., ya like that’s gonna happen..., nope.

ZX4jBXu ago

Oh my god I thought that this was going to be bad news, thank god it's not.

And for real Putt... thanks for doing what you're doing. It can't be easy and we all have lives that others expect us to devote to them as well and those on voat that think this should be your full time job clearly don't have a clue.

It can't be easy so thank you very much. I'd go nuts if I couldn't speak my un-PC mind to others.

Louis_Mage ago

If we can help, just let us know.

IrelandIsDead ago

Thumbs up bro well said.

Mumbleberry ago

Thanks KD.

enginedriver13 ago

I know running any kind of interactive site much less one considered 'controversial' is a lot of tedious work for very little or no reward, so all you do is definitely appreciated...and fuck reddit, never used it...

Silencio ago

I used to read reddit, heck I used to read fark long before that, I never made an account or posted on those sites, ever. And definitely never donated.

Voat is better than they ever were, as you can see I have an account here, post here (rarely), and I donated $25, and will continue to donate over time to support the community.

Thanks putt & atko & the regulars who post. I never check reddit anymore, not even the donald.

notbuying ago

You're right in your assessments. I am happy Voat exists. It's not perfect, but it's so much better than the alternative(s).Thank you (and @Atko) for doing something for the better.

niggerfaggot1488 ago

Reddit is for fags.

8_billion_eaters ago

If occasional downtime is the price of Freedom of Speech... so be it.

Never give up, never surrender.

Thanks for everything you do, Putt.

ibrowsevoat ago

I nuked my 7-year-old reddit account and haven't looked back. Now I get all my news from voat and /pol/. It's so refreshing to be able to say what I want to say without caring that an admin might delete my comment for "being too offensive" and also being surrounded by other people who think the same way.

This website is amazing, Putt, and all the work you've put in is certainly greatly appreciated.

AlienEskimo ago

Some of us would pay you, if you let us.

Thank you for all you do.

I only go to Reddit by accident, when someone on Voat posts a link leading there.

12962403? ago

A Reddit mod shadow banned me and then doxxed me- I'll never return.

Thanks for fixing, Putt. We <3 you.

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

I <4 you Putt.

24601_JeanValJean ago

wow, that is completely fecked up. How are the babies Empress? Hope all is splendid!

12965069? ago

Yeah, I wasn't happy and had some serious trust issues after that- took me almost a year to even comment on Voat.

Babies are doing really great, thank you <3

24601_JeanValJean ago

I've been here on Voat for almost two years; I've deleted accounts a couple times and so started under new names...not very many ladies on Voat. Glad to hear the babies are well! Many, many blessings!

wgtt911 ago

Thanks putt. U r the man...

heretolearn ago

we appreciate your time. it's the only thing we can't make more of.

kalgon ago

Well to me voat is the last bastion of freedom of speech on the clear net, it's probably the most underrated site in the history of the interwebs

I mean without it a piece of the internet would be missing, and in fact, to serve its true purpose, the internet should work the way voat works imo, admins being there to deal with technical and legal issues only

Now mods... As long as they don't censor people's opinons and language in comment section, I'm fine with all the rules they come up with to keep their sub section on the topic it's dedicated to, but I digress


When it comes to “Free Speech” sites, I once believed that people cared enough about the value of free speech to make “clone” sites like Voat (or gab) successful. I’ve come to realize, and have said before, that this single factor isn’t enough. People simply do not value this right enough to make a “clone” successful.

Hm, it's not risk free you know

Not everybody is comfortable with attracting the attention of PC control freaks, in many countries it's a risky business, esepcially if you don't remain neutral and voice your 1488 opinion

Besides, not everybody is able to install and maintain such platform

And on average, who value freedom of speech, are fringe intellectuals, the masses aren't intellectuals for the most part, let alone fringe intellectuals, most of them are "happy" with the mediocrity they are fed with, they are barely capable to even begin to see what's wrong with that

I mean look


They're all like "duh duh yes... Water wet yes..." They struggle to mobilize more than 2 neurons at a time, it's so pathetic I pity those pets, because to me they are nothing but pets, system's pets, dumb consumers, the ideal "citizen" of 2032, at this point you could replace them with bots, given the right physical appearance nobody could tell the difference

Idiocracy was a fucking prophecy

Goathole ago

Shall we continue?


A majority of Voat users still use Reddit.

What? No. BURN THE REDDITURDS! Hunt them down like pigs.

I have a bit less fight in me (getting old does this), I have a bit more struggle in life.

I don't want to sound naive but once you get most of the bugs worked out doesn't this bus have cruise control? Put the animals in the cage and see who's holding a bloody chainsaw in the morning. VOAT DOME.

P.S. Downtime today was because of a full disk

Yeah whatever, no biggee. You're doing fine, let us know when the money runs out.

M346 ago

Probably all those fuckers using imgur

Chimaira92 ago


Seems putt is worried about people looking for alternatives.

Rainbow_Trout ago

You’re finding it hard for Voat to give your life purpose lately, but believe us, Voat and yourself help give our lives purpose.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

I go to reddit for the LENR sub once a month. I just don't understand how voat is not successful? If it's money? Fuck man have a subscription service with a special room. I would pay $10 a month for a fancy name graphic here on voat. I bet a ton would do the same. It would be a good shill filter as well.

You could hire a fucking staff to do the shit you hate and you can just lounge around and bang hot bitches all day or whatever. The world needs voat. We all have your back... TO. THE. END. Whatever that end may be. put out some Job applications here and fir-real hire some old skool voaters to help with the work using the subscription money.

I like your idea of what you are building. Finish it and it will gain support. You are a fucking legend man. It's worth the fight. It really is.

RugerLCP_2 ago

When it comes to “Free Speech” sites, I once believed that people cared enough about the value of free speech to make “clone” sites like Voat (or gab) successful.

Free speech alone might not be enough to drive these sites up to mass usage levels however They are CRITICAL to routing out corruption. This is the place people go to post stuff that will be censored everywhere else. It is a kind of the ghost sub of reddit.

cuello_rojo ago

You're doing a great job. I can't stand reddit and never go there. Sure this place is a little rough at times but that's the price of free speech.

SexMachine ago

I only go to reddit to get banned for posting the FBI crime statistics on every thread about American gun crime.

Facts are racist.

ImOnAVoatSon ago

A suggestion: Allow people or even default to a Safe Search option, but allow people to have uncensored access very easily. This could take space on the front page in an easy to see spot. The Safe Search could be attempted to be implemented by not allowing certain words/phrases/groups of certain topics to reach others before they've entered.

chronos ago

Seriously bro a buried comment will never be read by anyone who can / will do anything. Even a post in voatdev will go unread. But you have a good heart. Cheers. Have an upvoat!

Cuilrunnings ago

If you really want to get over that issue you will have to compromise a bit. You will have to do what Huffman did. You will have to have several bot accounts that scrape reddit and repost "neutral" content to vote, then you will have to drive artificial traffic to that content. You will have to have community managers to get the community engaged and growing. It's not cheap or easy.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I don't really like that idea. This place should have a community of real people who find/create and post content organically. Introducing bots or some other level of influence would only cheapen the authenticity.

Dfens ago

Why go to all that trouble? There are plenty of posts here as it is. The problem isn't that people don't post enough. The problem is the moderators and developers who continuously abuse users, and for that abuse are given ever more significant positions of power. If this site even acted like it wanted to survive it would be fantastically successful.

Mumbleberry ago

Do what you have to do. But please appoint a spam sledgehammer. These accounts that comment enough to get 10 CCP and then start spamming their site bur never comment again so they retain posting rights. BRING BACK CYNABUNS, or give me the job. All I do here already is expose and attempt to shame spammers.

AOU ago

Don't waste your time. Putt doesn't care anymore.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Yes, seriously this is one significant thing that voat needs to do to improve. I strongly recommend @PuttItOut gets a few people on board to manage spam, preferably ones who have experience fighting spam and have the time to keep it in check. And it would help tremendously if we have /v/ReportSpammers or any other a method to bring spam to the attention of someone who will deal with it promptly. I'm more than happy to do my part in reporting spam and helping where needed, but TBH I don't really want and wouldn't request any kind of special powers that normal users don't have. I fully endorse Mumbleberry for the job, though.

AOU ago

I admire your delusion. We've given up reporting spam when we realized Putt never really cared about janitors working their asses to keep voat spam free.

Mumbleberry ago

Wow. Thank you for the show of trust.

darkknight111 ago

I support your nomination.

Theory: Much of our shill and spammer problems come from them gaming the system in regards to Voat's policy on unlimited alts.

Suggested solution: Put a hard limit on the amount of accounts an IP can have (3 seems fair).

Any accounts an IP has after that limited are DELETED.

Accounts with bans from subverses get 1st priority in terms of being "kept".

Mumbleberry ago

Good thoughts, but VPN's can/will get around that.

darkknight111 ago

That may be true, but at the very least the technically less competent shills will get caught.

How many shills and spammers are smart enough to know how to use a VPN?

Mumbleberry ago

They don't need to be smart. They just need to watch one of the many "how use VPN" tutorials that infest YT. And most of those vids are made and posted by other pajeets.

Firevine ago

Fuck yes. Mumble is the man for this shit.

Mumbleberry ago

Thank you kind person.

MadWorld ago

Thank you for shining a light on those spammers!!

I also count about 45 pajeet spammers. The flat earth niggers have about 54 accounts, a little more than the pajeets.

Mumbleberry ago

Expose them, I will help. If they post from one or two/three sites only. If they use multiple sources, they aren't spamming. Just stupid.

Chimaira92 ago

@Jesus_is_lord for starters

MadWorld ago

Here is a small segment from my configuration file. I don't have the energy to go through those accounts individually yet. I will try to come up with a tool to characterize them.

# pajeetAlt: vote manipulation and alt accounts





# possible false positive

# possible spammer domain: imgvoat.com

# flatEarthers: comment spamming



Darl_Von_Kibble ago

God damn it, I never make any of these lists!

MadWorld ago

I tried not to, but they have made too many alt accounts that spam garbage.

Mumbleberry ago

Many of those are seemingly one time accts made for insulting me. The others I will watch. Thanks for the diligence putting this list together.

MadWorld ago

I could also try to come up with a domain-spammer detection tool to reduce manual work when I have some spare time :-).

Mumbleberry ago

Bring it. Another weapon will be very welcome.

8thDeadlySin ago

For the record, I think the spam sledgehammer should be you. You've invested more time than anyone else here in tracking the spammers.

Mumbleberry ago

Thank you for recognizing my efforts.

8thDeadlySin ago

Just tagged you as Spam Sledgehammer, so if my vote counts, you've already got it.

Mumbleberry ago

If I have to make an alt for some reason, you just gave me a great username. Will give the the credit if asked.

daskapitalist ago

Keep up the good work. We appreciate it!

thelma ago

I've actually lived out my car....a 1975 Olds Delta 88 ... it had a basement ! It was that big.

You did not let me down.


Totally unrelated music vid ...^^

The time off I put to good use !

I think your a fan of Ready Player One ... the ending.

Full disk? I have an extra 3.5" floppy if ya need it !

VoatMobile ago

88 huh?

corewarrior ago

You haven't let me down. I understand the complexity of what you are doing solo and am appreciative.

Thanks for the time and effort!!

Nadeshda ago

Yay! More adventures to look forward to, together!

Thanks for fixing this and once again THANK YOU for Voat, BIG TIME!

Have a great evening Sir :) and thanks to /u/derram for finding and locating the error.

MadWorld ago

XD I see that your old account name is back!! Great voice from the /v/guitar btw!!

Nadeshda ago

So sweet of ya to notice and I really appreciate your kind words about the singamajig business. :)

Yip I think Putts got tired of me harping on about my deaded account or something, something and then something happened and yes I am back!!!!

Nice to see you MW :D

webrustler ago

Thanks for still caring. Left Reddit when I joined here and haven't gone back since. Deleted the account back then, anyway.

con77 ago

I don't use that PC shit hole

OricaTonithos ago

Actually, for me @PuttItOut, I do not use Reddit at all anymore. This site is my "news ticker", and I've been happy with it ever since. Sure, it has its shills and regular rabble-rousers, but I've come to see that as a sign that the fight for freedom of speech is not lost here. With those other sites, controversial posts and conversations are being swept from the screen ...in some cases, automatically.

It's true that everyday people have been conditioned through popular culture to see the content here as a sign of un-health, but I would disagree with that notion. This is not a town center; it's not a courtroom; it's not even a cafe where people are expected to all huddle in their corners and let only their own representatives (gifted with diplomacy) speak for them. This is more like a young soccer team at an away game with a young coach to make sure the bus still runs. We are free to banter, tell sick jokes and gripe about all the things that come to our minds freely without fear of being silenced in stark contrast to a world filled with people who want to wield their power to shut us up.

I think you're on to something with your new idea for community rules-making. And it's kinda like what Reddit did right... however, they went WAY WRONG when money entered the picture. Advertisement dollars corrupted their process so badly that some major (and wealthy) interests used the one tool in their inventory to turn it into a "cash cow" that THEY could control. The community based model was then corrupted (because of money) and they gradually turned that Good Ship "Reddit" into an all-seeing, all-controlling tyrant forum with little left for speech freedoms.

Just keep at it @PuttItOut, I'll still be here. And if this were to disappear, I would have to go somewhere else (not Reddit, for damn sure) to be a curmudgeon. There are still people that hate this place, because their masters tell them to. Sort of a good sign, in my book. Just remember that Jack Nicholson segment from Easy Rider where he talks about when people actually see someone who is free. https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Gc11mJGre10

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Thank you for your service.

Roe_beans ago

Thanks for everything you do! I haven't used Reddit since I made a voat account! If you need funding or whatever don't be afraid to ask.

worlddownunder682 ago

Reddit is shit I dont trust anything being put on there as genuine and I like the discussion this place generates. I'll keep using voat till the wheels fall off.

selpai ago

Wow, he lives...

Zaqwert ago

We desperately need Voat to continue and I will be happy to donate to help that happen. This place is not a Reddit clone and that's what makes it great.

First off, if you have the idea that this place will one day be the "next" Reddit or something, I'd say give up on that idea immediately. No site that welcomes true free speech will never be mainstream because opinions outside the mainstream are welcome. This is one reason why Reddit is so hostile to free speech now. As sites get bigger, they tend to get more bland and restrictive. The world needs sites that welcome content that corporate beancounters don't want.

When companies start all small, they are usually more true to mission and principles. As they get bigger they "sell out" and want to maximize their audience and profits and that means conforming to the lowest common denominator.

Do not compromise the principles of the site in fear of "driving people away" Anyone is welcome to use the site and submit content and if they don't like the other content or the community, the site isn't for them.

Second, you need to setup better methods for people to help support the site. As I mentioned earlier, I would be happy to chip in a few bucks every few months and I'm sure thousands of others would as well.

ImPhilippe ago

I know I’ve not met your expectations of an admin or a leader.

Who has ever said you're "our" leader?

knightwarrior41 ago

i have only used reddit to know what has happened to voat since i have no liason anywhere else.but yeah i dont think the issue is solved yet because just 30 mins ago i was unable to post anything giving me the exact message that caused the problem to begin with.

yup,agree hypocrisy is rampant people that were chased out of reddit for their beliefs go back there to interact with the same people that scorned them but that's human nature.

seems like you are tired so why dont you share your responsabilities with other people?it'll be easier that way,anyway

at any rate,the way things are going it seems that we are going to see more blackouts in the future and sadly people will get tired and more will leave the site for just its issues.

i have made my peace,nothing is eternal in this world so if this sites becomes worse to browse or stop working altogether then i will go back to the other hobbies that i had before finding v/neofag ......


digitalentity1497 ago

Thanks for your time. Thanks for Voat. Again, you don't need to carry the weight by yourself. I hope you find the right people to help you with this monumental task. Hang in there.
PS: Fuck Reddit.

ExpertShitposter ago

You've never let me down @puttitout. And my opinion is the most important. I am the GUN. @peaceseeker give this man "the list" you compiled a few months ago.

And most of us still believe in freedom of speech. As for voats "success". Well....what is your definition of success? X number of users? Profitability? Positive zero cost sustainability?

Most goats want voat to grow bigger because a lot of good people who aren't interested in politics have left. But almost no goats want voat to be reddit sized. We like knowing each-other. Reddit size and speed is horseshit. One improvement i would suggest is algorithm improvement. An option for people to reduce the content of a sub on their front page, v/news and v/politics for example, without having to actually fully block it.

As far as i'm concerned, voat is a success, as it holds the title of "the most free site on the internet". I am regularly banned even from places like 4chan. 8chan bans, various "nazi" sites ban, gab bans, phuks bans. ONLY voat does not ban. You made something, that is No 1. in the world at one particular thing. And that's no small thing.

Kind of like how i am the world champion at wearing cargo pants. Proof: https://voat.co/v/ShitpostersTavern/2580975

12963036? ago

Benned. . Try deleting.

ExpertShitposter ago

I would't delete even if i ever left. History is history.

12963431? ago

I'm proud of you too.

cynicaloldfart ago

I guess you didn't notice PS deleted his account a few days ago. Wonder what that says?

ExpertShitposter ago

FUck fuck! I did not!

cynicaloldfart ago

There is a user Pieceseeker who is modding v/onetrueputt, so maybe a name change. That was an account created 7 months ago with only 1 comment history that doesn't seem to be the same person. Who knows? Still wonder why he nuked though.

ExpertShitposter ago

I shall make contact.

Nadeshda ago

I see @PieceSeeker is modding v/onetrueputt so maybe him ? Name change? @ExpertShitposter

12963021? ago


cynicaloldfart ago

I wondered about that. Piece was created 7 months ago so maybe it was a backup/reserve. I still wonder why he felt he needed to nuke one of the most important knowledge links on Voat. A class act who always treated people decently and actually knew what he was talking about. If he's seeing this, we have lost a vital person here who will be sorely missed and always have my utmost respect.

MadWorld ago

Not nuking, just anonymizing comments, as a precaution to prevent doxxing by other users. He will be back to main account in 3 months.

CrewExpendable ago

He might be waiting longer than 3 months. There's a problem with account recovery, at least for me there is. Today marks month 6 of my waiting. Though I know Putt has a hell of a lot to get to so I try not to let it get to me too much.

MadWorld ago

Strange, I don't see a tombstone on your account. Were you able to eventually revive your account?

CrewExpendable ago

This is my back up account actually. I deleted this account once and recovered it last year before these problems happened which is why I don't have the tombstone and most of my comments don't show up (they were anoned). I could PM you my main account name if you care to check.

MadWorld ago

You are right, it's 6 months now. I think you should submit a bug report to /v/voatdev. If this bug is never reported, it is unlikely ever fixed any time soon. I think it's best to submit this report, just to keep it on the record.

Edit: thank you!!

CrewExpendable ago

I thought about reporting it but I've pmed Putt about it already a few months back. He messaged me back and said that he will look into it though I fear he may have forgotten. I've sent a couple reminders but don't want to be too pushy about it. I believe it may be tied to the account deletion bug which has already been reported.

MadWorld ago

Yeah he probably has forgotten about it. That's why it's good to put it on record in a relevant subverse.

cynicaloldfart ago

We'll see. He would be sorely missed if gone for good.

MadWorld ago

You can PM him and he will point you to a more concrete proof :-)

ExpertShitposter ago

HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! She ded!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Nadeshda ago

She? Me so confused right now, what? Peaceseeker is a she? Peace became piece and please what does this all mean?

MadWorld ago

Both peace and piece are words in the dictionary and both looks deceptively alike. That's why he picked it.

Nadeshda ago

Sounds right :) hey @pieceseeker glad you are not gawn :)

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't know, i just assumed the gender.

Nadeshda ago

You are being very fluidic today, making wine, gender ideas flowing...

I think this is good, it’s like water, you have to be like water... :)

ExpertShitposter ago

am now water

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

90+ comments already so I'm sure someone has already made these points:

You need to let one or more of the other users have admin rights.
You / we need to figure out another way to raise funds.

Conspirologist ago

Voat is unusable junk because you shut down the search engine, genius. I think that you are doing this deliberately, because nobody can be this stupid to expect people to join with the search engine unavailable.

Dfens ago

When it comes to “Free Speech” sites, I once believed that people cared enough about the value of free speech to make “clone” sites like Voat (or gab) successful. I’ve come to realize, and have said before, that this single factor isn’t enough. People simply do not value this right enough to make a “clone” successful.

What the fuck? You put goddam Nazis in charge of some of the most popular sites on Voat. You literally put PEDOPHILES in charge of v/Pizzagate, and then you whine about how the site isn't more popular? Voat is compromised. There is objective proof that it is compromised by people who fuck over users on a regular basis, and you have the gall to say that "people" don't value "free speech" enough? That's retarded.

Le_Squish ago

You know Putt, it's okay to just be a normal guy with some ideas. Lots of great things start out that way. You do the best you can.

There isn't really anyway to know what Voat will be in the future. I'm sure when m00t copypasted 2chan, he never foresaw it becoming a world changing cultural juggernaut. No one ever thought it would outlive social networks backed by billionaires but it keeps chugging on.

Maybe voat is destined to also quietly ingrain itself into the cultural subconscious and just keep chugging on.

wgib ago

Best of luck my friend, I know not what you do for me but this place is the single greatest there is. Thank you for everything you give us.

gabara ago

I don't think of Voat as some service you were committed to providing forever, but rather as a really great party. And parties don't last forever. Glad to hear the party will continue though. You have truly had a positive impact on the world.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Voat needs to try and draw in new members. How do we do that? Maybe make quality internet fliers and advertise on other sites or wherever? We also need professional members(doctors, lawyers, etc) so we can destroy the stigma that free speech is bad.

knightwarrior41 ago

Voat needs to try and draw in new members.

and they will leave when they see frequent blackouts like this .this site needs better oversight and maintenance

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Yeah but that's happening because the passion is gone because of the low user numbers. If this place was booming then people would be more into keeping it going. We need quality members. We need that one good thing to put Voat on the map.

knightwarrior41 ago

Yeah but that's happening because the passion is gone because of the low user numbers.

believe it or not i did my part in posting in a couple of gaming forums about this place.hell, i even reached to comcast for sponsorship,i even e-mailed 3 upper branch executives about advertising on this place but i received no reply at all....actually, a comacast emplooyee told me that they werent interested

you see people often think that when you critize someone or something is because you hate it and that's not always true.i critize because i care,otherwise i would just ignore it and move on

TheBuddha ago

Ain't nobody wanting to join us, 'booger.

Seriously, would you invite @9-11 into your home? Me either, and I'll let most goats in. Not him, however. He'd fuck my dog, or some weird shit.

Now, imagine Joe Fucking Average cracking open a beer and opening up Voat for the first time, only to be greated by 9-11 or someone like @tallest_skil. They ain't staying. No. No, they are backing right the fuck up and leaving, never to return. Some of 'em are gonna block it at the firewall level, or at least use the HOSTS file.

We are not the kind of folks regular people want to visit. We might be able to advertise it as 'Come watch the criminally insane!'

Tallest_Skil ago

Good. Anyone stupid or cowardly enough not to be able to comprehend truth when they see it isn’t welcome here. Don’t like that, moishe? Tough shit.

Feel free to disprove anything I’ve said at any time, by the way.

TheBuddha ago


You have my permission to reply.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that you have never refuted a single thing that I have said.

TheBuddha ago

You don't say anything to refute. You don't even know what the word means. You're retarded.

Am I supposed to refute that you say shill and reported? Because no, you DO say those things. You say them because you're a fucking idiot.

You have my permission to speak to me one more time today. However, that's it. So, make it good.

Tallest_Skil ago

You don't say anything to refute.

Thanks for admitting that you’re a paid shill.

You don't even know what the word means. You're retarded.

Watch as the paid shill doesn’t substantiate any of his claims, yet again.

Am I supposed to refute that you say shill and reported? Because no, you DO say those things. You say them because you're a fucking idiot.


The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Yeah but people can still do their thing here. If some user is saying things that they don't like all they have to do is use the block feature.

Now, imagine Joe Fucking Average cracking open a beer and opening up Voat for the first time, only to be greated by 9-11 or someone like @tallest_skil. They ain't staying.

I get it. Maybe Voat needs to be two layers; There's the deep part where all can exist. Then out front there is one for privileged members? A Risky commenters tool. If you want to make a thread and their is a 'risky commenters not allowed' box to check. Now, we run into censorship and that sucks, and it would have to be hashed out WHO is a risky commenter but I think a system like that would work. Its probably the only way to save Voat. Maybe later once there are enough members drop the RC bullshit?

We are not the kind of folks regular people want to visit. We might be able to advertise it as 'Come watch the criminally insane!'


TheBuddha ago


He lied. He did have a gun.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I want to see those crime scene photo's

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty partial to my dog. I've known him longer than I've known the missus. Sometimes, I like him more.

CheeseboogersGhost ago


TheBuddha ago

I said he'd probably fuck my dog, or some weird shit. I like my dog.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

haha I'm lost. Who would fuck your duck?

TheBuddha ago

Dog and @9-11 and I just realized you meant Cobain's crime scene.

I was still stuck on imagining him fucking my dog and how the encounter would go.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

heh heh I was like wtf hahahaha

TheBuddha ago

Me too! It took me a minute.

When I get bored, I like to imagine him working at places like convenience stores and fast food joints. This amuses me.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol Are we talking about Cobain now or 9-11?

TheBuddha ago

Both, now that I think about it.

Here... Imagine the cash register broke and 9-11 has to figure out tax, count back change, and be polite to the customer - who is an asshole. Go on... Process that thought and tell me it didn't make you smile.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm not gonna lie. It makes me smile

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... It's 1.42 and sales tax is 5%, so 1.49 and that only took him 20 minutes, six crayons, and now he's gotta figure out what to do next because she gave him 5.10!

I'd watch that shit on pirated YouTube videos.

Stayedclassy ago

We need Voat. Because unlike Reddit we are not censored here. Disagreed with plenty, but never censored.

Keep fighting the good fight Putt.

Tallest_Skil ago

never censored

any post with -4 is instantly, irreversibly hidden

anyone with negative CCP can’t post

Uh huh.

ZardoZ2017 ago

Serious mate!? Never give up! I'm not gonna RickRoll ye, SORRY, I Lied! But VOAT is incredible serious for lots of us, that hasn't any other opportunity for free speech than this. With ALL my heart! KEEP VOAT ALIVE! https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=j6nevGNYTkA

principle ago

Besides technical issues, Voat has usability problems. For example Voat blocks all Firefox add-ons (probably other browsers too). Voat limits posts to one per minute regardless of ratings, and even to moderators on their own sub. Please stop annoying people and maybe they will stay. You advocate for freedom, yet you are preventing content from reaching the people.

I suggest you try crowdfunding. Yes, it takes money to raise money but in Voat's case it should be easier and simpler than for other endeavors. Then hire people, advertise, etc. don't let it sit and evolve by itself.

Ina_Pickle ago

I never use reddit. Which of you yahoos are still posting to reddit? :(

Also, don't be sad Putt. I can't speak for everyone, but I appreciate your efforts regardless.

UnknownAlias365 ago

This is my favorite website and many others feel the same way. Yes we should continue of course. As someone suggested, you can leave a direct link or your Bitcoin address so we can donate to you. And also leave instructions for the noobs who don't know how Bitcoin works so they can donate as well. I love supporting websites that actually support free speech. I CANNOT COUNT how many web services I've been suspended from for wrong think. That includes reddit. Every fucking service is becoming anti free speech and you can't say anything that might hurt some fucking pussy's feelings, it's retarded as hell. Voat and a few other places on the web are the very few places of sanity left in the insane online world of thought policing and speech dictatorship.

I love and value this website. I like being able to say whatever the fuck I want.

PhantomMartyr ago

You better not shut it down. V/NeoFAG is one of my favorite communities.

ninjajunkie ago

Some of us will always stand with you Putting, if for nothing else, the time and platform you've already provided regardless of it's future status. Thank you.

Lobotomy ago

I do not go to Reddit.

If you want this place to succeed, add unintrusive features that Reddit doesn't have. We used to have a live chatroom, what happened to that?

heygeorge ago

We used to have a live chatroom, what happened to that?

Relentless bitching about it caused the chat to be shut down.

I believe it also costs a not insignificant amount more money to run Voat with chat active.

So why would @PuttItOut keep chat active when it only a) causes him grief b) costs him money? Also an admin/mod would be needed to stop spammers from ruining chat by banning them from v/whatever.

Although Putts, we would love to chat again!

Skyrock ago

The chat was also spammed to gills by SaneGoat and effectively unuseable during those times.

heygeorge ago

Yes, it frequently was. Not constantly, but definitely frequently. Then cyna played some whack-a-mole to help limit the spamming, but chat would really need somebody who's around very frequently to police it.

Lobotomy ago

There is no reason why the chat need be hosted by Voat servers. It could be an IRC embed for all anyone cares. It would consume no more resources than usual, that way.

IDintDoNuthin ago

I tried to bring over the best of reddildo and make /v/OSHA when I first joined voat, but wasnt privileged enough.

flapjack_charlie ago

You haven't let us down, Putt. At all.

I'm sorry to hear about being blacklisted for donations. These are dangerous times we live in and the powerful few seek to silence the many.

But you seriously deserve to get paid for this. I think I speak for many, if not all of us when I say please let us know if there's any way we can donate to help support voat. If you give us the means, we will help you.

PeBeFri ago

For what it's worth, I believe I'm doing my part to improve Voat's image by helming /v/Purr, /v/OwlsBeingPetted, and /v/MyLittlePony. By injecting more mainstream stuff, it will help dilute Voat's appearance as a haven for content disallowed in the more polite corners of the web.

chronos ago

Keep poal.co in mind if/when voat breaks again.

N3DM ago

I know I’ve let a lot of you down (if not all). I know I’ve not met your expectations of an admin or a leader.

Man, take a load off! Free yourself from these expectations!

Have a good life, and don't let your happiness depend on other people.

ArcticDweller ago

Thanks @Putt, we appreciate you and Voat.MaHHHHHHHH!

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t know the solution to this

I do!


If Voat is a home for truth–cited, sourced, proven–and only truth, it differentiates itself from Reddit. “Free speech” is how the kikes take over. It’s how they spread porn. It’s how they removed cultural beliefs from school. It’s why COMMUNIST BRAINWASHING ISN’T ILLEGAL.

Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good. – Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery. – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

mightnotbearobot ago

So you want to limit free speech?

Tallest_Skil ago

So you want to allow jews to spread lies to commit genocide on whites and destroy the only civilization that humanity has ever had? Here’s the thing about free speech: Go fuck yourself. That’s the thing. Don’t like it? Tough shit. It’s free speech. Know what else? I CAN SAY I WANT TO “LIMIT” FREE SPEECH IF I WANT TO (I’m not). THAT’S ALSO FREE SPEECH.

But you know what else else? Every. Single. Other. Website. On. The. Fucking. Internet. has “free speech.” Go there. Seriously, go there. Go speak “freely,” as long as you conform to the neoconservative marxist worldview. Every one of them. But you know what? Voat and 8chan. That’s it for truth. That’s all that exists. Those are the only two websites where you can, literally, tell the truth. Truth is banned and deleted everywhere else.

And so you cocksucking faggots come in here, with your MARXIST BRAINWASHING, and you scream like toddlers (because you were raised on the idea that this is how you get your way) about WE WANT FREEEEEE SPEEEEEEEEEEEEECH and you have no fucking idea what that means. No goddamn clue. It means sockpuppets. It means bots. It means vote manipulation.

“Free speech” is “democracy”, which is communism. It means tyranny of the majority. It means AS LONG AS YOU CAN FAKE A MAJORITY, YOU CAN CONTROL ALL OPINION.

And so if you ALLOW anyone to say anything without restriction, truth doesn’t win. Ever. Jews win. Always. Because there aren’t restrictions.

This is just a statement to be made. It’s not even a desire for policy. Either Voat is a place for “free speech”–and it is therefore like every single other website on the internet: CONTROLLED BY JEWS AND USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THEIR PROPAGANDA–or it’s a place that PROTECTS TRUTH, and all that that implies.

Honestly, I hate THAT fucking retardation more than the jews’ outright statements. I really do. If a jew says, “All thoughts other than those which support my jewishness should be punishable by death,” I hate that less than a shabbos goy who says, “We have to destroy any place that doesn’t support free speech.” Because the former is just an enemy. The latter is a traitor, who works for the enemy.

mightnotbearobot ago

wow u mad

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were objectively wrong. Kill yourself, traitor.

mightnotbearobot ago

Nah mate its just that I took a massive shite just now and I could smell it while I read your thing

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were objectively wrong. Go fellate jewish lies somewhere else.

UnknownAlias365 ago

I can kinda see where you're coming from. The way I've noticed it is if we were to censor leftist kike propaganda, they'd be crying "muh free speech," and if they censor sane, right wing truth, it's because "muh hate speech," so either way, only degeneracy is able to prevail and truth gets silenced every time, no matter which way you implement speech.

Turd_Coat ago

Putt, you were supposed to be the 'God' here so to speak. You were the one with the power and the divine right to choose who stays, who goes, what content this site was designed for and what it wasnt.

You cant have a hands off approach to a site like this and expect it to work.

Bigdeal ago

I spend 90% of my time here and never post to Reddit. This site is my go to of all sites on the internet. Voat can be alittle crass but it has a realness that Reddit has let slip away in search of dollars.

Imightnotbetrolling ago

I like voat, but it's never going to grow when anyone who strays an inch from the accepted dialogue on the site is called a nigger faggot shill. This isn't a clone website to reddit, it's an alt-right forum.

coolmoe ago

That is the price of freedom my fellow human being. This place requires one to have a thick skin and I realize that's not for everybody. I had the same experience a few times here but I didnt run away and get all butthurt over it. Actually it was quite the opposite that was the moment I realized this place actually was what it was claiming it to be. Because nowhere else could you throw the kinda shit fuckers here throw around and not get banned or censored for doing so. Also I deleted my reddit account the first day I discovered this place (back when kung pow cunt was running reddit).

Imightnotbetrolling ago

I'm not disagreeing with you, I like it here. It's just an objective fact that the culture here is a huge turn off for a large portion of people.

coolmoe ago

Yeah most people and not to rip off Jack Nicholson but they really "can't handle the truth".

This place was made for those that can and hence why it will never be mainstream.

Imightnotbetrolling ago

The thing is, you can tell the truth in a civil and level-headed manner. That's mostly what I've had multiple reddit accounts banned from multiple subs for. People forget that every comment they make here is going to be read and used as evidence against us by our enemies. I'm not trying to concern troll here, but even as someone with the views I have a lot of the stuff in the comments here is really over the top. I've called multiple people shills here who were asking for outright genocide.

irelandLost ago

I'm not asked for money nor am I spammed with ads. From what I can see this whole project is done out of the goodness of your heart. Good to hear from you, but no apology necessary. Thanks for the effort.

Slayfire122 ago

Thanks Putts. Your effort is very much appreciated and I'm extremely excited to see what you have in store for us (just don't burn yourself to a crisp). I've always wondered what it would be like if we could reverse the decisions of powermods. And you're right, we need to start filling up the subs like /v/welding and /v/aviation, although I feel like the internet as a whole is becoming more and more political as time goes on.

bdmthrfkr ago

You are forgiven, as you always have been. We know that Voat is not your priority but the fact that you still maintain (and improve it) makes me happy enough as I am sure it does many other goats.

If we wanted excellent customer service and a seamless experience we would all be still jacking ourselves off over at Reddit rather than using a much more gritty but non censoring place like here.

sjwTroll ago

what are we forgiving him for? Working for free and paying the bills?

This website is down every once in a long while I don't really see how that's a big deal at all, at least for a forum. I also like the features better than Reddit, etc.

heygeorge ago

If we wanted excellent customer service and a seamless experience we would all be still jacking ourselves off over at Reddit rather than using a much more gritty but non censoring place like here.

I agree completely, but I think that many here expect to be cradled by a corporation, yet enjoy the freedom to express completely 'unmarketable' ideas.

bdmthrfkr ago

The wild west was wild for a reason and pussies died quickly. Let those complaining faggots move back to the East coast and cling to their mommies skirt, free speech is never free and never has been.

iswallow ago

You've not let me down

NoTrueScotsman ago

Thanks for the fix and update.

That's disappointing that so many people still use reddit when they know what it is.

think- ago

Thank you for doing what you do, @PuttItOut - saying this on behalf of all Pizzagaters.

We're so grateful we have found a home here.

Dfens ago

Says the guy who has 13 deleted posts on just the first page of https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/about/log/submission alone. What would Voat be without all that fucking "free speech"?

think- ago

....says the guy who just made someone a mod who has posted a bestiality vid. :-)

Dfens ago

Links are really easy to make in Voat.

Vindicator ago

Thank you, Putt. I lost the stomach for Reddit BS within weeks of moving to Voat. But I've never been a big consumer of "PC content" in the first place. :-) Looking forward to your new technology!

Butelczynski ago

I haven't been to "the other side" in years.I like it here. Sometimes goats can be handfull/mouthfull but they are still great.Long live Voat!

PuttitOut-don't beat yourself.By me you are doing great.I remember when I got here first time.It was chaos.look where you got us-thank you for that.

Skyrock ago

You can see this with Voat. A majority of Voat users still use Reddit. People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.). They use Voat to post the things they can’t post on Reddit. This creates an imbalance where Voat becomes increasingly un-PC, while Reddit gets the neutral content (I know even the most hardened ideologue has a level of civility). The end result is this imbalance drives people away as people wear out when confronted by content like this over the long run.

I've been saying that for a long time. To be successful, Voat would need to become the site for everything - for stomach-curling free speech, but also for movies, cat pictures, RPGs, pipe-smoking, car tuning, and whatever else greases the wheels of normie-friendly sites. Instead, over the last few years we have seen content creators like Locke actively driven away - and we see it still happening with users crying about "forum-sliding" whenever a contribution in v/funny gets highly upvoted and dares to displace one of the bazillion j00s/negroes/muslims/libtards from the frontpage. Many seem rather to have the vision of an increasingly extreme and one-sided echo chamber where the choir preaches to itself, and don't care about the growth and outreach of the site, nor do they care about actual free speech (which includes speech you don't like).

I had high hopes for Voat in 2015, but I doubt that in 2018 we could still get there. Too much scorched earth, too many burned bridges, and a tarnished reputation that makes convincing those having broader interests or opinions against the site mainstream difficult.

heygeorge ago

we have seen content creators like Locke actively driven away - and we see it still happening with users crying about "forum-sliding" whenever a contribution in v/funny gets highly upvoted and dares to displace one of the bazillion j00s/negroes/muslims/libtards from the frontpage.

Direct hit! In order for Voat to become more accessible, it needs to become more of a one stop shop. A lot of people cannot or choose not to stomach many of the ideas expressed here, much less the coarse language used to express it.

Karbuster ago

Putt, i deleted reddit just a weekish over 3 years ago and have never once looked back. I understand that people arent as invested in freedom of speech as they should be but they will only know how important it is when they actually need it and that frightens the hell outta me.

You are doing something that it appears no one else is willing to do and yes, we wish you had more time for us just as the child wishes their father didnt have to work so much, but you need to make sure that you are taken care of physically, mentally and spiritually before you can hope to complete this task.

ardvarcus ago

If you want Voat to be another Reddit, all you need to do is start banning everyone who expresses an honest opinion about race, politics, religion or social issues. I don't think any of us want Voat to become another Reddit. Voat is small, but it performs a valuable service. It allows people to speak honestly about topics they are forbidden to talk about elsewhere.

Dfens ago

You threatened to shoot up the Oscars right after the Parkland massacre. You should be in fucking jail, not posting to v/guns making serious gun owners look like criminals. Now you go off on a self-righteous free speech rant? Sounds very hollow to me.

I haven't watched the Oscars for at least twenty years. I don't even know which movies are up for nomination, I care so little about Hollywood or the poisonous drek they crank out of their grinders. I'd love to see someone with a machine gun get up on stage at the Oscar ceremony and just mow down the ranks of smug, rich Jews in the first six rows. What a service to humanity that would be, what a gift to the world. -- https://voat.co/v/guns/2428348/12085218

Tb0n3 ago

@puttitout I want to help. I want to pay. I just hope you can find a way for us all to chip in again.

heygeorge ago

Putts, YOU ROCK! Thank you.

Dfens ago

No, you rock!

ExpertShitposter ago


@9-11 <-----this user is jewish!

heygeorge ago

Good work on bribing Putts to shut down the site for awhile so that we can further our... What are we supposed to be furthering again? I forget. Something something combination of Jew/CIA/SJW somethinf.

dooob ago

@gabara one step ahead of you, already threw a phucks clone rumor. Gabara playing 4D chess?

gabara ago


8thDeadlySin ago

When you find out, please let me know so I can post about it in my conspiracy sub.

hoaxcroaker ago

I love this place, I hope it grows and grows.

AOU ago

New free speech sites are far from being just voat clones.

They are the answer to your total disdain regarding users who have spent a huge amount of time and money on voat supporting you.

These people don’t want apologies. They have moved on and will do what you wouldn’t.

Everybody concerned by voat know it was an HS project you never thought would grow that much.

Freedom of speech is something that should be protected at all costs.

There was a before voat, there will be an after voat.

We believed in you...

novictim ago

Puttitout,, you have nothing to apologize for. And if you did, NEVER do that to a mob. Not that VOAT is a mob, mind you, but you have been doing the hard work and we have been the beneficiaries. No apologies are in order from you.

And Free Speech is the center of a democracy and informed electorate so when it goes away, so to does our ability to control our destinies in society. Free Speech is not "a nice idea". It is not a feature. It is the mechanism of adaptation and advancement.

Anyhow, I have not coughed up any donations for a while. What the situation money wise?

12961894? ago

Putt. You have no idea how much I appreciate this site and what you do for us. There is no other site for me but this place. Please, with much fuckin emphasis, please let me/us know what the hell we can do to keep this place afloat. Thanks, brother.

kestrel9 ago

My thoughts exactly, thank you Putt!

nothingproud ago

Please continue and maybe try ask us users for help more. We are a bunch of cretins, but we will support the site we love.

Digital-Patriot ago


ExpertShitposter ago


SteveB1945 ago

Once in a while I go to Reddit, but rarely.

psymin ago

I definitely like the "mainstream" subs on this site, even if there are few active users of them. Thank you for providing this haven.

CRKT_M16Z ago

I fear the day when we lose Voat for good. I love this website because of what it is and I'm really gonna miss it should anything happen to end it. :(

3337333 ago

Only tranies go to reddit

TheDonaldTrump ago

Thanks Putt,and guys,lets get our act together and discuss things other than jews from time to time?

MadWorld ago

Hey TheDonaldTrump, when are you going to name the jews?

TheDonaldTrump ago

I'm a Nazi,check my post history!

MadWorld ago

I'm a Nazi,check my post history!

Mr. President, I will believe you when you nuke the terrorist state of isreal!

nothingproud ago


Just kidding. We are a very diverse group, I guess the ability to actually discuss the JQ has kind of overtaken just talking about our non-political interests.

Native ago

Keep up the good work! A solution to help you out is to give admin authority to trusted members (I wouldn't know who to trust) so that all the responsibility isn't simply on you. There are Goats on here that have great ideas and want to expand, so let's do that (a simple step is to give a goat access to transfer Moderators to subs). How long has v/subverserequest not had a transfer?

I know for a fact that I wouldn't have engaged in the community the way I did if I didn't become a mod. So if we want to put some life in this site let's grant people the use of the subverses that they requested.

In either case, keep up the good work and i'm not one to shit on you. I'm grateful to have this platform and hope that it continues.

heygeorge ago

Putts wants users to be able to vote on subverse transfers, which is why I think they have simply been ignored. The grand experiment: Let the inmates run the asylum!

chickyrogue ago

do coninue every forum is very important right now

adfasfawfad ago

You can see this with Voat. A majority of Voat users still use Reddit. People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.). They use Voat to post the things they can’t post on Reddit. This creates an imbalance where Voat becomes increasingly un-PC, while Reddit gets the neutral content (I know even the most hardened ideologue has a level of civility). The end result is this imbalance drives people away as people wear out when confronted by content like this over the long run.

This is, indeed very true in future I'll make sure to post more OC content on voat and more content linked from various sites

citrion ago

I think people make the mistake of assuming that each site lives in its own isolated bubble, but that's not really true. In reality, all of these related sites pull an audience from the same universe of people, so what's going on on one site reflects on all of the sites, because it's got the same fundamental core of people behind it. If your business model is based on opinion-shaping services and you operate by dredging up the most shady and thus most pliant audiences and giving them a respectable veneer (Reddit), you're going to get a site that looks neutral but your audience will be infused with all sorts of who-knows-what. If your site is dedicated to free speech (Voat), you won't necessarily change be able to change the nature of the audience, but you'll get a much clearer picture of what that audience looks like. And it's basically the same audience. So when Putt complains about how Voat is dry of substantial commentary and filled with imbalanced content, it's less of a condemnation of Voat, and more a matter of shining a light on the crappiness of the environment that Reddit has created. Voat is a niche site which nevertheless is influential in shaping people's opinions? Well, that's because Reddit is more niche than people realize, yet more influential than people realize in shaping opinions. It's understandably a frustrating situation to be in, because we'd want to ask, "what can we do to make Voat better?," when the answer is that it isn't entirely about us and what we're doing.

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

We definitwly need more Orange County content on Voat.

TallShortSkinnyFatM ago

Same, but it's a diff content set here. Some kids NEED to stay on reddit and some of us need to go to reddit to help them there so they don't come here. To me, they serve diff needs and aren't competitors. I truly think that reddit needs us as we are but could be wrong. Think of it as reddit as pg13 or rated R and we are rated M for M-mature audiences only.

1812-was-not-a-tie ago

I posted a couple of normal things in MapPorn or something and got no welcome, so I gave up on that.

Most of the user base thinks this site exists solely to "name the Jew", and are turning it into an echo gas chamber. Ironically cross this will ruin the site in the long run, as Putt has just pointed out.

Crensch ago

"I started my diet, but didn't see immediate results, so I stopped and ate a tub of ice cream"

You think @Empress had an easy time starting /v/TraditionalWives here? The place was hammered CONSTANTLY for a long time, but she persisted.

@JuiceTown made a subverse where he posted links and images constantly, and now that he's mostly gone, his subverse is still being used by others who make good submissions.

You sound like a quitting faggot. A blackpill agent. Lock yourself in your bathroom with a crushed up peach seed, and pour water on it, faggot.

1812-was-not-a-tie ago

I got much better things to do than to devote time to you.

12967117? ago

Ah man, we really were hammered non-stop. @Hecho even started a sub called "TraditionaiiWives" but used an upper case 'i' which made the name of his sub indistinguishable from ours. Further- he made it a PORN sub!!! He stole our CSS and even changed his name as creator to mine. The only way to find out that it's actually him is to click the name Empress under 'created by'. 10/10 Troll.

hecho ago

im a genius, arent i?

Rakosman ago

genius, faggot; one of those.

the_magic_man ago

The problem is, any new user with an alternative viewpoint is downvoted so he can't post threads and gets limited to a few comments a day. So we're left with a "gas the kikes" echo chamber which just gets worse

Rakosman ago

This is exactly how I feel. I can't even recommend Voat to people because you can't browse anything on the front page hardly without seeing shit about jews and blacks. It is "toxic," so to speak. And the response is always "well we don't want them anyway" which isn't an invalid reaction per se, it just means growth will be slow.

More and more I find myself thinking about using Reddit for more niche subs because there just aren't enough people here to support them here; it's a lot of work to check all the little things you like when there's only a couple posts a month from the same few people.

I like it here, and I like that it's small enough to not have circle jerks of inside jokes and to have a chance at getting your comments seen, but in the time I've been here very little, if any, growth has happened in the small subs.

the_magic_man ago

That's the problem, normal users for non political subs will never use voat. It's too far gone. @atko wanted to change the ccp limits, @PuttItOut seems happy to keep it the way it is, he's comfortable with the current user base. It's not healthy the way voat has grown into a far right only message board. If you build up a good ccp to allow you to post alternative opinion and then post that opinion on a popular board, all you comments across all boards will be brigaded so you lose your ability to post. Same people who downvote you will be posting about how important free speech is.

kneo24 ago

The problem is, most of those users are here to troll, much like yourself.

RacistJew ago

I managed enough CCP to post I think. And all I do is call out the Nazis and call them faggots.

RacistJew ago

Just because I don't want to gas myself for being a Jew, doesn't mean I don't hate niggers, sand niggers, and curry niggers.

My username is honest and I am a realist.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I also praise Yahweh May he deliver us from satan and give us our daily bread

RacistJew ago

Yaweh doesn't give a fuck about us. Or you, or anyone, if he exists, he is an asshole.

The only mana I need is 5.56 on stripper clips.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I thought he cared if u were a greasy homo or worshipped golden cows?

RacistJew ago

Not too worried about it.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

ah, somoene downvoted us both there.

oh well I can circlejerk on some news sub if I get too low.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

ah, well carry on then!

drozzxd ago

The globalists won't be defeated without free speech sites like voat. Thanks for sticking it out.

Tallest_Skil ago

Censorship: BYPASSED 3

The jews won’t be exterminated if you’re too much of a fucking pussy to call them by their name, either.

Look at all these fucking kikes downvoting me with their sockpuppets and bots.

Grifter42 ago

Voat is to Reddit as Reddit was to Digg, except Voat was compromised from the beginning.

whiterknight ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Censorship: BYPASSED 2

The jews won’t be exterminated if you’re too much of a fucking pussy to call them by their name, either.

Look at all these fucking kikes downvoting me with their sockpuppets and bots.

LostInContinent ago

Hey, OP, ^^^^^^^this^^^^^shit is the major reason why Voat is adrift. Conspiracy bullshit. Never proven, but never disproven, only perpetuated and handed off like some pathetic warped oral tradition.

Also, if I disagree that someone's post adds to the conversation in any meaningful way, I cannot downvote that post because I have not initiated posts. This assumes, from the outset, an absence of integrity and intellectual honesty on the part of each and every Voat member when they sign up and, while you can throw rocks at Reddit with justifiable anger for many things, they don't pull any crap like that. If my comments get downvoted, it's not going to destroy my life.

And I'm not going to blame it on women, queers, or the melanin-privileged, FFS. Get a grip, people.

Tallest_Skil ago

Conspiracy bullshit. Never proven


You really expect us to fall for this? Go on, coward. Name something that “hasn’t” been proven. Just ONE thing.

Also, if I disagree that someone's post adds to the conversation in any meaningful way, I cannot downvote that post because I have not initiated posts.

I don’t know what this statement means. Are you talking about the requirement to have 100 upvotes of your own before you can downvote anyone else’s content?

This assumes, from the outset, an absence of integrity and intellectual honesty on the part of each and every Voat member

Rather (and we’ll assume you’re talking about the aforementioned sub-100 restriction), this is done for the sake of sockpuppet and bot accounts, so that you can’t make a thousand accounts and have them immediately control the narrative by downvoting everyone else into CENSORSHIP. Sure, you CAN still make the bots, but for them to be able to downvote, they have to upvote each other. And to upvote each other, they have to comment. And we can ALWAYS tell when it’s a bot commenting.

they don't pull any crap like that.

No, they just literally shadowban you so that you can still post but absolutely no one can see your comments. That’s totally better, right?

And I'm not going to blame it on women, queers, or the melanin-privileged, FFS.

Funny how none of those are jews, isn’t it? Funny how you don’t even seem to comprehend what we believe and why we believe it.

Get a grip, people.

Get an argument, coward. NAME JUST ONE THING.

UrAShillHarry ago

goddamnit this is exactly why @PuttItInMyAss is making a huge fucking mistake continuing this site it's a swamp for subhumans like you

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, paid shill ˚

FairDinkum ago

why "exterminate" anybody? IF people were told The Truth from the beginning and we had a 'fair' system of world trade, there's a good chance everyone would be able to do "ok" i.e. no homeless on the streets of the US (a country that currently has hundreds of thousands of vacant homes)

people across the world could Stop arguing and fighting and join together to make everyone's Lives the 'excellent experience' it could/should be

shady_character ago

That sounds dangerously Marxist. Humanity will never be one big happy family. We're just not built that way.

FairDinkum ago

when was the last serious, physical fight you've had?

what caused it?

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

Wow. You're stupid.

FairDinkum ago

WOW you're incredibly repetitive while excelling at saying NOthing

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

No I'm not.

FairDinkum ago

LOL, do you interview yourself for the jobs you dream of one day having?

You're clearly SO 'cleva' and have much many nothings to say, do you not

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

Actually yes, I do.

Crap, I broke the 3-word limit.

FairDinkum ago

and you're a simple, self centered FUCKWIT with one of those 'quality' US educations, living in their moms basement at 28

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

Coming from you, that's a compliment!

FairDinkum ago

Nice retort ... powerful! (like your other 3 word reply)

kids these days, soooo much nothing to say

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

I'm older, dumbass.

FairDinkum ago

"older" than what? FFS 40yo still live with their moms

Darl_Von_Kibble ago

You can't understand.

FairDinkum ago

what's to 'understand'?

Tallest_Skil ago

why "exterminate" anybody?

Why do the only thing that will actually solve the problem we have? Gee, I don’t know.

IF people were told The Truth from the beginning and schools taught useful shit

Doesn’t matter. Eventually the jews take over the schools and stop teaching useful shit and telling the truth. Every. Single. Time. Always. Without fail. For MILLENNIA.

and we'd need a 'fair' system of world trade

Eventually the jews take over the banks, get rid of gold, and create fiat and usury. Every single time.

there's a good chance everyone would be able to do "ok" i.e. no homeless on the streets of the US (a country that currently has hundreds of thousands of vacant homes)

Without the Fed, the US would not only be PHYSICALLY larger right now, homelessness as a concept would likely not register for anyone. Never mind the technological advancements.

people across the world could Stop arguing and fighting and join together

Fuck your multiculturalist bullshit. Fuck your propaganda. YOU’VE BEEN BRAINWASHED FROM BIRTH TO THINK THIS IS GOOD. We’re not supposed to join together. We’re supposed to war. We’re supposed to live in exclusively white nations or exclusively black nations. That’s the ONLY healthy behavior.

FairDinkum ago

Killing YOURSELF would 'solve" ALL your problems

but you didn't think of that did you oh great one? LMAO

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you have no argument whatsoever and were proven wrong.

FairDinkum ago

elaborate IF you can

UrAShillHarry ago

if, as you say, jews have been successfully subverting and controlling white over and over for millenia then why won't you just admit your inferiority and bow to us?

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, paid shill

UrAShillHarry ago

Lol child raping hillbilly how does it feel to be racially inferior?

Tallest_Skil ago

racially inferior

I wouldn’t know. I’m white, after all. Enjoy your 9 more posts.

UrAShillHarry ago

Lol whites are genetically inferior to Jews we've been controlling you for millennia kek

FairDinkum ago

We’re supposed to live in exclusively white nations or exclusively black nations.

And where the fuck do the Asianns fit in? Or the "half black" people? I guess you'd kill them right? Social purity and eugenics at it's finest ... says the quaran



Yep, as you say, it's You who 'made it up' from your own half assed beliefs and smoking too many cones while playing FPS games all day at your mom's?


(btw; Your poor English shows you're NOT an American (or English speaking country born, person) Maybe you are a bot! lol Definitely an agro idiot

You are projecting your beliefs .... who taught you these things? An AI?

I KNOW for a fact you weren't 'born' or even spent the first few YEARS of your life NOT thinking about such shit, so, pray tell who TAUGHT YOU these 'beliefs' -- they are nothing more. Who 'gives You the 'right' to decree' what's "right" or "wrong"?

NOBODY except yourself.

We’re not supposed to join together.

Really? Says who? WHO TOLD YOU THAT? You didn't "make it up all by yourself" did you now?

We’re supposed to war.

really? Who TAUGHT YOU that? The quaran? WTF is "war" good for? Tell me ONE thing where "war *helped" anyone but the banksters?

And IF that's the case, "why aren't YOU out there 'fighting (useless) wars'? (for the people WHO TOLD YOU all this violent, racist shit you believe)

Are you a coward or just full of shit?

When was the last time you had a REAL Fight? Ever?

Tallest_Skil ago

And where the fuck do the Asianns fit in?

In exclusively Asian nations. Do you really need your fucking hand held?

Or the "half black" people?

Not in white nations. Mulattos and zambos will have to either make their own or defend themselves in black nations.

I guess you'd kill them right?

lol, project harder

Social purity and eugenics at it's finest

There is literally nothing wrong with eugenics, you hypocritical motherfucker. Every species on Earth is selectively bred. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

says the quaran




Says who?

Says common sense. Says all scientific studies ever done since the dawn of man. Says every nation since the dawn of man. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.


You don’t need to be taught instinct, you braindead psychopath.

Yep, as you say, it's You who 'made it up' from your own half assed beliefs and smoking too many cones while playing FPS games all day at your mom's?

Holy fucking Christ, go back to reddit. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

Everything I said is fact. Prove it wrong if it’s wrong.

Your poor English

Are you fucking insane? Clinically, that is. Nowhere have I used improper grammar. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

shows you're NOT an American

Born and raised, moishe.

Definitely an agro idiot

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You are projecting your beliefs

Nope, truth is not a matter of opinion. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

I KNOW for a fact you weren't 'born'

Okay, run along. You are clinically insane.

Who 'gives You the 'right' to decree' what's "right" or "wrong"?

You are brainwashed. You are mentally ill. You are a communist stooge. Truth is not a matter of opinion. Facts don’t care about your feelings. Your subjectivist bullshit is a lie. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

NOBODY except yourself.

Truth is not a matter of opinion, kid. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

Really? Says who?

Says common sense. Says all scientific studies ever done since the dawn of man. Says every nation since the dawn of man. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

Who TAUGHT YOU that?

Says common sense. Says all scientific studies ever done since the dawn of man. Says every nation since the dawn of man. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

The quaran?

Learn how to spell, hypocrite.

WTF is "war" good for?

Tell me ONE thing where "war *helped"

Let’s see… the Crusades, the Inquisition, the American wars, the European wars of conquest in Africa, the European wars of conquest in Asia… Oh, and quite a few of the Roman conquests. Why? Are you really that stupid? Do you know what antibiotics are?

the banksters

Name the jew, coward.

And IF that's the case, "why aren't YOU out there 'fighting (useless) wars'?

Because I don’t fight useless wars, dipshit. Stop posting strawmen and you’ll get an answer.

for the people WHO TOLD YOU

No one told me what is innately known by all humans, YOU BRAIN DAMAGED LUNATIC.




Are you a coward or just full of shit?

lol, false dichotomy

When was the last time you had a REAL Fight? Ever?

Post your address, paid shill, and we’ll make it tomorrow. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

FairDinkum ago

And where the fuck do the Asianns fit in?

In exclusively Asian nations.

DEFINE (tell me) "which Asian Nation" is exclusively ONE RACE! You cannot, as there are NONE

what's your 'heritage' pokohontas, Somali?

Do you really need your fucking hand held?

Tallest_Skil ago

And where the fuck do the Asianns fit in? (and that's ANOTHER of YOUR spelling mistakes, it's "Asian's", with ONE 'n' AND an apostrophe to designate ownership

Why are you so mentally defective that you’re insulting your own spelling? And no, there’s no apostrophe.

DEFINE (tell me) "which Asian Nation" is exclusively ONE RACE!

Japan, China, Mongolia. Taiwan is pretty restrictive, as is Vietnam.

You cannot, as there are NONE

Kill yourself, retard. Japan doesn’t give citizenship to non-Japanese.

I made that Clear in my first post

You were wrong in your first post.

I suppose you'd suggest "building walls" around EVERY country so nobody could be 'racially impure'?

Or oceans. Your’re mentally ill. You were proven wrong. Kill yourself.

and BTW my 'bankster BiL' is a (non practicing) Protestant

So… a jew. And not a Protestant. Because there’s no such thing as a “non-practicing” Protestant.

The Brits conned you yanks SO well a few hundred years ago you still think you 'won the Civil War!

Fun fact, paid shill: the Civil War wasn’t fought against the British.

enjoy eating some HE sweetpea

Still not even remotely an argument.

what's your 'heritage' pokohontas, Somali?

Now your bot is broken. It’s just posting random phrases.

No, but you sure do

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

Words are CHEAP cupcake

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

FairDinkum ago

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

who's bot is broken Roger Repetitive? You haven't made ONE point, let alone say anything relevant or debatable

(see comment re; 'broken politicians repeating themselves' in the hope that, if they do so often enough their pumpkin will turn into a carriage)

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey you haven’t even made any points

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that everything I said was correct.

FairDinkum ago

you should be called BOTski ... tallest ski LOL, wtf kind of nym is that?

FairDinkum ago

Kill yourself, retard

ooooh! guess I've hit a few nerves ... but then again, ad hominem attacks are what you seem best at ... if it works for ya , lol

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that everything I said was correct.

FairDinkum ago

hi Aaron, did you go to synagogue today or did your 'african american goy friend' come over and fuck you in the ass ... which you know you Love! dontcha sugar?

Tallest_Skil ago

bot replies to the wrong thread

That’s cute. Thanks for admitting you’re wrong.

FairDinkum ago

it's "Asian's", with ONE 'n'

Why are you so mentally defective that you’re insulting your own spelling?

here's a PERFECT example of another of your 'logical fallacies' which FAIL

YOU spelt "Asian's" with 2 'n's and TRIED TO "blame me" --- what is highlighted IS what I wrote, (check the OP)

and what's the difference between "asianns" and "asian's"? In fact why pu an apostrophe in their anyway, Asians and Asian's mean exactly the same thing, no?

I wont bother pointing out the numerous other grammatical errors and "fallacious SOPs" you use in EVERY reply

btw I "admitted" nothing BUT once again, like a broken politician (HRC?) you keep on repeating the same Bullshit as if suddenly (magically!) it will "become true"

have you ANY idea who's famous for doing that?

I thought so

bye bye :D

Tallest_Skil ago

you spelt

Never happened. I quoted your post. You are clinically insane.


The grammar is the difference, yid.

other errors and fallacies

List one. I dare you.

I admitted nothing

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that everything I said was correct. Nothing you are saying has anything to do with the topic. You cannot reply to the topic. You cannot refute my statements on the topic. You have nothing. You are nothing. You have posted nothing. You are objectively wrong.

FairDinkum ago

Do you think they're going to let you into year 5 next year? IDK but you seem quite behind in your reading and comprehension abilities

btw could you please quote me "admitting" to the toxic zionist shit you're continually posting ... even though you're a towelhead! lol

why are you even here with "mixed nationalities"? Why don't you go live with your brothers and their camel wives?

Tallest_Skil ago

Sorry, kiddo. You’ve already exposed yourself. Thanks for admitting that you can’t refute a single thing I said.

FairDinkum ago

y'know don't realize this BUT it's ^^^^tiny minds like your that make this place so ~~popular~~ vacant ... there's about 3 comments per thread

although you Schlomo take the matzos for "simple mindedness" ... howz that feel being compared to a "dry Jewish cracker"? Appropriate?

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that everything I said was correct. Nothing you are saying has anything to do with the topic. You cannot reply to the topic. You cannot refute my statements on the topic. You have nothing. You are nothing. You have posted nothing. You are objectively wrong.

FairDinkum ago

Oi vey!

Aaron 'ad hominem's' Goldturd is back .... sigh, boring.

NEVER HAS ANYTHING ~~EITHER worthy of saying~~ to say, he simply repeat's it'self

kinda like a bot but nowhere near as clever

Tallest_Skil ago

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid.

FairDinkum ago

hey Hymie Ad Hominem is back with his standard repetitive Bullshit in BIG BLACK letters! wooo! impressive!

I guess you didn't notice (that requires 'awareness') BUT you're 'pewda is broke

low functioning autism must be a bitch ... can your mom fix it for you? Probably not.

It's hard not having ANY friends hey Hymie?

Tallest_Skil ago

Name one conspiracy we haven’t proven, yid. Why can’t you name one? You claimed that none are real. Why can’t you so much as STATE one that isn’t real? Why can’t you do it?

FairDinkum ago

You claimed that none are real.

wtf are you talking about Hymie?

Tallest_Skil ago

oy fucking vey how did this all begin

Nice try. You still can’t list one.

FairDinkum ago

LMAO .... You are one fucked up person

Tell me ONE thing where "war *helped"

Let’s see… the Crusades, the Inquisition, the American wars, the European wars of conquest in Africa, the European wars of conquest in Asia… Oh, and quite a few of the Roman conquests. Why? Are you really that stupid?** Do you know what antibiotics are?**

wtf had antibiotics got to do with 'war' ... just becoz they were discovered before BOTH WW's!

The era of antibacterial treatment began with the discoveries of arsenic-derived synthetic antibiotics by Alfred Bertheim and Ehrlich in 1907

p.s. meet me at 8 Limbs gym in Bondi, Sydney I'll be there at 7am

Tallest_Skil ago

LMAO .... You are one fucked up person, a sociopath to be precise, but that's nothiing special, 5% of the population are sociopaths

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

"insticts"! WTF?!

Are you too stupid to know what instincts are?

instinct to be any behavior which did not require cognition or consciousness to perform



Nope, explicitly answered the question without changing its purpose.

You simply named a few ld conflicts, NOT the "benefits' they provided

Explicitly listed the benefits.

BTW you forgot the "Opium Wars"

Why would I include one of the least beneficial wars?

and AGAIN, wtf had antibiotics got to do with 'war'

You’re mentally ill. You’re too fucking stupid to comprehend your own question.

just becoz they were discovered before BOTH WW's!

What do the world wars have anything to do with the question?

Good luck using ALL that "common sense"

Thanks for admitting you’re trolling.

p.s. meet me at Bond shopping center, in Sydney, where I have a gym.



Guns, rather. You’ll be executed for your complicity in treason.

Bring cash

I don’t swing that way, faggot.

FairDinkum ago

Hey, someone posted this just for idiots like you


Tallest_Skil ago

Not an argument. No one cares about your lies.

FairDinkum ago

Oh you're gonna look back on these (childhood) days of yours and cringe with shame at your ignorance "back then" as you're physically suffering from it's effects "in the moment"

but I'm just some fuckwit troll (HEY I admit it!) that you fell for hook, line and sinker .... what a world you must exists in if that's the best you've got ... do you ever go outside?

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that everything I said was correct. Nothing you are saying has anything to do with the topic.

FairDinkum ago

Haha, mr ad hominem attacks is back, with another bunch of fallacious crap he CANNOT support

Why would I include one of the least beneficial wars?

Source? (do you even know what I'm asking for?)

C'mon clever boy, surely such a smart guy can muster up hundreds of "independent sources" supporting this (ridiculous) comment?

I have NO doubt you're NOT even going to try to find a supportive 'source' for the shit you're spouting as there are None!

1842, the British could set their own terms.

The Treaty of Nanjing stipulated that Hong Kong would become a British territory, and that China would be forced to establish five treaty ports in which British traders could trade anything they wanted with anybody they wanted to

You're a fuckwit to not know this.

and as for the 'antibiotics' comment, THAT fucked your 'arguments' completely as it PROVES YOU know SFA and can't even UTFSE to clarify your errors ... you HAVE ZERO PROOF of

Now I KNOW you're an ignorant idiot who has SFA better to do that spend hours making Irrational replies to an accurate comment --

Oh, and you're FULL OF SHIT and a wimp, your words are *worthless" -- I ask you 'when were you last in a fistfight' and You don't even answer the qiuestion, ergo = Never.

when after throwing down the gauntlet you wimp out when I accept your challenge and you reply; "with Guns?"

You're a fucking pussy You don't 'swing' ANY way ... you couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag

You said you'd BE "wherever I suggested" .... the next day.

LMAO! as if. How old aren't you, 11?

c'mon and get your ass kicked "old school" style ... and yes, you'll NEED the tampons to stop your bones getting broken but the headgear wont stop the concussion - Oh, but you need a brain to get concussion, so I guess I', wrong!

howz the basement? Is your mom giving you a hard time about having your weekly shower? (or doesn't she like all the Mountainview bottles full of piss surrounding your "battlestation"?

seems like the mould has got into your wetware coz you're bugging out sweetheart

Tallest_Skil ago

Haha, mr ad hominem attacks is back

Not an argument, not a statement of fact.

with another bunch of fallacious crap he CANNOT support

Oh, you! You were talking about you. Fair enough.


For fuck’s sake, dipshit, you listed it.

hundreds of "independent sources"

You don’t get to dictate the terms of discussion. You were already proven wrong.

there are None!

You were already given the sources.

You're a fuckwit to not know this.

Nice strawman. We’re not discussing this.

and as for the 'antibiotics' comment, THAT fucked your 'arguments' completely

Nope, proves my argument.

YOU know SFA and can't even UTFSE to clarify your errors

Either write in English (and prove your claims) or don’t reply at all. You’re clearly not white. You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

Now I KNOW you're an ignorant idiot who has SFA better to do that spend hours making Irrational replies to an accurate comment --

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

Oh, and you're FULL OF SHIT and a wimp, your words are *worthless" -- I ask you 'when were you last in a fistfight' and You don't even answer the qiuestion, ergo = Never.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

FairDinkum ago

gee kid ... seems the meds aren't working for you ... and they sure make you repetitive ... but not correct

keep up the preschool level replies ... next year you'll be in Grade 1! wooo!

and stop wondering why you have no friends

you're Boring and they're already over you ... oh, is that me projecting again? No, it's my 'other self' .... great workout at the gym this morning too, what about you chum?

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that everything I said was correct. Nothing you are saying has anything to do with the topic. You cannot reply to the topic. You cannot refute my statements on the topic. You have nothing. You are nothing. You have posted nothing. You are objectively wrong.

FairDinkum ago

yep you're absolutely right!

Say, how does such a smart guy like you have SO MUCH TIME to spend writing comments here?

not that I GAF

resperat ago

Don't think that you've provided much of an argument besides "it's da joos" either

Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, new paid shill sockpuppet account! Thanks for exposing yourself before you had any points, completely destroying your work!

You have no argument. You have no refutation. You have no evidence. You have nothing to add.

Everything I have said is cited and sourced. It’s all fact. What do YOU have to prove me wrong, shlomo? Go on. Try.

resperat ago

Last I checked "all scientific studies ever done since the dawn of man" doesn't abide by any citation standard that I know of. Even if I was trying to prove you wrong, no matter what I'd give you I bet that you'd paint it as the work of "the jews" anyways

No, my point was that you're telling the person you're so graciously discussing these matters with that he's made no arguments, while you've really made none of your own. You've given literally nothing besides one line replies to his one line replies, and most of them are half formed thoughts at best (just reread what you wrote). As such, you are in no position to claim some sort of intellectual high ground and tell him he has no argument, because really you have just as little of an argument as him. That is all. And now I will collect my 1 shekel

Tallest_Skil ago

Last I checked

Check harder, then, you illiterate fuck.

Even if I was trying to prove you wrong

Don’t bother; you can’t.

no matter what I'd give you

Thanks for admitting that you have nothing to give.

I bet that

You’ll never know, will you? Because you don’t have anything and are too scared to post it if you were.

you're telling the person... ...that he's made no arguments

Prove my statement wrong, then.

while you've really made

Except I have.

You've given literally nothing

Try harder.

one line replies

And you think you deserve more when you’ve ALREADY BEEN PROVEN WRONG?

most of them are half formed thoughts

They’re in reply to his posts. Take a moment to think about why they might be that way.

you are in no position to claim some sort of intellectual high ground and tell him he has no argument

  1. He has no argument.
  2. Everything I have said is proven to be true.
  3. Everything he has said is proven to be not only false, but literal brainwashing propaganda.
  4. YOU have no argument and no reason to be posting here.
  5. YOU came out of nowhere and “just happened” to find this conversation.
  6. Either refute what I have said or shut the fuck up.

because really you have just as little of an argument as him.

Proven false.

Tallest_Skil ago

Censorship: BYPASSED

The jews won’t be exterminated if you’re too much of a fucking pussy to call them by their name, either.

GassyMcGasface ago

Shekel niggers? Hooked nose pedophiles? Oven dodgers?

B3bomber ago

Kahazarians. Nigger works well too.

Tallest_Skil ago

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

TheKobold ago


Tallest_Skil ago

The jews won’t be exterminated if you’re too much of a fucking pussy to call them by their name, either.

unclejimbo ago

Globalists to mean means Jews+Jew Allies

kingminos ago

Noho palsy ! Better include lots of gentile biz-nazis who send USA IP to China and jobs to the Viet! Trotsky-Juuuz are a somewhat different matter actually.

Tallest_Skil ago

To you, sure. What about a normalfag? What about a regular guy who comes here and thinks that his neocon brainwashing is “far right”? Just speak the truth in as plain a language as you can. Everything outs itself. It’s not globalists, it’s not the illuminati, it’s not the jesuits, it’s not the freemasons, it’s not even the zionists. It’s the jews.

The road to victory here is to not allow the message to be watered down.

Do not say, “Well, I don’t agree with Hitler, but…” No. You do agree with Hitler. And so do they. Describe national socialism as it actually was, but without using the word. When they agree with you, say, “Congratulations; you’re a fucking nazi.” When they act incredulous, simply explain the obvious. Wall Street. Bankers. Corporations. All of the rich fat-cat bastards of today who they pretend to hate? Jews. Jews. Jews, a thousand times. If there is one thing you can prove, it is this: it is always the Jews. Now show them history. Show them how it was the exact same–even worse–in the early 20th century and earlier. The kikes were at it then just as they’re at it now, bleeding the world dry and driving entire nations to ruin. I have done this before. You have to be merciless. You have to make them realize that it is you, not they, who is the true revolutionary.

They think that they’re fighting against “the man,” but they don’t know who the man is. You do. Point to him. Call him by his first fucking name. Show them his crimes and they will realize that they are wrong. And that he is wrong.

Rawrination ago

Show don't tell.

Show the crimes. Then when people are in horror tell them the name.

Meet people where they are and bring them to the truth, but only they can decide to swallow the black pill.

BrimstoneBrute ago

Kind of hard to control the order people receive information on the internet. Just toss it all out there, something's bound to stick eventually.

Rawrination ago

Of course. But you can structure your own speech in such a way as to cast the widest net possible.

Since we are fighting against not just brainwashing but the whole foundation myth of current post WW2 civilization.

We've got a hell of a time getting from bankers are kind of dicks sometimes... to Hitler did nothing wrong and the Holocaust is a hoax.

Which is why I like to start with facts and stories that are true. And at the end then tell them the lesson.

Its how Jesus taught and how he would want us to go about exterminating those who call themselves Jews but have utterly defamed the name. Remember Jesus only recorded time of getting physically violent (that I know of) was against the God-damned money changers in the temple. The same enemies we fight today.

Jesus was very clear calling out the bastards as the Synagogue of Satan and that they where Damned to Hell.

DeliciousOnions ago

I can tell you one thing for sure - I was a Bernie fag who came to Voat for free speech. I already agreed with the "elite globalist" arguments but I dismissed all the hooknose accusations as racist bullshit for the first year I was here.

Pills can be hard to swallow, let the normies take them one at a time or they'll give up.

SexMachine ago

My path to the red pill was through the holocaust. I love history. So once I found out that the holocaust was all a lie, it took little convincing for me to believe that they're still lying to us.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

Jews are great at marketing. Soon, the Holocaust will be sponsored by Disney, CNN and the Rothschild's.

SexMachine ago

It pretty much already is sponsored by Hollywood.

Selfpropelled ago

Long live VOAT!!

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Buddha was right twice in a row.

I thought the reaction to things going down was a massive overreaction.

Tallest_Skil ago

TheBuddha has never been correct, moishe.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

@tallest_skil sucks his own dick

TheBuddha ago

I'm always right, Mr. BlazeIt. Always.

Except that one time. I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.

ilikeskittles ago

Thanks Putt, I never go to Reddit. Ever.

NSFW_LeeLee ago

Please save VOAT as is. I Gab. Gab showed me VOAT. VOAT showed me /pol/. I used to be a /b/tard. Now, I love this place. I love PizzaGate housed here. i never reddit. Im a GOAT. Ppl here are unique in interactions. you give us space. Thanks. lots of us are older. be me ..45+ and back in college. We still need truth to be spoken.

blumen4alles ago

S0 yeah I thought the manipulation using guilt for looking at redd1t was a nice touch 2.

ATX_1138 ago

I think I will do that. For two days the banner ads have all been for Marvel's Cloak and Dagger with an obvious agenda.

dontmindthemess ago

Ditto. I deleted my account and didn’t look back. Thanks Putt!

fedevela ago

What is reddit? XD

Gorillion ago

Another non-reddit-goer here.

dayofthehope ago

During the outage I cheated on voat/putt by using notabug.io. Am I a bad person?

dayofthehope ago

During the outage I cheated on voat/putt by using notabug.io

dayofthehope ago

During the outage I cheated on voat/putt by using notabug.io. Am I a bad person?

issueninja ago

What's Reddit?

herbert_west ago

I also left Reddit for good years ago...

WhiteSurvivalist ago

Haha what is this? CIA spam? "Hey goy, don't spread your wrong think on reddit, just stay in this containment box." I am on reddit constantly naming jews night and day.

shadow332 ago

I haven't been to reddit since they banned FPH.

iownyou ago

Yup, I have no intention to ever visit that site. Not even to see what they are talking about. I don't care and haven't cared for a really, really long time.

Loganhiemer ago

I second this

theysayso ago

Me either. Some of my friends in my gaming community asked me to post something in Reddit for recruitment and I was like, "faggots still use Reddit?" It is completely off my radar.

I have a dream. And in that dream and can walk up to a stranger and say, "whatsup nigger faggot" and we'll high five not because we think that people should be called "nigger" or "faggot" because we''ll be like, "Right on man. Fucking free speech".

ilikeskittles ago

Amen Brother!!!!!

Wonder_Boy ago

I've reduced my Reddit usage by over 90%.

Gigan ago

Sadly I do. I'm not comfortable browsing Voat at work. For what it's worth I try and redpill redditors but usually get downvoted to oblivion.

tccl ago


3dk ago

Ever since they banned FPH, I've had reddit on my ad-blocker list, so I never accidentally give them even a single click. If there is a thread in search results that I want to read, I archive it. Fuck their commie censorship.

ilikeskittles ago

Amen Brother!

Super_Cooper ago

I was using both for a while, but I never visit reddit now.

DeliciousOnions ago

I kept finding myself going back to them for niche garbage but ultimately I put their site on a blacklist. Fuck their trash.

ilikeskittles ago

You know there was some good stuff there at one time and I assume there still is. I have a problem with the way the place is run and as such won't give them clicks.

wgtt911 ago

Ditto... never..

ExpertShitposter ago

Never have, don't, never will.

irelandLost ago

Only account I ever had on reddit was setup to ask questions on that 'debate the alt right' sub when the whole alt right thing started getting publicity a couple of years back cos I wanted to understand the ideology from the perspective of proponents and not just critics. The ideology was appealing. Voat seemed to get mentioned a lot. Alt right sub got banned on reddit. Here I am.

Ina_Pickle ago

Ditto, skittles. Not even when people link to that site.

ilikeskittles ago

I think I'm guilty of doing that once.

Joe10jo ago

I never go to Reddit, never turn MSM news on... my go-to for everything is Voat. No joke.

voltronsdicks ago

I still go on reddit for non-soy boy content. Obviously I don't post on there because my views don't fit in with the SJW cuckfest. But voat is my bottom bitch.

viperguy ago

I strongly suspect based on popularity that a lot of voat people do go to semi-controversial subreddits such as MGTOW.

The admin is correct. He is just stating that the non controversial and semi controversial stuff migrate here. even MGTOW

refer to my long fact filled post regarding how there will be a digg.com moment and reddit will flee to here one day, lower in this long thread

DegenerateAF ago

There's definitely a good crossover between /r/MGTOW and Voat. Plenty of comments over there calling out (((them))).

QualityShitposter ago

I go to reddit to troll, but that's it. Other than that, it's infinitychan and Voat.

FuckYourSafespace ago

I actually shut my phone off during the outage

Jdub75 ago

Cause who needs alternative opinions

clubberlang ago

Opinions are like assholes

MegaDouche ago

They look like star fish?

clubberlang ago

No they taste like chocolate

MegaDouche ago

Damn, I must be licking the wrong assholes. They test like shit to me.

clubberlang ago

You spelled kissing wrong

MegaDouche ago

Nah, I was never very good at that. Besides I have my fortune, I don't need shit from anybody at this point. All I ask for in life is a quick and painless death.

clubberlang ago

Touche my dear douche

Jadsticles ago

Plenty of alternative opinions here mate.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Same here. I fucking love this site, I'd hate to see it gone. And I hate Reddit with a fiery passion and all the prissy soyboys and fat landwhale sjws that regularly browse there.

voltronsdicks ago

I visit reddit for non-political content as it's a massive site but obviously not for anything beyond that as there is massive SJW censorship there.

I use voat for reading and discussing politically incorrect issues.

boggle247 ago

I've had a hard time ditching it because I use LineageOS and that is their main forum. Also the nextcloud subreddit seems more useful that their actual forums. But I've made do.

clubberlang ago

"not every jew is evil and not every nigger is stealing your stereo" whooduh thunk it?! Caucasian slim build approximately 6 foot in height wearing GSW Jersey last seen with stereo be cautious when approaching as music may auditorily rape your ears definitely not middle eastern as that would be halalarious.

voltronsdicks ago

Could you clarify your point?

UnknownAlias365 ago

That's fine man, I never said I hate everyone that browses there, just the soyboy cucks and fat sjw hambeasts, which happen to make up the majority of those that browse of course. Like you said, not every nigger, etc.


I never used sites like reddit, Voat is the first i signed up for, specificly because of free speech, it was recommended to me through IRC channels.

Jdub75 ago

Voat is not free speech. I cannot post links nor downvoat based on my score.

boggle247 ago

You can express your opinion using text like anyone else. Up voting and down voting isnt too significant here anyway. It doesn't suppress unpopular comments like reddit voting does.

BackAsswards ago

If your not willing to put in the effort to express your rights I feel bad for you. It's quite obvious why it is set up this way.

Whitemail ago

Because you're a faggot.

Hey_Sunshine ago

You should start charging "45" rent cos he's already in your head and on your mind.

Sublimesati ago

Never been on reddit as a user and maybe skimmed a dozen topic there. Ad soon as someone mentioned mods that were biased I checked out. Now that there's a censoring issue I'm glad I made the right choice.

fartyshorts ago

Is there a Voat IRC? I haven't used IRC in years, but it'd be fun to try again.

nomadriders ago

I'd be willing to host one from home if voat admins want to point a subdomain to it.

TheTrigger ago

There used to be one. And then several. Might still be one around. Who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

fartyshorts ago

Someone knows... And some say that man is in this very room.


TheTrigger ago

I edited the comment, just for you. :p I would have done it sooner, but got distracted by the sweet jams on BaphoNet's homepage: https://baphonet.neocities.org/

IrelandIsDead ago

What's IRC?

fartyshorts ago

Internet relay chat. It was the preferred way to chat before MSN messenger, TeamSpeak, Skype, Facebook messenger, etc. then it died in the mainstream. :/

SexMachine ago

Normies couldn't hang. I blame smartphones for the death of internet culture.

hopeforall ago

Android IRC Client http://archive.is/lVjMS

sniper98g ago

I've gone there to stare at the stupidity on occasion, but my account has been gone for years.

Fuck that place!

FireSauce ago

I would go there from time to time just to shitpost and get instantly banned from things pretty much. Went to do that a little while ago and they deleted my shit! Thought about making another but now they want you're email so fuck that

QualityShitposter ago

Disposable email is your friend.

kalgon ago

"...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you..."

Crensch ago

Poor abyss.

ilikeskittles ago

It's been so long I don't ever remember what my account was.

NakedWarrior ago

I used to always Reddit, but I can't stand the place now. I came to Voat during the Pao boycott and then left and now I am back for good. I will never return to Reddit. I really do think it's a bunch of 12 year old boys and retarded college sheep there. However, I do agree with Putt about the posting problem. I fear Voat might be getting a reputation as a site full of hate speech, but only because anything you write that doesn't conform to the sheep's ideas is considered hate speech. I would like to see an expansion of thoughtful posting. The things I love most about this site is there isn't that constant need to upvoat posts, so it makes it feel more honest when posts are upvoated. I enjoy knowing that I can say anything here and won't endure the wrath of SJWs, even though I may still be called faggot cunt. I'm okay with that tho. I did try to sell my Reddit account and nobody wants it - says a lot. Thank you Putt for keeping the fire going and not giving up.

VoatsNewfag ago

Thanks for informing us. I personally really don't mind it if voat has a hiccup every once in a while as long as we're not left in the dark, it only makes everyone go crazy with conspiracy theories.

Personally I'm always slightly worried that you might one day abandon voat.

wellendowedduckling ago

@puttitout seconded. We love you putt. I'm so grateful for your commitment to this site and the freedom of speech. I am one of the voaters that never goes to reddit and trusts the community here over the MSM (granted, there is *plenty * of bias here too, but much less propaganda).

I would like to bring up that your core community (someone told me once it was only 700 people?) would probably be happy to pay a monthly subscription to help you with hosting fees, etc. I know I would. This website is very important to me.

Grifter42 ago

All you're doing is shouting approval for the new Spez.

bruddah ago

Yes me too.

I hope he realizes that this thing voat may seem so up front, in his face, and hugely important, yet still just a real, tangible thing, that he can easily abandon. Someone else will probably pick up the slack right? In that way, this web server is a very material, and perishable thing that he is working with.

But to us. To the rest of the United States, and even more so to the rest of the world, it is the very last place where one can hope to find some semblance of the truth. It really is the last remaining bastion right now, and it and (you) are really under direct attack. They are trying to crush your mind, your hope, and your sense of connectedness together. They are trying to isolate you. THAT is the only way they can defeat this worldwide movement for truth. And it has worked, time and time again, for centuries. But we have the internet now. And we have voat. Don't count on the next guy to help carry the load. Please. We need you Putt. We need all of you.

FairDinkum ago

to the rest of the world, it is the very last place where one can hope to find some semblance of the truth. It really is the last remaining bastion right now, and it and (you) are really under direct attack. They are trying to crush your mind, your hope, and your sense of connectedness together.

They are trying to isolate you/us in every way they can, from race to religion to sexuality to fashion -- FOMO is a 'new' thing.

THAT is the only way they can defeat this worldwide movement for truth. And it has worked, time and time again, for centuries. But we have the internet now.


But we have the internet now.

it is the very last place where one can hope to find some semblance of the truth. It really is the last remaining bastion right now, and it and (you) are really under direct attack. .

TPTB NEVER thought that 'computers' would become a 'personal device' and they sure as hell didn't "plan" (and they Plan for *everything, up to 100's of yrs ahead!)

BUT they never saw this "communications revolution" occurring and here we are

So yeah, let's make the most of this wonderful web of humans

great post OP

TallShortSkinnyFatM ago

But he already said he isn't leaving but is trying to set it up to be more self-sufficient.

Be part of the solution. He needs his own life as we all do. We must work together to think critically and try to be self reliant for him and for us. Otherwise, how will we grow? How will he move on to his next project which is probably a heck of a lot more kickass than voat?

BackAsswards ago

I actually enjoyed all the crazy the last outage brought. It gets quite entertaining around here when conspiracy theories start flying.

voltronsdicks ago

It's all the crazy "Jews did everything" followed by "every nigger is evil" and "whites are pure as the driven snow" bullshit that makes ppl think voat is just full of angsty teens.

If you can't be objective, you lose credibility.

WhiteMakesRight ago

Fuck off JIDF.

voltronsdicks ago

sorry i hurt your feelings faggot. truth hurt?

WhiteMakesRight ago

OK, settle down big man.

Jadsticles ago

Yeah, I've got a friend who is on reddit a lot. I exposed him voat and he literally said, "everyone seems to hate Blacks and Jews on there." I really do think that is a problem. Perhaps maybe even a psyop by alphabet organisations...

voltronsdicks ago

There's definitely justified hatred of both groups just as there's also justified hatred of white groups. But to make an entire race guilty while absolving your own race is just fucking childish retardation. No rational person is going to look at such retarded claims and think "well these people have a well thought out opinion on the subject."

It's one thing to point at the crimes and hypocrisy of jews and niggers. It's another thing to claim that all jews and niggers are automatically guilty just because of their genetics. And then to turn around and ignore all the crimes committed by whites makes voat look like a butthurt Nazi sympathizers club.

I like the fact that voat isn't politically correct and is willing to use words like "nigger" to offend the hypocritical and delicate sensibilities of SJW cucks. But I hate the fact that it's also defined by the Master Race tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. They have no fucking clue how credibility is won or lost.

kreepyasskraker ago

Fuck you nigger kike

voltronsdicks ago

Your words hurt. Kinda like your training bra. #TantrumHARDER

kreepyasskraker ago


SubspaceDistortion ago

Yes, but the jews are also behind just about everything evil, the niggers are mostly uncivilized savages, and whites are mostly good human beings.

voltronsdicks ago

And the tooth fairy is real.

You fucktards make claims as if just making the statement itself constitutes proof. And you wonder why people parody idiots like you. smh

SubspaceDistortion ago

You can't see the truth for what it is.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Bit of a strawman there, I have never seen anyone claim whites are pure, just that they are most successful when their own societies are not undermined by non-compatable races.

For instance, are you comfortable when a Jewish lead admission board at Harvard is over 3000% more likely to admit a jew than a white christian? Are you comfortable with areas of our great cities being ridden with black and latino violent crime? Are you comfortable when every demographic besides white europeans is voting for socialism and expanded government?

The thing is, we are objective on voat. There are almost no forums where you could question even the slightest details of the holocaust. You cannot question why you are being systematically replaced as a people. The fact that you call these discussions "angst" is a reflection of your own indoctrination from decades of (((public schooling))) and a diet of media that influenced your mind from before you could even frame a complete sentence.

You may think of yourself as a "moderate" and above all this stuff we get upset about, but those people from reddit would silence your moderate opinions just as quickly as anyone else from here. Let me tell you that you have a luxury of free speech here because we embrace white european culture and have rejected Jewish rules of debate that are explicitly designed to undermine discourse. So appreciate what you have.

Fred_Leuchter ago

Well said.

voltronsdicks ago

Bit of a strawman there, I have never seen anyone claim whites are pure

It's a bit of a lie to claim that whites are criticized as often as jews and niggers when you know very well that whites are held up as the Master Race on this site.

just that they are most successful when their own societies are not undermined by non-compatable races.

This is a laughably retarded claim with no basis in fact.

For instance, are you comfortable when a Jewish lead admission board at Harvard is over 3000% more likely to admit a jew than a white christian

No. Just like I'm not comfortable with white supremacy idiots pulling statistics out of their assholes as if they've actually studied the issues in depth and are willing to have their views criticized.

Are you comfortable with lying and distorting history to fit your "whites are better than every other race" bullshit narrative?

Are you comfortable with areas of our great cities being ridden with black and latino violent crime?


Are you comfortable absolving the white race of their much more damaging and far reaching financial crimes that cripple societies? Are you comfortable with the abundance of white serial killers and white school shooters? Are you comfortable with whites being in charge while being too childish to be held accountable to their position of authority?

Are you comfortable when every demographic besides white europeans is voting for socialism and expanded government?


Are you comfortable with whites telling lies like the ones above to absolve themselves of their own crimes against mankind?

The thing is, we are objective on voat.

This statement alone proves you're a lying piece of shit to anyone who has been paying attention to your so-called objectivity.

Reminds me of the 2 "objective" replies I just got from your fellow "objective" white power faggots:

Fuck you nigger kike

Fuck off JIDF.

Yep. Sure sounds like objective rocket scientists on here.

There are almost no forums where you could question even the slightest details of the holocaust.

Even the faggots on here practice censorship. You make it sound like reddit is the only intellectually frightened cuckfest in town. You're in just as much of an insulated bubble on voat as the faggots on reddit.

You cannot question why you are being systematically replaced as a people. The fact that you call these discussions "angst" is a reflection of your own indoctrination from decades of (((public schooling))) and a diet of media that influenced your mind from before you could even frame a complete sentence.

The fact that you're a fucking moron referring to white supremacy propaganda as "discussions" proves you're no better than the hypocrites you're railing against. Your laughable excuse for an education deludes you into believing that making a retarded claim constitutes an intellectual discussion.

You may think of yourself as a "moderate"

I think of myself as a human being with a brain who desires to know the truth. You can call that moderate if you want. I call it common sense.

and above all this stuff we get upset about,

I'm not above getting upset about niggers being violent or jews slimy fucks or wetbacks coming here illegally. But I'm not going to throw objectivity out the window to suit some equally retarded white power agenda being perpetuated by undisciplined cucks who can't even tell the difference between race and culture and are unable to handle criticism of their views without menstruating.

but those people from reddit would silence your moderate opinions just as quickly as anyone else from here.

You make it sound like I support the faggot SJW censorship occurring on reddit.

Let me tell you that you have a luxury of free speech here

You're a fucking idiot if you think there's such a thing as free speech. You FIRST have to be telling the truth before you experience censorship, which is why you're in no danger of being censored.

because we embrace white european culture and have rejected Jewish rules of debate that are explicitly designed to undermine discourse.

Oh you mean that "fuck you nigger kike" discourse? You lying piece of shit.

So appreciate what you have.

How about fuck you, you lying nigger.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Your post history is full of posts like these where you attempt to throw around a bunch of swear words and try to add divisiveness to the conversation. Whether you are a troll or attempting to shill I can't tell, but it doesn't matter either. You do not write like an educated white European.

If anyone is reading this chain, please take note of the manner in which voltronsdicks writes. There are a few troll tactics at play, first is they will ask you to "source" everything you say, even if it is easy to reference. It's an attempt to waste your time so do not fall for it. Second, they will attempt to cuss and swear and throw pejoratives around liberally. This takes what should be a civil discussion and attempts to render it into a shouting match. Lastly in an attempt to blend in they will use words like nigger and kike. They never use the words correctly, they just pepper them in. It's pretty obvious from this particular users post history this is a common theme.

You can also tell when these posters are using multiple accounts, this poster included, I noticed how my post went from 16-0 to 16-3 within a course of a few minutes. So at the minimum we are dealing with three alternate accounts.

voltronsdicks ago

Your fucking stupidity is painful to read.

captainstrange ago

voltron, I know you're a kvetching jew, but you should come over to the side of the whites. We need more ruthless people.

Jewish women are fugly as fuck. And the entire culture and religion is designed around worship of being cuckolded by your mother. As pissed off as this statement will make you, you know what I'm saying is true.

Join the white european master race, whites are as pure as the driven snow.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Your posts with their constant swearing and vulgarity are a clear reflection that you have personal issues you are struggling with. You are having trouble in life, I understand that. But all this "trolling" is not going to help you. Get to the gym, study harder and eat healthier. You'll thank yourself in two years.

NoRoyalty ago

Good on you. I don't allow upvote count to inhibit my speech either.

lamplight ago

I think we have developed our own culture here. No one knows who you are or what race you are. We are all equal and can share what we find with others who are interested.

Crensch ago

What happens when being objective leads you to those conclusions?

voltronsdicks ago

What happens when being objective leads you to those conclusions?

You'd actually have to prove you were objective before you could make that claim. And since you guys obviously haven't been anywhere near objective, it's laughable to hold such a fragile conclusion.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


No people have plenty of objectivity here, you just personally disagree with the facts so you pretend they don't exist.

voltronsdicks ago

No you're just too fucking stupid to even grasp the nature of the contention. You just shout out a phrase as if that's an argument when you don't even know what's being argued. That's exactly how DUMB you are.

lanre ago

You don't have to talk about it every minute of every waking day. For example, if you're 60 years old and it'll take another 30 years to fix the problem then maybe you just wanna forget about it for awhile sometimes. People can't handle outrage nonstop and it just makes you pessimistic.

Gorillion ago

We don't have 30 years. We very likely don't have 3 years. Shit is happening now.

Crensch ago

You're making a completely new argument here.

The previous one was about our normal rhetoric being repulsive to others, and how (somehow) using that rhetoric is not being objective. So I'm not really sure why you're acting as if this comment is a continuation of either point.

As for the constant talk about it, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, not, "Eh, I need a break, so the rest of you stop talking about it now."

One of the only places on the net to discuss such things and faggots like you have to act like Jews and try to shut us up about it. NOT addressing the issue constantly, and pressing the issue constantly, is what led us to this sorry state of affairs.

Do you know who DIDN'T let up? (((Them))). Constantly, constantly whittling away at us. Never stopping to take a breath.

THEY have won up to now, and you want us to take a break?

Fuck you.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

As someone who originally came here due to remembering an old Jewish tale that was popular on Reddit (about "Stop the government from silencing all of the minority groups, or one day you'll be the minority group they silence") and didn't even look into all of the (((coincidences))) for the first year or so (give or take a few months) after coming here:

Fuck anyone who tries to act like the SJWs and the Marxists by silencing any discussion here. If you don't like what people are saying, JOIN THE CONVERSATION AND USE A COMBINATION OF FACTS AND LOGIC TO MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE A DUMBASS!! If you still can't do that, then it's time for you to stop and either re-think your strategy or re-examine your beliefs and biases.

Bananazz ago

one thing is for sure... the propaganda is relentless and the lies are everywhere.

TallShortSkinnyFatM ago

I would like to second this "fuck you"!

Feldorai ago

Put is gone for a day


WeekendBaker ago

For us old timers, more like “aaaaaand it’s either another Reddit sub ban, or the servers on fire again. Oh well, time to get some groceries.”

deanna ago

preview voat was down that was a little disappointing. I ended up going to imgur and the second picture I looked at was a commercial for water or weights or something I don't even know. so I did the same thing I went shopping and got some nice kale.

ZX4jBXu ago

Rapture with no Jesus is just a bad day lol

PsychoDesign ago

Rapture itself is an Apocalypse, but Jesus, Jesus is on whole different level.

Rawrination ago

Project Blue Beam

baneofretail ago

Thanks putt, we really do appreciate what you do.

Samsquamch ago

Thanks @puttitout for all you do!!

Marou ago

You should consider making a premium account on gab or something, so we can send you shekels for the site (via gab). Probably easier than getting a payment processor to take on this place.

BackAsswards ago

I think he is still sitting on a good amount of bitcoin. He could easily get us to send him a good amount of money but he isn't here for that, which says a lot about his character.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Shilling? You can already send him bitcoin. Why use a middleman?

QualityShitposter ago

No habla crypto.

readitagain ago

Hablo just saying

WeekendBaker ago

Because for some big bitcoin is hard.

viperguy ago

Bitcoin as of this month is impossible for average americans, the US gov got nearly ALL my visa and MasterCard to BAN "coinbase.com" which was number one vendor of coins over the internet. Now you need to wiretransfer to off shore banks and stuff. There is a 1,000 price-capped visa reloadable gift card for this month but soon it will die too : https://support.coinbase.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2228646-the-shift-card

readitagain ago

Bitcom is fantasy. It will never be allowed to prosper

middle_path ago

Unfortunately we can't send him time. They don't seem to be making more of it as far as I can tell.

MinorLeakage ago

I think the idea is more buying his time. How much can these other "job" guys really be paying him? I'm sure we can at least get in the market. Buy us some less-premium time.

middle_path ago

Maybe his current job looks better on a resume.

MinorLeakage ago

Okay, good point. Although, Software Engineer sounds fairly decent to me. Lead Developer maybe? Head Administrator? President, CEO and Vice President of Trolling? Proud Owner of the Best-Damn-Nightmode-Ever-Invented?

Now that I think about it, did we ever get a clear understanding of whether @Puttitout (sorry for the ping, but I'm curious) is in 100% financial/legal ownership of the Corporation of "Voat"? As in, when @Atko left, did he bequeath Putts all his stake in the actual corporate entity they formed? Or does Atko one day plan to retire on all the equity Putts is going rake in with this cash cow? No offense intended to Putts; I'd totally buy a T-shirt right now if he'd just sell me one...

middle_path ago

I have no idea, honestly. Some people on Phuks are saying there is a shitload of money in Bitcoin in Voat's wallet. But, I don't know if it's all speculation or not.

MinorLeakage ago

I always heard it explained it was some coinbase (or a similar service) group wallet. I'm not tech savvy enough when it comes to blockchain to chase that rabbit though. If you check the bitcoin wallet address that used to be posted here (possibly still is?) it does seem to have contained millions of dollars. I remember Putts did respond to a question about it, but only with a sarcastic reply akin to "I'm a millionaire?!". Which may be fair enough, the accusation may be laughable, I just don't know how to confirm it.

Norseman ago

oh they're always making more of it, it's just they only give out so much per customer.

ScreaminMime ago

and the same per customer... fucking socialists!

middle_path ago


Slayfire122 ago

Which seems to be less and less as I grow older.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

I didn't know this was possible, great idea

Vindicator ago

Good idea

vivalad ago

what does that mean, 'I'm going to finish it?' you ended on an upnote, but that line confuses simple me :/

veriodd ago

He is developing major features to update the software. Because of all the hackers and people who buy speech, there is a risk of opening up source code used to patch production software. So that means he is working with a small team - and the site has also changed platforms since it was first built so that means at least the team leader is probably writing these major changes in an unfamiliar s/w environment.

Before the new features can be shown to users, the back-end stuff has to be worked out and tested.

MadWorld ago

The Vote feature allows Voat community to self-govern, based on votes from the users here. For example, when we get a cancerous mod, the users can vote him out without admin intervention!

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Let me further translate SRS user @MadWorld's translation: Putt wants to give SRS the power to vote out mods of all communities using their tens of thousands of alts, so he can finally walk away and not have to help them control the site anymore.

Rawrination ago

What is SRS? Is it anything like ShareBlue/ShariaBlue?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

SRS stands for /r/ShitRedditSays and it was the subreddit from which SJWs took over reddit. It’s actually quite a bit more complicated than that, but when you see SRS, it essentially just means control freak SJWs who will use brigading and other tactics to shut down speech they do not like.

mynewaccountagain ago

I think they prefer to be called /v/ProtectVoat

Rawrination ago

Ah ok. Yes if we've learned anything from the destruction of western republics, its that giving every fucker a vote is a bad idea. If we've learned anything from 4chan, its that every online poll can and will be manipulated by people who want to put in the work to do so. Whether for the lulz, or for SJW brigading.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

As I said, it was much more complicated, but as shorthand that’s what reference to SRS means whether it is historically accurate or not.

MadWorld ago


Let me further translate SRS user @MadWorld's translation: Putt wants to give SRS the power to vote out mods of all communities using their tens of thousands of alts, so he can finally walk away and not have to help them control the site anymore.

That's funny because I have noticed at least 24 accounts associated with your account! And that's not even counting other shills/jews from /v/realProtectVoat.

70times7 ago

ding ding

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

Sounds like a tyranny of the majority to me. If Reddit had this SRS"s takeovers would've been even faster, although more public.

SexMachine ago


Maybe there should be an elected council that we can vote on and vote out?

Hey_Sunshine ago

So... Like voat senators?

SexMachine ago

The Council of Goats

Hey_Sunshine ago

C.O.G.s huh? Sounds kinda cool, but we'd have to deliberate on what they can and can't do.... Sounds like an awful lot of coding

lord_nougat ago

The voat community also needs the ability to rotate out old log files to keep the site up!

PuttItOut ago

Best idea yet on how to keep Voat running!

MadWorld ago

XD Why you not using logrotate and why you kept so much debug info?!

Norseman ago

why not just disable logs unless he is troubleshooting a feature because of errors, disk space issues, and privacy reasons.

MadWorld ago

I think it's good idea to keep the log files around, just need to restrict the size. Log files are essential; whenever you run into some problems, you can always look or parse those files for the clues. I think he leaves it on because Voat is being updated whenever he has time.

vivalad ago


NoTrueScotsman ago

I believe that's in reference to this part

I’ve tried to revolutionize the “community” aspect of Voat by providing a way the community itself can “vote” on policy (rules, mods, anything actually). It's the future capability of this feature-set that is appealing. A community can become self-sustaining and self-manageable through this new technology

He's going to finish the changes to the site that he's working on.

kingminos ago

Any real voat.co postr will approve a $20 one-time buy-in. Half to the dev=team and half to upkeep the no-tyrannous-majority website.

vivalad ago

thank you!

Battlefat ago

Dude, I was freaked out that some bad shit was going down. At this point I always seem to attribute to malice...because malice rules the world

TheBuddha ago

That's called paranoid schizophrenia.

Really, it's run by aliens.

Or gravity... Probably aliens.

Battlefat ago

My multiple personalities disagree with you, except the one, he agrees because he’s an alien

TheBuddha ago

I figure multiple personalities could be used for good. They'd be like a check valve. They'd be like error correcting RAM for bad decisions while drunk.

12963096? ago

Block chain personality.

TheBuddha ago

Mindcoins! I'll start an ICO.

12963120? ago

Go on then.

TheBuddha ago

We're gonna be rich.

12963467? ago

Crypto will always be needed because if there is no cap on it then it is worthless. Reach near the cap, start another. . Got those MCS?

TheBuddha ago

It's an ICO. We don't actually need a plan. We need a trendy website and I've got the right to use Ph.D. after my name. I needn't tell them it's applied mathematics and I know fuck all about finance. It'll work!

12963564? ago

Sounds like a plan.

TheBuddha ago

I thought about making a joke ICO site, then I realized I'm entirely too apathetic.

Battlefat ago

Reinvention is reincarnations check — another life, chosen, in another life

TheBuddha ago

Except our atoms will be used again, but there's no evidence they'll remember once being a part of us.

Even then, it all ends with entropy. Horrible, really!

Battlefat ago

Is cremation abhorrent?

TheBuddha ago

No, it's a good idea. Shit, you're dead. Torch 'em and give the family a plaque.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Aliens control gravity.

lord_nougat ago

Then who control magnets?

weredawg ago

Wizards. Pretty sure that shit's magic.

TheBuddha ago

Truth. That's how they zoom about in their craft at rates of acceleration that'd impart g-forces not even bacteria could survive!

Damned aliens!

Digital-Patriot ago


Boyakasha ago

Thanks for everything, Putt. I don't cheat on you with reddit, FYI.

tanukihat ago

Well at least you didn't just copy paste the same apology from last time. I guess you really do care /s

70times7 ago

Cut him some slack.

Every admin leaves their site in limbo for months. Doesnt comment for weeks on end.

Ignores comments and concerns about the shady happenings going down.

You really expect Putt to take 60 entire seconds out of his busy day (every day!) to deal with us quarantines?

Thats just silly.

tanukihat ago

I cut him slack last time. And what I said last time was "Maybe you should add another admin for another set of eyes on the site." And he didn't do that, and once again the site broke because our sole admin was too busy to maintain the website he's paying for. Now that's silly, like leasing a car and not maintaining it.

PuttItOut ago

I copied this one from a Hallmark card.

TheBuddha ago

Gotta be frank... You have the patience of a saint.

I'd have set this fucker on fire, leaving nothing but repeated images of me giving the userbase the finger, a long time ago.

tanukihat ago

Your attitude is just hilarious.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Your attitude is just sad.

tanukihat ago

Your dicksucking is pathetic and Reddit-worthy. He fucks this site over regularly and you go crawling back every time. Little bitch.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Really? I've used this site just like I've wanted since I got here. I've got no reason to crawl back, I never left because I don't agree at all that he fucks this sites. The opposite, he runs this site. Maybe a bit distractedly, but we're still here sooooooooo........I guess just shud up, Nate

tanukihat ago

He does not run the site you worthless little zombie account. He does nothing until it breaks. Then he comes back and expects praise lavished on him, from disgusting little sycophants like you. You are a pathetic bootlicker. If you knew your father, he'd be disappointed at what a faggot his son turned out to be. Hang yourself, we don't need people like you in this world.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Oh shit...is that you dumping log files when they get flooded? My nigga, I'm so sorry.

I'll tell my dad you say hi.

albatrosv15 ago

1) Do you remember the monthly donation drive? It is gone. You know why? Cause we just can't donate anymore. Why?

2) You have to get a second living being besides you, who would maintain voat. And you could blame everything on him or her, when everything goes south!

Mr_Quagmire ago

Yeah I don't understand how he keeps complaining about no time yet doesn't ask for help or donations.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Honestly, he probably does not know how to get the money from point A to B without causing himself grief.

firex726 ago

Yea, he got a bunch of bitcoins, but it's like telling your boss you don't need to be paid for your work since you have a savings account. Makes no sense.

We need a second, ideally full time person, use the bitcoin and donations to fund their salary.

TallShortSkinnyFatM ago

I agree with this but a paid employee would take heat and be targeted when some jackass posts shit they shouldn't.

PuttItOut ago

  1. We were shut down and blacklisted for merchant services industry wide.
  2. Agree.

HomerSimpson ago

Have you tried using a payment processor like Blue Dog? Or another industry standard when it comes to firearms? They are usually less trouble when it comes to stuff like that.

Sandmich ago

We were shut down and blacklisted for merchant services industry wide.

I've heard that pop up and it sounds like collusion to me, not that I think any prosecutor on the planet will bring the offending parties up on charges. :(

coopzy ago

You don't need a payment processor for crypto. Get Exodus, a multiwallet, and easily allow people to donate what they can.

You can use anon crypto like Dash or XMR to willfully dodge tax regulations. Please Putts allow us to give you money again. It takes 10 minutes to set these up. We WANT to GIVE YOU MONEY.

Bojangles ago

It's pretty amazing that they feel so threatened even by Voat--a broken piece of shit website with a moronic and generally unpleasant userbase--that they have to blacklist it from all payment processors.

I'm of the opinion that we should respond by sending every last Jew in the United States to one of many specially-built fake amusement parks, where they will be packed into rollercoaster cars and launched into giant ovens at the end of the track, one after another. This song will be playing in the background the whole time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9-7uLg-DZU

@Antiracist10 @eagleshigh @watitdew

sjwTroll ago

Could you at least have a bank account or address where people could send checks? Has to be better than nothing, right?

I get the point about #2.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I wonder if you can look how you are systematically shut down by financial institutions and not realize (((who))) you are up against.

redpilldessert ago

If you PM me, I'll send you $500 worth of ethereum RIGHT TODAY as a thank you for all you've done.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

You can use old tech to do an end run around any commercial industry wide ban sanctions. For example, you can set up a post office box number and have people mail you money orders - cashable by you, in banks and other money vendors around the world. There are many legal ways to send money that do not rely upon dependence of third party credit providers.

There is always a way. Many business may pay their bills with checks drawn on bank accounts, but still accept cash only.

You can also have a lawyer write a cease and desist letter to the credit card companies. Their ban of your website is highly illegal, and you can sue them for massive financial damages if they refuse to lift it. Voat is an American company, and it has legal rights to operate in an American manner under American law. Freedom of speech is very much protected.

Understand that under American law, companies that provide merchant services do not have the legal power to blacklist any lawful corporation. It's called illegal restraint of trade, among other things, and it is illegal for them to do so. They are liable to you for commercial damages for interfering in your legal contractual relationships with the rest of us.

They know this is true, but they are doing this until they receive a demand letter from your lawyer, then they will stop, or they will pay. They know you are not an American lawyer.

Voopin__Voopin ago

I really like the sound of that. Hope putt reads it. @puttitout

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Yes, there are solutions.

Also, I believe under American law, the users of this website would qualify as class participants in any lawsuit against the credit companies - for it is not just Putt's transactions that are being interfered with, it is also ours. They are illegally interfering in OUR trade.

Something to consider.

UchihaMadara ago

That's nonsense - you could easily use bitcoin.

ExpertShitposter ago

Let people give you buttcoins. Instruct them how to do so. Step by step guide, don't just say google it.

Slayfire122 ago

Buy a hardware wallet, such as Trezor or Ledger Nano S. Also create a Gdax account or one with another exchange.

Have the donations sent directly to the hardware wallet and use the exchange to sell what you need for your monthly fees. This way, you still have full control over the unused coins and can create a new account with a different exchange whenever. You can even set up your hardware wallet to accept multiple cryptocurrencies, such as ethereum and litecoin.

I don't know your knowledge level, but there will be a whole army of people willing to help over at /v/bitcoin.


I agree, e-currencies have been specifically designed with the intent to combat this financial boycotting from centralized entities. I already support Wikileaks for that very reason simply because they were boycotted by the financial world. I can send a 0.02000000~ Satoshi / 150~ euro per month to help with server costs, if everyone chipped in a few bucks Putt could rapidly gain enough money for server costs, operating costs and even programming costs for adding features and improving the site.

Slayfire122 ago

Exactly. For the small cost of a hardware wallet (around $100ish), Putts can easily set up wallets for several different coins. I guarantee he'd make that money back within minutes of posting the wallet addresses.

belphegorsprime ago

As bitcoin has been mentioned, I wanted to also mention bitcoin cash as an option too. Very low fees, and very convenient.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Take funds for a kitty picture site. Have Katsharzo run it. People can go there and look at kitty pics and then graciously donate shekels through it. You dig?

Womb_Raider ago

"Have KatHarszo or another SBBH member run it." - SBBH member Cheesebooger

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Swing & a miss, jew.

Womb_Raider ago

You're both SBBH. I think I hit a homer.

CheeseboogersGhost ago


zyklon_b ago

If has to be done in someone name let @seanbox run it

24601_JeanValJean ago

actually this makes sense. Everyone that has a cat post pics or use public domain cat pictures- or for fecks sake, dog pictures...yep makes sense

Norseman ago



InediblePear ago

Cats pics he’s talking about cat pics.

dingleberrysghost ago

haha! I love this site so much!

CheeseboogersGhost ago


kneo24 ago

I was cool with it either way.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

I hope.

SigniferLux ago

You can start a Hatreon.

sbt2160p ago

Hatreon lost its payment processors too.

lord_nougat ago

Was it for getting people to buy hats?

weredawg ago

Zog wants us all to have sunburned scalps.

badruns ago

The juice have gone too far!

lord_nougat ago


deanna ago

Hook us up with a direct link.I'll PayPal or Bitcoin or what have you a monthly something or another

holyshitashinypidgey ago

I second this. All you guys need to do is create a Bitcoin wallet (or any other crypto) and I'd donate

Vindicator ago

Yes, Please!

coopzy ago

Justin, please answer these questions.

Orglend ago

Please keep on going. Just registered on this amazing site. Thank you!

MadWorld ago

:-) Oh hey you again, welcome!!

carlip ago

"by providing a way the community itself can “vote” on policy (rules, mods, anything actually)"

Unless you vote no (downvote) "too much", then you don't get to do that anymore. HOW LIBERATING.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. Let me know when we can donate green fees.