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ardvarcus ago

I haven't watched the Oscars for at least twenty years. I don't even know which movies are up for nomination, I care so little about Hollywood or the poisonous drek they crank out of their grinders. I'd love to see someone with a machine gun get up on stage at the Oscar ceremony and just mow down the ranks of smug, rich Jews in the first six rows. What a service to humanity that would be, what a gift to the world.

DeadFox ago

People on here are pussies. They cry and whine about all the ills of society but that's all they do. How is this too far? Do you think we are just going to vote our way out of this situation? Do you think your little forum posts or tweets are going to bring back our countries? If so we've already lost. I applaud the above commenter. Peace will not solve our problem, only blood, and lots of it. Wanting to kill the people literally destroying our country, raping our woman, feminizing our men, prostituting our boys and girls? That is completely normal. You SHOULD have a deep burning hatred for these monsters. If you don't, you're the one who needs help.

YoHomie ago

No, they need the "Truck of Peace"

BeauDacious ago

I'd pay to watch that!

Rellik88 ago

Im all for free speech but you be crossin that line man.

Hayashimo ago

You know what they say about those who say, "I'm for [X], but. . ."

Meru ago

nothing will change unless something on that scale happens though.

Dfens ago

Get help, son, you're too fucked up for words.

DeadFox ago

You SHOULD have a deep burning hatred for these jewish monsters. If you don't, you're the one who needs help.

CujoQuarrel ago

I think you're just a whacko.