ardvarcus ago

They're still at it. Even though the whole fraud of man-made global warming has been exploded and proven false, they are still at it.

wgtt911 ago

At the end of the last ice age sea levels were 20 feet higher than today, so just trying to get back to normal levels ..

newoldwave ago

too many people pissing in the ocean

valk2 ago

Just like global warming........

BitChute you give your site/service a bad name by posting fake news on here. Cherry picked data and we are just supposed to take what these people say as gospel. I am sorry I rather have links to the data they used to make the determination if what they are saying is real, and if the data can be reproduced.

Lastly they are using MODELs to make these claims. These are programs written by humans who can make mistakes and can program them towards their bias.

When I see New Orleans or S.C. Under water we can talk more.

BitChute ago

Someone said in a comment that people lose their ability to post if they post leftist content on Voat. I didn't believe them so I decided to put it to the test.

Boooooooneeestooorm ago

that's nonsense. Voat is commited to free speech. People here don't much like leftists, but that doesn't mean we will rob you of your voice. That's more of a liberal thing.

the_magic_man ago

Voat doesn't have free speech. That's a lie. Create an account, post anything negative about trump on politics, lose the ability to post. Users are happy with the echo chamber so don't care.

valk2 ago

I didn't downvoat it. I pointed out the obvious. This is Fake News. We don't fall for that on here mate. This isn't even a leftist video. So your reasoning makes little sense to me.

I mean that is like walking into a rake and not expecting it to hurt.

Here are you current point totals: Submission Contribution Points: 5090 Comment Contribution Points: 289

For you to even be effected you would have to lose over 189 comment points before you would see restrictions and that is just downvoating. You have to have at least 10 to 15 CCP in order to make posts. That is to ensure people don't use spam bots. If you create a subverse you can't benefit from the points created there.

As far as preventing someone from posting at all that is rare. I mean you would have to be farming negative points for a while to end up not being able to post. Your account is no where near close enough to even see a change if there is one. I am unclear on what, if anything, would prevent a user from posting. Someone can correct me on this though.

There is nothing stopping you from creating a bitchute subverse and posting whatever you want there and you will have no fear of being unable to post. You just don't gain points from it because you created it.

See this post here:

People who made those comments likely came here and trolled people, posted shit on purpose to be annoying or couldn't take a joke. After they poke the bear for so long their accounts reach negative numbers and at that point I am not sure what restrictions outside of voting they have in default subverses.

Now, I would downvoat your post because it is fake news and the information being used is cherry picked. That is fake news and that is a legitimate reason to downvoat. I haven't voated on it yet.

Try posting an obama video to /v/politics or something. That would be a better test.

BitChute ago

I think it probably was a good test because nothing seems to annoy people on both the left and right than Global warming.

I think news about Global warming can be important even if you do not agree with it, I like to keep up on both sides of the debate. I also support people posting both sides to BitChute. For example if you are on one side it's good to know what the other is up to.

Personally speaking, I do think climate change is very real, I also think the major cause is the Sun and co2 has a small contribution.

The thread with the guy who posted it was the top trending one, about voat and free speech. You can find his comment there if you scroll down for BitChute.

valk2 ago

Global Warming isn't real. There is not agreeing or not agreeing with it. It doesn't exist.

You want to keep up with the lie from globalist versus the truth?

We have had 2 straight years of global cooling. The Sun is in a Solar minimum currently and will be for some time. As far as CO2 the major contributing factor for that is the pockets they found in the ocean that were just leaking shit into the atmosphere. It has nothing to do with man-made CO2 contributions.

Voat is the freest place on the internet. Where else can you say, Nigger, Kike, Jew, Faggot, and not be censored or banned?

You are free to post whatever or say whatever you want on here. Just don't expect people to agree with you.

I provided you with the rules and everything. Your testing could have been as simple as I stated with typing out those words. Go try that on Facebook, Twitter, see how long your account is free from restrictions.

I don't pay attention to most comment sections on sites. They all use Disquis which is highly manipulated on the back end. You can't say those words on there and not be affected. I see that the site is trying to get another free speech platform for their comments. That is great, because as I said disquis is controlled heavily.

This company owns the chat platform: Their ceo is: Who writes for Huffington Post. A leftest Blog.

Avoid that platform unless you want to be censored and have everything you say monitored and saved for data collection purposes. Everything stated on their platform is recorded, logged and attributed to each user. They sell that information. See here:

Zeta helps Fortune 1,000 brands and large middle-market companies create, maintain and monetize customers, using 'people-based, precision marketing' to provide customers with enhanced multi-channel marketing solutions to help them manage the full customer life-cycle.

Diggernicks ago

The enviro niggers just told us shortly ago that the ocean floor was sinking? Which is it?