Dfens ago

The statement is not very clear, but my experience backs up what I've told you. I've posted extensively to v/pedogate over the last year. The moderators at Pizzagate are straight up scum, in my opinion, and that has been my alternative. This is my CCP: https://files.catbox.moe/sxvy9c.png. Feel free to try it yourself. I'll be happy to upvote your post.

Dfens ago

That would be great. In the short term, he simply needs to get rid of all of the mods on Pizzagate and replace them with known good community members, if there are any left. It is literally in the best interest of Putt, the users, and most of all the children.

heygeorge ago

Who would you suggest?

Also, maybe you figured it out after reading, but DV's in private subs still register. They just don't change the user's count.

freshmeat ago

Then shill accounts like @Tendiesonthefloor could single-handedly control the site. Not that they aren't doing that already since it's easy as fuck to do.

Dfens ago

So you’re just going to let those cock suckers brigade this off the page? I guess you have all that other proof those trolls are fucking over this site, right? Tons of it. Maybe there needs to be a realrealprotectvoat.

freshmeat ago

if anything it's good for posterity. At least someone is trying

Dfens ago

I think it’s worth a sticky. For a few days at least. You see how much it pissed off those maggots to get caught like that.

freshmeat ago


Dfens ago

Thanks. The more good people stand up the better things will get.

MadWorld ago

Subverse rule in the sidebar:

Minimum CCP required to downvote in this sub: 100

This is normal as the subverse can have its own setting on ccp requirement. You have to earn +100ccp from that subverse in order to have downvote capability. The downvotes you got is from someone who has minimum 100ccp of that specific subverse. You idiot!

Dfens ago

What strikes me as stupid is people who argue about stuff they know nothing about. Even more stupid than that are people who argue to obscure the facts. This is what Voat says about setting minimum CCP on a site: https://files.catbox.moe/nbsdsx.jpg

MadWorld ago

It's probably intentional. @wisdomtooth is no longer active! I think you are better off creating your own subverse or find another relevant subverse.

hojuruku ago

looks like @dfens owned you @madworld sbbh pedo shill. SBBH child fuck pedo gang running PG has been caught using their dev access inappropriately. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=M8K996WOHNXD

hojuruku ago

We are coming for your kiwifarms kiddy fucking child porn sharing scum....

To - Anti-Kiwi Farms Mailing List

Hi all,

The anti-Kiwi campaign has been quiet for a time, but now we are back with new plans, new people (the mailing list is larger than ever) and new targets.

State of Josh Most of Kiwi Farms' satellites have been abandoned. Clearly, Josh is feeling the financial pressure. He appears to be giving up on his planned hosting company. However, Kiwi Farms has higher traffic than ever at 3000 unique logins per diem. On the other hand, such hosting is not cheap and Josh's funding has been nearly cut off. The higher the bandwidth the higher the fees Josh has to pay.

Targets The two current targets are Versaweb and CloudVPS. Versaweb currently hosts the Kiwifarms website or at least its outermost reverse proxy after CloudFlare. CloudVPS is a separate company based in the Netherlands that hosts the Kiwifarms and Lolcow.Email mailserver. Shamefully, these companies have slipped through our net. We have never properly remonstrated with them or put much resource on them.

Plans For each company, Versaweb and CloudVPS -

  1. Identify directors.
  2. Write to them.
  3. If Kiwifarms is banned, great.
  4. If not, identify customers - for example Versaweb's customers.
  5. Ask their clients why they are supporting a hosting company providing a platform for Nazi paedophiles and ask them to stop. Politely.
  6. Adverse media scrutiny of officers of Versaweb / CloudVPS clients.

Versaweb Directors https://www.versaweb.com/about.php

CloudVPS and mx.lolcow.email (Kiwi Mail Server Host) This is the Kiwi Farms and Lolcow.email server. (Cloudflare basically does not let you hide your mailserver).

Another hostname for this address is vps66647-02.public.cloudvps.com. It is hosted by cloud hosting company cloudvps.com.

CEO Ralf Steinemann +49 761 590 34 815 [email protected]

Director Product Management / Marketing Georg Csajkas +49 761 590 34 812 [email protected]

Director Sales Daniel Glass +49 761 590 34 818 [email protected]

Director Professional Services Simon Lehmann +49 761 590 34 810 [email protected]

Future Actions Sharing the load of identifying Versaweb and CloudVPS Customers would be greatly appreciated. Failing that I shall follow up in due course.

Kind regards,

Sam Smith

writing as

Matthew Hopkins The Witchfinder General http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/ Gab.ai @MHN

hojuruku ago

DOX against my mother above ^^^ @Madworld just linked to a pedophile run site that threatened to kill my mother, who also says you are wrong to oppose a child abuse camp in Korea pimping out Australian children who's manager I got jailed with the public outrage and KBS 9 National News outrage.



"In 2006, Luke was involved in the management of a school on Jeju Island in Korea. Luke was an executive for a school where subsequent reports were made by teachers who had left the school. These reports indicated that there were several problems happening in the school. These problems included teachers receiving little/no pay and receiving abusive language. A story ran in the local paper on this and shortly after, Luke began a crusade against the villagers of the island itself to expose them all as pedophiles[5]. "




Mad Just outed himself as a pedophile who loves child pimping camps. DEATH TO PEDOPHILES.

CC @Dfens @freshmeat

If I was bad as him I'd link to a website posting a picture of his mothers house and threaten to kill all inside like the pedophiles at kiwifarms did on the link mad shared. Report this behavior of the pedophile mad guys on /realProtectVoat you can have the the honors.

Why are you linking to websites that publish childporn mad run my MSM confirmed stalkers?





Camp manager confirmed on tape to take Australian Christian school principals to brothels to blackmail them to provide aussie kids to pimp out to the leftist DUP minjoo.kr scum. https://soundcloud.com/hojuruku/jeiv-ceo-takes-aussie-principals-to-brothels

Dfens ago

Have you noticed how they are really pissed about getting caught manipulating Voat votes, but here's their response to being called Satanists: chirp, chirp, chirp. That should tell you everything you need to know about these maggots!

Dfens ago

112 submissions to voatdev. So I guess you're the latter kind of stupid. What a bunch of fuck ups!

MadWorld ago

I only report problems, not involved with the development. Thanks for looking!

XD I am not stupid enough to hang out with that hoju psycho.

Dfens ago

Don't sell yourself short. You're pretty damn stupid.

MadWorld ago

We are all stupid at some point. The difference is we learn from mistakes.

Dfens ago

Really, "we." I'd encourage you to stop talking but you're doing such a good job making my point.

MadWorld ago

:-) As you wish...

jerry ago

1 downvoat.. fuck wrong witchya

TheBuddha ago

Read the link. They're a fucking lunatic, that's what's wrong with them.

jerry ago

Fck no i dont want whatever trash that was on my conscience lol i was just seeing only one downvoat whats the problem its probably that bullshit count shading it does where it gives downvoats and upvoats from robots

Dfens ago

Wow, I riled up Mr. Calm and Collected. Are you the idiot who fucked up? It sucks to get caught, doesn't it?

TheBuddha ago

What are you on about? No, you're a damned lunatic. I'm not riled up. I don't care that you're a lunatic. I'm just letting them know so that it answers their questions.

Seeing things that aren't there is called having delusions. I can't help you with that, I'm not that kind of doctor.

Dfens ago

What are you on about? No, you're a damned lunatic. I'm not riled up. I don't care that you're a lunatic. I'm just letting them know so that it answers their questions.

Seeing things that aren't there is called having delusions. I can't help you with that, I'm not that kind of doctor.

Ok, then perhaps you're just trying to lighten my day by making me laugh. I'd say that was a good Nixon impression, but, hell, even he didn't look as guilty as you do.

TheBuddha ago

No? No, I'm legitimately informing them that you're a lunatic. There's nothing funny about mental illness.

freshmeat ago

I read the link, they are close to the pizzagate mod's identity but they aren't literally Templars. They are the LGBT mafia that runs reddit etc.

hojuruku ago

https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=M8K996WOHNXD Mate... you talk just like me. Next they will be accusing us of being alts.

TheBuddha ago

"LGBT mafia"

Oh, man...

freshmeat ago

The radical homosexuals trying to infiltrate conservative spaces. Bunch of pill junkies, trannies, SRS fat dykes, and sand niggers. (((Funded)))

Dfens ago

Yeah, those Satanists are way too on the up and up to be junkies or trannies.

TheBuddha ago

What conservative spaces are you talking about?

heygeorge ago

I believe @freshmeat is referring to all the space between his ears. Of course, that is only hyperbole. He has a brain. It's that whatever he had to start with has been ruined by chronic alcoholism.

TheBuddha ago

Alcohol is a hell of a drug. I used to drink a whole lot. I still drink once in a while, but seldom to excess. I decided it was time to stop when I was no longer able to drink and remain functional. The end was messy, but I managed to live and get out with my life intact. I'd drink before eating breakfast.

It's nice to be able to just have a social drink again. These days, I seldom have more than two.

heygeorge ago

I'd drink before eating breakfast.

It really is a beautiful way to start one's day. Just not every day. Or even most

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I retired and it's like my brain realized it no longer needed to be functional when I drank. So, it wasn't.

The cops were not even a little helpful. In one night, I had pretty much ruined two vehicles and we were dragging one back to the house when a cop stopped and asked what we were doing. We told him we were bringing the car back to the house and going to try to make the corner again. He told us to be safe and make sure someone was watching on the blind side of the corner.

Didn't even threaten to arrest us. None helpful. None!

Dfens ago

I would be happy if everyone had to follow the same rules.

Dfens ago

You can’t get over 100 CCP, even if you’re an owner.

Edit: you can’t get more than 0 CCP.

BB-3 ago

What's stopping you from getting the required CCP? I don't get what the problem is.

Dfens ago

I think it is a feature of the site that doesn't work yet. In the sub settings it says this: https://files.catbox.moe/nbsdsx.jpg

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Things changed noticeably after the recent black out.

Dfens ago

I’ve seen some shady crap, but this is the most blatant, and I caught them with proof of what happened.