p_bay_is_awesome ago

My wife is out of town with the dog

That's just odd, bro. My wife went out of town with some short guy and came back pregnant with my daughter. I guess you don't have to worry like that.

edit: forgot to answer the question. Get fucking drunk, dude. Whisky, water, ice. Works for me.

thebassdude ago

Not at our age.

edit: I got a case of beer and a swimming pool. Maybe I'll find an old NASCAR race to watch, LOUD.

spez: Oooo, I hear there's a hurricane on the Weather Channel.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Watch the most unPC movie you can find.

thebassdude ago

Birth Of A Nation?

KingoftheMolePeople ago

I was thinking something from the 70s. By todays standards that stuff is pretty raw. The original Deathwish or maybe the Jerk. Ive never watched ABOAN but the entertainment value is probably limited.

thebassdude ago

Oh, in that case Dirty Harry qualifies, and I just so happen to have it and it's been a while. Hey, thanks mole dude!

KingoftheMolePeople ago

Shit Yeah. Dirty Harry,its been a long time since I watched that one. Good choice.

thebassdude ago

And it's set in San Francisco too.