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evilwhitemale ago

@PuttItOut some QRV qtard randomly tagged me in QRV and I'm not even a participant there, except for responding to call them a faggot...what the hell?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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drstrangegov ago

A picture is forming of qrv being shitheads.....

Orthalyx ago

And Putt had it all under control the whole time, being classy and strong in his arguments. WTFG!!!!

Vindicator ago

Is it me, or did he just post a screen shot of @FastJack admitting to being paid to moderate...a clear violation of the Voat User Agreement? He said he was "hired" by 8bit.

White_pride_cis ago

@puttitout Fuck’em. Do what you know is right. Also, gas the kikes with their pet boomers, and call it a two for one special.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

A group of morons following some fairy tale are being retarded?!


There's a reason these dipshits are essentially quarantined.

NotHereForPizza ago

srayzie ago

You act like you discovered gold. He says this publicly on Poal. You predicted it huh? You are so full of yourself.

This is a big NOTHING BURGER @Kevdude @Shizy

NotHereForPizza ago

No, retard. I'm talking about anon bringing the Reddit Replacement to Voat.

Remember those PMs? I told Putt about it too, remember? You idiots broadcasted the message for me.

srayzie ago

Yeah. You did NOBODY any favors. If you cared about the movement, you wouldn’t have tried dividing us. You wouldn’t have tried to get me to “pass your test”. You would have realized that you were wrong going with them at some point, and tried to not be our enemy.

NotHereForPizza ago

Why didn't Q sanction your subverse, but he mentioned that 8bit was to create QRV?

srayzie ago

Because we were tiny compared to Reddit. The Reddit mods worked with the BV’s from 8chan. Neon Revolt wrote all about it.

Neon Revolt helped migrate Redditors over, and supposedly with your help, split the community by creating v/TheAwakening.

Why would Q want QRV created and made to be the official Reddit Replacement? They were replacing v/TheAwakening. Yet, you’ve bitched about us non stop.

NotHereForPizza ago

The Reddit mods worked with the BV’s from 8chan. Neon Revolt wrote all about it.

Maybe on one of the normie boards.

You're not understanding: we tell Neon to fuck off every time he does his whole "I'm NeonRevolt" thing. Like I've tried to explain to you, neon is a namefag who needs to lurk moar just like you. Neon is a spectator with a blog. That's it. Pay no attention to famefags.

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't even fuck with that sub and you know it. LakotaPride was nice to me before the dude was banned in about two or three posts ever and if you're crazy enough to think that proves any type of affiliation then I suppose that no matter what I attempt to explain to you will be entirely futile.

NotHereForPizza ago

And yet, instead of asking people who know what happened what exactly it is that happened, you all make vague assuming accusations. Instead of going and finding out for yourselves what happened, or asking to be shown how to figure out for yourself, you insist upon things being a certain way (an incorrect way) while willfully declining to gather the knowledge to avoid such assumptions.

Instead of asking srayzie, your friend, what is going on (you know, since she follows Q and all), you insist they're compromised. Instead of asking srayzie or someone else you know would know about it where to discover the info for yourself, you again avoid respectable competency.

Still, you hurl these same exact accusation at me. Over and over again. I proved to you and your friends, to this site, and anyone that might be interested, that I knew what would happen. I gave you a time frame within which something specific would happen. I showed you I knew about something outside of your window, something specific that would happen soon, and I was right. You showed it to everyone (like I planned on you doing), and tried to distort things. Now this has spiraled out to your typical pathetic pubescent circumstance: some raging battle between meaningless handles on some bullshit reddit clone.

You know what, you could have asked me about something like this before you slandered us - before you tried to contort the truth. Instead, you avoid these reasonable scenarios, you megaphone srayzie's identity while ignoring her potential insight in to the situation (which... by the way, why did srayzie not explain things to everyone here already? it's a very reasonable and obvious explanation), organize brigades, wrongly socialize people, conspire to control and abuse power of moderation, and very likely quite a bit more.

This makes you look lazy. This makes you look impotent. Putt cucking to you and talking about how you're TEAM GOOD and how anyone disagreeing with him viewing what we all have long thought was anonymous records is TEAM BAD just makes you all look asinine.

Now, Putt is retracting, and here you are: trying to lay astroturf about the people that uncloaked you. You're very clearly harboring a distinct agenda and an animus for anyone that gets in your way.

Nonetheless, your feeble attempts at persuading the truth fail. The Truth always wins. It will never matter how any of us plan, it simply will be.

Now, a proposition: do you, kev, want to be shown the Truth of what happened here, or will you and the rest of Voat bask in denial over my offer to show you how things really went down?

Make no mistake, this goes for you too, @PuttItOut. Do you want to have any of this explained to you, or will you ignore the opportunity to right your wrongs? There is a very reasonable and simple explanation for all of this, although it might rupture some overton windows in the process. This post was at least a step in the right direction. So I figured I'd grant you all an opportunity.

speedisavirus ago

I see you are a dick trickle

Justsomebullshitname ago

And this is why I don’t trust you. Voat is about favored speech no free speech. This place had potential once. This platform has betrayed its cause and purpose. Today you have a privileges to say only what is popular, you have the privilege of only seeing what is deemed permissible, you are downvote brigades for daring to differ in your opinions, and power users, mods, and admin hold the CCP high ground like bankers hoarding their wealth. All who dare exercise free expression that is deemed unworthy of expression are systematically eliminated through the mass expenditure of internet points.

Amalek was right all along. We were too caught up in the frenzy to hear the truth of his words about how Voat really works. Or we didn’t care. Today it’s engrained culture and is seen as the ism that is supreme. This sites elite wield their accounts clout like a truncheon. This is why this site stagnated. It was a change from Reddit, not an improvement to the root problem just mutated into a new formulation. Regardless, the culture of power here is identical to that of reddit.

Runway22L ago

I still love you...although I don't know why!

One-Way_Bus ago

Why not join v/WorldWarII everyone? No Q here. Post your stories, photos and videos here.

wokeasfook ago

Fuck them Putt. Hostile Zionists. We swapped communist Soros/Obama on the left for Zionist Trump/Nuttyyahoo on the right.

QRV is rabidly protective of Trump. No criticism welcome. None. Nada.

Oh it's like Reddit alright. Wilfully blind in the pursuit of their handlers goals.

Just to be clear I'm on their side more than I'm on team Obama/Soros.

Let them have their Reddit like echo chamber full of degenerate porn.

NosebergShekelman ago

I love beating on QRV fegits) QRV

Hand_of_Node ago

Where are they sending them now? Jeeze, it's like the israelites all over again.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Some people get off being mysterious and important. As long as there isn't any harm to anyone (hurt feelings don't count), who cares? Fags gotta eat, same as everyone else.

toobaditworks ago

Poal/Coal... Poal burners. Burn the Poal pay the toll.

Gizurr ago

My advice? Do nothing.

hildberht ago

What is QRV?

KingHiss ago

Are there missing comments on this thread? The count says 393 comments as of right now but i can only see around 220 and i counted them one by one, cant find them any way i sort it. I dont think ive ever seen this happen, what could be the cause of this? Is there a technical explanation for this?

Shizy ago

We didn't then, but I didn't know if that was your weird shitposter way of saying you were going to pm me. Then, poof you start sending me pm's as if I was predicting the future.

NotaQjackass ago

Q is the least used shittiest letter in the Alphabet maybe x is worse but Q needs U so fuck them socialist scumbags! Anything Q related should be flushed down a toilet.

srayzie ago

I don’t have favors. I don’t get what it is you keep sending me but I don’t trust you.

zyklon_b ago

sure u can make it on Voat just on own merit....

Shizy ago

Wow zyklon_b are you going to address the trigglypuff in the room? Are you really all that other "characters"?

zyklon_b ago

edits = damage kuntroll....

Shizy ago

I didn't miss anything. I don't know you.

nzmc ago

Sounds fair

xenoPsychologist ago

who would have thought a bunch of unvetted redditors who got the 'voat immune system lite' treatment because ya said "could ya be nice to the noobs for a change?" would be completely ungrateful?

they continue to think theyre better and smarter than everyone else here, even though they are falling for the same old "do nothing and let the government sort its self out because the government totally doesnt hate you!" line. what is all q's busy work nonsense they have to "decode" going to mean when this q nonsense doesnt solve anything?

im all for voat to grow, but growth at all costs will cost the site. we need to chase the bad guys away and make the good guys stronger. until the world is in a state where people who arent insane or legitimately evil have stopped attacking this place, we dont have the option to not be ready for war.

thats just my two cents on it. im liking what you do here so far. thanks for making something like voat a real place. good luck, man!

zyklon_b ago


420ninja ago

theawakening is the place to be!

zyklon_b ago

@andrew_jackson @rotteuxx @d0c5 see the resortin to personal attacks rather than substance....such a (((builder)))

Hand_of_Node ago

Someone needs to make an infographic about this drama. I have no idea what most of you are going on about, or who's on who's side.

zyklon_b ago

you wanna join my army?

zyklon_b ago

relax and take some deep breaths and maybe have a drink or smoke pot and just regroup. we ALL must slow down and strategically use OUR army to expose whats really goin on

CerealBrain ago

@gothamgirl @zyklon_b @Rotteuxx

Gothambabe and Zyklon are the same alts, the Rott faggot is a friend.

Don't ask me how I know that.

I want the Gotham babe TONIGHT and take muh fill of love.

Gothamgirl ago

Shizy = Shih Tzu (lapdog)

A sturdy dog with quite a personality, the Shih Tzu weighs between 9 and 16 pounds. Just the right size for a cuddle. Annoying bark, bites ankles.

zyklon_b ago

we all know srayzie is not a real Goat. too bad bout @kevdude n @crensch n @heygeorge proving they selfs to be srs style white knights. kev n crensch i knew was incelz but i really BELIEVED georgey was solid. now watch they will either do damage control or say nothing or/then resort to personal attackz ....the jew crying out in pain as they strike us "destroyers" of ZOG

zyklon_b ago

hahaha wrong that is srayzie quote.

she cries to putt @heygeorge and dozens.of others and then has nerve to tell rott to let @trigglypuff fight her own battles

Shizy ago

Exposing peoples private messages is a massive betrayal of trust.

They aren't PMs sent to me so no trust was inferred to me.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm not.

Are you going to expose the smail betwixt you and I also?

I don't plan on it. Im actually pretty trustworthy.

Because I'm trusting you aren't I?

Are you?

Shizy ago

Don't play dumb now trigglypuff and act like you couldn't figure out she's referring to herself in the third person.

srayzie ago

I am in the rest of the conversation. I knew what I was saying. 🙄

SearchVoatBot ago

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zyklon_b ago

i ate 11 percocets and am drinkn beer and smokin pot.

sister we have pulled the most legendary troll job of Voat ever to this point. 9000 and love u. ;)

Rotteuxx ago

Because she's a delusional bitch and I'll keep handing her shovels until she hits rock bottom.

She could've avoided all this by smartening up a long time ago but noooo, she had to keep kicking the hornets nest and doubling down with the stupidest comments imaginable.

Pussy pass denied, she ain't getting off.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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Hand_of_Node ago

Pussy pass denied, she ain't getting off.

I'm not really seeing the payoff here. By the way, I used your quip about the sun dried jews as a "greener alternative" as your tag, so your posts always give me a laugh.

srayzie ago

@Kevdude talked to me and we reached an agreement regarding my post the other day about banning

That is what I said to him. We DID reach an agreement. Not in the way he’s making it seem. You’ve been engaging with these trolls too.

Bing11 ago

I don't know what QRV is (I'm guessing it's related to the "Q" movement based on these comments, but I have no clue what the "Q" stuff is, either). That said, there has been a lot of admin-muscle recently and it doesn't look good. Posting a PM thread with "Posting PMs is pretty low class" is so ironic I don't see how it's missed, but that doesn't worry me nearly as much as the "I'm good to have as a friend" comment.

If Voat's commitment is to some unwritten rules, the boat is taking on water. If Putt is picking-and-choosing which rules to apply, who to ban and why, I would agree that it is quickly becoming reddit 2.0. QRV doesn't have to be in the right for Putt to be in the wrong.

zyklon_b ago

puttitout will give pussy pass badges just pm him or maybe he'd rather ban anyone that downvotes him

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Thanks for sharing your story @PuttItOut :)

Rotteuxx ago

Don't be, her beta hubby clearly missed every opportunity to send her to the moon when he should have.

Weak men allowed her to flourish the way she has.

zyklon_b ago

the builder badge is the pussy pass badge

pby1000 ago

Removing the off-topic posts would be great. v/greatawakening and v/pizzagate do it.

PigsAreFat ago


Rotteuxx ago

It's clear that @Srayzie is in panic mode since her 13k subscribers are no where to be found to help her out.

Instead of rebutting anything intelligently, she succumbs to emotional manipulation and spergs out like a child.

She's probably pissed that the friendship we've developed over the past 3 years couldn't be shaken by her retarded attacks against you and that I didn't follow her into her little crusade.

Trying to get me riled up over attacking my masculinity is all she has, she can't rebuke anything I've said about her so it's desperate measures galore !

srayzie ago

I’ve never offered him no tit pics. I’ve barely talked to the shill and have him blocked.

zyklon_b ago

@heygeorge was cucked too i reckon?

heygeorge ago

I noticed. She just shit on me. @srayzie are you antagonizing me or misdirecting your anger? What is going on here?

zyklon_b ago

wyte nites unites....reee

srayzie ago

I’m not angry at you Georgie. I was just replying with honesty. Tell the cunt I won’t ping her anymore. We got this! 👏🏻

zyklon_b ago

If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy.

do u fight ur own battl3s? i guess u shouldve have un banned me and the rest of us. it will stop when we all unbannee

srayzie ago

I thought it was bad manners to talk shit without pinging you. But ok. 👍🏻 Do us a favor and put your jealous bitch @Rotteuxx in his box. He’s lost all the masculinity he had left. Do it for his own good.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Well they want anonymous posting they can got to POL and do it all the time. I find most were abusing the thing by just cutting people down anonymously. I think making it so there name is there for all to see is a good idea. It keeps them honest and others can see what they posted historically to see if they are a decent poster or just some nutbag bring the intelligence of the site down with bullshit dumbassery.

BaldMiscreant ago

QRV? More like QRM am I right?

heygeorge ago

I can only resist my faggot urges so long.

I know. Many of us are wonderful people despite our varied flaws. ;D

Waterburger ago

PuttItOut is a Jew. Atko was murdered by this mossad kike.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Can we set up a go-fund-me for QRV?

I don’t know how to do it but I will seed it with $100 if they agree to leave.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Shit Reddit Says aka Soapboxbanhammer is the entity trying to ruin voat and internet free speech

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

This is DECLAS!!!!!!

KingHiss ago

Qrv is a bit of a shitshow at times but what im seeing is you threatening them to change the way they run things over there because you get private messages from idiots who cry out when they see a little porn.

Doesnt seem like the mods are doing anything wrong, you just dont like that spam/porn isnt removed fast enough or at all leading to complaining.

Isnt this EXACTLY how things went bad over at reddit? Admins start to complain that they are getting alot of complaints (real or not) from some subreddit and then start to threaten mods that changes are going to be made if they dont comply with admin/owners wishes.

I get that shit like this can be exhausting but taking control away from the community doesnt seem like the right move, i hope you can figure out something else.

Also idiots over at QRV complaining about seeing animated porno or whatever need to just shut the fuck up downvote it and move past it. It doesnt matter in the least and no one gives a shit if you are offended by it, thats the price we pay for free speech.

Anyway i respect the hell out of you Putt and really hope this can get settled in some way that works for all. And thank you for providing a platform like this.

Glipglup ago

QRV is a dogshit psyop, literally only retards believe in the Q nigger bullshit.

C_Corax ago

A solution to their problems was offered.

GasChamber ago

Q fags are like real life "refugees" they barge in insisting they have every right to do so, act like they own the place, shit all over everything, and if you complain YOU'RE the asshole.

Fuck the ingrates, purge the whole site of them.

auralsects ago

All this shit for Q.

I'm embarrassed to have ever been here.

@Puttitout fuck you I'm deleting all 15 of my accounts

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What about the other 15?

auralsects ago








shewhomustbeobeyed ago

But, you are. 🤦‍♀️

auralsects ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Oh meine liebe, der spass, den wir hatten haben konnen. Ich wunschte, sie hatten es nicht fur uns ruiniert.


auralsects ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Good, leave.

think- ago

@Puttitout fuck you I'm deleting all 15 of my accounts

Lying as usual I guess.

auralsects ago

As usual? When have I lied? You ARE a dumb old boomer cunt feminist.

Shizy ago

Do it do it do it do it!!!!

auralsects ago

Like Q, I don't do shit, ever.

Your whole family's gonna get raped by taco-niggers that Trump is importing in numbers never contemplated.

Make Anus Gape Again

thelma ago

I don't do anon.

Anytime something is anon is 99.9999999% of the time a freakshow.

Anon guys send me PMs routinely. Why reply? I don't see the point.

I try to be consistent..if I have posted something counter before to what I currently posting it might mean that I changed my mind, facts have changed or it might mean I missed something; some folks will point these out. Posting anon would be useless in these cases.

When one posts anon they know that they are limiting their audience.

lordvain2 ago

Voat has gotten vicious. I keep getting hateful comments on almost everything I post. It seems to have turned majority Nazi-Jew hate. As for CCP, I have no idea why anybody wants it. I have seen Digg and Reddit ruined and just move on to the next thing. I am tired of getting flamed by assholes. I never had to block people till recently. If I keep hearing get out, I guess I'll get out.

Mittermeyer ago

Fucking kike

lordvain2 ago

Yeah, it's time to send some letters to Congress. This is just a hate fest.

Hand_of_Node ago

Congress is actually full of kikes.

thelma ago

CCP, no one has told me why that's worth basically tells everyone that the person is an active user I guess. Maybe this value is enough?

Blocking people, yes. You can block stuff. I have not found blocking specific users to actually work myself.

Flamed by assholes ? I never block anyone because they disagree or are "assholes"... I generally just block people who post stuff that I'm not interested make it easier to find stuff I am. A person can be an asshole for a time and then stop.

Hand_of_Node ago

CCP determines how many votes you can deploy each day.

thelma ago

And then ? Still does not explain why anyone would care about votes to begin with.

Hand_of_Node ago

Votes on posts and comments affect their visibility. The more votes, the higher on the page they go, and the more people see them, since you normally start at the top. I think you get somewhere around half of your CCP in votes each day? Or something like that. Maybe there's a max. New accounts with very low CCP rapidly run out of votes until the next day.

albatrosv15 ago

Fuck'em. Bunch of qtards qoomering.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Wernicke Korsakoff is a hell of a disease. The brain damage is irreversible, although some of the other symptoms can be ameliorated by ceasing the consumption of alcohol.


I literally couldn't care less about QRV. Zero. Nada.

Which is why something as simple as enforcing your own rules against brigading and spamming subs isn't happening in QRV, and pissing people off.

QRV doesn't brigade spam other subs. Maybe that needs to change, to put it into perspective for the people who continually brigade spam QRV. After all, why the fuck should QRV give a shit about spam/brigade rules, when basic forum rules are not enforced?

Look at this thread here. See how many Q hating assholes are in here? Obviously, some people sure as hell care about QRV.

So here is my simple idea to help the situation: Block every Q hating asshole in this thread (and their alt accounts) from QRV. Easy way to end half the spam brigade problems right there.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Why not just block QRV? Clearly nobody wants this shitmess.

Give them their web space but segregate it from the rest.

We used to do this with retards before the PC era. The old ways were good or we wouldn’t be here


Why not just block QRV? Clearly nobody wants this shitmess.

That's pretty much exactly what I was saying. Block QRV from those who have openly stated that they want nothing to do with QRV. There are plenty of people right here in this thread who openly state they don't want QRV. So why not block them at the IP level from posting in, or even looking at QRV? That alone would end a lot of the brigade spamming.

Hand_of_Node ago

So why not block them at the IP level

That would take all of two minutes to cure.


Well how else is Voat supposed to deal with spam brigading? That's the root of the issue here.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's difficult. If you're talking about QRV specifically, being an anon sub means only admins could deal with it, after getting reports from the mods. The whole point of an anon sub is to make trolling easy and virtually consequence-free. Either the users would have to downvote it, the admins would have to be willing to mod the sub for them, or they need to remove the anonymity. The other option is to ignore it.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

I'm pretty sure /v/qrv was directly appointed by Q themselves

That's gonna be a big HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM from me

Tallest_Skil ago

Q doesn’t exist.

Fambida ago

Well, Q exists... He's just not some Trump insider divulging secrets and hidden messages. Instead he's the greatest LARPer of our age, dispensing confirmation bias and lols.

(Or possibly a demotivation scheme by enemies. Trust the plan WAGAWAGA, goy)

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

I think it's a super intelligent A.I. that's imperfect.

Tallest_Skil ago

That’s more believable than Trump being against jews, at any rate.

Neskuaxa ago

Care to elaborate?

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

Definitely interesting that Q promoted /v/qrv as the place to go for Q discussion on Voat. So it's interesting to see what is actually going on. Shouldn't Q have someone in charge of that board? Like how fucking dumb can you be?

Mittermeyer ago

Shhh don't you trust the plan patriot?

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

I do, actually. I just question it from time to time.

ShineShooter ago

Oy VEH, it's anuddah shoah!

dundundunnnnn ago

from sweet innocent people

Yeah okay.

Minxy_84 ago

I unsubscribed weeks ago. I really don't care what goes on there. With YT and GLP plus the other voat forums I haven't missed the bullshit at all.

ArcAngel ago

most of us appreciate what you do.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm losing the thread, is the mentally ill drunk now claiming you and putt are the same person?

think- ago

No, he is claiming that @kevdude has access to Putt's account.

CognitiveDissident5 ago


sosat_menya_reddit ago

QRV = Bullshit

I don’t approve of censorship in any way but we used to put the nuts in an asylum.

Can’t we at least agree that they are a cancer?

They need a “place” and I will donate $20 or $200 or $2000 to someone that gets them out of here

Helbrecht ago

Agreed, but I'm not inclined to put money on it. No more boomer welfare.

I'm honestly not sure what the answer is here, except to say that these Q followers, who think they're fighting against the deeply-entrenched and demonstrably evil deep state need to harden the fuck up.

Can't handle porn posts but they're fighting against a baby-eating cabal? Yeah, sure.

srayzie ago


sniper98g ago

/v/GreatAwakening/ has always been where QAnon and old goats get together. @srayzie is one of the best mods I've ever seen. She has kept it real through multiple rounds of fag mod take overs in other Q subs.

Fambida ago

I don't keep up with the Qoomers, but isn't QRV the sub that Q officially nominated?

Hand_of_Node ago

Yep, he specified QRV as a containment sub for reddit refugees.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

I'm pretty sure /v/qrv was directly appointed by Q themselves

That's gonna be a big HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM from me

bopper ago

This is a true witness.

srayzie ago

👆🏻Thank you my new best friend. 👏🏻

GhostSkin ago

I'd like to be a mod please

zyklon_b ago


GhostSkin ago

Thanks yous

Momerath ago

Truly great work srayz.

srayzie ago

Thank you Momerath <3

Rotteuxx ago

one of the best mods I've ever seen

You're a stupid bitch who bans out of sheer vindictiveness because you can't handle people disagreeing with you.

You're a piece of shit cancer mod.

SearchVoatBot ago

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AR47 ago

She incentivized praise and demonizes criticism.

Sounds as if you really won’t change that. It’s likely she is incapable of taking any form of view that doesn’t align with her own.

It’s worthless to speak with her.

She knows that her only value is a wet hole. Just a place for a man to place his dick and have her feel of some value to the species. Its why she is so bitter.

Imagine that your only value is one of sheer effortless value and being born with it. Knowing there is nothing else you can offer but sex.

Rotteuxx ago

Indeed, although I must admit today was ideal to make her sperg out and reveal her true colors.

Hand_of_Node ago

You're a stupid bitch who..

I mean, the tone of disagreement might be relevant here.

Rotteuxx ago

It isn't spontaneous, she's a bitch and very stupid at that. Comment history...

I use language properly ;)

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freshmeat ago

Whoa dude you hate srayzie too? thought it was a civil war going on but it seems we split into factions.

zyklon_b ago

we on same side komrad3

Rotteuxx ago

Hell just froze over m8

zyklon_b ago

indeed komrade indeed


death to censors

Rotteuxx ago

Dude !

We should so totally team up to take down GA. Meet me on discord later and we'll get @9-11 on it too. The ovens are glowing hot, time to ash some Qjews !

freshmeat ago

im not really against Q, just the fake ass srayzie version. She got ahead of the Q exodus and split the base in half, and now the builders bullshit. Seems like a declaration of all out war if you ask me.

But its verrrry interesting to see even SBBH calling out srayzie. I assumed Kev and srayzie were larping but you arent the only person i recognize now shitting on srayzie.

Cheers rott, burned my lips to say that but cheers.

Hand_of_Node ago

now the builders bullshit

Have been slacking on my voating lately and have no idea. What is builders bullshit?

Rotteuxx ago

I even gave putt a piece of my mind about this builders bullshit. Fuckery is afoot. The timing is intriguing, Crensch starting a flame war in the name of srayzie and then disappearing, kevdude giving her a pussy pass when she banned for a 2 month old post, putt honoring her & kev as builders as she's attacking old goats & shitting the place up... fuckery or sheer ignorance...

Cheers, see you around the bend !

ksjdfkas878345 ago

I've always liked you too Rotteuxx, I apologize if I ever said anything hateful towards you.


@freshmeat, yeah... hes a good guy..... sry for ping conserving comments

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, you can be extremely annoying when you're drunk as fuck but that's you. I don't recall you spewing hate at me.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

we good old school need to fight.... we to set aside everything

freshmeat ago

yeah you nailed it. Im impressed lol.

CantBuySkills ago

I don't follow q... cuz it's bogus... but I can smell a (((shill))) from a mile away. Go back to your shareblue board meeting and tell them you can't beat us.

srayzie ago

You see it too! Thank you! He reeks of it.

The_Savant ago

Are you seeing the shit this guy is saying and the way he's saying it; especially the talk about loving it when your emotions get the better of you?

I can tell you this, the smell I'm getting off this Rotteuxx guy is comparable to that of a donkey ;)

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. Him, ExpertShitposter, Trigglypuff, zyklon_bl GothamGirl...


The_Savant ago

Well, of course I know the veteran consensus-shifting, wage-earning manipulators of the site, but this little thread has been a nice way to take down some new names to watch out for because it's that time of year again when I'm not particularly active.

srayzie ago

Oh i would love your help!

Rotteuxx ago

Another moron who knows fuck all about me on Voat and calls me a shill because I speak my mind.

You retards are fucking hilarious

srayzie ago

If Srayzie speaks her mind it’s because she’s a drama queen. Keep hanging yourself!

Retards are acting like I didn’t realize that I was talking about myself here.

zyklon_b ago

still banned so it aint stoppin

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Rotteuxx ago

Hanging myself ?

What the fuck does that have to do with that comment you delusional retard ?

CantBuySkills ago

You're a joke. You've come down to name calling someone because you aren't getting your way. On top of that you have provided zero evidence of any "infractions" on her part. Don't call me a moron when you can't even come to the table with anything of value. This is what you qtards do... and that's why you're such easy prey for whoever is behind q.

Rotteuxx ago

You're a joke. You've come down to name calling someone because you aren't getting your way.

What way am I trying to get ?

On top of that you have provided zero evidence of any "infractions" on her part.

Don't call me a moron when you can't even come to the table with anything of value.

You called me a shill when I've been around doing my part in building up this community for 4 years, you utter fucking moron.

This is what you qtards do... and that's why you're such easy prey for whoever is behind q.

Calling me a qtard is another great example of why you're a fucking moron.

srayzie ago

Are you hoping for a bonus check by the end of May faggot? I’m blocking you. I never realized what a whiner you were.

Rotteuxx ago

Reeeeee !

Can't address anything I said so you build up a strawman and block me

You need medication bitch

CantDentTheBrent ago

They are lefties in disguise.

Phantom42 ago

That's all conservatism is. It's just pandering to leftists saying how they aren't the reeeeeeeeeeeal waycisssts.

Judeo-Marxists, conservative traitors, it all goes.

zyklon_b ago

gas em all

Shizy ago

You need medication bitch

Its hilarity that you use this old medication line while you're a loser follower of a massive pill abusing drug addict! 🤣🤣🤣

Seriously, can't make this garbage up!

Rotteuxx ago

And here comes the lapdog, perfect timing since @Srayzie just claimed to have blocked me. The timing is impeccable !

Its hilarity that you use this old medication line while you're a loser follower of a massive pill abusing drug addict! 🤣🤣🤣

So you're saying I'm a follower of @Zyklon_B ?

Back it up, show us proof of your claim. How have I been a follower of Zyklon ?

Seriously, can't make this garbage up!

You just did hun !

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Shizy ago

look at me zyklon_b, look at me. I'm being a good boy and being mean to that bitch Srayzie for you

What a good little lapdog YOU are. 😂😂😂🖕🏻

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying that @srayzie's and your own utter stupidity isn't reason enough for it ?

CerealBrain ago

Quit being a major league faggot bro, the both of you, Voat should vomit both of you out.

@zyklon_b I want yer chubby girl Gotham give her TO ME.

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck off, either you expose bullshit or you condone it.

CerealBrain ago

How bout I jack your fat ass up?

Rotteuxx ago

You'd fucking love that, faggot

CerealBrain ago

Would fucking own you bro..

zyklon_b ago

its @crensch the incel that cannot get laid so no worries

Phantom42 ago




CerealBrain ago

Jew in disguise, nice going jew.

zyklon_b ago

oh shit thanks for following me. i am flattered

maybe @kevdude n @crensch will cry to admins and they give her a pussy pass badge

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I love them so much. I hope they stay on Voat forever. I don't want this to end.

srayzie ago

You’re a piece of shit divider. When you run a political forum trying to expose corruption and are attacked by paid shills, then you can talk. Until then, stick to shit posting bitch. You aren’t even funny so you sick at that too.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I think all of this is gay.

carlip ago

Asuch as I hate the SBBH faggots I also think you're a vindictive cunt mod. You have threatened me with a ban multliple times, the point I blocked your shitty retard LARP sub. I hope you enjoy ruling your empire of dirt.

ExpertShitposter ago

empire of dirt.


Rotteuxx ago

I love it when you let your emotions control you, you're a fucking child, a meaningless cunt who thinks internet fame means something, a pathetic as nein faggot.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, it's a woman. I wouldn't expect anything else.

zyklon_b ago

pussy pass = builder badge

srayzie ago

😂 Says the angry CUCK!

RockmanRaiden ago

That projection is off the charts. Think Rott is still in high school?

srayzie ago

It sure seems like it!

srayzie ago

That is a lie. Your true colors became apparent when all the other shill bullshit got out of hand. Look at our mod logs. Look at your desperation. Who does that? You come off too strong to just be a “shit poster”. You and your paid shill group hide out in plain site... with the shit posters. The ones here just to shit post are even wondering what the hell is wrong with a bunch of you guys. I’m even getting PM’s from shit posters wanting to know what’s going on.

@Sandhog says this so well...

Some people seem to think that burning subs to the ground and driving users off of Voat under the banner of 'it's just jokes bro' and 'it's my free speech' is somehow justifiable. Attacking existing subs with the sole intent to destroy them is censorship and it can only beget more censorship in response to it. That is all it can ever accomplish. The motives don't even really matter because the end result will always be the same. It also opens the door wide open for future astroturfing campaigns once that behavior becomes acceptable. People should really think about what kind of precedent shit like this sets. It's one thing to do a bit of trolling but what has been happening here has gone well beyond that.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying you didn't ban @trigglypuff for a 2 month old post you had to dig for ?

Why wasn't that ban aplied 2 months ago ? Wasn't it a bannable offense back then ?

You calling me a shill proves to everyone here how psychotic and delusional you are.

You created this drama and now you're crying victim, go fuck yourself you retarded cunt.

srayzie ago

You’re the little bitch that keeps crying and saying “Srayzie shouldn’t have gotten badge!” Now you’re showing how much Triggly has you cucked. Let the cunt fight her own battles. You’re carrying on the drama. Grow a pair!

andrew_jackson ago

You, Mademoiselle, have the worst manners! @zyklon_b is a kind and genteel person, and should not be subject to your abuse.

srayzie ago

I must admit, I was laughing so hard reading this. I had tears.

I like it better when @Zyklon_b is funny like that. Not the fricken evil stuff.

zyklon_b ago

unban my accts and my armies and apologise sincerely to GG plus none of ur alts ever speak to or about her again and WE will allow u to keep sub and all this stops

Shizy ago

You earned your ban. Stop trying to use your pussy pass to get out of it. Be a man and accept it.

@srayzie are you going to apologize to GG?

srayzie ago

What do you mean @Zyklon_b? I did apologize to @Gothamgirl last time we fought. I felt bad for her. A couple of days ago, she turned on me.

Gothamgirl ago

Just like you turned on me for my accusations I have done the same with your crew. Zyklon did not post Loli and the names you have labeled him makes me want to rip your fucking heads off.

Shizy ago

makes me want to rip your ducking heads off.

Sounds like a death threat @srayzie

Hey GothamGirl, how about you calm down with a little more cock sucking instead of resorting to violence?

Cock sucker 🤣

srayzie ago

🤣 GothamWhore needs a new hobby that doesn’t involve tweaker dick!

Shizy ago

It's better than her previous hobby.

Nigger dick!

srayzie ago

Ohhhh snap.

zyklon_b ago

at least she was not caught talkin to herself on the wrong alt....

Shizy ago

How do you keep it all organized? Do you use binders with tabs or different folders?

srayzie ago

I also helped to keep Shizy and Crensch off your ass when you pulled your shit on pizzagate

Gothamgirl ago

Gtfoh you're @clitorissa

srayzie ago

Go away @Rotteuxx and @Gyna! 🖕🏻

Rotteuxx ago


Clitorissa ago

There’s the cock sucker! 👆🏻

Shizy ago

Ask zyklon_b. He may not have snorted it all yet.

Rotteuxx ago

That right @shizy, keep replying to comments sent to @srayzie.

Güd wurk !

Shizy ago

I'm watching you 👀👀👀

Clitorissa ago

I’m watching too 👀

Shizy ago

That Rott-ing person LOVES emojis! ❤️❤️❤️😃😎🤡🤠

Rotteuxx ago

For free

Shizy ago

Free is the best

srayzie ago

I posted what the archives show. I warned you that I would go after him and I would leave you out of it.

zyklon_b ago

@andrew_jackson @freshmeat @redcobra assemble the troops.. IT NEVER ENDS.

srayzie ago

I’m answering this..l

andrew_jackson ago


Mlle. Srazyzie, given how rabid Zyklon is, and how fervent and unscrupulous we who follow him are, oughtn't you simply to proffer the required apology so that we can all move on with our lives? Do you really wish to face the troll army? Few have stood against it. Please weigh carefully your options, for your own sake.

Clitorissa ago

GothamWhore is a cock sucker 🖕🏻

zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

hahahaha u mein komrade are a comedic genius

andrew_jackson ago

Hey do you ever shoot pool? When Native and I visit, can we please shoot pool? It's pretty much my favorite sport.

zyklon_b ago

yeah they a bar that had great steaks n pool tables

Clitorissa ago

I’m sorry Uncle Frank

zyklon_b ago

thanks for ping.


zyklon_b ago

@andrew_jackson @d0c5 yall enjoy

srayzie ago

@Trigglypuff has made several shit posts on GreatAwakening and would even laugh when I deleted it because she got her fun. She knows this. You can ask @Kevdude to verify why I banned her for a 2 month old post. I’m not going into depth about Triggly with you, because you are clearly one of the dividers connected to her that are here for more than just shit posting. But, when Zyklon and Triggly let me know that we are their target, and Triggly started scheming behind the scenes throwing other users under the bus over private messages, in another attempt to divide users, I knew it was time to stop her.

@Kevdude talked to me and we reached an agreement regarding my post the other day about banning. I unbanned a few with the understanding that they will be banned the next time they break a submission post rule. Or, if they post porn. We are a private niche forum and want Q related Quality content. We are allowed to do that. Because Triggly is one of the worse, and has people like you so cucked to follow her lead, instead of keeping the reason for banning her as “shill”, I changed it to show that she breaks submission post rules. There are several. I picked one. She will NOT be unbanned.

If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy.

Rotteuxx ago

@Trigglypuff has made several shit posts on GreatAwakening and would even laugh when I deleted it because she got her fun. She knows this.

This has fuckall to do with anything, stop rambling.

You can ask @Kevdude to verify why I banned her for a 2 month old post. I’m not going into depth about Triggly with you, because you are clearly one of the dividers connected to her that are here for more than just shit posting.

It's a straight forward answer, why are you running away from it and pinging your white knight to intervene between you and I ?

But, when Zyklon and Triggly let me know that we are their target,

You kept feeding the trolls and ignored everyone who told you not to.

and Triggly started scheming behind the scenes throwing other users under the bus over private messages,

Proof of scheming required

in another attempt to divide users, I knew it was time to stop her.

You're the one who willfully kicked the hornets nest and caused the divide, own up to your actions instead of playing the victim.

@Kevdude talked to me and we reached an agreement regarding my post the other day about banning.

I don't give a fuck about @Kevdude and deals he made with you behind closed door, he's already lost a shit ton of legitimacy by acting that way and giving you a pussy pass.

I unbanned a few with the understanding that they will be banned the next time they break a submission post rule. Or, if they post porn.We are a private niche forum and want Q related Quality content. We are allowed to do that.Because Triggly is one of the worse, and has people like you so cucked to follow her lead, instead of keeping the reason for banning her as “shill”, I changed it to show that she breaks submission post rules. There are several. I picked one. She will NOT be unbanned.

Yet you used @Crensch to do your dirty work and talk about @trigglypuff having cucked users as if you're above that. Double standards much ?

If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy.

How come you don't fight your own battles and use other users to stir shit up ?

You project onto others what you've done yourself but when it's you it's ok, when it's some else it's a bad thing.

You're a fucking retard, you're the one causing division with all your bullshit peddling but you're so delusionaly self righteous that you'll never have the mental capacity required for introspection into these things.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

srayzie ago

This drama is why I don’t owe you shit. You pinged your Queen you stupid cuck. Go fuck yourself.

Rotteuxx ago

Projecting again, you pinged her yourself in the very first sentence of your reply, after that you pinged your white knight.

Holy fuck you're hopelessly stupid.

How come your 13k subscribers aren't downvoating shills in your sub ?

How come so many people are subscribed yet don't give a shit ?

zyklon_b ago

"If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy."

@trigglypuff @kevdude lmao. look what @srayzie said....

Shizy ago

Shizy ago

Lmao look what triggly said about zyklon_b....

How is it you're not upset with her for calling you such things zyklon?

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Strange isn't it?

srayzie ago

Look at the desperation...

kneo24 ago

So you're saying you didn't ban @trigglypuff for a 2 month old post you had to dig for ?

Yeah, I too am personally wondering what is up with that. What is the point of unbanning someone just to ban them for something they did in the past that was acceptable then?

srayzie ago

I have answered him, but nothing is ever good enough for him. I’m going to block him soon. This is why...

kneo24 ago

Banning someone for a 2 month old post in retrospect of what they've done after you unbanned them isn't good justification in my opinion. It lacks consistency in actions and thoughts. You should have just left them banned.

srayzie ago

Like I said, you don’t know the whole story. They called war. It’s done.

Oveass ago

Well, it's to get a rise out of you. Which puts you in the annoying position of engaging them to defend yourself, accomplishing the internet drama, or ignoring them, so you can't defend.

Hard tactic to get away from positively unless you change how it's framed.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Trust the plan goyim!


Cultivator ago


zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago


Rotteuxx ago

@srayzie won't answer those very simple questions because she can't without digging her hole deeper than it already is.

She's an emotionally driven nutcase, logic doesn't along with her. Now I'm a shill because I've said what I thought about her, simple as that.

Guardbuddy ago

she's an emotionally driven nutcase

Doesn't that describe a massive amount of women, though?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rotteuxx ago

Not most on here though, she's like a thot that got in through the back door.

Gravspeed ago

Been watching you two go away out for a while... i don't think you're totally wrong but you have to admit you like to push her buttons.

It's good reading from over here.

Rotteuxx ago

I'll admit I hold her up to what she does, not only what she says... it does push her buttons deeply.

Sea salt, don't use that iodine enriched goy salt m8 !

zyklon_b ago


kneo24 ago

Well, with all of that said, I doubt we'll get an answer.

lipids ago

The paradox of tolerance. Tolerating free speech does not mean tolerating spam.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

The porn and gore isn't spam, technically. There is a message behind it: "Welcome to the free corner of the internet. Grow thicker skin, learn some level of discernment, or get ready to reeeee."

That said, the QRV modtards should just make a no-porn, no-gore rule and be done with it. It isn't suppressing free speech unless they have a Monopoly on all communication on Voat.

zyklon_b ago

post more of it

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I've never posted any. I'm certainly not against people posting it there at this point, though. I basically just troll the fuck out of them. Trolling QRV seems to be my new way to relax. Whenever someone there implies they want me dead because of my opinions and my method of presenting them, that means I win.

TheBuddha ago

Might it be worth considering that moderation permissions require x-amount of both CCP and SCP?

Intrixina ago

This is a great idea.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That's a pretty good idea

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't get any of this.

Why does it matter?

think- ago

If a certain amount of ccp and scp would be required for people who want to mod, we could prevent that total newbies who are not familiar with Voat can become mods.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Who in their right mind would want to mod? Crazy bastards. I've seen the shit you went through, the shit others go through.

SandHog ago

I agree. Otherwise shitty mods can just hand subs off to their alts and nothing changes. I think that is likely what happened in this instance. They could still do that with a ccp/scp requirement but it would take some more effort on their part and they would have to participate, at least.

think- ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed - please see parent, thanks.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm a shitty (O) getting ready to hand off my sub to an alt.

I guess I better hurry up before I get banned.

think- ago


MadWorld ago

Should probably exclude the requirement to those private/personal subverses.

think- ago

Yes, hadn't thought of these, you're right.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

remember when you stole that verse from me?

Mumbleberry ago


maga1234 ago

Sounds about right. Too bad though... now that I'm here I'll probably stay.

zyklon_b ago

wow this had been my best week

beece ago

Did this get put onto V/TemptestinaTeapot yet?

TheBuddha ago

Credit where credit is due, you're on a roll today.

sdfgsdf232 ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this..

think- ago

Definitely not true. Stop spreading bs.


jkasdfhk7732 ago

Stop spreading bs.

proof... oh you have none... you shit alt

think- ago

you shit alt

LOL...says the 30 day old account with multiple alt accounts and -88 ccp to the 1.6 yr. old account with 9418 scp and 13997 ccp.

looks amused

sosat_menya_reddit ago


sdfgsdf232 ago

putt is euro, and never posts at 8 am CST, kevdude does..... And putt writes 100 times better than this. Also kevnigger and I have been fueding for years I know his writing style.

Im 100% confident in my analysis, and others are agreeing with me. notice the canary is gone? voat is dead

MadWorld ago

I can show you one submission that has Putt's comments at 13 UTC timestamp, which is 8 AM CST.

Of course, it would not stop you from spreading lies...

jklsjas8347895 ago

Dont give a shit about you, putt DID NOT write those, notice how they already down? Guess the real putt didnt like them and got pissed.... actually they were down before I went to sleep last night... coincidently the same time as putt get on voat.

MadWorld ago

So exactly what time did Putt get on Voat?

jklsjas8347895 ago

he usaually gets around this time.... more so 4pm CST

you on the other hand subvert like a jew other peoples subverses

unequivocally, i named you as the jew, HOWS FUNNY THAT SHIT IS


MadWorld ago

he usaually gets around this time.... more so 4pm CST

Not even close, @TerdWilson, not even close... XD But thanks jew!!

Shit alt!! REEEE!!

jklsjas8347895 ago

I suggest you shut you your fucking retarded face you faggot

jklsjas8347895 ago

XD But thanks jew!!

here is @madworld work <----orginal (im not freshmeat, I gave him the verse... ) faggot madworld didnt like it, so kike mirrored it and brigaded it. <---- mirrored verse from madworld, just to show you how jewy they are

jklsjas8347895 ago

you have zero argument... everything I said was true

this is now voat @puttitout

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes no even saying I c&p as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING


and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.


jkasdfhk7732 ago

go take over another verse you faggot

jklsjas8347895 ago

-1 for the TRUTH!

think- ago

putt is euro

No, he isn't. @Atko was Euro.

Im 100% confident in my analysis

Great. Doesn't mean it valid though.


kjlashas893890 ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this

349023095sdfl ago

@kevdude has access to putts account, puttitout did not write this..

SeanBox ago

Duuuude... I wasn’t supposed to tell him.

Argumentative ago

tell those faggots to get fucked putt

RM-Goetbbels ago

I don't know anything about QRV really, because I don't go there, but what I saw was you threatening them. Plain and simple.

You're a good friend to have........

Whether you should have, the way you went about it, is another story, but don't try to change the narrative now. You pulled shit, own up to it.

european ago

Thanks puttitout.

zyklon_b ago



are you going to fucking argue? you are just fucking retarded kevnog... you seriously give me a headache...... youre not fagbox are you? cause you really starting to sound like him

Kalergi ago

Flush it.

srayzie ago

Damn @Kevdude. That’s the same kind of stuff they say about me. They keep forgetting to mention that we have public mod logs.

RobWilJas ago

Attempts to divide will fail.


funny how you respond so quickly kevnub.... You see People such as myself know when people post..... Puttitout doest post this time of a day, hes euro

you on the other hand start 6 am maybe earlier..... this was made less that and hour ago, and its exactly your style.

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#42604) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#42603) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#42602) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.


Figured they have no idea how to mod

funny how when one actually does mod they get called out and attacked.

I literally couldn't care less about QRV. Zero. Nada.

Had great relationships with QRV mods so far, but noticed that all the mods I've ever talked with weren't there this time

sound to me you do... you even made a global sticky, you must have ripped a page out Kevduds book on this one.


And I guarantee 9/10 puttitout did not write this. This wreaks of @kevude

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

think- ago

You're making a fool of yourself by claiming that @kevude writes stuff for @PuttItOut, or that he has access to Putt's account.

Just sayin'

kjhasd758756 ago

here is an idea for you, THINK

zyklon_b ago

did it feel good to be thrown under the bus for something you were not guilty of?

@heygeorge can attest to 1090 +900


@kevdude has access to @puttitout account and wrote this. Such "maturity"

all kevdude


Octoclops ago

Wouldn't Putt have some way of fixing that?

zyklon_b ago

Shh or u will be accused of loli and banned


fucking bann me

@kevdude has access to putts account

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

zyklon_b ago

he muss be kilt

drstrangegov ago


zyklon_b ago

look i was exonerated of ALL.the accusations

version7 ago

The posted pm doesn't really show you in a bad light. They shouldn't have done it either way but there are no bad optics there.

EpiPendemic ago

home shopping network has a voat sub? who knew

Questionable_1 ago

I never go full ANON, as far as I'm concerned it's just a way for people to not own up to they're stupidity. Publicity keeps people in check.

BigFatDaddy ago

It's too bad the mods are being faggots. A lot of the QRV people are actually sincere. Maybe you should make it a system sub so that the boomers can enjoy their little delusion in peace.

NiggerVirus ago

Don't let these crybabies get to you. They expect the world and everything in it to be perfect, however, if that was ever achieved they would start crying and complaining about how everything is too perfect. You're doing a good job.

YugeDick ago

QRV hides in the shroud of Anon while GA flourishes in the light. I couldn't imagine a simpler redpill on kike infiltration than this one they've made themselves. I hope all those Qultists finally take note.

BigFatDaddy ago

That's a very good point.

redpilldessert ago

So many questions. So few answers.

1: Why were all the old QRV mods gone? Was there a hostile takeover?

2: Why can't you ignore all the complaints? Everyone gets insulted on this site.

3: What kind of abuse were these "sweet innocent people" getting? Aren't the innocents anon? Surely only doxxing matters?

4: What do all the QRV users think of all this. Are they happy with the way the sub was being run and Putt's response?

5: What do QRV users think about switching to non-anon mode?

redpilldessert ago

Gonna try and answer some of these myself:

Answer 2/3: Judging by the comments in this post, I think porn was the main problem:

Answer 4: I think they're with Putt on this. The aforementioned post was downvoted, and the users want the mods to clean up the porn.

toobaditworks ago

15x15 pixel titties. mmmm

Azurenightsky ago

Answer 4: I think they're with Putt on this. The aforementioned post was downvoted, and the users want the mods to clean up the porn.

What is "Consensus Cracking"?

redpilldessert ago

Enlighten me.

RockmanRaiden ago

Why ask you the question instead of getting to the point? Q followers are all a bunch of normies dabbling at LARPing. Many of us were "conspiracy theorists" before Oct 2017. There is enough reasonable doubt in my view that Qanon/MAGA might be another jewish trick, considering Trump allegedly converted to Judaism earlier that year. The source for that is Israel Today, so I wouldn't cite it as gospel.

My point: Shit be whack, yo.

jewsbadnews ago

Link to Trump joining the Synagogue of Satan?

RockmanRaiden ago

I'm still looking for something more solid on this.

Here's the thread.

jewsbadnews ago

Would not be surprised. He has been surrounded by them most of his life and all his kids are married to jews and his daughter converted.

RockmanRaiden ago

The Q movement now functions as just another Twitter mob as all the narratives are compartmentalized. I'm about to sick a mini army of clowns out to spread honkpills on this matter. Show them the punchline. QAnon is yet another Jew trick.

Goys-R-Us ago

2: Why can't you ignore all the complaints? Everyone gets insulted on this site.

I imagine getting a massive amount of PMs is a pain in Putts ass regardless of whether they have merit. He still has to read through them to ascertain whether there's anything that needs his attention. It's likely a huge time suck.

redpilldessert ago

Well then that hints at a deeper problem. As Voat grows, there's no way he'll be able to handle the influx of reports from everyone.

Goys-R-Us ago

Yeah, voat can't be a one man show if it gets a much bigger. Probably too big now for one person to deal with effectively. Got to give him credit for putting up with a bunch of cry baby goats.

zeroexit ago

Dont you hate it when the job you chose gets hard?

Meez ago

Yeah, he has been acting like a little bitch about it.

I mean, he's not wrong, but there is a way to go about things. He just constantly chooses the whiny, Obama type approach.

Goys-R-Us ago

Careful son, that's ban talk right there.

Meez ago

Don't tell me what to say, you POS social justice warrior. Tell it to someone who gives a fuck.

If VOAT wants to ban me, I could give less than 2 fucks anymore. This board is falling apart already.

toobaditworks ago

No it's not. You're trying to make it fall apart. Go divide someplace else. 9 month 0 SCP 132 CCP cunthole.

Meez ago

How can I make it fall apart? I rarely even post here, which you've shown by posting my post stats.

Is this some weird attempt by you to show that you have a bigger epenis or something? Because you post a lot? We should "respect" you, despite the fact that you're a complete fuckstain? You're pathetic, now go away.

rcb ago

You do realize that the Q-haters will downvote every Qanon into oblivion after usernames are unmasked, right?

Tallest_Skil ago

Good. Kill yourselves you subhuman pieces of treasonous jew shit. You’re a fucking stain on this website and on humanity itself. You’re brainwashed by jewish puppets. You’re objectively wrong about everything you say, do, and believe. Legitimately die.

MadWorld ago

XD I demand 25 global stickies on every Sunday!!! Three is not enough!!

think- ago

I think three is just fine, but I would like to see a sticky with poetry every Thursday. :-)

@PeaceSeeker @SandHog

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Can we get a philosophical stickie as well?

think- ago

Oh yes, please.....maybe on Mondays?

....for some food for thought for the week.... ;-)

@TheBuddha @Peasceseeker @Madworld @PuttItOut @sandhog

TheBuddha ago

I suspect you need to build and maintain it for quite a while before you get a sticky. We are going on two years with the guitar thread. I suspect that's why he agreed to sticky them.

think- ago

I have maxxed out the number of subs I am allowed to own and moderate. But I admit that I'm lazy anyway. I thought that maybe Putt could write a nice text, or choose one, and sticky it. ;-)

@PuttItOut @sandhog

TheBuddha ago

Then drop one?

think- ago

Never let the future disturb you.

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."

Marcus Aurelius ("Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, Book VII, (8))

copypasted from

@PuttItOut @Peaceseeker @Madworld @sandhog @shewhomustbeobeyed

think- ago

@RogerByam - please see parent, and convo above. Thanks.

RogerByam ago

Good idea. @Had still does the daily stoicism quotes in v/whatever. Perhaps they can be stickied/incorporated into something you like? I can help too.

SandHog ago

I think Buddha was referring to one of the subs you mod so you can make a philosophy one when he said 'drop one'.

think- ago

Haha, thanks! I already dropped some in order to create new ones.... ;-)

But I am looking for someone who would want to mod the v/TransgenderMadness sub, and run it....;-)

SandHog ago

Lol I ain't doing it if that's what you are thinking. The last thing I want to do with my time is volunteer to monitor what those degenerate, mentally ill, faggots do every day.

think- ago

...oh damn, you just know me too well.... ;-P

think- ago

@sosat_menya_reddit - please see parent.

Redpilleveryone ago

Will a blocked user still be visible in an anon sub? If not then a solution may be for QRV users to individually block all of SBBH and anyone who shits on QRV outside of the QRV sub.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I think a block of QRV would be better. If you are prohibited from visiting or shitposting there it removes the temptation

MadWorld ago

It does not work that way. Anyone can create a new Voat account and pretend to be someone else under anon subverse. Then it is impossible for you to block such user. The only way to expose the rats is to disable anon setting. So those users intend to cause problems in QRV subverse can be identified. If you are worried about your anonymity, get a VPN/proxy and periodically burn your account. There are settings available, when you delete your account, to anonymize everything under your account.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

this would be a excellent solution, unfortunately voat doest listen to people that use the site but rather fags like @kevdude @puttitout

rcb ago

How was the mod team infiltrated?

I mean, this happens on every website everywhere on the internet... But how did it happen this time?

redpilldessert ago

Relevant archives showing the top mods:

Maybe u/PenSHITLORD, u/badg0y1m and u/8bit- can enlighten us.

ForTheUltimate ago

how can the top top mod allow this to happen? he will always be at the top.

redpilldessert ago

Just in case, I need to use the @ symbol to ping: Maybe @PenSHITLORD, @badg0y1m and @8bit- can enlighten us.

srayzie ago

The current O and board owner @FastJack, was Breadbox

Tallest_Skil ago

Burn the Q-LARPers.

petevoat ago

Ummm what happened to the old mods? SOLD OUT? Me: *not surprised.

SandHog ago

Old mods are probably the new mods, tbh.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Pity them. Their parents did a terrible job. And because of that they are suffering, the poor bastards.

virge ago

Just switch it from anon to normal and let the rats flee to infect another ship with Cancer. Rats don't contribute anyway and just eat your food and shit everywhere.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

3.9 year sleep alt with almost 4k ccp and only 3 pages of comment history.... not sketchy at all

virge ago

3.9 year sleep alt with almost 4k ccp and only 3 pages of comment history.... not sketchy at all

  • Exhibit A: Hover over my name. Read my bio.
  • Exhibit B: 3+ years of my content is available on the archives of Voat on the Internet and
  • Exhibit C: I could ping 100+ accounts this very second who I've interacted with for almost 4 years who would validate the above two points are true, I've gained over 20,000 SCP and more than 80,000 CCP in my time.
  • Exhibit D: You can even just use to search for my name and see the literally hundreds of posts where the "Top 50 posters" matrices have my name in it, for example.

Any further questions? If you're going to play detective, at least bother to do some investigating before you try to create fear porn, it's short-lived and usually embarrassing.

Phantom42 ago

Annnnnd check-fucking-mate.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Take the sub over and appoint new mods.

Don't use v/GreatAwakening Mods, they already have their hands full.

No more anonymous posts.

Diggernicks ago

They're aids ridden and proud, and no better.

markrod420 ago

What do you mean anon subs are easy for kikes to infiltrate? I dont believe you goy. Now go let your wife fuck a black man and raise his nigger babies...

Thank you putt as always for the transparency. Unlike the kikes at QRV who hide behind their anon games.

zeroexit ago

What transparency exactly? He obvious states with disdain that his PMs being posted was "throwing him under the bus". So do you consider him having an opinion being transparent? or was the original posting of his PM in QRV transparency?

degenerate7 ago

He never said it was "throwing him under the bus", he said it was low class, which it is. Instead of having a discussion about it the mod is trying to create a "ha, gotcha!" moment by posting a personal conversation. You can read it and Putt clearly didn't say anything unethical or threatening. It was a pretty lame attempt by the mod to win favor, instead of trying to work with Putt to find a solution. Transparency is good, but not every single detail and conversation has to be public.

zeroexit ago

He literally says "They threw me under the bus". Look up and read it for yourself. The level of classiness is subjective to ones own opinions. All im seeing is tons of soyboys catering to thier emotional arguments in thier head, without ever having a drop of logic. He didnt say anything threatening? well I guess thats subjective also so you can have it if u want it, but you know what else he DIDNT say, How these "complaints" actually violated any rules. I ask you this, Can you still complain if no rules were broken? And if no rules were broken but we cater to those same complainers, is Voat any different than any other Big liberal shit hole city?

markrod420 ago

Hes here discussing it with us rather than just taking actions. And i dont have any problem with posting his PMs. But QRV is infiltrated by western society hating kikes and its been made easy by their anon bullshit.

fightknightHERO ago

the QRV are Zionist disinformers

send those Niggers back to R/theZOGnald

Diggernicks ago

Their love of Catholics the true enemy of America is more worrying.

Turkeypotato ago

Probably awhile ago. The sub was good at first but shills flourish in those anon subs.

GrandNagus ago

QRV was never good, GreatAwakening was here way before and some redditfags decided they needed power so they created their own sub, looks like the best sub won in the end LOL.

BushChuck ago

Anon is for faggots.

I can see it's use in OpSec, but I rarely see it used for such.

Otherwise, why not just have a regular sub, and a conversation?

Intrixina ago

It's most likely because the 8chan board is also anonymous - they wanted it to be the same as that board.

Thing is, famefaggers and namefaggers don't understand the concept of "anonymous" and do it specifically because they are attention whores.

Hand_of_Node ago

The whole point of anon commenting is so you can troll without consequence.

Meez ago

Anon isn't really even anonymous really. The admins can connect the posts/accounts and any hacker that gets the website database can do the same in minutes. This is pretty much true everywhere, not just VOAT.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

The shilling is strong with that sub, even if Q is a psyop someone really doesn't want these people digging.

GoyimNose ago

"Israel for last"

2fast4u92 ago

Oh man. You can say that again. Idk if you've ever dropped JQ pills on the place, but they have this one kikeshill there who must have the worse case of the Auts ever seen. He will go into a copypasta frenzy trying to Shut it Down. Will even call you a Bolshevik for calling out the Jews, cuz that makes total sense hahaha.

BushChuck ago

I think you are underestimating how many of us love poking them, and watching them sperg out.

It's a bunch of retarded boomers, dancing to some cia pied piper's tune.

No real source would release info in this psuedo-covert-cryptic fashion.

I get great enjoyment from watching the boomer mind in "action".

Helbrecht ago

I agree, it's hilarious. I've seen depths of cope I never even thought existed. These people are world-class Olympic mental gymnasts, in their own narrow way.

Mittermeyer ago

dancing to some cia pied piper's tune.

Even funnier is they not only think it's the NSA, they celebrate the possibility of being led by the NSA and the spying they do on the Qfags.

Helbrecht ago

"The government is bad and full of evil pedos, except for the parts we like!"

RockmanRaiden ago

Something needs to be said about the loose asshole that is our 4th Amendment.

TheSeer ago

Esp. if Q is a psy-op, the point would be to keep people on the plantation, not doing their own research, coming to their own conclusions, and sharing it with others.

Phantom42 ago

And becoming one of us.

I don't doubt a lot of people follow the Qult. Could you imagine if all of these followers, suddenly, broke free of Q posts and researched for themselves? If they turned on their leader? If they learned the Truth about WWII, and who was really the good guy in all of it?

It would be quite a tremendous upset. Because if this crowd, indoctrinated as they are, wakes up... Well, that's a bad sign for the bastards taking our future from us.

TheSeer ago

Final redpill is when you realize same group was pulling the strings on both sides. Financing the Nazis, Allies AND Communists. The goal? Simple. Destroy an entire generation of young, white, Christian men.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

A good point, but that's exactly what will happen when this whole Q thing comes to fruition or unravels. Honestly it's good to see people digging, even if they are using a pool noodle to dry and dig a hole in sand, at least they are trying.

TheSeer ago

Unravels? The hard deadline for mass arrests was NOVEMBER 11 LAST YEAR. Nada, diddly squat.

eleminnop ago

anons on 8ch have more than a pool noodle to dig with

Mittermeyer ago

Honestly sometimes it's just fun to fuck with them, both extremes and by being a moderate. Simply asking basic questions gets them to screech shill, pretend to be them and screech shill, and then of course posting monstergirls on rare occasion. Honestly there are probably 100 shills shilling both pro and against Q and only a dozen that actually believe it

Hand_of_Node ago

That is the whole point of an anon sub.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

That's just business as usual on the internet.

Mittermeyer ago

Yeah but with a group that is clearly not used to it and overreacts at every minor thing, it makes for a very low hanging fruit. Minimal effort, fun results.

70times7 ago

Win win

BraunF14 ago

Isn't QRV just an extension to the other like 10 subverses the mindless Q-tards set up when they shit all over Reddit and got themselves migrated? Are they just shitting up the place here too? I don't mind a friendly, well thought out, and evidence factored conspiracy topic, but those Q guys are on the level of flat earthers and chem trail guys. I almost cringe every time I see that badge on a user.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Check out Matt Landman's Frankenskies

BraunF14 ago

Yes. Are we using it on planes? No.

They're poisoning in other ways. Seek out flouride first. Not everyone could be affected, due to location, by plane distribution. Everyone does however drink water.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Stratospheric aerosol injection is a global project.

Are we using it on planes? No.

Bold claim. I can see with with my own two eyes this occure. Why can you not accept that this is happening? By your own admission the tech exists and has been used in the past.

Not everyone could be affected, due to location, by plane distribution. Everyone does however drink water.

Entire states do not flouridate the water supply.

BraunF14 ago

You can see a natural biproduct of a plane moving through moist air at high speeds. There is very real, established science behind why they leave trails.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

But "chemtrail" tech has existed for decades.

Weather modification has existed for decades.

You seem to have trust in the system.


bluedeath ago

Mosquito abatement is the real conspiracy. Remember the West Nile and Zika hysteria they worked up and got all kinds of funding for spraying written in at the federal level. It's now hidden in plain sight and there is one source for the chemicals so only a tiny number of people know what they are actually spraying. This way they can use Military aircraft, civilian ... whatever. When they can't spray in the sky (forest fire smoke etc) they use fast moving trucks designed to pump out a huge plume.

BraunF14 ago

You know scientists are currently trying to introduce genes into mosquito populations to hinder their ability to reproduce? Mosquito geonocide I like it

bluedeath ago

I keep leaning towards Michael Crichton's take on scientists that ultimately they will cause our own extinction. Mosquito genocide would trigger a wave of species extinction that would bring us to our knees. They are basically like krill on land. Filler for every species of bird and reptile and of course bats that help keep the other insect populations in check.

network_guy ago

Do what you have to do. Only time will tell what's right or wrong, but I can tell this post is coming from someone who is trying to do what they think is right

white_male30 ago

Q predicted this

ConcreteGaloshes ago

reddit has gold, not voat.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Q predicted this would be the top comment.

toobaditworks ago

FIFY: Thanks for the shekel!

moirai11 ago

I blocked QRV.

LostName ago

Me, too. I unblocked it a couple of weeks ago to see how it was going as I used to like the content. I blocked it again shortly thereafter. Not my style of content.

Hand_of_Node ago

I comment there a lot when I'm wanting to be "off the record" while mocking morons. Have anon-met some smart people there, but it's crawling with some of the most brain-dead people on the internet.

VapidGopher ago

The QRV attack drama timing combined with the AG Barr/declass announced/dems nearly passing out at press conferences/UK vote/Aus vote/aggressive Trump tweets is very convincing people are afraid of something on QRV. If all those other events had happened and QRV kept going smoothly as usual, it wouldn’t make QRV seem any more justified or accurate. The users that attacked it ironically gave more validation to QRV than they took from it, as now it appears those people really are afraid (or are upset) at some of the recent events (mentioned above) that have been confirmed to have happened.

Meez ago

I think the admins should look into who modded these <15 CCP mod accounts.

How did they become mods? Who modded them and why? Let's trace it back to find the source of the illness.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Stick to the plan.

Gizurr ago

The plan = white genocide and implementation of the New World Order.

CantDentTheBrent ago





Keep paying taxes.


Agrianian_Javelineer ago


Goys-R-Us ago

Comedy gold Mr. Bent.

BentAxel ago

He's Brent, I'm Bent.

Goys-R-Us ago

Brent got dented and became Bent.

DayOfThePillow ago

Hahaha, trust the plan! Military intelligence can't stop porn ruining their operations... derrrppppp

slwsnowman40 ago

The guys in military intel have access to much better porn.

DayOfThePillow ago

Yeah I was thinking after I posted that they probably have issues with people whacking off on the job, oh well haha

fluhthreeex ago

Why do you think their budget is so high? ...they don't actually need that many people.

NPCGator ago

The truth will set you free.

gabara ago

I'm steering clear of QRV, but in fairness, QRV is set as NSFW so if users want to post legal NSFW there, I don't see a problem. It's not my fault the QRV mods suck. When they came here I warned them about that NSFW flag combined with anon.

Recyclops14 ago

I don't get this idea of voat wanting or even calling for moderation. Its why most of us are even here in the first place because of over moderation. This site was nice 2-3 years ago, now you're all calling for mods. wtf

TestForScience ago

A massive wave of new users joins Voat.
They begin posting non-related bullshit and propaganda, downvoating absolutely everyone that isn’t them, and soon, everything you can see on Voat, regardless of your sorting filter, is nothing but them.
Still no mods?

Recyclops14 ago

What users are you talking about? What specific example are you talking about or are you posing a hypothetical?

Intrixina ago

There's one guy who posts spam about QAnon in a lot of random subs. I forget his name, but he posts about some mind control bullshit.

TestForScience ago

To the full extent, it’s a hypothetical.
However, it has been proven in smaller sizes several times.
The TD migration that lasted a couple weeks,
The initial Q migration, taking a little more than a month to settle down a bit,
The v/aww purge,
And now, the mass bans.

Recyclops14 ago

The_D didn't last very long everyone(voat) instantly got on the defense so there was that, q guys just put it in anon and stayed to their sub, I don't remember much about the /aww purge I think they were spamming gore or porn, so they got banned.. The mass bans? he just said he was a mistake from poor code. So none of those were really worth getting putt involved. If the sub has rules they get to enforce them as is their right(like v/aww did), trying to enforce rules on a sub because of a hecklers veto isn't moderation. Just my 2 cents.

TestForScience ago

The Q people tried branching out very heavily at first, mass upvoating each other to be able to post unlimitedly, thus, gaming the system.
The aww thing brought out BS just like the content of the post that we're commenting on right now, with people getting all shitty about being told to follow the VERY few rules that we have.
Saying 'a hecklers veto' downplays the amount and severity of the multiple people starting all this shit, dude.

Recyclops14 ago

Yeah they tried to game the system because they wanted to post, got shit on then put it in anon. I didn't get involved too much into the v/aww shit I wasn't really concerned with all the retarded drama by that point. I don't believe saying hecklers veto really downplays it mainly because putt only responded because people were messaging him a lot about it. I feel like we have some sufficient protections in order thats what v/protectvoat is for. What more do people want?

zyklon_b ago

hey buddy

J-woke ago

Oh here it is, our resident jewish rat

TheSeer ago

I'm not your buddy, guy.

AlaskaMountain ago

Fuck your dumb.reddit crap

TheSeer ago

You are either 12 or 60. Either way, best of luck to you and yours.

AlaskaMountain ago

The "I'm not your buddy" sequence is dumb reddit crap no matter what your age. Fuck reddit and fuck you.

TheSeer ago

Its from South Park, not from Reddit.

AlaskaMountain ago

No shit. But the gay tradition of one user posting the first line and trying for others to complete It was born and done to death on reddit. So again, fuck reddit and fuck you.

Native ago

I am not your buddy friend

TheSeer ago


BushChuck ago

Shut up.

big_fat_dangus ago

Didn't read, lol. Drama is for queers.

PuttIsAtranny ago

@puttitout is a tranny. Trannies are queers

jewsbadnews ago

I can smell you from here, jew. Enough with the garlic bagels!

LordOfTheRope ago

Posting PMs is pretty low class FastJack


LDIP ago

The mobs coming for you FastJack, shoulda respected godfatha Putt. See you in hell slick 🚬💣

Recyclops14 ago

Transparency is low class hmmm.

CantDentTheBrent ago


Eat a dick

Recyclops14 ago

Honestly I'd rather know what they both said then a he said she said. Not sure how that offends you, but kill yourself in any case.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Being a sneaky little faggot is why you need to eat a dick

Now eat a dick faggot

fuckingmockies ago

Fucking Qtards

TheBuddha ago

BOOM! Arrests immanent!

BushChuck ago

Sealed VOat indictments! ANy day!

TheBuddha ago


God bless!

zyklon_b ago


BushChuck ago


Gopherurself ago

We NEED Isreal

toobaditworks ago

Putts' base BOLSTERS his standing!

BigFatDaddy ago

I kek'd

Recyclops14 ago

yea nah m8