18838855? ago

@puttitout is AWESOME!!!.

18847858? ago


18838568? ago

BO of GA starting more shit.

18838338? ago

We don't care.

We don't judge.

We don't demean others.

Go away if you do.

18838865? ago

i judge the shit out of the queers who post dick picks, porn, and democrats.. they are garbage. democrats are cancers.

18847855? ago

I judge the shit out of the idiot boomers, circlejerking about their retarded LARPer. But I do agree that Democrats are cancer. I'll do you one better though; Republicans are cancer too.

You faggots have made no effort to understand the Truth of Clownworld. Here we are.

18847865? ago

you're not even american go worry about nigel...queer

18847881? ago

Suck my American dick, ya goddamned 70 year old grandma.

18847887? ago

you're not american.. and you have a vagina

18839046? ago

How very Christian of you!

18839801? ago

im not jesus.. being a christian doesnt mean we are docile... fuck muslims kill em all

18839813? ago

"Judge not lest ye be not judged."

18839836? ago

quoting catholic doctrin does nothing except show you dont know what a christian is and who catholics are

18839852? ago

So, now you're just gonna make shit up.

Yup... You make baby jebus cry.

Carry on.

18839885? ago

wtf are you even saying?

christians are NOT catholics.
kill yourself

18839910? ago

Catholics are Christians.

18839935? ago

😂😂 bwwwaaaaahahhahhahahah you are dumb..

NOT EVEN CLOSE.. hence not answering to the vatican.

Christians are christians.. catholics are pedophiles who answer to the pope and bow to islam

18839947? ago

It's like you don't even know what the word Christian means.

18840001? ago

Christians put Christ first. catholics put pope first. and believe him to be the messenger of GOD.
catholics are a pedophile organization who are 501c3 tax excempt business.. the vatican is the mecca of catholics, the vatican is its own country filled with lunitics .. thus two seperate names and denominations of CHRISTIAN faith CATHOLIC churches

18840023? ago

You don't get to make up your own definitions.

18840060? ago


I already told you. You don't get to make up definitions.

18840105? ago

i provided you with 10 different sources ..

18840128? ago

And I provided you with one authoritative source. Read a fucking dictionary.

18840100? ago

research dummy

18840158? ago

Do you think that's a valid thought?

It's not.

18840211? ago


Unfortunately, Roman Catholics are NOT Christians. Glenn Beck and hordes of other news outlets (Glenn Beck is an unsaved Mormon by the way) continually refer to unsaved Catholics as Christians. To the naive and unlearned of the world, they esteem Catholics to be Christians in their ignorance.

18840251? ago

Do you even know what Christian means? It means they believe in Christ.

Don't be retarded, it's unbecoming.

18840282? ago

you need to resesrch. because your stupidity and ignorance is HILARIOUS.. 😂😂 bwwwwaaaaahhahahhahahah dummy

18840193? ago

you can argue and cry all you want the truth still stands.
christians are not catholics... i now provided you with 13 links that explain what the difference is.. you however are too stupid to read. so you google search a liberal dictionary term that also states clearly what the difference is. read your own links dummy.

kill yourself

18840209? ago

That damned dictionary, and all the rest, are wrong!

You're an idiot, for the record.

18840252? ago


says the cuck who wont research what actual christians are.. catholics are scum just like muslims

Unfortunately, Roman Catholics are NOT Christians. Glenn Beck and hordes of other news outlets (Glenn Beck is an unsaved Mormon by the way) continually refer to unsaved Catholics as Christians. To the naive and unlearned of the world, they esteem Catholics to be Christians in their ignorance.

18840263? ago

Don't be retarded.

18840289? ago

she says looking in mirror

18840305? ago

Read a fucking dictionary.

18840377? ago


study theology... you dummy

18840402? ago

Read a dictionary.

18840971? ago

study theology. ask a catholic if they are christian. ask a christian if they are catholic.. moreso, read the links from ACTUAL christians.. catholics are islamic.

18838290? ago


18843617? ago


18855304? ago


18838180? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

That's all that really matters. Q is a piece of shit.

18840183? ago

We've got the slow burn on you.

You're all going down 1 at a time.

18845696? ago

I'm some troll posting at home. I don't get paid. I'm not going anywhere. Go read the 1st Amendment.

18846074? ago

if that were true you wouldnt be so afraid.

the end is near for you evil rats.

18847871? ago

As afraid as the diaper-wearing boomers? How are you even alive with a brain that damaged?

18849158? ago

how will your jew friends find a use for you when you cant even shill properly?

18839674? ago

Wow the concern is so real. Guise listen up! This anon has true concerns we need to hear. Please moar.

18838867? ago

you are TERRIFIED.

18839115? ago

Of what? Q not making any arrests? Of the traitors running around free?

18839759? ago


18838201? ago

  1. Hurr

  2. Durr

You are a faggot that does not matter. Also a piece of shit.

18838226? ago

Thanks for the reply. Has Q delivered on any high-profile arrests yet?

We're all waiting.

18838877? ago

yes... all the info is listed on qmap.pub

you obviously do zero research and just come here to troll, as your existance is pathetic.. get a job ya bum

18839107? ago

So, you're saying that Q HAS delivered on high-profile arrests?

WHO exactly? Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are still walking around free.

18839792? ago

how many federal judges? governors? mayors? hillary staffers? nxivm? avenatti? where is strozk? where is page? 62,000 democrat pedos arrersted. u.s. embassadors? where is the traitor koshoggi? what about the saudi royal house who were all arressted ? several executed. where is noname? stfu troll.. go do your own research

18840053? ago

Until Hillary and Obama are arrested, it doesn't mean a thing.

18840064? ago

you should just kill yourself..you are useless to the cause

18840088? ago

"the cause" isn't doing shit but circle jerking to patriot porn.

the only thing that matters are high level public arrests.

18840120? ago

mayors judges governors?.. those arent high level..
you are useless.

18845296? ago

  1. Hillary Clinton
  2. Barack Obama
  3. Eric Holder
  4. James Comey
  5. Joe Biden

Start with those 5.

18845311? ago

when the judges , governors and mayors of the cities they are to be tried in were still in power.. how?..

18839689? ago

What? I had no idea. What other concerns can you tell us?

18838465? ago

We are all waiting. Some patiently. Some a bit nervously. I admit that I’ve been waiting for almost 20 years. I didn’t think it would ever happen, until recently. Lol. After 20 years I’m actually seeing progress. I heard the president responded to a question that mentioned treason and the death penalty and who he thinks committed treason. He said a number of people. So sry, but the arrests or gtfo thing is pretty retarded. The jig is up. I can understand why it’s a process. These people are sick. They killed JFK. They have been deeply imbedded in our government and institutions for a long long time. It is really really retarded to think someone can snap their fingers and destroy the cabal.

18847863? ago

This is all a show to placate your entire demographic. I see it's working.

18857139? ago

Strange because I’ve never been more active in politics than I am now. I’m constantly red pilling people.

18839196? ago

The stupid part is that Trump could end it all right now by simply ordering the arrests and telling the American people the truth.

If anyone riots or complains.... shoot them.

18839705? ago

That’s stupid. He would be accused of being a tyrant. It has to be done by the book and you know that. That’s what the book is for. Honest people. If you can’t see what’s happening, you’re not looking at the full picture. Lol. “Shoot them.” Low level shill.

18840078? ago

Newsflash: they already accuse him of being a tyrant. So, let's live up to their expectations.

18840857? ago

Yes. They accuse him without evidence. You want Trump to give them the evidence. That’s fuckin stupid. Especially when things are finally happening with declass. You’re doing some low level shilling.

18845675? ago

I haven't seen anything happen. Declass hasn't happened. It's all in your head. That's where fantasies are happening.

18847165? ago

Some people are narrow minded. I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe you should join a cool Reddit sub.

18847357? ago

Maybe Q and POTUS should arrest some fucking traitors.

18839685? ago

right? Wow this concern is valid and so important.

18838534? ago

It is really really retarded to think someone can snap their fingers and destroy the cabal.

What do you expect from this generation, the main evil villain they built up to for over a decade and across 20 movies does Exactly that. Snaps his fucking fingers to get shit done.

18838455? ago

We're all waiting.

So, you're doing nothing?

18839204? ago

I'm waiting on Q to deliver what he promised.

18838237? ago

Q isn't a delivery service for you

18839268? ago

That's right....because he doesn't deliver. Period.

18838254? ago

Q hasn't delivered on ANY of his promises. Hillary and John Podesta are still free.

Q hasn't done shit. Trump hasn't done shit. Nothing has happened to these traitors. Not one goddamned thing.

18838301? ago

Q owes you nothing

18839229? ago

He owes ALL of us something. He promised arrests. He hasn't delivered. FUCK Q.

Our taxdollars support Q and POTUS -- they work for us. Get to fucking work and clean house.

18839031? ago

Which, coincidentally enough, is all Q is good for.

Take your fucking meds.

18838284? ago

There are tens of thousands arrests to the top of the fucking cabal, not that you have the intellect to see them. You are quite literally handicapped.

18839250? ago

Low level arrests of people that you've never heard of mean FUCK ALL.

What we need are HIGH LEVEL ARRESTS of traitors that everyone knows.

That is the only thing that will wake people up.

18839598? ago

high level concerns right here. tell us more of them. you are so important. your concerns are so important

18839621? ago

If only everyone were as smart as you.

18839654? ago

does that concern you? you should tell these concerns to us

18839278? ago

are you concerned? tell us more of your concerns

18839294? ago

I'm concerned that you're NOT concerned about the traitors running free.

18839399? ago

tell us more. concerns are real guise! concerns!

18839421? ago

Tell us why Q never delivers on his promises.

18839514? ago

What a good concern. any more? we need to hear them all. your concerns are so important to hear. tell us

18839615? ago

I'm concerned that John Podesta is still raping and killing kids and Q and POTUS aren't doing shit to stop it.

18839648? ago

Any more? these concern are ground breaking. guise listen up!! concerns are right here! please more! we need to hear them. so important. so valid.

18838322? ago

This! It might not happen this year. Or next year. Or the year after. Or the one after that. Or several more after. But we’ll get em. Oh believe me, we will take them down in the next couple decades.

18838429? ago

exactly. incapacitated. and blind.

18838344? ago

Why are you here?


18838385? ago

To talk about how badass Q is and how he’s gonna take down the cabal bro!

18839599? ago


Because all that really matters is that people are aware of Q. If they know of Q then we win. Trump doesn’t lose and he has already said what is going to happen. There’s no stopping it.

”Drain the swamp”

”..Because you’d be in jail...”