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sniper98g ago

/v/GreatAwakening/ has always been where QAnon and old goats get together. @srayzie is one of the best mods I've ever seen. She has kept it real through multiple rounds of fag mod take overs in other Q subs.

srayzie ago

πŸ‘†πŸ»Thank you my new best friend. πŸ‘πŸ»

Rotteuxx ago

one of the best mods I've ever seen

You're a stupid bitch who bans out of sheer vindictiveness because you can't handle people disagreeing with you.

You're a piece of shit cancer mod.

freshmeat ago

Whoa dude you hate srayzie too? thought it was a civil war going on but it seems we split into factions.

zyklon_b ago

we on same side komrad3

Rotteuxx ago

Hell just froze over m8

zyklon_b ago

indeed komrade indeed


death to censors

Rotteuxx ago

Dude !

We should so totally team up to take down GA. Meet me on discord later and we'll get @9-11 on it too. The ovens are glowing hot, time to ash some Qjews !

freshmeat ago

im not really against Q, just the fake ass srayzie version. She got ahead of the Q exodus and split the base in half, and now the builders bullshit. Seems like a declaration of all out war if you ask me.

But its verrrry interesting to see even SBBH calling out srayzie. I assumed Kev and srayzie were larping but you arent the only person i recognize now shitting on srayzie.

Cheers rott, burned my lips to say that but cheers.

Hand_of_Node ago

now the builders bullshit

Have been slacking on my voating lately and have no idea. What is builders bullshit?

Rotteuxx ago

I even gave putt a piece of my mind about this builders bullshit. Fuckery is afoot. The timing is intriguing, Crensch starting a flame war in the name of srayzie and then disappearing, kevdude giving her a pussy pass when she banned for a 2 month old post, putt honoring her & kev as builders as she's attacking old goats & shitting the place up... fuckery or sheer ignorance...

Cheers, see you around the bend !

ksjdfkas878345 ago

I've always liked you too Rotteuxx, I apologize if I ever said anything hateful towards you.


@freshmeat, yeah... hes a good guy..... sry for ping conserving comments

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, you can be extremely annoying when you're drunk as fuck but that's you. I don't recall you spewing hate at me.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

we good old school need to fight.... we to set aside everything

freshmeat ago

yeah you nailed it. Im impressed lol.