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sniper98g ago

/v/GreatAwakening/ has always been where QAnon and old goats get together. @srayzie is one of the best mods I've ever seen. She has kept it real through multiple rounds of fag mod take overs in other Q subs.

srayzie ago

👆🏻Thank you my new best friend. 👏🏻

Rotteuxx ago

one of the best mods I've ever seen

You're a stupid bitch who bans out of sheer vindictiveness because you can't handle people disagreeing with you.

You're a piece of shit cancer mod.

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AR47 ago

She incentivized praise and demonizes criticism.

Sounds as if you really won’t change that. It’s likely she is incapable of taking any form of view that doesn’t align with her own.

It’s worthless to speak with her.

She knows that her only value is a wet hole. Just a place for a man to place his dick and have her feel of some value to the species. Its why she is so bitter.

Imagine that your only value is one of sheer effortless value and being born with it. Knowing there is nothing else you can offer but sex.

Rotteuxx ago

Indeed, although I must admit today was ideal to make her sperg out and reveal her true colors.

Hand_of_Node ago

You're a stupid bitch who..

I mean, the tone of disagreement might be relevant here.

Rotteuxx ago

It isn't spontaneous, she's a bitch and very stupid at that. Comment history...

I use language properly ;)

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freshmeat ago

Whoa dude you hate srayzie too? thought it was a civil war going on but it seems we split into factions.

zyklon_b ago

we on same side komrad3

Rotteuxx ago

Hell just froze over m8

zyklon_b ago

indeed komrade indeed


death to censors

Rotteuxx ago

Dude !

We should so totally team up to take down GA. Meet me on discord later and we'll get @9-11 on it too. The ovens are glowing hot, time to ash some Qjews !

freshmeat ago

im not really against Q, just the fake ass srayzie version. She got ahead of the Q exodus and split the base in half, and now the builders bullshit. Seems like a declaration of all out war if you ask me.

But its verrrry interesting to see even SBBH calling out srayzie. I assumed Kev and srayzie were larping but you arent the only person i recognize now shitting on srayzie.

Cheers rott, burned my lips to say that but cheers.

Hand_of_Node ago

now the builders bullshit

Have been slacking on my voating lately and have no idea. What is builders bullshit?

Rotteuxx ago

I even gave putt a piece of my mind about this builders bullshit. Fuckery is afoot. The timing is intriguing, Crensch starting a flame war in the name of srayzie and then disappearing, kevdude giving her a pussy pass when she banned for a 2 month old post, putt honoring her & kev as builders as she's attacking old goats & shitting the place up... fuckery or sheer ignorance...

Cheers, see you around the bend !

ksjdfkas878345 ago

I've always liked you too Rotteuxx, I apologize if I ever said anything hateful towards you.


@freshmeat, yeah... hes a good guy..... sry for ping conserving comments

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, you can be extremely annoying when you're drunk as fuck but that's you. I don't recall you spewing hate at me.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

we good old school need to fight.... we to set aside everything

freshmeat ago

yeah you nailed it. Im impressed lol.

CantBuySkills ago

I don't follow q... cuz it's bogus... but I can smell a (((shill))) from a mile away. Go back to your shareblue board meeting and tell them you can't beat us.

srayzie ago

You see it too! Thank you! He reeks of it.

The_Savant ago

Are you seeing the shit this guy is saying and the way he's saying it; especially the talk about loving it when your emotions get the better of you?

I can tell you this, the smell I'm getting off this Rotteuxx guy is comparable to that of a donkey ;)

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. Him, ExpertShitposter, Trigglypuff, zyklon_bl GothamGirl...


The_Savant ago

Well, of course I know the veteran consensus-shifting, wage-earning manipulators of the site, but this little thread has been a nice way to take down some new names to watch out for because it's that time of year again when I'm not particularly active.

srayzie ago

Oh i would love your help!

Rotteuxx ago

Another moron who knows fuck all about me on Voat and calls me a shill because I speak my mind.

You retards are fucking hilarious

srayzie ago

If Srayzie speaks her mind it’s because she’s a drama queen. Keep hanging yourself!

Retards are acting like I didn’t realize that I was talking about myself here.

zyklon_b ago

still banned so it aint stoppin

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Rotteuxx ago

Hanging myself ?

What the fuck does that have to do with that comment you delusional retard ?

CantBuySkills ago

You're a joke. You've come down to name calling someone because you aren't getting your way. On top of that you have provided zero evidence of any "infractions" on her part. Don't call me a moron when you can't even come to the table with anything of value. This is what you qtards do... and that's why you're such easy prey for whoever is behind q.

Rotteuxx ago

You're a joke. You've come down to name calling someone because you aren't getting your way.

What way am I trying to get ?

On top of that you have provided zero evidence of any "infractions" on her part.

Don't call me a moron when you can't even come to the table with anything of value.

You called me a shill when I've been around doing my part in building up this community for 4 years, you utter fucking moron.

This is what you qtards do... and that's why you're such easy prey for whoever is behind q.

Calling me a qtard is another great example of why you're a fucking moron.

srayzie ago

Are you hoping for a bonus check by the end of May faggot? I’m blocking you. I never realized what a whiner you were.

Rotteuxx ago

Reeeeee !

Can't address anything I said so you build up a strawman and block me

You need medication bitch

CantDentTheBrent ago

They are lefties in disguise.

Phantom42 ago

That's all conservatism is. It's just pandering to leftists saying how they aren't the reeeeeeeeeeeal waycisssts.

Judeo-Marxists, conservative traitors, it all goes.

zyklon_b ago

gas em all

Shizy ago

You need medication bitch

Its hilarity that you use this old medication line while you're a loser follower of a massive pill abusing drug addict! 🤣🤣🤣

Seriously, can't make this garbage up!

Rotteuxx ago

And here comes the lapdog, perfect timing since @Srayzie just claimed to have blocked me. The timing is impeccable !

Its hilarity that you use this old medication line while you're a loser follower of a massive pill abusing drug addict! 🤣🤣🤣

So you're saying I'm a follower of @Zyklon_B ?

Back it up, show us proof of your claim. How have I been a follower of Zyklon ?

Seriously, can't make this garbage up!

You just did hun !

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Shizy ago

look at me zyklon_b, look at me. I'm being a good boy and being mean to that bitch Srayzie for you

What a good little lapdog YOU are. 😂😂😂🖕🏻

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying that @srayzie's and your own utter stupidity isn't reason enough for it ?

CerealBrain ago

Quit being a major league faggot bro, the both of you, Voat should vomit both of you out.

@zyklon_b I want yer chubby girl Gotham give her TO ME.

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck off, either you expose bullshit or you condone it.

CerealBrain ago

How bout I jack your fat ass up?

Rotteuxx ago

You'd fucking love that, faggot

CerealBrain ago

Would fucking own you bro..

zyklon_b ago

its @crensch the incel that cannot get laid so no worries

Phantom42 ago




CerealBrain ago

Jew in disguise, nice going jew.

zyklon_b ago

oh shit thanks for following me. i am flattered

maybe @kevdude n @crensch will cry to admins and they give her a pussy pass badge

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I love them so much. I hope they stay on Voat forever. I don't want this to end.

srayzie ago

You’re a piece of shit divider. When you run a political forum trying to expose corruption and are attacked by paid shills, then you can talk. Until then, stick to shit posting bitch. You aren’t even funny so you sick at that too.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I think all of this is gay.

carlip ago

Asuch as I hate the SBBH faggots I also think you're a vindictive cunt mod. You have threatened me with a ban multliple times, the point I blocked your shitty retard LARP sub. I hope you enjoy ruling your empire of dirt.

ExpertShitposter ago

empire of dirt.


Rotteuxx ago

I love it when you let your emotions control you, you're a fucking child, a meaningless cunt who thinks internet fame means something, a pathetic as nein faggot.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, it's a woman. I wouldn't expect anything else.

zyklon_b ago

pussy pass = builder badge

srayzie ago

😂 Says the angry CUCK!

RockmanRaiden ago

That projection is off the charts. Think Rott is still in high school?

srayzie ago

It sure seems like it!

srayzie ago

That is a lie. Your true colors became apparent when all the other shill bullshit got out of hand. Look at our mod logs. Look at your desperation. Who does that? You come off too strong to just be a “shit poster”. You and your paid shill group hide out in plain site... with the shit posters. The ones here just to shit post are even wondering what the hell is wrong with a bunch of you guys. I’m even getting PM’s from shit posters wanting to know what’s going on.

@Sandhog says this so well...

Some people seem to think that burning subs to the ground and driving users off of Voat under the banner of 'it's just jokes bro' and 'it's my free speech' is somehow justifiable. Attacking existing subs with the sole intent to destroy them is censorship and it can only beget more censorship in response to it. That is all it can ever accomplish. The motives don't even really matter because the end result will always be the same. It also opens the door wide open for future astroturfing campaigns once that behavior becomes acceptable. People should really think about what kind of precedent shit like this sets. It's one thing to do a bit of trolling but what has been happening here has gone well beyond that.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying you didn't ban @trigglypuff for a 2 month old post you had to dig for ?

Why wasn't that ban aplied 2 months ago ? Wasn't it a bannable offense back then ?

You calling me a shill proves to everyone here how psychotic and delusional you are.

You created this drama and now you're crying victim, go fuck yourself you retarded cunt.

srayzie ago

You’re the little bitch that keeps crying and saying “Srayzie shouldn’t have gotten badge!” Now you’re showing how much Triggly has you cucked. Let the cunt fight her own battles. You’re carrying on the drama. Grow a pair!

andrew_jackson ago

You, Mademoiselle, have the worst manners! @zyklon_b is a kind and genteel person, and should not be subject to your abuse.

srayzie ago

I must admit, I was laughing so hard reading this. I had tears.

I like it better when @Zyklon_b is funny like that. Not the fricken evil stuff.

zyklon_b ago

unban my accts and my armies and apologise sincerely to GG plus none of ur alts ever speak to or about her again and WE will allow u to keep sub and all this stops

Shizy ago

You earned your ban. Stop trying to use your pussy pass to get out of it. Be a man and accept it.

@srayzie are you going to apologize to GG?

srayzie ago

What do you mean @Zyklon_b? I did apologize to @Gothamgirl last time we fought. I felt bad for her. A couple of days ago, she turned on me.

Gothamgirl ago

Just like you turned on me for my accusations I have done the same with your crew. Zyklon did not post Loli and the names you have labeled him makes me want to rip your fucking heads off.

Shizy ago

makes me want to rip your ducking heads off.

Sounds like a death threat @srayzie

Hey GothamGirl, how about you calm down with a little more cock sucking instead of resorting to violence?

Cock sucker 🤣

srayzie ago

🤣 GothamWhore needs a new hobby that doesn’t involve tweaker dick!

Shizy ago

It's better than her previous hobby.

Nigger dick!

srayzie ago

Ohhhh snap.

zyklon_b ago

at least she was not caught talkin to herself on the wrong alt....

Shizy ago

How do you keep it all organized? Do you use binders with tabs or different folders?

srayzie ago

I also helped to keep Shizy and Crensch off your ass when you pulled your shit on pizzagate

Gothamgirl ago

Gtfoh you're @clitorissa

srayzie ago

Go away @Rotteuxx and @Gyna! 🖕🏻

Rotteuxx ago


Clitorissa ago

There’s the cock sucker! 👆🏻

Shizy ago

Ask zyklon_b. He may not have snorted it all yet.

Rotteuxx ago

That right @shizy, keep replying to comments sent to @srayzie.

Güd wurk !

Shizy ago

I'm watching you 👀👀👀

Clitorissa ago

I’m watching too 👀

Shizy ago

That Rott-ing person LOVES emojis! ❤️❤️❤️😃😎🤡🤠

Rotteuxx ago

For free

Shizy ago

Free is the best

srayzie ago

I posted what the archives show. I warned you that I would go after him and I would leave you out of it.

zyklon_b ago

@andrew_jackson @freshmeat @redcobra assemble the troops.. IT NEVER ENDS.

srayzie ago

I’m answering this..l

andrew_jackson ago


Mlle. Srazyzie, given how rabid Zyklon is, and how fervent and unscrupulous we who follow him are, oughtn't you simply to proffer the required apology so that we can all move on with our lives? Do you really wish to face the troll army? Few have stood against it. Please weigh carefully your options, for your own sake.

Clitorissa ago

GothamWhore is a cock sucker 🖕🏻

zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

hahahaha u mein komrade are a comedic genius

andrew_jackson ago

Hey do you ever shoot pool? When Native and I visit, can we please shoot pool? It's pretty much my favorite sport.

zyklon_b ago

yeah they a bar that had great steaks n pool tables

Clitorissa ago

I’m sorry Uncle Frank

zyklon_b ago

thanks for ping.


zyklon_b ago

@andrew_jackson @d0c5 yall enjoy

srayzie ago

@Trigglypuff has made several shit posts on GreatAwakening and would even laugh when I deleted it because she got her fun. She knows this. You can ask @Kevdude to verify why I banned her for a 2 month old post. I’m not going into depth about Triggly with you, because you are clearly one of the dividers connected to her that are here for more than just shit posting. But, when Zyklon and Triggly let me know that we are their target, and Triggly started scheming behind the scenes throwing other users under the bus over private messages, in another attempt to divide users, I knew it was time to stop her.

@Kevdude talked to me and we reached an agreement regarding my post the other day about banning. I unbanned a few with the understanding that they will be banned the next time they break a submission post rule. Or, if they post porn. We are a private niche forum and want Q related Quality content. We are allowed to do that. Because Triggly is one of the worse, and has people like you so cucked to follow her lead, instead of keeping the reason for banning her as “shill”, I changed it to show that she breaks submission post rules. There are several. I picked one. She will NOT be unbanned.

If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy.

Rotteuxx ago

@Trigglypuff has made several shit posts on GreatAwakening and would even laugh when I deleted it because she got her fun. She knows this.

This has fuckall to do with anything, stop rambling.

You can ask @Kevdude to verify why I banned her for a 2 month old post. I’m not going into depth about Triggly with you, because you are clearly one of the dividers connected to her that are here for more than just shit posting.

It's a straight forward answer, why are you running away from it and pinging your white knight to intervene between you and I ?

But, when Zyklon and Triggly let me know that we are their target,

You kept feeding the trolls and ignored everyone who told you not to.

and Triggly started scheming behind the scenes throwing other users under the bus over private messages,

Proof of scheming required

in another attempt to divide users, I knew it was time to stop her.

You're the one who willfully kicked the hornets nest and caused the divide, own up to your actions instead of playing the victim.

@Kevdude talked to me and we reached an agreement regarding my post the other day about banning.

I don't give a fuck about @Kevdude and deals he made with you behind closed door, he's already lost a shit ton of legitimacy by acting that way and giving you a pussy pass.

I unbanned a few with the understanding that they will be banned the next time they break a submission post rule. Or, if they post porn.We are a private niche forum and want Q related Quality content. We are allowed to do that.Because Triggly is one of the worse, and has people like you so cucked to follow her lead, instead of keeping the reason for banning her as “shill”, I changed it to show that she breaks submission post rules. There are several. I picked one. She will NOT be unbanned.

Yet you used @Crensch to do your dirty work and talk about @trigglypuff having cucked users as if you're above that. Double standards much ?

If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy.

How come you don't fight your own battles and use other users to stir shit up ?

You project onto others what you've done yourself but when it's you it's ok, when it's some else it's a bad thing.

You're a fucking retard, you're the one causing division with all your bullshit peddling but you're so delusionaly self righteous that you'll never have the mental capacity required for introspection into these things.

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Gothamgirl ago

srayzie ago

This drama is why I don’t owe you shit. You pinged your Queen you stupid cuck. Go fuck yourself.

Rotteuxx ago

Projecting again, you pinged her yourself in the very first sentence of your reply, after that you pinged your white knight.

Holy fuck you're hopelessly stupid.

How come your 13k subscribers aren't downvoating shills in your sub ?

How come so many people are subscribed yet don't give a shit ?

zyklon_b ago

"If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy."

@trigglypuff @kevdude lmao. look what @srayzie said....

Shizy ago

Shizy ago

Lmao look what triggly said about zyklon_b....

How is it you're not upset with her for calling you such things zyklon?

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Strange isn't it?

srayzie ago

Look at the desperation...

kneo24 ago

So you're saying you didn't ban @trigglypuff for a 2 month old post you had to dig for ?

Yeah, I too am personally wondering what is up with that. What is the point of unbanning someone just to ban them for something they did in the past that was acceptable then?

srayzie ago

I have answered him, but nothing is ever good enough for him. I’m going to block him soon. This is why...

kneo24 ago

Banning someone for a 2 month old post in retrospect of what they've done after you unbanned them isn't good justification in my opinion. It lacks consistency in actions and thoughts. You should have just left them banned.

srayzie ago

Like I said, you don’t know the whole story. They called war. It’s done.

Oveass ago

Well, it's to get a rise out of you. Which puts you in the annoying position of engaging them to defend yourself, accomplishing the internet drama, or ignoring them, so you can't defend.

Hard tactic to get away from positively unless you change how it's framed.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Trust the plan goyim!


Cultivator ago


zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago


Rotteuxx ago

@srayzie won't answer those very simple questions because she can't without digging her hole deeper than it already is.

She's an emotionally driven nutcase, logic doesn't along with her. Now I'm a shill because I've said what I thought about her, simple as that.

Guardbuddy ago

she's an emotionally driven nutcase

Doesn't that describe a massive amount of women, though?

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Rotteuxx ago

Not most on here though, she's like a thot that got in through the back door.

Gravspeed ago

Been watching you two go away out for a while... i don't think you're totally wrong but you have to admit you like to push her buttons.

It's good reading from over here.

Rotteuxx ago

I'll admit I hold her up to what she does, not only what she says... it does push her buttons deeply.

Sea salt, don't use that iodine enriched goy salt m8 !

zyklon_b ago


kneo24 ago

Well, with all of that said, I doubt we'll get an answer.

lipids ago

The paradox of tolerance. Tolerating free speech does not mean tolerating spam.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

The porn and gore isn't spam, technically. There is a message behind it: "Welcome to the free corner of the internet. Grow thicker skin, learn some level of discernment, or get ready to reeeee."

That said, the QRV modtards should just make a no-porn, no-gore rule and be done with it. It isn't suppressing free speech unless they have a Monopoly on all communication on Voat.

zyklon_b ago

post more of it

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I've never posted any. I'm certainly not against people posting it there at this point, though. I basically just troll the fuck out of them. Trolling QRV seems to be my new way to relax. Whenever someone there implies they want me dead because of my opinions and my method of presenting them, that means I win.