18844508? ago

Is that the person posting all the porn that I've been ignoring?

18845081? ago

It could be her, her white knights or just assholes. More than likely a mixture of white knights and assholes. Funny how she gets upset and this sub gets hit.

18841972? ago

Oh, one more thing. It is amusing that you white boy nigger pussies will talk shit about Srayzie here at QRV, but you will not go do it at v/greatawakening or v/pizzagate. Fucking losers.

18844166? ago

Tell that cheating cunt to chill the fuck out.

18845180? ago

You go tell her at the subs I mentioned. I will look for your post.

18843713? ago

naw, crensch...we figured it all out how ya'll been running off good goats. how's it feel, you little bitch???

p.s....don't go hurting any rabbits cuz you mad now, mkay?

18845207? ago

Are you wanting to run off the good goats from QRV by posting porn and acting like a white nigger?

18845511? ago

It is really funny when black niggers move into white neighborhoods and run off all the good white people, right?

it's also really funny when bitches fuck shit up with their drama whoring ways and whiteknight whiteniggers (like you) rush to defend that (((degeneracy))).

so are you a good whitenigger whiteboi or are you just a whitenigger wannabe fuckboi for the jewess srayzie/clitorissa/gyna/shizy.

you wanna sit here and lash out about people posting porn when your favorite 'ho has alts with female genitalia names??? that's real cool, man. real cool.


tell me again how much you admire empress and tell me again why srayzie deserves so much of your admiration....

you're so hard up for pussy attention it's not even funny, dude.

18846255? ago

Don’t bitch when black niggers move to your neighborhood. They are not breaking the law and they have every right to live next to you. Just like you have every right to be a white nigger at QRV.

You post gay porn to QRV. You are the last person I would take advice from regarding pussy.

18847010? ago

You are the last person I would take advice from regarding pussy.

you might want to. your whitenigger wanna be girlfriend srayzie cheats on her husband, has alts called clitorissa and gyna and is shitting up the subs with her drama.

the cognitive dissonance is strong in you, cereal brain white nigger.

18851996? ago

What does that have to do with Q research? Nothing, white nigger. We don't care about that shit.

Have you read the most recent SB2 posts? Great stuff! His gematria skills are beyond boomer!

18854147? ago

lol look who's at it again with the whitenigger posts – – – cereal brain, indeed.

18855996? ago

SB2, man! Check it!

18843413? ago

Aww @crensch, you really hate it when people know how to use the rules.

Fuck off - enjoy your builder status!

18844664? ago

Black niggers moving into white neighborhoods are following the rules, right? So, stop complaining about it.

18845085? ago

You are not even fun.

18845166? ago

This is fun. I get to call racists white niggers. LOL.

18845202? ago

Sure, go for it!

18841941? ago

White boy nigger post. Great job, white nigger.

18843722? ago

did you make that v/whiteniggers subverse i told you to go make yet, @crensch u impotent incel?

18845195? ago

Go ask them at v/greatawakening or v/pizzagate to make it.

18846627? ago

lmao off when you doxx yourself

18846816? ago

Go on! I am waiting. You have very important contributions to make here.

18846890? ago

if i contribute enough, will i be paid in shekels?

and will srayzie suck my cock for me while crensch watches?

18852009? ago

Can she find it?

18853461? ago

of course. she's a pro at cock

18845744? ago

What does either sub have to do with it?

18846190? ago

Crensch and syrazie are mods there, so go post there and tell them what you think.

18846601? ago

Who are Crensch and srayzie?

18843422? ago

@crensch what’s it like to be @srayzie’s nigger while she gives herself to another voat user?

18845271? ago

This is a question best asked at v/greatawakening and v/pizzagate.

18845284? ago

Nah, I like this topic here where I put it.

18846259? ago


18843934? ago

TFW when that you s l o w l y realize that faggot @kevdude has been the bull getting the pussy you been dying to see and you just starvin for some sloppy seconds @crensch even after you write a 2 part hit piece

18845106? ago

Thanks for pinging then.

So, it’s kevdude getting sloppy fatty seconds?

18845201? ago

Crench is getting the cucked seconds.

And he's just finding out. It's fuckin hilarious following the threads and seeing the shitshow.

18845225? ago

Who is slagging the fatty then?

18845300? ago

Kevdude. Who unironically also got a "builder badge" and is in charge of Protect Voat. The system is totally faggoted from the inside.

18847265? ago

Virge is fuzzywords and has code and admin access.

So he got a builder pass.

18847598? ago

ah. The fuckery deepens. Been watching one of the threads where he gets accused of jewing goats.

18848875? ago

Don’t ping him because they have admin access. Anon is linked to your main account.

18866487? ago

thanks bro

18843900? ago

TFW you get cucked trying to whiteknight for your pretend internet girlfriend and you s l o w l y realize you been a cuck to kevdude all this time @crensch

18845120? ago

I’m not him but appreciate you getting the ping on your record.

18845233? ago

I know you're not. I'm just pinging the incel.

18845289? ago

Just double checking. Lol

18845379? ago

I'm with you.

No #PussyPassProtection

18841795? ago

LOSING< Loser!

18843425? ago

You r gay

18844479? ago

Not a gay bone in my body, das.

18845093? ago

Am I supposed to care?

18850423? ago

I don't know what you're supposed to do. You brought the gay topic up, must be something you're familiar with. I can't help you.

18852300? ago

Gays are every where so it’s ok for you to be in the closet.

18854260? ago

Assholes are abundant. Everyone has at least one. Some have more than one.

18841116? ago

At the end of the day I want to see @srayzie s saggy tits.

She probably doesn’t even shave her pussy.

18843428? ago

Hairy pussy is cool.

I don’t want see @srayzie naked because she’s fat.

18841347? ago

I don't mind a little hair if it's trimmed, but a mullet is out.

18841106? ago

I just read through that whole thing. Are these fucking high school kids? Seriously, what the actual fuck. Take that shit to a playground, bunch of fucking children.

18843431? ago

That is who is controlling voat now!

18841591? ago

Incredible isn't it?

And these are the people who call us Qtards.

Q is really on to something about that whole projection thing.

18841065? ago

I have no idea who these people are. Why is this important? Why is there high school level drama being posted? This is gay. No one cares.

18844481? ago

I don't either. All a bunch of distractions.

18843436? ago

You don’t care that Putt thinks QRV is shit?

You don’t care that is who runs voat?

18847196? ago

I didn’t know or care who putt was yesterday. Why the fuck should I care today?

18847242? ago

Bull shit.

But that’s ok, you don’t care if QrV gets turned into a system sub and anon gets turned off.

Either you are retard or fighting for GA!

18843800? ago

No we don't.

18842495? ago

It is being posted at QRV because these white nigger cowards are too afraid to post it at v/greatawakening and v/pizzagate.

18847229? ago

That’s cute that you guys are having a turf war but let’s get real, nobody gives a fuck.

18843730? ago

loll at the white nigger hanging out here cuz he so mad @crensch

18845186? ago

Go post is at v/greatawakening and v/pizzagate. Afraid?

18845578? ago

comped subs with faggot namefags as mods.

we know you enjoy your namefag status and that is why you fail in anonspace.

kys dude

18846224? ago

We are winning, and you know it. That is why you shill here. You have been against Q from the beginning, but now you see that you chose the wrong side. Instead of changing your perception, you want to change reality to match your perception.

18841047? ago

Nobody is interested in your fools game. Try russian roulette, you'll like that.

18843444? ago

@crensch playing white knight for @seayzie will get you burned.

18840940? ago

patriotPussyPass revoked!

That cheating cunt!

18843743? ago

no more #pussypasspatriot

revoke her #pussypassprotection

18841373? ago

She hasn't got fucked by me, pussy destroyer.

18845123? ago

I don’t want it. You can line up in line for it!