18845474? ago

@Rotteuxx aren't you associates with @zyklon_b and @C_Corax who requested this sub https://voat.co/v/subverserequest/3233284 and admitted to posting gore https://voat.co/v/subverserequest/3233284/18753188? Maybe we should all down vote your accounts as well.

18846634? ago

@RedCobra @drstrangegov @Rotteuxx don't forget it's these faggots...there are literally no more than 10 of them in their faggot group

https://voat.co/v/rideordie/3228402 this is all they can muster on an average day.

18845600? ago

I'm already starting on https://voat.co/v/BEATLESTROLLARMY and https://voat.co/v/rideordie

I'm going to start posting loli porn there and take over both subs...all your base nigger.

18845530? ago

I see allegations and no substance, back it up anon fag.

18845410? ago

Yawn. What else is on?

18845329? ago

Loli guy is a GA provocateur. @srayzie sent him

18845358? ago

Sauce or GTFO.

This inter-verese drama is 4the most boring sort of forum slide.

18845375? ago