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Crazy8s ago

Agreed. It’s just more of a distraction. Namefameing is on the ignore list, whoever the last mod was, thank you, and thank God for Q.

Crazy8s ago

Lol come on guys what did I say that was so UNTRUE?


Come on guys it’s bad enough I can only post ten comments a day in QRV and can’t make threads, now I break anon and come out into the wild and have this -3 by my name now!

Fuck this I’m going back into QRV to lurk more! Lmao forever lurk.


Couldn’t even comment on my funny posts, just down votes. Lmao I barely have any grasp of any of this boards politics anyways, I just want to....





If it weren’t for QRV even up until now I’d be completely in the dark. Never used Reddit or twitter voat or gab or any platform. Just a bit of the gram a tab of YouTube qrv and Qmap. Even now there are links and explanations I’d be totally clueless like the James Comey decoded tweet. Heck I haven’t even turned on MSM in weeks, and didn’t see one article other than QRV, pertaining to the pipe bomber foiled plot.

You people are fighting for control and spamming because you know how successful the sub is, and it’d be a shame if a good thing was ruined by a bunch of rouge mods and namefags.


Let the Steven Christ’s and Jew spammers eat their hearts out. Who cares, that’s 99% of this platform anyways. QRV Hot section still has many good links up right now.

Funny how you say you want to talk to the QRVs outside of the sub, yet here I come a perfect example, going out of my comfort zone and breaking anon. No MSM twitter Reddit ever barely any YouTube and Instagram. Since Q started I read Qmap, a tiny bit of the chans, (so complicated) and QRV was the saving grace, until a few weeks ago when tranny poster kicked off the whole brigade. Fail nye the tranny guy I like to call him. And I’m not a boomer. And all you can do is down vote my posts, and make it even more complicated and difficult to do anything but LURK QRV.

Womb_Raider ago

I appreciate you being serious for once. I'll consider all you've said.

Womb_Raider ago

...does that not prove my point? Henry was disgusting, but after all I've learned of SBBH and their controlled opposition tactics, sometimes I wonder if Henry was SBBH... sometimes I wonder if @she was SBBH.

I try not to see boogeymen everywhere, but at a point, seeing patterns makes one think. And I think.

Womb_Raider ago

I feel like "set the house on fire then offer to put it out" is your modus operandi in many cases... but if you say so, I'll take you at your word. I hope it means something.

Womb_Raider ago

Do you contest his claim?

Womb_Raider ago

"What does he have to do with me?", he says. How coy you are. Here you are essentially supporting his claim to QRV, the sub of most controversy at present (prior to that, Pizzagate.. and you put your grubby little hands all over that)... and you're wondering what it has to do with you, a prominent fellow of SBBH to which he belongs?

You're conveniently silent about it.

KillerKap ago

So the same faggot that fully admits causing the problem in the first place wants to be trusted with fixing the problem? Do you faggots think this will work here too just because leftist cunts are so goddamned retarded where you pull this stunt elsewhere?

C_Corax ago

Oh come on now. How the hell is pointing out that they are spamming up their own sub turning Voat into Reddit? If the Votes actually mattered in QRV maybe they would learn not to like it mostly applies to the rest of Voat.

Womb_Raider ago

My edit has merit. You people are always the root cause.

Womb_Raider ago

That's as articulate as you can be, eh?

Womb_Raider ago

Then why is your army of goons wrestling for control of the one sub of value site-wide?

SandHog ago

I agree with much of what you are suggesting as a means to make the situation better for everyone. However, I also note that you neglected to mention just what it was you were doing in protest and the extent to which you were, and probably still are, doing it. If you are serious about this and not just shitposting, this is some straight up reddit-tier kikery and I will in no way support it. Surely there is someone that is actually interested in the topic and can be entrusted to manage it if it comes to that. I don't follow the Q stuff and some of them do say a lot of ridiculous shit. Like most people on Voat I'm guilty of trolling around on QRV on occasion simply because it is an anon sub. What has been happening recently has gone way above and beyond that. It's a concerted effort to destroy a community and it simply isn't right. It is no different than what the blue haired, poly-sexual, Antifa niggers do.

For as much as some people around here claim to love Voat a lot of their recent actions, if continued, are eventually going to force Putt to get involved and make a decision which will set a precedent. Either they are too short-sighted to see this or they simply don't care. Every precedent that is set only makes it easier for him to be forced to set the next one. Want to turn Voat into reddit? Is that really the goal here? It's what you are doing even if you can't see that. Go right on ahead and keep forcing Putt to get involved and make tough, if not impossible, decisions for the 'good of the community' and watch the principles Voat was founded on slowly get eroded away. Is that really what you want? I don't, but it's what you are doing.

Crazy8s ago

Furthermore, why should anyone who doesn’t seem to have at least a decent amount of faith in Q being a true white hat, be a moderator in the forum?

I’d have some serious issues if I saw more than porn/gore slide shill tactics in the moderated deleted section. Other than what is in there now, as much of it is from months ago PRE TRANNY SPAMMER, and seemed merited as wel.

Crazy8s ago

Furthermore, why should anyone who doesn’t seem to have at least a decent amount of faith in Q being a true white hat, be a moderator in the forum?

I’d have some serious issues if I saw more than porn/gore slide shill tactics in the moderated deleted section. Other than what is in there now, as much of it is from months ago PRE TRANNY SPAMMER, and seemed merited as wel.


C_Corax ago

Sure, we can address the gore which was started by me and later followed by a few others. And the scat that I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that has posted. I've been pretty vocal about it being me and the near daily pings I've been getting suggests it hasn't gone unnoticed. Before anyone jumps on the low effort ad hominem, no I'm not into any of these things. I'm exactly as disgusted by them as most normal people would be which is exactly why I chose that vector. It didn't start out there of course. I've tried reason, I've tried lighthearted humor, I've tried facts.. With this I finally got a reaction.

As for me being serious? I semi am. I'm most certainly challenging the unaccountability of posting anon, which I think goes against the very nature of Voat. You have me right here saying something that seems to rub against you. You can take action against it. You can't in QRV. I have no expectation of @puttitiout actually granting me the sub, but he has been known to have a sense of humor. I am prepared to invest the time needed if it happens. It also humors me personally that the QRV community is right now forced into thinking about what my intentions really are. I don't think they are taking Voat for granted anymore. Which is a very healthy wake up call the way things are going out in the big world.

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Crazy8s ago

Interesting thread to see the namefags admitting it. I never leave QRV so it’s a shock to finally see a name to the crime! Lol!

SIMPLE SOLUTION KEEP IT ANON DELETE PORN AND GORE! All the muh free speech shills can get their porn fix in the DELETED THREADS AND COMMENTS!


SandHog ago

For the record I don't have any issue with you or even what you've done, necessarily. Ultimately it is the fault of the mods who set QRV up in the first place. I honestly don't believe that it was created in good faith to begin with. I appreciate that you answered my concerns directly and I pretty much expected that you would because I don't think you are intentionally trying to harm Voat.

Still, the question of what should be done with it, if anything, is an important one. Ideally it's a solution that should be left up to the community because forcing Putt to get involved will only lead to precedents that will eventually impact Voat in a negative manner over the course of time. As goats we should strongly resist putting Putt in an untenable position as much as possible. The more decisions we force him to make the more freedom we will lose. That's the nature of the beast and that is why I am so irritated by @zyklon_b's continued insistence on exacerbating the situation. I know it's not only him but he is agitating the shit out of it and he isn't thinking things through to the end result.

So what would be a solution that everyone could live with? Set it to private so it isn't shitting up v/all with a hundred threads on the same topic? That's certainly a problem that people take exception to. I really don't care what they do or how they do it. My biggest concern is that the community takes responsibility for the community itself. It's a sticky wicket since it is an anon sub. Honestly this is something that the Q community and the goats should be working together to solve because if we don't address it, it can and will harm all of us in the long run.

Given that the sub isn't forcibly handed over to someone what would be an equitable solution to all involved? How can we achieve a solution that doesn't involve Putt putting his boot down and forcing a change? It seems pretty obvious to me that the owners of the sub have little to no interest in maintaining it. Is there a precedence for this? I think that a community decision is the best path forward for all of us.

C_Corax ago

I understand, you had to ask to bring some transparency to the table. I did think about bringing it up in my original post, but I chose not to because it could potentially derail a conversation I think Voat needs to have. Even if I was a sick pervert jerking off to shit and corpses removing me from QRV or even Voat would solve absolutely nothing. If anything it would make matters worse as the next 'literal shitposter' surely wouldn't admit to being the poster as I have.

QRV is an interesting case that highlights a lot of the predicaments. Like you I don't believe for a second the sub was created in good faith. The whole thing reeks of trying to secretly stay in control. And given that the community, bless their hearts, aren't exactly the most tech savvy out there, they are just rolling along with it. I'd like to lift that veil.

As to how, I think Voat needs to get rid of the anon option for starters. I don't see it serving any real purposes except the convenience of not having to create a new account if you have a really embarrassing story to tell and don't want it tied to you regular account. But it's not that hard to create a throwaway and make the 10 points required to post.

There might be other things, but you don't really learn to swim until you get wet. As such we can speculate what happens if we lift anon or let votes count or set it to private.. But we don't really know till we are there.

SandHog ago

QRV is an interesting case that highlights a lot of the predicaments. Like you I don't believe for a second the sub was created in good faith. The whole thing reeks of trying to secretly stay in control. And given that the community, bless their hearts, aren't exactly the most tech savvy out there, they are just rolling along with it. I'd like to lift that veil.

I agree with you 100% If I was going to set up a whole bunch of people to be trolled who had no clue about how Voat functioned I would have set it up in that exact same manner. They even set it to NSFW which, ultimately, was the finishing touch. I have zero doubt that it was done intentionally. Still, it can't be someone from SBBH that fills the void. They'd never accept it and noone in their right mind would let the fox guard the hen house. It needs to be someone from that community that doesn't have a vested interest in either of the other two subs and who has an understanding of Voat. Ironically, all of this could have been avoided if the Power Mods from reddit didn't insist on retaining control of people and just merged with the existing sub here on Voat. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as it were.

As to how, I think Voat needs to get rid of the anon option for starters. I don't see it serving any real purposes except the convenience of not having to create a new account if you have a really embarrassing story to tell and don't want it tied to you regular account. But it's not that hard to create a throwaway and make the 10 points required to post.

Yep. Plus the NSFW setting needs to go for obvious reasons.

There might be other things, but you don't really learn to swim until you get wet. As such we can speculate what happens if we lift anon or let votes count or set it to private.. But we don't really know till we are there.

Agreed. I suspect that the nigger mods currently running the joint and letting everything fly in the name of 'free speech' are the same ones who put these people in the position to be relentlessly trolled in the first place. It wouldn't even surprise me to learn that they posted more scat than you did, tbh. All of this shit could be easily solved if people just migrated to one of the two existing subs that are open and free from fuckery. I dunno. It just seems like an issue that needs to be solved by Voat and the members of that particular board. Getting Putt involved in this shit can only lead to bad things further down the road. Besides, he's probably busy playing golf anyway. It'd be nice to hear from some of those 'anons' here on this thread and perhaps we could all come to a decision as a community. Like them or not if they've stuck around this long they are here to stay. Has anyone posted a link from this thread in QRV yet?

C_Corax ago

Has anyone posted a link from this thread in QRV yet?

Kinda lol. This is the oldest trick in the book btw. You post an archive or screenshot and don't offer a direct link so people can look at the source for themselves. This topic currently sits at 71 views vs 1038 in the topic talking about it. That's not a lot of pass through for a seemingly important issue is it? If I was full of shit it would have been direct linked wouldn't it? With an archive on top in case I deleted my post.

I say that with certainty because I used to do things like that. And as a point of pride, a hell of a lot more cleverly.

But yeah, I'd like to talk to these anons outside of their safe zone. I'm actually more of a listener than a talker.

SandHog ago

Pretty sad. I dropped a link over there earlier, too. The only reason I even saw fit to get involved in all this shit is that it was spilling over into regular Voat and that is no good because where does it stop from once that happens? Once it becomes acceptable to brigade and spam a community to death it's over. That's partially how reddit became completely cucked out. Brigade a sub and post shit that violates the rules or drives people off and then get put in charge of it.

That said, you would probably be a thousand times better than the clown show currently running that sub but it would set a terrible precedent and open the door for future problems. It's alarming how conditioned those people have become to accept the shitty little playpen they are confining themselves to.

"Stay off 8chan, it's for your own good! Plus you'll just be in the way!"

I will say that the amount of effort put into attempting to steer the narrative and control people is impressive and worth noting. I've not followed the Q thing at all outside of the occasional intersection of topics that interest me but it certainly garners a whole hell of a lot of attention.

C_Corax ago

Well.. I think what really fucked up Reddit was that they were listening to moderators that was tired of being called out for doing underhanded shit. And then they gave them the tools to do even more underhanded shit without being called out on it!?! Shadowban and automoderator in particular grinded my gears.

With that I think Voat has developed in the opposite direction mostly for the better, but at times also just not to be Reddit. To the point where honest moderators are afraid of doing what needs to be done out of fear of having the entirety of Voat decent upon them. As a case in point there was animal cruelty posted in /v/aww of all places 6-7 months ago that lead to a lengthy discussion about what could and couldn't be posted there. Personally I'd just have deleted their shit, banned them and directed them to /v/gore..

I guess we just can't have nice things huh? :)

"People say I'm SBBH. No one mentions why I'm SBBH" -C_Corax's free interpretation of a classical play.

SandHog ago

Well.. I think what really fucked up Reddit was that they were listening to moderators that was tired of being called out for doing underhanded shit. And then they gave them the tools to do even more underhanded shit without being called out on it!?! Shadowban and automoderator in particular grinded my gears.

I suspect they wrapped that into their business plan so they could sell 'organic' advertising and push political agendas for a price. The shadowbanning and filters facilitated that even more. Shadowbanning is the weakest fucking shit ever invented. Whoever came up with that idea should be flogged eternally.

With that I think Voat has developed in the opposite direction mostly for the better, but at times also just not to be Reddit. To the point where honest moderators are afraid of doing what needs to be done out of fear of having the entirety of Voat decent upon them

It's kind of become a double edged sword. That's pretty much what was happening with v/GreatAwakening and it's why I got pissed off about it. It was being done intentionally by a user who knew full well what he was doing and didn't care. That's some bullshit. I completely agree with you on how v/awww should have been handled. The difference there iirc was that the moderators were long gone. Same kind of deal that happened in v/gaming a while back with the loli spam.

The thing with Voat is that the users are the ones who really drive it and decide most things. That's the way it should be. That provides us a lot of freedom but when shit is happening that isn't right it's kind of incumbent on all of us to fix it or figure out a solution. That's the price of this freedom. I think most people that have been here a while get that. Sometimes people do get carried away with shit and it's better for all of us if we correct it ourselves instead of looking to Putt to do it. Mostly, I think Voat is really quite fair in how it adjudicates matters when the userbase is fully aware and motivated to intervene when it seems necessary. In other words it's a really cool place and we should keep it that way.

SearchVoatBot ago

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KillerKap ago

Holy shit. IQ level 9000 happening. I am genius certified MENSA. It takes one to know one

squataclops ago

If you're going to clean it up, I fully back this. I might even unblock it. It's not like it has mods right now anyways, cant mess it up anymore than it is now.

zyklon_b ago

i support this


C_Corax ago

I'd have limited ambitions with it, but I would lift the anon status and deal with the problem everyone sees. The trolling and general unaccountability for the posts made there. Neither is beneficial to Voat. I say that as someone who have very much participated in shitting up that board as a protest.

Outside of a few selected subs like /v/8chan that could have issues with bot posts, I really don't see anon being used much as intended. If someone caught their penis in the zipper and want to talk about it without being tied to their username, it's not really that hard to make a throwaway and make a few slurs to get the 10 points required to make a topic.

Crazy8s ago

Fuck you loser. QANON shall remain ANON lol.

Simple delete the porn and gore and keepcit anon.

C_Corax ago

A couple of extra thoughts on the matter. Requesting the sub is something that had been on my mind for a while, but with today's events, now seemed like the right time.

This will likely disappoint certain goats, but my intentions isn't to take the sub away from the Q followers. In fact my intentions is to give it to them in a shape where it might actually be useful.

When Assange was arrested not to long ago a few of us had a little bet going on in SBBH over how many topics would be posted about it within a 24 hour time frame. As you can imagine the discussion quickly became about how many of those topics were posted in QRV. I can't be bothered to give you the exact numbers right now, but +5/-5 it was 220'ish on all of Voat in total and around 80 or more than a 3rd posted in QRV. The rest was distributed out in a variety of subs. /v/news, /v/politics, /v/whatever etc..

If you stop and think about that for a second, you should soon realize information is going to get lost if you have 80 topics over the same matter in the same god damn sub. No one is going to click all of them, let alone read the top comment and certainly no one is going to scroll down to see if someone might know more. You can't reasonably call it research if you don't organize your data. /v/voatstatistics suggests this is a habitual problem with /v/QRV.

This is my intention.

Crazy8s ago

Also nobody is giving you the sub u stupid namefag lmao this is why I never leave QRV you people and your literal soap boxes. Hahahahaha.

ratsmack ago

"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." -- I guess time will tell.

Mumbleberry ago

Fine by me.