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AlsoBoyakasha ago


I'm responding to your thread here, hoping you'll see this. My main account (Boyakasha) was banned for the reason of vote manipulation. I've been a regular user here for years and don't really care about SCP/CCP. I mostly comment on shit and occasionally post stuff. I've never participated in any shenanigans involving other accounts and believe that I was banned by mistake. I also had a pretty simple password on my account, so it may have been compromised (i'll change it tonight). If you look at my IP history, you'll see that I mostly post from 2-3 devices. I don't use a VPN or try to pull anything dodgy regarding how I log in or use Voat. I've had my main Voat account for years and would to lose it due to a misunderstanding. I'll try emailing you as well. Hopefully you can help me out. Thanks for everything.

PuttItOut ago

I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention ;)

Removed the ban and apologies.

Boyakasha ago

I'm back, thank you. Just out of curiosity, what was it that looked suspicious about my activity? I just now changed my password to something more complicated, but was there any chance it was compromised and used for vote related bullshit? If you're too busy or want to keep the secret sauce (method of detection) a secret, I'll understand.

PuttItOut ago

You looked like a Mexican alt when I deported about 30 of them. ;)

AlsoBoyakasha ago

You're wonderful. Thanks again.


the jewish cabals, shills and freemasons are worried and have their bots out

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Stayedclassy ago

Had a thought Putt. Why not every time someone is banned for vote manipulation and their CCP zeroed. They should have to achieve double the required CCP and be ineligible to vote until they do every time. Banned once you need 200CCP, banned twice 400CCP... etc. Yeah they would more likely create a new account, but it will tight things up a bit more without consequence.

argosciv ago


Well, ain't this a coinky-dink...

AmalekReturns | Vote Manipulation (Target: Dial_Indicator, Type: 1) | Voat | 1.6 days ago

Dial, who happens to behave exactly like Amalek(including but not limited to prattling the "-50" talking point - a line also touted by TTT), happens to have been involved with the AmalekReturns account?



<smug grin of smuggy smugness>

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @MadWorld

MadWorld ago

From the look of it, he lost 16+ "seasoned" accounts from this ban.

Some other accounts activated: 829834uiasdf 89234jkas9023 2345234dfasdfa 3452353454235dfs Hitler_Incognito.

Could not help wondering how many accounts has this fucker created. Do you think his typos are intentional or if they have something to do with the layout of foreign keyboard?

argosciv ago

Do you think his typos are intentional

They absolutely are.

I remember distinctly reading a comment of his where he admits that it's entirely an act to give off the impression that he's stupid.

Truth is, and this is by no means a compliment, he isn't; he's a calculated conniving cunt.

Dismember ago - (joined on: 10/6/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/2/2017) - (joined on: 10/2/2017)

Some users banned yesterday for reference: - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017)

You might want to run the same checks on these as you did the *___Shitposter accounts from the sitewide banlist. They were all banned the same day here: so they have that in common as well as the join dates and in a couple of instances, naming pattern. Maybe worth running them through some similar checks you did those others. This is what I consider the low-hanging fruit of a larger voting block of alts on here that participated in raids on v/gaming later and v/aww with other accounts doing something different. If I find some spare time I might go into that later if they continue to build up accounts and use them. Hopefully not.

@Cynabuns I was going to PM you this as well but it seems like if i initiate the PM, I have to fill in a google capture and I don't like google, they ran over my dog once.

@MadWorld these are some of what I was talking about yesterday if you are interested or know any others who might be.

If anyone is interested have a good look at their lowest and highest rated comments and you might begin to get a picture of who is behind these.

shillbuster1 ago

But psycho jew shills that threaten violence here daily are ok.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ahh i heard you were gone for a month and maybe gone for good. Glad you are still around although we probably still disagree on a bunch of issues. Ya i didnt think you were a voat manipilator or anything just annoying to some people. Have a good day.

sguevar ago

All good thanks to God, hope the same for you and yours.

FriendofAbe ago

Thanks for cleaning the place up, the shills were getting annoying!

sguevar ago

I don't know either, I don't think you are. Had you been, you would have been banned already.

Good to see you again man!

fuckyourownface ago

Goddam raycist biggit. I'm literally shaking with rage. They din do nuffin!!!

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

Well I guess that explains my increase in internet points.

thebearfromstartrack ago

That's a LOT of posters. I looked through 3 pages didn't see anyone I "know". Perhaps alphabetic list? Does this include posters who "stalk" other voaters? You know go into their comment log and downvote everything they've posted for ever???

How does one vote manipulate anyway? I is MASSIVE problem on reddit. Threads less than a minute old with 30K karma score and stuff like that.

King_Leopold_II ago

Hey putt,

Thanks for taking care of this. I hope you're doing well.

TrueSeeker777 ago

i don't know i up vote all the time and my numbers hardly ever go up i just up voted quit a few today and my numbers stay the same hell its been about the same for a while now

Truther65 ago

I do appreciate your effort in doing this but I guess I don't understand the motivation of vote manipulators. Personally, I don't care about up or down votes. Is is just for ego that these people manipulate votes so they can get attention........morons with no real sense of self esteem. What else is in it for them? There is no monetary gain. WTF why bother?

There are a few names on the list that really surprised me. I would not have guessed. The ones that bother me are the disinformation poster, drama/fear posters, shills, etc. Wish we could eradicate them.

PuttItOut ago

Two reasons they do this: they would be in the negatives if they didn't up there accounts maliciously, and it's a firm of manufactured concensus in that an account with many points seems more credible.

And don't forget they down people that upset them or challenge them.

PuttIsAtranny ago

And you forgot that the reason someone might upvoat to not be in the negatives is to stop having their free speech taken away from downvoat brigaders. What a dumb answer you gave.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Liar... you know who the downvoat brigaders are but dgaf

TheyLie ago

I've been noticing some real nasty comments on new posts, even from users who have old accounts. I haven't seen this as much in the past. One of them was banned by your recent purge. I'm wondering what is going on. Are there sleeper agents in here that suddenly activate to make this a hostile place, discouraging people from posting?

Davelon ago

Congratulations and well done. Thank you. I wasn't sure what I was going to read when I checked out what 991 goats commented on. Actually thought they did not like the poor joke in the heading either. Stay well and have a great day.

darkknight111 ago

You might have missed one. Openly admits upvoat farming his other alts. Has HUNDREDS of alts.

Suggestion: IP ban the vote manipulators, then set limits on the number of accounts per IP address to reduce FURTHER potential for voat farming. 3 per IP seems fair. Keep the ones with bans in subverses, then delete the rest.

Would also crack down on the ability of shills to shill, thus reducing the size of their paycheck.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NoPaperMadBillz ago

What are the Q badges? What do they mean?

shillbuster1 ago

That they are fucking idiots.

sguevar ago

No worries thanks anyway, I will try to look for it when I get home.

Beorn ago

I have had run ins with at least 1 of those accounts. Gnashing of the teeth comes to mind as a dick wad.

slwsnowman40 ago

heh....77777 targeted himself. lol

Evil_Frenchman ago

curious @puttout... does this mean will you brigate kedude alt and his goon because they don't like you? oh thats THEY ARE SRS

24601_JeanValJean ago

glad to see Voat being openly and fairly managed. Cheers!

Niggertown ago

How many were from Tel Aviv?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

So, essentially, this only affects idiots who care about internet points?

heygeorge ago

It can effect the front page

Evil_Frenchman ago

just another way to silence people

Dedicated_Dissent ago

putt im going msg you later.... you lumped me into a group of people, unknowingly but i really dont manpi anything, i'll send you a pm later -dial

cthulhu69 ago

Hush, Danny. We know it's you.

Dedicated_Dissent ago

i know who are already... do really think you give a shit about me?

you are the cancer

cthulhu69 ago

To cheaters that like to get fisted with iron, yes.

Dedicated_Dissent ago

you so clever

cthulhu69 ago

And literate. Grammar is a thing.

numina18 ago

I don't understand any of this, but I guess it doesn't matter!! I am not doing anything weird!!

HisNemesis ago

This is delightful. Thank you.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey why does the head goy persecute us so? lol

NotHereForPizza ago

By the way, Putt, if that's a hidden message I see (you know what I mean), message recieved. Loud and clear.

NosebergShekelman ago

It's NOT a secret Q message gotdammit

NotHereForPizza ago

If it was, would that upset you?

NosebergShekelman ago

It probably would trigger me yes

NotHereForPizza ago

We both know I'm not any other user at this site. We both know where I came from, what I'm doing here and we both know why I'm doing it.

If all of them could see all of it at once, we also both know precisely what they would think and why they would think it.

Maybe you don't know I know this, but I'm fully aware of what would happen then, just like I'm fully aware of how desperate you all are to prevent what we've brought to this place from getting out to the public.

You don't know this, but there are many MANY more like me. I was merely a volunteer.

The floodgates open soon. You really ought to choose the right side here.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

@PuttItOut So what if they are farming using AWS? I've wondered about this, for...can't say reasons. Essentially, use the SDK and home made scripts to create a bot spamming network to create a bot circle jerk? It isn't all that hard to get new IP addresses and what not. I'm legit, but commie infiltrators getting paid money to subvert could use a cloud platform to rig the game, so to speak.

zyklon_b ago

1990 haha

digitalentity1497 ago

Sayonara suckers.

vandilx ago

Thank you, Putt. We support you and thank you for this site.

7e62ce85 ago

On behalf of the Helicoptarian church; Pinochet bless Puttitout for this fine display of physical removal.

sguevar ago

Dang didn't notice that, do you have the post link?

fightknightHERO ago

Banning Shills with impunity

feels good

Ina_Pickle ago

That godfather badge is nice.

829834uiasdf ago

your a fucking idiot, i'll putt to reverse this bullshit lie

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Or maybe you'll do nothing and just have another drink instead.

argosciv ago

I just checked and none of your comments have -3 right now.

Shit, I ruined it, my bad...

argosciv ago

Remember Spartacus? Sanegoat? Amalek?

Never forget what Amalek did.*

*And still does.

mudbear ago

oh good work! Any correlation on what these users were trying to achieve? like, was there a common goal or were they just random accounts trying to screw with the system?

Mumbleberry ago

The "everybody is a tranny/flat earth" tards were trying to keep posting that drivel

lasri ago

hgghgh, khgkh; ghkhg, khgh,b j,bgjfcjfjfjfyjk jfggjg,h

JonReeeeed ago

P.S. Now vote manipulators get a shiny new badge so everyone knows that they've been bad little goats. :)

Can you add that badge to @alopix's now-deleted account just to fuck with him, @puttitout

MyOnlyAccount ago

You better not have banned any of my 30 alts you fucking cocksucker, @PuttItOut. I'll fucking kill you and you whole family WITH A GUN!

Chempergrill ago

The ban is incomplete. Banned users still have mod privileges. See SaveTheChildren's mod action here:

SearchVoatBot ago

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PuttIsAtranny ago

Reeeee! Tranny guy still mods the sub tranny guy created reeeee!

PuttItOut ago

Good find. Always something to learn (and fix).

SearchVoatBot ago

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PuttIsAtranny ago

Youre a bigger tranny than I thought, putt. What a complete joke.

Mumbleberry ago

Thank you!

love_light_truth ago

Hey I wonder if POTUS' directive to bolster AI will help in this corner of the ongoing war on info, clear up even more what was once a tad muddy waters. I sure think so!

argosciv ago

OH! Just noticed this.

That might explain a little re: my recent outgoing private message.

Please disregard said message.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @PeaceSeeker @Cynabuns

argosciv ago

^ @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

(Take a look at the log... remember when I called out 137 and co. over in v/pizzagatemods?)

ExpertShitposter ago

I feel bad for SaveTheChildren. He was retarded but funny retarded. Am surprised by @draaaak, didn't strike me as a manipulator type.

Also, shitposter impersonators REKT!

heygeorge ago

@draaaak got too big for his britches, methinks, and made the spamkiller007 account to start harassing people.

Nosferatjew ago

That's not how I would describe it.

You're of course welcome to review u/shillkiller007's activity to see if the sccount was used for harassment.

heygeorge ago

Yeah, your accounting of things is more detailed. And I could have chosen a better word than harassment.

I ain’t mad at you. Your intentions are good, but you were also clearly manipulating the site.

Nosferatjew ago

From my perspective, I wasn't manipulating the site, I was using it the way it was designed.

Until just recently, the site essentially instructed users on how to use multiple accounts on multiple devices.

heygeorge ago

So now you contend it’s an error message’s fault you manipulated/exploited the site.

Interesting image!

How many draaaaaaaak accounts did you make?

Nosferatjew ago

So now you contend it’s an error message’s fault you manipulated/exploited the site.

No, I used the site as it was designed, and I always followed the rules as they were stated in the User Agreement and in u/PieceSeeker's "Welcome to Voat | A Guide for New Users".

I made 6 additional draaaak accounts after TrumpNPC started naming accounts after me (which can be seen here.. he made like 14 named after me, I think) so that he couldn't effectively impersonate me. I've never used any of them for anything, except for the one upvoat given to create the image in my previous comment. The "new message" icon is lit up on one of them in that image because I pinged the account while explaining exactly this to another user. These are the accounts, see for yourself that they were all made at the same time (one day after I made the TrumpNPC post linked above, and he first named an account after me: u/draaakSucksCock), and have zero activity:


heygeorge ago

Are you a young person? You sound like a young person.

Anyway, you’re wasting your time arguing your ‘innocence’. You fucked up, and your accounts (some [two?] of them) were banned. Own it.

If you really want to make Voat better, then make a decent write up about vote manipulation and maybe it will make it into an updated user agreement or another unofficial user guide to Voat.

sguevar ago

Also, shitposter impersonators REKT!

There is only place for one, the true Expert. XD

kafi3n ago

Or a scarlet A

17wins ago

Thank you

whitemailisnotnigger ago

This is @whitemail on a new account. I don't know what in the world would make you think you need to ban me. I haven't even been using the site that much and have been using it like a regular user. I generally don't vote on anything, and I don't care much about how many votes I get since I've been here for years. I have no idea how any of my behavior here would be considered manipulation. I didn't have any other accounts until I made this one.

Ina_Pickle ago

They mistakenly banned another user too and Putt reversed the ban. If what you said is true page him.

whitemailisnotnigger ago

I can't do anything on this account, because I don't have enough CCP.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

What's to stop this sociopath just coming back with new accounts... like he's just done?

829834uiasdf ago

i dont a shit sit anyt anythythiny yu fuckincking liee

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I look forward to that :-)

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Thank god, FINALLY Dial_Indicator gets the hammer. You've done us all a service.

Ina_Pickle ago

Not really other than helping anyone who got downvoat brigades. People like Dial will just make new accounts.

argosciv ago

Thank god, FINALLY Dial_Indicator gets the hammer. You've done us all a service.

He'll still be here under many other alts.

Just like Amalek. /cough

@kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @MadWorld @PuttItOut

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes, I see our resident Wernicke Korsakoff patient is back under a new alt already, spotted by @KevDude virtually immediately

argosciv ago

Yes, I see our resident Wernicke Korsakoff patient is back under a new alt already, spotted by @KevDude virtually immediately

HAH! Classic. On ya Kev.

I'm a bit slow catching up on some of the latest.

MadWorld ago

Lols... Great to see you!!! Someone should have pinged you in.

argosciv ago

Lols... Great to see you!!!

You too bud, glorious day, no? :D

Someone should have pinged you in.

Eh. It's stickied, I'd have seen it eventually - was just busy with some other shit when I got in the door.

MadWorld ago

You too bud, glorious day, no? :D

Yup! Heil Puttler!!

It's stickied, I'd have seen it eventually

True, very difficult to miss a global sticky. It is now in the musium:

argosciv ago

True, very difficult to miss a global sticky. It is now in the museum:


Just beautiful.

Hopefully serves as an adequate warning that this shit will no longer be tolerated.

big_fat_dangus ago

NOOOOO how could you do this? BAD GOYIM, BAD

AR47 ago

You took my suggestion?

You ain’t so bad are you?

Scrooblemeyer ago

@PuttItOut I wish there was a column in the log showing how many points they lost.

829834uiasdf ago

the magical -3 are still around im shockockedshochocked.... pruprotect of suppr.... pruprotect of suppressant and hold lol @puttitout this who you listening to.... reinstate dial

829834uiasdf ago

be evil more

SearchVoatBot ago

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829834uiasdf ago

Tell us about your chi you autistic faggot.

thats a joke on you cunt.... i knew dial was going out... its okay , rule #2 dont ffuck with voat, you just did @puttitout

dial was was thothing but a punching bag to me.... TO HAVE MY FUCKING SAy

829834uiasdf ago

you seem to care more about it

829834uiasdf ago

you are the only person on voat that wants and lusts to silence speech on voat @puttitout

829834uiasdf ago

no this why pople leave voat... novoat it FPH and congrats on you site puttitout

1mpatientPatient ago

No you will die of liver sclerosis

boekanier ago

That's a lot of bad goats! B.t.w. how do you that, manipulating votes?

Vindicator ago

Thank you, Putt!

NotHereForPizza ago

My feat are very warm, thank you.

No, but, how could you possibly conclude this?

Lord_Kristopf ago

This is probably a dumb question but, why would anyone waste the time and effort to vote manipulate? Is there some way I can trade Voat points in for prizes something?

shillbuster1 ago

Because they are fucking nuts.

PuttsMum ago

It's used to either suppress a post/comment or push it front and center.

argosciv ago

I'm not sure about the users that upvote themselves for the points

You already answered it, really:

It's used to either suppress a post/comment or push it front and center.

Manufacturing consensus.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

He sucks his own dick.

PuttsMum ago

Since 1990 I heard.

H33h33h33 ago

Thank you for supporting you voat body.

BEHOLDaPaleHorse ago

They shall beware the wrath of Putt or face his reckoning .

friendshipistragic ago

Members of SBBH and SDBH, the most accused groups on voat are conspicuously absent from this list. That makes me smile.

PuttsMum ago

That trope was always projection, as you know. It's a delicious result indeed, my fellow benhammerer.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

ban the shit outta em, scorched Earth, dam art fag mouth gapperz

himmlerbobimmler ago

This is actually pretty fucking awesome.

Doglegwarrior ago

Did @9-11 get banned?

sguevar ago

I never had any real issue with him, in fact I liked him even if we disagreed on v/ProtectVoat and SBBH.

There is no guarantee he was freashmeat/MYG. At least I never saw any evidence of the matter.

ExpertShitposter ago

He fucked off it seems. Last comment a month ago.

shadow332 ago

Fuck I hope so. That was freasmeat/MYG

fusir ago

I wish we knew the scale. What percentage of top posts on the front page were vote manipulated at some point?

talmoridor-x ago

Yes, but now we have the "angel investor".

talmoridor-x ago

This is the beginning of the end.

Nadeshda ago

:D to the king of hemmers 🥂!!!!

@gabara he did you proud :D

PuttsMum ago

Benned :p

Nadeshda ago

Hah! You do wuf me! :)

PuttsMum ago

I do.

^ just rang the internet's lawyer and she says the above is not legally binding so you can't make me marry you. Also, benned again.

TitDirtt ago

I figured as much. Just trying to get into the loop. Thanks for the explanation.

JimSoddell ago

The Badge idea is great!

ruck_feddit ago

Am I banned? I guess not, cool!

Can we get a spreadsheet, putt? I looked for one in the comments, but all I learned was the types of manipulation and that the star of David actually has 12 sides.

Atkho ago

@PuttItOut So this Casey Neistat wanabe got a gopro ad to the front page without vote manipulation??

VivaFrei ago

It was not a GoPro ad. I wish I were getting paid my go pro. It got to the front page because it was an awesome picture that I took. :-)

Rotteuxx ago

Eh... what a fucking low effort shit comment.

TitDirtt ago

Ah okay. That's assuring then that's its based off of something more concrete. Are you speculating or do you know this for certain?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Dial_Indicator got got hahaha nice

WeWillWin233 ago

I like turtles 🐢

829834uiasdf ago

no i count you ne more malicious

TitDirtt ago

Am I able to continue using a VPN or will that common server IP raise false flags or something?

Or are you busting people from just other users accusing someone else of manipulation?

PuttItOut ago

Please use a VPN!

SolomonPapermaster ago

This sort of ban lists make me think of Sulla's Proscriptions but I am glad to see the list is very short.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Wait... you’re telling me voat is run by competent people? Whoa... where am I

offender ago


shadow332 ago

Finally starting to see some action taken here, isn't it wonderful?

Valensiakol ago

Is this system only reliable on a smaller scale, and as Voat grows, will it become less and less usable? Just curious about why a site like Reddit doesn't have this exact same sort of system in place, and the reasons for which they might not enforce it across the board if they do have that capability. The vote manipulation there is disgusting, but then I guess it doesn't matter to them when they themselves openly manipulates vote counts.

Humansized ago

Lmfao yep, dial and gnashing were 2 i was expecting to see.

carlip ago

Too bad about down vote meanie, we could take a load off your hands and fight these fuckers if that were repealed.

PuttsMum ago

It sure is.

Poor ol' Sane, he's back to square one.

I'm guessing the PuttisaTranny account is his maybe?

Cynabuns ago

Oh, that's a keeper!!

PuttsMum ago

Those were the days my friend.

kkkrystal ago

Also if you want ccp you dont need to make alts just say you hate niggers or something

kkkrystal ago

Lol facefart

Shishamo ago

List is bigger than I expected.

Themooninthesky ago

@carnold03 is a vote farmer too. Rep posted old as news for votes.

petevoat ago

UK bloke get woke go broke

Womb_Raider ago

Looks like you only banned the Iron Fist, not the real problem here

Womb_Raider ago

Why leave so many SBBH accounts unaffected @PuttItOut?

PuttsMum ago

He's in the bath, I'll have him get back to you shortly.

Love you maaaaaaaate,


NotHereForPizza ago

I dunno, man, it seems like some of them were snagged.

Admittedly, I have to agree - gabara's army was hardly poked, eh?

Rotteuxx ago

I guess empty claims aren't enough to warrant a ban !

NotHereForPizza ago

I guess that's why I'm still around, then, eh?

Kilroy_1962 ago

Not to sound stupid but what is a vote manipulator? Someone who makes up many names and votes more than once on the same topic?


PuttsMum ago

Basically, yes. Then they either upvote or downvote depending on what their specific purpose is.

Kilroy_1962 ago


PuttsMum ago

You're welcome :)

blumen4alles ago

Came just to make sure @Dial_Indicator and their alts were banned. Not disappointed. 18 matches on the page without digging. BWAHAHAHAHA Great Job Putt!!!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Oh the insane guy who thinks literally everyone but him is a tranny got banned for upvoating himself?

why am i not surprised

Dismember ago

Well looking at the accounts on the ban list, SBBH has a bloody nose as well. Look at this for example:

Let's see if Voat is serious about it or being selective.

MadWorld ago

Dump from that submission:

Upvote farm done to an old/aged submission. There should be something set in place to detect old submissions been commented and upvoted. @PuttItOut, please check these accounts.

Dismember ago <----check the reply to me here. Not sure how to tell if they were deleted after someone read my comment or a while ago. I found that thread by checking the ___shitposter accounts and who they were upvoting.

MadWorld ago

You should have used a slash at the end, such as Otherwise it will generate a crosspost comment, which will notify the user. It was probably why some comments may have been deleted. The list given above was dumped from your link. It mostly shows numeric names that were created around the same time, and used to make dumb comments for vote farming.

Edit: great catch btw!!!

Dismember ago

I didn't know about the bot but I linked only to that user who was already on the banlist, so they likely can't login anyway. That method of vote farming was used by Techius back in the day. @kevdude and @Cynabuns will remember that one.

I have other examples of this type of thing if I dig back through my archive snaps but I'm hoping the users will read this and delete their alt accounts.

MadWorld ago

I didn't know about the bot but I linked only to that user who was already on the banlist, so they likely can't login anyway.

Either way the user who was behind the farming would have known that he was exposed.

That method of vote farming was used by Techius back in the day.

I remember that he once tried to sell his accounts, not sure whatever happened after that.

I have other examples of this type of thing if I dig back through my archive snaps but I'm hoping the users will read this and delete their alt accounts.

If you have the list, we could try to see if there is any voting regularity in their comment histories. If the consistency is strong enough, then we could ask Putt or Cyna to look deeper into the situation.

Dismember ago

I remember that he once tried to sell his accounts, not sure whatever happened after that.

He actually posted the password to a lot of the accounts so his fellow SDBH posters could help him troll PV. I happened to be reading a different thread on that sub and refreshed and saw it and got a lot of them before he deleted that thread. I ended up deleting them all bar one. They were mostly Techius4, Techius5 and so on.

If you have the list, we could try to see if there is any voting regularity in their comment histories.

Oh, I know they have alts and used them in a few of the raids on subs here. I know for sure they are still using some of those accounts today and still post comments on threads their main and others alts post to create a consensus. Usually this is harmless dick-waving but it was used at least twice here to try to get rid of people they didn't like. I'm sure the admins here already know and are hoping the same as I am.

MadWorld ago

List of the obvious troll accounts:

Techius2: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius3: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius4: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius5: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius6: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius8: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius9: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius10: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius11: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius12: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius14: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius15: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius16: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius17: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius18: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius19: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius20: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius21: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius22: Member for 3.1 years.
Techius30: Member for 2.7 years.
Techius31: Member for 2.7 years.

Dismember ago

I personally deleted about 10 numbered @techius accounts. The rest I'm not sure who got or if he kept some. Most of them couldn't downvote at all and the whole upvote farm v/techiusalts was made to troll PV. Looking at his account there it hasn't moved from when he got found out and downvoted to oblivion so I don't think he's a threat anymore, at least on that main.

MadWorld ago

:-) I hope you continue to keep an eye on those accounts and see if they start manipulating votes again... Thanks!!

heygeorge ago

I believe that thread (@cynabuns, please see above as some of these users are showing up as active) and another one insulting @nadeshda were jumped into at a slightly later time, once the newness wore off and people weren’t commenting. All it takes is one user to ignore a random comment, and then once the thread is over the manipulator can take over and no one would even notice.

Unless you’re insinuating that @thebuddha is vote farming! Lol

argosciv ago

jumped into at a slightly later time

Correct RE: the linked thread.

(Spongebob narrator voice): 3 days later...

Plenty of time for the submission to become 'unattended'. Indeed that chain of comments came after the last previous top-level comment there, which was on the day of the submission being posted, by @cynicaloldfart.

@Cynabuns @MadWorld @Dismember @TheBuddha

TheBuddha ago

Well, I am a farmer.

Durm ago


TheBuddha ago

Blueberries are my largest source of farming income. I have a commercial wild blueberry operation.

I do have a "real" farm, but you'd probably refer to that as being a "gentlemen farmer." While I do sometimes help, I'm not actually obligated to and I mostly do things that keep me out of their way. I do stuff like muck the horse stables, 'cause I enjoy that. I am not currently able to help on the farm, 'cause I have a smashed femur.

Durm ago

I thought you might. We used to pick wild dew berries when I was little and make things from them.

TheBuddha ago

I've shown voat my blueberries before. I have a whole lot of blueberries. Like, more blueberries than you may have ever seen!

I do, too! They're delicious.

I've got 400 acres, just about. We harvest them every other year, burning the opposite year. So, about 200 acres get harvested per year. It's about 2.5 tons per acre, if you're curious.

Deathperception ago

I have a dingleberry farm meself. Have a rich harvest every season!

TheBuddha ago

Congratulations on your success.

CptCaveMan ago

Plantation Owner? Main Crop Cotton? ;)

TheBuddha ago

Sorta. No.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @heygeorge.

Posted automatically (#25662) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Eualos ago

I'm a nose gold miner

theoldones ago

grabs popcorn and waits for responses to roll in

oh this'll be fun.

Cynabuns ago

Active? I thought I saw only numbers - did I not go deeply enough into the post? Let me know

heygeorge ago

The account names are numbers (without questions marks) in order to obfuscate. It seems to have worked!

Cynabuns ago

Indeed it did! That's what I get for looking at stuff past my bedtime LOL!

I'm on it :)

Dismember ago

I have more than that but I'll hold onto it for a few days to give them a chance.

Cynabuns ago

Feel free to send them to me - no time like the present :)

Good to see you back btw

Dismember ago

I wrote down a few in this post. Once I get 100 ccp, I'll pm you about who owns them and what other accounts they have.

heygeorge ago

Check our the thread antagonizing @nadeshda, too, if you haven’t yet. It’s the same sort of set-up. My interpretation is that whomever it is decided to take advantage of SBBH ‘regulars’ being used to receiving non-sensical comment notifications and ignoring them. In one of the threads, they insinuated automation via a comment. Unfortunately, at this point, it’s possible the upvotes given/received were only within its own circle which may complicate discernment.

Nadeshda ago

Yip I found it, didn’t leave much of an impression at the time and missed the comments after that were farming. Nice catch George!

Here is the link @cynabuns

Cynabuns ago

Perfect - tanks!

MadWorld ago

Those were the same usernames found in another thread


Nadeshda ago

Hmmm, linky to thread were they were insulting me and later used it as a farm to get points?

Am I understanding this correctly?

heygeorge ago

Yes, remember that thread? I didn’t realize the farming part. But it seems that was the real point of the thread.

Dismember ago

Unless you’re insinuating that @thebuddha is vote farming! Lol

One more exclamation mark is needed to drive home how ridiculous you think my statement is I think. I mean most will get it but some on Voat aren't that observant.

Often people vote on their friend's posts because they know that even though they are not complicit, even if they were to look back, they would turn a blind eye. I know you're not denying that some people on SBBH in the past have abused voat manipulation. If I'd wanted to nail those people, I would have linked @PuttItOut and @Cynabuns to the v/linux ban log and submission deletions with numerous "__shitposter" accounts and they could just follow their nose from there and look at the votes and then look at the v/gaming raid and see that the same posters were involved with the same few accounts voting their alts up while doing a poor job of acting like different people.

It would be nice to think that all that will just stop though. Some of us thought were on the "good side" but maybe we were just confused and became the monsters we hated. They have said they are willing to let posters start afresh. Maybe it's time to lay down the weapons and just use the one account?

ExpertShitposter ago

The shitposter accounts were not mine. There was nothing illegal about the v/linux raid, and i got banned from there. There was no v/gaming raid, but only censorship agains't my legitimate posts, by a reddit faggot who isn't even active on voat.

Dismember ago

I have never thought or said they were yours. You were likely just used for someone else's ends.It's easy to make it look like someone else. Not a thing you would do to a supposed friend but it takes all kinds and mental-illness is a thing.

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't think those accounts were made to mock or imitate me, think it was just a joke. But inevitably a few r/pv shills are using it against me.

Dismember ago

I think if you can convince yourself of that, it might be the best, even if it seems a bit naive.

ExpertShitposter ago

Not sur what part you think is naive. The reason i think they were made as a joke is because i think i know who made them, and if i am right, its a friendly face from SBBH. As for r/pv shills, you dont know the history. They are truly vile faggots. One if them is talking shit right now, and dial_indicator admitted that he originally came from r/pv discord to SBBH in order to destroy our sub.

Dismember ago

Of course you are right about who made them. Seems like everyone knows but you. Anyway he's not really important but if he reads this he should delete his Rabbi and other alts that he still uses, that way he can get out of this with his nose and SBBH's nose somewhat clean.

I'm sure you'll survive the big ol' baddies from Real PV. Words can only really hurt you if you let them. All they really wan't is attention and I think that's all any troll wants. ;)

Happy posting.

ExpertShitposter ago

If they could hurt us, we wouldn't be here today. Instead they got mostly BTFO'd from the site, and we are still here. Tho they did manage to get voats top dev to quit the site by spreading lies about her and insulting her daily. Being a woman shoe couln't handle it in the end. A big loss for voat dev team, and a meaningless win for their sad lives.

Dismember ago

FuzzyWords was never the top dev here though they did help @PuttItOut test a lot of stuff and probably kept him Sane at times. That's what she told me anyway, maybe she was being modest but I can only go off that. The tranny thing wasn't a lie but it was never a big deal anyway and no one's affair but hers. And Fuzzy could dish out as well, don't doubt that. She likely had other issues to deal with. I can't see her leaving because of a troll who just thrpows insults, she faced a lot better than that. We locked horns more than once and even helped each other in the end.

Anyway that's all water under the bridge. Forget the negative stuff and post about something you like. I'm going to check out here because I like to upvote people I talk with and today I seem like I have way to many to give out. It will have to end soon. It was locking up at 10 still yesterday.

Fuzzy if you read this, good wishes your way. ;)

ExpertShitposter ago

The was pretty big on the dev team, and she did it FOR FREE. You don't fuck over free help. She might have been some kind of faggot, but the only proof they had was very circumstantial. As far as i remember, she had a profile picture of some cartoon character from a comic that features some tranny characters. That is certainly concerning, but not concrete evidence. The rest of it, with the autistic blog is totally fabricated.

Dismember ago

I've deleted what I said, it's not my place to comment on it especially since most seem to have forgotten it. I'll leave that to her. Forget the losers for tonight they really aren't worth it.

heygeorge ago

The v/linux ban log has a small number of users. Although a couple of them do have a peculiar number of upvotes given. The shitposter accounts I always attributed to D_I, and assumed due to butthrt by @expertshitposter

I don’t really know much of what anyone does outside of myself, which is means using this account. And that’s all I can really know for sure.

I imagine this is just the first wave in a larger sweep. I have heard some users reference getting a ‘grey area’ message from putts, but this is the first confirmation I have that it’s actually a thing.

just use the one account?

I think it’s striking that you have ‘dusted off’ a nice old account to make this remark. :D

ExpertShitposter ago

Personally i think they belonged to a "kaiju monster" if you know what i mean. Tho i have never atempted to verify that information.

Dismember ago

Striking indeed. I actually thought I lost this account because I deleted it almost 4 years ago and could never log into it because I forgot what password I used(Dismember would be a good word for that). This was before all the fancy new tech for deleted accounts. Back then you could just relog in with your pass but you still lost all your submissions and vote count, etc. So fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and I'm trying to think of a good name for a new account and randomly remember this one. Tried a few passwords and no luck. Then I tried my old pass from reddit thinking I'd be out of luck but wouldn't you believe it, it actually worked. So good news all around don't you think?

heygeorge ago

I am also thinking dismembering is a good term for that.

Dismember ago

I like the name because it can mean a few things depending on your perspective. I meant it to be a form of 'this member' but some have even taken it literally as the word dismember which I never even thought of until someone accused me of being a sadist. I also had a habit of making names with Dis in front of them. Cause me a lot of trouble with people accusing me of being pessimistic when i called myself Disappointed. That was a play on This Appointed. But it's never funny if you have to explain,is it?

heygeorge ago

I meant it to be a form of 'this member' but some have even taken it literally as the word dismember which I never even thought of

I honestly didn’t think of that either until your last comment, and thought of a joke about how Voat doesn’t like Ebonics too much... but dropped it because it was too unwieldy and I wasn’t sure my meaning would get across. Which has also sapped the humor. It’s humorless all around.

Dismember ago

Well, I can't blame you because Voat can be a bit thick-headed at times and miss the subtle meaning in most everything. I think a lot of the feuds I've had on here were because people missed my subtle meaning and got hurt feelings over it.

Are you sure you're American? You don't sound American George.

heygeorge ago

Ha! You have accused me of this previously, in a past life. Brb let me scan my passport

B-------D ago

Whitemail and Sanegoatiswear are literally the only ones I recognize... Seems legit to me Putt. Good work.

Dismember ago

There's some more here ^

@Cynabuns if you want to take a look and see if there's any you missed. Seems a bit of a coincidence in what topics and by who they post on as well. ;)

Cynabuns ago

Good find! The accounts have been deleted now though :)

Dismember ago

How Disappointing. Hope things are going well for you.

Cynabuns ago

Disappointed indeed

Dismember ago

If you ever have a question on something my PM is open. I thought they had a restriction on it but kevdude manged to talk to me through there.

Cynabuns ago

@kevdude is a good helperer :)

Dismember ago

He's really not bad once you get past him being a Grateful Dead fan.

Cynabuns ago

His love of Led Zep is the only thing that saved him

Dismember ago

Tolkien appreciation and his love for old school heavy metal get him points from me.

GoyimNose ago

I bet they are all kikes

Rotteuxx ago

Keep on reading m8 ;)

drstrangegov ago

I still have only a vague idea of what the numbers next to my username mean. were mine acting like some kind of protection from the creepy crawlies?

Nadeshda ago

Yes but no.

drstrangegov ago

well....that helps!

Nadeshda ago

My pleasure :)

Sargeant_Q ago

I wanted to contact you about a voting issue but my points are to low, but that is the exact thing I've been trying to get an answer for. So if it is okay I will put my message to you in this post:

To: Cynabuns

Subject:Being DownVoted by Tallest_Skil

Message: Can I please ask quick question if you don't mind. How can one person who didn't like one of my posts because I have Jewish ancestors and down voted it, which I don't have a problem with, then go back and take all my contribution points away by downvoting my comments in every thread I have posted on, yet I'm not allowed to down vote them even once? Also he claims to have reported me for, "being paid to comment," I didn't even know that's a thing? I admit I shouldn't have responded to his anti semitic hate speech, but honestly it made me mad. He downvoted the posts in the thread we interacted, and like I said, I get that, but retaliatory downvotes? If you could please provide clarification it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

PS: Is Tallest_Skil the same user who was banned under the username tallest_Skil?

Cynabuns ago

I don't see that you have submitted any posts, and though your account shows 29 comments, there are only 16 that are still live (did you delete some??) and of those, only 4 have downvoats. Perhaps I'm not seeing something you want me to see.

heygeorge ago

Fairly confident you’re replying to a troll, buns. The comment sounds quite familiar to someone I was recently exchanging with who is now on the ban list.

Cynabuns ago

Could be, but I like to give the benefit of doubt... at least at first.

PuttsMum ago

@cynabuns, please see parent comment to this regarding a newish user having issues.

Dfens ago

It’s good to get some help with these downvote brigades, but it seem like the tool accounts were deleted while the primary accounts the shills use mock the effort — in the comments to this post. Meanwhile this is the response you can expect to complaints.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Hopefully this will slow down the downvote brigaders on realTheDonald.

Dfens ago

I doubt it.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

So everyone who disagrees with you is a shill? Fuckoff back to reddit you fucking kike pedo.

heygeorge ago

@6double5321 you got a bonus mention here!

Please note: @dfens’ home smells worse than you could imagine.

TetrahedronOmega ago

Kevdude wrote:

Nice sleeper account

I'm not dormant. I've been posting on the forum. However, I always sign-off there. One of my positive-law names is James Redford. I don't hide my real-life identity, as I am an author. To wit:

If one wishes to actually obtain veridical understanding into the most crucial fields of sapient knowledge, then I have made it as easy as possible for one to do so via my own writings. My below articles explain to people (1) theological ethics and soteriology in a comprehensive and logically-coherent manner; (2) how the known laws of physics prove God's existence while demonstrating the exacting and extensive consilience of the New Testament with said physical laws; (3) the nature of God in light of said physical laws; (4) the End Time, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Heaven on Earth, and the universal resurrection of the dead in light of said physical laws; and (5) the End Time in light of the history of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and world religion agenda.

Item No. 1 is important vis-à-vis salvation for those who maintain that they already believe in Jesus Christ's Godhead. Items Nos. 2-5 are important in letting atheists, believers in other religions, and nominal ersatz "Christians" know that God as described by the New Testament does exist and that the New Testament is true. Items Nos. 2-5 are additionally important in giving believers in Christ a much deeper understanding of God and of the End Time, so that they may be strengthened in their faith during the events to come.

My following articles distill all of the most important aspects of veridical human knowledge into a comprehensive, coherent and unified whole: from theology, physics, science, ethics, legal theory, political theory, economics, sociology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology to history.

Broc_Lia ago

The thing you don't realize is when I ban you, I am resetting your votes against your target(s), so there is no point in continuing with these ways.

Just to point out, this isn't quite accurate if they're attempting to suppress particular responses and boost others: Eventually they get banned and the comment order is restored, but by then everyone's moved on and they've achieved their goal.

Of course, if their purpose is to validate accounts then resetting their votes stymies their goals.

Dismember ago

He was one of the old guard from back before the @she thing created the big divide. Not sure who exactly but they are mentally-ill and won't go away just because they lost that account.

hold_this_nut ago

Where have you been all my life stranger?

goatboy ago

Fucking Commie Bastards.

Dismember ago

Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

kazza64 ago

holy cow :O i do not envy you guys your jobs i cant believe how many of them there are

not_saying_a_thing ago

I see savethechildren and gnashingoftheteeth on there. I do enjoy being right.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Youre a tranny

not_saying_a_thing ago

Missed you too, faggot.

Redcobra ago


PuttsMum ago

Fuck me, didn't take you long to come back, buddypal!

heygeorge ago

It’s as if he never left!

PuttsMum ago

I've just been reading the tea leaves and I see a ban in his future.

heygeorge ago

Maybe he’ll just go back to dozens of negative-point accounts? Or he could seriously just post to sbbh like @itsbad and not constantly call everyone a tranny. That could also work. I don’t think his posts got the sort of attention there that ze wants, though.

ExpertShitposter ago

Objectively speaking, voat NEEDS at least one person that calls every celebrity a tranny and does detailed youtube explanations on why they are ALL tranny's. @PuttsMum

PuttsMum ago

Very true. I must admit, I like having the crazy ones around. Makes voat seem more homely.

pretty_innocuous ago

Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Truly Putt is a man of God!

UnknownAlias365 ago

God hates both the sinner and the sin. Don't fall for new age Christianity, stay traditional.

jollux ago

Why didn't you ban SHIVASHIVASHIVA? They upvote their shitty alt all day.

Crensch ago

If you feel you have been targeted by vote manipulation please PM me so I can research as we are dealing with a mountain of data when reviewing bans.

PuttIsAtranny ago

@puttitout is working hand in hand with someone who has 30k downvoats to ban vote manipulators... HAHAHHAHAH

Submissions: This user has upvoted 45881 and downvoted 12222 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 50114 and downvoted 29183 comments.

Crensch ago

Nobody gives a fuck about someone with a T-fag fetish.

middlechild ago

And on the eighth day,

God created Voat.

Themooninthesky ago

Dial indicator got banned! Haha. Haha. So. We won’t see news articles re posted over and over anytime soon? Cuz that was my big problem that was re posting for votes. And I mean irrelevant articles too.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Seriously? Not the incoherent drunken word vomit?

heygeorge ago

I must have missed that part. I thought he predominately reposted music.

Themooninthesky ago

His other accounts it was obvious who he was. And he got banned so I’m flipped him some shit. Wait a second. You’ve banned me for being nice and funny. Now I’m a dick and you’re like, hey buddy what’s up? And reposting is vote farming, don’t you agree? Or do you have to remind somebody that poison made a video about roses every other day? Take care heygeorge. Good to see you again.

heygeorge ago

Yeah, well, your polite nature and humour make me suspicious... lol

I don’t think reposting in and of itself is vote farming, but I can see what you’re getting at.

Themooninthesky ago

You shouldn’t trust anyone. So let me ask you this. Why on earth would somebody re post an article about...why are children so expensive? Having kids blah blah blah. If it doesn’t do well, move on and find something original to post. Keep posting original content so that others know, hey this niggerfaggot is pretty interesting, doesn’t re post but posts interesting and funny stuff, I think I’ll let him fuck my wife. Am I wrong? And one last thing. How many times do you want to hear a fifth grader tell you the same joke? Mic drop. I rest my case your honor, I’ve got to go fuck this guys wife.

heygeorge ago

posts interesting and funny stuff, I think I’ll let him fuck my wife.

Hmmmm. I hadn’t considered this. That being said, I am quite content with my current fucking situation.

I found dial entertaining at times, and he would sometimes let down his guard and just be real. I have successfully gotten along with anyone here willing to do that, even if they were a twit.

Also, banning dial really did no good, so there was that. Despite that, he would still frequently be banned.

Themooninthesky ago

It’s arbitrary. No? I mean here we are talking about virtual lives. It truly means nothing. Have some fun, let off steam and hide behind our computer screens of anonymity. But when it comes to farming, there’s only one kind. You know that meme, the black reverend saying...the number of vote farmers is too damn high!? I confess, he has never been in my kitchen.

heygeorge ago

What about a vote garden? I can keep one of those, right?

Themooninthesky ago

As long as you play garden party by Ricky Nelson. Great tune. But again, you don’t need my permission and you know that. I’ve never been to a garden party either. What the hell does a guy wear? Isn’t more for like afternoon Saturday rich people stuff? Or is it like the Catalina wine mixer?

heygeorge ago

I have no answers for any of this.

Themooninthesky ago

Do live in the USA? You should know the context. If you don’t, it’s okay, I can teach you Buddha’s Hand. Sleep well patriot.

heygeorge ago

Sometimes people miss things

Themooninthesky ago

That’s okay. When I golf, I miss the green every damn time. I just need to take my time and I get all tiger woods and fuck it up.

PuttsMum ago

Well done, son!

Some days I swear I can barely tell you have that extra chromosome.

heygeorge ago

Puttsy took his temp job running the banhammer a mite bit seriously!

ExpertShitposter ago

He should relegate those duties to us, to take a load off his shoulders. We know how to do a good job with banhammers.

Nadeshda ago

Lol, @puttitout and @cynabuns rock the hemmer George! They seriously do, we should open up more temp positions in the future... ;)

redpilldessert ago

Hey you made it through! I always knew you were a good goat.

heygeorge ago

Lol! I am not surprised at all! I always knew it, too.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Lol the downvotes are from the salty vote manipulators.

YouCanDoItBuddy ago


Good job buddy!

pooploser187 ago

Thanks for doing your work so we can continue ours

heygeorge ago

Way to make it cool by giving them exclusive badges! Lol

Great work, Puttsy and @Cynabuns!

@kevdude pls try not to permanently damage your manhood with your victory wank

Nadeshda ago

Lol this made me snort giggle... permanent damage, oh wow too funny...

PuttsMum ago

Quietly awaiting my first farming badge here.

heygeorge ago

Nononono... it’s a vote garden. Perfectly fine.

PuttsMum ago

Oh yes, I meant GARDENING. TY :)

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#25590) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Dismember ago

Good stuff. If you can keep on top of this, then people will swallow your voting system a little easier. No system will be perfect so often it's about allaying people's fears.

@kevdude check the names(or NUMBERS here might DIAL a better INDICATOR)

gentlemanadventurer ago

That is funny.

Inaminit ago

Glad to see this.

TheBookWasBetter ago

I'm still here! Nice.

Hysterics7787 ago

Meanwhile half the accounts were from v/SoapBoxBanHammer the group you rub elbows with and defend on a regular basis.

mediaisfooked ago

Wow! I just realized I am way too techno-spastic to understand this.

TheLastCrusader777 ago

So these were the autistic faggots spamming "You are a tranny" and "STFU SHILL".

PuttIsAtranny ago

777 means youre a tranny

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

@cynabuns I think you missed one.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Missed like 500+

Mumbleberry ago

And the "I am the iron fist" retard

the_sharpest_knife ago

I downvoat theoldones whenever I see him post. Hopefully that's not against the rules.

Diathorus ago

He is rather annoying. Together with his lover Aged.

Still at least that spammer doesn't e-begg like theoldones and pretend he is doing it for the greater good.

SeanBox ago

which is why SBBH banhammered sanegoat for years. I don't know what any of this means, but it seems relevant. It's like we actually did something important during the great meme war.

Waterdog ago

I'm gonna upvote this with all my alt accounts.

Shotinthedark ago

Can we purge the damn loli's that recently infested voat?

PuttIsAtranny ago

@puttitout supports loli porn

Shotinthedark ago

Did you pull this account out of the closet just to say this?

Hysterics7787 ago

Can't help but notice u/FrostyPuppy on that list, but not the other accounts associated with whoever that user was? There were at least eight accounts that were associated with FrostyPuppy. @PeaceSeeker did an amazing job of highlighting those various accounts.

I'm also noticing that several of those accounts seemed to post in the same subverses, specifically the various "Shitposter" accounts were posting to subverses that seemed to be used only by @ExpertShitposter and his friends, specifically v/ShitpostersTavern and while that's not exactly evidence of anything, it's interesting to note either way.

I'm assuming that banning their alts was more or less a warning to the actual users? Because it's pretty clear from where I'm standing who operates these accounts. What, nearly 25% - 50% of all banned accounts today have some variety of association to v/SoapBoxBanHammer and that's just a coincidence?

Honestly though, I'm really glad to see this. I've had a lot of doubts about Voat over the years because I've seen a lot of strange behavior allowed to go on with hardly anyone calling it out. It's nice to see A.) Some of my suspicions substantiated and B.) Something being done about it. I genuinely feel like I owe you an apology @Puttitout for having questioned you fairly consistently in my time spent here -- however like I always try to explain, questioning someone doesn't necessarily indicate lack of respect. I think skepticism is a good default, especially in our current society where people can have their lives ruined for saying fairly mild stuff. I've always tried to express that if everything is as you say it is, Putt, that you've done a damned good job.

ExpertShitposter ago

The shitposter accounts all belonged to one user, but it was not me. And dial_indicator was sent by freshmeat from discord to destroy SBBH, but he ended up liking us and hanging out. He said this himself. Everyone banned him but us, as we are the true free speach absolutists on this website.

Its like a really romantic story of a jewish spy girl being sent to bomb the Nazi HQ, but falling in love with the German officers instead. Beautiful.

What this all comes down to is that you are just mad jelly that we own all of voat's stock, domain and servers. And with that, have @PuttItOut fully under our control. You can e-lick his balls all you want, it isn't gonna help you, we, the Cabal, can have you banned instantly.

@Rotteuxx @heygeorge @trigglypuff @NotHereForPizza

Hysterics7787 ago

Hey man, did you see all those RPV users that got banned? No? So it was just a bunch of Soapboxbanhammer users? Oh you're saying it's all Dial_Indicator, and that he was friends of Freshmeat? Oh but @Rotteuxx and other v/SoapBoxBanHammer flunkies claimed that Dial is SaneGoatiSwear? Oh. Weird.

This is all awfully confusing. I mean it isn't. All the evidence points towards you guys. As per usual. Like every single time there's bullshit on this website one of you cunt stains just happens to be part of it.

ExpertShitposter ago

They weren't boosting any accounts recently so they didn't get banned. Freshmeat has actually mostly fucked off from this site. He and his lackeys failed in their mission to ruin this website by making it into a ban happy shithole that reddit is, so he fucked off. Shows up once every few days to post some nigger rap then goes away. So he has no real reason to boost accounts anymore.

Sbbh is the cabal. We own you.

Rotteuxx ago

And @hysterics7787 still doesn't get that since he's so easy to rile up and takes shit so seriously, I'll say pretty much anything to keep him going. You'd think someone accusing me of being part of some troll cabal would put 2 and 2 together.

heygeorge ago

all those RPV users

Please note, Rotty, @ExpertShitposter, and @Trigglypuff, that no one said anything about rpv until @hysterics7787, who mysteriously appeared within the last 20 days. Loooooolllllllllll good show mate, and very much not obvious

Hysterics7787 ago

You people are delusional, several people have brought up RPV and Freshmeat including Shitposter.

Rotteuxx ago

Exactly, too stupid to know when to shut up when getting trolled.

heygeorge ago

@hysterics7787 ^^^^ a bit crudely put for my tastes but essentially

Hysterics7787 ago

And just as I said to Rott, highlighting how you people and your friends are getting banned isn't me "getting trolled".

Are you people seriously trying to manipulate me into being quiet by trying to... shame me...? Because it's kind of pathetic.

People have been pointing towards your little brigade groups for years now, and 18 of you were banned today.

Watching you all scramble to deflect and get your stories straight has been great.

heygeorge ago

seriously trying to manipulate me into being quiet by trying to... shame me...?


18 of you were banned today.

I thought @Rotteuxx determined that figure to be a lie? Also, it’s truly a bit disingenuous to claim cheeselane/numbers/dial_indicator as Cabal, when he’s clearly his own brand of lunacy allegedly sent by @freshmeat to destroy SBBH. So in a way, he is sort of doing freshie’s bidding via defamation through association. That being said, by extending your logic, all of Voat is complicit because everyone banned is a member of Voat.

get your stories straight

I suppose there’s a first time for everything. How can we be such organized Cabal yet not have our shit together? It just doesn’t make sense. Although I do appreciate the compliment about us being great. Thank you!

Hysterics7787 ago

allegedly sent by

These are the same people who to this day blame everything on SaneGoat. There's no evidence that what they're saying is true. There's evidence that 18 of accounts associated with them were banned.

heygeorge ago

allegedly sent by

These are the same people who to this day blame everything on SaneGoat. There's no evidence that what they're saying is true. There's evidence that 18 of accounts associated with them were banned.

That is what dial_indicator told me once he realized it was futile to try to ruin the subverse. So as I said to @freshmeat, you can take it up with him.

Hysterics7787 ago

Just because I don't like you guys doesn't mean I'm gonna like Mighty and his fucking southern nigger rap.

heygeorge ago

It’s worse than that. @freshmess likes ‘bass music’ or some godawful noise which seems its primary aim is to deafen you. In some ways I could see this as a net positive for society.

freshmeat ago


Lmao kill yourself

heygeorge ago


That’s cheese’s story, take it up with him. How’ve you been?

Hysterics7787 ago

Highlighting how you and your friends are getting banned isn't "getting trolled".

Rotteuxx ago

Which one of my alts got benned ?

Hysterics7787 ago

You tell me, nigger.

Rotteuxx ago

The onus is on you faggot, you keep claiming I have alts who got benned yet I didn't lose 1 point of ccp in Puttlers purge.

That's a pretty fucking weak case you got there as it stands.

So how come your account has only been active recently after a 2 1/2 year hiatus ?

Hysterics7787 ago

So how come your account has only been active recently after a 2 1/2 year hiatus ?

Not that it matters, or like you'll even take me at my word, but I don't like having all my posts isolated to one account. I've used several over the years, one at a time though. None of them have been banned though, so I have that much going for me. I've never been much of a namefag either, having a "reputation" just doesn't really matter to me. I'd prefer the content of my messages to be what people listen to, not that anyone specific is saying it.

You're also Canadian, you're not at all concerned about your digital footprint? The way things are going, they'll be coming for us sooner or later -- I mean, assuming you're the person you say you are. You've described yourself as a moderately successful White French Canadian, and you're on Voat, a website that could easily be labeled as hateful by our increasingly kiked Government. I'm not about to let that completely silence me, but I'm certainly not going to make it easy for them either.

That's a pretty fucking weak case you got there as it stands.

I don't really care man. Every single bit of Drama on Voat has had one of your friends at the center of it. I don't really feel like I need to prove much at this point, the situation is pretty clear to me. I'm hardly alone in pointing at v/SoapBoxBanHammer. Plenty of average users have recognized the same trends I have.

Care to explain why Gabara was defending that FrostyPupper account a couple months back? I pointed out that those accounts were all linked, then PeaceSeeker highlighted how they all post at the same time of day as further 'evidence'. Seemed like either Gabara was using the names from his v/aww submissions as sockpuppet name material, or that someone was trying to impersonate Gabara. The problem being that when I highlighted the one account being used he for whatever reason went to its defense. Why would anyone who is being impersonated come to the defense of the people impersonating them? Especially when the impersonating involves spamming Voat with Gore posts? I know if someone was impersonating me that way I wouldn't defend them -- would you?

Rotteuxx ago

You should familiarize yourself with canadian online privacy laws, here's a useful link although not exhaustive :

Every single bit of Drama on Voat has had one of your friends at the center of it.

As the object or instigator ?

@gabara is his own person, I have no knowledge about his activities online besides superficial interactions we've had on Voat. Why do you try and make it sound like we're best buddies or something ?

Hysterics7787 ago

Isn't an American Congress website?

Rotteuxx ago

Yep but that's irrelevant, it's a good overview.

Hysterics7787 ago

Why do you try and make it sound like we're best buddies or something ?

I don't know, you guys act like you're nothing but innocent and tend to defend one another -- not even you and Gabara, just Soapbox users in general. That situation with Gabara was one of the few that seemed really hard to defend.

Rotteuxx ago

Well if you'd bother looking into it, I've never been a big contributor to sbbh nor have I partaken in many of the antics associated with the Cabal.

What you easily overlook is that the community was very small 3 1/2 years ago and a lot of us came here upholding the same principles in regards to free speech. This is what makes it look like we're "a crew" when in reality we've just been hanging out together for a long time and have formed a community that greatly oversteps the confines of a little shitposting sub.

As a matter of fact, sbbh went downhill in quality a long time ago, especially after the "rPV discofags" created alts to post there, some will call it an infiltration. This is also where the line between organized cabal & regular users gets easily skewed. IMO (and others as well) it was a strategic move by some to create useless drama, flame wars & to try and push censorship in a retarded fashion on Voat. To attack its founding principles relentlessly under false pretenses.

Except most if us aren't easily duped, a lot of us have been in various online forums and whatnot for decades thus have gotten used to shit disturbers. That's also why most of the OG sbbh members have distanced themselves from that sub but it doesn't mean we'll ignore attacks on Voat, no matter how and where they are directed.

Hysterics7787 ago

Any input on why or how Fuzzywords commits seem to be scrubbed from Voats github? I remember seeing it first hand, used to have their name all over Voats github. Now I'm hard pressed to find any evidence that they ever even had access to the Github let alone was one of the major contributors... I'd be cautious of that regardless of who it was -- however it just so happens that they were a major contributor to what subverse again? Right, Soapbox.

I'm fairly certain pretty much every major subverse drama has had a Soapbox member at the center of it. I'm hardly the only one who accused Gabara of fucking with v/aww. What was the solution to that problem by the way? Implementing a Soapbox user as a moderator? ( Kat ) Until the existing moderator saw people pointing this out then he backed away from the decision? I watched what happened to v/videos. I watched what happened to v/gaming. There simply are not any examples of any other subverses disturbing Voat like Soapbox has.

You talk about trends? Well what about the trend of Soapbox users harassing moderators until they rightfully deal with the harassment -- then Soapbox turns around and acts like the moderator is a censorship happy Redditfag? Half the time it ends with a Soapbox user being made moderator of the subverse they were attacking... Yet what, there's nothing to see here folks?

And the thing is, as isolated incidents they can be arguably defended. However when you look at it from a step back it's pretty clear that there's a trend of Soapbox fucking with Voat to extend their control over more and more subverses. That is what I see anyway.

So yeah, I take it seriously.

Hysterics7787 ago

I don't believe that all or even most Soapbox users are part of it. If anything from what I've seen it's a small minority of the core group. I can't say who. I don't know. I can just see the trends. I've been pretty active on this site for the past four~ years. I've constantly seen red flags from Soapbox.

Can you at least try and see it from my perspective, like I've had these suspicions for literally years on end and I've never once seen anything to change my mind. I've engaged several of you guys in extensive and long conversations as well. I'm not Fresh. I'm not SaneGoat. I liked Sane, I thought he was an alright guy even though I disagreed with many of his methods -- but I watched that whole situation unfold very closely and I genuinely don't believe SaneGoat was the bad guy of that whole clusterfuck.

Anyways, at the end of the day I'll still have my suspicions. From my perspective, Voat has been attacked numerous times. The idea that they don't put effort into attacking from inside after having failed remote attacks is ridiculous. It wouldn't take much manpower to create a nice little psyop within Voat, and why wouldn't they? From my perspective it's practically assured. So looking at all the various subcommunities on Voat, where would they organize? What would be a good cover, a good guise for them? Shitposting. Oh it's just a joke. Why so serious. Why you upset bro. Know what I mean...? They're effective tactics.

I'd compare it to moderate Muslims being a veil of legitimacy for the "extremists". Soapbox would make for a great attack vector. Anyone who questions it is summarily dismissed as paranoid because oh they're just innocent shitposters; don't you support freedom of speech, goy?

And yeah I get that I'm by default rather paranoid. Though from my perspective, not being paranoid is kind of stupid at this point. I'll take a look at that link you sent about our laws though, I've gotta be honest in saying that I'm not incredibly well versed and instead choose to just play it safe -- at least partially because all the shit we say here is most likely being catalogued and could easily be used against us at a future date and considering how draconian our laws are becoming I don't think that's an especially crazy opinion.

NotHereForPizza ago

That would explain their fucking with me today. Looks like they're upset that they just got reemed.

Who would've guessed that someone else would explain their use of alt accounts (the thing they've accused me of and also brigaded my comments and account for on multiple occasions for pointing out) and be acknowledged by putt and peaceseeker? This is an odd day.

ThenThatMouth ago

I saw you earlier. Yeah, you kept getting it.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, if you only knew...

Hysterics7787 ago

This is an odd day.

Yeah, it's definitely a strange one.

Seeing so many of the SBBH flunkies disavow Dial and accuse him of being SaneGoat was the best part. Like oh yeah ignore the eighteen some odd accounts that were banned from the SBBH group -- obviously it's just SaneGoat.

They really think the average Voater is dumb as bricks.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's for sure.

heygeorge ago

@seanbox says this every single day!


PuttItOut ago

You don't have to apologize to me for anything. Ever. I don't hold grudges and my memory is short. :)

This pass was the low hanging fruit. We will be examining the more sofisticated manipulation soon.

LettItBurn ago

Slippery slope, my brother. ...Personally, I don't care about the loli / name-naming / Q hating / SBBH shills.

I ignore them even while browsing v/all/new.

Be careful of your new policies. This is the same path AOL, Digg and Reddit took.

Illegitimi non carborundum.

PuttIsAtranny ago

The power user shills are the happiest about it. But they will see that this doesnt do anything. Nobody cares about amassing fake internet points but them...

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Nobody cares about amassing fake internet points but them

Then why were you using boys to give yourself fake internet points you fucking kike.

sguevar ago

Thanks @PutItOut, I am amazed about certain that I saw there but I trust you with that.

@Dial_Indicator - the best of all!

shadow332 ago

Hear hear!

SeanBox ago

for realz tho. how many times I gotta say it?

sguevar ago

I just got to this post and saw this... aw..

Fuckyounigger ago

At first I thought you were making fun of Q yards I’m so primed from people talking about that guy or whatever it is

Voateringforlife ago

What was wrong with @Just_Saying? Seemed alright to me-too many upvotes?

MrPim ago

I feel the need to remind everyone that this means my favorite tranny is gone. I mean I'm sure he'll be back but, the insanity that is SaveTheChildren is technically over. Ill miss that lunatic.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Youre a tranny.

MrPim ago

I told you long ago that your Voat manipulation was going to get you.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Ohhh nooo my internet points! Nooooooo!

MrPim ago

Except now its your accts not the points. Because of your manipulation of the voat system. No one gives a shit about the points you tard.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

How am I banned???

PuttIsAtranny ago

Because @puttitout is a dumb tranny who doesnt like free speech. Just likes loli porn and shills

SeanBox ago

not really. sanegoat was here to forum slide with pointless nonsense

thelma ago

Does this mean no more ANON shit ?

heygeorge ago

Of course not! Users will still post about about people being pieces of shit in anon. At this point, it’s practically a feature of Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/soapdoxbanhammer submission by @Native.

Posted automatically (#25567) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SeanBox ago

nope, sanegoat

Survival_gluten ago

So these Qfags have been downvoating peoples stuff (including the goats who have been around since the beginning?)What a bunch of Circle jerking shit heads.

Silence_is_death ago

Anyone want to help me out with a few votes so I can start posting stuff? What's with this places screwed up posting rules? Needing ccp(?) to even be able to post and limiting upvotes by it too. Not sure if I like this idea.

Rotteuxx ago

Hungry for downvoats ? Here, have a freeby !

digitalentity1497 ago

Who was it?

Rotteuxx ago

sguevar ago

Dang! I came late!

Rotteuxx ago

Well, you stil have her reply to me at least.

Silence_is_death ago

Didn't know, new here. This whole -can't post until you get abitrary vote points- seems retarded. Hard to have free speech is you can't really contribute links to information and posts to a discussion, otherwise I wouldn't give two shits about votes. So another useless site for free speech, good to know. Waste of time making an account.

Mumbleberry ago

Works well keeping retards from posting, doen't it?

Rotteuxx ago

Sry, can't find my violin atm Dial.

Mumbleberry ago

begging for upvoats will backfire.

Reddit_traitor ago

Especially on global sticky post by putt

DillHoleBagHands ago

As always, I am glad to hear from you, friend.

Have a scotch on me!

17058798? ago

A couple I was expecting to see are absent. Maybe they are innocent.

Hopefully I'll stop getting that instant downvoat on pretty much every post.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Its doubtful... @puttitout did not ban any of the power user downvoaters. Expext to still be followed around and downvoated.

NotHereForPizza ago

Wait, that doesn't happen to you guys every day?

Shiftworker1976 ago

Thanks I’m glad for my reprieve from my past statements. Mixing liquor ,stress and posts.Dont have a good result on these boards. Freedom of speech is earned here.

EpiPendemic ago

Last time I looked at banned user list I could page through all of them in two minutes, it has grown a little bit.

DaddyO ago

I lost one CCP. Fuck this I’m going back to 8chan

horselasagna ago


What is a type1 voliation?

PuttIsAtranny ago

Type 1 is upvoat. Type -1 downvoat. Many of my accounts were banned for allegedly upvoating themselves, which isnt even possible. Explain that @puttitout.

truthwoke33 ago

@PuttItOut is there a plan to deal with spam bots? @aged stopped commenting months and months ago and literally only spams subs with off topic nonsense images.

modsrcuntz ago

What exactly is vote manipulation?

Nesano ago

If you want to create a new account and forgo the manipulation, you are welcome back.

Props to you for not faulting people for doing the only thing they could possibly do to continue using Voat.

Crensch ago

They couldn't possibly just contribute more than their detractors could vote, could they?

MadWorld ago

Love you!! In a non-homo way...

I guess @Dial_Indicator would not be able to collect his monthly payment for being a holocaust survivor...

This also solved the problem that @AlphabeticalAnon asked me to look into. And I would never have thought that @draaaak would be on the list!! AlphabeticalAnon should be happy about this, but should also know that his/her friend @Astonisher667 was a vote manipulator...

My sincerest respect...

One-Way_Bus ago

You're definitely being a home. Upvoat niggerkikefaggot.

sguevar ago

I was amazed also about @draaaak, oh well...

Nosferatjew ago

I never once violated the rules of the site.

Flour ago

Wouldn’t have imagined you had, you’ve been around forever

telleveryoneyouknow ago

People make multiple voat accounts and upvote their own posts or coordinate voting with others. Many ways to indicate this behavior like IP address or using same VPN nodes or even just obvious shit like repeating voting patterns.

Any one thing is considered a coincidence but once an account has a few indicators of vote manipulation it becomes less and less likely that it’s a coincidence and probably a vote farmer.

go1dfish ago

I think this is a good thing, and fitting that you allow them to create new accounts if they refrain from further manipulation...

But I feel like it might be better to let them keep their original account, with points and privileges neutered. A username can be an important aspect of expression and I feel it would be more in line to allow users to keep their username of choice if they are allowed to remain on the site.

redpilldessert ago

Great thinking. We shouldn't be censoring any comments or posts they made at the least.

doginventer ago

I like this idea too, nice to stop the manipulation but I will miss some of these names :p

PacaGoat ago

Im hoping the shills are most of the ones banned. Very stupid people

Le_Squish ago

This is like a delicious salt lick for the goat pen.

So tasty.

srgmpdns ago

On Voat, pussy licks you.

Le_Squish ago

Vicarious salt. Super effective.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

You was the reason I got banned? No I didn't read your diatribe.

middle_path ago


Enjoying a bit of schadenfreude for Save the children's passing.

Qackerjak ago

Thank you. Those assholes were annoying, like hemorrhoids. .

bdmthrfkr ago

TIL: that there are weird people with an awful lot of time on their hands who DV regular goats.

Just kidding... it's paid JIDF faggots doing it. Soon faggots, soon.

Legalize-Murder ago

Hahahaha fuck you tranny guy.

a100167 ago

Finally that faggot @Dial_indicator is out the door. I couldn't stand that heeb.

Hoonsuit ago

This is great news, thank you.

vandra ago

These are very clever methods

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


Hey freemartin hows fucking the trannies going for you?

shadow332 ago

He's awfully quiet now, isn't he?

Mumbleberry ago

@PuttIsaTDrinker is the only one that escaped the banning.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I noticed that too and just replied to you how cute are we just look.

thelma ago

All my double upvoting...down the drain

uvulectomy ago

*scrolls through list*

I don't see any one familia.......wait.... SaveTheChildren is banned? who will chime in to tell me that literally any person mentioned in a conversation is, in fact, a tranny???

Oh of his 500 alts will do that.

Carry on, Putt. Carry on.

voats4goats ago

Control - F "SaveTheChildren"

In a way i will miss the tranny detector. He was voat's village idiot

uvulectomy ago

Oh he's not completely gone. Only the most visible incarnation. The rest of his alts are still here crying "TRANNY!" at every image.

Acerphoon ago

77777 is also banned. He also talked about trannies a lot.

flyawayhigh ago

I like the continuing transparency with the log. Well done!

BraunF14 ago

I'm very glad to see @Tri-Edge and @Tri-Blade on the list. Thank you, Putt.

SeanBox ago

TIL: @Dial_indicator is sanegoat. Called it!!!!

Artofchoke ago


Cynabuns ago

Not this kind! ;)

srayzie ago

I want to know how to get a nice badge!

Rotteuxx ago

In memory of Dial_Indicator a.k.a. SaneGoat, all OG top 10 criminal shills should get a fitting badge :)

Hysterics7787 ago

I love how fast you all are trying to push this onto SaneGoat. Dial was one of your flunkies. He posted in your subverses, and none of you said a damned thing about him until now? Amazing.

Meanwhile half the damned accounts banned were associated with v/SoapBoxBanHammer and you have the audacity to try and divert this all onto SaneGoat lmao. Hilarious.

ExpertShitposter ago

You are retarded and a liar. Dial was originally freshmeat's buddy from discord. He came to SBBH with instructions to destroy it. He admitted that him self. But, since SBBH is setup in a manner in witch it cant be destroyed (because we don't care), he failed. In the process, he realized he likes most of us, and doesn't wanna wreck shit, so he posted in our subs instead.

Some of us started to like him, some hated him. Almost all banned accounts were his. Any account that says (Target: Dial_Indicator, Type: 1) was his alt. The only banned SBBH accounts are the fake "shitposter" accounts, and those all belong to one user, and that user was not me. You are also mixing us up with discord trannies such as freshmeat.

Basically, what i'm trying to say is that your are a dumb faggot, but also a nigger-jew.

@Rotteuxx @heygeorge @kevdude

Hysterics7787 ago

I'm glad you pinged Rotteuxx, y'all need to get your storys straight. He's busy telling everyone that Dial is SaneGoatiSwear. I thought you guys figured this shit out on Discord before spamming it across the boards?

ExpertShitposter ago

Everyone has their own theory, we are not fucking borg. You are retarded, r/pv is from discord, as is dial.

Hysterics7787 ago

I used to talk to Fresh. I didn't much like him. I would call out both your group and his. However at the end of the day absolutely zero accounts related to rpv were banned while eighteen related to sbbh were. Everything else is in the wind.

Besides your buddies are claiming that Dial was SaneGoat, not RPV -- again you guys need to get your stories straight.

ExpertShitposter ago

One sbbh user. One. The person who made all the shitposter accounts. Its ONE PERSON.

That is their opinion, we don't need get anything straight. Dial will probably be hanging out in discord literally today since he got banned here.

Nadeshda ago

You Sir are dilusional, dial was regularly called out for his antics, it however was beyond us to make him stop. Darnit you should lurk more and stop jumping to conclusions based on your own warped perceptions.

Rotteuxx ago

Dial was one of your flunkies.

One of my flunkies ?

He posted in your subverses,

I don't own subverses, simply moderate them when I remember to check them out.

and none of you said a damned thing about him until now?

Really ? I never told her to fuck off ?

Oh that's right, we got along real fucking well she and I. We were freaking cyber lovers and all.

Meanwhile half the damned accounts banned were associated with v/SoapBoxBanHammer

I counted aboot 10 in all, most with no more than 2 posts to SBBH.

Almost as if they posted there simply so faggot accounts like yours could associate them with that sub in a useless flame war like we've seen time and time again.

So not only is your claim a steaming pile of shit, you sound like a butthurt alt whose lost accounts today and now feels like ReeeEEEEEeeeeing about Muh SBBH Cabal

As a matter of fact, since so many banned accounts posted to GA, I could moronicly make a claim as you did that @Srayzie is behind tons of vote manipulation.

The worst part is, your claim clearly illustrates that SBBH is pro free speech and doesn't discriminate against users since even shills and manipulators are free to post there.

Fucking moron, go back to discord and work on pushing a different narrative, this is fucking low effort.

srayzie ago

Why is my name always brought into everything? 😭 I know you’re just making a point. So I forgive you. 🙂

Rotteuxx ago

Because I like you and wouldn't want you to think that I don't care aboot annoying you :)

srayzie ago

Hahaha thank you.

Hysterics7787 ago

I counted aboot 10 in all, most with no more than 2 posts to SBBH.

There's at least 18 SBBH accounts banned.

You don't need to tell me that shills and manipulators are free to post at SBBH. That's sort of the idea behind the subverse afterall, isn't it?

Fucking moron, go back to discord and work on pushing a different narrative, this is fucking low effort.

The projection is hilarious. You guys are the ones organizing on Discord. You guys are the ones who had numerous posts up here all shifting blame away from SBBH within a fucking hour or Putt posting this. Dozens of comments in this thread are SBBH users poking fun trying to distance themselves from it all. It's hilariously transparent, and the fact that you wrote out this much complete bullshit to try and manipulate people into not seeing reality shows how fucking desperate you people are.

This seems like a warning from my perspective. They banned one of your little groups main accounts and a bunch of your alts. Now maybe stop trying to fuck Voat over, ok?

Rotteuxx ago


You know you reheated rhetoric is fucking boring, put some fucking effort into it.

Always the same pattern, the same empty claims, trying to strawman the shit out of anything you can nitpick from a comment.

Now maybe stop trying to fuck Voat over, ok?

KeK, so much projection Sane, Dial it down.

Hysterics7787 ago

You tried to downplay the amount of SBBH users banned by nearly half. You obviously looked. So why the lie?

I mean there's only one person lying right now, so? What's the deal?

No comment on FrostyPuppy being deleted, Gabara having defended that account even after PeaceSeeker highlighted that those accounts were obviously being used to brigade?

No comment on Expert having his sockpuppets deleted?

Just continual shifting of blame, just like we're all wildly aware kike shills are taught to do?

Yeah mate, always the same pattern indeed.

Nadeshda ago

Some I have mixed feelings about as I considered them fun to have around or an asset to Voat as a whole, but objectively, there was no question as to their abuse and manipulation, and for this reason we had no choice but to respond to all abuse with the ban hammer. - putts

Clearly you can read but suffer from understanding the full concept of what was said.

Seriously... live a little, get out more, life will be better that way.

Hysterics7787 ago

What exactly are you getting at here? That I take the manipulation of one of the only websites that actually has freedom of speech as a serious issue? Because it sort of sounds like you're implying I shouldn't give a shit about pretty much the last bastion of free speech in our fucking society.

Putt said they were entertaining but that he basically had to draw a line. So he banned a bunch of their sockpuppet accounts and one of their mains -- which from my perspective was done to send a message that while they're welcome on the website they need to knock off the bullshit.

I mean c'mon, if you're going to accuse someone of not getting it at least tell them what they don't get.

All that said I take this seriously because it is serious -- and I don't really trust anyone who acts like it isn't. The ability to freely speak our minds shouldn't be taken for granted. It's important. It's worth being an anal prick and holding these people accountable for their bullshit manipulations of the average Voater.

And you all can accuse me of being a shill all you want, I'm fucking consistent, and nothing I'm doing can have a negative impact on Voat. Even if I'm wrong. You people should be thankful that there are people keeping their eyes open for this sort of manipulation. I've said many times that I don't have hard proof, but every single time there's bullshit on Voat there's always a SBBH user at the center of it. Every single fucking time. I don't believe in that variety of coincidence.

Nadeshda ago

Well I have been an owner on SBBH for a long time now. I have never met with fellow benners on a discord chat. I have never been invited, lol.

Dial has personally never done me no harm, so I leave him alone. He posts on SBBH and heck nearly everyone and his mother has modded SBBH at one point I counted 20 mods at one point and it rotates. Then these buggers mess up the CSS and @heygeorge gets pissed and fires/bens us all. Sometimes people get modded because we like them and other times because we can’t stand them but mess with them.

Everyone thinks we are conspiring, it’s a pretty funny larp, nothing to take seriously though.

By all means take Freedom of Speech seriously but not so much SBBH. I cannot speak for all but hopefully you are able to piece together what I said above in context with your comment I originally replied to.

I will look at the pm you sent me in earnest later today. I am however on a tight schedule.

Hysterics7787 ago

Sometimes people get modded because we like them and other times because we can’t stand them but mess with them.

I know, I've been invited several times throughout the years. I do completely understand that there is a legitimate aspect of shitposting to it. I'd have to be a genuine retard to not recognize that. By spamming out invites the way they do, they give themselves a veil of legitimacy. Plenty of average guys such as yourself now will voice their defense because you personally haven't seen anything malicious.

I don't think you're all conspiring. I think the majority of them are probably just average Goats that got sucked into it and hey -- shitposting is entertaining. I get it.

I cannot speak for all but hopefully you are able to piece together what I said above in context with your comment I originally replied to.

I would like for that to be true, I've just seen too much shit originate from the inner circle of v/SoapBoxBanHammer to feel that they're not malicious. Nearly every single bit of drama on Voat has one of the 'inner circle' involved first hand.

heygeorge ago

Am I not the innermost of innermost?

By spamming out invites the way they do, they give themselves a veil of legitimacy.


average Goats that got sucked into it


I don't think you're all conspiring.

Frequently I have invited those critical of SBBH to mod so they are welcome to see the inner bits, the smail, etc. Sometimes these are accepted. This is rare. I believe that is because they do not want to have access to the ‘inner workings’, because it might force them to accept that maybe they are just wrong.

When you say ‘sucked into it’, what sort of thing do you mean by ‘it’?

And conspiring to do what exactly? There’s obviously no taboo topic which isn’t discussed on Voat. I’ve never quite understood what the supposed ‘goal’ of ‘conspiring shitposters’ is actually meant to accomplish.

Rotteuxx ago

No comment aboot your reheated shitty tactics

No comment aboot your patterns

No comment aboot your empty claims

No comment aboot you strawmaning

No comment about you being Sane & Dial

Just continuously bringing random shit, just like we're all wildly aware kike shills are taught to do ? (why the fuck a question mark, this ain't even a question retard)

Yeah mate, always the same pattern indeed.

Hysterics7787 ago

Just continuously bringing random shit

I've been pretty consistent with my claims.

Yeah mate, always the same pattern indeed.

Right back at you, however I'm holding a light on you people while you're the ones using straight out of the book shill tactics. I'm not the one banned here, right? I'm not the one that's part of some strange circlejerk of offsite behavior. Everything points back to you guys time and time again, yet you always distant yourselves from it like the utter cowards you are.

Rotteuxx ago

I've been pretty consistent with my claims.

That sbbh is a cabal that organizes off site but not you discord faggots ?

I'm holding a light on you people while you're the ones using straight out of the book shill tactics.

How come you know so much about shill tactics ? It's almost as if you were trained in them.

Everything points back to you guys time and time again, yet you always distance yourselves from it like the utter cowards you are.

Like I said before, your tired attempts at starting a flame war is fucking redundant & pathetic. It's like you make sure your alts post there so that when they're brought down you can pathetically try and shift the blame away from your pathetic self.

heygeorge ago

@Hysterics7787 all of those accounts were mine, including the flat earth tranny ones

Rotteuxx ago

I knew it, which is why I put in the effort to list these :

@Tri-Edge - 2 sbbh posts

@Tri-Blade - 3 sbbh posts

@TheMadShitposter - 2 sbbh posts

@SuperDouche - 12 sbbh posts

@SensibleShitposter - 1 sbbh post

@McHenry - 8 sbbh posts

@MasterShitposter - 3 sbbh posts

@Jack_Dorsey - 3 sbbh posts

@Initial_Setting - 1 sbbh post

@ItsBad - 55 sbbh posts

@Dial_Indicator - 308 sbbh posts

@AmalekReturns - 3 sbbh posts

12 in all, where the fuck did your alt @hysteric7787 get 18 from ?

Hysterics7787 ago

Because as we all know it's only SoapBoxBanHammer and you guys don't have a dozen some odd upvoat farms? I'm including ShitpostersTavern in my list, as it's used strictly by members of SoapBoxBanHammer.

You would have done this yourself if you were being honest and didn't have something to hide.

Rotteuxx ago

Ffs, why don't you ever bring up my personal upvoat farm /v/welding ? It's pretty fucking obvious yet you always skip it.

Nadeshda ago

Lol... I like that sub, I haven’t farmed there in a while.... what are your thoughts on nice looking girl welders making an appearance? ;)

I mean we are just trying to see how viable a gazillion points really are...right?

Rotteuxx ago

Girls make excellent Tig welders, much finesse is required. Maybe I'll train you someday !

Great way to make useless SCP as well :)

Nadeshda ago

Personally, I think Tig welding is rather beautiful and elegant and I am certainly interested in learning Sir. Yes indeed, them points are rather silly but v/welding is rather precious. :)

I’m game, actually I saw some Tig welding classes offered at a nearby college recently, with grants and thought to myself should I apply? Then timing issues cropped up, I even thought of taking automobile/ mechanic classes; as I seem to get lumbered with dodgy cars at times and the manual labor charges involved are redicilous.

Also; I think having a trade is possibly one of the coolest things. I’ll let you know what happens with this... you’re inspirational what can I can say... :)

Hysterics7787 ago

Because it actually has a topic and is relevant. The twentieth version of SBBH however has the exact same topic and content as all the other SBBH subverses though. I haven't actually counted but in all seriousness you guys must have close to twenty subverses that essentially have the same topic; "shitposting". Why there needs to be that many variations for anything not malicious is beyond me.

You know this. Quit playing dumb.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying I'm a relevant user ?

Hardly the mark of a shilling shitposter !

So how many are there ? 10 ? 12 ? 18 ?

Making numbers up as you go ?

heygeorge ago

As you can tell by the rantings of my alt @hysterics7787, I am functionally retarded.

So that’s how I got 18

kneo24 ago

Wait a second, is everyone now you instead of @kevdude?

Nadeshda ago

I am sorry for your brain loss my dear friend... I genuinely hope it gets better! You know some studies suggest that if you eat properly it can help with brain function. What does “I got 18” actually mean?

Rotteuxx ago

I thought that alt was just being periodically hormonal and incapable of intelligent discourse.

heygeorge ago

Nope, turns out it’s tertardation

antiliberalsociety ago

That list was rather surprising. Not because I saw people I didn't know but the ones I suspected weren't on it.

FattyWhale ago

Not gonna lie, the banlist makes it seem like SBBH and the Q subs are seeing who can get the most banned members.

silver_uptothesky ago

Facebook Eliminated Over One Billion Page-Views to Conservative Websites in 2018 – Now, Thanks to James O’Keefe, We Have Proof This Was The Plan

wokeasfook ago

This is awesome. Thanks for all you do Putt. You too cynabuns. Its been getting pretty bad here lately. Hopefully this cleans things up a little.

The list might have been shorter if you listed who isn't banned instead of who is.

1Icemonkey ago

Muh interwebs points.......who gives a fuck?

Nosferatjew ago

Looking through the ban list... please explain:

How us someone able to target their own account with voat manipulation? Not another account with a different name, but their own account, with the same name.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Many of my accounts were banned for allegedly upvoating themselves... hahah

Nosferatjew ago

You clearly violated yourself.

Mumbleberry ago

with a stick. repeatedly

MinorLeakage ago

Seems fair enough to me.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Hey @puttitout what do you think about power user shills going through people's post history to downvoat 3 month old posts?

Mumbleberry ago

Just to trigger you, tranny shill faggot. And it worked. I love my new rent free home in your head.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Hah... you wish. Just pointing out @puttitout s hypocracy. You shills spend so much time trying to silence me. Its absurd. I just think youre pathetic.

Mumbleberry ago

Yet here you are crying about shit.

My10thaccount ago

And So It Begins

TheBuddha ago

If only there were a thread you could read and it contained the answer... If only...

CobraStallone ago

The tranny schizo anon with a gazillion alts upvoats himself? I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you. Seriously good work.

Goathole ago

@Dial_Indicator tsk tsk tsk, you've been a bad bad boy.

You're doing it wrong, I wear a mask when I'm using my other accounts that way stupid Putt can't tell it's me! Don't use a Batman one though, it's mine. Or Hillary Clinton.

Rotteuxx ago


srayzie ago


turtlesarepureevil ago

RIP @SaveTheChildren

Putt is confirmed tranny.

Dailytacs ago

That list is all day long, damn...

TetrahedronOmega ago

The very idea of having a voting system for forum posts is jejune, as it implicitly assumes that no such thing as truth exists, i.e., that "truth" is contingent upon its popularity. Yet the most true and vital of things are also the things humans hate the most. And so such post-voting strongly tends to produce an echo-chamber of pap.

Do away with voting altogether. Problem solved.

Existence is not a democracy.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Yes but you can get a true chronology of posts by clicking a single button that is visible at the top of every page.

Voting allows people to gauge interest, not popularity. It’s about the engagements, not the ratio.

Also, when voting controls what’s visible in a stream it allows you to decide if you want to see it or not (vs an algorithm deciding for you)

TetrahedronOmega ago

Telleveryoneyouknow wrote:

Yes but you can get a true chronology of posts by clicking a single button that is visible at the top of every page.

Voting allows people to gauge interest, not popularity. It’s about the engagements, not the ratio.

Also, when voting controls what’s visible in a stream it allows you to decide if you want to see it or not (vs an algorithm deciding for you)

Balderdash. Just do it like a phpBB forum: first come, first serve, and where new posts push the thread up. Problem solved. No need for any algorithms. Popular threads will spend more time at the top naturally.

Plus, posts can never be hidden due to down-votes. Allow people to block seeing a user's posts for themselves if they find said user obnoxious.

These post-voting systems were made popular by deep-state companies that never have the common masses' interests in mind to begin with, e.g., Google's YouTube, Reddit, etc. Because the clandestine psychologists of the deep-state know that the common masses' interests are typically idiotic; and that such voting-systems are the most easily rigged by deep-state actors (particularly when they run the aforesaid companies).

heygeorge ago

Voting systems are popular because they increase lurker engagement by helping them to be part of the site.

‘phpBB forums’ don’t properly allow for low comment posts to get visibility or traction. Not everything merits much discussion.

TetrahedronOmega ago

Heygeorge wrote:

Voting systems are popular because they increase lurker engagement by helping them to be part of the site.

‘phpBB forums’ don’t properly allow for low comment posts to get visibility or traction. Not everything merits much discussion.

Indeed, the things which don't merit much discussion are precisely those things that are popular. Post-voting just insures the increase of idiocy on a forum--and that's before even considering how easily they are rigged by the deep-state.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I can see how a discussion forum can benefit without a voting system. Will keep in mind for a future project.

heygeorge ago

Indeed, the things which don't merit much discussion are precisely those things that are popular.

This is not the only case.

And of course you seem to have neglected the part about user engagement. What has kept you lurking here for years if it is so awfully devoid of content you seek?

TetrahedronOmega ago

Heygeorge wrote:

Indeed, the things which don't merit much discussion are precisely those things that are popular.

This is not the only case.

And of course you seem to have neglected the part about user engagement. What has kept you lurking here for years if it is so awfully devoid of content you seek?

Pardon me? Whatever would give you that idea?

I haven't been lurking here for years. As per the usual, people's interests are asinine.

Rather, as I said to another in this thread, I've been posting at the forum. I've been posting there because the Q project's interests have so far been addressing vital matters which I have long written about before the Q project's first public post on October 28, 2017, and that is a forum that the Q project directed people to after Reddit banned forums discussing issues pertaining to the Q project. To wit:

If one wishes to actually obtain veridical understanding into the most crucial fields of sapient knowledge, then I have made it as easy as possible for one to do so via my own writings. My below articles explain to people (1) theological ethics and soteriology in a comprehensive and logically-coherent manner; (2) how the known laws of physics prove God's existence while demonstrating the exacting and extensive consilience of the New Testament with said physical laws; (3) the nature of God in light of said physical laws; (4) the End Time, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Heaven on Earth, and the universal resurrection of the dead in light of said physical laws; and (5) the End Time in light of the history of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and world religion agenda.

Item No. 1 is important vis-à-vis salvation for those who maintain that they already believe in Jesus Christ's Godhead. Items Nos. 2-5 are important in letting atheists, believers in other religions, and nominal ersatz "Christians" know that God as described by the New Testament does exist and that the New Testament is true. Items Nos. 2-5 are additionally important in giving believers in Christ a much deeper understanding of God and of the End Time, so that they may be strengthened in their faith during the events to come.

My following articles distill all of the most important aspects of veridical human knowledge into a comprehensive, coherent and unified whole: from theology, physics, science, ethics, legal theory, political theory, economics, sociology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology to history.

heygeorge ago

Oh, so you’re a cherrypicking bullshit dazzler.

They eat that stuff up over in v/QRV.

Your excuse still doesn’t explain how you’re not a longtime lurker, as QRV hasn’t been here nearly so long as your account.

WhitePaladin ago

This is pretty cool, there should be daily wipes.

Ps tallest_skill is there, no surprise

MrDarkWater ago


shillbuster1 ago


thantik ago

Hahaha, Dial_Indicator, that nigger.

srayzie ago

@Uk_Bloke_Awoke! 😔

@Shizy look!

DickTick ago

I know :(

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago

Well I was more surprised than you were.

I only had one account in use, though I left in place the first one registered because I soon realized it would have doxed me. I stopped using it straight away.

I have never had multiple alts and have never upvoted myself in any way...

I have made over 10,000 more upvotes than downvotes.... and over 6,000 CCP, and I think peopke seem to like my presence, except the shills maybe...

I downvote people who are anti Q or anti Trump and those who make nasty comments... I guess that would sometimes mean all their comments, but in my five months I've never seen any rule about what I could downvote. This is my first and only site of this type, so I have no previous experience...

The ban log says I did a minus 1 downvote for a user named '137' but that user is on this list too, so I guess I was right to downvote them.

I'm glad @PuttItOut has taken steps to stop the multiple alt upvote and downvoting, but feel I am innocent here...

@srayzie @Shizy

ExpertShitposter ago

I downvote people who are anti Q or anti Trump and those who make nasty comments

Faggot boomer detected!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You are an innocent here! And so was I and my moderator who kept having to deal with that hideous troll who kept creating abusive accounts and having his "friends" going around and posting shit about us and abusing us in everyway he could. Now I know who the enemies of the people are and I'm GLAD to see draaaak's ass banned! Too bad they didn't get the other troublemaker!

I am so sorry that you were somehow targeted too. But with that other account trying to use your name, I guess we're all on someone's sick hit list.

kneo24 ago

Your "moderator" was you on a different account. The ban reason that came up on the ban log had your current username attached to it. You insist on pushing a false narrative. You are the (((enemy))). I will continue to treat you as such.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Stop stalking me! I know what you are and what you did to my group! You are also a liar and a seething enraged troll! Go back to Hack Forums!

Also people can tell that you just want to keep posting lies and falsehoods. You accuse others of what you're guilty of! So fuck off you hideous egocentric psychopath. My moderator did nothing to you and you assailed him affter trying to keep your insane war going with me!

And this claim of yours that you contacted draaaak to help you attack and gang up on me is flimsy at best but if true, proves how fragile and sick you are! Well I did some digging too on you! You're a cancer, draaaak!

kneo24 ago

Stop stalking me! I know what you are and what you did to my group!

Look, another claim you will never substantiate.

You are also a liar and a seething enraged troll!

And another....

Go back to Hack Forums!

I can't go back to a place I was never at.

Also people can tell that you just want to keep posting lies and falsehoods.

A "no u" statement.

You accuse others of what you're guilty of!

Projection on your part and essentially a "no u" statement.

So fuck off you hideous egocentric psychopath.

That's leftist speak for, "I have no argument and will not substantiate my claims with any sort of reasoning behind it."

My moderator did nothing to you and you assailed him affter trying to keep your insane war going with me!

Your moderator attacked me first and was clearly involved in vote manipulating, otherwise they wouldn't have been banned. It's also clear you and your moderator are the same person. This is what happens when you engage in lies.

And this claim of yours that you contacted draaaak to help you attack and gang up on me is flimsy at best but if true,

I never made any such claims.

proves how fragile and sick you are!

More leftist speak.

Well I did some digging too on you!

Cool, what did you find?

You're a cancer, draaaak!

I'm not draaaak.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Another repeat episode of As the Butthurt Churns!

You sure are so miserably hurt over something that should have never even been turned into the war you made, shill. Draaaak. All you've done is show and prove that someone calling you out causes you to gather all your minion accounts or whatever and call out for an all out war, make threats, shit all over someone's board, create impersonator accounts, blast on high until you can stomp around like an antifa creep.

Oh noes that's not meeee!

Riiiight. You endorsed it. Upvoted everything like that then continued to speak about "finishing" me in private. WTFF is wrong with you? Is an insult really that devastating to you that you have to destroy someone over it? I called it right. I know what you are.

Further you have never proven any of your claims against me but WOW there you are going around to any board that will listen to your whining while you spread your lies and your buttcheeks for your faggoty "friends"! Nobody normal CARES about what your damage is!

You chose to keep on and on over something that NORMAL people would have just gotten over! Me insulting you for being a prick! But your type is so full of yourself and your "status" here like it even fucking means anything. You have no idea how stupid you look! And I have been telling YOU in public how full of shit you are! While you then chose to attack me in private messages and again, I told you how full of shit you are!

Take MadWorld's advice, if you're going to be here and blast your shit around, be prepared that some people might call you names. Grow the fuck up! You're toxic!

Hack Forums

We will see about that! Someone knows you from there, butt dick.

Putting you back on BLOCK! You're fucking crazy.

kneo24 ago

You sure are so miserably hurt over something that should have never even been turned into the war you made, shill.

Another "no u".


I'm not Draaaaak.

All you've done is show and prove that someone calling you out causes you to gather all your minion accounts or whatever and call out for an all out war, make threats, shit all over someone's board, create impersonator accounts, blast on high until you can stomp around like an antifa creep.

Provide proof.

Riiiight. You endorsed it.

Provide proof.

Upvoted everything like that then continued to speak about "finishing" me in private.

Provide proof.

Is an insult really that devastating to you that you have to destroy someone over it?

Keep on pretending you aren't shilling. Someone called you out over these tactics two months ago.

Further you have never proven any of your claims against me but WOW there you are going around to any board that will listen to your whining while you spread your lies and your buttcheeks for your faggoty "friends"!

I have, and I just did it again. I can see that you claimed to have blocked me, and I'd be surprised if you weren't lying about this as well. You have refused to substantiate any of your claims against me publicly and privately. By the way, me messaging the mod mail system when you blocked me from your subverse for defending myself isn't stalking you. You can stop playing the (((victim game))) now.

Nobody normal CARES about what your damage is!

I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make here or what you even mean.

You chose to keep on and on over something that NORMAL people would have just gotten over! Me insulting you for being a prick!

"Oy vey goy! How dare you defend yourselves from niggers and spics! You should just let them rape and murder your wives and children!"

By all means, keep complaining that I defended myself from you sticking up for your shilly friend.

But your type is so full of yourself and your "status" here like it even fucking means anything. You have no idea how stupid you look!

This is another (((leftist talking point))). "Oy vey goy! Care about the optics of defending yourself when someone attacks you!"

And I have been telling YOU in public how full of shit you are!

With zero citations.

While you then chose to attack me in private messages and again, I told you how full of shit you are!

"oy vey! I'm a victim!". Yeah, I can show the world the screen shots of the "private message" where I call you out for being full of shit. Would you like that?

Also downvoting you all over the place doesn't mean he's me.

I never claimed he was you for that. You run a shitty, small, subverse with 4 users total, two moderators, and both of you use the same exactly language. Then you both run around upvoting each others comments when you start shit with someone. It's easy to see how many times the user names changed in the middle of the argument your accounts created. It's consistent.

By your own logic then, you are draaaak, draaaak who was banned!

"You're draaaak because I say you're draaaak and I'm going to use an argument that I strawmanned to prove it!"

Okay, you keep doing those shilly things that you've been doing for a while.

Take MadWorld's advice, if you're going to be here and blast your shit around, be prepared that some people might call you names. Grow the fuck up! You're toxic!

Have you considered looking in a mirror? Perhaps not throwing rocks in your glass house?

We will see about that! Someone knows you from there, butt dick.

Again, sources. Cite something. You have yet to do so in any capacity yet again.

Putting you back on BLOCK! You're fucking crazy.

The calling card of the defeated. You claim you're blocking and resort to another leftist tactic.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Total shitpost. And your usual projection and DARPA. You are already blocked, so you can't message me and your threats carry no weight.

Oh and I never created accounts to look like the mods at GA. Goddamn you keep on making claims that come right out of your ass! And I can show my messages to you to the world too. They would show how you attacked me first. And I replied in kind. You also lie so much you can't even keep track of them. You also attacked Aston first when he was talking NOT to you and you came in and was all flippant over what he said. Then you wentand cried to draaaak (yourself) and got that shit to going. Draaaak's asshole problem was the same as yours HOW DARE you say anything to disagree with meeee! That is NOT allowed! See out points? Big points - you little - we stomp! Wheeee! That's you.

You create such impersonating accounts then use the accusation of it against your victims! And once again, tyrannical asshole, who only wants free speech for himself but not others, you keep droning on about me and someone else being the same but in a court of law we would raze your ass to the ground with facts! I don't care that I use the same language as nigger, faggot and the like! Get over it!

Again, you're fucking crazy and you did NOT defeat me although your little spoiled brat ass would love to think that! If I was defeated, why beat a dead horse? Still feeling the pain of your draaaak being banned?

Yes. You. Are.

kneo24 ago

Total shitpost. And your usual projection and DARPA. You are already blocked, so you can't message me and your threats carry no weight.

I have never directly messaged you. The closest I ever got was the modmail system. There's the discussion for the world to see, showing how full of shit you are.

Oh and I never created accounts to look like the mods at GA. Goddamn you keep on making claims that come right out of your ass!

Never claimed you did. @argosciv seems to have never made that claim either in the link I provided above. It begs the question, why bring this up? Feeling guilty?

And I can show my messages to you to the world too.

Do it, faggot.

They would show how you attacked me first. And I replied in kind.

That is a lie. - I have asked you about this before and you never answered. When did I ever have any sort of conversation with you prior to that?

You also lie so much you can't even keep track of them.

Clearly you don't mind having your glass house shattered by the stones you throw.

You also attacked Aston first when he was talking NOT to you and you came in and was all flippant over what he said.

Here's "Aston" responding to your one of your attacks on me. By your logic I'm not allowed to defend myself.

Then you went and cried to draaaak (yourself) and got that shit to going. Draaaak's asshole problem was the same as yours, ex: HOW DARE you say anything to disagree with meeee! That is NOT allowed! See our points? Big points - you little - we stomp! Wheeee! <That's you.

No proof provided once again.

You create such impersonating accounts then use the accusation of it against your victims! And once again, tyrannical asshole, who only wants free speech for himself but not others, you keep droning on about me and someone else being the same but in a court of law we would raze your ass to the ground with facts! I don't care that I use the same language as nigger, faggot and the like! Get over it!

No proof once again.

Again, you're fucking crazy and you did NOT defeat me although your little spoiled brat ass would love to think that! If I was defeated, why beat a dead horse? Still feeling the pain of your draaaak being banned?

No proof provided once again.

Yes. You. Are.

And, no proof provided once again.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Okay since you can't take the hint: you're fucking crazy! You tagged a guy in your rants because you TRIED to claim that I was shilling and that someone (quote/unquote) claimed I was shilling then link to the post about someone copying GA mods accounts! YOU ABSOLUTELY tried to accuse me of that and then here in your pathetic attempt try to call me guilty of it - but wow I post the PROOF of threats and your shit and all you have are strawmen, the same shill rhetoric, and the same crying out as you and your alts keep striking!

You have engaged in psychopathic behavior, I know what you are, I know what a liar you are, I know all of the shit you/draaaak/all these little backups of yours do! I already have the info and I'm not your only target of the shit you've done around here! Other people have been abused by your bullying tactics for years now. They have been forced into silence! You are a literal piece of shit. I see you, I know by the evidence of what you've done to me, and all I had to do was make some little insult to you and it was "LET'S DESTROY ANOTHER USER HERE BECAUSE I WAS NOT WORSHIPPED" < you.

I have PROOF because as those who are being abused know better than the onlooker. You can feel free to get over it but you will never get over that someone on voat just fucking hates because you are a fucking psycho. I will keep banning you from my group no matter how many IDs you have or how many idiots you send in! I have a right to protect my own!

Yeah yeah "defeated" because that's what it was all about, huh? Little psycho keyboard warrior, yeah you MUST win in that Special Olympics you have going on for yourself here. But draaaak got banned and you'll always have that defeat against you. I will never see you as anything more than a total piece of shit no matter how much you try to spam my group, or downvote me into your fisty fighty wrath. JFC I hope you live alone. I can imagine that life around you 24/7 must be a living Hell on Earth.

kneo24 ago

Okay since you can't take the hint: you're fucking crazy!

I would say at this point it seems your goal is to shatter your glass house while you toss stones around.

You tagged a guy in your rants because you TRIED to claim that I was shilling and that someone (quote/unquote) claimed I was shilling then link to the post about someone copying GA mods accounts! YOU ABSOLUTELY tried to accuse me of that and then here in your pathetic attempt try to call me guilty of it - that's pretty much accusing me of it. Why even link it unless your intention was to accuse me?

I didn't try to claim something, I did claim something. I claimed that you're still using the same tactics months later, as another user pointed out. I pointed out that you were still running around with two account, engaging in vote manipulation and that you still stick up for Godsangell. Argosciv said you might be impersonating GA mods, not that you were. That wasn't even the crux of his argument though. Again, I was just merely pointing out how months later, you were still doing the same things other respected members of Voat have already accused you of.

But wow I post the PROOF of threats and your shit and all you have are strawmen, the same shill rhetoric, and the same crying out as you and your alts keep striking!

Once again you resort to lying, as you posted zero proof, and go "no u" with the strawman arguments and the Jew thing.

BTW I'm not fighting with TS and he and I don't hate each other. So you might want to lay off of that hope to get him to come in here and coddle you. So much for your divide and conquer tactics.

I'm not sure who TS is, but okay. I literally have no idea who you mean.

You also tagged TallestSkil, and little draaaak as well.

Yes, that's because you were talking shit about them behind their backs. If you're going to say things about people, at least give them a chance to know what is being said about them so they can defend themselves if they want to.

You tag anyone that you can get to start the process of downvote manipulation so you can "defeat" those you asssail, and then receive upvotes for even mentioning them. That's your M.O. as you cannot possibly fight without your little wittle back up goiyus. Or whatever the fuck you call them.

I do just fine on my own. This is along the lines of the "evil SBBH" argument that is old and tired here. Maybe if you didn't act like a shill and parrot all of their narratives people wouldn't downvoat you so much when you leave your Q bubble.

You have engaged in psychopathic behavior, I know what you are, I know what a liar you are, I know all of the shit you/draaaak/all these little backups of yours do!

Once again, zero proof.

I already have the info and I'm not your only target of the shit you've done around here! Other people have been abused by your bullying tactics for years now. They have been forced into silence! You are a literal piece of shit.

No proof and ad-hominem. Way to be a shill.

I know by the evidence of what you've done to me, and all I had to do was make some little insult to you and it was "LET'S DESTROY ANOTHER USER HERE BECAUSE I WAS NOT WORSHIPPED" < you.

Yeah, except that's not what happened.

I have PROOF because as those who are being abused know better than the onlooker.

If you had proof, you would have provided it. The best you had was usernames that were kind of similar to mine and you wouldn't even share it with me after I have asked countless times. You shared it with another user. It shows how afraid you are that I might easily dissect the ridiculousness of your proof.

Again, where is the actual proof.

You can feel free to get over it but you will never get over that someone on voat just fucking hates your fat ass because you are a fucking psycho.

Yup, more of the same. No proof.

I will keep banning you from my group no matter how many IDs you have or how many idiots you send in! I have a right to protect my own!

I only have one account on Voat. Again, no proof on your end. It is telling that you ban users when they go into your subverse so they can defend themselves though from your accusations. It's exactly what (((they))) do.

Yeah yeah "defeated" because that's what it was all about, huh? Little psycho keyboard warrior, yeah you MUST win in that Special Olympics you have going on for yourself here. But draaaak got banned and you'll always have that defeat against you. I will never see you as anything more than a total piece of shit no matter how much you try to spam my group, or downvote me into your fisty fighty wrath. JFC I hope you live alone. I can imagine that life around you 24/7 must be a living Hell on Earth.]

So pretty much, another "no u" with ad-homs. Ok.

BTW: You did PM me before I blocked your ass! I have the link right my own email!

Prove it. Literally take a screen shot, post it to imgoat, copy the URL, and put it in your next reply.

Along with the notes about "finishing" me while you deny you ever sent such shit but somehow keep repeating something about "defeating" me. How fucking obvious a LIAR you are!

And more delusional ranting from your end. Again, this is stuff you refuse to substantiate.

argosciv ago

The fuck's all this about then?

kneo24 ago

The user and their alt, who was very recently given a site wide ban, sperged out on me for calling oit the bullshit @Godsangell commits. Those two came to his defense. I did a little looking and found you called them out for it two months ago.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Again NO PROOF of your claims! That board is public and anyone can post there, draaaak. Also I didn't come to anyone's defense! I called you out for being a dick. Big difference, draaaak.

kneo24 ago

The proof is in the ban log. I'm not sure why you keep calling me draaaaaak since there's not much similar between them and I in our posting styles.

Calling me out for being a dick to an obvious person pushing narratives is coming to their defense. We already know you're too dense to see otherwise.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh the BALLOG! Well, yeah that means someone did something against YOU and was supposed to "defeat me" right? But did the opposite! Of course all your accounts are seen there too! You totally sound just like draaaak! The split personalities of your multiple selves do show through, you vote manipulations are also as obvious!

Here's a letter I sent in reply to someone I'm talking with in private:

I set the mode to be Authorized, I think. That's why I needed a mod, to watch things while I'm away. I work out of town because I live in a rural area. Sometimes I'm away for days. Aston was keeping an eye on things for me although he, too, could not always be around. But like you, we have a life. Unlike draaaak and his "army".

Yeah the beginning of this whole thing was draaaak, and what I did was agree with the OP's take on what James Wood had posted. So draaaak came in and started with this "all women are cunts and should be silenced" and all that fuckery. So I just kept saying that he would not divide a nation that stands together. He really got mad then. It petered out. And I did note that he downvoted me and got all his accounts to do the same so I was silenced. It goes into the negative and that's what happened. So while he thinks it's okay to do all this shit to censor people, the minute he gets one of his most precious accounts deleted, he starts posting threats!

My reaction when he did that to me was to make an annoucement that I couldn't say anything with that psychopath around, and I was ready to give it all up. But there were nice people that kept asking me to come back. Then I started out slow at first. But all of this time, he was still stalking me.

And this kneo asshole, the Hack Forums guy did tell me that his M.O. on voat is exactly the same as he did on their site. All the same types of attacks with the thug-like "prove it" when the victim knows he did it but can't porve it because said victim isn't an admin. So now he's bragging about "defeating" me (also the same tactic as noted by the Hacker site mod) and while he's busy bragging about defeating me into silence, I mean I know I can't post anything without it being downvoted now, so why bother when I am having nice coversations in private here with the people I like? So I know I've been forced into silence in that respect. But his "defeat" is short lived because I'm not someone he can beat up everyday despite his campaign to "finish" me.

But while he's threatened me, and has this cross hairs and has ego and his claims of victory, I still take solace in the fact that his precious draaaak was curb stomped. I can still pm my friends here and talk with them. And I don't fear the reaper.

So you see, I have direct contact with people that you cannot censor! And you see, I can still be on voat, and you will be in PAIN because in reality, all you've managed to do was 1. make a lifelong enemy 2. make it to where so many people now know the game you got going on, and know that censorship you enforce is through your psychotic absue and abuse of the voting feature. I know now! I KNOW!

kneo24 ago

Oh the BALLOG!

Using esoteric words doesn't actually make you seem intelligent. I have no clue what you mean by purposely misspelling banlog.

Well, yeah that means someone did something against YOU and was supposed to "defeat me" right? But did the opposite!

Why would that mean that? The banlog states you were the target, getting positive upvoats. Way to make yourself look like a complete fool. This is what it states:


Vote Manipulation (Target: AlphabeticalAnon, Type: 1)

Again, where is my username in the banlog? I'm waiting.

Of course all your accounts are seen there too!

Which accounts? I only have this one account. Again, I'm waiting for specifics.

You totally sound just like draaaak!

And how do I "totally sound just like draaaak!"?

The split personalities of your multiple selves do show through, you vote manipulations are also as obvious!

Gonna need some proof.

Long story of events that didn't happen that way.

I don't actually care what you send to other people. Again, where's the proof? It's amusing that asking for proof makes you upset. If it wasn't for asking for proof, snake oil salesman would be getting away with a lot more than they already do. If it wasn't for asking for proof, we wouldn't have the technological advances we have. Asking for proof is the intellectually honest thing to do. Not providing it is the intellectually dishonest thing to do. Trying to gaslight people by telling them that demanding proof is bad is the shill thing to do. We see it from (((them))) all the time here on Voat.

So you see, I have direct contact with people that you cannot censor!

Ok, and? Why do I care?

And you see, I can still be on voat, and you will be in PAIN because in reality, all you've managed to do was 1. make a lifelong enemy 2. make it to where so many people now know the game you got going on, and know that censorship you enforce is through your psychotic absue and abuse of the voting feature. I know now! I KNOW!

Ok, and? How do you expect to bring this, "pain"? Are you pretending to be "Q" here?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Prove that I misspelled the word on purpose! You're a fucking liar. I actually did misspell it and the only fool you're making is the oneof yourself!

The pain you've already admitted to, is in the very fact that your ego was bruised by some insult that normal people would have let go off! But not you! In your mind you're waaaay important around here and you must crush and silence anyone who uses their freedom. You can't have that. Yes PAIN! You already PROVED that you cannot, and will not let anything go!

And you can stop your sanctimonous bullshit about me getting upvotes by someone ELSE whereas you get all your upvotes by either sychophants or your sock accounts! I know what your game is! Keep crying about it, tool!

I CAN PM my friends here and YOU can't censor us! That's the great thing about PM! There you have NO control over it. You just control the public part of this site! But that is ALL you control! Yeah yeah, I know, more down votes for me AGAIN A TARGET of you and your shit faced fuckers! Wish the BANLOG showed how many times you tagged some people to come in and attack me and make threads about me and then shows all the times you got your little vote army to abuse the system! Wish it would show THAT!

kneo24 ago

Prove that I misspelled the word on purpose! You're a fucking liar. I actually did misspell it and the only fool you're making is the one of yourself!

Ok, so you ask me for proof only to provide it for me? That's a strange tactic.

The pain you've already admitted to, is in the very fact that your ego was bruised by some insult that normal people would have let go of! But not you! In your mind you're waaaay important around here and you must crush and silence anyone who uses their freedom. You can't have that. Yes PAIN! You already PROVED that you cannot, and will not let anything go! Welcome to Hell then. Being such an evil force of nature as your alter ego draaaak says, women are such baddies. Well...

Lot's reeing, no proof. Got it.

And you can stop your sanctimonous bullshit about me getting upvotes by someone ELSE whereas you get all your upvotes by either sychophants or your sock accounts! I know what your game is! Keep crying about it, tool!

A "no u" and no proof on your end. The sitewide banlog is indicative that you're being disingenuous here.

I CAN PM my friends here and YOU can't censor us!

Ok, why do you keep bringing this up? Why do I care?

That's the great thing about PM! There you have NO control over it.

Yeah, and I see once again you have failed to provide any of the proof that I asked for in regards to PM's I have sent you. Let's be clear, I have sent you none, and you won't provide proof.

You just control the public part of this site! But that is ALL you control!

I control nothing. I appreciate the thought of you deifying me in such a manner though. It's quite flattering.

Yeah yeah, I know, more down votes for me AGAIN A TARGET of you and your shit faced fuckers!

"Oh woe is me! I'm such a victim! I've done nothing wrong!"

Ok, leftist.

Wish the BANLOG showed how many times you tagged some people to come in and attack me and make threads about me and then shows all the times you got your little vote army to abuse the system! Wish it would show THAT!

It won't ever show that. I have never done any such thing. Perhaps you could try providing proof for once in your life. Are you capable of it?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You are absolutely guilty of everything you accuse others of and with your mantra "no u" and "prove it" is proof enough that your game is exposed little draaaak. What do you plan to di with your little army of fake accounts? After the threat being posted and you upvoting it, I know you plan to keep abusing the site and its users. It's what you do. Now go on and say "oh nu u" and feign innocence. You loelife liar. You only control the boards in the way that we, the rest of the people, cannot use them for fear of your censorship tactics, which is abuse, draaaak. Leftist, soros worshiping jewish draaaaak. And I'm through opening the notifications so the block stays in place this time against you! Buh bye. You run along downvote this with your sock army. I can spare one more, but I will not be a target of your sick shit anymore!

kneo24 ago

You are absolutely guilty of everything you accuse others of and

Name one, but we know you can't.

and with your mantra "no u" and "prove it" is proof enough that your game is exposed little draaaak.

I'm curious as to why you feel forcing you to be intellectually honest is " a game" and why you still feel I'm another user.

What do you plan to di with your little army of fake accounts?

I don't have an army of fake accounts. Again, the proof is on you to prove that I do.

After the threat being posted and you upvoting it,

Need proof.

I know you plan to keep abusing the site and its users. It's what you do. Now go on and say "oh nu u" and feign innocence.

You're the one with an alt that was banned for exactly this.

You loelife liar.

Leftist speak on your part.

You only control the boards in the way that we, the rest of the people, cannot use them for fear of your censorship tactics, which is abuse, draaaak.

I appreciate the fact that you think so highly of me that I have such power, but I assure you, I don't. If I did, @PuttItOut would have banned me by now.

Leftist, soros worshiping jewish draaaaak.

Another one of your "no u" comments.

And I'm through opening the notifications so the block stays in place this time against you!

I hope you keep your word this time. It would at least show a little bit of integrity on your part.

You run along downvote this with your sock army.

One downvoat is not indicative of a brigade, which I assume is what you mean by "sock army". You deserve every downvoat you get for using the tactics you've been using, arguing the way you've been arguing.

I can spare one more, but I will not be a target of your sick shit anymore!

You quite literally started this with me. This is your own fault.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So you freely admit to your fuckery. Good. I saw it for myself and the only I "started" with you was calling you out over being flippant with your status to think you have something over on someone for giving the correct links, to somehting you did NOT want posted about that subject!

You are the shill. You go back pages and pages to downvote to excape detection. I know everything about your ass, draaaaaaaak.

I can afford a few more down votes but believe me, I am reporting everything to the owner! Meanwhile you can writhe in your fantasy world about what you think about my mod who simply said you were a shit poster. He was right! You have nothing but a mantra of repeats, strawmen, and projection. The tactics I've used was in free speeach alone. THAT'S what you seek to silence! That is all you've silenced. Congrats but the second you start shit with anyone else here from now on...I'll be waiting. And I will be watching.

kneo24 ago

So you freely admit to your fuckery.

I did no such thing.

I saw it for myself and the only I "started" with you was calling you out over being flippant with your status to think you have something over on someone for giving the correct links, to somehting you did NOT want posted about that subject!

That's not what happened at all. Do you enjoy gaslighting people?

You are the shill.

Another "no u" comment.

You go back pages and pages to downvote to excape detection. I know everything about your ass, draaaaaaaak.

Prove it.

The soros reference was in reply to YOUR "no u" shit.

Funny how calling you out for your childish antics makes one a "soros" puppet.

I can afford a few more down votes for now but believe me, I am reporting everything to the owner!

Your response was you not keeping your word, but this line further indicates you had no intention of ever doing so. Your word has no merit, no integrity behind it. You are not a person of your word.

Meanwhile you can writhe in your fantasy world about what you think about my mod who simply said you were a shit poster.

Why would I do that?

You have nothing but a mantra of repeats, strawmen, and projection.

Another "no u" comment.

The tactics I've used was in free speeach alone.

No, while you were exercising free speech, your tactics are clearly laid out for all to see. I have pointed them out every step of the way.

THAT'S what you seek to silence!

Prove it.

That is all you've silenced.

How is it you're able to continue to post then if that's all I've silenced?

Congrats but the second you start shit with anyone else here from now on...I'll be waiting. And I will be watching.

Cool, I have my own personal stalker now. I just knew I was the bee's knees around here.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

He is still so ass sore over something I said to him regarding another poster that he is stalking. That's basically what this is all about.

He is draaaak's loverboy or puppet account, whatever. He messaged draaaak (as he'd claimed) to come over and help him attack me, then he proceeded to attack my group Obscurity. You can go and check things out yourself or ask me for links to all his shit.

Here is also what else I found out about him:

I can also attest that all his fruitless and baseless claims against all goes back to the fact that he and account draaaak loves to go around and make posts that belittle and attack people, especially people with the Q movement. Then he sits back and uses his status to railroad anyone who fights back. One rule for him, another for everyone else.

There is also word that he has been doxxed and that information is available somewhere because he pissed off this Jesse guy.

He also never shows how he went and got draaaak to come after me which is a fact as draaaak account even said so publicly. Then went on his usual crusade to tag people he targets in posts.

It's amazing how he is so exaggeratingly butthurt over the loss of draaaak while my moderator is basically saying it was worth the loss of his account to kill off that beast. Although he was an innocent and my only crime was that I insulted the poor little baby complaining about some poster named GodsAngels.

kneo24 ago

There's no proof that I was ever on hackforums in the link you provided. Furthermore, if there was an account with this user name, it sure as shit wasn't me. I realistically could, right now, go all over the Internet mimicing your username right here and then claim it was you.

All in all, you posted a link with zero evidence, much less any analysis of said evidence.

Once again, you fail to prove your claims.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You were banned from Hack Forums.

kneo24 ago

L OH L. Now you're doing disingenuous edits afterwards.

You were banned from Hack Forums.

SImilar usernames are not proof. Try harder.

Oh and I do note the down voting from your alts on all my comments that nobody else besides you would care about.

I have no alts. Notice how in the recent ban wave only one account has your name attached to it? Notice how none of them have my name attached to it? You are a fucking LULCOW.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Edits to add what I countered against you in the first place. Call in disingenous all you want, you're still a coward, draaaaak.

Nosferatjew ago

I'm not done with you either.

Shizy ago

I knew you'd be back!

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

Well you need to be a good boy now lol.

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago

Not how I feel...

srayzie ago

Yeah I agree. @Puttitout @UK_Bloke_Awoke might have been a mistake? He’s never been anything but helpful that I have noticed.

DickTick ago

If you really didn't then msg putt. He's already fixed one mistake. Either way dude, glad you're back.

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago

👍 Thx Dick

srayzie ago

I was just playing.

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago


I had a coffee and feeling better now 😁

srayzie ago

Oh good. Haha

SeanBox ago

oh, sanegoat... Does it hurt to know I'm the iron fist?

think- ago

Yes, really appreciated him as a commentor. 😔

think- ago

Thanks! :-)

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

Shizy ago

Oh wow! Guess that confirms the uneasy feeling we had 😟

kneo24 ago

I saw that too. I was a little surprised, but at the same time never paid close attention to them in v/GA either.

srayzie ago

He was always helpful

summerwind_US ago

I always appreciated his posts/responses. Quite surprised.

srayzie ago

Me too!

SeanBox ago

I told u all it was sanegoat. Whatever that means

whiteboy77 ago

no more "rent free" :)

HaySpike ago

Cool! Thanks guys. Sorry if I misgenderdered you. You could be tranny nigger retarded faggots for all I know.

CarlosDangerCA ago

Sounds like a step in the right direction for sure!

Voat stops you from posting the same comment twice in a row, which makes sense, but can this same logic be applied to actual posts?

In QRV, apparently we need an hourly reminder of how good it feels to be a gangster lol.

Hfjeidijrneiisifj ago

SRS not on the list. Good job kike.

TheBuddha ago


I wonder how many were @dial_indicator? I wonder what his next name will be?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

He's already back as 829834uiasdf

SeanBox ago

sanegoat is hurt right now. right in the feefees. I called this

Hysterics7787 ago

Oh yeah, ignore the fact that nearly half the banned users were actually from v/SoapBoxBanHammer and try to redirect the cause of it all onto SaneGoat hey? Nice. Fucking. Try.

Shizy ago

Nice sleeper account you got here. It looks good on you!

Hysterics7787 ago

Again you're ignoring the fact that a good portion of the banned users were from v/SoapBoxBanHammer and you're now using common shill tactics to instead try to undermine that fact by attacking my integrity as an individual.

Shizy ago

I saw a few SBBH names on that list. I could have missed some since I don't hang out on those subs. If your saying a good portion are from SBBH then list the names you're saying are those users and prove your claim with facts

Common shill tactic? Nice deflection from the fact that you're using a damn sleeper account! So sorry I called attention to your scam 😘

Hysterics7787 ago

Regarding the 18, how fucking lazy are you? It takes less than a minute to check the ban logs. I explained that the 18 included their offshoot subverses, because as we all know there are several SBBH subverses. I included v/ShitpostersTavern for instance because it is a tiny subverse owned by ExpertShitposter and everyone posting there are SBBH flunkies.

You spent more time responding than it would have taken you to check for yourself...

Shizy ago

how fucking lazy are you?

🤣😂🤣😂 that's hysterical coming from the dumbfuck who was so lazy his account could be spotted as a sleeper after only two minutes of checking your history!

Hysterics7787 ago

So does that change the fact that 18 of them were banned? Nope.

SeanBox ago

i've been calling fucking sanegoat out trying to infiltrate SBBH this whole time. aren't you listening? check my post history

drstrangegov ago

this seems significant, i'll be buggered if I can make heads or tails of it.

Hysterics7787 ago

Why in the ever living fuck would I waste time looking through your post history when I wouldn't even know what I was looking for? Especially when, if you weren't completely full of shit, you could easily link me to those threads.

So you were calling out Dial this whole time? No. You weren't. I'm sure you made noise about SaneGoat, that seems like mandatory behavior for you SoapBoxCultists.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure that means your Q.

SeanBox ago


TheBuddha ago

pours one out for his homie

SeanBox ago

Me: Puts a cup underneath the pour so it doesn’t waste it...

Stayedclassy ago

I am not sad to hear this news.

Good riddance.

Cynabuns ago

Both forms of manipulations got addressed: farming (upvoting your alts) and brigading (downvoating users you disagree with).

@PuttItOut and I have been contacted too many times lately concerning these manipulations and it's time for them to stop.

Voat has so much going for it and these "bad goats" just ruin it.

No More.

Neon_daemon ago

Bad goat. No tin can

King_Leopold_II ago

Thanks for helping putt deal with this situation.

Cynabuns ago

I love this place more than I can say - it's an honor being able to help

King_Leopold_II ago

Besides dealing with trouble users, how do you help around here?

Cynabuns ago

I delete spam and ban the users and/or their domains to help keep Voat clean and fresh :)

King_Leopold_II ago

Keep up the good work and thank you.

Cynabuns ago


2345234dfasdfa ago

its funny because i dont manipulate

ObamasPinkSock ago

Does that mean Goats that were subject to these pervert's down-vote brigading will be made whole?

Cynabuns ago

Yes, points typically go back

Dedicated_Dissent ago

cynabuns... this is dial... im going to to send a msg to putt tonight.... but i dont mapiluate only to offset the brigades that to dial... im not a bad person you know this..... you are being mislead

cthulhu69 ago

So you DO manipulate. Thanks for confirming.

GoyimNose ago

What's the benefit to farming though?

offender ago

being able to spam

GoyimNose ago

dont you only need 100 CCP? that's not that hard to get, i wouldint call that farming. unless you mean if you have more CCP then you can do more stuff.

FletcherLynd ago

I was targeted, but cannot PM you because of my NOW negative rating.

8 negative votes within minutes. Hope you see my response here.

One-Way_Bus ago

You've been on Voat for five months and you have done a damn thing. Fuck you.

trzarocks ago

You just got a point back!

Dismember ago

Both forms of manipulations got addressed

There's actually a third form which is very prevalent on Voat and it's to do with upvoting unknowing third parties to help push subverses and certain ideals to the top. For example; if I was(I'm not) a PV mod I could upvote a thread by a random user 15 times and if I did that regularly then PV would become a popular and accepted sub. Similar things might happen in v/Soapboxbanhammer or any other sub or just random threads with a similar political message. @PuttItOut might already know this since he caught the loophole of abusing new accounts having unlimited upvotes if they didn't log out. Granted he was three years late to the party on that, but better late than never.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's funny you say that, because my score has GONE DOWN after this, even though you mentioned brigading.

Are you or anyone else going to pretend I haven't been brigade an inordinate amount of times?

Goys-R-Us ago


brigaded - past tense of brigade

@Dial_Indicator brigaded the shit out of me yesterday.

Shizy ago

Good to see you're still playing that victim card.

cantaloupe6 ago

Nice thought I saw some of this - downvoats for no apparent reason. Good going.

ToFat2Fish ago

Haha missed me sucker

Fact_Checking_Alien ago

About time.

flaxom ago

Nice work. Glad to see you guys around more these days.

Here's a fun idea for the future: instead of banning the vote manipulators, maybe you can find a way to quietly counteract their manipulations once they are confirmed, so the user is constantly fighting a losing battle. Kind of like keeping a telemarketer on the line vs hanging up as soon as possible, waste their time right back.

sane ago

That crap is similar to what reddit does. We dont want reddit silent deletions and shadow ban. voat is the only free speech and open site on the internet.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Yeah, fuck the whole reddit shadowban and vote fuzzing system. I want to know that votes actually get counted and that any action taken by the admins or moderators to address vote manipulators will remain transparent so we can hold them accountable.

Hysterics7787 ago

Yeah and haven't you heard yet Sane, you operated all of those accounts. According to big league SBBH users anyway. I mean nevermind that half of the accounts banned were actually from SoapBoxBanHammer, obviously we should trust these other SoapBoxBanHammer users when they tell us that it was big bad SaneGoatiSwear responsible for all of this...

flaxom ago

feggit shadowbans users just for having unpopular opinions, not as retaliation for manipulation. I'm just talking about counteracting the vote manipulation, not silencing people with shadowbans (or even normal bans).

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Notice how accounts like @mumbleberry didnt get banned for downvoat manipulation even though they clearly downvoat brigade. Submissions: This user has upvoted 24328 and downvoted 24330 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 34781 and downvoted 34728 comments.

Tallest_Skil ago

This user has upvoted 24328 and downvoted 24330 submissions.

Ooh! Whine about me next. I want to be whined about.

Fun fact, dumbass:

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Yeah youre another dumb tranny

Tallest_Skil ago

lol cry more

shillbuster1 ago

Glad to see you still have some alts to downvote me, you jew shill cocksucker.

Mumbleberry ago

They are legit. I've found that many retarded posts or comments to down vote.

heygeorge ago

I have a hard time believing you did not find more than that!

Mumbleberry ago

I do have a life away from here.

heygeorge ago

Lol fair point.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

@puttitout surely you can tell if mumble has gone through certain individuals comment history and downvoated every single thing they said, hrmmm? Looks like power users were immune to the banhammer. Killer7 is probably not banned even though they clearly use alts to upvoat their NASHA bulllshit to front page

Goathole ago

you sound like a whiny little bitch. back to your corner before that cup of coco is gets cold.

Mumbleberry ago

Cry louder, tranny faggot. The earth is a globe and we landed on the moon. You might be right about michelle obama though.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Earth is flat and you cant get past the firmament.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

wait wait you're this upset because you think @mumbleberry is somehow hiding your flat earth shit?

GloballyBanned ago

@PuttItOut I got globally banned, I tried deleting my account and content but I can't because I'm banned. I tried PM'ing you about it but I can't because I'm banned. Can you at least let us do that?

turtlesarepureevil ago

Haha you have no say now shithead. Let this be a lesson.

Conspirologist ago

Thanks a lot. Shills are annoying and harmful. Let's take a deep breath.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Notice they're mostly accused of brigading /v/SoapBoxBanHammer (SRS) alts, i.e. the people actually brigading (who Putt is protecting).

kneo24 ago

Disappoimted to see @draaaak on the list, but it is what it is.

ExpertShitposter ago

Same. Didn't expect that.

Nosferatjew ago

I'm disappointed too, as I never violated the rules of the site.

kneo24 ago

SGIS was hit with this a while back. It appears Putt just targeted low hanging fruit that looked like anything SGIS was doing. I would like to believe you didn't engage in any of that. Maybe it might be helpful to ping Putt or send him a message.

Nosferatjew ago

I've sent Putt a message. I'll send you more on that privately.

MadWorld ago

It is hard to play fair, when you know shills have numerous accounts that are used to manipulate vote and create narrative. Your use of multiple accounts to target specific user is, in a very limited way, a form consensus.

I believe that we should not use multiple accounts to manipulate votes. What we should do is expose those accounts, archive the evidence, if possible, and report them for further investigation. If it is found guilty, then those accounts will be banned. Another way to look at this situation is, instead of going through someone's comment history and downvoting all those comments, you only need to catch a fragment of reasonable proof and report it :-).

Sometimes it helps to define the boundaries that you are not willing to cross and stick to those boundaries when your thought process is unclear...

Welcome back!

kneo24 ago

The one thing that causes users to retaliate against the shills is poor administrative over sight. If you're not going to be around to run the prison, expect the prisoners to run it. This doesn't make anyone's actions right, but it should hardly be surprising that it happens at all.

If this just ends up being a one time deal of account bannings, it's going to happen again and again.

redpilldessert ago

Perhaps you can be allowed a second chance if you ask nicely?

ratsmack ago

And what unwritten rule would that be?

Nosferatjew ago

The site rules are posted clearly in the user agreement, linked In the footer of every page of the site, and none of those rules have anything to do with "voat manipulation".

ratsmack ago

Read this slowly and carefully:

Your access to Voat

Without advance notice and at any time, we may, for violations of this agreement or for any other reason we choose: (1) suspend your access to Voat, (2) suspend or terminate Your Account, and/or (3) remove any of your User Content from voat. We reserve the right to monitor Voat, and your use of the Service means you agree to such monitoring. At the same time, we do not guarantee we will monitor at all.

Do you see the "... or for any other reason we choose ..." statement... just pay attention next time.

Nosferatjew ago

Yup, I've always known about that. Still no mention of "voat manipulation" or alt usage.

ratsmack ago

It doesn't need to be mentioned, just play fair.

Nosferatjew ago

Fair would be warning users before banning them when they're in violation of unposted rules.

ratsmack ago

I believe no warning is the best choice for Putt... you knew what you were doing, and you knew it cheating the system.

Nosferatjew ago

you knew what you were doing, and you knew it cheating the system.

That's where you're wrong. I followed the posted rules of the site, 100%.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You 100% knew that what you were doing was wrong.

Wahaha ago

Which doesn't matter. If it's not explicitly forbidden it's allowed. I don't even think making alts to upvoat farm or whatever is morally wrong or whatever. I don't do it because it's annyoing work not worth the effort.

Nosferatjew ago

Nothing I did violated the posted site rules. So, no, I didn't do anything wrong... I bet you don't even know what I did with those accounts.

ratsmack ago

All you can do at this point is cry in your pillow while trying to justify what you were doing... for all the good that will do.

Nosferatjew ago

Still didn't break the rules. And don't expect me to go anywhere, I'm still going to expose and eliminate the shills on this site. Banning 3 of my accounts won't stop me from hunting them.

ratsmack ago

I hope you don't go anywhere... just continue coming and joining in on the fun with the rest of us here. :)

Nosferatjew ago

That's all I ever did.... that and helping to solve the shill problem so that we could all continue having said fun.

zyklon_b ago

follow me around and i will upvote u

6gorillion ago

It looks like half of them were dial indicator. Good riddance...

comprametu ago

thank you for keeping this venue. you are a true patriot!

fullmetal_ ago


I never did any kind of "vote manipulation." I'm just a regular user. Why the hell was my account banned? This is fucking bullshit!

Government_AI ago

I would be pissed

PuttItOut ago

I'll double check that account. But I'm going to be pissed if I do and it wasn't wrong.

Fullmetal ago

I upvoted your comments with fullmetal_. Am I allowed to upvote again with FullMetal now that you've awesomely and graciously unbanned me? Serious question.

fullmetal_ ago

I'm fucking pissed because I know it's wrong!

PuttItOut ago

I've unbanned your account (might take a bit for cache to drop your ban). You seem to be a common target and got caught up in the middle of some larger vote farming bans we processed.

P.S. Let's blame @Cynabuns for this one ok? ;)

redpilldessert ago

P.S. Let's blame @Cynabuns for this one ok? ;)

So he's your scapeGOAT now is he? :) Btw, let us highlight a user's text, and then when I click reply to that comment, it autopastes it into the comment box. Such a time saver over on plebbit.

PuttItOut ago

We have a hacked version of AVE running... So soon.

redpilldessert ago

Oh cool!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#25587) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Fullmetal ago

Thank you. I appreciate your consideration, and willingness to own mistakes.

PuttItOut ago

Yeah, my bad. I really can't explain to you how much data we have to process. Your account was in the middle of perhaps a thousand unique farmer flagged accounts relationships.

What's funny though is upon review, I saw a manipulator accidently send you a care package of upvoats when they intended to downvoat you. ;) Now that's funny.

Fullmetal ago

I work in IT so I know how it goes. I also know how to whine just right to get things fixed. ;-)

Your willingness to fix the problem more than makes up for the minor inconvenience it caused.

Cynabuns ago


Ha ha :)

Fullmetal ago


Cynabuns ago

And there you are again :)

Fullmetal ago

/bitch fit

SeanBox ago

This happened to me once during a spam attack because I made a joke about the spammer that looked like his posts. They fixed me up too

Cynabuns ago

You came to my mind when this happened earlier and I had a good laugh (I hope you did too) -aaahhh the good times on Voat :)

kneo24 ago

Not surprised in regards to @Astonisher667. @Alphabeticalanon kept insisting they were different people when it was clear as day it was the same user.

GoylentGreen ago

A few names on that list aren’t a surprise

nigger_plz ago

Two songs for this: If I had a hammer by Trini Lopez and When the Whip Comes Down by the Rolling Stones.

cynicaloldfart ago

There ya go. There's always a song.

4saken ago

Looked at the log, it's eye opening really.

gazillions ago

Thank you.

Peace be upon the kingdom.

KVD ago

@clamhurt_legbeard manipulated me emotionally. BAN him.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


KVD ago

See!? He's doing it right now!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

fuckin called out


Durm ago

Wanna see my wiener? No?

cantaloupe6 ago


White_pride_cis ago

@oh_well_ian Was this your "water cooler" topic for today? Which one of your co-workers got their CCP reset?

zyklon_b ago


XeGoat ago

As if your username was not already offensive enough!

zyklon_b ago



XeGoat ago

When are you going dissipate?

zyklon_b ago

im going to concentrate myself

XeGoat ago

Go cramping.

zyklon_b ago

too cold....

One-Way_Bus ago

Death to all Semites.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

(((vote manipulators))). This is only temporary, it will always be temporary untill we round them all up and drop a nuke on their heads.

xenoPsychologist ago

could that be the ultimate oven?

Glory_Beckons ago

Global user ban log

For those wondering where it is.

(link is in the side bar too though)

fullmetal_ ago

Don't trust it. My account got banned, and I'm not on the list.

PuttItOut ago

And now in the post. We have every location covered.

RoBatten ago

Thanks Putt. I fucking love this place!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago



puppy528 ago

"Now vote manipulators get a shiny new badge so everyone knows that they've been bad little goats."

Aww, man; I wanted a new badge..

PuttItOut ago

I know one way you can get it. ;)

puppy528 ago

I know one way you can get it. ;)

Fine, Putt; I'll suck your dick. But you ain't gonna like it any more than my wife does...

Hail_Odin ago

Goats and hammer. All hail Thor.

MrBoutros ago

Can you make their shiny new badges yellow? And maybe six-sided?

Moln0014 ago

Yellow, six sided, and smells like sewage badges.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Oy Vey!

Mumbleberry ago

Here' a nice selection;

Francewhoa ago

BaldMiscreant ago

Make their account render six million six pointed yellow stars above the login dialog, making thier ram moan like a whore.

Themooninthesky ago

It has a B on the badge. I had to send a message to dial indicator and give him shit. Thanks @puttitout for due diligence. Vote farming drives me crazy.

XSS1337 ago

Well fucking played .

bernitdown ago

jeeeesssuusss fucking christ someone get this man reddit gold for this.

WatchListMe ago

the mystery investor would surely object to that, since he is jewish

ClownsInAmerica ago

I hate to be that guy, but the star you're thinking about actually has 12 sides. lol

Niggertown ago

Found the Jew.

Lavender_Blue ago

Man, I think he was referring to the yellow stars German Jews had to wear.

TheTrigger ago

Which is interesting, because the current badge is a hand gripping a marionette handle; which is basically a bold "+" symbol... which has 12 sides. 3 for each arm. JIDF BTFO confirmed. Praise Q! Putt's over the target, now!!!

TestForScience ago

He meant six 'points.'

CaptnObvius ago

the funny thing is we ALL knew exactly what he meant.

Neon_daemon ago

Those points only come out when they are feeling oppressed/oppressing

ratsmack ago

You have a point there.

MrBoutros ago

you got me.

excuse me, i need to get back to work.

NinaSparrow ago

Lmao! Epic response.

gosso920 ago

Work makes you free.

middlechild ago

Nice touch

curiosu ago

A yellow hexagon ?

MrBoutros ago

too many big-brains on this site!

ratsmack ago

It's like 6D chess.

CommiePatrol ago

+6 million.

Samchay6 ago

*six gorillion

mrfetus ago

I love you.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's weird. It brought my contribution points down...

Have I ever manipulated votes?

What criteria was used to determine if someone had manipulated votes?

MinorLeakage ago

It just means accounts that were banned had previously upvoated you, that's all. When their account goes away, so do their upgoats.

MolochHunter ago

lol oh ur SO innocent

NotHereForPizza ago

Am I not? I didn't get banned.

Does that bother you?

Even then, I've never cared much about losing points... Lol

Hysterics7787 ago

They had enough proof to ban the people upvoating you, but not enough proof to show that you were responsible. I wouldn't get all confident like you are, mate.

NotHereForPizza ago

Now that I've looked in to it, my name isn't mentioned as having been a target once.

Frankly, it was like <100 points. Besides, it's not like I don't fuck with people all of the time, maybe someone propped me up to make someone else look bad.

NotHereForPizza ago

I've nothing to be afraid of

fullmetal_ ago

I know I fucking am. My account got banned for absolutely no fucking reason whatsoever. This is just censorship.

crazy_eyes ago

Who did you ban?

TheBuddha ago

There's a link! ;-)

crazy_eyes ago

That wasn't there before

TheBuddha ago

Nope. I figured I'd let ya know but wasn't going to scroll back up to copy the link.

crazy_eyes ago

The message sufficed, not really anybody i recognize at all except of course tallest-skil

TheBuddha ago

@dial_imdocator got it, which is not surprising.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats not a surprise at all

TheBuddha ago

True. That should surprise nobody.

I'd have had to scroll back to the top AND I'd have had to try to find your comment again - on a tablet!

crazy_eyes ago

first world problems

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

theoldones ago

he got a ton of people but he just knocked out gnashingoftheteeth and all his various alts

Mumbleberry ago

That alone is a victory

stealthninjataliban ago


17057058? ago

@Dial_indicator, how you doin?

TheTrigger ago

Literally the first account I checked after seeing this post. I'm lying here, basking in giggly ecstacy over all these smoldering corpses. Today was a good day.

MrTwistedbad ago

@Dial came to mind for myself

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


CameraCode ago

The butthurt will last us ages.

Goys-R-Us ago

That fuck accused me of vote manipulation awhile ago. Fuck you @Dial_Indicator

SeanBox ago

I told you guys it was sanegoat. I'm the iron fist!

Themooninthesky ago

That guy IS a fag.

symantec ago

This is fucking hilarious. Look at his comment from 4 hours ago:


Themooninthesky ago

Those who yell the loudest. Amirite?

inspiretk ago

hahahaha! always! Just like on twitter!!!

Themooninthesky ago

Empire sucks. ( wait for it )

Either Jussie or Dial will respond.shhhhhh...I can hear them...

inspiretk ago

... they probably having a timeout. Check their script to see how to respond when they are caught out!

Aryan_Warrior ago

That's a keeper

Durm ago

Look like he has been removed from the list. Why?

Hysterics7787 ago

I still see him on there.

Durm ago

Ok I see it now.

Durm ago


Fambida ago

Now that's the funniest shit I'll see all day.

midnightblue1335 ago

Jesus, what the fuck is with that guy!? Look at the sheer number of accounts he used to manipulate his CCP.

ilikeskittles ago

How do you see that?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Wernicke Korsakoff is what's up with him

Master_Foo ago

Thing is, why the fuck would anyone do this? It's the most retardedest thing ever. It's worthless internet points. I've been a member here for over 3 years and my internet points are probably the lowest on the site.

It's like, "OK, I have a few worthless internet points so I can afford to waste them trolling the circle jerk.". That's the only thing they are good for.

Genr8r ago

I got you beat. :p'

We joined within a week of each other and my CCP is still <1000

I couldn't give rip about internet points. Happy to see those abusing the system dealt with though. Now where is my badge for lurking?

TheTrigger ago

You understand the true purpose and usefulness of the internet points. He, did not.

Master_Foo ago

Want to know the best way to waste perfectly worthless internet points? Find a LaVoy Finicum thread and compare him to a nigger. Everything he and the Bundys did is exactly what a nigger would do. They HATE, HATE, HATE, that.

If you ever want to trigger the tards, go after their messiah. Your imaginary internet points will go back down to a reasonable level in no time flat.

midnightblue1335 ago

Well, there's a few reasons I can think of that someone would do this crap... none of which really make much sense to me:

1- Brigading. Using multiple accounts to upvote each other to gain downvote privileges in order to bury certain content/comments. 2- Total autism. I'm serious- absolute retardation drives people to do irrational shit all the time. 3- Something more sinister. I suck at 4D chess, so I don't know what that would be.

Master_Foo ago

3- Something more sinister. I suck at 4D chess, so I don't know what that would be.

It's definitely Lizard people dude. Oh, and the Jews. And the leader of all the groups is Sasquatch. You'd be surprised how many people never even suspect Sasquatch.

drstrangegov ago

wanna bet he's not just one guy?

Aryan_Warrior ago

How do you know which are his accounts?

midnightblue1335 ago


Shows a list of all banned users. The ones who were vote modifying have "banned account name, was upvoting X account". You'll see most of them were accounts voting up @Dial_Indicator who is a notorious faggot around these parts.

Aryan_Warrior ago

Yeah I noticed that after I asked you. A lot of accounts. Plus he's a dick.

Fullmetal ago

Dealing with him was a right of passage.

jqueso ago

He "threatened" me once, didn't really know or care what the threat was. I just told him to go outside more and he got pissy.

Fullmetal ago

He trolled /v/wiccan hard core when I started it. His actions actually helped kind of haze me through what modding a sub would be like. I can understand why he got banned, but I kind of don't like it because he was so blatant about it. When it's obvious that somebody is manipulating votes then are they really manipulating votes? A certain amount of trolling is healthy for online communities.

jqueso ago

I'll try to stop by occasionally and haze you heathens when I have some spare time.

Fullmetal ago

I look forward to banning you! :)

Glory_Beckons ago

It's not like he kept it secret. He was openly bragging about it. He would also use them to downvote bomb anyone who triggered his fragile fee fees.

Long overdue crackdown on SJW-esque narrative control tactics and artificial content suppression/promotion. I'm surprised there aren't more names on the list. A few come to mind that belong on it.

2345234dfasdfa ago

downvote bomb

i never have done that.... dial would lose approx 150-200 ccp per night at the same time mind you... this is another lie from an alt @puttitout

Tallest_Skil ago

Nice sleeper account. Reported.

Dedicated_Dissent ago

dude you have no idea how many i have because of people like you

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, reported for admitting to having sockpuppets.

Dedicated_Dissent ago

now you pissed me off

Dedicated_Dissent ago

reported for being retarded

Tallest_Skil ago

Took you two weeks to say something irrelevant, huh?

Dedicated_Dissent ago

Took you two weeks to say something irrelevant, huh?

@puttitout PV goon squad

Tallest_Skil ago

Over two weeks this time.

Dedicated_Dissent ago

carefull, or i will figure you out

Tallest_Skil ago

be careful or I'll stop being stupid

Fucking hilarious. Don't reply again.

Evil_Frenchman ago

yeah and now youre an idiot to me

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, reported for admitting to having sockpuppets.

cthulhu69 ago

Nice 6mo old sleeper, chi fisting faggot

Dedicated_Dissent ago

says the 12 month one

cthulhu69 ago

Lol, you funny. Arguing like gnashingtoofs.

Dedicated_Dissent ago

what you going to do, is the bigger question

cthulhu69 ago

I'm going to spank my monkey. wanna help, Dial?

Dedicated_Dissent ago

its okay madwold @puttitout

cthulhu69 ago

Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Danny.

Dedicated_Dissent ago

silencing a so "called" freedom of speech platform is another @puttitout anther fucking shit alt this is your site

cthulhu69 ago

Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life, Danny

Dedicated_Dissent ago

im actually pretty slim, i havent eaten in 3 days... so im on fact.... you @puttitout this what you promote now

cthulhu69 ago

Prove it, drunken lardboi

midnightblue1335 ago

I am stunned we didn't see a bunch of those v/aww faggots on that list.

Glory_Beckons ago

Exactly what I was thinking.

@FrostyPuppy is on the second page and attributed to @Dial_Indicator, but where are all the others? There were dozens of those with similar names, and clearly all upvoating each other. Did they all belong to Dial_Indicator? Unlikely... and even if yes, that means he still has access to them.

midnightblue1335 ago

At this point, I don't really care if those retards get banned or not- because they stopped their faggotry. I like the occasional cute picture of an animal on front page, but the sheer volume of bullshit they were cranking out was practically spam.

fluhthreeex ago

At this point, I don't really care if those retards get banned or not- because they stopped their faggotry.

They've farmed up and did it for a reason. Either for the lulz, to brigade with, or to build up alts and sleepers to come back with, if they haven't already. I'd still be concerned if there were literally dozens.

Glory_Beckons ago

Agreed, most important thing is that it stops. Just surprised they didn't get picked up by whatever algorithm was used to find and ban the ones they did catch.

captainstrange ago

Careful of going to the opposite end and turning this into a weaponized purity spiral / witch hunt.

Glory_Beckons ago

Free Speech can never be more than an illusion as long as a small group of individuals with a shared agenda have disproportionate control over what information everyone else does or doesn't see.

There's nothing wrong with a witch hunt, when there are actual witches poisoning your well of knowledge.

No point in digging up old drama as long as it stays dormant though.

captainstrange ago

There's nothing wrong with a witch hunt, when there are actual witches poisoning your well of knowledge.

While the implication of a 'witch hunt' is that there are no witches, you're correct.

I'm just cautioning and reminding about the problem inherit with the approach.

17057076? ago


HarlandKornfeld14 ago


Q PREDICTED THIS!!! #QProofs #TrustSessions Wwwgagagawa Patriot!

himmlerbobimmler ago

I chuckle everytime i read #TrustSessions

firstamendment1 ago

Sessions' passion was going after pedophiles and child traffickers. He did an outstanding job.

ImPhilippe ago

Goyim sit in your house and listen to me! Dont get involved in your local government, dont take back your country! Believe in me and we'll sell your country to the highest bidder!!!!!!!

ThenThatMouth ago

waiting for noseberg shekelman to jump in on this one. WHERE ARE YOU NOSEBERG?!

offender ago

Thanks Kushner! Very cool.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Big if real.

Boooooooneeestooorm ago

real if big

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

If real, big

thewebofslime ago

Big IF

lorlipone ago


lanre ago

Big things happened within the next 20 days OMG!?!!???9_+

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Have you prayed to (((Q))) today Goyim?

Samchay6 ago


bluntripkin ago

hell ya doin work

The_Savant ago

I came here before the shitload of shills inevitably will on their alts after their account has been banned for vote manipulating and claiming that this has something to do with Voat's angel.

Cracklord ago

the hell is Vote manipulation?

fullmetal_ ago

It's a bullshit excuse to ban accounts the mods don't agree with.

Tallest_Skil ago

member for 29 minutes

identical name to a banned account


moissie ago

You can certainly go to another platform if "you don't like it here".

Fullmetal ago

No need. @PuttItOut made it right. Shit like this happens in the IT world. /hissy-fit

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Creating multiple accounts and using them to upvote eachother so you can then spam garbage across voat.

1Icemonkey ago

Losers need to get a fukkking life.

One-Way_Bus ago

No, they need to be gassed.

Fateswebb ago

How can they determine if this is done? All the manipulators would need to do is use either a few Vpns, or a botnet to circumvent them knowing so while I definitely think fighting this is a good thing, I'm wondering how they can even know unless the manipulators are just real amatures...

Or I guess if the same accounts always upvote each other it becomes obvious. But what if I just tend to agree or even became friends with someone...

I wonder what criteria they use, but saying so I guess just gives the bad guys knowledge to use against them so maybe it's not a good question to ask.

Goys-R-Us ago

Because people get sloppy.

Did I already change my VPN or not? It only takes a few fuckups.

Fateswebb ago

Yep that makes sense.

drstrangegov ago

Voat knows all. Voat sees all.

cantaloupe6 ago

A group of accounts correlate behavior.To accomplish much they'd have to standout.

Korinthian ago

Mostly its just the obvious ones. A lot of rule breakers are idiots, and those idiots get caught with even the slightest effort on the part of authorities. Im sure putts wracking his brain trying to catch the craftier ones without snaring the possibly-innocent, but ive got faith im him.

Fateswebb ago

Agreed. I have faith he will do what he can and be careful to not ensnare legits. He knows it's a slippery slope to Facebook or Twitter level of censorship. I am sure he would be super careful about that while SMASHING THE FUCKING SHILLS. Which I must admit it's starting to feel like it's getting close to 50 percent shills in some of these subs.

theoldones ago

bot accounts.

fullmetal_ ago

I'm not, nor have I ever been, a fucking bot.

Gringojones ago

Fucking a bot though.......

truthwoke33 ago

this account is 7 minutes old

fullmetal_ ago

I had to register a new one. >:( Not happy.

NotWearingPants ago

Are they Russian? CNN wants to know.

One-Way_Bus ago

Of course they're Russian, according to Killary!

Tallest_Skil ago

That's a lot of positives for Dial_Indicator.

NotHereForPizza ago

I agree with the other guy. You managing to evade the list, along with tendies and those admitted discord faggots, entirely evades me.

Seems a little obvious what's going on here...

Tallest_Skil ago

You managing to evade the list

Almost as though I have no sockpuppets and never did, you fucking yid.

admitted discord faggots

Who would admit to using a honeypot?

NotHereForPizza ago

Some obviously very stupid people.

Gringojones ago

You arent much further down the list.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don't know what that means. If anything I'm brigaded negatively. Twice before I've hit exactly 10k and "just happened" to lose 3000 points over the course of the next six hours. I get that what I say is "controversial", but nothing legitimate can do that.

Gringojones ago

I don't know what that means

Scroll through the list

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, I did that. Is it an old one? I see it jump from 1.5 hours to 3 days, and then the next block is months ago and my username didn't come up in a search on the page. I guess I missed it.

Gringojones ago

It was all lowercase so maybe an imposter?

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, that one! Yeah, Voat blocked impersonation accounts a while ago, but that specific letter combination slipped through the cracks. Mine is "Tallest_Skil" and I think his was "taIIest_skil" where the lowercase L was replaced with an uppercase i. Voat renders the text almost identically.

shillbuster1 ago

Obvious jew shill psycho detected. Swing the ban hammer into u/Tallest_Skil 's pointed little kike head.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re one of a dozen sockpuppets accounts owned by the same person. Reported for libel.

shillbuster1 ago

You reported yourself? Good job you jew shill POS.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for admitting to being a sockpuppet.

shillbuster1 ago

Keep reporting yourself. Make Voat great again.

PaleSnake ago


17057020? ago

I want a unique badge but don't actually want to work for it. Can I have a badge please?

jollux ago

make a new account, it comes with a free Qtard badge

Inaminit ago

Socialist swine!

17060306? ago

Hey listen, some people have a lot of really nice things like badges that they've worked really hard for. I want those things (badges) but am unwilling to work for them.

Inaminit ago

All I can say is "Feel the Bern"... Also, let us know how that works out for you, ok?

17060517? ago

Well so far I have 0 cool badges and PuttitOut has yet to respond but if that changes I'll let you know by rubbing it in your face until I get bored

Inaminit ago

It's a badge, not a ballsack... Let's keep your fetishes out of it.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm confused here... you'd rather get a ballsack face rub or you just don't approve of his badge rubbing fetish ?

Inaminit ago

You must be from Oregon... The latter, of course.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

The Jews never worked for their badges.

SparklingWiggle ago

Oh, yeah they did. They weren't targeted for nothing.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

I was making a joke about kikes never working an honest day in their lives.

SparklingWiggle ago

I know. I was adding that they earned them by trying to manipulate a society into becoming their own Communist playground with the Bolsheviks revolution because they're sniveling little rats that have to fuck with everything.

Korinthian ago

The niggerfaggot badge. Granted to lazy beggars that want to sparkle.

SparklingWiggle ago

I like it.

17057424? ago

Yes! Exactly! One nigger faggot badge please

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

A nice Pink and Yellow badge.

Artofchoke ago

You can't have one, cause rat butt plug. I, HOWEVER, HAVE BEEN GOOD

17058331? ago

I still have PTSD from that dude with a cat penis clitoris

xenoPsychologist ago

i know those individual words, but the sentence as a whole simply doesnt make jack-all of any sense.

17062543? ago

good. You don't want to understand

xenoPsychologist ago

and that, children, is how curiosity dies.

Artofchoke ago

Why is it red in the middle like that? What's that about? Bet it smells like wet pennies.

xenoPsychologist ago

i knew i wasnt gonna like what i saw but i clicked it anyway.

Artofchoke ago

PlankO complains about these True and Honest vaginas, but what he foisted onto me was so much worse.

A horrible butt plug with the face of a RAT sticking off the end, like it was clawing and gnawing it's way out of the butt. It was so fucking revolting, I don't have sufficient words.

xenoPsychologist ago

sounds hilarious. raaaaawr! or squeak, whatever.

Artofchoke ago


Artofchoke ago


I am here to clear everything up for you! ♡♡♡

xenoPsychologist ago

ive seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

17063185? ago

@Artofchoke xeno wants nightmares

xenoPsychologist ago

wat. that wasnt a thing that got said at all. how could you?

Artofchoke ago

Hey, you're a medical professional, what do you think this earthworm pink pokey thing is?

xenoPsychologist ago

for one thing, i only practice on aliens. for another, its more of a hobby. let certification go years ago. for another, im not really a doctor i just play on on the internet.

horrifying is what that is. and thats a medical opinion you can count on!

Artofchoke ago

Damnit, I remember it all now

Pinecones ago


kestrel9 ago

wish I didn't read that

Rajadog20 ago

Please make this happen haha

TheBuddha ago

Me too!

17057909? ago

TheBuddha ago

I ain't clicking that.

17058317? ago

You won't click my links, you won't let me look at your cars what will you do?

TheBuddha ago

Meh... I'm now on a tablet for the night. I ain't clicking any links.

17059414? ago

It's just a YouTube link bro but no worries, have a good night.

17057018? ago

Does this mean @dial_indicator got kicked off too?

Zacchaeus ago

Check their account. They got the badge. Winner winner chicken dinner.

blumen4alles ago

An awesome badge! Every 27th should be Putt ass kicking day.

17071963? ago

Can we make this an official Voat holiday?

blumen4alles ago

I think that is a great idea. Every 27th we remember when Putt showed us his hammer.

17057410? ago

I saw! Holy shit and he told us all he had Putts blessing to do what he was doing roflmao.

Zacchaeus ago

@puttitout has sold out a long time ago. Those banned were just normal people trying to use voat, who were targetted by shills downvoat brigading. They did what they had to do to keep their ccp from getting shilled to the negatives. I don't think real users care about fake internet points, but the shills were getting tired of clicking downvoat I guess and complained to putt enough.

17058058? ago


Zacchaeus ago

Yeah you sure do look like a legit normal user! 1265 submissions to Wildlife

856 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

411 submissions to ShitPostLitterBox

272 submissions to OrgasMenEverywhere

111 submissions to pics

This user has so far shared a total of 3472 links, started a total of 268 discussions and submitted a total of 12013 comments.

17058119? ago

@puttitout ya should have banned me. I ain't a legit user.

Is cuz Ima cat. Meow!

Inaminit ago

17060199? ago

Reported for doxxing!!!

Inaminit ago

Arrgh! Foiled again!

17060283? ago

Something something this is libel. Something about questionable legality in Delaware.

Inaminit ago

Steer clear of the fish, but the chowder is fine...

Phantom42 ago

Fine by me!

Nosferatjew ago

How is downvoating a user's comments considered manipulation?

C_Corax ago

I play text based MMORPG's. You know in the browser. In one of them I ran upwards of 800 accounts fully automated by scripts. If someone pissed me off I would basically delete them from the game.

Voat runs in a browser too. It's a little more complicated thankfully, but you can imagine the impact if I gave you 800 downvoates right now? It's not to those extremes here, but I assume you could still see the impact if I had just 10 accounts to play with.

TheBuddha ago

You ever play KoL?

C_Corax ago

Nope! Given that I'm a known figure in parts of the text based MMO world and occasionally the spokes person of highly incorrect sentiments here, I'd rather not mention the exact games..

TheBuddha ago

LOL it's okay, give Kingdom of Loathing a quick read of their about page sometime.

I suspect it will make you giggle, multiple times.

heygeorge ago

You see, what @c_corax meant was yes, and also that he would not be admitting that here.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

You're limited in the amount of downvotes you can give, based on the amount of upvotes you have given and recieved. This is to prevent brigading. Vote manipulators get around this by having a bunch of accounts that repeatedly upvote eachother's posts and comments.

Fateswebb ago

So why not just go to some completely off topic sub, about anime or Richard Simmons fans, and upvote all the shit posted so you can get past it? I must admit I used to almost never downvoat but I may actually downvoat more now than upvoat because man there are a lot of shills and racists. What if we're taken over by shills and racists where a legitimate person downvote too much just based on it's all shit?

Rajadog20 ago

If you see something that doesn't positively contribute to discussion, please downvoat, that's why it's there. Although someone saying something you might see as "racist" doesn't immediately mean they aren't contributing to discussion.

Fateswebb ago

I down voat most blatently racist comments especially if they add nothing of value, because in the subs I go it would appear there are shills that want to "" us.

As in they want us to be looked upon as mostly racist white nationalist conservatives so they can say that's our motivation then they can false flag and blame us and try to get our hosting removed EXACTLY like they did sure if someone uses intelligent language to point out that some or even most of X race or Y religion are bad because of (evidence provided) I see that as valid conversation and might even upvote it, but if it's just some idiot going Jews and niggers Jews and niggers then I down vote. I don't want voat to get placed into the "bunch of racists" category like it seems they are trying to do with a coordinated effort.

Tallest_Skil ago

I down voat most blatently racist comments

All jews need to be killed.

especially if they add nothing of value

I dare you to claim this.

because in the subs I go it would appear there are shills that want to "" us.


As in they want us to be looked upon as mostly racist white nationalist conservatives

Explain what's wrong with that.

so they can say that's our motivation

Explain why it isn't yours.

then they can false flag and blame us

Who gives a shit about that?

and try to get our hosting removed

Let them try.

EXACTLY like they did

✡Gabbai✡ deserve it.

I don't want voat to get placed into the "bunch of racists" category like it seems they are trying to do with a coordinated effort.

It already is, and nothing you do can stop it. Just stop being a fucking milquetoast pussy and become even more racist.

Fateswebb ago

Thanks for proving my point dickweed.

Tallest_Skil ago


Kill yourself, race traitor. You do no one any good by being such a leftist sack of shit.

Fateswebb ago

I'm more fucking conservative than your bullshit ass, nice try though. Just because you're an inbred doesn't mean you're a conservative.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'm more fucking conservative than your

Somehow I doubt that.

Just because you're an inbred


Fateswebb ago

Yeah not a kike, desperate ass, you're void of any original insults? Actually I'm not religious and don't claim any god at all. Are you saying you believe in a dude in the sky and we're all some sorta ant farm experiment where our pet owners can read our minds and care if we lie? Sure I'm moral, but don't need an imaginary friend to keep me that way.

And yep more conservative than you by far.

You don't remember me destroying you last time huh? Must have hit you over the head a bit too hard that time... 🙄 Funny you quite literally say the EXACR SAME bullshit this time. It's like deja fucking Vu. Do some freaking brain exercises or something, this is getting real boring. Like I'm picking on a fucking retard. At least make it slightly challenging or fun... (Yawn)

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah not a kike

Stop promoting their ideals, then.

I'm not religious

Many jews "aren't."

And yep more conservative than you by far.

Proven false.

You don't remember me destroying you last time huh?

Have we ever communicated before?

Funny you quite literally say the EXACT SAME bullshit this time.

Almost as though truth doesn't change.

this is getting real boring

So you have no argument, can't prove anything you said, and admit that racism is the only healthy behavior.

Fateswebb ago


And yes we did have this almost exactly same argument before.

And honestly? I hate the zionists I'm just smart enough to see past the shit your small head doesn't get. Consider it a higher level. You'll never get it. You don't have the capacity to. Although you suprised me as you were able to get a sentence out without flawing it with racist rhetoric so that does show some hope for you anyway.

Too da loo jig a boo

Tallest_Skil ago

I hate the zionists

And that’s why you’re objectively wrong. You’re a coward and a race traitor. It’s not the zionists. It’s the jews.

lol u dum ha ha wow i win cuz i say so

Thanks for admitting that you were wrong, are a race traitor, and that racism is good.

Fateswebb ago

Hahaha again thanks for proving my point shill

Tallest_Skil ago

Not an argument. Everything you said is objectively false. Everything you said is worthless, useless, not reflective of reality, and doesn’t help anyone except jews. You have provided no evidence for your claims. You have refuted me in no way. You’re completely and utterly meaningless.


Fateswebb ago

Dude you continue to strengthen my initial point. You can't help it because you're a shill. I think it's funny how every response you make give further meat to my initial point. 😂 Checkmate was several moves ago and you keep trying to move pieces around. Completely laughable.

Tallest_Skil ago

You had no initial point. Everything you said is objectively false. Everything you said is worthless, useless, not reflective of reality, and doesn’t help anyone except jews. You have provided no evidence for your claims. You have refuted me in no way. You’re completely and utterly meaningless.


Fateswebb ago

Haha then why did you respond.

Fateswebb 5

tallest_skil 0

Oh yeah I noticed you were on the blocked list yesterday. How's that working out for ya. Shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

You had no initial point. Everything you said is objectively false. Everything you said is worthless, useless, not reflective of reality, and doesn’t help anyone except jews. You have provided no evidence for your claims. You have refuted me in no way. You’re completely and utterly meaningless.


blocked list

No, I wasn’t. Otherwise I wouldn’t be posting here. You fucking dumbass.

Fateswebb ago

Sure looks like your name the 7th one down. Or maybe you had an imposter account. But uh besides the caps it appears to be an exact match.

Is voat case sensitive for usernames?

Nope I just did a test and sure enough it's not case sensitive.

Yep I just confirmed that's definitely you... Clicking the name even shows the exact same capitalization as yours.

Not all blocks on voat are full blocks... Some are partial or even just clout removals.

Not sure what's going on here but sure as fuck looks to be your name.

Also fateswebb 6 TS 0

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re clinically insane, cannot read the English language, had no reason to make this post because it was disproven before you made it, and


The funniest thing in all this isn’t that you’re too stupid to read. It’s not even that you’re such an insecure lunatic that you can’t even POST your own beliefs, much less prove them. It’s that you think you’re more “conservative” than me.

Fateswebb ago

What fucking claims dude. All I did was say I downvoat the fucking idiots like you, and you decided to attack me PROVING MY CLAIMS. I didn't have to prove my claims you did it for me.

And the stupid imposter AS YOU KNOW with the font used here a capital I looks identical to a lowercase Letters See look this is a mixture of both.... You can't tell a fucking difference

IlIlIlllllIIIIIllll. I mean sure there's a microscopic difference in the amount of space between them but give me a fucking break shilly ass trying to say I can't read English because someone INTENTIONALLY tried to impersonate you.

Why???? What a dumb idea for sure... But mmkay congrats you have a fan I guess.

I know am at least as conservative as you are fiscally anyways because I am as conservative as they get. Don't believe me then ask me a question to confirm my answer.

Socially actually I'm somewhat liberal because I believe in freedom. So they're yeah a fucking racist like you doesn't... So you may have me beat socially since you only believe freedom should apply to you and me and not blacks/Jews/females/fags/etc...

So yeah I believe in freedom. But also I am as conservative as they get otherwise.

95 percent of the gov today is unconstitutional and ifnit was my choice it would all be closed down ALLLLLLL OF IT

dept of education department of EVERYTHING shit name a department and most likely I would close that shit down. close the fucking TSA close the DHS close it all. Close our borders and shut down all the wars bring the troops home. REAL CONSERVATIVE not this bullshit we have today NEOCONS. they're fucking liberal as fuck. Might as well be LGBT Democrats I would tell the states sorry it's up to you.. we're going by the strict rules of the constitution now

See the tenth amendment.

98 PERCENT of the federal government or more I would shut the fuck down. ALLLL OF IT.

So that's what I mean by conservative.

Tallest_Skil ago

What fucking claims dude.

fucking idiots like you

Prove I'm an idiot, you subhuman faggot.

I didn't have to prove my claims

Thank you for admitting that your claims were false.

And the stupid imposter AS YOU KNOW with the font used here a capital I looks identical to a lowercase Letters

No shit. And?

trying to say I can't read English


I know am at least as conservative as you are fiscally

What's your take on usury.

I am as conservative as they get

lol no

Don't believe me

You've proven you're not.

then ask me a question to confirm my answer.

Is racism good.

Socially actually I'm somewhat liberal because I believe in freedom.

You don't even know what freedom is.

a fucking racist

You have no idea what freedom is. You have a jewish conception of it.

you only believe freedom should apply

You have no idea what freedom is. You have a jewish conception of it.

So that's what I mean by conservative.

So… not conservative at all. You're a ✡libertarian✡ who thinks that libertarianism is "conservatism," when really it's just soft judaism designed to weaken traditionalist cultures to allow communism to take root.

IT'S COMMENDABLE that you want to destroy the unconstitutional parts of the government. But you have to understand that the Constitution wasn't about "freedom" in the libertarian (libertine) sense, but rather had a very strong structure and social code, to which you have to abide. It has this because only in the presence of such structure–law and order–can society exist.

Fateswebb ago

Hey fuck head I don't have a Jewish concept of fucking freedom I have a CONSTITUTION OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA concept of racism.

Jesus Christ idiot we have had this exact same stupid fucking conversation (at least) once before. And you think youre so fucking smart your idiot ass doesn't even remember. Probably because you have had the exact same bullshit conversation with half the fucking board. I even remember now how I check mated you last time. ohhhh was so fucking funny.

And if you don't like the fucking Constitution to move to fucking Israel you fucking idiot.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don't have a Jewish concept of fucking freedom

You do. You’ve admitted it.


You have no idea what the Constitution says.

concept of racism.


POP QUIZ, FAGGOT: Did the Founders consider nonwhites to be human?

we have had this exact same stupid fucking conversation (at least) once before.

I doubt that.

And you think youre so fucking smart your idiot ass doesn't even remember.

Memory has nothing to do with intelligence, jew shill.

how I check mated you last time

Which you clearly didn’t, otherwise you would have posted it.

And if you don't like the fucking Constitution


to move to fucking Israel you fucking idiot.

Not an argument.

You are a jewish shill. You are spreading hoaxes about the United States. You are a traitor to the country and a traitor to the white race, assuming you are even white. Everything you have said is completely unsubstantiated. You abjectly refuse to answer my questions. You have no argument, no evidence, and no refutation. You’re done.

Fateswebb ago

Bitch I know every fucking word of the Constitution, and we have had this argument before. You're nothing but the resident pet racist around here. Sure you're not a shill, I'll give you that but most people have moved on from the backward ass archaeic ass way of thinking you have. It's called being refined, Growing, learning, growing up, etc. Just because you hold on to racism doesn't mean it's right it means youre a fucking ape. It means your brain isn't fucking developed, like a retard. Now I'm not saying you're not inyelligent you're probably a tad above average, but dude you're just as bad as the idiots we fight on this board. The fucking Democrats like Hillary and AOC. They think they're so fucking high and mighty when in reality theyre not even that fucking they think they're better than the lowly people. I would run fucking circles around Hillary, around Bernie, around AOC, and yep around you. Why? Because you refuse to admit that your lame ass is no fucking better than the bigger down the street or the j00 up the block. You're not special, you're just one of momma's jizz that your dad didn't swallow.

If you want to be more than that then you have to try real hard, and you have to aslo understand you ain't shit.

That's not possible for you, because you have the same fatal flaw the fucking Democrats and most of the republican politicians have AND EVEN THE SAME AS the fucking zionists that you and yep even I hate so much.

The same fucking fatal flaw.

That you think somehow you're not the same exact piece of shit as the rest of us.

Get the fuck over yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

Bitch I know every fucking word of the Constitution

Proven false.

and we have had this argument before

Don't care.

You're nothing but the resident pet racist around here.

Proven false, and you've admitted you know nothing about the Constitution.

most people have moved on from the backward ass archaeic ass way of thinking you have



It's called being refined

That's racism.


That's racism.


That's racism.

growing up

You said that already.

Just because you hold on to racism doesn't mean it's right

No one said otherwise, you fucking nigger.

it means youre a fucking ape

No, nigger, you know nothing.

It means your brain isn't fucking developed

Tell your boss to fire you. It's not working.

you're just as bad as the idiots we fight on this board

"We" don't fight anything, subhuman paid shill. We fight you.

The fucking Democrats


I would run fucking circles around Hillary, around Bernie, around AOC

You're more brain damaged than Occasional-Cortex. And that's saying something.

around you

You were already proven wrong.

Because you refuse to admit that your lame ass is no fucking better than the nigger down the street or the j00 up the block.

Whites are inherently better than nonwhites, as proven by the supragranular areas of the brain and all of human history.

You're not special

We are, yes. You're just a nigger.

yep even I hate so much.

You're paid by jews to lie. You don't hate them.

That you think somehow you're not the same exact piece of shit as the rest of us.

My skin doesn't remind me of shit every day. That's how I differ from you.

Get the fuck over yourself.

You are a jewish shill. You are spreading hoaxes about the United States. You are a traitor to the country and a traitor to the white race, assuming you are even white. Everything you have said is completely unsubstantiated. You abjectly refuse to answer my questions. You have no argument, no evidence, and no refutation. You’re done.

Fateswebb ago

All wishful thing every fucking line. Hahaha it's literally hilarious. First and most likely I'm older than you... But somehow you think otherwise. Second I'm not a Jew I'm not even a Christian as ALL religion is mind control. But yeah I was raised as a Christian before I was old enough to think for myself. Then there's the fact that I'm actually paid by Indians when it comes down to it, is it even possible to be an Indian Jew? That's pretty fucking dumb but I'm sure you don't like Indians eaither because you only like whites. And even whites if they think just like you do. Got news for ya though, racists are the minority, or at least white conservative ones are a dying breed. Sure the racism is still promoted by the liberals and blacks but it's a new kind of hate that is being promoted. You're hanging on to the old hate.

And yes I know the Constitution and declaration of Independence and there's one line in there that melts you like water does Hillary. "All men are created equal." Not all white men, not all goyim men. ALLLL MEN.


we're all created equal and only after that do WE decide what we do with it.



Tallest_Skil ago

All wishful thing every fucking line.

You are illiterate and posted nothing.

First and most likely I'm older than you

No one cares.

Second I'm not a Jew

Just a shabbos goy.

ALL religion is mind control

tips fedora

Retarded faggot thinks we'll believe judaism is "just a religion."

I'm sure you don't like Indians either because you only like whites.

Northern Indians are caucasoids.

Got news for ya though, racists are the minority

Proven falsehood.

or at least white conservative ones are a dying breed

White traditionalists breed above the replacement level. White liberals don't. You're wrong about every word you have ever said.

Sure the racism is still promoted by the liberals

No, the opposite is.

a new kind of hate


old hate

Racism isn't hate, subhuman.

And yes I know the Constitution and declaration of Independence

You've never read either.

and there's one line in there

In where, shlomo.

"All men are created equal."

Fun fact: nonwhites weren't considered human, which is why nonwhites couldn't be citizens. "To ourselves and our posterity." All Founders were white. None of them wanted niggers, spics, or chinks in their country. America is a white nation. You are a paid jewish shill.


No, you were proven wrong and know nothing about the Constitution. Reported for paid shilling.

we're all created equal

No, we're not.

Let's get a DNA test done on TS.

100% white.

Find out how much nigger cock is in his family history.


Wouldn't that be fun

I thought you said race doesn't exist, paid jewish shill.

Hate yourself much?



Reported for spam.

You are a jewish shill. You are spreading hoaxes about the United States. You are a traitor to the country and a traitor to the white race, assuming you are even white. Everything you have said is completely unsubstantiated. You abjectly refuse to answer my questions. You have no argument, no evidence, and no refutation. You’re done.

Fateswebb ago

I didn't say race doesn't exist poser.. and you're replies with the use of the quote for every other fucking word proves you're not just a.l racists but a douche... Surely I'm the only one on here that even takes your dribble even half way serious. I mean Jesus Christ man you're like a kid that found a new fucking toy...

You do realize that Jefferson admitted when he said ALL men he mean ALL and nowhere is he quoted as saying blacks are sub human... That's just racist rhetoric you guys make up to stiffen your wood.

Tallest_Skil ago


you are the douche, not me


Jefferson admitted

No, he said that niggers will eventually be deported or killed because they can’t live in the ame country as whites. You’re not even trying.

You are a jewish shill. You are spreading hoaxes about the United States. You are a traitor to the country and a traitor to the white race, assuming you are even white. Everything you have said is completely unsubstantiated. You abjectly refuse to answer my questions. You have no argument, no evidence, and no refutation. You’re done.

Fateswebb ago

Oh and here's something that must HURT BAD to read.

This black man had an almost PERFECT IQ and probably close to twist what yours is.

Okay not twice because you're at least 100 😂

This motherfucker was estimated at having a 190 IQ.

now if you ask me that's probably exxagerated. But even ifbits exxagerated by let's say 60 points it still higher that the vast majority of white people...

I have a mensa level IQ, and this dude BLOWS ME AWAY by like 60 points or even if it's exxagerated he is still higher than me. So I gotta ask how do you explain a sub human being so smart? 190 fucking I dude that's higher than Einstein's was estimated at by almost 30 fucking points.

Tallest_Skil ago

perfect IQ

The phrase shows the lack of yours.

Fateswebb ago

Nothing you have said since we started this conversation has made a bit of fucking sense this is just another example..🙄 you know damn we'll what I meant. And you know damn we'll 190-200 is considered the top of the fucking charts....

It's that your argument is that good damn weak that you have to try shit like this....

Tallest_Skil ago

Find me a website that allows PDF uploads and I'll blow you the fuck out for all time. I have literally written a book on this subject. Shut the fuck up about the nonexistence of racial differences.

Fateswebb ago

So you have literally written a book on this? But can't find a website that hosts PDF files?

Hat to make ya look dumb again but maybe try


Tallest_Skil ago

can't find

This is a psychological tactic used to increase your trust in the material by making you a partial source thereof. If you're the one to provide the base, YOU CAN'T USE A GODDAMN GENETIC FALLACY ON ME.

Mmm… Any without an e-mail required? Sorry.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah I'm a helpful lil nig huh?. 😂 Try this one.

Not sure actually why I am entertaining this but okay. I've sorta gotta attached to our God damn hateful friendship I suppose.😂

Tallest_Skil ago

Try this one.

Very funny.

Fateswebb ago

Why is it funny? Sarcasm? Or literally funny?

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, I figured you'd pay more attention than that.

Fateswebb ago

Oh sorry I'm not subbed to that group so didn't see that.

Let me ask, did the docs have all your favorite buzz words like kike, and nigger? Or was it all just cut and dry facts?

Still either fucking way, I agree that's some bullshit. And also yes hilarious I suggested docudroid you definitely thought I was trolling ahahaha.

Seriously though I wasn't trolling it was just cooincides even since their the most popular PDF host that allows no account to be used.

Maybe let's try this one then. If that doesn't work I'll just send you my email maybe

Tallest_Skil ago

Let me ask, did the docs have all your favorite buzz words like kike, and nigger?

I left out vulgarity in all forms. I preferred scientific titles in most cases of race.

Or was it all just cut and dry facts?

Just facts that hurt their feelings. It's pretty clinical. I'm worried about its dryness, but then again no one fucking reads anymore, so it's not like anyone will read the damn book.


Okay, none of this is your fault. I'll look myself. I want something that allows me to delete the file after it's up there… Anyway, uh, let's just go with specific complaints on a given topic and I'll refute them by hand.

Fateswebb ago

I agree that's bullshit. But I suppose if it's their site. But they should change their terms of service.

Just dm me and I'll send my email I wanna read them.

Fateswebb ago

Riiiiiiiiiigle. Making shit up are we Jefferson didn't fucking say that....

And the problem with your claims is there were white slaves to... Why was that also legal if Jefferson excluded blacks as human and so blacks could be slaves then why were white slaves allowed as well?

And whether or not blacks we're considered human back then or not.

TODAY science proves by chromosome count that they're the EXACT SAME SPECIES as whites etc.

If they weren't human then how the fuck come you have a half black and half white child?

A dog can't fuck a cat and make a dog....

Even a jack ass is sterile. And also doesn't have the same chromosome count as a horse....

Even ligers don't have same chromosome counts at lions or tigers...

But blacks and whites and Jews and all have the exact same chromosome counts.

This is the part that makes you backwards dude. Racism is unscientific. It is PROVEN wrong

It's funny you try to point to some sort of scientific evidence that whites are better than blacks... But even if that is slightly true or something. In reality all it proves is they're the same exact species.

So in that regard your own claims debunk themselves.

Tallest_Skil ago


Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. – Thomas Jefferson

Kill yourself. You are paid to post lies. America is a white nation. The Founders did not consider niggers to be human.


Today we know they’re not the same species, just as we knew it back then.

chromosome count

You need to be shot. You’re not even trying to troll now. Go fuck one of these. Surely it will create a child. Go fuck one of these. Surely it will create a child. Niggers are proven to be a separate species, just as Asians are. The FST between Europeans and Africans is twice that of Homo sapiens sapiens and homo neanderthalensis.

how the fuck come

Okay, nigger confirmed.

you have


racism is unscientific

So why is every species on Earth racist? Why does every scientific study ever done prove that racism is the only healthy behavior? Kill yourself.

proven wrong

Exact opposite. Cry harder, yid.

some sort of scientific evidence

Every study ever done. Ever.

your own claims debunk themselves

Blown the fuck out. Cry harder.

Fateswebb ago

quoting Jefferson ..........


What the fuck? Jefferson is my favorite too and I never seen that shit before...


+1 TS


Tallest_Skil ago

The Founding Fathers were unashamedly national socialists. They were national socialists before the term even existed. Thing is, basically everyone was back then. BECAUSE RACISM IS HEALTHY.

“Where was there ever a confederacy of republics united as these states are, or in which the people were so drawn together by religion, blood, language, manners, and customs?” ~ John Dickinson; Fabius Letters

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts or evidence.” ~ John Adams; defense for the British soldiers of the Boston Massacre; December 1770

“To be consistent with existing and probably unalterable prejudices in the US, freed blacks ought to be permanently removed beyond the region occupied or allotted to a white population.” ~ James Madison; letter to Robert J. Evans; June 15, 1819

“The influx of foreigners must, therefore, tend to produce a heterogeneous compound; to change and corrupt the national spirit; to complicate and confound public opinion; to introduce foreign propensities.” ~ Alexander Hamilton; The Federalist Papers

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people–a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs.” ~ John Jay; The Federalist Papers, #2

“The number of purely white people in the world is proportionally very small. I should wish their numbers were increased. But perhaps I am partial to the complexion of my country, for such kind of partiality is natural to mankind.” ~ Benjamin Franklin; Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc.

Fateswebb ago

Define "national socialism" without using the term NAZI which didn't even exist back then.


Tallest_Skil ago

Define "national socialism" without using the term NAZI

  1. Nazi is a derogatory term invented by a jew to describe national socialists.
  2. Find me that PDF host and I'll send you my natsoc chapter, too.

Fateswebb ago

Nazi is a term invented by the j00z

Yeah that's what I figured.... So that's why I asked..

Find me a anonymous PDF host...

Already did bro

Rajadog20 ago

You seem to care too much about peoples opinions

MrDarkWater ago

It's not.

Edit: see

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Is this what "if you don't use it you'll lose it" was about?

Mumbleberry ago

I think that is referring to getting rid of inactive subs, also on Putts to-do list

FuckYourSafespace ago

Fuck yeah! Hole in one, putt putt


Good to see that this abuse is being dealt with.

Edenz ago

ouch! there are some box names there it also seems its not just soap box there are many names. What I think was crap, unfair is how voat was starting to become a reddit with all the voat rigging, I know some people don't want to admit it but there are lots o shills here now. brigades and manipulation. I have a feeling names like HappyShitposter, Dial_Indicator, ItsBad, MasterShitposter they will all be back in some form that's maybe why every once in a while I have no issue with a dictator admin coming in once and a while to protect the voat 'constitution' of sorts, if it had one.... While it is troubling for voat's free speech, they were the ones who attacked voat's free speech and down voted people and they will cry out in pain that none of them did this

Russianbots ago


Troll ago

Today we banned vote manipulators and reset their votes.

Admit it, most of them had Israel IPs or from Washington Jewish neighborhoods. Am I right?

fullmetal_ ago

At least one of them was a regular user just trying to use the site.

This is bullshit. Voat is censoring opinions the mods don't agree with.

Troll ago

And you should be happy with that. If it was up to me, I'd fucking gas you, cremate you, mix your ashes with cocaine and make a nazi party with jew-coke mix for extra high.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Im savethechildren and @uk_woke_bloke was banned connected to one of my alts. I have no idea who that person is.... @puttitout definitely banned some innocents in this move. The only people who are happy are shills. No legitimate voat user cares about fake and gay internet points. They think (rightly) that the ccp restrictions are just there to restrict free speech and silence people. Voat is just as bad as reddit. Unpopular comments are collapsed, and downvoat brigading is used to silence people. Also, putt is a tranny.

truthwoke33 ago

Hey aren't you that faggot who made a YouTube video crying about it?

fullmetal_ ago

No, but it sounds funny. Got a link?

truthwoke33 ago

I'm convinced this is you and nothing you say will change that.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Arent you that 33 degree mason tranny?

Guardbuddy ago
