WET-TV ago

Sweet Pic. I'd like to try ice fishing some day.

SearchVoatBot ago

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HillaryClintonsShoe ago

GoPro in your Ice Hole.

ToFat2Fish ago

Cool pick

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

@Later_a Example of an advertisement disguised as a real post. This tranny has their own fake jewtube channel too with "46k" subs but their videos have sub 1k views a lot of the time.

later_b ago

watched by bots lol. being watched by shills is a step up.

num ago

Selfies are gay.

Octoclops ago

How did you get the gopro back out of the hole?

Taiaha ago

Selfies are for faggots.

mitchc ago

just joined, is this website always this insufferable?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


6gorillion ago

Are you?

Taiaha ago

Ask my Mum.

jollux ago

nice schnoz

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Jew schnoz, shit eating grin, and throwing the baphomet sign.

Kidspro ago

Photography skill + Good idea = Amazing picture

heygeorge ago

Fuck off spammer

Fuckyounigger ago

damnit why are you so fucking cool

BillyLuath ago

I lol'd


You're supposed to take pictures of the fish ya doofus

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

We're everywhere, duh.

Killeratlarge ago

Different color hair but close. I doxed him good

NosebergShekelman ago

Now bend over, stick it up your butt and get the same pic

pushthis ago



Killeratlarge ago

Get doxxed kiddo Title Here

Atkho ago

I bought a YI 4K+ because jews like you shill Gopro on social media. Seriously guys look at who made this post.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Any fish? Stop by v/TheGreatOutdoors make some posts when you go out.

Goathole ago

Yer purretty with those googly eyes that reflect in the sunglasses.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Do a porta potty next.

Walk1 ago

Looking down the anus Mundi can be a good thing every once and a while.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Hey. If you have 46 thousand subscribers why does my jewtube channel get more views on all my videos than you do and i have 6 thousands subscribers?

Atkho ago

Fake accounts. Same way he got this to the front page.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

This post is a bad advertisement for muh GoPro. Dumbass @vivafrei Have you seen the "wife" of this creature? Scary stuff... haahsh

later_b ago

gopro should use anything but that horrible HORRIBLE FISH EYE LENS.

whyyyy do they use fish eye lens. anyway yeah, anyone that presses brand names over and over and over belongs on the ignore list.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Fish eye lense is an "in" joke cuz muh nasha

later_b ago

reasonable cameras don't have that horrid lens.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

But go pro is an obvious illuminati pushed crap product. Its gimmicky. Hence, the gimmick.

99887766 ago

You're pretty retarded posting a picture of yourself on Voat. Have you always been this stupid or is this something new?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

What are you so afraid of, faggot?

99887766 ago


RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Watch your mouth, I'm an NSA agent!

99887766 ago

I am the leader of isis

BentAxel ago

You need a new hobby. All seriousness, I love your youtube vids.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Might i say, madame, your "wife' is very handsome.

Hahah. I bet "she" opens all the jars in that relationship.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Googely fishhole reflection eyes.

watts2db ago

haha the reflection on the sunglasses

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Baphomet sign, MUH ORANGE 33 shades. Tranny.

whiskeybent ago


watts2db ago

I enjoy pulling fish out of my icehole

TheTrigger ago

found the /v/animemes weeb

watts2db ago

it was just an old joke I don't know anything about anime except I watched speed racer as a kid

KVD ago

Wow, you are ugly.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Transgenders tend to be ugly

thelma ago

I look forward to your climate change report with excitement !

You're a climate change expert now...with those glasses and all.

john-from-wisconsin ago

Too bad you wern't busy catching fish. Not like you know how anyway. You should start a video channel called "Look at me not catching fish."

DeltaBravoTango ago

He caught a fish with a drone once.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

All caps jewtube title. Wowwwww

Rotteuxx ago

Shittiest troll ever.

VivaFrei ago

He sure was trolling

Get it?

Rotteuxx ago


Does it count as trolling if the motiong is vertical ? I never tried trolling through a ice fishing hole.

bubbleki ago

Dude. You're a voater? Rad man.

6gorillion ago

Pretty sure he's always been a voater. Unfortunately he is a lawyer in Montreal with a big nose. I say unfortunately because I kinda like the guy. I am also only speculating when I say he didn't post here for a long period of time because he just gets called a filthy jew lawyer when he does post. Simply scroll down and see what I mean.

TheTrigger ago

Is he someone people know, or you just happen to know each other? I just remember him as the guy chasing that fishing drone, yelling at Marion to get the friggen camera, lol.

70times7 ago

You look familiar.


Reverse-Flash ago


pissinmyass42069 ago

The reflection of the hole in your shades kinda looks like silly crossed eyes, which I appreciated.

VivaFrei ago

It’s funny, at first that was the only thing that was irritating me about the picture… I wanted those black circles centered. But I think this as a little character :-)

PuttItOut ago

I didn't even notice the googly eyes until I read this comment. It's even better now.

thelma ago


Discrimination....rears its head again !

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

That show is great!

"Have you trie- fuck it; what do you want!"

TheBuddha ago

Ice fishing is retarded. Ice shack drinking is not.

160065002 ago

Go back to your shanty!

KVD ago

But that's what ice fishing is.

And, BTW, hunting is not retarded. That's how we survive. Sitting on your ass in a Gore-tex chair drinking booze is retarded. So you got it completely wrong.

Also, I love being retarded.

TheBuddha ago

I hunt. I had some drag me in a sled, with a smashed femur, just so I could get my deer. I also fish.

I do not ice fish. I've been shitfaced in many ice shacks.

Mylon ago

How did you smash your femur?

TheBuddha ago

I was involved in a spectacular automobile wreck, at extreme speeds. I was not driving. No, I was egging the driver on and insulting both him and his car.

In my defense, he was a shitty driver. See exhibit A:


However, the car was pretty good. The police report says we left the travel lane at speed 'no less than 120 mph'. Fortunately, the car had a factory roll cage, racing seats, and racing harnesses. We went through a telephone pole and some trees. The car was literally ripped into separate pieces and left a debris field like you see at airplane crashes.

All in all, it was a pretty good day - until we left the ground the first time. I spent quite a while in the hospital. I broke a bunch of shit. I got to ride in a helicopter. I got good drugs. Now, I'm like 9 to 15 more months of physical therapy and then I might be able to walk again. I can kinda hobble around!

Mylon ago

Goddamn. Send a post card to the engineers thanking them for saving your life! It's amazing how survivable car wrecks can be.

TheBuddha ago

I sent Ford an email while still in the hospital.

If you're curious, it was a pretty fancy GT350. They're limited production, so if you own one the value went up!

Mylon ago

A shame about the car. But glad to hear you're still with us.

TheBuddha ago

The car is in three sorta large pieces and is missing the roof. I'm not even sure the engine is any good. Not even the block.

For the record, it had a roof when the EMTs dragged me out of it. At least I'm pretty sure it did. I was pretty distracted and my leg was flopping about all over the place. I'm not sure how many feet we were in the woods, but it had to have been at least 300'.

It was spectacular.

Notice, I did not call it an accident. It was not an accident. It was the only possibly outcome when you try to take that corner at that speed and you're a shitty driver! (I should also mention the driver was drunk.)

Thissandwich ago

Nah, man, the guy dragging him had a smashed femur.

KVD ago


ARsandOutdoors ago

Thats no joke. Ive spent some of my best times in an ice house. Something about a ice cold beer and a propane heater in an enclosed space brings out the good times

Lemongarb ago

propane heater in an enclosed space

It's the fumes.

TheBuddha ago

And a deck of cards.

Guy_Justsome ago

How thick is that ice?

VivaFrei ago

It was a good 2 feet thick today…

SIayfire122 ago

How thick does it have to be to drive on it?

VivaFrei ago

Haha! I was wondering how you were going to docks me when I literally run an open YouTube channel! LOL

6gorillion ago

Don't you have a wife and kids? You shouldn't be docking with anybody...

SIayfire122 ago

?¿??? I think you replied to the wrong guy.

VivaFrei ago

They say 6 inches is safer driving. But the problem is, if the ice is only 6 inches thick, it’s not 6 inches thick everywhere.

crazy_eyes ago

a couple inches

Pubiclouse ago

Goat hole GoPro.