ExpertShitposter ago

Global ban for @thebuddha unless he sends us a bucket-o-blueberries as bribe to look the other way.

TheBuddha ago

I ain't scared.

ExpertShitposter ago


TheBuddha ago

Blueberries don't ship well.

ExpertShitposter ago

implyin i wouldnt throw rotten blueberiiries in with pizza and red bull (hell) and vodka into aa blender, in order to cewate the elixir of life.

implying this y youa re

TheBuddha ago

You are drunker than I am!

ExpertShitposter ago

i have been living of such shakes for the last 80 months

get healthy but horeshit taste things like borcoly and rotkvica in to blender,

drink the juice, go get a hamburger to redeem ur soul

its how i survive

TheBuddha ago

Maybe you should see a nutritionist?

ExpertShitposter ago

why? naturally grown things are 100% healthy.

TheBuddha ago

That's not how it works. That's not how anything works. Botulism grows naturally.

ExpertShitposter ago

i dont know what botulism means, but this conversation is getting too serious,

aso we can continue it tomorow not now

al i know is, i like all fruits but only some vegetbles,

aln also puig cow and chicken

TheBuddha ago

'Member QRV Chess? I 'member.

I should be banned just for that. Oh, the things I did...

heygeorge ago

Lol yeah, but AFAIK toying with the retarded and misguided is not a bannable offense.

TheBuddha ago

It should be.

I guess enough time has passed that I can share I got them to fight with the PV crowd - twice, for my own amusement. Best part? I was getting them to make the comments and submissions. I was pretty much Picasso. It was a true masterpiece. "Clean Q's House!" It wasn't me submitting those, or similar. It was me guiding them to behave as I wanted them to behave.

Yeah, it's been enough time. I can come clean for that one. I had a whole lot of free time!

heygeorge ago

Lol, that is great. Although if shitposting PV was a bannable offense... I ‘spose this thread would qualify as well.

TheBuddha ago

Voat runs on shitposting and drama.

Mostly drama...

crazy_eyes ago

only voat?

TheBuddha ago

No, I'm sure other communities are similar. Voat does add the free speech element.

crazy_eyes ago


yeah i guess. I stay away from the voat drama. theres enough of that in my life already

I was just about to pick up my guitar and play, had it on my shoulder and was turning the equipment on, when the phone goes off and my woman needs me so I'm running out of time again damnit

TheBuddha ago

I have chicken salad.

It is delicious.

No drama here, today!

I find myself being able to understand cabin fever. I ain't got it, but I can understand. I want to get out and race around on the frozen lake, or something. I'm stifled! I'm like a flower! Stunted because I get no sun! I'm wilting!

Hmm... I'm now reminded of the No Rain video. I'm also high as balls, if it's not obvious.

crazy_eyes ago

I'm pretty freaking stoned myself.

We are going to go on a stoned adventure

Im high as a kite, i cant stop laughing.

still havent played anything on my guitar, im going to try something quick now while she's getting ready

TheBuddha ago

Sounds like the start of a pretty good day.

crazy_eyes ago

This is happy weed. I just got it, and im delerious with happiness

TheBuddha ago

Drive safe!

crazy_eyes ago

damned right!

TheBuddha ago

Don't forget to record something!

crazy_eyes ago

I picked up the guitar and hit record and played for a minute twenty seconds, so there's that

TheBuddha ago

That is technically a start!

crazy_eyes ago

i did write an ode to opie but i havent recorded it or even played it yet

TheBuddha ago

The OUI guy?

crazy_eyes ago

thats the one!

TheBuddha ago

"And now what do you know? I get to say I told you so!"

In my imagination, it is an eighties hair metal song.

cynicaloldfart ago

Just a side note. FGNT surpassed c/v's in 6 hours what this sticky has in 15.

TheBuddha ago

Sweet! One person has already emailed me a track for Friday, in case they aren't there.

cynicaloldfart ago

Belated reply. After seeing the SearchVoatBot statistics report for the most commented for this month, I can only assume Putt saw my above comment about having more c/v than him. It must have caused him much distress, to the point where he kept his post up longer solely to outdo our numbers. Tsk, Tsk, I wouldn't have thought him so petty to do such a thing, but I guess every man has his pride.

I'm convinced this is what actually happened.

TheBuddha ago

We have to let him win, once in a while!

cynicaloldfart ago

I guess we'll have to shout "The power of music compels you" at the mundane politics and general tomfoolery of the day.

TheBuddha ago

I tried to process how Voat would interpret that, that is to say that the power of music compels them.

I suspect at least a few would think we are really demons and casting satanic spells.

You're putting in an early appearance! G'morning.

cynicaloldfart ago

Well, they would be misinterpreting the reference. It was said against those types of elements, the battle of good over evil (and boredom). However, I do extend my apologies to Death Metal heads.

TheBuddha ago

I'm holding you accountable for my earworm.