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srayzie ago

@Uk_Bloke_Awoke! πŸ˜”

@Shizy look!

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago

Well I was more surprised than you were.

I only had one account in use, though I left in place the first one registered because I soon realized it would have doxed me. I stopped using it straight away.

I have never had multiple alts and have never upvoted myself in any way...

I have made over 10,000 more upvotes than downvotes.... and over 6,000 CCP, and I think peopke seem to like my presence, except the shills maybe...

I downvote people who are anti Q or anti Trump and those who make nasty comments... I guess that would sometimes mean all their comments, but in my five months I've never seen any rule about what I could downvote. This is my first and only site of this type, so I have no previous experience...

The ban log says I did a minus 1 downvote for a user named '137' but that user is on this list too, so I guess I was right to downvote them.

I'm glad @PuttItOut has taken steps to stop the multiple alt upvote and downvoting, but feel I am innocent here...

@srayzie @Shizy

ExpertShitposter ago

I downvote people who are anti Q or anti Trump and those who make nasty comments

Faggot boomer detected!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You are an innocent here! And so was I and my moderator who kept having to deal with that hideous troll who kept creating abusive accounts and having his "friends" going around and posting shit about us and abusing us in everyway he could. Now I know who the enemies of the people are and I'm GLAD to see draaaak's ass banned! Too bad they didn't get the other troublemaker!

I am so sorry that you were somehow targeted too. But with that other account trying to use your name, I guess we're all on someone's sick hit list.

kneo24 ago

Your "moderator" was you on a different account. The ban reason that came up on the ban log had your current username attached to it. You insist on pushing a false narrative. You are the (((enemy))). I will continue to treat you as such.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Stop stalking me! I know what you are and what you did to my group! You are also a liar and a seething enraged troll! Go back to Hack Forums!

Also people can tell that you just want to keep posting lies and falsehoods. You accuse others of what you're guilty of! So fuck off you hideous egocentric psychopath. My moderator did nothing to you and you assailed him affter trying to keep your insane war going with me!

And this claim of yours that you contacted draaaak to help you attack and gang up on me is flimsy at best but if true, proves how fragile and sick you are! Well I did some digging too on you! You're a cancer, draaaak!

kneo24 ago

Stop stalking me! I know what you are and what you did to my group!

Look, another claim you will never substantiate.

You are also a liar and a seething enraged troll!

And another....

Go back to Hack Forums!

I can't go back to a place I was never at.

Also people can tell that you just want to keep posting lies and falsehoods.

A "no u" statement.

You accuse others of what you're guilty of!

Projection on your part and essentially a "no u" statement.

So fuck off you hideous egocentric psychopath.

That's leftist speak for, "I have no argument and will not substantiate my claims with any sort of reasoning behind it."

My moderator did nothing to you and you assailed him affter trying to keep your insane war going with me!

Your moderator attacked me first and was clearly involved in vote manipulating, otherwise they wouldn't have been banned. It's also clear you and your moderator are the same person. This is what happens when you engage in lies.

And this claim of yours that you contacted draaaak to help you attack and gang up on me is flimsy at best but if true,

I never made any such claims.

proves how fragile and sick you are!

More leftist speak.

Well I did some digging too on you!

Cool, what did you find?

You're a cancer, draaaak!

I'm not draaaak.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Another repeat episode of As the Butthurt Churns!

You sure are so miserably hurt over something that should have never even been turned into the war you made, shill. Draaaak. All you've done is show and prove that someone calling you out causes you to gather all your minion accounts or whatever and call out for an all out war, make threats, shit all over someone's board, create impersonator accounts, blast on high until you can stomp around like an antifa creep.

Oh noes that's not meeee!

Riiiight. You endorsed it. Upvoted everything like that then continued to speak about "finishing" me in private. WTFF is wrong with you? Is an insult really that devastating to you that you have to destroy someone over it? I called it right. I know what you are.

Further you have never proven any of your claims against me but WOW there you are going around to any board that will listen to your whining while you spread your lies and your buttcheeks for your faggoty "friends"! Nobody normal CARES about what your damage is!

You chose to keep on and on over something that NORMAL people would have just gotten over! Me insulting you for being a prick! But your type is so full of yourself and your "status" here like it even fucking means anything. You have no idea how stupid you look! And I have been telling YOU in public how full of shit you are! While you then chose to attack me in private messages and again, I told you how full of shit you are!

Take MadWorld's advice, if you're going to be here and blast your shit around, be prepared that some people might call you names. Grow the fuck up! You're toxic!

Hack Forums

We will see about that! Someone knows you from there, butt dick.

Putting you back on BLOCK! You're fucking crazy.

kneo24 ago

You sure are so miserably hurt over something that should have never even been turned into the war you made, shill.

Another "no u".


I'm not Draaaaak.

All you've done is show and prove that someone calling you out causes you to gather all your minion accounts or whatever and call out for an all out war, make threats, shit all over someone's board, create impersonator accounts, blast on high until you can stomp around like an antifa creep.

Provide proof.

Riiiight. You endorsed it.

Provide proof.

Upvoted everything like that then continued to speak about "finishing" me in private.

Provide proof.

Is an insult really that devastating to you that you have to destroy someone over it?

Keep on pretending you aren't shilling. Someone called you out over these tactics two months ago.

Further you have never proven any of your claims against me but WOW there you are going around to any board that will listen to your whining while you spread your lies and your buttcheeks for your faggoty "friends"!

I have, and I just did it again. I can see that you claimed to have blocked me, and I'd be surprised if you weren't lying about this as well. You have refused to substantiate any of your claims against me publicly and privately. By the way, me messaging the mod mail system when you blocked me from your subverse for defending myself isn't stalking you. You can stop playing the (((victim game))) now.

Nobody normal CARES about what your damage is!

I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make here or what you even mean.

You chose to keep on and on over something that NORMAL people would have just gotten over! Me insulting you for being a prick!

"Oy vey goy! How dare you defend yourselves from niggers and spics! You should just let them rape and murder your wives and children!"

By all means, keep complaining that I defended myself from you sticking up for your shilly friend.

But your type is so full of yourself and your "status" here like it even fucking means anything. You have no idea how stupid you look!

This is another (((leftist talking point))). "Oy vey goy! Care about the optics of defending yourself when someone attacks you!"

And I have been telling YOU in public how full of shit you are!

With zero citations.

While you then chose to attack me in private messages and again, I told you how full of shit you are!

"oy vey! I'm a victim!". Yeah, I can show the world the screen shots of the "private message" where I call you out for being full of shit. Would you like that?

Also downvoting you all over the place doesn't mean he's me.

I never claimed he was you for that. You run a shitty, small, subverse with 4 users total, two moderators, and both of you use the same exactly language. Then you both run around upvoting each others comments when you start shit with someone. It's easy to see how many times the user names changed in the middle of the argument your accounts created. It's consistent.

By your own logic then, you are draaaak, draaaak who was banned!

"You're draaaak because I say you're draaaak and I'm going to use an argument that I strawmanned to prove it!"

Okay, you keep doing those shilly things that you've been doing for a while.

Take MadWorld's advice, if you're going to be here and blast your shit around, be prepared that some people might call you names. Grow the fuck up! You're toxic!

Have you considered looking in a mirror? Perhaps not throwing rocks in your glass house?

We will see about that! Someone knows you from there, butt dick.

Again, sources. Cite something. You have yet to do so in any capacity yet again.

Putting you back on BLOCK! You're fucking crazy.

The calling card of the defeated. You claim you're blocking and resort to another leftist tactic.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Total shitpost. And your usual projection and DARPA. You are already blocked, so you can't message me and your threats carry no weight.

Oh and I never created accounts to look like the mods at GA. Goddamn you keep on making claims that come right out of your ass! And I can show my messages to you to the world too. They would show how you attacked me first. And I replied in kind. You also lie so much you can't even keep track of them. You also attacked Aston first when he was talking NOT to you and you came in and was all flippant over what he said. Then you wentand cried to draaaak (yourself) and got that shit to going. Draaaak's asshole problem was the same as yours HOW DARE you say anything to disagree with meeee! That is NOT allowed! See out points? Big points - you little - we stomp! Wheeee! That's you.

You create such impersonating accounts then use the accusation of it against your victims! And once again, tyrannical asshole, who only wants free speech for himself but not others, you keep droning on about me and someone else being the same but in a court of law we would raze your ass to the ground with facts! I don't care that I use the same language as nigger, faggot and the like! Get over it!

Again, you're fucking crazy and you did NOT defeat me although your little spoiled brat ass would love to think that! If I was defeated, why beat a dead horse? Still feeling the pain of your draaaak being banned?

Yes. You. Are.

kneo24 ago

Total shitpost. And your usual projection and DARPA. You are already blocked, so you can't message me and your threats carry no weight.

I have never directly messaged you. The closest I ever got was the modmail system. There's the discussion for the world to see, showing how full of shit you are.

Oh and I never created accounts to look like the mods at GA. Goddamn you keep on making claims that come right out of your ass!

Never claimed you did. @argosciv seems to have never made that claim either in the link I provided above. It begs the question, why bring this up? Feeling guilty?

And I can show my messages to you to the world too.

Do it, faggot.

They would show how you attacked me first. And I replied in kind.

That is a lie. - I have asked you about this before and you never answered. When did I ever have any sort of conversation with you prior to that?

You also lie so much you can't even keep track of them.

Clearly you don't mind having your glass house shattered by the stones you throw.

You also attacked Aston first when he was talking NOT to you and you came in and was all flippant over what he said.

Here's "Aston" responding to your one of your attacks on me. By your logic I'm not allowed to defend myself.

Then you went and cried to draaaak (yourself) and got that shit to going. Draaaak's asshole problem was the same as yours, ex: HOW DARE you say anything to disagree with meeee! That is NOT allowed! See our points? Big points - you little - we stomp! Wheeee! <That's you.

No proof provided once again.

You create such impersonating accounts then use the accusation of it against your victims! And once again, tyrannical asshole, who only wants free speech for himself but not others, you keep droning on about me and someone else being the same but in a court of law we would raze your ass to the ground with facts! I don't care that I use the same language as nigger, faggot and the like! Get over it!

No proof once again.

Again, you're fucking crazy and you did NOT defeat me although your little spoiled brat ass would love to think that! If I was defeated, why beat a dead horse? Still feeling the pain of your draaaak being banned?

No proof provided once again.

Yes. You. Are.

And, no proof provided once again.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Okay since you can't take the hint: you're fucking crazy! You tagged a guy in your rants because you TRIED to claim that I was shilling and that someone (quote/unquote) claimed I was shilling then link to the post about someone copying GA mods accounts! YOU ABSOLUTELY tried to accuse me of that and then here in your pathetic attempt try to call me guilty of it - but wow I post the PROOF of threats and your shit and all you have are strawmen, the same shill rhetoric, and the same crying out as you and your alts keep striking!

You have engaged in psychopathic behavior, I know what you are, I know what a liar you are, I know all of the shit you/draaaak/all these little backups of yours do! I already have the info and I'm not your only target of the shit you've done around here! Other people have been abused by your bullying tactics for years now. They have been forced into silence! You are a literal piece of shit. I see you, I know by the evidence of what you've done to me, and all I had to do was make some little insult to you and it was "LET'S DESTROY ANOTHER USER HERE BECAUSE I WAS NOT WORSHIPPED" < you.

I have PROOF because as those who are being abused know better than the onlooker. You can feel free to get over it but you will never get over that someone on voat just fucking hates because you are a fucking psycho. I will keep banning you from my group no matter how many IDs you have or how many idiots you send in! I have a right to protect my own!

Yeah yeah "defeated" because that's what it was all about, huh? Little psycho keyboard warrior, yeah you MUST win in that Special Olympics you have going on for yourself here. But draaaak got banned and you'll always have that defeat against you. I will never see you as anything more than a total piece of shit no matter how much you try to spam my group, or downvote me into your fisty fighty wrath. JFC I hope you live alone. I can imagine that life around you 24/7 must be a living Hell on Earth.

kneo24 ago

Okay since you can't take the hint: you're fucking crazy!

I would say at this point it seems your goal is to shatter your glass house while you toss stones around.

You tagged a guy in your rants because you TRIED to claim that I was shilling and that someone (quote/unquote) claimed I was shilling then link to the post about someone copying GA mods accounts! YOU ABSOLUTELY tried to accuse me of that and then here in your pathetic attempt try to call me guilty of it - that's pretty much accusing me of it. Why even link it unless your intention was to accuse me?

I didn't try to claim something, I did claim something. I claimed that you're still using the same tactics months later, as another user pointed out. I pointed out that you were still running around with two account, engaging in vote manipulation and that you still stick up for Godsangell. Argosciv said you might be impersonating GA mods, not that you were. That wasn't even the crux of his argument though. Again, I was just merely pointing out how months later, you were still doing the same things other respected members of Voat have already accused you of.

But wow I post the PROOF of threats and your shit and all you have are strawmen, the same shill rhetoric, and the same crying out as you and your alts keep striking!

Once again you resort to lying, as you posted zero proof, and go "no u" with the strawman arguments and the Jew thing.

BTW I'm not fighting with TS and he and I don't hate each other. So you might want to lay off of that hope to get him to come in here and coddle you. So much for your divide and conquer tactics.

I'm not sure who TS is, but okay. I literally have no idea who you mean.

You also tagged TallestSkil, and little draaaak as well.

Yes, that's because you were talking shit about them behind their backs. If you're going to say things about people, at least give them a chance to know what is being said about them so they can defend themselves if they want to.

You tag anyone that you can get to start the process of downvote manipulation so you can "defeat" those you asssail, and then receive upvotes for even mentioning them. That's your M.O. as you cannot possibly fight without your little wittle back up goiyus. Or whatever the fuck you call them.

I do just fine on my own. This is along the lines of the "evil SBBH" argument that is old and tired here. Maybe if you didn't act like a shill and parrot all of their narratives people wouldn't downvoat you so much when you leave your Q bubble.

You have engaged in psychopathic behavior, I know what you are, I know what a liar you are, I know all of the shit you/draaaak/all these little backups of yours do!

Once again, zero proof.

I already have the info and I'm not your only target of the shit you've done around here! Other people have been abused by your bullying tactics for years now. They have been forced into silence! You are a literal piece of shit.

No proof and ad-hominem. Way to be a shill.

I know by the evidence of what you've done to me, and all I had to do was make some little insult to you and it was "LET'S DESTROY ANOTHER USER HERE BECAUSE I WAS NOT WORSHIPPED" < you.

Yeah, except that's not what happened.

I have PROOF because as those who are being abused know better than the onlooker.

If you had proof, you would have provided it. The best you had was usernames that were kind of similar to mine and you wouldn't even share it with me after I have asked countless times. You shared it with another user. It shows how afraid you are that I might easily dissect the ridiculousness of your proof.

Again, where is the actual proof.

You can feel free to get over it but you will never get over that someone on voat just fucking hates your fat ass because you are a fucking psycho.

Yup, more of the same. No proof.

I will keep banning you from my group no matter how many IDs you have or how many idiots you send in! I have a right to protect my own!

I only have one account on Voat. Again, no proof on your end. It is telling that you ban users when they go into your subverse so they can defend themselves though from your accusations. It's exactly what (((they))) do.

Yeah yeah "defeated" because that's what it was all about, huh? Little psycho keyboard warrior, yeah you MUST win in that Special Olympics you have going on for yourself here. But draaaak got banned and you'll always have that defeat against you. I will never see you as anything more than a total piece of shit no matter how much you try to spam my group, or downvote me into your fisty fighty wrath. JFC I hope you live alone. I can imagine that life around you 24/7 must be a living Hell on Earth.]

So pretty much, another "no u" with ad-homs. Ok.

BTW: You did PM me before I blocked your ass! I have the link right my own email!

Prove it. Literally take a screen shot, post it to imgoat, copy the URL, and put it in your next reply.

Along with the notes about "finishing" me while you deny you ever sent such shit but somehow keep repeating something about "defeating" me. How fucking obvious a LIAR you are!

And more delusional ranting from your end. Again, this is stuff you refuse to substantiate.

argosciv ago

The fuck's all this about then?

kneo24 ago

The user and their alt, who was very recently given a site wide ban, sperged out on me for calling oit the bullshit @Godsangell commits. Those two came to his defense. I did a little looking and found you called them out for it two months ago.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Again NO PROOF of your claims! That board is public and anyone can post there, draaaak. Also I didn't come to anyone's defense! I called you out for being a dick. Big difference, draaaak.

kneo24 ago

The proof is in the ban log. I'm not sure why you keep calling me draaaaaak since there's not much similar between them and I in our posting styles.

Calling me out for being a dick to an obvious person pushing narratives is coming to their defense. We already know you're too dense to see otherwise.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh the BALLOG! Well, yeah that means someone did something against YOU and was supposed to "defeat me" right? But did the opposite! Of course all your accounts are seen there too! You totally sound just like draaaak! The split personalities of your multiple selves do show through, you vote manipulations are also as obvious!

Here's a letter I sent in reply to someone I'm talking with in private:

I set the mode to be Authorized, I think. That's why I needed a mod, to watch things while I'm away. I work out of town because I live in a rural area. Sometimes I'm away for days. Aston was keeping an eye on things for me although he, too, could not always be around. But like you, we have a life. Unlike draaaak and his "army".

Yeah the beginning of this whole thing was draaaak, and what I did was agree with the OP's take on what James Wood had posted. So draaaak came in and started with this "all women are cunts and should be silenced" and all that fuckery. So I just kept saying that he would not divide a nation that stands together. He really got mad then. It petered out. And I did note that he downvoted me and got all his accounts to do the same so I was silenced. It goes into the negative and that's what happened. So while he thinks it's okay to do all this shit to censor people, the minute he gets one of his most precious accounts deleted, he starts posting threats!

My reaction when he did that to me was to make an annoucement that I couldn't say anything with that psychopath around, and I was ready to give it all up. But there were nice people that kept asking me to come back. Then I started out slow at first. But all of this time, he was still stalking me.

And this kneo asshole, the Hack Forums guy did tell me that his M.O. on voat is exactly the same as he did on their site. All the same types of attacks with the thug-like "prove it" when the victim knows he did it but can't porve it because said victim isn't an admin. So now he's bragging about "defeating" me (also the same tactic as noted by the Hacker site mod) and while he's busy bragging about defeating me into silence, I mean I know I can't post anything without it being downvoted now, so why bother when I am having nice coversations in private here with the people I like? So I know I've been forced into silence in that respect. But his "defeat" is short lived because I'm not someone he can beat up everyday despite his campaign to "finish" me.

But while he's threatened me, and has this cross hairs and has ego and his claims of victory, I still take solace in the fact that his precious draaaak was curb stomped. I can still pm my friends here and talk with them. And I don't fear the reaper.

So you see, I have direct contact with people that you cannot censor! And you see, I can still be on voat, and you will be in PAIN because in reality, all you've managed to do was 1. make a lifelong enemy 2. make it to where so many people now know the game you got going on, and know that censorship you enforce is through your psychotic absue and abuse of the voting feature. I know now! I KNOW!

kneo24 ago

Oh the BALLOG!

Using esoteric words doesn't actually make you seem intelligent. I have no clue what you mean by purposely misspelling banlog.

Well, yeah that means someone did something against YOU and was supposed to "defeat me" right? But did the opposite!

Why would that mean that? The banlog states you were the target, getting positive upvoats. Way to make yourself look like a complete fool. This is what it states:


Vote Manipulation (Target: AlphabeticalAnon, Type: 1)

Again, where is my username in the banlog? I'm waiting.

Of course all your accounts are seen there too!

Which accounts? I only have this one account. Again, I'm waiting for specifics.

You totally sound just like draaaak!

And how do I "totally sound just like draaaak!"?

The split personalities of your multiple selves do show through, you vote manipulations are also as obvious!

Gonna need some proof.

Long story of events that didn't happen that way.

I don't actually care what you send to other people. Again, where's the proof? It's amusing that asking for proof makes you upset. If it wasn't for asking for proof, snake oil salesman would be getting away with a lot more than they already do. If it wasn't for asking for proof, we wouldn't have the technological advances we have. Asking for proof is the intellectually honest thing to do. Not providing it is the intellectually dishonest thing to do. Trying to gaslight people by telling them that demanding proof is bad is the shill thing to do. We see it from (((them))) all the time here on Voat.

So you see, I have direct contact with people that you cannot censor!

Ok, and? Why do I care?

And you see, I can still be on voat, and you will be in PAIN because in reality, all you've managed to do was 1. make a lifelong enemy 2. make it to where so many people now know the game you got going on, and know that censorship you enforce is through your psychotic absue and abuse of the voting feature. I know now! I KNOW!

Ok, and? How do you expect to bring this, "pain"? Are you pretending to be "Q" here?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Prove that I misspelled the word on purpose! You're a fucking liar. I actually did misspell it and the only fool you're making is the oneof yourself!

The pain you've already admitted to, is in the very fact that your ego was bruised by some insult that normal people would have let go off! But not you! In your mind you're waaaay important around here and you must crush and silence anyone who uses their freedom. You can't have that. Yes PAIN! You already PROVED that you cannot, and will not let anything go!

And you can stop your sanctimonous bullshit about me getting upvotes by someone ELSE whereas you get all your upvotes by either sychophants or your sock accounts! I know what your game is! Keep crying about it, tool!

I CAN PM my friends here and YOU can't censor us! That's the great thing about PM! There you have NO control over it. You just control the public part of this site! But that is ALL you control! Yeah yeah, I know, more down votes for me AGAIN A TARGET of you and your shit faced fuckers! Wish the BANLOG showed how many times you tagged some people to come in and attack me and make threads about me and then shows all the times you got your little vote army to abuse the system! Wish it would show THAT!

kneo24 ago

Prove that I misspelled the word on purpose! You're a fucking liar. I actually did misspell it and the only fool you're making is the one of yourself!

Ok, so you ask me for proof only to provide it for me? That's a strange tactic.

The pain you've already admitted to, is in the very fact that your ego was bruised by some insult that normal people would have let go of! But not you! In your mind you're waaaay important around here and you must crush and silence anyone who uses their freedom. You can't have that. Yes PAIN! You already PROVED that you cannot, and will not let anything go! Welcome to Hell then. Being such an evil force of nature as your alter ego draaaak says, women are such baddies. Well...

Lot's reeing, no proof. Got it.

And you can stop your sanctimonous bullshit about me getting upvotes by someone ELSE whereas you get all your upvotes by either sychophants or your sock accounts! I know what your game is! Keep crying about it, tool!

A "no u" and no proof on your end. The sitewide banlog is indicative that you're being disingenuous here.

I CAN PM my friends here and YOU can't censor us!

Ok, why do you keep bringing this up? Why do I care?

That's the great thing about PM! There you have NO control over it.

Yeah, and I see once again you have failed to provide any of the proof that I asked for in regards to PM's I have sent you. Let's be clear, I have sent you none, and you won't provide proof.

You just control the public part of this site! But that is ALL you control!

I control nothing. I appreciate the thought of you deifying me in such a manner though. It's quite flattering.

Yeah yeah, I know, more down votes for me AGAIN A TARGET of you and your shit faced fuckers!

"Oh woe is me! I'm such a victim! I've done nothing wrong!"

Ok, leftist.

Wish the BANLOG showed how many times you tagged some people to come in and attack me and make threads about me and then shows all the times you got your little vote army to abuse the system! Wish it would show THAT!

It won't ever show that. I have never done any such thing. Perhaps you could try providing proof for once in your life. Are you capable of it?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You are absolutely guilty of everything you accuse others of and with your mantra "no u" and "prove it" is proof enough that your game is exposed little draaaak. What do you plan to di with your little army of fake accounts? After the threat being posted and you upvoting it, I know you plan to keep abusing the site and its users. It's what you do. Now go on and say "oh nu u" and feign innocence. You loelife liar. You only control the boards in the way that we, the rest of the people, cannot use them for fear of your censorship tactics, which is abuse, draaaak. Leftist, soros worshiping jewish draaaaak. And I'm through opening the notifications so the block stays in place this time against you! Buh bye. You run along downvote this with your sock army. I can spare one more, but I will not be a target of your sick shit anymore!

kneo24 ago

You are absolutely guilty of everything you accuse others of and

Name one, but we know you can't.

and with your mantra "no u" and "prove it" is proof enough that your game is exposed little draaaak.

I'm curious as to why you feel forcing you to be intellectually honest is " a game" and why you still feel I'm another user.

What do you plan to di with your little army of fake accounts?

I don't have an army of fake accounts. Again, the proof is on you to prove that I do.

After the threat being posted and you upvoting it,

Need proof.

I know you plan to keep abusing the site and its users. It's what you do. Now go on and say "oh nu u" and feign innocence.

You're the one with an alt that was banned for exactly this.

You loelife liar.

Leftist speak on your part.

You only control the boards in the way that we, the rest of the people, cannot use them for fear of your censorship tactics, which is abuse, draaaak.

I appreciate the fact that you think so highly of me that I have such power, but I assure you, I don't. If I did, @PuttItOut would have banned me by now.

Leftist, soros worshiping jewish draaaaak.

Another one of your "no u" comments.

And I'm through opening the notifications so the block stays in place this time against you!

I hope you keep your word this time. It would at least show a little bit of integrity on your part.

You run along downvote this with your sock army.

One downvoat is not indicative of a brigade, which I assume is what you mean by "sock army". You deserve every downvoat you get for using the tactics you've been using, arguing the way you've been arguing.

I can spare one more, but I will not be a target of your sick shit anymore!

You quite literally started this with me. This is your own fault.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So you freely admit to your fuckery. Good. I saw it for myself and the only I "started" with you was calling you out over being flippant with your status to think you have something over on someone for giving the correct links, to somehting you did NOT want posted about that subject!

You are the shill. You go back pages and pages to downvote to excape detection. I know everything about your ass, draaaaaaaak.

I can afford a few more down votes but believe me, I am reporting everything to the owner! Meanwhile you can writhe in your fantasy world about what you think about my mod who simply said you were a shit poster. He was right! You have nothing but a mantra of repeats, strawmen, and projection. The tactics I've used was in free speeach alone. THAT'S what you seek to silence! That is all you've silenced. Congrats but the second you start shit with anyone else here from now on...I'll be waiting. And I will be watching.

kneo24 ago

So you freely admit to your fuckery.

I did no such thing.

I saw it for myself and the only I "started" with you was calling you out over being flippant with your status to think you have something over on someone for giving the correct links, to somehting you did NOT want posted about that subject!

That's not what happened at all. Do you enjoy gaslighting people?

You are the shill.

Another "no u" comment.

You go back pages and pages to downvote to excape detection. I know everything about your ass, draaaaaaaak.

Prove it.

The soros reference was in reply to YOUR "no u" shit.

Funny how calling you out for your childish antics makes one a "soros" puppet.

I can afford a few more down votes for now but believe me, I am reporting everything to the owner!

Your response was you not keeping your word, but this line further indicates you had no intention of ever doing so. Your word has no merit, no integrity behind it. You are not a person of your word.

Meanwhile you can writhe in your fantasy world about what you think about my mod who simply said you were a shit poster.

Why would I do that?

You have nothing but a mantra of repeats, strawmen, and projection.

Another "no u" comment.

The tactics I've used was in free speeach alone.

No, while you were exercising free speech, your tactics are clearly laid out for all to see. I have pointed them out every step of the way.

THAT'S what you seek to silence!

Prove it.

That is all you've silenced.

How is it you're able to continue to post then if that's all I've silenced?

Congrats but the second you start shit with anyone else here from now on...I'll be waiting. And I will be watching.

Cool, I have my own personal stalker now. I just knew I was the bee's knees around here.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

He is still so ass sore over something I said to him regarding another poster that he is stalking. That's basically what this is all about.

He is draaaak's loverboy or puppet account, whatever. He messaged draaaak (as he'd claimed) to come over and help him attack me, then he proceeded to attack my group Obscurity. You can go and check things out yourself or ask me for links to all his shit.

Here is also what else I found out about him:

I can also attest that all his fruitless and baseless claims against all goes back to the fact that he and account draaaak loves to go around and make posts that belittle and attack people, especially people with the Q movement. Then he sits back and uses his status to railroad anyone who fights back. One rule for him, another for everyone else.

There is also word that he has been doxxed and that information is available somewhere because he pissed off this Jesse guy.

He also never shows how he went and got draaaak to come after me which is a fact as draaaak account even said so publicly. Then went on his usual crusade to tag people he targets in posts.

It's amazing how he is so exaggeratingly butthurt over the loss of draaaak while my moderator is basically saying it was worth the loss of his account to kill off that beast. Although he was an innocent and my only crime was that I insulted the poor little baby complaining about some poster named GodsAngels.

kneo24 ago

There's no proof that I was ever on hackforums in the link you provided. Furthermore, if there was an account with this user name, it sure as shit wasn't me. I realistically could, right now, go all over the Internet mimicing your username right here and then claim it was you.

All in all, you posted a link with zero evidence, much less any analysis of said evidence.

Once again, you fail to prove your claims.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You were banned from Hack Forums.

kneo24 ago

L OH L. Now you're doing disingenuous edits afterwards.

You were banned from Hack Forums.

SImilar usernames are not proof. Try harder.

Oh and I do note the down voting from your alts on all my comments that nobody else besides you would care about.

I have no alts. Notice how in the recent ban wave only one account has your name attached to it? Notice how none of them have my name attached to it? You are a fucking LULCOW.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Edits to add what I countered against you in the first place. Call in disingenous all you want, you're still a coward, draaaaak.

Nosferatjew ago

I'm not done with you either.

Shizy ago

I knew you'd be back!

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srayzie ago

Well you need to be a good boy now lol.

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago

Not how I feel...

srayzie ago

Yeah I agree. @Puttitout @UK_Bloke_Awoke might have been a mistake? He’s never been anything but helpful that I have noticed.

DickTick ago

If you really didn't then msg putt. He's already fixed one mistake. Either way dude, glad you're back.

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago

πŸ‘ Thx Dick

srayzie ago

I was just playing.

UK_Bloke_Surprised ago


I had a coffee and feeling better now 😁

srayzie ago

Oh good. Haha

SeanBox ago

oh, sanegoat... Does it hurt to know I'm the iron fist?