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Dismember ago - (joined on: 10/6/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/2/2017) - (joined on: 10/2/2017)

Some users banned yesterday for reference: - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017) - (joined on: 10/3/2017)

You might want to run the same checks on these as you did the *___Shitposter accounts from the sitewide banlist. They were all banned the same day here: so they have that in common as well as the join dates and in a couple of instances, naming pattern. Maybe worth running them through some similar checks you did those others. This is what I consider the low-hanging fruit of a larger voting block of alts on here that participated in raids on v/gaming later and v/aww with other accounts doing something different. If I find some spare time I might go into that later if they continue to build up accounts and use them. Hopefully not.

@Cynabuns I was going to PM you this as well but it seems like if i initiate the PM, I have to fill in a google capture and I don't like google, they ran over my dog once.

@MadWorld these are some of what I was talking about yesterday if you are interested or know any others who might be.

If anyone is interested have a good look at their lowest and highest rated comments and you might begin to get a picture of who is behind these.