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dontforgetaboutevil ago

I'm with him on this. In fact his opinion here is EXACTLY how I feel about it. Freedom of speech has to super cede everything or we can't have it at all. But on the other hand illegal stuff can be removed. It's not perfect but it's an acceptable middle ground.

Your post and your attitude reminds me a lot of those jews who try swasticas on their own dorm room doors and then cry oppression and intimidation. I bet you posted that shit.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Another disgusting pedophilia supporter. REPENT.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Seriously? Repent? You stupid fucking troll. This is sguever?

not_saying_a_thing ago's savethechildren. Has to be.

theoldguy ago

Yes. Yes it is.

not_saying_a_thing ago

Getwiththepogram, too...and a couple others whose names escape me right now.

What are the odds these are all Amalek?