SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

I never was at 500 today. Lies.


Drawings are not cp

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


anamericantale ago

he doesn't support pedophilia. how did you take that from his message?

if he was a leftist he would ban it.

as it is he believes in following the law when it comes to shit he doesn't agree with. That is to say he will remove illegal content.

how could a voat user be upset about this?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Pedophilia is NOT FREE SPEECH. Pedophilia is pedophilia. @puttitout

anamericantale ago

yes, and pedophile images are illegal almost everywhere.

problem solved.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Loli is pedophilia

anamericantale ago

yes, and illegal depictions of it will be removed.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Putts comment mentions very realistic looking loli and says he didnt remove. DISGUSTING.

sguevar ago

We agree on that. But by law loli is not pedophilia even if you and me consider it as such. We have no right on overstepping our boundary here.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

What did Jesus have to say about the lawyers?

sguevar ago

Luke 11:52 - KJV

Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

Woe means we are to denounce them. The same as we do with evil laws. But their judge will be the Lord. No one else.

Rebuked again by fault of your own pride. Stop this boasting.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Im rebuking the pedophiles and their supporters. How am i boasting?

sguevar ago

Rebuke them but don't come here asking to censor something that isn't illegal and to try to force PutItOut to censor it.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Seems like youre spending way more time arguing with me than youve spent rebuking the pedos. Am i wrong?

sguevar ago

It is impossible to reason with a blind man that wishes not see.

chuckletrousers ago

blind man

He's been jacking it too much while posting about trannies.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

If by "reason" you mean, win an argument by spouting your bad arguments over and over...

You will never convince me that allowing pedophilia in the name of "free speech" is good. Because I have morals.

sguevar ago

Sure you do.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

You look foolish spending so much time arguing in support of pedophilia. Youre sick.

sguevar ago

Whatever makes your ego feel better son.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Again, american law made by molech worshipiers is not the pinnacle of morality.

sguevar ago

Agreed. Denounce them. Don't accuse others of supporting pedophilia because they can't censor the speech of those that play within the boundaries of the law created by those evil doers.

God will be the Judge of them.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Putt absolutely has the power to ban the pedophiles. He chooses not to.

hans_wormhat ago

That sets a precedent. That's what u/clamhurt_legbeard was getting at when she said:

I find your comment offensive and think it should be removed.

God doesn't force you to follow his commandments. It's his morality to let you choose to come to him or not, to obey him or not.

And likewise Voat, as a free speech website, doesn't force its users what to post or not post. It's free speech. And your "nothing is what it seems and your teachers cannot be trusted" speech could be next if we start here with the speech that you seek to get removed, first.

Instead of censoring badspeech, just counter their speech with your own goodspeech. Show how it's wrong. Like Jesus did. "Rebuke them", I think is the term.

Don't stand on the streetcorner and preach, or you'll have your reward. And don't cast your pearls before swine, either. If they shut the door in your face, dust off your shoes and move along.

Remember: God has the power to prevent all pedophiles. He chooses not to. One day, they'll have been better off tossed into the ocean with cinderblocks around their necks than the mess they'll find themselves in for hurting our little ones. But that's they're choice, that they're free to make. An argument could be made that the paintings you are complaining about don't even hurt any little ones, even; but that's another argument that could be had, perhaps on a case-by-case basis.

Crying generically on the streetcorner of v/whatever rather than specifically critiquing certain posts or comments is counterproductive to the Kingdom of God.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


FrozenFire74 ago

So you don't actually want to find a resolution to this discussion, you simply want to make as much noise as you can while you still have an account.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Shills cant silenece me... so much wasted tranny-hours on clicking downvoat!

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Loli = CP Voat allows loli

CarpenterforChrist ago

Uh oh. Your stepping on theoldones toes. Better watch out, he might ban you. Lol

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Voat is full of pedos

MinorLeakage ago

Where are all the upvoats on this thread coming from? I can't see a single comment supporting your attack on Putts, yet all your comments have 10+ upvoats.

Here is a better idea. If you don't support free speech, you can eat shit and fuck off. No one cares about your morality. Petition the government to change the law. Putts is upholding exactly what he should be.

He flat out said anything illegal will be removed. He isn't Congress, you realize?

CarpenterforChrist ago

The cabal is infiltrating. Making a bunch of useless subs to distract from the Truth.

MinorLeakage ago

Well that is a nice little resource you've compiled!

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Maybe people upvoating dont want their accounts shilled into the negative by the satanist trannies at voat? To think im the only one who thinks these pedos should be blocked and banned is foolish.

MinorLeakage ago

We all want them gone. We all hate them, and we all know they are only here to smear us all and make us look bad.

The only difference is that you think the rules should be selectively rewritten to match your morals, whereas I think Voat should stand by its principles, whether we agree or disagree with the content.

The rules are clear as day, only illegal content in the US will be removed. You never responded to my point that you are fighting the wrong people. Take the fight to Washington, as only they can change the law.

Voats rules have NOTHING to do with morality.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Absolute rules are for dumb jews. Having morals is for good people.

MinorLeakage ago

@Puttitout can anything be done about this obvious upvoating bot?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Prove it.what about the downvoat bots?

MinorLeakage ago

You have miserably failed at your goal. Do you get paid anyways?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Putt saw it... mission accomplished

MinorLeakage ago

Putt saw it and reaffirmed his original position prior to you starting this thread.

I respond directly to your statements, but you always try to squirm away.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

I didn't squirm away i said prove it. And i also said my goal was succesful. Putt saw and also commented. Mission accomplished. You claim to know my own goal better than I do?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Squirm away from what? You pretend that you know my itentions. Youre delusional.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Right.... cuz everyone loves the fact putt allows pedo content on this platform.

digitalentity1497 ago

You must be new here.

sguevar ago

The fact that he states that he would like to remove it but cant because he is respecting the law of the land there is nothing much he can do about it.

As long as the content is not illegal it can stay up. Our job is to denounce the reprobates that post it and express our dislike to it.

You have no business in accusing someone of supporting pedophilia because of the fact that the posts are legal.

As much as I would like to silence sodomites and blasphemers towards God, I can't for it is not my job to do that. That is the job of the law of the land and ultimately of God.

I can only denounce them and share the Word of God. As a Christian that is our only duty.

You have no business in judging others much less to apply your morals to others outside of your children. Though by the false prophet you are I doubt you even have any nor will have any.

Begone you deceiver.

CarpenterforChrist ago


GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


sguevar ago

Stop projecting yourself to others false prophet.

Proverbs 26:4 - KJV

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

A6-EGO ago

No he does not, he supports Freedom of Speech and that goes above his personal views. Anything on this site shall stay on this site unless it is actuall, illegal CP. Remember Reddit's censorship began by removing jailbait which everyone supported and then moved onto other subs.

Humansized ago

So is this one of those shills the qtards always cry about?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Right.... cuz everyone loves the fact putt allows pedo content on this platform.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I thought he was a freemartin.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Putt says "we do have content removal in place for a quick removal. Fastest way is to ping me if you see illegal content."

Tranny OP says "this is evidence Putt is a pedophile."

Happy Channukah, you loser.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

To base your morality on technical legality is the most jew thing there is ya dumb tranny.

MinorLeakage ago

You're fighting the wrong person. Putts has pledged to uphold free speech, so long as it doesn't violate the law, not so long as it doesn't violate your morality.

Get politicians to change the law, and Putts will happily comply.


GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Why does putt base his morality off of the satanic molech worshipers in DC?

MinorLeakage ago

Your desperate attempts to move the goalposts are noticed by all.

Keep trying though, it's amusing.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I find your comment offensive and think it should be removed.

Somebody call the admin.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Because calling someone a tranny is equal to posting pedophilia?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

To me, yes it is.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Your username is loli themed and tranny themed...

thelma ago

That's not what his post said.

Is that all you have? Then you failed.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Allowing pedophilia content on a website that you own means YOU SUPPORT PEDOPHILIA @puttitout

theoldones ago

dude, arnt you already cited in someone elses PV post right now?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I'm with him on this. In fact his opinion here is EXACTLY how I feel about it. Freedom of speech has to super cede everything or we can't have it at all. But on the other hand illegal stuff can be removed. It's not perfect but it's an acceptable middle ground.

Your post and your attitude reminds me a lot of those jews who try swasticas on their own dorm room doors and then cry oppression and intimidation. I bet you posted that shit.

Reverse-Flash ago

super cede

I reported you for misspelling.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Another disgusting pedophilia supporter. REPENT.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Seriously? Repent? You stupid fucking troll. This is sguever?

not_saying_a_thing ago's savethechildren. Has to be.

theoldguy ago

Yes. Yes it is.

not_saying_a_thing ago

Getwiththepogram, too...and a couple others whose names escape me right now.

What are the odds these are all Amalek?

sguevar ago

Don't compare me with this flat earther false prophet.

I support Putts decision Whilst I dislike the postings to my core it is not considered illegal.

I will denounce them gor the reprobates they are but not sensor their spreech.

Also please notice the writing styled and argumentative skills. While you may disagree with me on my faith you know I am open to conversation. This false prophet isn't.

Huge difference between the 2. And I disprove of having multiple accounts.

Don't ever accuse mr of doing something dishonest here at Voat.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Hi brother. Check out this thread. I called him what he is and he banned me. Lol God bless.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Basing your moralities on legality is foolish. All will be judged!

CarpenterforChrist ago

The Truth hurts, don't it?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Its sickening to see everyone defend loli porn in the name of "legality" and "free speech". Obviosuly these freaks dont have daughters.

theoldguy ago

God please protect the innocent children.

So stop indoctrinating your kids with tranny tales, giraffe necks and monkey arms, you freaking perv.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I have 2 daughters. You twist the Truth to suit your narrative. Are you jewish?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

You support loli?

CarpenterforChrist ago

Never said I did. Your assumptions only make an ass out of you.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Oh. I called you out for being a freemartin once and so now youre mad at me. Got it.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Then what are you doing here saying I always twist the truth? Youre against speaking out on loli on voat.

digitalentity1497 ago

Check out the self-righteous fuck over here. Matthew 6:1 ESV

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

Enjoy hell.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

6 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

This is talking about MONEY, but your terrible ESV TRANS-lation doesn't reflect that. You're dumb.

sguevar ago

By God, not by you.

You false prophet that pervert the Word of God and promote false doctrines will meet your recompense in due time as well. Don't you worry about that.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Oh goodness. How ashamed I will be for fighting against pedophilia!

sguevar ago

You are not fighting against pedophilia, you are trying to boast yourself.

That is against the Word of God. You are a false prophet.

Have a good day son.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

How is this about boasting myself? Its about calling out putt for supporting the posting of pedophilia in the guise of muh free speech. Show me where in the bible it says free speech is more important than righteousness.

sguevar ago

You pointing fingers to others stating that they are supporting something they are very well against of.

You making this post out of an outburst of self proclaim moral that you think you are better than others because you denounce publicly loli postings.

Guess what, I know many here atheists, Christians and so on and so forth that denounce them much better than you. That denounce them directly and show the true nature of this reprobate posters with evidence and so on and so forth.

You directing your frustration to PutItOut because he is respecting what our community stands for: Freedom of Speech, is not the right way and you are trying to magnify yourself before all of Voat.

Sadly the reality is that this type of post is legal and he has a duty to this community to respect that. Go back to reddit if you like to apply censorship to legal content just because you want to force your morals to others so you can feel better about yourself.

You definitely are not mature enough to handle this site.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

If the community wasnt a bunch of degenerates maybe they wouldnt be so obsessed with technical legalities and in stead would have a moral compas that could exist outside of what the satanists making the laws dictate.

sguevar ago

As a Christian my job is to share the Truth of the Word of God. By doing this they will feel judged but fail to see that they are judged by the Word of God, hence God. Not us.

We have no business in silencing others. That is the ultimate job that God will handle with the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You have been rebuked several times already. You are spiritually discerned if you fail to see this.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

You dont speak for all christians. Sorry. "Christians" who support pedophilia are not christians.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Christians know the Catholic Church (CC 33) is satanic...

hans_wormhat ago

CC is 200. CCh isn't a number.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

pythagorean gematria

hans_wormhat ago

In that case, you're choosing to make C a Γ when it could just as easily be a Κ, and you're choosing to make your Ch a Γ instead of a Χ.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Stop being jewish

hans_wormhat ago

Also, 33 is ΛΓ, not ΓΓ.

sguevar ago

Now you are implying I support pedophilia.

What a disgusting false prophet you are.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

You do support pedophilia in the guise of "free speech". Show me Jesus' teachings on free speech being more important than righteousness, to the point where we should support those who post child pornography in the name of free speech.

sguevar ago

Jesus thought that we needed to share the Word of God. That this world is not of God and that most of the world is given to a reprobate mind. That as Christians we would fase tribulations. And that we need to stand tall whilst sharing the Word of God despite of those tribulations.

We are not to force people. For we have no right to force people.

John 15:18-27 - KJV

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.

What you are doing is forcing people.

Salvation is a choice, a personal one. There will be those that will choose against the Father and those that will choose for Him. We are not to force them.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

"Do as thou wilt" is the satanic mantra

sguevar ago

Who is preaching this but you?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

You make no sense.

sguevar ago


GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

I dont even have the power to "force anyone" on voat. Your scripture is not even relevent.... you think Jesus would be chill with pedophiles sharing loli porn together in His congregation? You're clueless.

sguevar ago

We are NOT Jesus. We follow his steps but we are NOT Him. Learn your boundaries.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Jesus is our guide. We should do our best to ACT LIKE HIM. Youre a lukewarmer at best.

sguevar ago

Agreed. But you are not acting like Him. This is why you boast yourself. You think you are...

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Good thing your opinions are bad. You know nothing about me. Also, how much time have you spent bashing the pedos? How long have you spent bashing me?

chuckletrousers ago

Did jesus spend 90% of his time ranting about trannies? Didn't think so.

theoldguy ago

And Jesus said unto him, "Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us."

The leader of the Pharisees replied "There is no middle ground for a simpleton such as yourself"

And Jesus said "REEEEEEE! You're a tranny!"

And the leader replied "What cursed tongue is this that you speak? Art thou a varlet?"

Jesus threw the 666 at him and said "Thou art a disgusting marten!"

And the Pharisee slew him for being a lamer.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Lol and you show up immediately. That's hilarious. Are you schizo? How did you get involved so quickly on such a new post with so few views and votes?

sguevar ago

Ehm because I check Voat and found this post that shows that he is accusing @PutItOut of supporting pedophilia.

Are you really this naive that you can't even see the difference between him and me?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

All of you religious whackos seem the same to me. The users name is a biblical reference. Frankly you christians are mostly all just one annoying background buzz.

sguevar ago

No, I won't stop preaching.

And I honestly don't care whether you believe me or not, my actions speak for myself.

So if you want to believe I am this false prophet, your are free to do so, as you are free to chose whether you believe in God or not.

But I am sure you already realized of your mistake.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Right.. your actions of being a religious fanatic who spews his bullshit non stop even when people ask him to stop. And that is why I think you are teethgnasher over there. Because just like him, you are a fucking fanatic.

sguevar ago

How have I ranted like an immature child towards you or any other person here?

When have I ever falsely accused someone here of being someone else or supporting something wrong without proof?

Our approaches are totally different. I have never casted judgement to anyone.

I have shared the Word of God while he is just casting insults and judgements to others. If you think I am judging your kin because I share the Word of God then you are just addressing your frustration towards me because you can't towards God.

But doing a wild accusation like this as you are doing right now based on an superficial reasoning of yours just because I am a Christian and he claims to be one is like me saying you are a (((jew in the letter))) because I find your name worthy of the synagogue of Satan.

Either way, I know for sure you realized of your mistake and I know it hurts your pride admitting to have commited it, specially vs me someone you dislike for being Christian.

Have a good day son.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

How have I ranted like an immature child towards you or any other person here?

That is what your preaching is. Ranting like an immature child.

I have shared the Word of God while he is just casting insults and judgements to others. If you think I am judging your kin because I share the Word of God then you are just addressing your frustration towards me because you can't towards God.

This is your opinion. You are just advertising your opinion over and over again. And there are plenty of subs here where you can talk about your opinions about god all day long. If you notice I stay out of those places and I don't troll there or anything. I consider it christian turf and I stay out.

But when you come to whatever and spew your bullshit here you are coming onto my turf with it and I don't fucking appreciate it at all.

But doing a wild accusation like this as you are doing right now based on an superficial reasoning of yours just because I am a Christian and he claims to be one is like me saying you are a (((jew in the letter))) because I find your name worthy of the synagogue of Satan.

Your not a christian. A fucking christian would fuck off after awhile. But you keep your crap up day after day after fucking day. You are a fanatic.

sguevar ago

That is what your preaching is. Ranting like an immature child.

That is your perception of it. Yet you know deep in you it is not.

But when you come to whatever and spew your bullshit here you are coming onto my turf with it and I don't fucking appreciate it at all.

You can say it is my opinion if you like, but I base my doctrine on the Word of God and Pastor Steven Anderson. You may not appreciated but I don't do it for you. I do it for those that will keep His Word. Whatever allows this, so criticize it if you like and downvoted if you so will but that will not change the fact that I will keep doing it.

Your not a christian. A fucking christian would fuck off after awhile. But you keep your crap up day after day after fucking day. You are a fanatic.

No, a false Christian would give up his faith and quit. I won't. A true Christian stands tall against tribulations and persecution. That is the truth you fail to see.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

That is your perception of it. Yet you know deep in you it is not.

You think you know what is deep in me better than I do? You arrogant fucking fool.

You can say it is my opinion if you like, but I base my doctrine on the Word of God and Pastor Steven Anderson. You may not appreciated but I don't do it for you. I do it for those that will keep His Word. Whatever allows this, so criticize it if you like and downvoted if you so will but that will not change the fact that I will keep doing it.

More opinions. None of this has any real credibility. Just confine it to your people and it won't be a problem. I'm sure you won't be reasonable or intelligent about this though. I mean you really can't as a fanatic can you? It's totally impossible for you to grasp the concept that your opinion isn't reality. You are quite like a leftist communist yourself you know that? Your just a social justice warrior with a fucking bible.

No, a false Christian would give up his faith and quit. I won't. A true Christian stands tall against tribulations and persecution. That is the truth you fail to see.

You aren't giving up your faith by shutting the fuck up and discontinuing your annoying harassment. You would actually earn my respect and do a lot more to change my mind than by continuing to troll /whatevr with your bullshit.

Show me you are a reasonable man and not a fanatic if you can.

sguevar ago

You think you know what is deep in me better than I do? You arrogant fucking fool.

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." - I don't need to cast insults to you. You show your foolishness by falsely accusing me of something. Well done son.

More opinions. None of this has any real credibility. Just confine it to your people and it won't be a problem. I'm sure you won't be reasonable or intelligent about this though. I mean you really can't as a fanatic can you? It's totally impossible for you to grasp the concept that your opinion isn't reality. You are quite like a leftist communist yourself you know that? Your just a social justice warrior with a fucking bible.

You can attack my intelligence all you want, the one that showed how much of a fool he is, is you. Not me.

You aren't giving up your faith by shutting the fuck up and discontinuing your annoying harassment. You would actually earn my respect and do a lot more to change my mind than by continuing to troll /whatevr with your bullshit. Show me you are a reasonable man and not a fanatic if you can.

Yes, if I keep silence to please others or because of the fear of how others will react, how am I pleasing God? How am I being fearful of God if I fear more the people around me than the Heavenly Father?

I will keep my preaching when I feel I need to share a message to my fellow voaters. You don't like? Deal with it the best way that you can as I am dealing with your continuous blasphemy and attacks.

The problem here, is not mine son, is yours and you still fail to see it with all that pride blinding your mind. I know it can hurt for a prideful mind to accept how wrong one was, but hopefully you will grow up and see. And then maybe, just maybe, you will stop casting false accusations to others your don't like.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

More preaching. Goddamn I wish I could kick in your teeth and leave you bleeding in a ditch.

sguevar ago

Take a trip to Costa Rica, let me know when you come and I will meet you to share more of the Word of God with you.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Hah your hispanic!!! No wonder you are such a fucking fanatic. I'd sooner speak with Obsidian Mirror than you.

sguevar ago

With a much greater IQ than you I am sure (137) but you once again show how foolish you are.

You default to a race argument now as a little child.

Have a lovely day.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

My IQ is 157.

I defaulted to a race argument because I am trying to reach beneath your conditioning. The conditioning beaten into your people. Your people learned christ from a whip.

sguevar ago

That is nice, well I used to be an atheist like you.

Then God showed me His truth. So you are more than willing to keep trying but what you are really doing is just proving the truth of His Word with your actions.

And because you are spiritually discerned you fail to see it.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

And this is why I despise christians the most. You lick that whip. You ask for more. And then go around and scourge others like some fucking zombie.

sguevar ago

Once I again I say unto you, my preaching is not directed to you.

You have already made your choice. So deal with it. If you want to express your hate towards my faith, do as you will.

Just next time, don't make false accusation like the one you did before.

Have a good day son.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I am dealing with it. I'm calling you out for the fanatic that you are and I will continue to do that. And I don't think my accusation is false at all. I think that you showed up instantly after I mentioned you speaks for itself.

Also that patronizing, "son" shit is another one of the reasons why I'd kick in your teeth and leave you to die in a ditch you pompous motherfucking papist.

sguevar ago

And I don't think my accusation is false at all. I think that you showed up instantly after I mentioned you speaks for itself.

Check my interactions with him, must have been some serious logins back and forward to handle this won't you think?

But I know your pride will keep you blind XD so enjoy the rest of your day son.

Also that patronizing, "son" shit is another one of the reasons why I'd kick in your teeth and leave you to die in a ditch you pompous motherfucking papist.

Whatever you say son, you know where I am at. Let me know when you come I will meet you ;).

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Whatever you say son, you know where I am at. Let me know when you come I will meet you ;).

I have indicated to you that I find being called son by a stranger offensive. But you taunt and insult me with it again? How Christian of you troll.

sguevar ago

You behave like a child so I give you the treatment you deserve son.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Yeah your so much better troll.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

"I'd very much like to purge..." okay then do it you sick pedo supporter. Youre just like a pharisee, adhering to the letter of the law rather than the spirit. You know pedophilia related content is NOT WORTH SUPPORTING, SO DELETE IT AND BAN THE USERS POSTING IT.

Your false sense of superiority for "muh free speech" by allowing pedos to post to your website is DISGUSTING. You will be judged!

PuttItOut ago

Bet you $10 this comment is up voted by your alts.

Do you see how your tactics don't work any longer, that Voat is becoming aware of this strategy and recognizing it? How you resort to using manipulation to appear supported?

I'm proud of Voat, they are better than you.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#23250) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Mumbleberry ago

Yes, yes we are. So glad you agree about the vote manipulation by the tranny flat erf idiot.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Pedophilia related content is NOT WORTH SUPPORTING. Not even in the name of free speech. You need to really think about this. We all will be judged and you run a site that supports pedophilia related content.

Mark 9:42 - And whosoever shall offend one of [these] little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Luke 17:2 - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

To think im the only one who opposes pedophilia on voat is FOOLISH. You are a disgusting pedophilia supporter. To shout "muh free speech" is a dumb cop-out.

PuttItOut ago

I thought I was a tranny?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

You are indeed a freemartin. Only a freemartin would have such skewed "morals" and wouldnt stand up against disgusting pedophiles.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Fuck off back to reddit if you don't want free speech.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Where are your morals you disgsuting satanist? "Do as thou wilt" right?

digitalentity1497 ago

Check out the self-righteous fuck over here. Matthew 6:1 ESV

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

Enjoy hell.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

ESV hahhaha

Decidueye ago

Member for 11 days

Already mod for two subs

Nuke this alt and your main, nigger.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Hey guess what? That verse doesnt mean dont judge people. It means dont be a hypocrite. Dumb tranny.

zyklon_b ago

@gnashingoftheteeth raped and murdered a white infant in 1990

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

I was 3 years old in 1990 you moron.

lord_nougat ago

And already a rapist murderer! SHOCKING!

You mother should abort you today!

ratsmack ago

Legal in NY.

zyklon_b ago

So you ain't even gonna deny it!!!

thelma ago

So you admit it.

Noted as well.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Logged capped and reported.

He'll be hearing from my Delaware lawyer.

zyklon_b ago
