SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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HateCumbuckets ago

@Mumbleberry you can add a new name


Mumbleberry ago

Done, thanks!

HateCumbuckets ago

I upset him/them. I don't want ping them.

Micro-Soft is another one

HateCumbuckets ago

I love voat man. I hate seeing the place get shit up. I'm only a small goat, but will actively help where I can.

TaresWillBurn ago

Youre a tranny

HateCumbuckets ago

Oh fuck. My secret is out.

TaresWillBurn ago

How does it feel?

HateCumbuckets ago

My cock works well. Strange thing though. When I was plowing your dads asshole with it. He screamed your name.

Micro-Soft ago

Some feeemartins think theirs work well but theyre usually micro softs.

My "dad" is ftm and is definitely a sodomite. Heshe likes ladyboys tho I think.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Mumbleberry ago

That one and 7777777 and 7733377 etc are just as retarded but a different person, going by writing style, phrases used etc. There's more with 7's and 3's, all with neg ccp in the hundreds

well_clearly ago

mumbleberry admits to being pro censorship
splooge advocates downvote brigading for censorship

Mumble (strat) and Shadow332 (martin) are both going out of their way to link this threat by my posts. I don't see them giving that much effort for other people with unpopular opinions! Why is Transvestigation such a special topic that needs special attention?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@Breadbox sanctions vote farm' was posted in v/Shitlist and includes this reply from @also:

hi crencsh guess what

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Psalms 19:14 KJV' was posted in v/Truthers and includes this reply from @also:


well_clearly reporting Mumbleberry for censorship 9/2018

Pomp & Circumstance argument 9/2018

also we really need to make a big deal of this:

ANYONE WHO WANTS TO SHUT DOWN TRANSVESTIGATION IS A TRANNY. no human would ever fear it. humans love truth, and honest tranny drones want an honest opinion. that's what sets them apart from the tares.

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Mumbleberry ago

That's going to backfire on you.

Splooge ago

Sweet, I got mentioned. Must be doing something right.

Mumbleberry ago

@Shadow332. Nice job inflaming these retards!

shadow332 ago

They started a witch hunt against me now. I definitely pushed some buttons.

well_clearly ago

wait you just said me and STC were the same person

Mumbleberry ago

Splooge ago

Found another one:

Really glad I found this thread, I was starting to get tired of seeing this niggerfaggot popping up everywhere.

Mumbleberry ago

Thanks, added to the list.

Splooge ago

No, thank YOU for maintaining this. Appreciate your hard work. Voat is my new interwebz home and I'm glad I'm not alone in wanting to take care of it.

Mumbleberry ago

Putt has been made aware of these idiots, but judging by the ccp, voat users taking care of them just fine.

Gottmituns ago

Ive gone down the rabbit whole dealing with this freak about a week ago. I'm glad other people are concerned about this. This dude is either a shill meant to make voat look crazy, or he is totally insane.

I think what would help is compiling all his insanity and sending it to someone like Mr. metokur. He's a youtuber that makes fun of degenerates. He tore flat earthers a new asshole a while back and I think this would be right up his alley.

I mean come on... komodo dragons are just people in lizard suits? Monkeys don't exist? Women in national socialist Germany were all trannys? All technology past the 19th century is "fallen angel" tech? Oh, and despite his "deep" Christian faith, he claimed not to be a Christian a year ago, he also claimed to be a jew. Times change I guess.

Splooge ago

Warms the very cockles of my heart to see such unity among patriots.

Mumbleberry ago

Did some digging and found a few more

Splooge ago

Damn, you're good. Carry on, you motherfucking patriot.

Mumbleberry ago

Limited to 10 comments/day. One post/week

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Like a swollen tick' was posted in v/fatpeoplehate and includes this reply from @shadow332:

Ignore it. This is what you are talking to.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Like a swollen tick' was posted in v/fatpeoplehate and includes this reply from @shadow332:

Ignore this account. This is what you are talking to.

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so_anyway ago

hey hey hey hey guess what guess what

oh you're gonna LOVE THIS

you know how I know so much insider info on martins? it's cuz I'm almost entirely martin myself. you got that right, I'm 3/4 tranny, it's just my genitals match my skeleton. but here's the thing. no one knows what I am. I get wrong pronouns all the time. I am legit completely mistaken for a dude all the time, and I don't correct the person, I go with whatever pronouns they throw at me.

I find it HILARIOUS when they call me "sir". I don't correct them unless legal documents are involved. otherwise, let them call me whatever.

I'm 3/4 trannified and I'm manlier than many juiced up, hacked up martins with toupees. and you'll never know who I am.

ahahahahahahha I'm an insider spilling "secrets"

also penis pumps ruin your microdicks worse, just so you know.

natione-suecos ago

theres one solution for this HBTQ movement only. spells: 9mm

Pulverizor ago

@Mumbleberry, uberfag is now /u/yeah_sure.

shadow332 ago

They also play that "flat earth is real" "I am so crazy" to derail discussion.

oh too bad, AIDS is a hoax

Him as @right_now threatening to dox other users:

hey hey hey @white_pride_cis, guess who just survived an accident and is going to find out what he is and what you are.

I only noticed this user for the past 3 days because he keeps cross posting threads I make in other threads causing the cross post comment bot to go nuts.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'All this time Heygeorge was working undercover all this time to take down Soap Box Bong Faggot Gabara! Even the Q zombies see its time to Go back to reddit you tranny faggots!' was posted in v/AnonTalk and includes this reply from @14016800:

They also play that "flat earth is real" "I am so crazy" to derail discussion.

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KekistanEmperor ago

Not everyone, just you, Michael Obama and Penis Williams.

Broc_Lia ago

I was sceptical that isol8 was part of the same ring given that their name breaks the naming scheme, but their posting habits seem to add up, so you're probably right.

totes_magotes ago

ITT: A lot of people pinging and screeching. Where the fuck is my popcorn?

Mumbleberry ago

Even as a kid, I liked poking hornets nests.....

1Iron_Curtain ago

Yeah, the transgender movement is pretty dumb to say the least. There is nothing to validate it and there is nothing in human history that really presents it as an issue, although in Ancient Rome and Babylon they had Transvestite Cults and such.

Its all a social construct of a social construct to justify something that in fact is extremely self-destructive and destructive. It should be banned for good. Lesbianism and homosexuality will exist forever, but transsexuality needs to go out the door as soon as possible.

Broc_Lia ago

There are some cultures today with institutionalised transgenderism, but it's not seen as something everyone should embrace or accept as normal.

CatsControlTheEU ago

In Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan they have bacha posh. It's where girls dress like a boy, cut their hair short and even take a boy's name. This is usually done when the father of the family dies or/and they have no male kids, because women aren't allowed to do a lot of basic stuff on their own the bacha posh kind of takes up the role as a male temporarily. They aren't exactly treated as a guy either and there is no deception attempt, they treated more like something in between. Once they hit puberty they can no longer be bacha posh and return to traditional girl status.

Broc_Lia ago

How the fuck did you find this comment? It's two months old.

Anyhow, I was talking more about an Indian caste who do full on sex reassignment surgery. I think they're sacred prostitutes or something.

CatsControlTheEU ago

I didn't even realize this post was that old, It was at the top of my feed for some reason.

Broc_Lia ago


77777777777 ago

And btw good job @isol8 seems like you really triggered this tranny by reminding her what real men look like.

Mumbleberry ago

Aww, did you get your panties wadded up in your fronthole?

PuttIsAtranny ago

You know what I do when I see a schizophrenic on the street yelling nonsense? I ignore them and keep walking. The fact you trannies get triggered so bad just proves it more.

chuckletrousers ago

You know what I do when I see a schizophrenic on the street yelling nonsense? I ignore them and keep walking.

Just listen to yourself! Oh wait...

fellowWhiteGuy ago

there are no trannies, call them what they are - failed man

speedisavirus ago

What about the ones with vaginas

natione-suecos ago

depends on where the vagina is located.

bad_idea ago

deformed freak boys have the vagmess high on their pelvis, real women have a small, contained vag at the bottom of the pelvis. also guyginas dont have labias. fun fact, FGM is a hoax to explain away why strats don't have labias.

xenoPsychologist ago

those arent vaginas.

77777777777 ago

You're like a tranny yourself. Freemartin.

fellowWhiteGuy ago

dude, there is no easy mode switching. You cant produce babies and hideous like demon so your front-hole is worthless, you failed at being men and you failed at being women, and instead of dealing with this you sperged and broke you brain. you know what to do, do it faggot

dayofthehope ago

@actually is posting some interesting porn that had never been seen on the internet before.

Food_Stamp ago


Sarevok ago

I wonder how they got that photo? It's not the typical gore, that I've seen. Also still not convincing except for the fake tits. "Narrow pelvis," "MALE PELVIS," are critiques that can only be made from a front perspective.

77777777777 ago

None of those accounts you listed are mine. Ever consider that theres more than one person in the world who knows about the trannies?


White_pride_cis ago

I think it’s the same person

Food_Stamp ago

Accusing everyone of being a trannie is fun though.

freshmeat ago

Not when they are actually here, there are more of them here than you have any idea (it was coordinated off site) and a tranny even coded the site for an entire year last year and people got so pissed @FuzzyWords deleted their account and moved on to alts.

SandHog ago

Weren't there a bunch of trannies trying to convert the /b/tards on halfchan earlier this year? I remember reading something about that.

freshmeat ago

it's been going on a lot longer than a year. This started before all that gamergate bullshit. Ganers have been cucked so now they see politics in general as a better target since politics is where most of those gamers went after getting their past-time destroyed. This has been going on since livejournal but their multiplied their efforts to basically all over the internet, even supporter heavily big big tech.

Trannies are the real elephant in the room, they are the pedophiles, they use anime and gay shit to normalize it, they somehow manage to find their ways into positions of influence over people who despise their perversion and mental illness in order to control the narrative of what is being discussed. Not even voat was safe from that. Every change on the site when the tranny was coding only made SBBH more blatant and feel safer about their process of subversion.

Now it's so bad they can control the entire zeigeist on voat with shitty memes and 100% shit post lies.

SchreechingStrat ago

@puttitout some truths from freshmeat

Food_Stamp ago

Thats exactly what a trannie would say...

freshmeat ago

That's actually the opposite of what a tranny would say. They want you to think they are the tradwives and nazis and and other subs that just got a new influx of clueless users.

Mumbleberry ago

The only acceptable tranny is a Muncie m22, aka "rockcrusher".

Food_Stamp ago

Unless you're looking to win races...

Dominus_Stercae ago

Given the very strong similarities in idiosyncratic phraseology (eg. "Outer space is fake and gay," "GREAT APES ARE NOT REAL," etc.), I suspect strongly @isol8 is yet another alias of @savethechildren. If so, he's now a tranny, as isol8 claims to be a woman. Such irony!

jwm5514 ago

I know he was running @ynnartasittuP a couple months ago until it got under -100.

77777777777 ago

I have the accounts puttisatranny and backwards ynnartasittup

Dominus_Stercae ago

Accuses Putt of being a tranny, yet loves so much the tool Putt provides, he creates myriad aliases to get around the spam controls. Such cognitive dissonance! I believe quite strongly now he's a well-poisoning troll.

77777777777 ago

I make accounts because shills dropped my 6k ccp to negatives on my main account. Cry me a river. You trannies only want me posting ten comments a day. Too bad.

CantBuySkills ago

Amalek... is that you?

chuckletrousers ago

shills dropped my 6k ccp to negatives on my main account.

And you also stopped taking your meds about that time. Think about it.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Hey 7, I've been here longer than most and I'll tell you that people don't downvoat you because they're shills or trying to target or silence you or anything like that. They think your comments don't stand to reason and that they are full of unfounded accusations. The limitations you get on your accounts are the consequence of people not liking what you say.

If you make contributions to this site that people like, they'll appreciate you. It really is that simple.

SaveTheChildren ago

You sound like a tranny

CantBuySkills ago

You sound like amalek's alt

chuckletrousers ago

You sound like an illuminut.

Dominus_Stercae ago

It's ironic. You're so desperate to use a tool provided by someone you say is a tranny, you'll happily break the rules. Of course, your wild accusations might be simple projection, as it seems you're posting now as a woman yourself, @isol8.

Mumbleberry ago

I agree.

argosciv ago

@Crensch @Vindicator, get a load of this thread...

Look at ol' 7s showing up...

Remember me calling out that chain of alts, & 1 | 3 | 7, in v/pizzagatemods?