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theoldones ago

voat allows sodomites


what fucking planet do you live on, you fucking mong

QisaQueer ago

I dont live on a planet you baal tard

theoldones ago

you appear, to me, to live on the planet down syndrome

QisaQueer ago

You trannies always downvoat when triggered.

theoldones ago

thinks voat allows trannies

you sir, are hilarious.

QisaQueer ago

Voat posts pornographic photos of baphomet tranies daily and a bunch of t rexes drool all over their thick, bulging collarbones and deep set eyes.

theoldones ago

explain this? are you a bot?

QisaQueer ago

11 of those accounts are mine, not all of them. No im not a bot. The spam accusations are false. None of the also and_also type accounts are mine.

SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

11 of those accounts are mine, not all of them. No im not a bot. The spam accusations are false. None of the also and_also type accounts are mine.

ah, so you samefag a lot

but yes what you're doing would qualify as spam

QisaQueer ago

Who gets to make those judgement calls? You think its spam because it makes you uncomfortable when people talk about the tranny truth. Look at faggots like @killer7 now THATS spam.

Look at my subverses. How is that spam?

Mumbleberry ago

Reduced to commenting "q is queer" to get upvotes.

QisaQueer ago

It's called a novelty account. Jesus Christ please bless this creature.

Mumbleberry ago

Shill account, to spread your idiotic message.

QisaQueer ago

Triggered tranny.