Hiding comments at 0 points is censorship and is reddit faggotry. You should be ashamed @puttitout . Why are you hiding unpopular opinions from people? That obviously goes against the spirit of voat.
Allowing downvoat brigading of accounts is censorship. Users should not be able to go through another users comment history and downvoat each comment, until that person is censored. Putt knows this happens but dgaf.
Banning accounts unfairly for "spamming" because some tranny shill named @mumbleberry is triggered and @cynabuns doesnt correctly investigate claims is censorship. It's clear signs of censorship happy people with the ability to globally ban, which goes against the spirit of voat. It also shows jew like 'friendships' between certain power users and people with the ability to globally ban. Sounds like we're back at reddit. More faggotry.
God bless everyone. Jesus Christ is truth.
SkullsAndBones ago
Commenting so not 33 comments
QisaQueer ago
Also commenting to hopefully change comment number.
AndrewBlazeIt ago
QisaQueer ago
Submissions: This user has upvoted 26008 and downvoted 16828 submissions.
Comments: This user has upvoted 10055 and downvoted 9384 comments.
Shill tranny
AndrewBlazeIt ago
QisaQueer ago
Downvoat brigader
AndrewBlazeIt ago
AEndtoThemForever ago
Yeah, but holy shit this moron is funny as hell. I'm beginning to wonder if he might actually have down syndrome.
AEndtoThemForever ago
You are legitimately a crazy person. Your perverse obssession with gay people and trannys is starting to make you a little famous. I keep upvoting you because you're great comedy.
QisaQueer ago
The thing is. When you know the truth and you know God is real and Jesus Christ is your ticket out of this tranny hellhole, you DGAF about what random trannies say to you. Its a great thing.
AEndtoThemForever ago
Buddy. I don't honestly understand how you can claim to be 'woke' or even on voat at all and not be redpilled enough to realize you've been had.
Jesus Christ is a jew. Do you understand that? Your white christ's death cult was invented to make shills out of people for the jew and aid in the destruction of Rome.
It expanded beyond that and became something even more vile and perverse.
Your obsession with homosexuality is a jew construct bud. Wasn't even a word for it in context until a few hundred years ago. You've been had boomer.
Your personal faith exists because rupert murdoch and roger ailes conspired with Israel to create the religious right in America so they could get reagan elected and infiltrate the white house with Bush. Same thing they're doing with Q and Pence.
So, sorry bud, but your boomer perversions and your death cult devotion are just like most of this shit. Armor for the jew.
QisaQueer ago
elitch2 ago
Please kill yourself.
QisaQueer ago
Trannies always say that to me
elitch2 ago
Seriously. You are a fucking retard.
Also probably a faggot of some sort.
Only faggots obsess about this shit.
Kill yourself.
QisaQueer ago
Again, only trannies go around screeching kys to regulars all the time. Im a bio male. Male bone structure and a penis.
elitch2 ago
No, you're a faggot.
And now your faggot words are blocked.
QisaQueer ago
Bless you, creature.
theoldones ago
what fucking planet do you live on, you fucking mong
QisaQueer ago
I dont live on a planet you baal tard
theoldones ago
you appear, to me, to live on the planet down syndrome
QisaQueer ago
You trannies always downvoat when triggered.
theoldones ago
you sir, are hilarious.
Mumbleberry ago
schizophrenic too; https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2725184
theoldones ago
the idiot just admitted to owning 11 of those accounts.
QisaQueer ago
Voat posts pornographic photos of baphomet tranies daily and a bunch of t rexes drool all over their thick, bulging collarbones and deep set eyes.
theoldones ago
explain this? are you a bot?
QisaQueer ago
11 of those accounts are mine, not all of them. No im not a bot. The spam accusations are false. None of the also and_also type accounts are mine.
SearchVoatBot ago
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theoldones ago
ah, so you samefag a lot
but yes what you're doing would qualify as spam
QisaQueer ago
Who gets to make those judgement calls? You think its spam because it makes you uncomfortable when people talk about the tranny truth. Look at faggots like @killer7 now THATS spam.
Look at my subverses. How is that spam?
Mumbleberry ago
Reduced to commenting "q is queer" to get upvotes.
QisaQueer ago
It's called a novelty account. Jesus Christ please bless this creature.
Mumbleberry ago
Shill account, to spread your idiotic message.
QisaQueer ago
Triggered tranny.