SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'FPH is full of nigger feminists. I saw something, so I'm saying something.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @redpilldessert:

Btw, did you get banned from FPH for your post/comments?

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biggiggles ago

Just an ugly nigger, move on people.

HillarySuckDickDaily ago

black women are terrible even if they fall into the attractive range of the body size continuum

theepilepticferret ago

A tick is more attractive and carries fewer diseases than this bloated corpse.

DIzzbit ago

Wuuuuuuuut did that have to do with anything?

Do I post a bunch of asian dudes now? Where is this going?

shadow332 ago

Ignore it. This is what you are talking to.

also ago

i love how you and your gatekeeping transfag friends now say "ignore it" rather than "fag". guess what, you can't shut me up, you can't make me stop, and you can't get rid of me.

shadow332 ago

, you can't make me stop, and you can't get rid of me.

And? And you can't stop me linking this to everyone every single time you appear. Stay mad.

and_another_thing ago

I'm on a mission to spread the true news of how gender/physical sex is in the bones. I'm also looking for real genuine humans who are not lying tares. tares like to deny, act dumb, deflect, change the topic, and throw insults around.

also no one can silence or stop me.

DIzzbit ago

What's a tare?

and_another_thing ago

an in utero transfag fake human. at the end of the world, Jesus Christ will burn all the tares and collect the few few few real humans.

DIzzbit ago

Probably. I mean, we'll all be dead by then. So, that's cool that we don't have to worry about that.

This is getting really fucking weird.

SlowResponseTime ago

That leg is so far removed from anything close to human looking. Lord Beetus can't be far from claiming that mass of fat that used to be a leg.

Though I don't think it's fair to call it a leg anymore, we need another word for it. It doesn't look like a leg, it doesn't function as a leg, there's nothing leg-like about it.

AlanTuringsGhost ago

Ham hock.

Dofigaruskaya ago

4 in 5 black women in America are overweight

DIzzbit ago

Niggers really are repulsive. I'm starting to see a fats = niggers correlation.

MeanMexican ago

That's really a shame though. Black women who are fit can have extremely feminine bodies. The black girls at my gym who are fit make you want to get in your knees and praise the lord because they are so hot

shadow332 ago

Black women who are fit can have extremely feminine bodies

They look like fucking men.

DIzzbit ago

Wait a minute. Did I just stumble into the "super secret POC safe space" on voat? Is FPH a safe space? Please tell me FPH isn't a fucking safe space!

shadow332 ago

Yes, unfortunately, there are tons of reddit SJW's lurking here and will start crying when you write the word "nigger". The irony is they got kicked off plebbit becuase of their "liberal" friends and think they can make voat into reddit.

I've blocked most of them becuase they write walls of text and reply 1000 times saying how triggered and angry I am.

Dofigaruskaya ago

Yeah it is. Racism is down voted here

shadow332 ago

There are too many fucking niggers and SJW idiots on this sub.

NebuchandertheGreat ago

Not being racist =|= being a SJW.

DIzzbit ago

And, you know what, that's fine. But don't sit here and fucking lie to me about "bbbuh black woman body buutiful" while screaming "die mayo pig". Fuck you. Hypocrites deserve all the derision they get.

PleaseDontEatMe ago

Here's the thing: Most people here are not celebrating beautiful bodies of any colour. Nor are we hating fat bodies of a particular colour. Most of us don't fucking care what colour you are; if you're a fat fuck, you're a fat fuck. It's really not that hard to understand what this sub is about. If you wanna be a racist, go ahead. Just don't expect people on a fat hate sub that's about hating fat people for being fat to agree with you when you bring race or sex into it.

Dofigaruskaya ago

I think stereotypes exist for a reason and all the black women "who go to the gym" that I've seen had overly muscular bodies, not feminine. Pretty sure since fph came from reddit there's just a lot of normies who isolate themselves here

DIzzbit ago

It's unfortunate for them that they are incapable of handling icky words.

shadow332 ago

Keep posting. They need to deal with the freedom to say what you want on this site, otherwise they should leave if they don't like it.

Carsandsarcasm ago

It's leaning against the wall because it's so exhausted from standing from the bed right there for the photo.

birdcage_bones ago

How can anyone let themselves get like that, honestly? It doesn't just happen overnight

shadow332 ago

Ignore this account. This is what you are talking to.

apparently ago

this is just common freak behavior. real humans don't do this. sadly normal people are a tiny tiny minority in freak land.

unrelated but STC made a great new vid that I'm gonna share around cuz I love this new vid

con77 ago

whats really disgusting is its probably never worked a day in its life

paybythepound ago

Nah she's the manager down at the DMV.