anyhow ago

I gotta talk to you rn man. some things have been coming to me.

when i was very very young, an evil evil bitchcunt who is NOT my mother told me some things that stuck with me. she told me that good "female" gymnasts had no boobs and straight up and down long bodies. she also told me that females have big childbearing hips and lower bodyfat than males. so she definitely knew all about this but mostly she told me lie after lie after lie but these were truths.

for several years a certain martin i know all my life would make "violent jokes" at me. he'd always punch at me. or he'd snap at me. I would only be passive and kind to him and this is how he treats me. he was always beloved and welcomed while i always got shat on. now i think i'm in something like a "cain and abel" situation where I think this might be the one that kills me. like i think he might shoot me when i'm asleep and say i committed suicide. and people are going to believe him.

i think he's gonna be the one to finish me off.

At least i have Jesus, Heaven and New Earth to look forward to.

QisaQueer ago

Life will be better once were dead. Haha. Of course, suicide isnt the way out. Seems like the only thing trannies do its screech at humans to kill themselves.

apparently ago

I'm not going to commit suicide, I'm going to be murdered with knives. and it's going to be dressed up as a suicide and they're going to know who did it and he's going to completely get away with it

QisaQueer ago

Well... why now? Heshe coulda done it ages ago.

bad_idea ago

i'm not sure why but now i got the feeling he's gonna do it now. his life and mine were so boring and slow lately. he knows what he is and he's a satanist and a gatekeeper. i think i'm gonna get illuminati sacrificed or some shit and suddenly he'll get a phone call and get really really famous while i become a blurb of "oh that one committed suicide cuz sads"

QisaQueer ago

Why do you think heshe will murder you? You gonna defend yourself or just let her do it?

apparently ago

for years and years he'd throw punches at me or do mortal kombat shit at me. i'd be walking along and he'd punch at me and just. make a joke of it. he thinks the idea of killing me is fun. my tranly wants to kill me.

QisaQueer ago

My rexbro used to love pushing me for no reason until i yelled at him for it in front of my wife and mom

apparently ago

I don't know what's going to happen but i think knives will be involved and idk what I"m gonna do so I'm begging Jesus that I don't ever betray Him, and that I go down with dignity and strength. I think I'm going to be attacked when I'm asleep. but I've had bouts of insomnia off and on. pray for me I stay strong in Jesus and never back down. I probably will struggle and kick and fight back but then I'm probably gonna bleed out everywhere and then they'll forge a suicide note and my aunt will kill herself dead with booze and the murderer will go on like nothing ever happened, and everyone's gonna know he did it but no one's gonna do jack shit about it.

QisaQueer ago

Why knives? After all this BS trannies have put us through I dont see us betraying Christ. Stay strong. Does this person even live near you?

bad_idea ago

because he hoards knives and yes i do live near him, and i'm very far away from town

QisaQueer ago

Interesting. Why now? And youre related to them? Dont tons of people in alaska hoard knives?

bad_idea ago


QisaQueer ago

Dont let out the secret about alaskans and knives?

bad_idea ago

i don't want him to see this!

QisaQueer ago

Wanna talk on discord

QisaQueer ago

Oh. Okay i thought so. Just checking

bad_idea ago

I have no weapons myself. i think he has a gun too. God i hope he uses the gun.

QisaQueer ago

No need for weapons

anyhow ago

this is good. in fact what I need to do is prepare a bunch of text files with choice Bible verses, like the parable of the wheat and the tares, and Isaiah and other choice books.

also TARE or ism. TARE or ists. SCARY TARE OR

QisaQueer ago

And yeah. Put Jesus stuff in Truthers

QisaQueer ago

Tare / tear . Like peace to all commented on one of Ms. E's recent video of when that hellywood tranny i forget the name said they were going to tear down this world. Theres a play on words. Tear down, tare down.

anyhow ago

TEAR DOWN THE WALL like in pink floyd. the wall could be the firmament. there's some pink floyd songs about going up to heaven to kill God.

QisaQueer ago

Someone doesnt like us...

also ago


well_clearly reporting Mumbleberry for censorship 9/2018

Pomp & Circumstance argument 9/2018

also we really need to make a big deal of this:

ANYONE WHO WANTS TO SHUT DOWN TRANSVESTIGATION IS A TRANNY. no human would ever fear it. humans love truth, and honest tranny drones want an honest opinion. that's what sets them apart from the tares.

apparently ago

a person in my family that is a lot like me but went down a different path but had the same starting point, there was a big massive shitfest in the family before i was born because her "father" wanted to kill her. and there was a big rift because even though this person's mom is evil, her mom didn't want to kill her. then a huge fight broke out.

apparently ago

no one does, it's a miracle from God that we ever got talking. there are NO REAL HUMANS in my area, and the few cis people there are are liars and satanists too, even the men. the men are breeding studs.

i'm going to be gone soon but my last name is "Small". i can throw that out there because no one can do anything wiht it, but my last name is small and you know how celebs are named after things. MARTIN SHORT. glenn CLOSE. eva LONG goria

small is a martin name because martins are small and have tiny dicks. it's a martin joke.

QisaQueer ago