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Dismember ago

There's some more here ^

@Cynabuns if you want to take a look and see if there's any you missed. Seems a bit of a coincidence in what topics and by who they post on as well. ;)

Cynabuns ago

Good find! The accounts have been deleted now though :)

Dismember ago

How Disappointing. Hope things are going well for you.

Cynabuns ago

Disappointed indeed

Dismember ago

If you ever have a question on something my PM is open. I thought they had a restriction on it but kevdude manged to talk to me through there.

Cynabuns ago

@kevdude is a good helperer :)

Dismember ago

He's really not bad once you get past him being a Grateful Dead fan.

Cynabuns ago

His love of Led Zep is the only thing that saved him

Dismember ago

Tolkien appreciation and his love for old school heavy metal get him points from me.