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MolochHunter ago

it's an honor to know i got under the shill's skin to this degree

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You should see me getting under the shill's skin! Right now there's Tallest_Skil literally do head explosions over me posting.

BulletMagnet879 ago

And that's how you ID the shills: Over-exaggerated replies. They almost make it too easy. We need a small group of sane/credible/intelligent Voaters assembled to "search and destroy" these shills. Call it a Troll Task Force, or something.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I can give you links to several of them.

And yeah this particular one does nothing but over-exaggerate every reply and never actually says anything. It's just a bunch of repeated bullshit.

Fateswebb ago

I think the over the top racists are shills too.. to give us a bad name around here so any MSM mention has the obligatory "the alt right racists at voat"

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The MSM won't have one single leg to stand on when it's revealed how racist they are. That's coming.

argosciv ago

Yeah so I just went ahead and read that entire exchange(ongoing as I type this).

Between you and your buddy( propping up the postings of, and this pathetic 'argument' you're having with T_s, it's pretty damn clear that all 4 of you are morons or otherwise complicit in creating a false-flag to use as a vector of attack(by et al) against v/GreatAwakening / Q / QAnons.

Tallest_skil is a douche, but your responses to him are an obvious attempt to further enforce the "QAnons are delusional cultists" mantra; you're causing damage and it seems to me, that you're knowingly and willingly doing so.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Astonisher667 ago

Wow you are an idiot. You like stalking me? I came here because she gave me a link to join and have free speech. But I see that the trolling shills, such as yourself are really desperate to make anyone using their rights to try and shame/intimidate them. Go ahead and post links to all my posts! I got nothing to hide! I'll parrot barge claims all day long just to piss you off. Why are you here? What's the purpose of trying to censor what is said here? Why is that a taboo subject? Barges and all? Why are you trying to damage control?

argosciv ago

Accusations of censorship ey? Where have I heard that before?

What's that say about you and your buddy running around to downvote all of my comments here despite that they very clearly expose/display suspicious behavior from the very shills this thread is about(and then some)?

Who's defending shills now?

Astonisher667 ago

WTF? Keep your tits on, I didn't downvote you, you stupid ass, and neither me or Linda is targeting all your damned comments.

argosciv ago

Oh then perhaps you can explain why mine, @srayzies, @Shizy's and @MolochHunter's comments suddenly started getting 1-2 downvotes, all over this thread, around the same time you both started downvoting/responding to my comments in this particular chain?

Just a coincidence, right?

argosciv ago

Shit! I just realized I typo'd the ping of you above, @srayzie.


AlphabeticalAnon ago

LOL. I never dv'd her or MolochHunter. Those two have been super in my book! The other person mentioned, I don't know them but he/she never said anything negative to me so why would I dv him/her? I wouldn't. I know the mindgame you're trying to play here and it won't work.

Astonisher667 ago

I didn't fucking downvote any of those people you named! Not even once. Ever. Since I've been here I've actually upvoted them. Would you like to talk to the owners because I certainly will. Stop acting like we're out to get you! You were the one that mentioned my name in your rants. I didn't accost you. You mentioned AA's name too. Why? Then went out of your way to compose some creepy shit post about me. About her. About us. After she posted a single link to a thread. Yeah but that's just coincidence though, right?

argosciv ago

Do you really think I'm not already talking to them?

Who's ranting here? I've been quite short and provided links to support where my mind is at. Definitely not responding frantically like you two.

If you have nothing to worry about, then this next part shouldn't be of concern and there shouldn't be 1-2 extra downvotes all over the thread on comments by those mentioned and myself.

Astonisher667 ago

How many accounts do you have? You could be the one downvoting them and acting like it's us. As for "frantic"? No dearie. That would be you.

argosciv ago

How many accounts do you have? You could be the one downvoting them and acting like it's us. As for "frantic"? No dearie. That would be you.

Oh that's cute.

I'll forgive that accusation as you clearly don't know me or my thoughts on using alt accounts. @srayzie, @Shizy and @MolochHunter know those thoughts well and they know what I've been through and that for me to do what I do, honesty is paramount. I have never had any other account aside from this, despite this account being nuked, by shills, from 1600+ccp down to 900 or I think 800 at one stage and then spending months climbing back up after repairing many bridges(without the need to delete or make an alt).

Pretty blatant deflection, though.

Astonisher667 ago

Why do you keep dropping their names? You obviously want an army to go after me. For your sad reasoning that I'm out to get you. But you were the one who mentioned my name. I never even engaged you before. Why are you going after me? Or AA? And this downvoting crap how rich! I've been attacked by assholes here lots of times and I'm not worried about my score. Why are you bringing my name up, talking shitty to AA, and then using this down vote shit to imply something sinister? And then dropping other people's names into your posts? THEN to top it off, after dragging innocent people and dropping names you call us "frantic"?

But you say blatant deflection just like Tallest sack'o'shit over there. Where have I heard THAT before? Oh yeah! From the same asshole who uses that line over and over again!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It's telling that he used my post where I linked to that thread and then began trying to associate me with that total scumbag Talking_Shit. Any other normal person would have just laughed and said You Go Girl! But not this one. And now he's using mind fuckery to try to involve us in some weird ass cult. Now that's frantic.

MolochHunter ago

Alpha, and @Astonisher667

I dont know if you know, but @argosciv is something of our junkyard dog around these parts.

He bites shills in the dead of night while we Mods are sleeping. Now, that means sometimes he growls at good customers, and sometimes he bites people we dont want him to bite

but he's useful for us to have around

I think you 3 have probably duked it out long enough to call it a rest, now. i'm not sure if anything other than a build up of acrimony can be achieved going forward

how about we all be at peace and enjoy the New Year, and return to the business of Q related info until / unless we have fresh grounds to get up in anyone's grill

all good?

srayzie ago

I like your way of explaining things lol

Astonisher667 ago

All is good with me. I just don't cotton to folks telling me I downvoted them when I have no inkling to. I've thought about telling that shill off, tallest shill whatshisface but I think my friend is kicking his ass on her own well enough. I'm enjoying the hell out of watching him melt and squirm.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't know the guy but I certainly NEVER had any reason to downvote you and Astonisher never downvotes anyone even if he's fighting with them. He says it's too much trouble and he doesn't waste time doing that. He will if he remembers to, but otherwise the accusations are hysterical to say the least.

As for my group Obscurity. v/Obscurity (don't know the lingo here too much) but if anyone went there, they'd be very disappointed. What we have is a secret, but it's a powerful one against the evil. And her name is Nacky. But she goes by other online names too. She's the victim I speak of in the Swamp in Arkansas on the pizzagate topic. A very talented lady and she's been targeted by some of the most vile evil out there. But evil twisted psychotics do target good and the light. On my group that I created here, I'm actually channeling her.

MolochHunter ago

all good, i made no judgements as to who downvoated who, and even if you do ever downvoat me i dont sweat the points.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well I have always upvoted what you say anyway. So...

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh hi Sorosminion aka Tallest_Skil. Yeah go fuck yourself. Astonisher and I happen to agree with a lot of what that other person has to say so you can writhe in that and stew yourself into fits of rage.

argosciv ago


I'm neither of those people. If you were paying attention to this thread, you'd know that.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't have to pay attention. This is not a test to graduate to some club. I'm just here to speak. Why are you so against that?

argosciv ago

I don't have to pay attention. This is not a test to graduate to some club. I'm just here to speak. Why are you so against that?

Oh but you should pay attention to the comments you just downvoted - considering that by doing so, it is you and your buddy who are actually defending shills and trying to 'censor' the outing of them.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

No I don't have to pay attention. I'll downvote anyone talking shit to me.

My buddy and I are not out to censor anyone. That doesn't mean we will stay silent against them and FYI I have outed the shills. What I say seems to really irritate them. I use what I know as a marker. I'm draining swamps with an industrial element. Maybe while you're stalking my group you can check out the links there on the side. That's my friend who isn't here but lurks. She is the key to Rex.

Astonisher667 ago

Bets that he won't even click onto those links! Bets that if he did he won't even know the treasure that's there and been there in plain sight all this time!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

And no doubt he's the one downvoting us and everyone. He sure likes to cry about it and I've been downvoted since I even got here because I have opinions that assholes don't like. I was stalked by a really vicious asshole and had to quit before I was talked into coming back. And here is this new thing that somehow seems very invested in protecting the shills or trying to deflect from them and put on you and me. And using the lame ass excuse of some other poster named godsangels. Gimme a break! I know a mind fuck when I see one and this is definitely a very sad attempt at one from argosciv.

srayzie ago

I don’t get what you mean here. Am I missing something? It looked to me like they were just arguing.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're not missing anything. It's just me mocking the hell out of that loser. This dope is trying to create drama and silence anyone that agrees with Q stuff and whatever this other poster named there is saying. As if agreeing with someone is supposed to be suspect and he even went out of his way to include links in some pathetic attempt to tie me with that loser talking_shit.

argosciv ago

Hold that thought, I'll get back to you shortly.

For the moment, look at it with the possibility in mind that AlphabeticalAnon is deliberately responding in a ridiculous way(parroting GodsAngell no less), in order to provide fodder for painting QAnons and/or v/GreatAwakening users as unhinged.

More to come.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Go fuck yourself. You know the SAME can be said about you. You're the one who seems to be defending the shills while attacking anyone bringing any news of arrests and so forth.

As for your "concern trolling" about being labeled something as cultist, why do you care? I think Q are big boys and can handle the pathetic shills and insults you lob at them. And I certainly don't care what you or your buddy sorosminion/aka/talking_shit has to say.

argosciv ago

You're the one who seems to be defending the shills

Where have I done that?

while attacking anyone bringing any news of arrests and so forth.

Or that? If by "anyone" you mean indiscriminately targeting everyone who does what you just said.

As for your "concern trolling" about being labeled something as cultist, why do you care?

Do you not care about image and avoiding disinfo that acts as fodder?

I think Q are big boys and can handle the pathetic shills and insults you lob at them. And I certainly don't care what you or your buddy sorosminion/aka/talking_shit has to say.

Have a good look at the rest of this thread. Do you really think I'm at all on the side of any shills, or are you just frantically repeating that as a deflection?

And this "more to come" yeah you go ahead and look for boogeymen at my own little group. You'll find nothing there to attack unless you're a mindless troll which I suspect that you are. Stalk me all over voat then. How's the peeping Tom? How's the peeping?

You sure about that? You don't seem sure, given the need to liken it to being a peeping tom. Looks like more frantic deflection.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LOL your writing style is exactly like talking_shit.

Look I don't need to deflect anything. You're the one who attacked me with your suspicious accusations of being in some group thing. Get real. You act so cloak and dagger. Jumping at shadows. Your buddy is telling everyone that no one is going to save them and then turns around to tell everyone to kill themselves HA! Make up your mind already. I think any random peep looking in would see how unhinged and crazy he is. Me making him suffer for his derangement is just that. Who the hell cares? Why are you sooo up in arms about that thread? Like you have some weird invested interest or something.

Also I have never attacked anyone bringing news of deep state arrests. Never once. And upvoted all that have brought such news.

As far caring what deranged asswipes think of Q...hehehe no, I don't care what they think because they don't think! Fodder? HA! They're swimming in fodder and it's their own! Go ahead and start on your new crusade to shut down all talk about arrests and barges because it'll make Q look bad. OMG. Seriously grow the hell up.

argosciv ago

LOL your writing style is exactly like talking_shit.

Hardly. You're just jumping to that because I broke down and replied to your comment point by point.

Several people do that, some good, some bad. At least you know I read your reply and responded to what was said.

They're swimming in fodder and it's their own!


Enough said really.

Your frantic responses and downvoting as a pair, all over this thread, have also said plenty.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LMAO! Wow you're now seeing things! Go stalk my group or verse or sub or whatever the hell they call things around here. I personally gave that link to the owner here asking for help with CSS! So much for your theories of it being some dark little hub where plotting is going on HAHAHA!

Astonisher667 ago

Oh I forgot! We must retreat to Obscurity and plot something! See you there!

srayzie ago

Ok. I know that Tallest_skil is a pain. It not AlphabeticalAnon.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Thank you, that guy argosciv is fucking insane. He is making accusations right out of his ass and I can and will agree with whomever I want and I see it burns his ass so much. He is fomenting trouble and trying to create a drama involving me and my "buddy" as he calls him. Astonisher is just someone I know from RMN.

Tallest Skil and sorosminion is the one trying to label everyone.

srayzie ago

Tallest_Skil fights with everyone. I believe Sorosminion is one of the shills in that group we’re exposing. You do have the right to your opinions! I sure as heck voice mine lol.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yes! It's them that's been harassing people everywhere - not just here! I've seen them on other boards doing the same exact shit. But they are so pathetic and predictable that it's so fun to get them all worked up. And this guy argosciv is trying to connect me with that idiot. Also trying to connect my friend who I know from RMN (he's a reader of stuff there) and also someone I generally talk with in email, and neither one of us have anything to do with those trolls! It seems there's a Baltar among us. But rest assured I have that Talking_Shit and Sorosminion on fire. I've been enraging them for a while now.

srayzie ago

Yeah, I don’t think you’re part of this group. The bad thing, is that the shills ping people and it then makes them start looking like they are connected. He pings you. MissleCopterStoped, StarAnon, and Sorosminion are part of that group.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Heck I'm only part of Obscurity. Which is a group I made. Or subverse. I keep associating groups as in yahoogroups to describe this forum/site/network thing where you can create your own niche. But yeah I just come and go. I was mainly on the other Great Awakening board and made some friends there but things have been quiet there. The only person I know for some time is Astonisher and he's from England originally, I think.

srayzie ago

Well hopefully you get to know some more good people. :)

heygeorge ago

friend who I know from RMN (he's a reader of stuff there)

What is RMN?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Rumor Mill News

heygeorge ago

Lol ok.

argosciv ago

No no, not accusing them of being alts of each other(possible, but not what I'm saying).

srayzie ago

Oh I know that’s not what you meant