MissleCopterStoped ago

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy...

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?

Since you archived my comments, you should have plenty of evidence right?

Is this what people do for fun in British Columbia?


contigo69 ago

Facist facist facist As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.facists

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

@Srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

Type-o-Negative MissleCopterSpared posting same repetitive SPAM New alt 4 hours ago.

I thought he was a nice guy....

MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy...

Or @srayzie too busy slandering me in other voat subs?


srayzie ago

You’re one to talk

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah, I am talking about how you protect people who brag about their daughter being harassed and raped even telling them she had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Are you a pedo too? Only pedos protect their own sick fuck.

Shizy ago

He's not talking, he's deleting his comments like the weak sack of shit he is!

Hand_of_Node ago

Your link goes to a 404 page.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


srayzie ago

Thank you. I banned the first one. I can’t find a MissleCopterSpared.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Agreed, sorry...

You seen this one ?


contigo69 same spam

Shizy ago

Bonscott made a new alt to spam about his small penis!

Isn't it strange how we shut down MissleCopterStoped and almost immediately afterward we are hit with the spammers and the fake mod alts? He's getting desperate.

@srayzie @MolochHunter

MissleCopterStoped ago

You didn't shut me down.

Shizy ago

Yes we did.

You're just too arrogant to accept it.


MissleCopterStoped ago

Nope you didnt, laughing at you and your chum pals breaking up some “criminal crime ring” with non-scientific guesses on who is who.

I cant believe people like @UK_Bloke_Awoke would fall for this bs circumstantial evidence.

Shizy ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy....

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?


Shizy ago

Already answered. You just won't accept that you're done.


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You're a legal expert, and people have been criticising UK a lot recently, so I wondered if I should take them to a tribunal ?

I mean it's obviously me they are critiquing, but I don't have a smocking gun to prove it or anything....

As to shutdown, you're definitely stoped aren't you ?

MissleCopterStoped ago

While you are on top of your game, and I wont stoped you, check out the censorship going on in this post.


Wonder why srayzie would remove as it naming other posters, meanwhile she stickys this thread as gospel?

Hypocrite much?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You didn't answer my question...

Why are you avoiding my question?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Remember when you were a nice person and we were pals, cheering each other up?

You helped me with my iPhone spellcheck...

What happened to you bud ?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah, you look silly trying to justify that huh?


Eat some more crow.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Did you ever stoped to realize that a ‘gut feeling’ or “think” doesnt make it fact?

I assume that you think Christine Blasey Ford was raped because she said so, and therefore Kavanaugh is guilty beyond a doubt huh?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

whats that got to do with my question?

Why are you avoiding my question?

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. It’s definitely him!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Soo no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy...

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?


MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh yeah its definitely him


Got evidence of this slander?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

There is another. Just about to ping from there, or go to this one's comments..

Shizy ago

Ok will do!

argosciv ago

Alrighty, so, Morbo has repeatedly asked us to look at their history, to verify their authenticity.

Let's do that.

It's no secret that Morbo hates QAnons, or, as they put it, "QTards"

Here's a brief, somewhat chummy exchange between Morbo and Hangry, it isn't Q related, but we'll get to that:

Note also that this is in one of PuttItOut's announcements.

Here's Morbo telling us that he once "[took] Q stuff more seriously before the Redditrd crowd showed up"; he blames his anti-Q commentary on the Reddit Exodus:

This one, I've included because it struck me as a little odd, though it's probably sarcasm anyway. Appears to reference either physical stalking or maybe 'remote viewing'. Like I said though, probably just sarcasm:

There are other reasons why this strikes me as odd, but I won't get into that right now.

Here's Hangry and Morbo buddying up again right here in v/GreatAwakening, under the premise of rhetoric against QAnons:

Here we see a comment by Morbo, obviously mocking Q/QAnons, in reply to an idle comment by PuttItOut in a v/whatever submission:

Now it starts to get a bit more interesting/relevant...

Here we see a brief exchange between Morbo and GodsAngell in one of her own threads:

Thread itself so you can see and assess the main post: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2921332/ | https://archive.vn/z3ZnJ

^ Put a pin in this, I'll address it again at the end.

Here we see Morbo try to 'hijack' a comment thread in response to @PuttItOut indicating that he intends to "purge the cancer" from v/aww(in the "Voat Was Sent An Angel" thread). Why would Morbo feel the need to hijack that comment chain? Why is he trying to prop up the narrative that "we all" want to know about Atko's involvement? I for one, am not worried about it:

Now for the fun part...

Morbo, while displaying a familiar attitude towards women(see: "Donkey"), claims that it was @srayzie and @MolochHunter who are responsible for introducing him to MissleCopterStoped - this claim was made on December 30, 2018 at 8:47:26 PM, UTC:

But wait! What's this from December 13, 2018 UTC?

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2909114/ | https://archive.vn/Yvr9e

Oh, it's just a highly speculative thread(with nothing to really support the claim that the deaths were at all related to Q, the photo, or the person in the photo) in v/GreatAwakening by MissleCopterStoped, wherein Morbo comments about "blue lasers":

Why doesn't Morbo address the lack of evidence to back the assertion made by MCS? Doesn't even use the ever so popular term "QTard", not a single down(or up) vote either...

Why didn't MCS respond to Morbo, but was quick to rely on an a user's typo to backpedal out of being questioned about how he can be so sure that Q "knew" about the deaths in advance of the article and was communicating as such through the photo of someone at the South Pole holding a "WWG1WGA" sign?:

As an aside, why can we see AlphabeticalAnon & Astonisher667 rambling on about Lord of the Rings(clearly upvoting each other just because), rather than addressing the thread's claims - be it to debunk or simply discuss?:

Let's go back to the pinned item about GodsAngell's thread again now, keeping the above in mind too.

Now, I currently suspect that this whole situation involving GodsAngell, Morbo and MissleCopterStoped is actually a crafted false flag(manufactured crisis of disinfo being spread in v/GreatAwakening), which involves using GosAngell's claims as a means to paint v/GreatAwakening and/or QAnons as delusional on the whole;

GodsAngell happily posts garbage, then certain folk have an opportunity to not only cast a negative image on the subverse/users, but also the opportunity to lash out at its moderators/owners for not arbitrarily deleting after manufactured outrage fills up the comments.

Here's another way to picture how something like this works:

Let's imagine 5 people.

  1. A shill who works in the background to seed garbage disinfo into the 'conspiracy' oriented flow of information - often involving a mix of fact with fiction.
  2. A shill who plays dumb and posts that disinfo as if it is fact or realistic.
  3. A shill who 'combats' the disinfo so that they can blend in at the expense of #2 and also attack the entirety of the group being targeted(QAnons in this case).
  4. A genuine user who falls for the disinfo and then spreads it.
  5. A genuine user who does not fall for the disinfo and instead 'combats' it.

Increase the numbers of each type described above when looking at the bigger picture.

Usually, #5 is the minority. #4 is the majority. #3 and #2 sit somewhat neck and neck though are relatively few. #1 works in the background(most likely) but could range anywhere from many to few. #1 to #3 are working in tandem to produce as many #4s as possible, so that #3 can effectively point and say "Look, I'm smarter than you all because I challenged the disinfo"(which was being fed by someone on their team), "Because a few of you spread garbage, I can now attack all of you as a whole!", while painting #5s as the enemy if they dare to call out the disinfo scam.

There is of course a 6th type to consider, and that is the casual observer who does not weigh in. These people are potential #4s or #5s.

Here's an example of Morbo 'combating' DEW disinfo from GodsAngell, but otherwise using it to attack all QAnons:

It is with all of the above in mind, that I suspect GodsAngell is a #2 and MissleCopterStoped & Morbo are #3s and that AlphabeticalAnon & Astonisher667 are either #2s or #4s, hence the following comments by me:

Regarding commentary by Morbo:

This sub belongs to them now.

You (and Srayzie, Shizy) need to take this sub back and get GA back on track.

This sub is lost and you let this happen. It belongs to the fools now. You have done more to divide us than the DS ever could. Well played, controlled sheep.

Now all we have is a bunch of make believe and outrageous claims about aliens, demons, DEWs, EMPs and JFK Jr filling up the sub.

^ Manufacturing consensus of hostile takeover, through use of a manufactured crisis and blowing it out of proportion.

Get off your high horse and do your fucking job.

Just do your job.

^ Repeating MCS?

the sock puppeteers who are LITERALLY Deep State agents

Facts to back this up? Real evidence not some link to things like how the three letter agencies subvert forums. That isn't proof that this is what is happening on Voat so don't waste your time with it. Real evidence of an exposed DS agent right here on Voat or at least some verifiable third party evidence that this is happening here. Without verifiable facts on this, your claim is no more credible than GodsAngel's of MissleStopedCopter's claims and makes you a disinfo spreader yourself.

^ Translation: "Don't talk about DS/3Letter agents without showing your hand or you're disinfo like the person I'm defending or the person being used as bait."

In reply to AlphabeticalAnon:

Also look at the desperation of the fattest shill here: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2941871/15860972/10#15860972/

Yeah so I just went ahead and read that entire exchange(ongoing as I type this).

Between you and your buddy(https://voat.co/u/Astonisher667) propping up the postings of https://voat.co/u/GodsAngell, and this pathetic 'argument' you're having with T_s, it's pretty damn clear that all 4 of you are morons or otherwise complicit in creating a false-flag(manufactured crisis) to use as a vector of attack(by https://voat.co/u/MissleCopterStoped et al) against v/GreatAwakening / Q / QAnons.

Tallest_skil is a douche, but your responses to him are an obvious attempt to further enforce the "QAnons are delusional cultists" mantra; you're causing damage and it seems to me, that you're knowingly and willingly doing so.

Maybe I'm wrong about AlphabeticalAnon and Astonisher667 being #2s, but I'm quite certain regarding Morbo, MissleCopterStoped & GodsAngell working together and having a connection to the usual suspects such as youllrememberme, thisistotallynotme, NotHereForPizza & many other suspicious users/alts/groups.

cc: @Shizy @Crensch

MissleCopterStoped ago

Maybe I'm wrong about AlphabeticalAnon and Astonisher667 being #2s

Why would you be wrong? After all your opinion suspicions is 100% fact now why backtrack now?

MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy....

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?


singlebrain1 ago

Great post. You explain their strategy well. I wonder how they trained and who they get their orders from. I have noticed that much of this sub has been filling with poor quality posts, many videos from dubious sources and links to blogs that are not real investigative sources.

srayzie ago

Here's another way to picture how something like this works:

Let's imagine 5 people.

A shill who works in the background to seed garbage disinfo into the 'conspiracy' oriented flow of information - often involving a mix of fact with fiction. A shill who plays dumb and posts that disinfo as if it is fact or realistic. A shill who 'combats' the disinfo so that they can blend in at the expense of #2 and also attack the entirety of the group being targeted(QAnons in this case). A genuine user who falls for the disinfo and then spreads it. A genuine user who does not fall for the disinfo and instead 'combats' it.

You’re so smart

argosciv ago

Just kinda funny that now they're resorting to a sockpuppet fueled doxx campaign now xD

Soon I might drop a bit of info about sockpuppetry, too...

MolochHunter ago

6 months ago i would have said this was aaaaall too elaborate to be true. now? perfectly plausible

argosciv ago

Vindicator ago

Let's imagine 5 people.

  1. A shill who works in the background to seed garbage disinfo into the 'conspiracy' oriented flow of information - often involving a mix of fact with fiction.
  2. A shill who plays dumb and posts that disinfo as if it is fact or realistic.
  3. A shill who 'combats' the disinfo so that they can blend in at the expense of #2 and also attack the entirety of the group being targeted(QAnons in this case).
  4. A genuine user who falls for the disinfo and then spreads it.
  5. A genuine user who does not fall for the disinfo and instead 'combats' it.

^This is an excellent summary of exactly how ESOTERICshade and his merry band fucked with v/pizzagate for over a year. Saved.

argosciv ago

^This is an excellent summary of exactly how ESOTERICshade and his merry band fucked with v/pizzagate for over a year. Saved.

Wonder of wonders...

Here's ESOTERICshade, mimicking(in part) the same narrative as Morbo*, SaneGoatOySwear, Piscina and a host of others:


Notice also that you and I both got downvotes in this thread not long after ESOTERICshade's latest comment(s).

Curious timing, no?

@kevdude @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy


Here we see Morbo try to 'hijack' a comment thread in response to PuttItOut indicating that he intends to "purge the cancer" from v/aww(in the "Voat Was Sent An Angel" thread). Why would Morbo feel the need to hijack that comment chain? Why is he trying to prop up the narrative that "we all" want to know about Atko's involvement? I for one, am not worried about it:

PygmyGoat ago

There’s also another subverse called TheGreatAwakening. Not sure how old it is, but why would there need to be another subverse for the same stuff?

srayzie ago

I have no idea. A lot of people here seem to want division

Shizy ago

Thanks @kevdude

zyklon_b ago

good work

Shizy ago

Heeeyy zkylon!

zyklon_b ago

hey hey shizy. hope the new year is treating you well

Shizy ago

Good so far! How about you?

zyklon_b ago

its goin very well. i really think this is gonna be best year ever!!!<3

Shizy ago

I think you're right! It's looking like a good one!

zyklon_b ago

yeah it sure is.


MissleCopterStoped ago

Look what I found @srayzie @argosciv! the creepy guy who bragged about his daughter being raped daily you guys chose to protect and enable while claiming I was having a power trip on.


Got any other screen pics of my power trip mod actions?

srayzie ago

I had your comment history archived because I had a feeling you would delete your account, just like you did as BuilderAnon/ElectroLumus. Here are some more screenshots, giving examples of what a “great mod” you were for 2 whole days.

You call this guy a pedo, and even accuse him of raping his daughter. After you got him really upset, you took his words, twisted them, and then reported him. Yet, you complained that you were attacked, and that he started it. You wanted posts deleted and people banned. I refused to support you. But, you call US power mods.

I asked you to be a mod to help take some of the load. We needed help. Instead, you caused more work by attacking users, egging them on, and flipping out on me all day thru PM because I wouldn’t defend you. This was only your second day. Wtf is wrong with you? You can come off so nice and then lose your fricken mind. You’re a very unstable person Lumus.

@Kevdude @Argosciv @Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter

MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy...

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?

MissleCopterStoped ago

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/13/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/13/2018.

Shizy ago

Womp womp womp....

Thanks for playing. But you lost this round.

Try harder next time!

MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then? It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy...

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?


Shizy ago

Bye now!

Vindicator ago

ArmySeer used to play these kinds of games in the early days of Pizzagate. I busted his ass and he deleted his account. I have most of it printed out in hard copy.

Shizy ago

I love you Srayzie 😍

.....and your steele balls!

srayzie ago

😂 I love you too my nigga 😎

srayzie ago

Since you are pinging people now, I figured I would let you see as well. Don’t forget this one too. If you’re just a Goat, then you should be seeing thru this bullshit and see who you are getting chummy with. Did you know ElectroLumus, Heru, NucleoLumus? This is him.


srayzie ago

Aaaaand here are the facts.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Argosciv @Kevdude @Crensch

This guy is SO DESPERATE, that he went back 12 months to find this guy’s post, which wasn’t even posted on GreatAwakening. To top it off, he twisted everything the guy said.

He has spent every waking moment for 2 days flipping out. All for nothing because he’s making himself look worse every time. He even posted on QRV and got mostly downvotes. Plus, got caught responding to his own post trying to make it appear as if he was several people! 😂

MissleCopterStoped ago

It was in his top 5 comments fuckwad.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Desparate? Nah, not at all, but you surely have more power trip mod actions right?

Let’s see them all!

MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then? It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped. Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo. https://files.catbox.moe/l5k4ed.jpegJPEG Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018. Very classy... Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs? https://files.catbox.moe/zz2kfs.jpegJPEG

Shizy ago

I'm too busy not giving a shit about anything you say since you're a proven fake and liar!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


srayzie ago

Are you keeping track of how many times you have failed so far under this sock puppet account alone? I need to send screenshots to David Brock, and the whole damn staff at Share Blue so they can fire your dumb ass.

MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy...

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?


argosciv ago

This guy is SO DESPERATE, that he went back 12 months to find this guy’s post,

I was wondering about the exact timestamps. Of course, MCS won't provide links for context(familiar?), if anyone could oblige I'm sure I'll be quite amused :P

MissleCopterStoped ago

MCS won't provide links for context

Wait, you pulled last comment from me (because that is all you had) and didnt know why I pulled that statement?

When he was being nasty to another GA poster, I looked at his profile and saw this in the top 5 of his profile dip-shit.

See I told you you didn’t understand the situation moron 😂😂😂😂

argosciv ago

Oh my, you poor thing.

See I told you you didn’t understand the situation moron

You severely underestimate what I am and am not aware of.

What did I say about pushing me?

Oh how fun this will be...

You're lucky I've had a few drinks and will have to postpone the next part for now. It'll give you time to prepare your backhole.

srayzie ago

I have your whole comment history archive dipshit.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Am I supposed to be scared?

You dont need my comments to make up shit about me. So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.


Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy...

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?


Shizy ago

I thought you were leaving?

argosciv ago


What was that about keeping your promise to not reply in this thread which you claim is childish and breaking her own rules?

Shizy ago

How is that "evidence" of him "bragging" about his daughter being raped? What I got from that is he is complaining that blacks are being taught that it's ok for them to harm and even rape white girls. Drunkviking even says he pulled her out of the school at once and moved to a safe place. You're just full of shit as usual!

What you don't understand is this has actually zero to do with him and everything to do with how YOU acted and chose to conduct yourself as a mod!

Got any other screen pics of my power trip mod actions?

Well since you could only hack it for two days that's all the shit you were able to start thankfully!

HoppyHap ago

I read a lot of comments in many venues. One of the things is the number of unhappy people that are not content in living in their misery alone. They want nothing better to make your life miserable as well and are not shills. Only if they put as much energy in making life better, they would be far happier and others would be too. Too many people play victimhood in the ugly world.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @MissleCopterStoped.

Posted automatically (#16896) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15866291.

Posted automatically (#16890) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

flatbush71 ago

They did another hit thread on ya over at QResearch_Voat.

You are getting results and that's a good thing !!


srayzie ago

Thank you for letting me know!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15864319.

Posted automatically (#16862) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

argosciv ago


Someone mad.


Here's the comment they're quoting:

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2941545/15862974/2/ | https://archive.vn/T8NmD

Let's see if I can make them a bit madder...

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

He's such a lying piece of shit!

srayzie ago

Lol. He’s crazy

WanderingTaurus ago

I just ignore these types. If they get ANY attention, they never go away. Just report them, no downvotes or replies to them, they will go away. Block and report. These likes are not worth our time and attention.

srayzie ago

Not them. You need to read the links inside. This isn’t your regular shills.

WanderingTaurus ago

Will hop on laptop shortly to do just that. Expanding threads and threads in threads sucks on cellphone lol

singlebrain1 ago

Soros, the cabal and illuminati must all be very nervous.

Adopted-Patriot ago

I have disagreed with our mods on a couple of issues, but that is all part of a democratic society, give your opinion and respect their opinion. Should I be against their stance that much, it easier to leave the site than just keep harping. Those that harp show their true colors. Thank you to all the mods for your tireless work. The shills are out, but the Anons are behind you 100%.

MolochHunter ago

i it were just harping, it'd be our job to just wear that

the danger is when they use multiple accounts to falsify mass up or downvoting of posts or comments, or create false conversations to give innocent eyes the appearance that there is a consensus.

However much a danger Fake News and Disinfo are to the movement, Sock Puppeteering makes that danger CUMULATIVE

fhaqyu ago

you guys are such idiots. I mean you have a photo of trump and the one eye, great illuminati symbology here.

keep waiting patriots

MolochHunter ago

I know rite! and the 50 stars in the american flag - thats just the STAR OF DAVID x 50 🤪🤪🤪🙄

srayzie ago

We’ve never had a complaint about that until today. Now suddenly 2 people are complaining saying it’s Illuminati. Everything doesn’t have to be dirty. Is a rainbow always a symbol for LGBT? No. In this context, the gif represents the Matrix, which represents being red pilled.

@MolochHunter @Shizy Since there are suddenly 2 complaints, this could be another coordinated effort to stir up drama.

Shizy ago

Trumps also wearing gloves. Maybe we're covering up that he's really OJ!!

digital_minuteman321 ago

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

argosciv ago

Oh, please, do tell who dialed you up to come post a comment here, a subverse where at first glance, you appear to have never commented before?

In this thread of all, one which is almost certainly several pages deep on v/all and v/all/new...

Fateswebb ago

What does he mean keep waiting Patriots though? It's like he's only half shilling lol

stormymonday ago

I don't get it. Why would someone want to shill this group? What do they get out of it? What is their end game? If it's just to annoy people big deal so annoy me I can handle it.

srayzie ago

People are paid to disrupt forums. They don't want us to know the truth.

argosciv ago

stormymonday ago

What do they think it will work? like we are stupid.

srayzie ago

Sadly it does work. People fall for it.

Fateswebb ago

There are shills to give dissenting opinions so it doesn't look like we all agree. There are shills to make us look bad by saying racist shit so the MSM has talking points if they ever bring us up, there are shills to make racist posts so when they false flag and blame voat they can get it shut down. And there are shills that try to sow doubt... Most of it doesn't work. And surely there are just people who disagree... But think about it, if you disagree with a forum, sure you might attack a particular thread one day... But you're not going to visit daily as a regular contributer.. I mean who does that? You don't see me over at the Bernie Sanders forum every day calling them idiot socilaists.. not that you might not catch me there one day doing that... But every day??? Doesn't make any sense.

Oh and then there are the read deal shills. For instance James alefantis used to come on the pizzagate sub as ABirdzEyeView and post. Most people didn't know it was him, but it was... (I may have gotten the name slightly wrong but I think that's it) but even James kept it somewhat chill and mostly just tried to set the record straight on things we got wrong about his or his family.. like he swore James alefantis was gay but not a pedo. I believed him even like you don't have to eat the cake to serve or condone a cake being eaten, you don't have to eat pizza to deliver it.. but anyway I'm rambling now.

Rhondaher ago

Thank you

davidw221 ago

This is the calm before the storm!

argosciv ago


argosciv ago

MissleCopterStoped tries to blend in("hide in plain sight") as a friendly/protector of v/GreatAwakening and/or srayzie

What stands out?

Obviously, the most glaring part is the change from appearing to be a friendly/protector, to their current behavior of lashing out at the subverse/mods.

What else?

Go ahead and look at the links provided, these are all of MCS's comments in that thread as of this writing. Now, expand every comment chain as I did and notice that MCS, while trying to pass themselves off as a protector/friendly, does not once try to engage against the most well-known hostile in that entire thread; thisistotallynotme...

Why is that? I wonder...


^ thisistotallynotme & AR47 being nice and chummy...

Who was it that accused Crensch of being srayzie very recently?



cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

Edit: Typo; Fixed MissleCopterStopped to MissleCopterStoped.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I updated my post to reflect srayzie’s excitement for controlling and limiting free speech with a programmer Check it out:


srayzie ago

He acted very supportive. He was nice and helpful until he started flipping out on users again. The thing is, the user that he lost his mind over, is already on our watch list and being dealt with.

The problem is with how he handles himself when he disagrees with others. He was pleasant as type-o-negative and MissleCopterStoped at first, even privately, for a month all together. I guess the whole time was an act.

amarQ144 ago

I always had trouble with the name

srayzie ago

Remembering how to spell it?

amarQ144 ago

lol...bringing myself not to bastardize it

Fateswebb ago

I have noticed this too, like sometimes I have thought he was shilling. Then other times I'm like huh? Maybe he isn't a shill. But why would you shill only part time. Well to blend in?

Shizy ago

Interesting find that MissleCopterStoped didn't engage with thisistotallynotme.

This comment helps reinforce my strong suspicion that he is the one who spams QRV trying to make GA look bad, and then accuses SBBH of doing it at srayzies request:


srayzie ago

You're awesome!

argosciv ago

No u r!

Fateswebb ago

How can I be the man when I'm standing next to the (wo)man?

SeekNuShallFind ago

Had a run in with this person, I now avoid commenting on any of their threads. IMO they don't give off the "we're all in this together vibe."

argosciv ago

You have a remarkably interesting comment history, I must say.

I can't seem to find the run in you're talking about, though. Can you remember where/when it was? I would love to see it.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Thanks for your interest in my Abbott/Podesta comment. Did you notice Rupert Murdoch in the photos as well? As for my comment/run in, it was unremarkable really. Just a vibe I got. I trust my gut and just disengaged https://archive.fo/Mh4Ek

argosciv ago

Thanks for your interest in my Abbott/Podesta comment. Did you notice Rupert Murdoch in the photos as well?

No problem. I can't say that I did at first glance but I do now.

Personally I don't worry too much about him, albeit that there's no ignoring the power he wields over various media. He at least gets points for telling Scientologists to go fuck themselves(so to speak). I don't trust him, but, props when due I suppose.

As for my comment/run in, it was unremarkable really. Just a vibe I got. I trust my gut and just disengaged https://archive.fo/Mh4Ek

Thanks for that, here's the full context re-archived, for anyone interested:

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2901125/15479002/5/ | https://archive.ph/tbFUo

RightSideUp17and6 ago

I am positively TICKLED when someone tries to hatefully nip at my heels. I laugh, then disregard. Means we are over the target, at the very least of the shill/troll/whatever. Still a victory! hee hee But here's the clincher: not all "edged" responses are bad. Some are really an opportunity to learn from and i give those a reasoned response. The obvious haters are just that, obvious. But not all that disagree/or have a different take on some things, are haters....food for thought. It is important, as is being discussed, to ID and "offload" dis-informers such as described above. Again, it must be gettin' HOT in here-the game IS afoot!

MolochHunter ago

I'll repeat a comment i made above to another user

if it were just 'haters' or 'edged responses', it'd be our job to just wear that

the danger is when they use multiple accounts to falsify mass up or downvoting of posts or comments, or create false conversations to give innocent eyes the appearance that there is a consensus.

However much a danger Fake News and Disinfo are to the movement, Sock Puppeteering makes that danger CUMULATIVE

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Understood, Patriot, i do agree that we must deal with disinformation and its operatives. That is why i salted my comment with that awareness. i am learning more each day, and as we grow in NUMBERS and STRENGTH we make a bigger target for the opposition to attack. They are a force to be reckoned with-not that i give them power, but they abuse the truth with their fake narrative and false power. Especially with the "cumulative" aspect of its effect. That stops HERE. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, especially when they "forge" variants of your "handle" on this sub. That must mean you are really a threat. i appreciate your response. ThanQ.

PacaGoat ago

Getting under someone's skin😉 Rejoice

srayzie ago

We can now confirm that @Morbo is part of the shill group that we are exposing. He made the following post after creating an imitation account of our mod MolochHunter.

Guess I should go pop some popcorn. The show is starting

@Shizy @MolochHunter

argosciv ago

You should probably sticky this for a day or 2 after it slips off the front page of v/GreatAwakening/new.

Preserve your latest "Q Posts" thread in notables and replace it with this(then switch them around later, preserving this in notables).

srayzie ago

Yeah, that's a good idea

argosciv ago

Thread has now dropped from front page of v/GreatAwakening/new.

Just letting you know :)

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Don't forget @Molochpunter too.

srayzie ago


MolochHunter ago

careful you dont get actual Me, babe!

srayzie ago

I thought of that lol

argosciv ago

Oh right, true.

That one's pretty easy to spot, though.

Shizy ago

Yeah, and it seems he replaced it with the MollochHunter alt anyway.

Fateswebb ago

Now we're gonna get Mo1ochHunter or some crap... 😂

Shizy ago

Oh I'm sure you're right!!!

amarQ144 ago

do we know roughly how many relatives?

Shizy ago

What do you mean?

MolochHunter ago

We need a new term for these .. Sockellgangers !

Shizy ago

That'll work 😂

argosciv ago

But wait!

It gets better...



RE ^: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2941545/15848053/4/ | https://archive.ph/enZZm


Wait a minute...

Wasn't there someone else who used to pull this impersonation crap once upon a time?

@kevdude to ^:

Yeah. Manhood101, SDBH, Amalek, Sane.

Me to ^:

Bingo! Yahtzee!

https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/1289343/6332300/20/ | https://archive.ph/7IAwj



Ready? (srayzie, @Vindicator, @Shizy, @MolochHunter, @Crensch sorry for the trip down memory lane, but we've come quite a ways since - you'll love this)

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2677890/13573733/1/ | https://archive.ph/cT76G#selection-4791.0-4791.9


GoodGodKirk ago

you're a machine at finding shills, good work.

argosciv ago


They made it personal once upon a time, only fair that I come back swinging.

You can see how desperate they're getting, here: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2943846/15866814/5/ | https://archive.vn/tgtoJ

I'm not even remotely finished, either.

GoodGodKirk ago

I eagerly await your posts!

srayzie ago

Good job Argosciv! Thank you!

argosciv ago

*/tips hat*

Fun part? This will segue brilliantly into future stuff ;)

srayzie ago

Yes, @Morbo and @NotHereForPizza are part of this shill group!

mark7 ago

There are also a lot of just plain jerks, who seem to enjoy being asshats (for no reason) as well. It is hard to tell a shill, from a constipated, disgruntled, bad tempered, and completely pointless whiner, who seems to have a problem with nearly every post. Mom and Dad must be out of Cheetos? It would be nice not to have to fight, (with feeble minded clowns) about every detail. As for the Mods, and those who seek the light, God Bless, and Thank you, for all you do!!!

Fateswebb ago

And Gatorade out of Gatorade too

MolochHunter ago

the signifier tends to be the ones who can never bring themselves to disavow the use of sockpuppets nor condemn the activities of those who have been exposed utilizing them

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Morbo.

Posted automatically (#16703) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#16788) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

srayzie ago

😂 I have to now! His head is swelling!

argosciv ago


Motion supported.

MolochHunter ago

it's an honor to know i got under the shill's skin to this degree

Red-Pill-NOW ago

I just wonder what they will do when SHTF at street level.

DickTick ago

I'm sure most people have seen my antics by now, but I simply come up with a creative way to tell each and every one of them that they seem to have a love affair with suspiciously small penises.. I thought I was going to run out of ways to talk about how much they love suspiciously small penises, but so far that hasn't been an issue and it is very obvious that there might have been a broken keyboard or two by now on their end.. they think they can be relentless... Then they certainly haven't met me.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.

DickTick ago

Imitation is the best form of loving suspiciously small penises! Thanks for stepping up to the plate, Bonscottcocks007!

For real though.. from dictionary.cum "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. To imitate someone is to pay the person a genuine compliment."

So it is with a firm gratefulness that I say thank you, Bonscottcucks007!

Bonscottrocks007 ago

As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own bwaaaahhhaaa 1

DickTick ago

-<< know what those are? Well obviously it's the suspiciously small penises you like to stack-n- pack down your throat like a fucking Jenga™ Tower.

And as always, thanks for the compliment. Maybe one day you'll unpack and unstack your throat so we can actually understand what you're saying.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.1

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Bwaaaahhhaaa you really pat yourself on the back don't you? Hey everyone look at me I talk about small penises bwaaaahhhaaa yeah dick, that really gets them that makes them break a keyboard bwaaaahhhaaa unfortunately you're a retard and don't know much about anything relentless bwaaaahhhaaa

DickTick ago

As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.

DickTick ago

Dammmnnn Bonscottrocks007! At it again with the suspiciously small penis in your mouth!

Fateswebb ago

Yeah and I would have noticed the BS two L account immediately, it just looks stupid that way, and stupid you are not.

ArcAngel ago

its easy to find the ifilTRAITORS... just say something 'anti-semetic' & watch the shit-storm & dowb voats.. its that easy

Red-Pill-NOW ago

....well don't forget a lot of Christians have been mis-programmed to see modern Israel as a special entity based on scripture, which has been mis-interpreted itself. The Zionist cabal led by 'lord' Jacob Rothschild, AKA 'The House of Saud' is lost on them when you relegate your comment to 'jew' etc., and lets face it many of us here are Christians, so just some context for all.

Fateswebb ago

I think the over the top racists are shills too.. to give us a bad name around here so any MSM mention has the obligatory "the alt right racists at voat" and so they can lobby the hosting providers to shut us down with false flags someday.

The thing is, you can be anti zionists without being anti semetic. It is not at all in our best interest to be anti semetic so I DO DOWN VOTE those posts because it works against us. We walk a slippery slope here. This was proven when they shut down gab.. so no the people who down vote anti semetism aren't shills they just look out for the best interest of the board as a whole.

Red-Pill-NOW ago


ArcAngel ago

and become silent tools of the elete from fear of being shut down.

Fateswebb ago

Or just become even more silent tools of the elite WHEN we are shut down. Which is better talking about topics and leaving racism out of it, or not talking at all because we got shut down?

Intelligent conversation has no need for racism, just present the facts. Leave the words like kike and jew and nigger and fag out of it.. if the words are warranted people will get the idea from the content itself. If the content doesn't hold water that's when you need the expletives to make your point. Because people won't get the point without them.

For instance you could say all the evidence from 9/11 suggests it was the israels mossad and Saudi Arabia that were behind the events of 9/11.. then provide supporting evidence... People get the idea..

Much better than those kike faggots want to kill us all... And no evidence.

People are more likely to take you seriously if they don't think racism is the motivation behind your post or comments...

Qsentmehere ago

We get shut down, we go to the chans. Literally not a big deal.

Fateswebb ago

For me it is, I really dislike it there. But yeah, still an option.

ArcAngel ago

you make a good point. i just happen to like saying kike.

amarQ144 ago

there ya go...yer probably a nigger faggot kike who just likes say'n that crap to...you kno...

ArcAngel ago

How did you know? you wanna suck this BIG BLACK KOSHER COCK, dont you? you sexy little basement-dweller... ill even pull it out of your ass so your Mommy can finish me

amarQ144 ago

promise yer not french?

ArcAngel ago


AlphabeticalAnon ago

I like saying nigger and faggot.

wokeasfook ago

You should try kike too. It's great

Fateswebb ago

😂 it is a funny word man I'll give ya that..

ArcAngel ago

you know how it came about? immigrant jews coming through ellis island didnt like making an X.. they were allowed to use a heb letter for those that couldnt write.i think its kai-key or something.. even then giving in & making exceptions..

srayzie ago

Like Q says, Badge of Honor!

Vindicator ago

@MolochHunter @srayzie, did you see the convo that went on below this? :-)

srayzie ago

About the being anti Zionist or whatever? Link? What about it?

amarQ144 ago

Lol..."Punter" was funny...only a matter of time til we deal with bumpers and humpers and thumpers...this could catch on!

srayzie ago

I know lol

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Q is a fraud sorry to inform you of this, but you're a facist you're trying to control the narrative and most people's 1st ammendment but you go ahead toots, and keep thinking you're ok, but I know you're freaking out and hoping to God that Q is real, Trump's in big trouble in 2019....

MolochHunter ago

the real Bon Scott would have totally been a Trump fan. He would have laughed his ass off at the pussygrabbing tape and given Trump his undying admiration

Qsentmehere ago

Niggers like you are going to die very soon

Bonscottrocks007 ago

A fascist and a racist who would of thought?

As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.

Qsentmehere ago

That was a literal paragraph of shit and garbage

drstrangegov ago

That word.....fascist. it's my "trigger" word. You know what a self-fulfilling prophecy is?

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Facist facist facist As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.

drstrangegov ago

Are you off your meds again? Naughty naughty

Bonscottrocks007 ago

As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.2

drstrangegov ago

Yeah, so? You trying to intimidate me because you know I rage-break cheap Chinese made keyboards on occasion somehow? I'm certain you Commie fucks can spy on everyone. So what if you can watch me have sex with my wife? The real question is can you watch me have sex with YOUR wife, which happens Tuesdays. Ask yourself one question.....do you REALLY want to piss off a race of people that get so pissed off they tear down walls with their bare hands, flip over cars in anger, break each other's noses for fun? I mean.....last time we got pissed off we turned two cities into nuclear slag. Were talking the motherfucker of bad moves here. It's too late now though. The barbarians are pissed. Were going to find you and dance in your blood.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.45

Shizy ago

You were warned. I held off banning you as a courtesy but you have now shown that you aren't a legitimate user, you just want to cause problems.

drstrangegov ago

I shoot a bb gun.

Shizy ago

This is your one and only warning. Spamming the board with cut and paste comments is grounds to ban you from this sub.

If you would like to be banned, then spam that one more time and it's all yours.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

None are the same so and don't you ever threaten my freedom of speech and expression

srayzie ago

That is spamming. It only needs to be said once.

Shizy ago

Don't play games! Adding a "1" or a "2" at the end is just some garbage game playing. I have screenshots of enough of them being exactly the same to ban you right now. I'm giving you a chance to stop so it's up to you if YOU want to threaten your own freedoms of speech!

Djoc2000 ago

I'm sorry but exactly means exactly. If even one character is different then it is not the same! Why are so many scared of the truth that bonscottrocks007 speaks?!?

Shizy ago

I guess you failed to read this part:

I have screenshots of enough of them being exactly the same to ban you right now

Anything else you don't understand that I can help explain to you?

MolochHunter ago

Bonscottrocks007 ago


MuckeyDuck ago

Warning: Soros Shill\BOT Detected. Every post he/she/it creates earns 50-cents. Starve the Soros Troll\BOT®

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You should see me getting under the shill's skin! Right now there's Tallest_Skil literally do head explosions over me posting.

HouseHawkwood ago

Careful, Tallest Shekel will report you for libel and declare victory as he so oft tells me...kek

AlphabeticalAnon ago

He is a hysterical faggot and breathes Hillary ass day and night.

BulletMagnet879 ago

And that's how you ID the shills: Over-exaggerated replies. They almost make it too easy. We need a small group of sane/credible/intelligent Voaters assembled to "search and destroy" these shills. Call it a Troll Task Force, or something.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I can give you links to several of them.

And yeah this particular one does nothing but over-exaggerate every reply and never actually says anything. It's just a bunch of repeated bullshit.

Fateswebb ago

I think the over the top racists are shills too.. to give us a bad name around here so any MSM mention has the obligatory "the alt right racists at voat"

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The MSM won't have one single leg to stand on when it's revealed how racist they are. That's coming.

Fateswebb ago

Well, Argo, I have gained some respect for, we may not always agree but when will you ever always agree with someone, perhaps you're imagining things bro. It can be hard to figure out I know, because most shills try to hide it, but to be effective at shilling you can't always hide it. but I've never noticed anything.. this is the first time i remember discussing with you, so I have no opinion and wish to not take sides.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That link isn't to anything but the shilling and trolling of tallest_shil. Not that argo guy who seems to think that mocking t_s is somehow making this board look bad and no it doesn't. It exposes the shill that is tallest_shil. Or rathr talking_shit. He is a troll shill. And he's ugly and pale and stupid and full on loser.

argosciv ago

Yeah so I just went ahead and read that entire exchange(ongoing as I type this).

Between you and your buddy(https://voat.co/u/Astonisher667) propping up the postings of https://voat.co/u/GodsAngell, and this pathetic 'argument' you're having with T_s, it's pretty damn clear that all 4 of you are morons or otherwise complicit in creating a false-flag to use as a vector of attack(by https://voat.co/u/MissleCopterStoped et al) against v/GreatAwakening / Q / QAnons.

Tallest_skil is a douche, but your responses to him are an obvious attempt to further enforce the "QAnons are delusional cultists" mantra; you're causing damage and it seems to me, that you're knowingly and willingly doing so.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @kneo24.

Posted automatically (#25678) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Astonisher667 ago

Wow you are an idiot. You like stalking me? I came here because she gave me a link to join and have free speech. But I see that the trolling shills, such as yourself are really desperate to make anyone using their rights to try and shame/intimidate them. Go ahead and post links to all my posts! I got nothing to hide! I'll parrot barge claims all day long just to piss you off. Why are you here? What's the purpose of trying to censor what is said here? Why is that a taboo subject? Barges and all? Why are you trying to damage control?

argosciv ago

Accusations of censorship ey? Where have I heard that before?

What's that say about you and your buddy running around to downvote all of my comments here despite that they very clearly expose/display suspicious behavior from the very shills this thread is about(and then some)?

Who's defending shills now?

Astonisher667 ago

WTF? Keep your tits on, I didn't downvote you, you stupid ass, and neither me or Linda is targeting all your damned comments.

argosciv ago

Oh then perhaps you can explain why mine, @srayzies, @Shizy's and @MolochHunter's comments suddenly started getting 1-2 downvotes, all over this thread, around the same time you both started downvoting/responding to my comments in this particular chain?

Just a coincidence, right?

argosciv ago

Shit! I just realized I typo'd the ping of you above, @srayzie.


AlphabeticalAnon ago

LOL. I never dv'd her or MolochHunter. Those two have been super in my book! The other person mentioned, I don't know them but he/she never said anything negative to me so why would I dv him/her? I wouldn't. I know the mindgame you're trying to play here and it won't work.

Astonisher667 ago

I didn't fucking downvote any of those people you named! Not even once. Ever. Since I've been here I've actually upvoted them. Would you like to talk to the owners because I certainly will. Stop acting like we're out to get you! You were the one that mentioned my name in your rants. I didn't accost you. You mentioned AA's name too. Why? Then went out of your way to compose some creepy shit post about me. About her. About us. After she posted a single link to a thread. Yeah but that's just coincidence though, right?

argosciv ago

Do you really think I'm not already talking to them?

Who's ranting here? I've been quite short and provided links to support where my mind is at. Definitely not responding frantically like you two.

If you have nothing to worry about, then this next part shouldn't be of concern and there shouldn't be 1-2 extra downvotes all over the thread on comments by those mentioned and myself.

Astonisher667 ago

How many accounts do you have? You could be the one downvoting them and acting like it's us. As for "frantic"? No dearie. That would be you.

argosciv ago

How many accounts do you have? You could be the one downvoting them and acting like it's us. As for "frantic"? No dearie. That would be you.

Oh that's cute.

I'll forgive that accusation as you clearly don't know me or my thoughts on using alt accounts. @srayzie, @Shizy and @MolochHunter know those thoughts well and they know what I've been through and that for me to do what I do, honesty is paramount. I have never had any other account aside from this, despite this account being nuked, by shills, from 1600+ccp down to 900 or I think 800 at one stage and then spending months climbing back up after repairing many bridges(without the need to delete or make an alt).

Pretty blatant deflection, though.

Astonisher667 ago

Why do you keep dropping their names? You obviously want an army to go after me. For your sad reasoning that I'm out to get you. But you were the one who mentioned my name. I never even engaged you before. Why are you going after me? Or AA? And this downvoting crap how rich! I've been attacked by assholes here lots of times and I'm not worried about my score. Why are you bringing my name up, talking shitty to AA, and then using this down vote shit to imply something sinister? And then dropping other people's names into your posts? THEN to top it off, after dragging innocent people and dropping names you call us "frantic"?

But you say blatant deflection just like Tallest sack'o'shit over there. Where have I heard THAT before? Oh yeah! From the same asshole who uses that line over and over again!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It's telling that he used my post where I linked to that thread and then began trying to associate me with that total scumbag Talking_Shit. Any other normal person would have just laughed and said You Go Girl! But not this one. And now he's using mind fuckery to try to involve us in some weird ass cult. Now that's frantic.

MolochHunter ago

Alpha, and @Astonisher667

I dont know if you know, but @argosciv is something of our junkyard dog around these parts.

He bites shills in the dead of night while we Mods are sleeping. Now, that means sometimes he growls at good customers, and sometimes he bites people we dont want him to bite

but he's useful for us to have around

I think you 3 have probably duked it out long enough to call it a rest, now. i'm not sure if anything other than a build up of acrimony can be achieved going forward

how about we all be at peace and enjoy the New Year, and return to the business of Q related info until / unless we have fresh grounds to get up in anyone's grill

all good?

srayzie ago

I like your way of explaining things lol

Astonisher667 ago

All is good with me. I just don't cotton to folks telling me I downvoted them when I have no inkling to. I've thought about telling that shill off, tallest shill whatshisface but I think my friend is kicking his ass on her own well enough. I'm enjoying the hell out of watching him melt and squirm.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't know the guy but I certainly NEVER had any reason to downvote you and Astonisher never downvotes anyone even if he's fighting with them. He says it's too much trouble and he doesn't waste time doing that. He will if he remembers to, but otherwise the accusations are hysterical to say the least.

As for my group Obscurity. v/Obscurity (don't know the lingo here too much) but if anyone went there, they'd be very disappointed. What we have is a secret, but it's a powerful one against the evil. And her name is Nacky. But she goes by other online names too. She's the victim I speak of in the Swamp in Arkansas on the pizzagate topic. A very talented lady and she's been targeted by some of the most vile evil out there. But evil twisted psychotics do target good and the light. On my group that I created here, I'm actually channeling her.

MolochHunter ago

all good, i made no judgements as to who downvoated who, and even if you do ever downvoat me i dont sweat the points.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well I have always upvoted what you say anyway. So...

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh hi Sorosminion aka Tallest_Skil. Yeah go fuck yourself. Astonisher and I happen to agree with a lot of what that other person has to say so you can writhe in that and stew yourself into fits of rage.

argosciv ago


I'm neither of those people. If you were paying attention to this thread, you'd know that.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't have to pay attention. This is not a test to graduate to some club. I'm just here to speak. Why are you so against that?

argosciv ago

I don't have to pay attention. This is not a test to graduate to some club. I'm just here to speak. Why are you so against that?

Oh but you should pay attention to the comments you just downvoted - considering that by doing so, it is you and your buddy who are actually defending shills and trying to 'censor' the outing of them.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

No I don't have to pay attention. I'll downvote anyone talking shit to me.

My buddy and I are not out to censor anyone. That doesn't mean we will stay silent against them and FYI I have outed the shills. What I say seems to really irritate them. I use what I know as a marker. I'm draining swamps with an industrial element. Maybe while you're stalking my group you can check out the links there on the side. That's my friend who isn't here but lurks. She is the key to Rex.

Astonisher667 ago

Bets that he won't even click onto those links! Bets that if he did he won't even know the treasure that's there and been there in plain sight all this time!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

And no doubt he's the one downvoting us and everyone. He sure likes to cry about it and I've been downvoted since I even got here because I have opinions that assholes don't like. I was stalked by a really vicious asshole and had to quit before I was talked into coming back. And here is this new thing that somehow seems very invested in protecting the shills or trying to deflect from them and put on you and me. And using the lame ass excuse of some other poster named godsangels. Gimme a break! I know a mind fuck when I see one and this is definitely a very sad attempt at one from argosciv.

srayzie ago

I don’t get what you mean here. Am I missing something? It looked to me like they were just arguing.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're not missing anything. It's just me mocking the hell out of that loser. This dope is trying to create drama and silence anyone that agrees with Q stuff and whatever this other poster named there is saying. As if agreeing with someone is supposed to be suspect and he even went out of his way to include links in some pathetic attempt to tie me with that loser talking_shit.

argosciv ago

Hold that thought, I'll get back to you shortly.

For the moment, look at it with the possibility in mind that AlphabeticalAnon is deliberately responding in a ridiculous way(parroting GodsAngell no less), in order to provide fodder for painting QAnons and/or v/GreatAwakening users as unhinged.

More to come.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Go fuck yourself. You know the SAME can be said about you. You're the one who seems to be defending the shills while attacking anyone bringing any news of arrests and so forth.

As for your "concern trolling" about being labeled something as cultist, why do you care? I think Q are big boys and can handle the pathetic shills and insults you lob at them. And I certainly don't care what you or your buddy sorosminion/aka/talking_shit has to say.

argosciv ago

You're the one who seems to be defending the shills

Where have I done that?

while attacking anyone bringing any news of arrests and so forth.

Or that? If by "anyone" you mean indiscriminately targeting everyone who does what you just said.

As for your "concern trolling" about being labeled something as cultist, why do you care?

Do you not care about image and avoiding disinfo that acts as fodder?

I think Q are big boys and can handle the pathetic shills and insults you lob at them. And I certainly don't care what you or your buddy sorosminion/aka/talking_shit has to say.

Have a good look at the rest of this thread. Do you really think I'm at all on the side of any shills, or are you just frantically repeating that as a deflection?

And this "more to come" yeah you go ahead and look for boogeymen at my own little group. You'll find nothing there to attack unless you're a mindless troll which I suspect that you are. Stalk me all over voat then. How's the peeping Tom? How's the peeping?

You sure about that? You don't seem sure, given the need to liken it to being a peeping tom. Looks like more frantic deflection.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LOL your writing style is exactly like talking_shit.

Look I don't need to deflect anything. You're the one who attacked me with your suspicious accusations of being in some group thing. Get real. You act so cloak and dagger. Jumping at shadows. Your buddy is telling everyone that no one is going to save them and then turns around to tell everyone to kill themselves HA! Make up your mind already. I think any random peep looking in would see how unhinged and crazy he is. Me making him suffer for his derangement is just that. Who the hell cares? Why are you sooo up in arms about that thread? Like you have some weird invested interest or something.

Also I have never attacked anyone bringing news of deep state arrests. Never once. And upvoted all that have brought such news.

As far caring what deranged asswipes think of Q...hehehe no, I don't care what they think because they don't think! Fodder? HA! They're swimming in fodder and it's their own! Go ahead and start on your new crusade to shut down all talk about arrests and barges because it'll make Q look bad. OMG. Seriously grow the hell up.

argosciv ago

LOL your writing style is exactly like talking_shit.

Hardly. You're just jumping to that because I broke down and replied to your comment point by point.

Several people do that, some good, some bad. At least you know I read your reply and responded to what was said.

They're swimming in fodder and it's their own!


Enough said really.

Your frantic responses and downvoting as a pair, all over this thread, have also said plenty.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LMAO! Wow you're now seeing things! Go stalk my group or verse or sub or whatever the hell they call things around here. I personally gave that link to the owner here asking for help with CSS! So much for your theories of it being some dark little hub where plotting is going on HAHAHA!

Astonisher667 ago

Oh I forgot! We must retreat to Obscurity and plot something! See you there!

srayzie ago

Ok. I know that Tallest_skil is a pain. It not AlphabeticalAnon.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Thank you, that guy argosciv is fucking insane. He is making accusations right out of his ass and I can and will agree with whomever I want and I see it burns his ass so much. He is fomenting trouble and trying to create a drama involving me and my "buddy" as he calls him. Astonisher is just someone I know from RMN.

Tallest Skil and sorosminion is the one trying to label everyone.

srayzie ago

Tallest_Skil fights with everyone. I believe Sorosminion is one of the shills in that group we’re exposing. You do have the right to your opinions! I sure as heck voice mine lol.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yes! It's them that's been harassing people everywhere - not just here! I've seen them on other boards doing the same exact shit. But they are so pathetic and predictable that it's so fun to get them all worked up. And this guy argosciv is trying to connect me with that idiot. Also trying to connect my friend who I know from RMN (he's a reader of stuff there) and also someone I generally talk with in email, and neither one of us have anything to do with those trolls! It seems there's a Baltar among us. But rest assured I have that Talking_Shit and Sorosminion on fire. I've been enraging them for a while now.

srayzie ago

Yeah, I don’t think you’re part of this group. The bad thing, is that the shills ping people and it then makes them start looking like they are connected. He pings you. MissleCopterStoped, StarAnon, and Sorosminion are part of that group.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Heck I'm only part of Obscurity. Which is a group I made. Or subverse. I keep associating groups as in yahoogroups to describe this forum/site/network thing where you can create your own niche. But yeah I just come and go. I was mainly on the other Great Awakening board and made some friends there but things have been quiet there. The only person I know for some time is Astonisher and he's from England originally, I think.

srayzie ago

Well hopefully you get to know some more good people. :)

heygeorge ago

friend who I know from RMN (he's a reader of stuff there)

What is RMN?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Rumor Mill News

heygeorge ago

Lol ok.

argosciv ago

No no, not accusing them of being alts of each other(possible, but not what I'm saying).

srayzie ago

Oh I know that’s not what you meant