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15864097? ago

The person that posted this is @MissleCopterStoped. I am Srayzie. This was my response to his accusations.

@MissleCoptorStoped came over from Reddit, and tricked me into believing that he was a patriot. I made him a mod. It only lasted for 2 days because of how he suddenly changed and started treating the users once he became a mod.

He is mad at me for exposing him after continuously attacking others. That’s why he’s flipping out now. Now him and his alts are talking to each other.

You can read about how deceptive he was here if interested.

15866291? ago

I remember this person you have mentioned and particpated in the thread that they reported a person who continuely posts fake news and other dis-information and fails to give sources on outragous claims on a daily basis.

This person is known to post constantly fake news and the regulars know all about it. Not really sure why you retaliated against a fellow anon for reporting a constant rule breaker, but you did and creating lies about them is downright unethical.

They even stuck up for theirsevles and gave their reasoning instead for it in a very logical way. As a patriot and never having a problem with this person you are viscously attacking, I will stand up on his behalf since you bring others to your stickied soapbox and team harass not only him but others but others too.

Several PizzaGate mods also teamed up in a GreatAwakening thread. Now why would PG mods go to a GA forum for?

Everyone knows their are 2 sides of the story, so why are you not presenting his side? Isn't this what fair mods do?

That is very deceptive in itself and causes a red flag on your part.

This Srayzie is has now started attacking others in a new post that was harassing the same person from another thread, but once again, accussing new people as being others now if they respectfully disagree with this post.

This mod srayzie should be representing the Voat brand in a positive way, but yet goes against anyone with an opposing view and starts attacking them for being other people which ironically is stifling free speech.

Wasn't that Voat’s premise all along?