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contigo69 ago

Facist facist facist As I've told you many times, it's rather difficult to hear anything you're trying to say with a mouth full of suspiciously small penises, but what few words I could make out made it sound like you did in fact break a keyboard, but that you weren't that upset about it because of the endless supply of suspiciously small penises to keep you satisfied and what not?... Seems like an odd thing to say, but hey, to each their own.facists

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

@Srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

Type-o-Negative MissleCopterSpared posting same repetitive SPAM New alt 4 hours ago.

I thought he was a nice guy....

Shizy ago

Bonscott made a new alt to spam about his small penis!

Isn't it strange how we shut down MissleCopterStoped and almost immediately afterward we are hit with the spammers and the fake mod alts? He's getting desperate.

@srayzie @MolochHunter

MissleCopterStoped ago

You didn't shut me down.

Shizy ago

Yes we did.

You're just too arrogant to accept it.


MissleCopterStoped ago

Nope you didnt, laughing at you and your chum pals breaking up some “criminal crime ring” with non-scientific guesses on who is who.

I cant believe people like @UK_Bloke_Awoke would fall for this bs circumstantial evidence.

Shizy ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.

Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy....

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You're a legal expert, and people have been criticising UK a lot recently, so I wondered if I should take them to a tribunal ?

I mean it's obviously me they are critiquing, but I don't have a smocking gun to prove it or anything....

As to shutdown, you're definitely stoped aren't you ?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Did you ever stoped to realize that a ‘gut feeling’ or “think” doesnt make it fact?

I assume that you think Christine Blasey Ford was raped because she said so, and therefore Kavanaugh is guilty beyond a doubt huh?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

whats that got to do with my question?

Why are you avoiding my question?