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argosciv ago

Alrighty, so, Morbo has repeatedly asked us to look at their history, to verify their authenticity.

Let's do that.

It's no secret that Morbo hates QAnons, or, as they put it, "QTards"

Here's a brief, somewhat chummy exchange between Morbo and Hangry, it isn't Q related, but we'll get to that:

Note also that this is in one of PuttItOut's announcements.

Here's Morbo telling us that he once "[took] Q stuff more seriously before the Redditrd crowd showed up"; he blames his anti-Q commentary on the Reddit Exodus:

This one, I've included because it struck me as a little odd, though it's probably sarcasm anyway. Appears to reference either physical stalking or maybe 'remote viewing'. Like I said though, probably just sarcasm:

There are other reasons why this strikes me as odd, but I won't get into that right now.

Here's Hangry and Morbo buddying up again right here in v/GreatAwakening, under the premise of rhetoric against QAnons:

Here we see a comment by Morbo, obviously mocking Q/QAnons, in reply to an idle comment by PuttItOut in a v/whatever submission:

Now it starts to get a bit more interesting/relevant...

Here we see a brief exchange between Morbo and GodsAngell in one of her own threads:

Thread itself so you can see and assess the main post: |

^ Put a pin in this, I'll address it again at the end.

Here we see Morbo try to 'hijack' a comment thread in response to @PuttItOut indicating that he intends to "purge the cancer" from v/aww(in the "Voat Was Sent An Angel" thread). Why would Morbo feel the need to hijack that comment chain? Why is he trying to prop up the narrative that "we all" want to know about Atko's involvement? I for one, am not worried about it:

Now for the fun part...

Morbo, while displaying a familiar attitude towards women(see: "Donkey"), claims that it was @srayzie and @MolochHunter who are responsible for introducing him to MissleCopterStoped - this claim was made on December 30, 2018 at 8:47:26 PM, UTC:

But wait! What's this from December 13, 2018 UTC? |

Oh, it's just a highly speculative thread(with nothing to really support the claim that the deaths were at all related to Q, the photo, or the person in the photo) in v/GreatAwakening by MissleCopterStoped, wherein Morbo comments about "blue lasers":

Why doesn't Morbo address the lack of evidence to back the assertion made by MCS? Doesn't even use the ever so popular term "QTard", not a single down(or up) vote either...

Why didn't MCS respond to Morbo, but was quick to rely on an a user's typo to backpedal out of being questioned about how he can be so sure that Q "knew" about the deaths in advance of the article and was communicating as such through the photo of someone at the South Pole holding a "WWG1WGA" sign?:

As an aside, why can we see AlphabeticalAnon & Astonisher667 rambling on about Lord of the Rings(clearly upvoting each other just because), rather than addressing the thread's claims - be it to debunk or simply discuss?:

Let's go back to the pinned item about GodsAngell's thread again now, keeping the above in mind too.

Now, I currently suspect that this whole situation involving GodsAngell, Morbo and MissleCopterStoped is actually a crafted false flag(manufactured crisis of disinfo being spread in v/GreatAwakening), which involves using GosAngell's claims as a means to paint v/GreatAwakening and/or QAnons as delusional on the whole;

GodsAngell happily posts garbage, then certain folk have an opportunity to not only cast a negative image on the subverse/users, but also the opportunity to lash out at its moderators/owners for not arbitrarily deleting after manufactured outrage fills up the comments.

Here's another way to picture how something like this works:

Let's imagine 5 people.

  1. A shill who works in the background to seed garbage disinfo into the 'conspiracy' oriented flow of information - often involving a mix of fact with fiction.
  2. A shill who plays dumb and posts that disinfo as if it is fact or realistic.
  3. A shill who 'combats' the disinfo so that they can blend in at the expense of #2 and also attack the entirety of the group being targeted(QAnons in this case).
  4. A genuine user who falls for the disinfo and then spreads it.
  5. A genuine user who does not fall for the disinfo and instead 'combats' it.

Increase the numbers of each type described above when looking at the bigger picture.

Usually, #5 is the minority. #4 is the majority. #3 and #2 sit somewhat neck and neck though are relatively few. #1 works in the background(most likely) but could range anywhere from many to few. #1 to #3 are working in tandem to produce as many #4s as possible, so that #3 can effectively point and say "Look, I'm smarter than you all because I challenged the disinfo"(which was being fed by someone on their team), "Because a few of you spread garbage, I can now attack all of you as a whole!", while painting #5s as the enemy if they dare to call out the disinfo scam.

There is of course a 6th type to consider, and that is the casual observer who does not weigh in. These people are potential #4s or #5s.

Here's an example of Morbo 'combating' DEW disinfo from GodsAngell, but otherwise using it to attack all QAnons:

It is with all of the above in mind, that I suspect GodsAngell is a #2 and MissleCopterStoped & Morbo are #3s and that AlphabeticalAnon & Astonisher667 are either #2s or #4s, hence the following comments by me:

Regarding commentary by Morbo:

This sub belongs to them now.

You (and Srayzie, Shizy) need to take this sub back and get GA back on track.

This sub is lost and you let this happen. It belongs to the fools now. You have done more to divide us than the DS ever could. Well played, controlled sheep.

Now all we have is a bunch of make believe and outrageous claims about aliens, demons, DEWs, EMPs and JFK Jr filling up the sub.

^ Manufacturing consensus of hostile takeover, through use of a manufactured crisis and blowing it out of proportion.

Get off your high horse and do your fucking job.

Just do your job.

^ Repeating MCS?

the sock puppeteers who are LITERALLY Deep State agents

Facts to back this up? Real evidence not some link to things like how the three letter agencies subvert forums. That isn't proof that this is what is happening on Voat so don't waste your time with it. Real evidence of an exposed DS agent right here on Voat or at least some verifiable third party evidence that this is happening here. Without verifiable facts on this, your claim is no more credible than GodsAngel's of MissleStopedCopter's claims and makes you a disinfo spreader yourself.

^ Translation: "Don't talk about DS/3Letter agents without showing your hand or you're disinfo like the person I'm defending or the person being used as bait."

In reply to AlphabeticalAnon:

Also look at the desperation of the fattest shill here:

Yeah so I just went ahead and read that entire exchange(ongoing as I type this).

Between you and your buddy( propping up the postings of, and this pathetic 'argument' you're having with T_s, it's pretty damn clear that all 4 of you are morons or otherwise complicit in creating a false-flag(manufactured crisis) to use as a vector of attack(by et al) against v/GreatAwakening / Q / QAnons.

Tallest_skil is a douche, but your responses to him are an obvious attempt to further enforce the "QAnons are delusional cultists" mantra; you're causing damage and it seems to me, that you're knowingly and willingly doing so.

Maybe I'm wrong about AlphabeticalAnon and Astonisher667 being #2s, but I'm quite certain regarding Morbo, MissleCopterStoped & GodsAngell working together and having a connection to the usual suspects such as youllrememberme, thisistotallynotme, NotHereForPizza & many other suspicious users/alts/groups.

cc: @Shizy @Crensch

MissleCopterStoped ago

Maybe I'm wrong about AlphabeticalAnon and Astonisher667 being #2s

Why would you be wrong? After all your opinion suspicions is 100% fact now why backtrack now?

MissleCopterStoped ago

So no response for this comment then?

It is nice to know that you are attacking my freedom of speech while you defend some creep boasting about his child being raped.

Looking at mod actions for 10/16/18, show me where I took action against this weirdo.

Hmm, no actions by anyone on that for 10/16/2018.

Very classy....

Or you too busy slandering me in other voat subs?

singlebrain1 ago

Great post. You explain their strategy well. I wonder how they trained and who they get their orders from. I have noticed that much of this sub has been filling with poor quality posts, many videos from dubious sources and links to blogs that are not real investigative sources.

srayzie ago

Here's another way to picture how something like this works:

Let's imagine 5 people.

A shill who works in the background to seed garbage disinfo into the 'conspiracy' oriented flow of information - often involving a mix of fact with fiction. A shill who plays dumb and posts that disinfo as if it is fact or realistic. A shill who 'combats' the disinfo so that they can blend in at the expense of #2 and also attack the entirety of the group being targeted(QAnons in this case). A genuine user who falls for the disinfo and then spreads it. A genuine user who does not fall for the disinfo and instead 'combats' it.

You’re so smart

argosciv ago

Just kinda funny that now they're resorting to a sockpuppet fueled doxx campaign now xD

Soon I might drop a bit of info about sockpuppetry, too...

MolochHunter ago

6 months ago i would have said this was aaaaall too elaborate to be true. now? perfectly plausible

argosciv ago

Vindicator ago

Let's imagine 5 people.

  1. A shill who works in the background to seed garbage disinfo into the 'conspiracy' oriented flow of information - often involving a mix of fact with fiction.
  2. A shill who plays dumb and posts that disinfo as if it is fact or realistic.
  3. A shill who 'combats' the disinfo so that they can blend in at the expense of #2 and also attack the entirety of the group being targeted(QAnons in this case).
  4. A genuine user who falls for the disinfo and then spreads it.
  5. A genuine user who does not fall for the disinfo and instead 'combats' it.

^This is an excellent summary of exactly how ESOTERICshade and his merry band fucked with v/pizzagate for over a year. Saved.

argosciv ago

^This is an excellent summary of exactly how ESOTERICshade and his merry band fucked with v/pizzagate for over a year. Saved.

Wonder of wonders...

Here's ESOTERICshade, mimicking(in part) the same narrative as Morbo*, SaneGoatOySwear, Piscina and a host of others:

Notice also that you and I both got downvotes in this thread not long after ESOTERICshade's latest comment(s).

Curious timing, no?

@kevdude @Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy


Here we see Morbo try to 'hijack' a comment thread in response to PuttItOut indicating that he intends to "purge the cancer" from v/aww(in the "Voat Was Sent An Angel" thread). Why would Morbo feel the need to hijack that comment chain? Why is he trying to prop up the narrative that "we all" want to know about Atko's involvement? I for one, am not worried about it: