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srayzie ago

It looks like the show was cancelled doesn't it? I banned that profile and I will any other new account that tries to imitate a v/GreatAwakening mod. You have proved to be on the same shill team, just as I stated earlier, as @MissleCopterStoped, @NotHereForPizza, @YoullRememberme, and @thisistotallynotme. All part of the ElectroLumus/BuilderAnon shill group that we are exposing.

Morbo ago

I wouldn't call the show canceled. All the actors showed up for the premiere, and totally uninvited even. You even brought out some other brigade crew friends on this one. That sounds like a successful show opening since it got you to post so much on a single submission in a different sub without being mentioned at all. I'm in your head now.

srayzie ago

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Youโ€™re such a retard. ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป

@Morbo, you are NOT that special. ๐Ÿ™„

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator

Look at this Hot Shot ๐Ÿ˜‚

Morbo ago

You're here on my post away from GA. I'm in your head. You've had private discussions about me. I'm in your head. You ping more friends to continue this shitshow. I'm in your head.

I'll make you a deal. Start adding "possible disinfo" flair on GodsAngell posts or at least sticky a post warning that GodsAngell has been known to post disinfo and baseless allegations and I'll drop the whole thing. Is that reasonable? I am only after the dishonest GodsAngell posts and nothing more. Deal?

srayzie ago

Weโ€™ve already discussed GodsAngell. Weโ€™ve written them 4 times since last week. I donโ€™t disagree about him or her. We have plans on how to handle them. We donโ€™t air things publicly. I disagree with how the MissleCopterStoped profile is always flipping the fuck out on people. That doesnโ€™t help the situation.

Living in my head? We have shills after us allll the time. Read the top posts in the Notables sticky. This is nothing. But we donโ€™t ignore it. Weโ€™re cracking down on this group and itโ€™s working. So you guys go ahead and keep pinging each other and making new usernames. Every time we expose you guys, the worse your reputation gets. Youโ€™re only fucking yourselves. If you werenโ€™t part of this crowd, then you really screwed up by joining them.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well well well, look who is stalking @Morbo.

I just got to chime in on your comment:

We donโ€™t air things publicly.


You don't? Then what is this then?

And this one isnt public either?

Once again you have proved yourself a liar and cyberstalker too. but hey, that is okay, the evidence is piling up, and I seen you accusing new people in your newest PUBLIC thread about Morbo making up new shill accounts in order to frame him that are definitely your accounts to further divide GreatAwakening.

This is so awesome, giving us this added evidence of your constant harassment, cyberstalking, and cyberbullying of others.

Just curious, you said you don't Voat brigade, but you pinged 5 people to here to harrass Morbo, and what a coincidence! Morbo has 6 downvotes and the only active people on this thread is you and Morbo, and your 5 creepy cyberstalking friends!!!

Keep piling up the evidence, I am enjoying this!

Morbo please pass the popcorn please.๐Ÿ‘

I am going to ping the the newly accused anons in your most recent harassment thread that is stickied in GA about Morbo, so they see the pattern that you and your BBFโ€™s constantly do in order to harass and stalk people who doesnt agree with you and your shiesty mods.

@fhaqyu @NotHereForPizza @AlphabeticalAnon @Astonisher667

Astonisher667 ago


Pardon me while I do my best to just observe things for now. I'll make my own judgements.

srayzie ago

I think @Morbo would appreciate you leaving him out of your drama. I donโ€™t think heโ€™s part of your group. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Youโ€™re dragging him into it. In fact, you put a spotlight on everyone that you ping because you ping yourself as well. I told you why I ping. I ping the mods I work with to expose a group thatโ€™s meant to divide the Q movement.

Are you friends with this guy @AlphabeticalAnon? In case you didnโ€™t see who he is, you can read it here.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The only person I really know around here is Astonisher (he was going to use the name Merlin but it was taken) but he's not with any of these people. Also the drama I got dragged into was the one created constantly by that Tallest_shithat troll. He and Sorosminion are the PLAGUE of the site!

Shizy ago

Just curious, you said you don't Voat brigade, but you pinged 5 people to here to harrass Morbo, and what a coincidence! Morbo has 6 downvotes and the **only active people on this thread is you and Morbo, and your 5 creepy cyberstalking friends!!!

@argosvic @srayzie

U/thisistotallynotme has made the exact same comment. He gets hung up on downvoats and numbers on a sub. I think he just outed himself!

fhaqyu ago

Why am I tagged in this shill ass shit? Thanks I guess @MissleCopterStoped for making me aware I've rustled some many a shills jimmies. Let me trigger you faggots some more. do you not all realize that whoever is 'keeping' these lists is literally doing the same thing the jews do with their canary websites. Furthermore, before all you Q-tards started to flood voat, there was great animosity to Donald Trump, most of us here have known Trump is a zionist agent for some time and was nothing more than controlled opposition to keep the US people divided.

I'll layout some points below that I want any of you to rebuff. PROVE TO ME YOU AREN'T JIDF FAGGOTS AND SIMPLY REBUTT ANY POINTS I AM MAKING BELOW.

Donald Trump is a Zionist bitch

  1. all his advisors and his cabinet are ashkanazi jews
  2. the dude is literally destroying israel's enemies while you all listen to the shill Q say that trump is saving them for last
  3. he approved the senate backed 10 year 100 BILLION dollar payout to israel for financial aid?!
  4. he is finishing wesely clark's leaked claims that they would be taking out 7 countries in 7 years.
  5. trump state department just labeled what it means to be anti-semitic and then south carolina passes legislation making it illegal to speak out against zionism, say jews run the media or the banks. MORE JEW LEGISLATION IS COMING
  6. Gen Mattis fired for most likely blocking the f-16 sale to israel, feel free to try and change my mind
  7. he approved bumpstock bans and has openly stated he will simply "take our guns" and pass legislation after
  8. Hillary is still not closer to being in jail
  9. Obama Care is not repealed
  10. Anchor babies huh?
  11. hows that wall going?
  12. Pulled troops out of Syria? nope, slowed things down to "ensure Israel is secure"
  13. getting to the bottom of 9/11 and faggot boy claims it was "Iranians"
  14. his cunt of a father donated all the land to the zionist jew center in new york
  15. Allowing NY State and other to completely BAN ALL GUNS
  16. should i keep going faggots? the list goes on and on and on.

So, before you 1 and 2 month accounts come here and try to treat this place as if it's reddit, just going to warn you, you are going to have a bad time. I've been here since about the inception voat and have seen the constant wave of your faggots propaganda come and go. You don't think people on here notice the wave of your bullshit only happens around election time? you all just magically happen to show up at mid-terms, then you all go quiet until Trump begins his 2020 bid. let me rustle your jimmies some more Schlomo and Schlemiel, Israel is a trash fucking country and they are committing war crimes against the palestinians and violating international law all over the world. So in place of masquerading around here as if you are a (((Fellow))) white person, either own the fact you are all retarded or a jew hiding behind human skin.

Trump is the fucking deep-state you dumb fuckers and faggots like you who keep doing this shit are the reason america is falling apart.

Please, may all of you have a happy chanukah, tell your rabbi's hello.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I am not jewish, nor muslim, just ate some pork, the reason I pinged you is srayzie the trannzy will stalk and harrass you no matter where you are on the this website, like they are doing with Morbo, and ping their friends to further harrass and stalk you. Look at the forum they are on, srayzie even pinged PizzaGate mods to cone harass and stalk Morbo, and the reason they do this is is to keep us divided, especially when your views dont align with theirs, and was giving you a heads up of what you can expect from them for now on it. They act like those Antifags in Portland.

I am not sold on President Trump being perfect, only sold on the part thst he will jail Deep Staters soon as military are effective today. This is just an FYI, that is all

fhaqyu ago

sorry friend, you didn't actually make any cause to believe trump is on your team as you didn't rebuff a single point i made.

i'll wait. give it a shot

MissleCopterStoped ago

Because I was more interested in the illuminatti point you made of greatawakeningโ€™s page.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Okay who the fuck is Morbo? And I have NOT created any threads about him or her. I am NOT that guy's creepy stalker friend and if you read the link I gave you can plainly see how I am shoving Talking_Shit's shit back into his FACE! He is the enemy here. Not me.

MissleCopterStoped ago

No slow down, i was trying to show you srayzie harasses people when your views dont reflect his, he stalks me, StarAnon, and Morbo too. Srayzie calls his friends for backup to further harass others too.

My apologies, I meant no harm, just a heads up thats all.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Um...okay but...Tallest_Skil is the user asshat I'm referring to. Not Srayzie. That link I posted was just to show how stupid he is. I call him Talking_Shit because he talks shit and nothing but.

I don't even know who Mordo is. But I didn't link anything to do with someone by that name. It's all Talking_Shit's shit posting I was linking to. That is all.

NotHereForPizza ago

tallest_shill fights for the very same thing srayzie does

welcome newfriend

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Um he's not fighting for anything. He just fights with everyone. He has no cause. No friends. No life. He is to be Nameless. Faceless. Formless. He is a servant of evil. Returning to the void from whence he came.

And what's tallest skil even mean? It has no other boundary than talking shit. That's an exact translation of net-speak and is spoke.

Srayze? I still don't see the connection between that person and the PLAGUE of the site called Talking_Shit.

NotHereForPizza ago

You seem new at this. You're not being very helpful.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Not here to help that troll. But to expose it. I still don't see the connection between those other people and the troll and don't tell me about being helpful - I got my name dropped here and I'm simply responding to this crap. Tallest Shit is the ring leader of the shills and makes a laughable 40 cents a day! When you factor in content and effectiveness.

NotHereForPizza ago

Again you're not helping, anon. That's enough now.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I was tagged or pinged in this stupid thing so if you don't like it, piss off. I had every right to reply to whatever the hell this shitstorm is when my name was used. Are you tallest_shil's boyfriend or something?

MissleCopterStoped ago

I think the same of tallest skil, but he is supported by srayzie, and if your views dont line up with srayzie, this is what you can expect from the mods. I spoke up against GodsAngell and everyone knows that person is a shill, and I reported them for it, and ever since then, they stalk and harass me at every turn, like they are doing to Morbo who didnt even post this on the GreatAwakening.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Okay but I've never seen srayzie defend talking_shit. Or sorosminion. Or any of those assholes. I'll admit I don't read everything in all the places. I just click on things that interest me. So I don't know the story of all this other stuff.

Shizy ago

they stalk and harass me at every turn

Translation: we keep outing your lies and making it hard for you to manipulate and sow discord. When everyone can be made aware that you are a former mod with a bone to pick who made a new alt to come back here and cause problems, all of this makes so much more sense doesn't it?

Just a friendly warning from a patriot to another patriot. Peace.

Suurrreeee! Until someone pisses you off and you do this:

And that's how you act when you're a mod! Either you have ZERO self control, or you were purposely acting like a lunatic to make this sub look bad.

Here's another just to further show how you think mods should talk to users: