20406281? ago


It is one thing to get a nasty little cease and desist letter from an attorney which you toss into the trash or hit the delete button on your e-mail. It is quite another when you are visited at home by several gentlemen who show you they are armed before having a discussion with you about things you post on the internet. Three times in the past month, the owners of websites have been visited by this group who make it very clear that no matter how true a certain story is about a former A+ list child actor/Macaulay Culkin (don't even guess anyone named Corey), that these stories can't be published.

Yes, he saw deaths. Yes, he saw things that he speaks about because he is trying not to use drugs and instead communicate his feelings. Why do you think he lived overseas for so long? Why do you think he feared certain family members? Apparently his new girlfriend also wants him talking about his past. This will not end well for anyone. You don't think a junkie can have an overdose? Yeah, ask how that has worked out for celebrity drug addicts the past year. It is amazing how fast the website owners pull down anything about him. No one wants a visit from those guys with guns.


Back in the day, when this property was first acquired, the permanent A++ list celebrity/Michael Jackson who acquired it decided he was going to build an underground recording studio because he thought the sound would be completely different than a normal studio. Sounds kind of crafty to me and he never really struck me as someone who considered the whole thing a craft. Anyway, the hole was dug about 300-400 yards from the main house. The interior was built out, but the recording studio was never completed. It was basically just a 1,000 square foot unfinished basement all by itself.

About three weeks ago over dinner with his actress girlfriend, this former A+ list tween actor/Macaulay Culkin told her some of the stories he heard about what happened down in that recording studio. Our actor never went down there and when he asked about it, the permanent A++ lister said it wasn't a place for him, our actor to go. The things relayed to the girlfriend were so disturbing that she actually called the police to ask if they could investigate it. She is still waiting for a call back and doesn't know if anything is being done.

20398531? ago

Why can't he just go get a real job that is productive? Something WRONG with that? Is that BENEATH celebrity parasites? Do they thing "acting"/"singing"/"scoring imaginary points" has any REAL value, and is not a waste of time, energy and resources?

20399726? ago

Listen Schmuel, after you get ass raped by old Jewish men for 10 years and tossed to the curb, why don’t you just go get a job at costco and shut the fuck up about it? Right?

20401501? ago

Right. Happens every day.

20399089? ago

Fuck off with your judgmental bullshit, the reason (((they))) want access to our kids younger and younger (pushing women into the work force, no child left behind, 1000 points of light when the kids psyche is fractured while being raped before age 7, ideally before age 5) is to traumatize them and turn them into ineffective adults who can be mind controlled to carry out their agenda.

Why don't you learn something and grow some compassion for these kids asshole?

20401506? ago

You wouldn't fuck for stardom?

20401590? ago

End that with a period, not a question mark.

20401764? ago

You would too. The only question is what is your price I bet. I wouldn't fuck for stardom (autistics have NO desire for fame), but money, that's a different story.

20401890? ago

Keep projecting all you want, not all humans want fame and most only need — and are far happier with — just enough money to get by.

20401967? ago

Most WOULD take a butt fucking for a BILLION dollars I THINK.

20402157? ago

Anyone who would do that first took it unwillingly as a baby or toddler.

20402364? ago

That's a thin assumption. I haven't taken it, but I do suspect there is a PRICE that would make it an attractive option to me.

20405518? ago

It's not a thin assumption at all, it's well established statistically. There are Christians who've been "cured" of homosexuality and had their marriages saved by simply dealing with the rape they experienced as babies and toddlers. It's FAR more prevalent than anyone would ever believe and only takes once - kids are resilient but nothing repairs the fractured psyche. It's what the 1000 points of light and no child left behind stuff is all about.

20405585? ago

You're just comfortable in your own delusion (NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN). I'm saying, if you had a LEGIT offer for a BILLION dollars, you WOULD allow yourself to be buttfucked (NO hidden agendas, just the act itself). I WANT to know. I HAVE to know. Am I right? Your answer means a LOT for you AND me.


20405611? ago

Why are you so focused on this? No. Live with yourself and stop projecting. Not everyone is so stupid that the only way they can make money is what you're suggesting. Unbelievable that anyone would think so.

20405677? ago

I'm focused on whatever I'm focused on because I am. I'm not a pop culture hipster dufus with no concern over whom I associate with. I'm providing an object lesson for ignorant fools who pretended they KNEW my ancestors and got their ASSES handed to them.

I try to avoid trouble, but mainly, I mean, I try to KNOW my enemy. Merciless is difficult with a crybaby unless you KNOW they are fraudulent Mexican (or nigger) parasites. BRING IT. fag. see what happens to your asses.

20405709? ago

See ya we all avoid crazy people in real life. Online can be no different.

20405743? ago

Your choice nigger.

20398651? ago

This Chandler committed suicide five months after Michael Jackson's death?

20401518? ago

Who is Chandler?

20398333? ago

Culkin knows about the red shoes. He's told other actors that he's worked with too. The guy bounces from warning others, to hanging with sickos like Seth Green.

20559319? ago

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20398502? ago

Damn! That's certainly a timely link. JB Wells just did this yesterday -- Culkin is spilling the beans again. Thanks.

20398233? ago

After getting boned up the ass for years, pot is the least of this guys problems. Cannabis is probably his only safe escape...........

20399283? ago

Cannabis actually makes you harder to control.

It's why you still have nog gang resistance and separation. They just smoke weed sometimes so it makes them harder to control.

20401788? ago

Harder to control? Sounds good to me

20401812? ago

What's meant by this is a focus on mind control. Not that pot makes you less agreeable. In fact, the opposite is true. Cannabis simply makes mind control effects wear off quicker and in many cases harder to implement.

20401873? ago

And memories return that were pulverized

20403856? ago

That's a good point. I've been wondering why a lot of memories have started to creep back in over the past couple of years.

Thanks for the clarity, anon.

20399728? ago

What|? Seriously, are you high right now? I am and you still make no sense. Have you EVER smoked pot?

20399807? ago

It took me a while to get over the programming too, man. Stop believing them and start believing yourself.

What you see as being passive is really you experiencing spiritual renditions of thoughts you don't recognize. Cannabis is so much more than you know. Why do you think the plant is virtually made for us? Understand the biology of it. Our whole body is laced with endocannabinoid receptors.

20398140? ago

There has to be some hollywood children that revolted from the abuse , maybe more frequently farther back cause mind control was not master or they belonged to someone who didn't care to distroy them well .. someone should go back and find out.

But let's ask for proof and not keep distroyed free just cause they play their parts well . That would mean a force we trust ,. .......trust to verify such things .

And also to remember they are brought up in the cult , brought up to worship evil and their brains are twisted . To keep the future safe we must see the past clearly and without fear.

20398701? ago

20398028? ago

He also had that tweet where he says Rami Malik eats babies https://mobile.twitter.com/IncredibleCulk/status/1099878109250084864?s=19

20397832? ago

MJ pulled MC out of the toxic pedo environment but could only do so much to help.

20397896? ago

He has always said this and I believe him, the attacks on MJ are so obvious now.

20403319? ago

Beyond obvious. He was silenced. Ever see his music video for they don't care about us? Points to an all seeing eye while singing the chorus. THEY. The cabal. Moreso it's a great song, I'm glad people actually understand MJ was not a pedo but bieng framed a.k.a cavanaugh'd.

He just happened to be a little strange (because he grew up in the industry aswell, god rest his soul) so everyone just ran with it at the time.

20403778? ago

I was pretty young and a huge MJ fan at the time of the trials and I've always believed the media were talking rubbish, the way everyone blindly attacked him seemed wrong even all those years ago. I really hope the truth comes out about him, its probably what got me into conspiracies in the first place.

20397973? ago


MJ was likely sold to record producers/ elite pedos when he was young. It explains his hatred for his father, his self loathing, and his desire to create a safe place for children.

I’m sure the DS was scared of him. Which is why they kept paying families to go after him and paint him as a molester.

20405996? ago

Apparently MJ was chemically castrated as well so that he would keep his "singing voice"

20405702? ago

many years ago someone gave me an mj bio. it may have been the one by randy taborelli. it said that mj had claimed to have been sexually abused by a male relative, not the father or a brother. no other info on the molester. just adding for whatever it's worth...

20400727? ago

I’m sure the DS was scared of him. Which is why they kept paying families to go after him and paint him as a molester.

Song: Just Leave Me Alone, Music Video. Riddled with openly masonic and occultic symbolism with thinly veiled threats from MJ to the DS to leave him the fuck alone or he'll talk and explain everything. They had to silence him. Just like Tupac.

20399176? ago

Spot on, anon. I'm glad to still find you lingering certain places.

20398266? ago

and yet with all his influence and power he never once named them

20399168? ago

Literally a song about it...

20398344? ago

20398110? ago

He gave a radio interview last year where he said he"d seen powerful people (directors, Hollywood elite, etc wearing human skin shoes). He was overseas - maybe Italy, for the imterview.

It is possible he is trolling.

20399159? ago

No, retard. You're just new.

We found evidence of wallets, belts, shoes and all kinds of shit. We didn't need Mac to help us.

20398586? ago

Apparantly it was a french station, can't find an actual source for the story though this same report appears on a few sites. If it's true, they did a good job at wiping it and getting MC to shut up.

20397719? ago

I understand his Dad was very hard to work with which is why his career kind of died after Home Alone.

20397821? ago

Caulkin's Dad: Hey, you guys need to stop inserting things in my son's rectum.

Hollywood: Geez, this guy's hard to work with!

20403441? ago

Kek. Well played anon.

20400246? ago

Probably. I do a little commercial modeling and heard that from a Director.

20399477? ago

Probably not far from the truth.

20397601? ago

His podcast is white rabbit themed. It's not just his band that's deepstate related.

And then he's on RedLetterMedia... Then RLM get Patton "My wife died in a fiery single vehicle crash in a parking garage totally not murdered" Oswalt, too. You see the webs everywhere... Makes you question a lot.

20397819? ago

Whaaa? Patton Oswalts wife totally, naturally "died" of a "drug overdose snd previously undiagnosed heart condition".

Where's this fiery single car crash stuff someone from?

Don't get me wrong I really dislike oswalt and think he had something to do with his wife's death nonetheless.

20397900? ago

Wtf? You're right.

I must be remembering someone else's wife getting killed in a parking garage car fire. I know it happened around the same time and was very suspect. It was hollywood related.

Things I remember from the reporting: Low speed collision (Into a wall or something), Car caught fire, Only person in the car was found dead.

Either way, Oswalt's wife's death sounds a hell of a lot like Jim Carry's underage girlfriend's death. Too convenient.

Oswalt recovered pretty quick and remarried 18 months after the death.

Sounds about right.

20397563? ago

underground like the tunnels

20398228? ago

Jackson innocent or guilty? @canbot @Wynterwhisper @WeWillWin233 @noworldorder

20398486? ago

This is weird. Both accusers father's committed suicide. One father, his name was Evan Chandler and Wikipedia doesn't list his children, one is Jordan Chandler but I'm curious if they are in any way related to the Infamous Rachel Chandler..

20398550? ago

Because everyone knows the FBI isn't controlled and would never plant incriminating evidence...amirite?

20398680? ago

Well. You asked me a question and I answered you with information that was unbiased in reporting. The article shows rooms filled with children's toys and dolls , hidden rooms at that. So if you were asking for an opinion I don't have one without evidence. If I base my opinion on evidence presented I would have to say I wouldn't trust leaving a child if he was just some guy that lived in my neighborhood no matter how rich or poor. Would you let him watch your children overnight and share a bed? I'd that appropriate for any grown man to do so especially cause the house has multiple bedrooms that are empty?

20398813? ago

No, you have a solid argument. My point was they went after MJ with a vengeance after he began outing people, remember? All of a sudden HE became the monster doing all those things. As [[those people]] were/are high connected individuals, we have seen before where the dogs [[FBI]] were called in to fix a problem. False Flags abound in many forms, not just mass shootings, and the [[FBI]] has been at the epicenter of every single one of them. That's all I was getting at: that the possibility exists just as valid that he was set up by a Government agency we all know to be corrupt and has done this sort of thing repeatedly.

20399077? ago

I think he ended up being the fall guy. He satisfied the requirements to defect other people from being revealed. It worked I guess. One of many I agree. I was very young when this stuff happened so I don't remember who he tried to out. I find it interesting that both accusers father's " committed suicide".

20398904? ago

Who did MJ out?

20397321? ago

Macaulay Culkin trolls pedos in his spare time. Didn’t he like someone’s pizzagate comment on gab a while back?

20397658? ago

Yeah, I assume this is him coping with surviving years of rape.

20405814? ago

He got away from it supposedly as it was gonna start. Probably why he fell off the map regarding movies.

20406331? ago

No rape, no movie deals!

This is a quid pro quo!

20399215? ago

Actually, he spoke to never having been raped. Check out him on Joe Rogan.

He explains that he was confronted by a manager or friend of a manager once in a room where the two of them are alone. The guy pulls out a crack pipe on Mac and asks him if he wants some. Mac says he told him, "dude, I'm 11." I guess he sort of chilled out and then someone came in the room and Mac saw an opening and bolted for the door. He got out and everything but I guess his manager came and brought him back. Supposedly, this is when the guy asked Mac if he wanted to do it... and Mac just said to him again, "Dude, I'm 11."

20400091? ago

Whoa, interesting

20397403? ago

Make Me Believe - Ep 18 - Adrenochrome https://vlare.tv/v/s8CKhzXj

20397388? ago

It's a shame he became a stoner, the testimonial reliability of drug addicts, drunks? They will be subject to a lot of scrutiny on cross examination.

20398051? ago

You act like he took up a heroin addiction. Its entirely normal for people to smoke weed and still function. What effects do you think it has? Do you think you smoke a joint and you are tripping balls and cant function?

  • Software Engineer, regular toker. I bet I make more money and have a higher IQ than you bud, even when I smoke BUD.

20402808? ago

You have more cocks in your ass for sure.

20400680? ago

Agreed. Cannabis is medicine, and even when it's not, it is.

20404523? ago

I like that wording...

20413339? ago

Thank you :)

20400140? ago

Could you be more without it?

20400757? ago

No. Could you be more without your Coffee? Your Sugar? Fuck off.

20400214? ago

It doesn't affect my ability to produce and live, if anything it makes me more productive. I can smoke and focus more on a task at hand. Sorry you think everyone who smokes pot becomes debilitated with paranoia and brain fog. Correlation is not causation. Sure theres a lot of retarded people who smoke. They were retarded before they started.

Its a value add and a tool not a religion or reason for being. Heroin addicts are only looking for their next fix. I'm not robbing my family just so I can get my next hit. It doesn't matter if I can't smoke, its just a tool for things like focus, pain, swelling, stomachaches, and many other things.

Maybe you have some friends or family that are lazy stoners... Be honest, they were lazy before that.

20399270? ago

I'm such a good worker

Good job paying your taxes. We're all super proud of you. Have fun at work tomorrow.

20400802? ago

It's called succeeding. Maybe you should try it.

20400890? ago

No, wagie. Indentured Servitude is not succeeding. It's literally quite the opposite.

Attain freedom and free yourself from wage slavery. Abandon fiat. Join us in the real America.

20405293? ago

What you live in a cave somewhere and get paid for your services?

What service do you provide?

20405366? ago

You people are hilarious.

20401027? ago

God damn you are stupid. Junior high stupid.

20401467? ago

Am I, or are you the stupid one for being a slave all of your life just because your parents told you to?

Do you own your own business? No? Then you're a desperate wagie.

Own your own business or otherwise attain financial freedom. Until then, you're wasting my time and anyone else that works in these circles by setting a terrible example for them.

Now stop acting like you're such a good little desk sucker and open your eyes. You have no free time. Wake the fuck up.

20401814? ago

"wagies"... really? You are pathetic larping faggot wishing your story was true.

Only a faggot would speak like this. Even if you are not, this is how people think of you. If you bother to look closely while you are speaking, you can see it in their eyes. Start noticing their eyes when you talk.

20403838? ago

Wake the fuck up. You are a slave and you get paid in monopoly money.

The only thing you own is debt. Open your fucking eyes.

20404734? ago

Watch their eyes. They all hate you.

20405359? ago

Of course they hate me. I'm helping us steal all of their energy.

20398274? ago

Right on ! Thank you. The myths still exist. Throw pot into any tragedy --- it's pot's fault...............

20398153? ago

and you do function, you are half inside the cloud, the blissful dream and already have paranoia and memory loss, nowhere was I critical of you or attacking you, why did you incorrectly assume its about you. I pointed out Macaulay Culkin was using chemical addictive substances, even if he's one of the good guys it is a problem as with drugs testimony becomes unreliable. As a witness he would face strong scrutiny on cross examination, the weed-heads always get paranoid, always and get defensive think its a direct attack on their self, you do realize the drugs effect not just on him but on your own self?

20399508? ago

I’m using myself as anecdotal evidence, that’s all.

You came here with your brainwashed “reefer madness” propaganda.

Wake up, realize that cannabis and hemp industries were railroaded because it’s a miracle plant that could solve so many issues.

But yeah go ahead sip your beer and think you’re holier than thou.

Can’t even research anything yourself. Just believe what big brother says! Weed bad, alcohol and tobacco good! War is peace!

20399683? ago

Where did I tell you to smoke tobacco, when did I say cigarettes are good? You do realize the path your mind is on? The conservation with paranoid weed heads always ends at this level thinking...maybe even lower and more basic primitive paranoid thoughts, someone is going to steal their plant? What is getting you so paranoid, where did I say you should drink alcohol or beer? Yes very good believe its a 'miracle plant' it will cure the oceans, boost all economy by a gazillion trillion quadrillion dollars, this magic plant will grow like amazing tree in peoples minds get mankind into space, solve all the pollution chemical problems, stop all wars a magically miracle plant, it will be like a magic spell fix all your problems just as it fixed the problems of Iranians, the poverty stricken Hindu or the problems of bob marley's people in jamaica, it is a magic plant that can cure anything, grant magic wishes . Why do weed heads automatically re-act like this, you do realize the plant is rotting your mind?

20400146? ago

Public education rots the mind.

TV rots the mind.

jewish propaganda and anti-White propaganda rots the mind.

jew run music industry rots the mind.

Weed helps everyday people see through all this rot and enjoy life.

sorry rabbi

20400260? ago

Some people just can't swallow all the redpills. This guy made it here to voat but still thinks cannabis is devils lettuce. Either shill, rabbi or still brainwashed.

20400452? ago


You get jaded when it's so obvious yet the masses are blind to reality.

20399898? ago

Blowing it up to hyperbole now. You don't have an argument, just a bunch of misdirected anger. You need some introspection, fren. You have some deep issues you need to work out.

20398432? ago

Rofl. "The weed heads". Hello 1950s called, they want their mass panic inducing propaganda back. You are an amusing fellow.

20398263? ago

you're quite a judgmental cat, aren't you?

20397933? ago

That's what the abuser's plan for and why they seed drug addiction and alcoholism by supplying the addictive and numbing substances to their victims - to further demoralize them and to attempt to destroy their credibility.

Don't worry, there are enough survivors far enough along on their recovery curve that the lie, "No one will listen to you. You're just a drug addicted self-serving slut who 'stayed' when you could have left" (even though we groomed you before you had the brain development and maturity to resist) no longer keeps the abusers safe. And juries and judges are more informed about denial and self-numbing and PTSD's effects on survivors.

Self-numbing through substances, sometimes for decades, and all the drama and trauma rhat comes with it, does not mean the original abuse did not happen. In fact, it is often further evidence that it did.

20399256? ago

Great job, anon.

Also, it's not just substance abuse. They try to get you addicted to shopping to syphon your funds, to get you addicted to porn so you are variously impotent, gambling so same thing as shopping, and so on. They actually abuse self help groups to gaslight people that notice things.

This is much deeper than people realize. Mockingbird

20400750? ago

It runs so fucking deep. I know this all has to come out at its own pace and in due time. I just don't know how much my sanity can survive the uncertainty of it all.

20400781? ago

But, anon, the secret is certainty.

20406332? ago


20397913? ago

Because you believe that is what allows Wiesel lawyers to ruin the Justice system

20422548? ago

For being so smart why didn’t they just stop arguing with the idiot? Maybe if they didn’t smoke soo much weed....🤡🌎

20423282? ago

I don't know what you're talking about.

20397649? ago

I suppose he could've just killed himself instead....

20397315? ago

I wonder if Trump started to know or suspect back then? Home Alone 2 Lost in New York

20406171? ago

Little rascals too

20398720? ago

more forms of Idol Worship? G.O.A.T the media companies broadcast GreatestOfAllTimeMICHAEL JACKSON is the G.O.A.T ... musically? i thought he was ok, not sure about the weird shit, its possible he connects to criminal stuff

20397795? ago

I LoL’d

20397287? ago

Home Alone, he did one fun movie, then total loss

20397654? ago

Being raped for years does that to a child.

20397346? ago

The movie My-Girl and Good Son seem kinda famous, Anna Chlumsky has not done much, Cupid a show about the god of love? the serial killer show Hannibal, Elijah Wood was on 'Good Son' he had spoken out saying Hollywood had a pedophile problem, "vipers" in the industry "darkness in the underbelly" of Hollywood.

20397305? ago

Jackson Gave Wine to Children? Jesus Juice To Other Kids ... Where did the rumors start is it going on decades, maybe centuries Seems to have been maybe 4chan and Culkin who made the whole pizzagate thing go viral ... although I will admit those original wikileaks stuff are dark and weird and some nasty shit in those emails ... was 'pizzagate' itself a distraction. The former Kid Actor is damaged no doubts, i wonder what a doctor or psychologist would report, maybe he was abused when young? Seems to have experienced a fucked up life https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1779172 , https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3219933 , https://voat.co/v/whatever/2677020 , https://voat.co/v/QRV/2837848 , https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3356729 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2557530 , https://voat.co/v/Hollywood/3406225 , https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3356729 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2559738 , https://voat.co/v/WTF/733164 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1779172 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2660860 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2427845 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1779172 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1733605 , , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2931879 , https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3138564 , https://voat.co/v/QRV/3220318 , https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3320422 , https://voat.co/v/news/2944394 , https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3138564 , https://voat.co/v/pedogate/3071851 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3060465 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2938657 A lot of material around this guy, is he just crazy or maybe he knows something