sunajAeon ago

I watched this video-Culkin is a Satanic practitioner that is grooming young children-it has all the Satanic symbolism, and even a prayer to Baphomet-this is not a joke, this is dark eerie shit, and just looking at this poor boy-he has been a slave all his life, his sadness and tears he wears in his spirit-but do not mistake this-this guy and those like him need to be stopped-this is a sadness beyond words

Psalm144-1 ago

Wow! What the hell is wrong with these people?!

GreenDell144 ago

Months ago, I was hoping he would expose pizzagate. Now we can see, MacAuley IS pizzagate.

migratorypatterns ago

I'm not sure where anybody got the notion Culkin was a savior and any intention of outing pervs in PedoWood. He's never even hinted at outing anyone and even given the honor of being brought in to bolster Michael Jackson's ''innocence'' by testifying he was never ever ever molested:

"Macaulay Culkin almost single-handedly devastated and shook the foundation of the prosecution's pattern of evidence against Michael Jackson."

Do you actually believe the pervs would trust someone not thoroughly onboard in terms of being bewitched, seduced, and having allegiance to Baphomet with such an ''honor''? I mean, the right person could have blown that case wide open the other way by telling the truth.

Here ... do these photos look like someone not into the ''pizza'' lifestyle?

This poor kid never stood a chance. 😢

Just scroll down the list of tweets. He's seduced. He's one of them. He's GONE! I know it's hard to believe that that kid in the HOME ALONE movies has flipped into being one of them, but he has. And the drugs are all a part of keeping him loyal.

Like the tweet says, ''He never had a chance.''

Warnos44 ago

I don't know either. I just noticed someone hoping his AMA indicated something, but all I got out of it was a huge pile of meaningless snark, other than wondering what in the world bunny ears would mean to him. All the ass kissing on that AMA was appalling. It's no wonder celebrities are so deranged, how addicting it must be to have to do nothing but exist and people are clammering for your attention, even when you're a washed up has been. And the garbage on this site is so worthless, meaningless, yet all the comments of people loving it, supporting it. I really don't get it.

migratorypatterns ago


Gotta give an UpVoat for that. You're right on point. Why? It's like John Legend or Chrissy Teigen saying they'll answer questions. So what?

Just distraction, disinfo and using his celebrity. Everyone in the goddamn world was in love with him when he starred in those movies, and he's in love with the people that robbed him of his innocence? He's as bad if not worse than that shill Feldman. Who'll they feature next on that CIA-run site? Rob Reiner? Geffen? How about Schneider? Yeah! Make it a Tribute to Nickelodeon Day! WOO HOO! Lady Gaga would be good ... or Katy Perry ... bet those two could get a lot of Baphomet jokes in there!


21yearsofdigging ago

My God is that sad. Unfunny and pathetic. Shockshit garbage. And they put up Baphomet???

kazza64 ago

what the fuck did i just look at

Vindicator ago

The foundations of the Bunny Ears brand are Proclivities, Diet, Exploration, and Upscale Culture. Bunny Ears strives to examine each of these bases in exhaustive detail with the help of the world’s best and brightest advisors, trainers, gurus, and self-help writers.

What a steaming pile of shite! "Upscale Culture". Does anyone actually fall for this crap?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I acutually upvoated you, lord of the gates.

Vindicator ago

Well thanks, Death. Have an upvote back. :-)

Cc1914 ago

Ya all these " advisors, trainers, gurus, and self-help writers " are who helped mold and mind control the masses to be such a twisted and crooked generation of depraved zombies .

Warnos44 ago

For what it's worth, it says it's meant to be satirical. It's hard for me to even read the remarks on this site. It screams of Star eyed worship of a washed up actor, I never cared anything about actors even when I was a kid. They all sound so desperate in a "notice me, senpai!" Way.

Cc1914 ago

Whoa ! I can't read that it's like a full on prayer to Satan himself ! Ya .. he's one of them , he's just riding the celebrity train and mocking us all !

Warnos44 ago

While I read it I also thought about what kind of energy comes from just the exposure to the words. Clearly imagery and symbolism have power, this I'm sure fits right in even if you don't intend anything with it.

Cc1914 ago

Yep exactly why I can't and won't .. I started reading it and instantly knew it was meant to really capture someone .. made me sick to my stomach .

carmencita ago

Oh, Yes. Where it says, Look deep into his eyes, You are his. Then also to the right Side Bar area where you can buy Ta Da a Pizza Pin

that looks like a Baphomet as well. There is some sick stuff alright. Look.

realityisinsanity ago

They wear the animal masks to simulate bestiality if they cannot get animals. Bestiality is a big part of SRA. Sodomy is the main component along with violent blood sacrifice to what they believe.

carmencita ago

I know they have been trying to push bestiality Slipping things in here and there. May God strike them dead in their tracks.

Warnos44 ago

Yes I was remembering that odd photograph from rituals where they wore a deer's head when the author mentioned this.

carmencita ago

Like the furry parties. I don't know if you have noticed but the latest fad for kids is to wear hats that look like animals. It has just recently occurred to me. I can't believe it did not click before. Sickening how they are steering kids toward this.

Warnos44 ago

It's not just the hats either, there are many hat/scarf combos that cover the arms and have paws attached for the gloves. I remember realizing how sexualized Halloween had become when I was about thirteen in the 90's. It's an ever increasing in speed progression of normalization.

carmencita ago

Sexualizing it and also people are spending so much money on it, it will rival Christmas soon. Paganism.

theoldones ago

theres a war of religion brewing that we see only glimpses of

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It is not brewing, it is ongoing and in progress. They took over your churches already.

urbanmoving ago

This is correct

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yes, indeed. Father Malachi Martin said the Satanists infiltrated the church in the 70s.

GreenDell144 ago

The Bible says that they were infiltrating even in the last days of the apostles:

Acts 20:29-30 “I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.”

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Very true! Thanks for adding that.

Warnos44 ago

DAHVEED741 SAYS: MARCH 4, 2018 AT 1:57 PM Trying to normalize acceptance of Luciferian reverence? So edgy…. Ah, humor, yes. I laugh. Why not joke about fucking newborns and toddlers before they pass the ‘best by’ date and are sent to the shredders? At least it’s actually edgy. Now be a dear and pass the Haitian.

carmencita ago

Did you happen to notice the circle of hands? Some little children and a baby. Very weird. All the children forming a circle. Possibly the occult.

kazza64 ago

its got to be linked to child trafficking

carmencita ago

I don't know how to take that. Now that I saw the Baphomet it can only be bad.

kazza64 ago

it just smacks of a child trafficking site macauley is a junkie and he knows who the pedos are so i'm guessing he'll do anything for money the whole site is riddled with pedophilia and satanic references thats why i thought what the fuck did i just look at :/

carmencita ago

He seems to be following his friends. With all those symbols and messages it is really obvious.

kazza64 ago

i'm trying to work out how mila kunis fits in with long relationships with culkin and kucher

carmencita ago

Was kunis keeping an eye on culkin for kutcher? Possibly a handler of sorts? What else would she want with him he can't do anything for her in the industry.

kazza64 ago

he was using when she was with him too

carmencita ago

If he is still using, possibly that's what they are providing him with.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hand in the hand.

carmencita ago

That's what makes it so sad. Together.

Warnos44 ago

Yes it triggered my alerts before I even read anything.

carmencita ago

It almost made me cry. So tender and yet so scary to me. Considering the other things, it does not give me a good feeling.

sunajAeon ago

Now be a dear and pass the Haitian" eerie!

Warnos44 ago

Also forgot to mention in case you didn't know, Paris Jackson is his Goddaughter as well as the daughter of Michael Jackson.

And the logo on this site puts a pair of bunny ears between the words, making it appear to say "bunny hears."