Jammer78 ago

The degenerates drug children in order to rape them. Vaccines cause autism, so in comparison opiates are healthy. Hilarious.

0xFFF ago

joke is a true insider. its only funny when you usually trick childs into taking drugs by telling them they are being vaccinated. Then its haha funny to twist it into this meme. As for the picture its most likely just stock footage bought for a dollar or two, just for illustration no deeper meaning hidden.

Piscina ago

One appears to be Ascorbic Acid, which is Vitamin C. The one on the left may be glutathione.

NoraPandora ago

One of the most disgusting and degenerated websides EVER!

Poor Culkin - he got crazy after his horrible childhood.

carmencita ago

Healthy opiates? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

Zinnsee ago


ascorbic acid

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Nothing to do with The picture.... But The new logo Has a pair of bunny Ears over the "E" In ears... So it looks like Years.... And the website is bunnyears.com So it could Be BunnyEars.com Or ** BunnYears.com**

What Does Bunn mean?

bunn a person who is sexci and cute and maybe even beyond sexci! damn dat shawty rite dere,man she a bunn


by misz_capricorn October 25, 2007

bunn to have sex: fornacate Did you and Harry bun last night

Bunns Female genitalia or also known as Vagina. Convenient parking space for one's hotdog

Could this be Macaulay way exposing his fucked up child hood? His Bunn Years? The years where His Bunn Was A "Convenient parking space for one's hotdog"

I know Macaulay is exposing this shit-He's not doing this shit to mock The movement.... So maybe the Name has meaning as well? OR NOT- But just saying.

I don't know how to post pictures on here or I'd post the Websites logo- https://bunnyears.com/

angelafogo ago

Its a drug for treating autistic symptoms


Vindicator ago

Just an fyi...Glutathione isn't a drug. I believe it's an amino acid or amino acid precurser produced by the liver. It's certainly not an opiate.

Also, the whole idea of supplement injections convincing a school a kid is vaccinated is goofy. It's not like they do a blood test or something to know. It's all based on records submitted by the doctor's office that gave the immunization. I think Culkin is shitposting.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

I think he meant the track marks

Vindicator ago

Ah. Definitely shitposting then. Schools require specific vaccinations by specific times.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Yeah that was my best guess. Who knows with this damaged guy

angelafogo ago


"Oh, man, look at their faces. Are you seeing this shit? Are you loving it? It’s important that you’re loving it because it will create an association in your brain between saying “no” right in their smug fucking faces and the flood of dopamine you experience as you watch them cycle through confusion, disbelief, and finally outrage. This association will reinforce the behavior and make it more likely you’ll do it again. It’s like Pavlov’s dogs, but you’re both Pavlov and the dogs. Your children are the dogs, too, because the more they hear “no,” the less smug they’ll become over time. Listen, it’s all dogs, don’t think about it too hard."

carmencita ago

That’s really disgusting I could not get past the first paragraph. That person has an immense hatred for the child. Who talks that way about their Child? Not a loving parent, for sure. Messed Up.

angelafogo ago

And the explanation of the quote?