burnitalldown ago

Didn't see this. His site is up now.

Gothamgirl ago

Seems a bit fidgety.

kazza64 ago

i'm thinking jimmy fallon was the only talk show host who would have him on ? he cleaned up for this interview but boy is he weird . he was a major heroin addict for many years and if he is clean now then he is just weird. emotionally stunted i would say from years of avoiding any feelings at all and he comes across as very camp and very gay. which is weird because he was with mila kunis for eight years. maybe that was an arrangement for her career. who knows. he knows who all of the hollywood abusers are thats for certain

millennial_vulcan ago

I feel so desperately sad for Mac as I'm sure as a kid, he has seen depraved acts you and I can't even begin to imagine. I think of him as a male Heather O Rourke @carmencita To parade around with Mac Culkin, back in the day (like Jacko did and countless others) was apparently a badge of pedo honor. Gross Sick Puke urgghhhhh.

How this kid survived into adulthood is a miracle. According to many blind items, he is still using and (ironically) is both the supplier for and sleeping with his goddaughter, Paris Jackson (MJ daughter.)

But I also feel frustrated because I'm sure testimony from Mac would indict half of PedoWood, especially some of the A++ names in recent months. Perhaps in his own way he has been trying to tell us with his songs about pizza.

carmencita ago

I think there have been messages from quite a few of them over the years. Sleeping with his god daughter? Yikes, that is on the verge of sick. I think we will be finding out which ones of the kid stars have been turned into pedophiles due to repeated horrendous rapes over and over. That's how they keep the Merry Go Round going. So sad and sick.

doolord ago

I think he's in deep. Sad, but very possibly true. I don't think he comes forward with anything.

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Macaulay was in a skit where he had a clown outfit. His outfit was the same as James elfantis best friends art painted. The friend who got out of jail. The one questioned in a interview as a teenager about being a chicken hawk. Same outfit, same art portrait.

GeorgeT ago

His name is Michael Alig, who was the lead member of The Club Kids. In 2014 after serving 17 year sentence for murder he was photographed with JA!!! Macaulay Culkin was chosen to play Alig in Party Monster in 2003. Alig does talk about being a Chicken Hawk (Gay pedophiles who like boys of ages 10 or under!!!) While in Prison Alig made many paintings which are eerily similar to the creepy pedo art that hangs in Tony's house. Why they chose Culkin to play Alig's part is evident now. Was Culkin abused (like Corie and others?) It's a club, again it's a question of who is not part of it. Check out that creep Michael Alig and his fellow creeps on Donahue in 1993 - just plain creepy. And what do you know, Alig and JA are buddies. And what is Sessions doing - going after medical weed!!!

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Where does probable cause come into jurisdiction?

GeorgeT ago

We have to ask Keebler Elf when he replaces Sessions. Bet he would do a better job.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Qx54quy9tDQ :

Macaulay Culkin Responds to Home Alone Conspiracy Theories - YouTube

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