Antiseed117 ago

Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted

darkknight111 ago

"That man who pointed to his shoe and made a reference to Heather O'Rourke. Do you know his name?"

Just4kicks ago

Creepy he sings all about pizza.

Orangutan ago

Ask him if he's seen the documentary "An Open Secret" (2014) by Amy Berg?

realityisinsanity ago

Don't expect any truth from him.

Earthbalance2 ago

Prayer for Macaulay.

darkknight111 ago

Put this in your thread. Has a theory as to WHY MacCauly Culkin received all those threats.

Orangutan ago

Thanks for providing context.

think- ago

Hi @Organutan, thank you very much for this post! :-)

Please add a short intro at the beginning, since we require a description for each link per Rule 3. Thank you.

You might also want to link to one or two recent threads about Culkin, so that people get some ideas what to ask in the AMA.

Suggestion: and

Thank you! :-)

I'll give the post an 'Edit Warning', please edit within 24 hours, otherwise we'll unfortunately have to remove the post.

Please keep up the good work!

Orangutan ago

Where the hell do I put the introduction? In the box right below the post or as a comment. Also, thanks for providing the context!!!

I added it to the box under the post. Please see if that fits the concept of Rule 3.

think- ago

That's perfect, @Orangutan, thank you! :-)

Vindicator ago

Thanks for editing, Orangutan. I'm removing the edit flair and giving this a "Share!" flair instead. Maybe folks will join the AMA and ask him some pointed questions. :-)

UnicornAndSparkles ago

CDAN says you seen people die. Who did you see die?

carmencita ago

I know he did not have a great relationship with his parents but I Had NO Idea

Macaulay Culkin sued his parents and was abused by his father. His mother claims abuse by the father as well. Coupled with all of

the Hollywood Drama no wonder the lad has left Tinsel Town. It is not what many people think.

Tell me Macaulay, Do you have any contact with either of your parents or your siblings? Do you feel isolated from your family?

Hopefully you have or will come to some peaceful understanding. I wish you Peace.

Tazzermalt ago

someone with a a log in, someone with a reddit account needs to ask Does he believe the Conspiracy is real....the conspiracy about a network of abuse real, the music, the churches, the films NewYork, Haiti, London, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe ....does he believe 'Pizzagate' is real?

carmencita ago

Yes, I think there are people that still have accounts. That is a good question. He must at least agree it is happening in Hollywood. Everyone knows there are evil things going on there.

Orangutan ago

An Open Secret:

carmencita ago

Am watching some of it and Weiss makes me sick. The pics being sold off by studios/agents for high prices is really disgusting. Should never be allowed. Parents should be warned somehow about this. There should be a law that all pictures must be returned and if they are ever sold you are in court.

carmencita ago

Thank You. I have started but never finished. I would love to see it in print. Will try to watch.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Did all of those jewish men in the Home Alone movie turn your asshole into roast beef?

risewithoutfear ago

i can't believe you would ask that of a potential abuse victim, you sick fuck

derram ago :

I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal.

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