MDE ago

This appears to be a 'YourNewsWire' or 'NeonNettle' disinfo type of article. Fake

pby1000 ago

Well, it needs to be researched then, just like everything else that is posted.

Vindicator ago

Someone wanna grab a screencap of that article and add it here for pby?

pby1000 ago

How do you screencap a youtube video at 3:06?

Vindicator ago

Pause it and screencap? Pause and take a pic with your phone?

pby1000 ago

Well, I would rather not use my phone, but I will figure something out. It would be useful to be able to do this so we can better document things before they are removed.

Vindicator ago

I did it with my laptop. Just paused the vid and screencapped.

Vindicator ago

Hey pby1000. Should have archived that. It's been arkancided. I'll flair this in case someone managed to download a copy. Otherwise, we'll have to remove this per Rule 2.

pby1000 ago

The link copied wrong. Sorry. Or, maybe I am retarded.

Luxxy ago

Dude, don't apologize. You're doing something good here.

pby1000 ago

Well, I was mostly sorry for posting about a video, but then the video cannot load. It is frustrating for people. I am hoping people will research this to see if what is said is true.

Vindicator ago

Gotta change the link in the OP, pby. Reply when you do, and I'll unflair ya.

pby1000 ago

OK! I changed the link in the OP. That is strange. I have no idea why it did that.

Vindicator ago

Thank you pby. I've removed the flair.

pby1000 ago

Thank you!!

pby1000 ago


pby1000 ago

I believe I did. I will check again when I get home.

pby1000 ago

Fuck! I'll find it again.

InnocentAngels ago

Try again. It's gone .

pby1000 ago

The link copied wrong. Sorry.