tyfdt ago

Ugh, poor kiddo. Where were his parents???!

unbecoming2007 ago

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE THREAD THIS (Thanks) - Comey Costa Rican Plane Crash Connection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEBdwmF0JKo&feature=youtu.be

AntiSchool lays it great as usual. I can't start a thread because no 10 upvoats.....w.e. Trying to help but handcuffed - nice welcome. Sorry I just has to post this somewhere as I didn't see it.

carmencita ago

Man on plane killed was connected to Bridgewater, Worlds Largest Hedge Fund Co. Comey also connected to Bridgewater before FBI

think- ago

Three times in the past month, the owners of websites have been visited by this group who make it very clear that no matter how true a certain story is about a former A+ list child actor (don't even guess anyone named Corey), that these stories can't be published.

I wonder whether Enty was visited by those guys. He must have some protection, otherwise he wouldn't be able to publish all these blindes on Crazy Days And Nights.

millennial_vulcan ago

From Comment left on CDAN:

Appalachian Mothersauce 6:59 PM

Rocky Road Executive producer Arthur Annecharico and producer Gene Abravaya. God. This made me sick to research. That poor girl.


http://www.sonomamag.com/lights-camera-action/ OMG LOOK! Rocky Road producer Gene Abravaya ALSO has a connection to the SCOTT BAIO CHARLES IN CHARGE blind from the other week!! https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2275125 Who IS this guy? TICK TOCK...!


carmencita ago

“Scott and I were wearing sweaters that looked exactly alike, and we had the same coloring, so the camera operators didn’t know who was who,” Abravaya said. How CUTE! Did he arrange for them to like like Father and Son? This is SICK beyond words. WTH. Then it says Scott was shocked at the image of it all. Ugh.

44NJ9 ago

I wonder who Mculkin saw die?

elephantdoesntforget ago

The group he hung around with regularly had lynchings of those that spoke out...

In the 1990's internet was not a big thing like it is now. 'Controversial' news was often kept out of the news. All the big lawyers in LA knew each other and any victims trying to come forward would be known before the day was over. Anyone trying to come forward against the 'big shots' would be turned away.

millennial_vulcan ago

I've left this comment before:

"All the sickos genuinely thought they were untouchable and more divine than god. Not ONE of them could ever have remotely predicted in a million years that the internet would serve as a tool for alternative news, that more "civilians" would turn to alternative news as a main source, that alt news channels would become so widespread, and that they would have their FUCKING SORDID SECRETS AND TRANSGRESSIONS OUTED AND BLASTED AROUND THE WORLD WITHIN HOURS....!!"

We get the last laugh.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yes. Fight on brother.

DomKeyhote ago

Literally the blind leading the blind here LMAO

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Inmtriguing thread, I often forget to keep up with CDAN.

Cc1914 ago

Omg!😱 This better hit msm . This will wake up masses! If not nothing will .

anotherdream ago

haha don’t hold your breath on that one. They are the ultimate cover-uppers. bastards...

millennial_vulcan ago

Not in Cali. Now they're all too stoned to give a shit.

agenda SMDH

@DeathToMasonsASAP @UnicornAndSparkles

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Nothing will. Don't bother with sheeple. Share with those have have awoke, let sleeping sheeple slumber. They will drag you down, turn on you and be a bigger enemy than shills or the enemy itself. They are addicted to lies,poison and enslavement, they reject the truth the moment it is uttered.

millennial_vulcan ago

They're just too slow, ill educated and dumb to get it.

merica_fk_yeah ago

maybe that is why we need to lighten up a little on some of the actors and go hard after their handlers. some actors are the handlers, but that would be the older ones or directors or moguls? Poor McCulkin, he was a kid, who never had a chance. I think even Michael Jackson was a victim first before he became predator.

Matt_Helm ago

Michael's father pimped him out when he was a young boy he was rented out to all the big music moguls this is a fact it's been researched in various places it's why MJ was so screwed up.

millennial_vulcan ago

Still waiting for a thread on Quincy Jones!

merica_fk_yeah ago

I know. I felt sorry for him, i had read long ago his father beat him all the time, and the other kids too. I know that he was sick in the head, but so talented. it is really very sad these kids had to endure what they did. and its still being perpetuated by the matriarch

elephantdoesntforget ago

Does not excuse him molesting and raping hundreds of children.

Michael Jackson is a pedophile who knew what he was doing is wrong.

GoodGodKirk ago

according to Corey and McCulkin, MJ was not a predator.

millennial_vulcan ago

uh hello. Then why did he call wine/alcohol "jesus juice" and use it to seduce the kids?

GoodGodKirk ago

You've never been to a black family gathering?

merica_fk_yeah ago

i know. he was probably the gatherer and provider of the boys for the moguls.

elephantdoesntforget ago

They saw what happens to those who speak out. They liked living more than dying.

GoodGodKirk ago

Corey named them back in '93. They have the recordings of his statements. He recently confirmed them on a show.

McCully just hasn't come forward. Doubt he will at this point.

I'm not even sure how much that site is rumor or truth and i don't know how he'd have a job as an entertainment lawyer. Altgough some of the stuff is pretty old, i can't confirm it anywhere else.

elephantdoesntforget ago

The two men Corey named on Dr. Oz's show (a Sony production) were small time fish no one ever heard about. He has been threatened and will not name the big names including Michael Jackson (a Sony artist). Gloria Allred's hands are deep in this as well. Her daughter Lisa Bloom is good friends with Dr. Oz.

carmencita ago

OOH! Thanks for posting this. I did not check CDAN today. Just Vegging. Enty just never ceases to amaze me. We have all been wondering what the truth about Culkin really is. Threatened.

abcdefg222 ago

Wtf is happening? He's revealing everything. Go look. He just confirmed that terrible story was about katherine orourke...http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/blind-items-revealed-40.html?m=1

fartyshorts ago

The comments suggest it's "Rocky Road" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092439/

Executive producer Arthur Annecharico and producer Gene Abravaya.

carmencita ago

Shocking to be revealed. But the perpetrators can not be as it states in the comments. Much too dangerous. The comments keep mentioning SS though. Almost every time that HO'R is brought up his name pops up. Must be a reason.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Stephen Spielberg. Don't let the piece of shit hide in obscurity.

Funny how people who speak out against Spielberg end up at Thalians.... in a hospital in which Spielberg has a whole Pediatric Research Center building named after him!

Cedars Sinai Medical Center - Thalians Mental Health Center https://www.cedars-sinai.org/locations/thalians-health-center-162.html

Steven Spielberg Pediatric Research Center - Cedars-Sinai https://www.cedars-sinai.edu/Patients/Programs-and-Services/Pediatrics/Treatment/Steven-Spielberg-Pediatric-Research-Center.aspx

carmencita ago

Yes, just laziness on my part. In a hurry, and you make a very good point. Take the Time to Name Them. Spell It Out.

carmencita ago

The Key is always the word Pediatrics. If anyone has any concerns or belief about a Research Center or Hospital, etc. Check if there is a Pediatrics Dept. That is usually the link to involvement. Yes, Steven Spielberg and David Geffen are all over LA. Check the Donors as well and usually Alarms will Go Off.

millennial_vulcan ago

totally agree. We mentioned this before I think, but SS has also been doing some very strange 'not-like-him' activities lately, being goofy and taking selfies/photobombing, walkabouts etc.
Things that make you go hmmmm.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Spielberg has so much power in LA it's not even funny.

Spielberg worked for Universal pictures on several projects. For those who don't know, Universal Studios is a very popular theme park in Studio City, CA, popular with families and kids. Many kids were 'recruited' through this theme park.

Don't forget Spielberg is very good friends with fellow pedophile Jeffrey Katzenberg.

carmencita ago

Is someone maybe making sure he does not talk? Is he being given something to shut him up or not speak out? He just recently was on the news trying to placate what has been coming out. How terrible he says. Maybe someone thought it sounded too strange and wants him quieted.

millennial_vulcan ago

someone definitely made sure he acquired a serious heroin habit for years :(

carmencita ago

I am sure there is something at play there. The drugs flow freely in Hollywood. Those that are in power know who has them. They have possibly been responsible for many deaths.

millennial_vulcan ago

Carm, apologies: the person I meant that had the serious heroin habit was Culkin not SS.

carmencita ago

I think we lost it going back and forth. The drugs are about Culkin not Spielberg. Yes, someone kept him drugged to control him and keep him hooked. Spielberg is about HO. I could never get mad at you anyway.

millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago


pby1000 ago

Very sad... These fucking people need to see some justice.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

They that control the money, also control the justice system.

pby1000 ago

Yes, they do... They are fucking traitors to the U.S. Constitution and the American people.