think- ago

Hi @elizabethglassburner, thank you again for this post! :-) Could you please edit the link into the body of the post and re-submit? Or you can repost as is to v/pizzagatewhatever. You might want to copy the comments to the new submission sheet.

Sorry that I have to pull it now, :-/ we already let it stay up for 3 days. Please keep up the good work! :-)

EricKaliberhall ago

Pause the music video 'Total entertainment forever' by Father John Misty at 00:41. Macaulay Culkin "Sold Kids for Food"...

Father John Misty Revisited:

gaystapo ago

Why do people even post under the pizzagate subverse? The rules get more and more restrictive by the hour. #pedogate for the win!

Dfens ago

I have started cherry picking these deleted posts and putting them on either v/pizzagayte or if they are getting brigaded there I put them on v/pedogate. It gets them a little more attention.

CSokolof ago

What are bunnies , bunny ears and rabbits code for ?


Rabbit=Penis Rabbit Hole=anus Anal Sex

WrongLever ago

White rabbit symbolism has to do with Alice in Wonderland programming. One of the many, many flavors and offshoots referred to as Monarch.

MKultra all the way. Handlers/slaves assume the role of rabbit to "take you down the rabbit hole" (to dissociate). Funny how this old lingo has made it into common parlance, and it even becomes unclear which popularized which... specially considering how long this has been going on and how closely the CIA relates to the media world. Their references are literally everywhere at this point...

Dauphin ago

Traditionally rabbits are the sign of fertility... Ishtar/Easter is the start of spring which is the renewal cycle. Rabbits represent birth and fertility, HOWEVER the cabal always has a double meaning... Rabbits are at the bottom of the food chain... pure PREY. I think the rabbit represents sexually preying on the truly pure and innocent.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

For some good background on the band name and the website, I recommend the WTF podcast episode where he interviewed Mr. Culkin. I seem to recall the conversation drifted into the topics of Coreys Feldman & Haim as well (as did a number of the more recent WTF podcasts).

CheeseboogersGhost ago

The jews banged his asshole since he was a baby. Its rumored that even those two actors in Home Alone molested him.

elizabethglassburner ago

The first video posted to his channel was in my YouTube "suggested videos" section a couple of weeks ago. The name of the channel and the subject of the videos, "Bunny Ears" seems really strange for a grown man. Kind of a dark tone to it.

elizabethglassburner ago

I also just discovered that another YouTube channel, Pockets of the Future did a really great analysis of Culkin's new "project,"

Macaulay Culkin's bunny ears site promotes baphomet and other demons

Just Wow Ellen & Macaulay Culkin

Blacksmith21 ago

Goddamn. Two thumbs up on that @elizabethglassburner That's a must watch video. That bastard is so MK it hurts. I'm surprised he's still alive.

elizabethglassburner ago

Thank you. I only just found out he also has a website by the same name, in addition to his YouTube channel.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

YW, feel free to use in post if U wish.

Omnicopy ago

I saw bunny ears website and it is awful. He looks like a MK Ultraed child. I don’t think these people even know what normal is

followthedolla ago

also joe pesci used to fuck him in the ass during home alone shootings. and i bet he wasn't doing that alone

think- ago

He looks like a MK Ultraed child.

He is for sure.

think- ago

Hi @elizabethglassburner, thank you for your post. I would like to ask you to please provide a link to Culkin's YT channel, so that users can check it.

Rule 2: ALL posts must include at least one link.

Suggestion: Would you consider adding a sentence or two why you think the YT channel is bizarre? This would be a great starting point for a discussion!

Thank you!

Please add the link within 24 hours - I will flair the post 'Edit Warning'. If you shouldn't edit, we will unfortunately have to remove the post.

NoPlaceLikeHome ago

Omg these mods are ridiculous

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, they are gatekeepers.

1ArmedTRex ago

Without sentries of the guard towers any dick waving faggot can just show up and paint the walls with feces and lessen the power of the message that is being distributed.

elizabethglassburner ago

Hi, thank you so much. I just added one. I wasn't clear about the new link policy, so thank you for letting me know I can include one.

think- ago

Thank you, @elizabethglassburner! :-)

Vindicator ago

@elizabethglassburner, you need to actually edit the body of the post to include the link within it, as well as a brief description of what you're linking to and why it's PG relevant.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Please dont delete this i wanna see if this gains traction theres some really weird ass shit in there

InnocentAngels ago

What the crap? ( Find me, gag me, take me to the Bunny Ranch )

think- ago

@RageAgainstTheAmish: It's great that OP points out that the YT channel has weird stuff. OP has 1 day to edit a link in - they can take the one you kindly provided.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

You need to make an exception to that reddit-esque totalitarian rule and let this one slide. Its gaining mild traction and your removal of it will stall further inquiries!

Omnicopy ago

@think- you friend or foe?

dooob ago

All OP has to do is add the link of the channel, is that too much to ask?

Omnicopy ago

Some things don’t have links

dooob ago

A youtube channel does...

think- ago

Pardon me?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

As if you don't know what he was asking you. That is something you say when you did not "hear" something, doesn't work when you are reading a comment. MF has a new screen name. "think" about it.

Omnicopy ago

I have posted some very important threads only to have Voat take them down. You know some things don’t have links to them. So if you are posting something that doesn’t have a link, you’re finished. In other words sometimes Voat’s rules stink

Vindicator ago

So if you are posting something that doesn’t have a link, you’re finished.

No you're not, omnicopy. You are welcome to post in v/pizzagatewhatever, and then link to your post in the comments of any thread on this board, inviting people to the discussion. But this sub is for research, so it requires empiracle content. It would be great if Shareblue didn't know we exist and wouldn't take advantage of a lack of submission requirements to spam the board full of depressing, toxic, negative, manipulative bullshit posts. Unfortunately, they do -- so we have to step up our game, provide research not just opinion/discussion, and smoke their asses. :-)

think- ago

@Omnicopy, the rules where made by the community of the users more than a year ago. The mods are only there to make sure that people adhere to the rules the community has agreed upon.

While Millenial_Falcon deleted everything that didn't adhere to the rules on spot, it was @Vindicator and me that suggested the 'Edit' flair, so that users would have 24 hours to edit, and the post wouldn't get pulled.

GreenDell144 ago

The link policy adds a layer of credibility and helps to legitimizediscussion. It’s also a little bit of hand holding that keeps this site elevated and separate from being just some just conspiracy chat room. There should be a way to attach something to your posts.

Is it like a personal experience or something? You could link to events in your timeline or a Wikipedia page that covers a topic. Even a map or a public figure that features. Research with links also helps us attract and inform newcomers, which is critical.

I have seen a lot of people be very defensive and diffident over the rules, but it helps us keep our free speech platform. The links show that we are not just chicken little crying that the pedo sky is falling. It shows we are trying to expose something that is real.

Please, we need more contributors. Just tie in a link.