realityisinsanity ago

Isn't the fox a symbol for Satanists?

dundundunnnnn ago

Judgejewdy ago

He’s effed up. Didn’t even watch but have heard his lyrics and he seriously hates God/Christians. If you’re past the point of teen/young adult angst and still have that much animosity I have to wonder.

Oh_Well_ian ago

These videos are intended to get in front of the storm by ridiculing anyone who attempts to connect them with real events. That is, they lay the groundwork for the SATANIC PANIC defense of Pizzagate:

' oh... you got that from that weird video ' or ' like they would really be so stupid to depict the evil you tinfoil hats think they are doing ' or 'you are watching too many freaky movies' etc...

new4now ago

Satanic Panic

and look what happened in some of these cases

argosciv ago

That is, they lay the groundwork for the SATANIC PANIC defense of Pizzagate

Bingo... more fucking "IT'S THE SATANISTS" bait.

derram ago | :

Father John Misty - This Is Sally Hatchet (Official Video) - YouTube | :

Father John Misty - "Total Entertainment Forever" [Official Music Video] - YouTube

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argosciv ago

What the ever living fuck did I just watch...

Fuckery... fuckery everywhere!